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Per una storia del mal francese nel Rinascimento italiano. Tra letteratura e medicina (1494-1629)Ciccarella, Erica 31 October 2019 (has links)
The aim of my PhD thesis is to analyse the representation of the veneral desease in the Renaissance medecine and the reaction of the italian literature to the plague. To assess these questions, the analysis of literary texts required the study of the historical context, whit a particular attention to the history of medecine and the history of ideas. In view of its interdisciplinary purpose, the thesis has been divided into four research areas : the autobiographical tales of the poets affected by the syphilis (Antonio Cammelli, Niccolò Campani, Agnolo Firenzuola), the burlesque poetry in praise of the veneral desease (Giovan Francesco Bini, Agnolo Firenzuola, the Grappa, Giovan Francesco Ferrari and various popular printed booklets or pamplets), the relationship between a certain misogynist medicine and the satirical literature (Pietro Aretino, Francisco Delicado, Maestro Andrea Veneziano, Lorenzo Venier and some anonymous poems) and the presence of the syphilis in the epic production (Girolamo Fracastoro, Giovanni Giorgini, Tommaso Stigliani, Giovan Francesco Lalli). The thesis is followed by an Appendix A, composed of eight unpublished literary texts, and by an Appendix B, consisting of twenty-four images that accompany and enrich the reading of the different chapters. / La presente ricerca ha lo scopo di fornire una mappatura della diffusione del motivo del mal francese nella letteratura del pieno e del tardo Rinascimento italiano. A questo proposito si sono presi in considerazione i testi letterari e medico-scientifici redatti a partire dallo scoppio dell’epidemia, il 1494, fino agli anni ’30 del Seicento. Le linee tematiche individuate sono state: il racconto testimonianza dei poeti «infranciosati», che intreccia generi e codici retorici differenti (Antonio Cammelli, Niccolò Campani, Agnolo Firenzuola), la produzione satirico-burlesca di capitoli in lode di «cose ignobili», che crea una sorta di filone interno alla letteratura dedicata al mal francese (Giovan Francesco Bini, Agnolo Firenzuola, il Grappa, Giovan Francesco Ferrari e altre «pelate»), il rapporto tra un sapere medico misogino e una certa letteratura anticlassicista, (Pietro Aretino, Francisco Delicado, Maestro Andrea Veneziano, Lorenzo Venier), e il legame che unisce l’epos alla narrazione del mal francese (Girolamo Fracastoro e Giovan Battista Lalli). Data la generosità del corpus analizzato e il dialogo costante tra le istanze letterarie e quelle del sapere medico, la ricerca è stata condotta utilizzando sia i metodi interpretativi della critica stilistica sia gli apporti della storia della medicina e della storia delle idee. A questo proposito si è dimostrato che il mal francese poteva diventare l’occasione privilegiata per una riflessione sul moderno, ma anche allegoria politica della corruzione degli Stati italiani all’indomani della discesa di Carlo VIII. Inoltre, la natura venerea aveva dato adito da una parte a un riaggiornamento dei topoi misogini sia in campo medico che in quello letterario, e dall’altra alla nascita di scritture autobiografiche che raccontavano le conseguenze personali e sociali della condizione di infranciosato.
