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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vem hjälper den prostituerade? : En kvalitativ studie om aktörers upplevelse av samverkan i arbetet med prostitution / Who is helping the prostitute? : A qualitative study of authorities experience of collaboration in the work with prostitution

Eriksson, Nathalie, Johansson, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur socialarbetare och poliser upplever samverkan i arbetet med att hjälpa personer i prostitution. Kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer gjordes med socialarbetare och poliser, som analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys. Resultatet visar att viljan för samverkan finns bland socialarbetare och poliser, men att resurser och okunskap om prostitution försvårar samverkan för myndigheterna. Respondenterna beskriver efterfrågan av sex mot ersättning som en viktig del i arbetet med prostituerade och att mer utbildning, kunskap och rutiner behöver upprättas för att en fungerande samverkan ska kunna infinnas. / The purpose of the thesis was to investigate how social workers and police experience collaboration in the work of helping individuals in prostitution. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with social workers and police officers and were analyzed using thematic analysis. The results show that there is a willingness to cooperate among the respondents but that resources and knowledge of prostitutes make it difficult for the authorities. The respondents describe buyers as an important part of the work with the prostitutes and that more education, knowledge and routines need to be established in order for a functioning collaboration to be found.

Lagstadgad samverkan: En påverkan på det lokala polisiära arbetet? : En kvalitativ studie gällande Lag (2023:196) om kommuners ansvar för brottsförebyggande arbete och dess påverkan på det lokala polisiära arbetet.

Gardeblad, Josefin January 2023 (has links)
Sveriges kommuners lokala brottsförebyggande arbete ser väldigt olika ut. De flesta kommuner i Sverige har ett eget brottsförebyggande råd med lokala aktörer som polis, skola eller föreningar. Från och med den 1 juli 2023 kommer en ny lag att införas som ger svenska kommuner ett större ansvar för det lokala brottsförebyggande arbetet.  Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka och söka förståelse för hur en lagstadgad samverkan mellan kommuner och Polismyndigheten kan påverka det lokala polisiära arbetet. För att undersöka detta har studien genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med tjänstepersoner från kommuner samt poliser. Studien har ett kvalitativt förhållningssätt och har analyserat det insamlade materialet med en tematisk analys. Det teoretiska ramverket som studien har tillämpat är Danermarks samverkansteori tillsammans med begreppet "tvingande isomorfism" från den nyinstitutionella organisationsteorin. Baserat på studiens resultat har det identifierats en orosföreställning bland poliser för att kommunen i samband med den nya lagen kommer att ställa högre krav på exempelvis polisens tillgänglighet. Utifrån studiens resultat finns de orosföreställningar inför den nya lagen om kommuners ansvar för brottsförebyggande arbete och dess påverkan på det lokala polisiära arbetet. Studien har också identifierat att de finns olika uppfattningar om hur väl förberedd organisationen är för en eventuell påverkan utav den nya lagen.

“Många tänker att man har mens och sen är det bra. Men så är inte fallet, det är olika för alla kvinnor och det är ingenting man pratar om trots att det är någonting som händer varje månad för en kvinna.” : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga polisers upplevelser av sin menstruation i relation till deras arbete.

Malekzadegan, Ronja, Jönsson, Sally January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka kvinnliga polisers upplevelser av sin menstruation i relation till deras arbete. Fokuset i denna studie riktas mot att undersöka hur sociala konstruktioner kan ha en inverkan på sambandet mellan menstruation och arbete. Med en abduktiv ansats och med utgångspunkt i en kvalitativ metod har resultatet samlats in genom åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer via verktyget Zoom. En tematisk analys har använts för att analysera resultatet såväl som tre sociologiska teorier om könsmaktsordningar i organisationer, sociala konstruktioner och stigma. Av resultatet kan det konstateras att kvinnor påverkas av sin menstruation i sitt arbete, både psykiskt och fysiskt. Resultatet visar att alla kvinnliga poliser reflekterar och hanterar sin menstruation främst på egen hand men tycks inte tala om det särskilt mycket i grupp. Följande framkommer det från respondenterna att de antar att menstruation är accepterat inom Polismyndigheten. Det tycks däremot vara motsägelsefullt eftersom alla kvinnliga poliser berättar att menstruation faktiskt inte är något som talas om från organisationens sida. Med hjälp av resultatet och de valda teorierna kan det konstateras att sociala konstruktioner och interaktioner har en inverkan på hur och vad som talas om inom organisationen, på grund av detta ses menstruation som något stigmatiserat. / The purpose of the study is to investigate female police officer’s experiences of their menstruation and how it might have an impact in their work. The focus of this study is directed towards investigating how social constructions could have an impact on the relationship between menstruation and work. With an abductive approach and based on a qualitative method, the results have been collected through eight semi-structured interviews via Zoom. The results have been analyzed through a thematic analysis as well as with three sociological theories based on gendered organizations, social constructions and stigmatization. From the results, it can be stated that women are affected by their menstruation in their work, both psychologically and physically. The results show that all female police officers reflect and deal with their menstruation mainly on their own, but do not seem to talk about it a lot within groups. As follows, it appears from the respondents that they suppose that menstruation is accepted within the Swedish Police Authority. However, all the female police officers state that menstruation is not actually something that is spoken about by the organization, which seems contradictory. Through the results and the chosen theories, it can be stated that social constructions and interactions do have an impact on how and what is talked about within the organization, because of this, menstruation is seen as something stigmatized.

