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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialdemokraternas kursändring i Mellanösternpolitiken : a case study on the functioning of political parties / The Swedish social democratic party’s change in their Middle East politics

Ek, Sofia January 2008 (has links)
<p>This is a case study on the functioning of political parties and the aim was to explain “how” and “why” the Swedish social democratic party changed their policies in the Middle East politics. I wanted to explain this process of change by using Angelo Panebianco’s framework for the analysis of political parties. Angelo Panebianco´s hypothesis is that all parties must be viewed as organizations to understand their functions. With time they become more institutionalized and depending on their historic development they will end up as more or less institutionalized. If this change showed that the social democratic party acted as a bureaucratic and institutionalized organization, Panebianco’s organizational theory would explain the change of their Middle East politics. In my case study I have used a qualitative analysis of the content to interpret my material of measuring parties’ institutionalization level as “high” or “low” within the two different areas; organizational dilemmas and the dominant coalition. My conclusion is that the social democratic party has indications both of a “high” institutionalized organization and as a “low” institutionalized organization, still they have a relatively dominant coalition. My study demonstrates that Angelo Panebianco´s organizational theory can not fully explain “how” and “why” the Social democratic party changed their Middle East politics.</p>

Idealister eller idioter? : En studie av mediers framställning av Johan Persson och Martin Schibbye under och efter fängslandet i Etiopien

Tetzlaff, Jonna, Nääs, Sofia January 2012 (has links)
The idea to this bachelor thesis was born after carefully following the coverage of Johan Persson and Martin Schibbye in Swedish media during their imprisonment in Ethiopia from June 2011 to September 2012.   Based on our interest we designed two questions to answer throughout the thesis. These are: (1) How are Johan Persson and Martin Schibbye portrayed as journalists in the discussion about them that has taken place in Swedish media? (2) How is the journalistic profession described in the discussion about Johan Persson and Martin Schibbye in Swedish media?   To answer these questions we decided to analyse texts that can be defined as the genre of opinion journalism, which all came from Swedish printed media. We have chosen 16 texts to analyse which show the variety of ways to write about Persson and Schibbye in the chosen genre during the chosen period of time. Opinion journalism is what newspapers use to attract readers, as they want to supplement the news coverage with comments and analysis from “experts”.   Persson and Schibbye were imprisoned in Ethiopia in June of 2011, and weren’t released until 15 months later, in September of 2012.   To analyse our material we have amongst others used theories regarding social constructionism, representation, discourse, the journalistic identity and the journalistic ideals that exist in Swedish society. The method chosen to carry through our analysis is a critical discourse analysis, according to Norman Faircloughs theory and his three dimensional model concerning text, the discourse practice and the social practice.   The results that came from our analysis is that Persson and Schibbye is portrayed in three ways; as journalistic heroes, victims and/or crooks. In those examples that portray Persson and Schibbye as heroes, it is not only them that are praised, but also journalism as a profession and the journalistic assignment. This is also true regarding the texts that portay Schibbye as a crook, since it is Schibbyes earlier engagement in communistic politics that is criticised, not the journalistic profession itself. Persson and Schibbye are also portrayed as victims of the Ethiopian government and abuse of power.

”För störst av allt är kärleken ända tills något annat blir ännu större” : En genusanalys av boken Störst av allt av Malin Persson Giolito

Kvarnberg, Linda January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur genus skildras i Malin Persson Giolitos kriminalroman Störst av allt (2016). Den teoretiska utgångpunkten för studien har varit ett genusperspektiv. Inom den teoretiska ramen har Yvonne Hirdmans genusteori använts, som menar att genus skapas utifrån sociala konstruktioner. Som stöd till studiens syfte har jag valt två forskningsfrågor att besvara 1) Vilka normer om genus framkommer genom karaktärerna? 2) Hur skildras interaktionen mellan karaktärerna i romanen? För att skildra romankaraktärernas genus användes Nikolajevas (2017) motsatsschema över stereotypa kvinnliga respektive manliga egenskaper hos litterära karaktärer. Studien baseras på en kvalitativ textanalys. Resultatet visade både stereotypa och icke–stereotypa skildringar av karaktärerna. Baserat på resultatet av den gjorda analysen diskuteras detta utifrån den tidigare forskningen. / <p>Godkänt datum 2021-06-01</p>