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Reconquérir le Reich ? : le Vatican et l'Allemagne de Weimar, des nonciatures Pacelli au Reichskonkordat (1919-1934)Levant, Marie 12 December 2012 (has links)
La restauration d'une Chrétienté, la conversion des nations à la doctrine chrétienne de l'organisation des hommes en société : telle fut la substance des projets de la papauté de l'entre-deux-guerres. Or, ceux-ci trouvèrent dans l'Allemagne des années Vingt un terrain favorable, dès lors que la jeune République, construite par-dessus l'humiliation de la défaite et le chaos de la Révolution, était plus que fragile. Cette quête eut ses relais : les clercs et les religieux, sur lesquels le Saint-Siège voulut renforcer son contrôle pour romaniser un catholicisme parfois suspect de modernisme ; les œuvres catholiques, dont la relance fut au cœur du pontificat de Pie XI ; le Zentrum, au rôle renforcé par la parlementarisation ; le service diplomatique, dès lors qu'enfin, il fut possible d'installer un nonce à Berlin. Mais l'instrument privilégié de la reconquête devait être le concordat. Après les concordats signés avec quelques Länder, le Concordat du Reich du 20 juillet 1933 devait donc représenter le couronnement de cette politique. Or, la victoire était vide de sens. Loin des ambitions restauratrices qui avaient valu en 1919, le traité n'eut plus qu'une fonction de défense, et encore, d'une efficacité sujette à caution, dès lors que le Führer en transgressa immédiatement les dispositions. La thèse s'arrête finalement à l'été 1934, après la nuit des Longs Couteaux et la mort du président Hindenburg. Ces deux épisodes achevaient la construction du totalitarisme nazi; mais en même temps qu'ils révélaient toute la vanité de l'entreprise restauratrice chrétienne, ils signifiaient aussi pour Rome la fin des illusions quant aux possiblités de canaliser Hitler et le nazisme. / My Ph.D thesis is focused on Papal prospects of a Catholic re-conquest, according to the model of the medieval Christianity; that is to say, the papal attempt to place the Roman Church at the heart of society once again, or, in other words, the efforts to restore mutatis mutandi a Christian system, as it was in Europe before the French Revolution. In fact, following the First World War, the situation in Germany offered great possibilities to this kind of Roman policy. We may think about the German needs to get help from the Holy See on the international scene, or the new political order, i.e the Weimar Constitution favorable to Catholic interests and the power gained by political Catholicism. To develop this policy, the Holy See had different means: the ecclesial means, such as bishop's appointments, ecclesiastical formation, theological studies, which were used to romanizzare the german Catholicism and to reinforce roman control over the German Church; second, the means of the Catholic activism, such as religious instruction and education, Catholic lay organizations and Christian political parties. However, the best instrument was certainly the Concordat; and from that point of view, the diplomatic activity was certainly increased by the Nuncio appointed for the first time in Berlin. My thesis ends with the summer of 1934, after the Night of the Long Knives and president Hindenburg's death. Indeed, these two episodes finished the formation of the Nazi Totalitarianism, but they revealed also how vain the Papal policy was. It can be viewed as the beginning of the disillusions in Rome about Hitler and the possibilities of moderating him.
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Ut pictura philosophiaScheu, Julia 13 June 2017 (has links)
Die Untersuchung widmet sich der visuellen Thematisierung autoreferentieller Fragestellungen zur Genese sowie den Grundlagen und Zielen von Malerei in der italienischen Druckgraphik des ausgehenden 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts. Erstmals wird diese bildliche Auseinandersetzung mit abstrakten kunsttheoretischen Inhalten zum zentralen Untersuchungsgegenstand erklärt und anhand von vier hinsichtlich ihrer ikonographischen Dichte herausragenden druckgraphischen Beispielen - Federico Zuccaris Lamento della pittura, Pietro Testas Liceo della pittura, Salvator Rosas Genio di Salvator Rosa und Carlo Marattas Scuola del Disegno – vergleichend analysiert. Neben der Rekonstruktion der Entstehungszusammenhänge befasst sich die Analyse mit dem Verhältnis von Text und Bild, offenen Fragen der Ikonographie, der zeitgenössischen Verlagssituation sowie dem Adressatenkreis und somit schließlich der Motivation für jene komplexen bildlichen Reflexionen über Malerei. Als zentrale Gemeinsamkeit der kunsttheoretischen Blätter, welche im Kontext der römischen Akademiebewegung entstanden sind, konnte das Bestreben, die Malerei im Sinne einer Metawissenschaft über das neuzeitliche Wissenschaftspanorama hinauszuheben, erschlossen werden. Anhand einer umfassenden Neubewertung der einzigartigen Ikonographien wird erstmals aufgezeigt, dass dem Vergleich zwischen Malerei und Philosophie als der Mutter aller Wissenschaften in der visuellen Kunsttheorie des 17. Jahrhunderts eine vollkommen neuartige Bedeutung zukommt. Dieser hat neue Spielräume