"POLISER HAR VÄL BLIVIT GRAVIDA FÖRUT" : En studie om att som polis i yttre tjänst bli mamma

Bergman, Linda January 2023 (has links)
After pregnancy and maternity leave some women choose to quit their jobs as police officers out on the streets. In this study ten women from the same police district has been interviewed about their experiences of as a woman and police officer becoming a mum. The study includes the period from when the woman tells her boss that she´s pregnant, trough the temporary work assignment during pregnancy, maternity leave, the return to work and to the time when she´s back in original duty. The study clearly shows that the experiences is both positive and negative. Some experienced the period at work during pregnancy as meaningful and developing for their competence, some experienced the opposite. The study shows that influence of desicions about the temporary duty and the welcoming to the new group are important factors for making it a positive experience. During maternity leave some of the women felt forgotten and experienced loss of membership to their original work group. The study shows that it is important to be offered educations and being informed about vacant jobs even during pregnancy and maternity leave. The interviewed women pointed out a number of factors they see as most important for a positive experience being a mum and a police officer out in the streets. They rank understanding from bosses and colleagues high. When you become a parent you need to get the family life and work life to work together to be able to keep your original job. If the Police department work for these women the experience of being back in duty has a good chance to be positive. It´s important to make sure they don´t loose the membership in their original work group during pregnancy and maternity leave, that they don´t miss out om education and vacant jobs and that they get a good introduction when coming back to duty. In that way maybe the chanses increases that she´s not necessarily the one who changes her work situation if the family life doesn´t work out.

”Socialtjänsten och polisen behöver hjälpas åt för att missbrukare ska få det bästa i den här tradiga världen.” : En kvalitativ studie om polismyndighetens och socialtjänstens samverkan i arbetet med narkotikamissbruk hos vuxna / "Social services and the police need to work together so addicts get the best in this dreary world." : A qualitative study about the cooperation of the police authority and socialservices in the work with drug addiction in adults

Bröchner, Minna, Bengtsson, Rebecka January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer undersöka polisen och socialtjänstens samverkan gällande narkotikamissbruk hos vuxna. Särskilt intressant för studien var möjligheter och hinder för samverkan. Vidare var studiens frågeställningar vilken samverkan som finns inom ämnesområdet i dagsläget samt vilka möjligheter och hinder som förekommer för att utöka befintlig samverkan. Våra forskningsfrågor har besvarats med hjälp av tidigare forskning, teoretiska utgångspunkter och den insamlade empirin från intervjuerna. Sex respondenter, tre från socialtjänsten och tre från polisen har uttryckt åsikter, erfarenheter och upplevelser, vilket är grunden till insamling av material för studien. Utifrån studiens syfte och frågeställningar har vi valt att undersöka hur dessa sex respondenter arbetar med målgruppen och deras upplevelse av samverkan med den andra professionen i ämnesområdet. Sammantaget visar resultatet att det i dagsläget inte finns någon etablerad samverkan professionerna emellan i ämnet. Alla sex respondenter visar dock på en positiv inställning till en sådan samverkan och tre av sex respondenter menar på att det i dagsläget faktiskt finns något av en inofficiell samverkan. Det främsta hinder för samverkan har visat sig vara framförallt sekretesslagstiftningen och fördomar om varandras arbete och avsikt. / The purpose of this study was to analyze the cooperation of the police and social services regarding adult drug abuse, using qualitative interviews. Particularly interesting for this study were opportunities and obstacles for collaboration. Furthermore, the study's research questions were which collaboration exists within the subject area at the present time and what opportunities and obstacles exist to expand existing collaboration. Our research questions have been answered with the help of previous research, theoretical starting points and the collected data from the interviews. Six respondents, three from the social services and three from the police, have expressed opinions and experiences, which is the basis for collecting material for the study. Based on the purpose and research questions of the study, we have chosen to analyze how these six respondents experience of collaboration with the other profession within the subject area and their work with the target group and their. Overall, the results show that there is currently no established collaboration between the social services and the police on the subject. However, all six respondents show a positive attitude towards such collaboration and three out of six respondents have experienced some kind of unofficial collaboration. The main obstacles to cooperation have been shown to be the confidentiality legislation, and prejudices about each other's work and intentions.

