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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prefabricerade Passivhus / Prefabricated Passive House

Andersson, Marie, Eriksson, Sophie January 2011 (has links)
European Union has made a new decision that all new built houses by 2020 shallbe near-zero energy houses. Boverket’s definition of near-zero energy housesintends buildings with good energy performance in which a proportion of theamount of energy that must be added to the building is made of renewable energy.Passive House is a set of requirements from FEBY designed to build energyefficient buildings. This is achieved by reducing loss of heat through the buildingenvelope and to take advantage of the passive heat from solar radiation,installation and heat sources like people living in the house.This project has been made with help of Anebyhus and one of their model houseshave been examined from the report’s issues, including Anebyhus’s energyperformance, requirements for the manufacturing and assembly, how theenvelope must be improved to fulfill the requirements for the Passive House andwhat energy calculation programs are available on the market.The report aims to provide solutions for energy efficient houses that are adaptedfor production of house building.Two visits to Anebyhus has been done to study their manufacture and assemblyof building elements. The Energy calculation programs that have beeninvestigated calculates the specific energy consumption of a building.Anebyhus manage today BBR’s requirement of 55 kWh/m2 and year, but has notbegun designing or building any Passive Houses. They have no specialrequirements for the design of their houses only that it should be possible to buildusing their present manufacturing and assembly process. The dimentions of thebuilding elements is mainly restricted by the ability to transport the items on thetruck to the construction sites.The important part of prefabricated construction is the assembly because it isimportant that the house is built tightly so that no moisture or air leakage gets into or out of the building. This is particularly important in Passive House buildingas the construction making demands higher accuracy.The focus of the report is on the building envelope to Anebyhus’s model house.To manage the stricter requirements that Passive House needs the whole buildingenvelope needs to be replaced with better insulated constructions. Also theheating and ventilation systems must be changed to handle the requirements.Energy calculations were made both by hand and by using the energy calculationprogram TMF. The results show that the Passive House we studied just manageFEBY’s demands for a Passive House, which is 50 kWh/m2 and year when solarpanels are installed on the roof to cover the needs for hot water in the summer.The conclusion is that Anebyhus doesn’t have a particularly long way to go in thePassiv House technique, as the house Sadelvägen, which we studied, basicallyfulfill the requirements for a low-energy house. To meet the requirement withoutthe solar panels, extra insulation would be needed, though the machines atAnebyhus aren’t capable of that today. / EU har tagit ett nytt beslut om att alla nyproducerade hus år 2020 ska vara näranollenergihus.Boverkets definition på nära-nollenergibyggnader avser byggnadermed god energiprestanda där en hög andel av den mängd energi som måstetillföras byggnaden utgörs av förnybar energi.Passivhus är en uppsättning krav från FEBY som syftar till att bygga energisnålahus. Detta uppfylls genom att minska förlusterna av värme genom klimatskaletsamt att ta tillvara den passiva värmen från solinstrålning, installationer ochmänniskor i huset.Detta examensarbete har gjorts i samarbete med Anebyhus. Ett av deras typhushar undersökts utifrån rapportens frågeställningar som bland annat tar uppAnebyhus energiprestanda, krav från tillverkning och montering, hur klimatskaletska kunna förbättras för att uppfylla kraven för ett Passivhus samt vilkaenergiberäkningsprogram som finns att tillgå på marknaden.Syftet med rapporten är att ta fram lösningar för energieffektiva hus som ärproduktionsanpassade för småhusindustrin.Två besök på Anebyhus har gjorts för att ta reda på hur deras tillverkning ochmontering av byggnadselement fungerar. Energiberäkningsprogrammen som harundersökts räknar ut den specifika energianvändningen för en byggnad.Anebyhus typhus klarar idag BBR:s krav på 55 kWh/m2 och år, men har intebörjat utforma eller bygga några Passivhus. De har inga speciella krav påutformningen på sina hus bara det går att bygga. Byggnadselementens måttpåverkas främst av möjligheten att kunna frakta elementen på lastbil tillbyggarbetsplatserna.Den viktigaste delen vid prefabricerade byggen är själva monteringen då det ärviktigt att huset blir tätt så inte fukt kommer in i byggnaden samt att det inteuppstår luftläckage. Detta är särskilt viktigt vid Passivhusbyggen eftersomkonstruktionen ställer högre krav på noggrannheten.Fokus i rapporten ligger på förbättringen av klimatskalet till Anebyhus typhus. Föratt klara de strängare Passivhuskraven behöver hela klimatskalet bytas ut motbättre isolerade konstruktioner. Även värme- och ventilationssystem måste bytasut för att klara kraven.Energiberäkningar gjordes både för hand och med energiberäkningsprogrammetTMF. Resultatet visar att Passivhuset vi studerat precis klarar FEBY:s krav för ettPassivhus som ligger på 50 kWh/m2 och år då solfångare installeras på taket föratt täcka varmvattenbehovet på sommarhalvåret.Slutsatsen är Anebyhus inte har speciellt lång väg att gå tills de nårPassivhuskraven, eftersom typhuset Sadelvägen, som vi studerat, i stort sett klararkraven för ett Minienergihus. För att klara kravet utan solfångare skulle dock extraisolering behövas, vilket maskinerna på Anebyhus inte klarar av idag.