für die bildliche Definition des künstlerischen Selbstverständnisses eröffnet, die der traditionelle, aus dem Horazschen Diktum „Ut pictura poesis“ hervorgegangene Vergleich zwischen Malerei und Dichtung nicht in ausreichender Form bereit hielt. Folglich thematisiert die vorliegende Untersuchung auch die Frage nach dem spezifischen reflexiven Potenzial des Bildes, seiner medialen Autonomie und seiner möglichen Vorrangstellung gegenüber dem Medium der Sprache. / The study deals with the pictorial examination of self-implicating topics relating to the genesis, the fundamentals and the aims of painting by Italian printmaking of the late 16th and 17th century. For the first time, a research is focussed on the pictorial examination of abstract contents of art theory as shown in the selected and compared examples which are extraordinary regarding their iconographical concentration – the Lamento della pittura by Federico Zuccari, the Liceo della pittura by Pierto Testa, the Genio di Salvator Rosa by Salvator Rosa and the Scuola del Disegno by Carlo Maratta. Besides the reconstruction of the history of origins the research is dealing with the relationship of image and text, problems of iconography, the coeval publishing situation as well as the target audience of these prints and finally the motivation for those very complex visual reflections on painting. As essential similarity of those arttheoretical prints, which all araised within the context of the Roman Art Accademy, has been determined the ambition to specify painting as a kind of Meta-science, which is somehow superior to all other modern age sciences. By means of an extensive reevaluation of the unique iconography of every single sheet it became feasible to illustrate that the comparison between painting and philosophy as the origin of the entire spectrum of sciences has attained a completely new dimension within the pictorial art theory of the 17th century. The novel comparison has opened a wider range and diversity for the visual definition of the artists` self-conception compared to the traditional comparison between painting and poetry, as it emerged from the dictum „Ut pictura poesis“ by Horaz. Accordingly the study deals with the question of the particular reflexive capability of images, their medial autonomy and their potential primacy over language.
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Nuovi dati e considerazioni sulla biografia e gli scritti di Carlo Bianconi che emergono principalmente dallo spoglio di materiale archivistico inedito. Con questo studio viene ad essere chiarita la fase formativa di Bianconi cresciuto in una casa di bibliofili e collezionisti d’arte. Aggiornato sulle elaborazioni teoriche di Winckelmann e Mengs entrambi conosciuti personalmente, lo vedono progressivamente avvicinarsi e aderire ai modi del classicismo, mediato anche dal rapporto instaurato con Francesco Algarotti, a cui viene in questa sede ridato valore. Uno spiraglio viene aperto sul biennio trascorso a Roma, la frequentazione del cardinale Albani e sul viaggio a Napoli con importanti risvolti per la sua maturazione intellettuale. Seguono i motivi della scelta di Bianconi a segretario dell’Accademia di Brera, le sue iniziative a livello didattico e il rapporto con Carlo di Firmian. Vengono, di volta in volta ricordati i suoi numerosi corrispondenti, la sua produzione figurativa e soprattutto commentati i suoi scritti editi (guide di Bologna e Milano) e inediti (Vitruvio, scritti teorici sull’origine dell’architettura e dell’incisione, orazioni) e riconsiderata la collaborazione all’Enciclopedia Metodica di Pietro Zani. Artista, collezionista, scrittore d’arte e insegnante, immerso in una temperie di matrice razionalista è precoce assertore dei dettami del nuovo gusto per il classico. / New information and analysis about Carlo Bianconi’s biography and writings mainly appear from unpublished archival material bare. This work allows to clarify the education of Bianconi, who grew up in a family of bibliophiles and art collectors. He kept abreast of theoretical development of Winckelmann and Mengs, who personally knew and he gradually moved closer and accepted the models of the classicism that was also mediated by the relationship established with Francesco Algarotti, who is here reevaluate. Regarding his two-year period spent in Rome, the relationship with the Cardinal Albani and moreover his trip to Naples, a glimmer is opened, with important implications for his intellectual maturity. Furthermore, there are: the reason regarding the choice of Bianconi as Secretary of the Academy of Brera, his educational initiatives and the relationship with Carlo di Firmian. From time to time, his many correspondents, his figurative works of art and especially his published writings were commented (for example the guide of Bologna and Milan) and his unpublished writings (such as Vitruvius, theoretical writings on the origin of architecture and engraving, orations) are remembered and also the collaboration with the Enciclopedia Metodica of Pietro Zani is reconsidered. Artist, collector, art writer and teacher, immersed in a climate of a Rationalism, he is a early supporter of the new taste for the classic.