Mellan mål och verklighet : Utmaningar i polisens brottsförebyggande arbete med fokus på kunskap och prioriteringar

Åkesson, Maria January 2024 (has links)
More than ever the topic of crime prevention is of highest significance, therefore requiring an in-depth exploration of how it is practically implemented and understood with in the local Swedish police agencies. This study aims to explore the current methods used and what kind of knowledge framework they rely upon. Adding in the dimension off how police priorities effect crime prevention. Through qualitive interviews with police chiefs in charge of the community police, this study examine how they look on crime prevention, how evidence-based approaches are applied and the challenges in prioritizing crime prevention in the police organization. This study sheds light on how the Swedish police work with preventing crime, the complexity of implementation of new methods and strategies based on knowledge and evidence and how priorities and recourses play a big part in the everyday practices of crime prevention.

Kontinental eller anglosaxisk polistradition efter självständighet? : En komparativ studie mellan Litauen och Ungern i ljuset av de europeiska polistraditionerna

Pettersson, Ove January 2024 (has links)
The European Union consists of 27 countries with different history and cultural context. As the police are a part of the public administration, it is natural that national differences affect the organizations and tasks of the European police forces. Meanwhile, the growing international criminality and the need for international peace-building operations calls for more cooperation. It is reasonable to believe that an enhanced understanding of the differences within the union is important to increase the ability to cooperate. The study aims to raise the knowledge about policing in post-communist countries in the European Union by studying the police in Lithuania and Hungary. The study is based on the conventional theory about the decentralized and service-oriented Anglo-Saxon and the centralized security-oriented Continental policing traditions and on the theory about the police being protective, repressive, or predatory. The study explains differences in policing considering fundamental contextual constructions within the countries. It is based on written sources, such as laws regarding police work, previous research, and statistics about the level of corruption. The main finding is that in both countries (slightly more in Lithuania) since independence there has been an ambition to become more decentralized and service-oriented (following the Anglo-Saxon tradition). Still, at the same time, there has been a tendency towards centralism (following the continental tradition). This is more visible in times of internal disturbances but also seems connected with a lack of resources.

Samspelet mellan förtroende och brottsnivåer : En kvantitativ sekundäranalys på kommunal nivå / The interplay between trust and exposure to crime : A quantitative secondary analysis at municipal level

Pihlgren, Chris, Timmerklev, Vilja January 2024 (has links)
The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between trust in the police and exposure to crime against an individual as a measure of crime at a municipal level. Attempts to establishing a direction of causality between trust and crime levels was done. A secondary analysis of the material from The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention and The Swedish Crime Survey from 2021 constituted the data that was used. The research method used was multiple regression analysis and panel regression for the question of causality. The results showed that a statistically significant relationship between the variables existed. The panel regression analysis showed that it was not possible to establish a direction of causality.

Brottsoffer i rättskedjan : en rättsvetenskaplig studie av förhållandet mellan brottsoffers rättigheter och rättsväsendets skyldigheter

Enarsson, Therese January 2013 (has links)
In recent decades the Swedish legislature has increasingly focused on the treatment of victims of crime and the information they receive. Victimology research has also shown the importance of treating victims with respect and of keeping them informed of their rights and the progress of their case throughout the process. The requirements thus set have to be met by all judicial actors, which presuppose a level of cooperation among them. Cooperation therefore constitutes one way of meeting victims' needs. In the current study these three factors; information, good treatment and cooperation, are referred to as victims’ rights.           Studies have shown that victims experience shortcomings in the legal process regarding information and treatment. The causes of these shortcomings can be multiple, but from a legal point of view, however, the issue raises the question of whether there may be potential legal difficulties involved in incorporating adequate information and good treatment of crime victims into the judicial process. The purpose of this thesis is to study and analyse victims’ rights in the judicial process. As they are not without a legal context, these victims’ rights are analysed in relation to other legislation, principles and requirements that govern the functions of the judicial system, such as the duty of the police, prosecutors and courts to act objectively, conduct their work independently, and run an efficient legal process. The main question is whether the incorporation of victims’ rights conflicts with other rules and legal principles.         The study concludes, inter alia, that victims’ rights concerning the treatment of victims and coordination of the work with victims is vaguely regulated and the intended meaning of the requirements are not clear, which may lead to problems when these requirements are incorporated into the justice system. Regarding information, treatment of victims and coordination and cooperation, little guidance is given about how to incorporate this at the local level. Informational requirements are expressed more clearly in the legislation, but how and to what extent information to victims should be given can still be a matter of interpretation on the part of the actors. The existence of local differences is therefore likely, which can affect the actual support that individual victims gain access to. The legislature could choose to further clarify and elaborate upon how victims’ rights issues relate to other aspects of the judicial process, how priorities or balancing of interests should be handled as well as to reveal the underlying motives for such considerations. Such clarification could possibly increase the consistency of the incorporation of victims’ rights, and transform abstract goals into concrete actions.