Ärade ledamöter! Ärade medmänniskor! Ärade publik! : En jämförande analys av tre tal av Göran Persson / Honored Members! Honored Fellowmen! Honored Audience! : A Comparative Analysis of three Speeches by Göran Persson

Lindell, Sebastian January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning är att analysera och jämföra tre tal av Göran Persson som statsminister som hållits vid olika tillfällen och som har olika kontext och retoriska situationer. Med hjälp av en retorisk analys undersöks genre, ethos, logos och pathos samt stilfigurerna anafor, hopning och antites för att se hur dessa retoriska medel samverkar i de olika talen, samt för att se om detta skiljer sig mellan talen, och i detta fall hur. Resultatet visar att de retoriska medlen till största del förekommer i alla tal, men att det finns skillnader i hur de samverkar och påverkar varandra i de olika talen. Slutsatsen som dras är att Persson använder samma retoriska medel under de olika talen, men att den retoriska genren som talen tillhör, samt det retoriska problemet talaren möter under talet, påverkar hur dessa medel samverkar och påverkar varandra.

Ledarskapets roll inom utrikespolitiken: : En jämförande fallstudie av Göran Perssons- och Stefan Löfvéns relationer till staten Israel

Otterberg, Axel January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to find explanations for why Göran Persson and Stefan Löfvén and their respective governments chose different political expressions towards the state of Israel. The two theories I have chosen are about whether the political leadership of these two different prime ministers has been significant for the political relationship with the state of Israel, and whether there has been an existing personal interest in the foreign policy context precisely with regard to Israel. I want to know if the different attitudes of these two prime ministers to Israel may be due to the two different types of leadership styles that Persson and Löfvén had. Göran Persson has also seemed to expressed a deeper interest in the Jewish state, which results me wanting to investigate whether this may be a factor in Göran Persson being more anxious to change the Social Democrats' foreign policy towards Israel, compared toStefan Löfvén. What I find remarkable is that these two prime ministers who belong to the same ideological party with the Social Democratic political principles as their basis still ended up on two such different levels when it comes to relations with Israel. I will do study with a qualitative method, and with a research design called a comparative case study. To my help I will use the “Most Similar Design System” which is a research design that compares two similar cases, in this context two Social Democratic prime ministers, but which stands out remarkably on one point; the foreign policy and the relationship with the state of Israel.

”Jag ville inte längre, men jag visste intevad jag ville istället” : En närläsning av Malin Persson Giolitos Störst av allt med fokus på hur etiska och moraliska dilemman framställs och behandlas

Klingström, Sanna January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att granska hur etiska och moraliska frågor framställs och behandlas i Malin Persson Giolitos Störst av allt. Verket är en realistisk skildring av ett rättegångsförfarande som genom den fiktiva världen gestaltar ett verklighetstroget drama. Detta framställs i ett växelspel mellan rättegången som utspelas i romanens nutid och tillbakablickar av händelser som leder upp till denna. Då romanen är fokaliserad genom karaktären Maja Norberg, är det främst hennes perspektiv som framgår i de etiska och moraliska frågor som framställs. Vid närläsning har två forskningsfrågor legat till grund för att kunna besvara studiens syfte. Dessa frågor är 1) Vilken påverkan framställs personliga relationer ha vid etiska och moraliska dilemman som skildras utifrån karaktären Majas perspektiv? 2) Vilken påverkan framställs klasstillhörighet ha vid etiska och moraliska dilemman som skildras utifrån karaktären Majas perspektiv? Metoden som denna uppsats har baserats på är en kvalitativ textanalys med en hermeneutisk infallsvinkel. Analysen utgår från ett etiskt- och moraliskt perspektiv. Studiens resultat påvisar etikens kontinuerliga närvaro i romanen och påvisar personliga relationer samt klasstillhörighetens inflytande i ställningstagandet vid etiska och moraliska situationer. Baserat på studiens analys förs slutligen en didaktisk diskussion gällande hur etik och moral kan behandlas i skolan genom skönlitteratur.