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A piedade popular em tempos líquidos na Sacrosanctum Concilium 13Cardoso, João Paulo 11 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-12-04T11:48:16Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-10-11 / According to Sacrosanctum Concilium 13, pious exercises should be recommended,
but with determination that there should be harmonization with the liturgy. The
Popular Piety can not substitut, in any way, the official liturgical practices of the
Church. In this study we make analysis of the current reality, which will be based on
‗Liquid Modernity‘, expression of the Polish Sociologist Zygmunt Bauman. With
this expression, Bauman identify the moment we are living, in which everything is
predicted to be fleeting, including the human relations. In this context, the
harmonization between Liturgy and Popular Piety is impaired, causing a mismatch
between liturgical practices, with their stable norms, and popular devotions, prone to
change more easily. However, pious exercises should be encouraged, even with the
variants of the present time. For this analysis, the theoretical foundations are sought
in the Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy, documents of the Popes, in the set
of works written by Bauman and many others that help in understanding of the
relation between the Popular Piety and the Liturgy in this period of history which
Bauman classifies as ‗Liquid Modernity / De acordo com a Sacrosanctum Concilium 13, os exercícios piedosos devem ser recomendados, porém com a determinação de que de haja harmonização com a Liturgia. A Piedade Popular não pode substituir, de forma alguma, as práticas litúrgicas oficiais da Igreja. Nesse estudo fazemos uma análise da realidade atual, que será pautada pela ‗Modernidade Líquida‘, expressão do sociólogo polonês Zygmunt Bauman. Com esta expressão, Bauman identifica o momento que estamos vivendo, em que tudo está previsto para ser passageiro e fugaz, inclusive as relações humanas. Neste contexto, a harmonização entre Liturgia e Piedade Popular fica prejudicada, causando um descompasso entre as práticas litúrgicas, com suas normas estáveis, e as devoções populares, propensas a se alterarem mais facilmente. Contudo, os piedosos exercícios devem ser incentivados, mesmo com as variantes do tempo atual. Para esta análise, os fundamentos teóricos são buscados no Diretório sobre a Piedade Popular e a Liturgia, documentos dos papas, no conjunto de obras escritas por Bauman e tantas outras que auxiliam na compreensão da relação entre a Piedade Popular e a Liturgia neste período da história que Bauman classifica como ‗Modernidade Líquida
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“Sempre haverá pobres na terra”: os desafios da pobreza na América Latina dentro do novo paradigma de missão cristã segundo o Pacto de Lausanne e a Gaudium et SpesArruda, Glair Alonso 14 November 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-12-12T09:29:48Z
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Glair Alonso Arruda.pdf: 1114868 bytes, checksum: b7bbed1eae0e04309a12255e24b67440 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-12T09:29:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Glair Alonso Arruda.pdf: 1114868 bytes, checksum: b7bbed1eae0e04309a12255e24b67440 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-11-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The purpose of this study was to analyze two official documents of Christianity
promulgated in the 1960s and 1970s, namely the Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes in
Catholicism and the Lausanne Covennant in Protestantism, with a focus on poverty in Latin
America, using a bibliographical and documentary research methodology. Main theoretical
references included the sociology of Max Weber in analyzing the motivations behind the
documents, and the missiology of David Bosch to study the historical and theological
The dissertation is structured in three chapters. In the first, we analyse the context that
defines the conception of Christianity regarding the mission of the church in the nineteenth
century, as well as the way in which the two Christian perspectives viewed the question of
poverty. The second chapter analyzes the two documents and their social, political, and
economic context of the mid-twentieth century and identifies the conception of poverty within
the mission context in a new paradigm, missio Dei, which classifies poverty as an institutional
and structural problem in both Christian perspectives. In the third chapter, we analyze the
theoretical implications and the contradictions that the new paradigm brings to the question of
the poverty of the Latin American populations, the practical repercussions with the
organization of the Ecclesial Base Communities, Liberation Theology and Theology of the
Integral Mission / O presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma análise de dois documentos oficiais do
cristianismo promulgados nas décadas de 1960-1970, a saber, a Constituição Pastoral
Gaudium et Spes no catolicismo, e o Pacto de Lausanne, no protestantismo, tendo como eixo
a questão da pobreza na América Latina, pela metodologia da pesquisa bibliográfica e
documental. Utilizou-se como referenciais teóricos principais a sociologia de Max Weber