Att effektivisera armeringsarbete : Från idé till genomförande

Olander, Martin, Kung, Ingvill January 2010 (has links)
Most of today’s concrete structures that are built on site are mainly constructed in a traditional fashion with a lot of artisanal operations. One step towards industrializing the in-situ construction of concrete is to use prefabricated reinforcement. Through this method there can be a lot of savings when each bar doesn’t have to be placed and fixed separately on site. The option is to use reinforcement baskets or carpet (roll) reinforcement to decrease the construction time and increase the profitability, while still maintaining or improving the quality and make a significant improvement on the work environment.   This report discusses and describes various alternative methods concerning reinforcement, for example prefabricated reinforcement cages and carpet (roll) reinforcement.   That the construction industry is in need of a higher degree of industrialization than today is a generally accepted view. This is confirmed by a number of industrializing attempts like opening factories for building-elements, using weather protection and prefabricated construction parts. Industrialized construction has a different meaning today than it had in the 60s and 70s when the most important factors were quantity, economy and time. These factors are also important today but there are other important factors like quality, customer satisfaction and work environment.   Through interviewing some key persons inside Skanska, it was possible to identify some important factors and areas where problems and difficulties can occur when introducing more prefabricated reinforcement to Skanska civil construction department. Surveys based on these answers were sent to persons inside Skanska Sweden that have leading positions within the production. From the result of the interviews and the surveys problem areas, key figures and benefits have been identified. When the case study was performed it was possible to recognize the result from the interviews and the surveys were in fact the main issues discussed; total cost, time, work environment, simplicity in the construction, repetition, cooperation in an early stage, communication et cetera.     There has been a case study of a bridge where the planning of an already built bridge has been changed and adapted to the idea of rationalizing the reinforcement work through using as much prefabricated reinforcement as possible. The result is a theoretical bridge with a new way of building that promotes the idea of using as much prefabricated reinforcement as possible. Other keywords in this case study are standardization, simplicity and industrialization. The case study shows that through cooperation and above all a good communication between the involved parties during the planning, it was possible to shorten the construction time with approximately 25%. The cost savings were lower and not as striking as the time savings. The total cost for building the bridge was reduced with approximately 3.5%. The work environment would also be very much improved because a lot of the operations, that are dangerous and demands bad working postures, are eliminated. The concept that was developed through this bridge is a standardization that Skanska hopes to introduce on similar projects in the future.