”Jag jobbar som polis men jag brukar inte säga att jag är en polis” : En kvalitativ studie om polisyrkets påverkan på den enskilde individen med fokus på roller samt emotioner / ”I work as a police officer but I wouldn't say that I am one” : A qualitative study of police profession's impact on the individual, focusing on the roles and emotions

Unefäldt, Sanna January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding about the police profession's impact on the singular individual, with a focus on roles, regions and emotions. The main question is to understand if and then so, how individuals outside of work will be affected of the profession and professional events. In order to answer this question I carried out six semi-structured in-depth interviews with police officers who worked at the main office in a police region in a midsize city in Sweden. To ensure reliability and allow readers to conduct their own assessments the quotations in this study are anonymous. The analysis of the collected material is based on selected parts of Goffman's theories about dramaturgical perspective as well as selected emotion theories. Those theoretical frameworks are focused to explain, understand and see the consequences for the individual roles, role characters, emotions and the emotional work; which is what this study focuses on. Previous researches has brought inspiration for this study purpose and question, but also given me a deeper understanding of the professionalism of the Police. This study confirms that a certain distinction about the professional role and the individual role is desirable when a small or no personal distinction at all regarding the occupation or workplace can result in stress or burnout. The study shows that Police employees may also be imposed on the front region professionally, when interacting with others when the audience knows the profession of the individual, which results in a lack posterior region where the individual is forced to act upon the audience's expectations of police professionalism. The fact that it is the audience that decides the region and role definition as well as the persona identity of the police together with the social norms and legislation that the police is obliged to act upon it shows that it is hard for the police to step out of the profession and the role of the police even out of duty. The study also shows that the police profession also could be seen thru an emotional aspect where the emotions of the individual both are bought and sold. The emotions of the police could be restricted to the time duty when the police are inclined to act with confidence, respect and self-control. / Syftet med studien är att få en ökad förståelse kring det polisiära yrkets påverkan på den enskilde individen med fokus på roller, regioner samt emotioner. Påverkas individen utanför arbetet av yrket och yrkeshändelser och i så fall hur? För att besvara studiens frågeställning genomfördes sex stycken halvstrukturerade djupintervjuer med poliser som arbetar i yttre tjänst i en mellanstor svensk stad. För att säkerställa reliabiliteten samt tillåta läsarna att genomföra egna bedömningar lyfts anonymiserade och analyserade citat i studiens resultat och analysdel. Analyseringen av materialet sker utifrån valda delar av Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv samt valda emotionsteorier. De teoretiska referensramarna fokuserar på att förklara, förstå samt se konsekvenser för individuella roller, rollgestalter, emotioner och det emotionella arbetet utifrån olika faktorer. Tidigare forskning inom ämnesområdet har tillfört både inspiration för denna studies syfte och frågeställning, men även gett en djupare förståelse för det polisiära yrket. Denna studie visar att en viss distinktion kring yrkesrollen och den individuella rollen är önskvärd då en liten eller ingen distinktion kring yrket eller arbetsplatsen kan resultera i både stress och utbrändhet. Polisanställda kan även påtvingas den främre yrkesrollsgestalten under interaktion med andra om publiken får veta individens yrkesroll, detta resulterar i en avsaknad bakre region där individen tvingas agera utifrån publikens polisära egenskapsförväntningar. På grund av att publiken bestämmer region och rollgestalt samt polisförordningens lagar, som inkluderar bestämmelser som även tjänstlediga poliser måste tillämpa, kan en personlighetsförändring upplevas av antingen omgivningen eller av individen själv. Polisyrket ska även ses som ett emotionsarbete där individens känslor både är köpta och sålda. Polisens emotioner är begränsade under arbetstid då poliser ska agera med aktning, utge en förtroendegivande känsla samt ha självkontroll.

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