para análise das motivações por trás dos documentos e a missiologia de David Bosch que
orientaram o estudo dos contextos históricos e teológicos. A dissertação foi estruturada em
três capítulos. No primeiro, foram verificados os contextos que definiram a concepção do
cristianismo quanto à missão da Igreja no século XIX, e analisada a maneira como as duas
vertentes cristãs se posicionavam quanto à questão da pobreza. O segundo capítulo analisa os
dois documentos e seu contexto social, político, econômico de meados do século XX e
identifica a concepção de pobreza dentro do contexto de missão em novo paradigma, a missio
Dei, para ambas as vertentes cristãs, identificando a pobreza como um problema institucional
e estrutural. No terceiro capítulo, são analisadas as implicações teóricas e as contradições que
o novo paradigma acarreta para a questão da pobreza das populações latino-americanas, as
repercussões práticas com a organização das Comunidades Eclesiais de Base, da Teologia da
Libertação e da Teologia da Missão Integral
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Spettacolarità e scenografia a Milano tra età teresiana e giuseppinaBARBIERI, FRANCESCA 13 March 2012 (has links)
Nella seconda metà del Settecento Milano diventò un centro di riferimento per la scenografia a livello internazionale. La tesi studia l’evoluzione della spettacolarità e della scenografia in un periodo cruciale per la città (1765-1792) prendendo in esame non solo il teatro, ma anche gli aspetti connessi agli eventi festivi legati al potere. La ricerca è basata primariamente sulle fonti iconografiche, soprattutto disegni e incisioni, reperite negli archivi milanesi e nazionali; l’analisi di libretti, relazioni, periodici e altra documentazione ha inoltre offerto altri elementi utili alla delineazione dello scenario culturale di riferimento. In primo luogo, si prendono in esame eventi dinastici, quali i festeggiamenti nuziali, i passaggi e gli ingressi dei sovrani, le feste per nascita e le esequie. Sono inoltre considerati gli sviluppi della scenografia milanese prima al Regio Ducal Teatro e poi al Teatro alla Scala, con particolare riguardo all’opera di personalità di primo piano come i fratelli Galliari e Pietro Gonzaga. Ne emerge un quadro complesso che aspira a ricostruire la trama di rapporti che legano la scenografia all’universo della rappresentazione nella Milano del XVIII secolo. / In the second half of the 18th century Milan became a very influent centre for the art of stage designing. This PhD thesis seeks to investigate the developments of the visual aspects of theatricality in a crucial period (1765-1792) for Milan. This study is based on iconographic sources, namely engravings and drawings. The analysis focuses on public and political events (wedding festivals, state funerals and royal entries) and, at the same time, on theatre. The research considers the development of stage design at the Regio Ducal Teatro and the Teatro alla Scala. It concentrates on the works of the most important scene-painters of the period: the brothers Fabrizio and Bernardino Galliari and Pietro Gonzaga. As a result, the study provides an analysis of the several components of visual representation and their features.
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Parisina: Literary and Historical Perspectives Across Six CenturiesEvans, John Scoville 22 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis explores the relationship between the many literary texts referring to the deaths of Ugo d'Este and Parisina Malatesta, who were executed in Ferrara in 1425 in accordance with an order by Niccolò III d'Este after he discovered their incestuous relationship. The texts are divided in three categories: (1) the fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Italian novellas and their translations; (2) the seventeenth-century Spanish tragedy; and (3) the nineteenth- and twentieth-century Romantic works. Although these categories divide the various texts chronologically, they also represent a thematic grouping as the texts within each category share common themes that set them apart from those in the other groups. While the various texts all tell the same story, each approaches the tragedy slightly differently based largely on the audience for which it was intended. Thus, the time and place of each text greatly affects its telling. Still, the fact that substantial differences exist between texts that were produced in both geographic and temporal proximity suggests that these are not all-determining factors. Although scholarship exists analyzing individual texts, a comprehensive study of the literary accounts relating to the tragedy has never been undertaken. Rather than detracting from the story, the differences put forth in each of the literary texts enrich the global reading experience by offering many perspectives on the tragedy. In addition, these differences influence how the reader reacts to each of the other texts. Familiarity with one version of the story changes the way a reader approaches the others. A parallel reading of the different versions of the story also shows the power culture has on interpretation. Texts referring to a singular event from one time and place sharply contrast with those that are the product of other circumstances.