Prefabricerade byggelement : En konceptbeskrivning

Fröjdfeldt, Ida, Leijon, Aino January 2008 (has links)
Byggandet idag går allt mer åt det industriella hållet. Många företag har övergått från platsbyggnation till att använda sig av mer eller mindre förtillverkade element i sin produktion. Viktiga begrepp inom prefabricering är slutna respektive öppna system och ytrespektive volymelement. I Falun finns företaget Panorera AB som med företagsegna (slutet system) prefabricerade komponenter bygger en- och flerbostadshus. De har även utvecklat ett färdigt koncept med standardiserade ytelement som bildar moduler. I denna uppsats beskrivs konceptet utifrån främst arkitektoniska aspekter och tanken är att ge företaget ett underlag för säljmaterial. Panorera är inte det enda företaget på marknaden som utvecklat ett färdigt koncept utan det finns ett flertal andra, t.ex. Ikea, Skanska, Lindbäcks Bygg AB och Riksbyggen. Dessa företags koncept används för att jämföras med Panoreras för att bilda en uppfattning om det finns några skillnader mellan yt- och volymelement. Trots att koncepten bygger på samma tanke att använda förtillverkade element finns flera olikheter dem emellan. Olikheterna gör att flexibiliteten kan skilja mer eller mindre mellan koncepten vilket gör att vissa koncept kan anses bättre än andra.

Ökad produktivitet genom reducering av slöserier : Inom trähusindustrin / Increased productivity by reducing waste : Within wooden housing industry

Emilsson, Viktor, Sunesson, Frida January 2018 (has links)
Studien behandlar kartläggning av trähusindustrin Anebyhusgruppen i Klöverfors i syfte för att hitta förbättringsområden i produktionen som på sikt ökar produktiviteten i fabriken. Företaget har krav på sig att öka produktionen under kommande år, vilket gör det relevant att se över möjligheterna till ökad produktivitet med dagens personal och maskiner. För att kunna behålla sina kunder är utveckling en naturlig väg att gå. Under nulägesanalysen kunde en variation upptäckas inom främst ett område i produktionen, förslagen som ges i studien har som mål att få ner denna variation genom utjämning och kontroll över produktionen. Ett förslag handlar om att införa takttid där mätningar visat att detta skulle vara möjligt med den befintliga personal, ett annat är att använda sig av daglig styrning för att ta hjälp av personal för snabba åtgärder vid problem och ta fram gemensamma mål.

En jämförelse mellan prefabricerade och platsgjutna betongbroar - Med hänsyn till arbetsmiljö och arbetsutförande / A comparison between prefabricated and site-cast bridges - With regard to the occupational health and workmanship