"Vem vill leva i en myrstack?" : En maktanalys av identitetsskapande och landsbygdsskildringar hos Elin Persson, Linda Jones och Hooja / “Who wants to live in an anthill” : A study of the rural place, identity and power-related hierarchies in texts by Elin Persson, Linda Jones and Hooja

Carlsson, Cia January 2024 (has links)
In this comparative study, I examine how the rural Sweden is portrayed in two Young Adult novels – Det är någonting som drar i mig (Persson 2021) and De tar allt ifrån mig (Jones 2023) – and five song lyrics by the musician Hooja. By focusing on place and identity, with an ecocritical and intersectional approach, and with special focus on sustainability, I examine how power-related hierarchies relate to geographic position and thus to the relationship between the urban and the rural Sweden. By using the ecocritical terms of nature-culture, and the power categories of class and geographic position, I found that the two novels take a critical, but somewhat nuanced, approach to the rural, whilst the song lyrics portray the rural as unproblematic and romanticized. I also found that place and identity are closely connected in the examined texts, and that social class apects have a great impact on the place-based identity. In addition, all the examined texts give an image of the rural as closely connected to nature, whilst in contrast seeing the urban as closer to the idea and image of culture.

De två vännerna och Jerzy : En studie om representationen av kriminologer i svensk storstadspress

Nilsson, Simon, Åkerström, Niclas January 2017 (has links)
Experterna i media har till uppgift att kommentera och analysera nyhetshändelser. Genom rollen att göra skeenden begripliga för en större publik besitter de makten att påverka samhällsopinionen. Med utgångspunkt i mediernas fascination för att rapportera om brott och straff undersöktes i den här studien svensk press användning av kriminologer som experter. Studiens empiriska material bestod av 710 artiklar publicerade i elva storstadstidningar mellan den 1 april 2012 och den 31 mars 2017. Uppsatsens teoretiska ramverk byggde på medielogik som förklarar den process i vilken medierna presenterar och distribuerar information. I den här studien bidrog den med förståelse till svensk press val av kriminologer och hur dessa kan kopplas till mediernas behov. Dessutom användes representationsteori i syfte att analysera kriminologernas citat. För att studera detta tillämpades en kvantitativ innehållsanalys där ett kodschema konstruerades och variabler utformades för att besvara studiens frågeställningar. Senare användes en kvalitativ innehållsanalys för att analysera tematik i kriminologernas citat.    Resultatet visade att fördelningen av kriminologer är obalanserad. Framför allt framträdde Jerzy Sarnecki i en dominerande del av artiklarna, men också Leif GW Persson och Mikael Rying förekom i en förhållandevis stor utsträckning. I resultatet konstaterades dock att Leif GW Perssons namn och ansikte oftast användes för att locka till läsning, något som nyanserar bilden av Jerzy Sarnecki som mediernas favoritkriminolog. Vidare påvisades det att studiens topp tre kriminologer sällan tilldelas en närmare presentation än att de är just kriminologer, detta jämfört med övriga kriminologer som ofta legitimeras med forskningsunderlag och ytterligare yrkesroll. Dessutom uppmärksammades att kriminologerna, beroende på hur de uttalade sig, gavs varierat utrymme i olika frågor. / Recent years the criminologists has possessed a larger quantity of space in the Swedish media; many times to contribute with knowledge and theories for the public regarding crime events. At the same time news desks experience a greater task with an increasing pressure to be first with publishing different stories, which could lead to a comfortable approach to new expert sources. The main purpose of the thesis was therefore to examine how criminologists are represented and presented in some of the major Swedish newspapers from a perspective of Stuart Hall’s ideas of representation. With a quantitative and qualitative content analysis a total of 710 news articles in eleven different papers were examined, from the beginning of April 2012 until the end of March 2017. In an early stage it was clear that just three criminologists occurred in over 70 percent of the articles. Later different themes between them could be identified which displayed how their attributes were used in different ways, giving them access to express themselves in varied topics. Furthermore the analysis showed that the experts were represented in a rather hard boiled manner. For example topics as fatal violence and criticism of the police were two categories in which they often appeared.