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Sublimés des Nouveaux Mondes – Évocation des lieux de l'expansion européenne dans les imprimés français, des origines à 1560 / Distilled New Worlds – Mentions of the European expansion in French printed writings before 1560Masse, Vincent 02 March 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse propose l'analyse des processus de l'intégration discursive des « Nouveaux Mondes » – c'est-à-dire des nouveaux lieux de l'expansion européenne des XVe et XVIe siècles – dans les imprimés français d'avant 1560. Le corpus s'y veut exhaustif, mais l'étude porte en priorité sur (1) les mentions brèves (dites sublimées), que celles-ci relèvent de la digression ou qu'elles soient intégrées, et (2) les textes actualisés, c’est-à-dire les traductions, les rééditions avec annexes, les adaptations, etc. Une division bipartite et heuristique est proposée, avec d'une part les actualisations d'écrits procédant par l'exclusion d'un ou d'élément(s) de l'hypotexte (c'est-à-dire du matériel textuel qui préexiste à l'acte de publication), et d'autre part par l'adjonction d'éléments supplémentaires. Cette division permet d'analyser les dits lieux, d'une part en fonction d'un principe de pertinence (lequel est révélé par les phénomènes d'exclusion), et d'autre part en fonction d'une recherche de l'inédit, voire de l'acte contentieux (qu'exprime éloquemment l'acte d'adjonction). La thèse démontre comment les deux principes, celui de la pertinence et celui de la recherche de l'inédit, sont liés à la culture émergente de l'imprimé, ainsi qu'au développement d'une grande variété de genres et de discours: littérature géographique, chroniques annales, pamphlets ou manuels anti-syphilitiques, lettres missionnaires, littérature eschatologique, traités didactiques, etc. Le concept d'acte de publication, qui est corrélatif à celui d'actualisation, permet d'aller au-delà d'une opposition entre l'ouvrage dit « périmé » et l'ouvrage dit « progressiste ». Pour ce faire est reconsidéré l'apport, pour la diffusion des nouveaux lieux, de textes comme le Tractatus de sphaera de Joannes de Sacrobosco (XIIIe siècle) et la lettre apocryphe du Prêtre Jean (XIIe siècle), qui aux XVe et XVIe siècles sont réactualisés suivant une perspective heuristique ou didactique, et participent ainsi à l'émergence d'une économie discursive des « Nouveaux Mondes ».
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Sublimés des Nouveaux Mondes – Évocation des lieux de l'expansion européenne dans les imprimés français, des origines à 1560 / Distilled New Worlds – Mentions of the European expansion in French printed writings before 1560Masse, Vincent 02 March 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse propose l'analyse des processus de l'intégration discursive des « Nouveaux Mondes » – c'est-à-dire des nouveaux lieux de l'expansion européenne des XVe et XVIe siècles – dans les imprimés français d'avant 1560. Le corpus s'y veut exhaustif, mais l'étude porte en priorité sur (1) les mentions brèves (dites sublimées), que celles-ci relèvent de la digression ou qu'elles soient intégrées, et (2) les textes actualisés, c’est-à-dire les traductions, les rééditions avec annexes, les adaptations, etc. Une division bipartite et heuristique est proposée, avec d'une part les actualisations d'écrits procédant par l'exclusion d'un ou d'élément(s) de l'hypotexte (c'est-à-dire du matériel textuel qui préexiste à l'acte de publication), et d'autre part par l'adjonction d'éléments supplémentaires. Cette division permet d'analyser les dits lieux, d'une part en fonction d'un principe de pertinence (lequel est révélé par les phénomènes d'exclusion), et d'autre part en fonction d'une recherche de l'inédit, voire de l'acte contentieux (qu'exprime éloquemment l'acte d'adjonction). La thèse démontre comment les deux principes, celui de la pertinence et celui de la recherche de l'inédit, sont liés à la culture émergente de l'imprimé, ainsi qu'au développement d'une grande variété de genres et de discours: littérature géographique, chroniques annales, pamphlets ou manuels anti-syphilitiques, lettres missionnaires, littérature eschatologique, traités didactiques, etc. Le concept d'acte de publication, qui est corrélatif à celui d'actualisation, permet d'aller au-delà d'une opposition entre l'ouvrage dit « périmé » et l'ouvrage dit « progressiste ». Pour ce faire est reconsidéré l'apport, pour la diffusion des nouveaux lieux, de textes comme le Tractatus de sphaera de Joannes de Sacrobosco (XIIIe siècle) et la lettre apocryphe du Prêtre Jean (XIIe siècle), qui aux XVe et XVIe siècles sont réactualisés suivant une perspective heuristique ou didactique, et participent ainsi à l'émergence d'une économie discursive des « Nouveaux Mondes ».
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