Andersson, Jesper, Henegård, Joel January 2020 (has links)
Alla människor som någonsin har åkt bil har också suttit i långa, långsamma bilköer förbibyggarbetsplatser. Byggnadsmetoder som används i dag är beroende av faktorer som kan göraarbetsplatsen krävande och farlig för de som passerar och för personal på arbetsplatsen. De extrakostnaderna som arbetet medför är det slutkunden som får betala, det vill säga skattebetalarna.Studien har undersökt arbetsutförande och arbetsmiljö inom produktion av betongbroar, därprefabricerad och platsgjuten metod jämförs.Prefabricering av betongbroar används redan i hög grad i övriga länder i Europa länder somNederländerna, Storbritannien och Frankrike, metoden är idag svagt etablerad i Sverige. Inomstudien undersöks om anledningen till den låga användningen ligger i att arbetsutförandet avprefabricering inte fungerar i Sverige eller om arbetsmiljön inom metoden påverkar valet.När beställare eller entreprenör väljer produktionssätt är målet att den mest anpassade metodenanvänds. Val med omsorg är grundläggande för att arbetsutförandet eller arbetsmiljön inte ska blilidande. Tidigare fallstudie på två liknande referensobjekt där vardera metoden jämförtsundersöktes kostnadsskillnaderna på dessa med en slutsatsen att prefabricering är billigare.För att uppnå syfte och mål har undersökningen genomförts med hjälp av litteraturstudier samtenkät- och intervjustudie av personer inom branschen. I studien har främst personer inomadministrationen från olika företag fokuserats på för att ge ett rättvist resultat mellan de olikametoderna. Intervjuerna av administrationen har samlat in både åsikter och erfarenheter avbetongbrokonstruktion. Enkäterna har blivit besvarade av yrkesarbetarna där åsikter har varit avstörsta vikt för att se hur inställningen är till en möjlig förändring av de som skulle bli påverkademest av en industrialisering. De sammanställda svaren från intervjuer och enkäter har analyseratsmot litteratur.Analysen visar att en framtida industrialisering skulle vara möjlig av betongbroar med kortarespännvidder. Resultatet visar att branschen är redo att implementera prefabricering till de broardär prefabricering skulle vara möjligt, men att företag och beställare behöver komma förbikonservativa åsikter inom branschen för att utvecklingen ska ske fullt ut.Utifrån denna undersökning och tidigare undersökningar har prefabricering av betongelement enljus framtid inom anläggningsbranschen. En industrialisering skulle främst gynna slutkund vilketär skattebetalarna men även yrkesarbetarna med ett säkrare arbete. / Anyone who has ever driven a car have also been sitting in long, slow traffic jams past constructionsites. Modern construction methods used are depending on factors that can make the workplacedemanding and dangerous for those passing by and for employees at the construction site. Theadditional costs involved in the construction will ultimately affect the end consumer who is thetaxpayer.The study has examined the work performance and working environment in the production ofconcrete bridges, where prefabricated and the site-cast method is compared.Prefabrication of concrete bridges is already widely used in the rest of Europe but is barelyestablished in Sweden. The study examines whether the reason for the low use lies in the fact thatthe execution of the precast method doesn´t work in Sweden or whether the working environmentwithin the method affects the choice.When selecting work method, the goal is to make the client or contractor to choose the most fittedand relevant method. It´s essential to choose with care to ensure that work performance or theworking environment doesn´t get affected. Previous case studies on two similar reference targetscomparing each method examined the cost differences and concluded that the precast method isthe cheaper option.In order to achieve goals and objectives, the thesis was carried out with the help of literature studiesalong with a survey and interview study of people within the industry. The study is mainly focusedon the administration personnel from various companies to give a fair result between the differentmethods. The interviews of the administration gathered opinions and experiences of concretebridge construction. The surveys have been answered by construction workers where theiropinions have been of paramount importance to get an overall view of the attitude to a possiblechange. The compiled responses from interviews and surveys have been analyzed and comparedagainst relevant literature.The analysis shows that an industrialization is indeed possible within bridge constructionparticularly for bridges of shorter spans. The results show that the industry is ready to implementprefabrication methods to those bridges where prefabrication would be possible but requirecompanies and clients to address their conservative views of the bridge industry in order fordevelopment to take place entirely.Based on this and previous studies, prefabrication of concrete elements has a bright future in theconstruction industry. Industrialization would mainly benefit the end customer, which is thetaxpayer but also the professional workers with a safer and healthier workplace.

Prefabricerade hus : Hur kan valet av prefabricerade hus öka effektiviteten i byggprojekt?

Eriksson, Madelene, Sletbak, Henriette January 2021 (has links)
Boverkets prognoser tyder på ett underskott av bostäder. De förutspår att det behövs produceras mellan 59 000 och 66 000 bostäder årligen från 2020 – 2029. Detta för att samhället ska kunna möta den troliga befolkningsökningen. Vilket leder in oss på frågan hur effektiviseringen av husbyggnation kan ske. Detta arbete riktar in sig på om prefabricerade hus kan hjälpa till att effektivisera byggprojekt samt hur byggprocessen upplevs både för privatpersoner och företag. Studien kommer även undersöka ifall valet av entreprenadform har någon påverkan på byggprocessen. Frågor kring ÄTA-arbete kommer också att lyftas. Studiens resultat bygger på svar från sex företag och två privatpersoner. Resultatet tyder på att branschen har en ljus framtid framför sig. Samt att det finns potential inom prefabricering. Det går snabbare att bygga upp bostäder med prefabricerade komponenter och det genererar fler hus med färre montörer på plats. På grund av standardiserade moduler verkar inte ÄTA-arbeten främst förekomma på husbygget utan snarare vid markarbete. Byggprocessen är lång och krävande och missförstånden mellan privatpersoner och företag verkar främst uppstå vid bristande kommunikation. Vilket även beror på det höga informationsflödet. Även om byggprocessen upplevs som tung och utmanande verkar det inte vara några problem, för varken privatpersoner och företag, att hantera och följa de lagar och regler som finns. Det som verkar tala för prefabricering är att kunderna är väl medvetna om kvalitén och vad det slutgiltiga priset på huset blir. Har du inte orken eller intresse att göra alla val ett arkitektritat lösvirkeshus kräver och det räcker för dig att ha ett mer standardiserat hus kan ett prefabricerat hus vara ett bra alternativ.