En jämtländsk företagarverksamhet och dess omvärld : Sven O Perssons företagande 1920-1990 / A Jämtland Company in its Regional and National Setting : Sven O Persson's Entrepreneurship 1920- 1990

Bodén, Bo January 1995 (has links)
The subject of this study is the business activities of an industrialist from county of Jämtland, Sven O Persson (S P), from the end of the 1910's to the end of the 1980's. The economic development of Jämtland during the last one hundred years has also been depicted and placed in relation to the national one, during periods of directional change and/or expansion. Of primary interest is the interplay between S P's business operations and the surrounding world.This research looks at S P's business activities both from a structural-analytical perspective and an entrepreneurial. Sven Persson's operations commenced in Jämtland at the end of the 1910's with horse dealing, and the first woodland properties were acquired in 1926. Early on (1932) he linked his operations to the development of the motor vehicle. Up until the middle of the I960's the transport sector was the foremost driving force behind his business expansion. Sven Persson's widespread net of personal contacts provided him with information of important sections of the county's economy, which made it easier for him to discover and capitalize on the business opportunities opened by the breakthrough of the trucking industry the timber boom and the regulated economy of the W W II. It is worth mentioning that his operations integrated Östersund's advantages with those of the countryside and business activity was thus largely independent of the geographical location of this agrarian county and the long distances to populated, affluent markets. After the founding of Persson Invest (PI) in 1968 business operations grew rapidly and principally outside the county, and the main product was then chipboard. The hardening competition in the economy had enabled the concern to acquire insolvent companies and/or firms whose assets were too small to meet future investment costs. In the first year of business of this concern the number of employees was around 500 and in 1976 it had risen to almost 1,750. The new areas included the manufacture of agricultural and forest machinery and snowmobiles and three breweries. By 1980, however, the number of employees had decreased to about 1,100. During the following ten-year period the downswing was broken and employment increased to some 1,300 by 1990. The downswing was mainly due to rationalizations, profitability problems and the sale of Pi's agricultural machinery division. The 1980's upturn was mainly due to new acquisitions within the chipboard industry and the purchase of a large Volvo dealership in Norway. With the sale of the breweries in 1989 the sphere of business was thus nearly the same as in 1968. In a structural-analytic context the concern's acquisitions 1968-1976 were not successful. Rationalization was already far advanced in several of the firms when the takeovers took place, and their operations were centered in stagnating and/or shrinking markets. Using Erik Dahmén's terminology, it was a matter of companies whose production was on the negative side of the developmental fence. The concern's manu­facture of chipboard, however, had great success. A central role in that development can be ascribed to low capital costs. Profits from the car dealerships, regional development grants and the acquisition of chipboard firms explain the low cost. Sven Persson's entrepreneurial talent was to discover opportunities offered by the market at an early stage and to capitalize them, as in the case of the car dealership and the chipboard manufacturing. Other charac­teristic traits was to make decisions based on informal conversations, intuition and personal evaluation, instead of formal decision-making, economic analyses and market research. / digitalisering@umu

"De firade med en öl" : En jämförelse av Dagens Nyhetersoch Aftonbladets rapportering om defängslade journalisterna i Etiopien

Svensson, Magnus, Liljenby, Niclas January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra hur Dagens Nyheter respektive Aftonbladet rapporterade om de fängslade svenska journalisterna i Etiopien. Martin Schibbye och Johan Persson greps den 1 juli 2011 i Ogadenregionen i östra Etiopien efter att illegalt ha tagit sig in i landet med hjälp av den terrorstämplade gerillan ONLF. Händelsen fick stor uppmärksamhet i svenska medier.  Vi ville med vår undersökning studera om morgontidningar, i vårt fall Dagens Nyheter, tar efter kvällstidningarnas sätt att rapportera om stora händelser. Vi valde ut åtta artikelsidor eller uppslag ur de båda tidningar att analysera och formulerade följande frågeställningar: Hur presenterades nyheterna kring Johan Persson och Martin Schibbyes tillfångatagande, rättegång, dom och frigivning i Dagens Nyheter respektive Aftonbladet, i de artikelsidor och uppslag som vi valde ut? Vad finns det för likheter och skillnader i de artikelsidor och uppslag vi valt ut från Dagens Nyheter respektive Aftonbladet gällande tabloidisering? Utifrån dessa frågeställningar konstruerade vi en kvalitativ textanalys med kvantitativa inslag där vi ställde vi frågor till texterna som vi hade formulerat utifrån begreppet tabloidisering, för att undersöka om texterna var tabloidiserade. Resultatet visade att det fanns klara tendenser till tabloidsering i de sidor och uppslag vi analyserade i Dagens Nyheter. Detta resultat förklarade vi främst med tidningsbranschens ekonomiska situation. Vi fann även att det fanns stora likheter, både text- och bildmässigt i de undersökta tidningarna. Detta resultat förklarade vi huvudsakligen med medielogiken.

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