Koldioxidutsläpp under byggproduktionsskedet i flerbostadshusprojekt / Carbon emission during construction phase in multifamily housing projects

Axelsson, Christoffer, Shammo, Sandro January 2023 (has links)
Introduction (and aim) – Carbon dioxide emissions have large consequences for nature and humans. If carbon dioxide emissions continue at this rate and the average temperature increases, the tipping point will be reached, and the damage will be too great to repair. Awareness of the climate began to emerge in the late 1980s. As the years went by, awareness increased and protocols for how to stop carbon dioxide emissions was created. In 1997 came the Coyote Protocol and in 2015 came the Paris Agreement. In 2017 Sweden adopted a climate policy framework that has the goal of having net zero emissions by 2045. The goal of this study was to identify what affects carbon dioxide emissions in the construction production phase, how these contribute to carbon dioxide emissions, and how building technology solutions affect carbon dioxide emissions in apartment building projects. Delimitations have been made from earthworks, internal installations and the study relates to the building production stage, A4 and A5. The outline of work is introduction, theoretical framework, method and implementation, results, discussion, conclusions, and suggestions for further research. Method – The research method was a case study with a multiple case design. Data collection methods were a document study of the data provided to the group by Skanska Sverige AB as well as a literature study of doctoral dissertations, handbooks, articles in scientific journals, research reports and conference contributions. A intervju was conducted to complement the document study. Results – Skeppsbron 2 emitted 306.9 kgCO2eq/m2 during A1-A5 construction phase, of which module A4 transportation accounted for 13.9 kgCO2eq/m2 and A5 production for 31.8 kgCO2eq/m2.Slåttertiden had a lower climate footprint and emitted 290.7 kgCO2eq/m2 during the construction phase, where A4 accounted for 16.3 kgCO2eq/m2 and A5 for 44.7 kgCO2eq/m2. Analysis – The construction production phase contributes 9–21% of the carbon dioxide emissions during the construction phase. The construction phase accounts for 25–70% of carbon dioxide emissions during the entire life cycle. What differs the most regarding the building technology solution is the carbon dioxide emissions in module A5.1. Carbon dioxide emissions in module A4 are not affected by the building technology solution but depend on the transport distance. Discussion – When comparing projects, the uncertainty is great, which means that the result can only give an indication of the carbon dioxide emissions.

Estetiskt moderniserad typbyggnad och dess inverkan på prefabricerad elementbyggnation / Aesthetically modernized building and its impact on prefabricated element construction

Forsén, Olivia, Östlund, Angelica January 2016 (has links)
Purpose: Since the perception of what characterizes a modern building changes with time, it’s important for companies in the housing business to be updated on how the market and customer preferences change. For companies, with long-run standardized production systems, to not lose market shares as a result of the inability to change the exterior appearance of the product a new building should be produced to meet the customers’ requirements. The aim of the study is to create an aesthetically modernized building and study how it changes the production process and affect the cost of production. Method: The methods used in the study consist of qualitative data collection in the form of in-depth analyzes of literature studies, semi-structured interviews and collection of documents. Through the use of these methods a theoretical background and empirical data have been compiled into a result. Findings: The elements that are considered as modern according to literature and customer preferences are horizontal panels, well thought out window placement with abundant glass surfaces and details that affect the aesthetic appearance. To introduce these elements to production the standard needs to be reviewed and more alternatives added. The findings show that with exterior changes, in regards to modernity, does not increase the cost of production more than that the company, for which the study was conducted, is able to keep the total price lower than competitors. Implications: Higher flexibility in the production process needs to be introduced to meet the demand of the market. The work that’s considered to be flexible today may mean standards tomorrow. The conclusion is that companies should keep their standardized production patterns with elements of flexible work. A more detailed study in a technological solution may be followed by this study. Limitations: The study has been conducted in cooperation with a company in the catalogue home industry where only exterior changes for a single storey house are taken into consideration of the study. A further limitation is that a detailed cost calculation is excluded. Keywords: standardization, prefabrication, construction elements, production systems, customer segments, modernization.

Rörsvetsning i konceptet Factory-in-a-Box

Johansson, Daniel, Ahlström, Fabian January 2006 (has links)
<p>This Master of Science thesis was a part of Pharmadule Emtungas project to construct a mobile automated cell for welding of carbon steel pipe (Heating, Ventilation and Sanitation). Pharmadule Emtunga is using a modular building concept for building pharmaceutical factories. The modules contain these pipes. The goal of the thesis was to present concepts for technical solutions regarding welding methods and fixtures for the cell. Conceptual models for the cell were made with aid of CAD software. A concept generation/evaluation resulted in the winning concept; orbital welding using V-stands as fixture method. The main purpose of the fixture is to offer fast and accurate alignment of pipes, with arbitrary lengths and fittings. The fixture was made after a thorough evaluation of data concerning geometries and occurrences of pipes in a typical pharmaceutical factory.</p><p>A number of efficiency problems concerning welding were identified during the project. The thesis presents a four-step process for increased productivity of welding in workshop as well as in the automated cell:</p><p>1. Change payment routines so that Pharmadule Emtunga does not pay for so called “double welds”, welds that never is carried out.</p><p>2. Update lists of time basis used for billing so that they represent actual time needed.</p><p>3. Increase productivity in welding by obtaining an automated welding cell with work and fixturing as proposed in this thesis.</p><p>4. Increase productivity by introducing orbital welding in the cell.</p><p>Additional work with efficiency should be performed in connection with the execution of these four steps:</p><p>• Possibilities of parallel work in the cell should be investigated.</p><p>• Construction personnel need to work by the “Design for Manufacturing” (DFM) principle.</p><p>• Single-module production would contribute to steady flow through the cell.</p><p>• Better drawing data may increase number of welds performed in workshop.</p>

Prefabricerade passivhusväggar

Jonsson, Gustav, Söderberg, Axel January 2009 (has links)
<p>Background: The most energy efficient houses today are so called passive houses. These houses achieve high energy-efficiency partly by having well insulated walls. U-value describes the amount of heat transfered through a building element, the more insulation, the smaller U-value. A typical passive house wall have a U-value of 0.10 W/m2,°C. The passive houses are primarily made as small family houses and not as a block of apartments. This is partly because the bigger houses often are made of prefabricated walls, which at present times are not made with enough insulation. One construction method common in prefabrication is a sandwich-construction with two layer of concrete surrounding a core of cellular plastic. Skanska is making this type of walls in a factory on Gotland. </p><p>We wanted to combine the energy efficiency of passive housing with the efficiency of </p><p>prefabricated sandwich-walls. </p><p>Aims: To present a suggestion of a sandwich-construction made with concrete and cellular plastic with a U-value below 0.10 W/m2,°C, that could be implemented in the factory on Gotland. </p><p>Methods: By analyzing systems of today we developed two different models that have a U-value below 0.10 W/m2,°C. The first system was developed from a system used in Skanska’s factory on Gotland and the second one was based on a system delivered by Halfen DEHA. This was made through empirical tests and theoretical calculations. We compared the developed systems in terms of the conditions in Skanska’s factory on Gotland. </p><p>Result and discussion: The system based on Halfen DEHA needs a larger amount of shackles, than the system developed from Skanska’s present system. This leads to the need of thicker insulation to achieve the desired U-value. The reason is that the Skanska-based system uses a combination of shackles and cellular plastic to carry the loads of the coating layer while the Halfen DEHA depends on the shackles alone. We believe that the first of our two developed systems is the best in terms of the ease in adopting to the production method in Skanska’s factory. The second system is safer in terms of controlling the production and has the possibility to have an air gap. </p><p>Conclusion: In the rapport we present a sandwich-construction system that has a U-value below 0.10 W/m2,°C, that we believe would work for prefabrication of wall structures and could be easily adopted in Skanska’s factory on Gotland.</p>

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