Spelling suggestions: "subject:"preschoolteachers"" "subject:"preschoolteacher""
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Skills and challenges in child care: perceptions of flow among teachersKasper, Arlene Delores January 1986 (has links)
Perceptions of the experience of flow, a concept introduced by Csikszentmihalyi (1975), was examined among child care employees. Teachers (N=192) of 4-year-old children ranked their perceived skills, perceived challenges, happiness, and relaxation on ten activities that typically occur during a day at a child care center. Discrepancy scores were computed by subtracting the challenge rating from the skill rating for each activity, while flow scores were computed as the absolute value of the discrepancy scores. Happiness and relaxation scores were summed to compute a sense of well-being score for each activity. Paired t-tests indicated that respondents, as a group, perceived their skills as exceeding the challenges on all ten of the activities (p<.0001). A series of 2-way ANOVAS with four levels of child development education and three levels of experience revealed that education was significantly related to an increase in (a) perceived skills and perceived challenges with teaching activities F(3,185)=3.38, p<.05 and F(3,185)=3.09, p<.05, (b) perceived challenges in relationship activities F(3,188)=2.80, p<.05, and (c) perceived skills on routine activities F(3,187)=3. 11, p<.05. Years of work experience with children was significantly related to a positive sense of well-being during teaching activities F(2,185)=6.52, p<.05. Paired t-tests indicated that (a) perceived challenges in teaching activities were significantly greater than for relationship activities (p<.05) and routine activities (p<.001); (b) challenges in relationship activities were significantly higher than for routine activities (p<.0001); (c) perceived skills in relationship activities were significantly greater than for routine activities (p<.001); and (d). discrepancy scores between skills and challenges in the relationship and teaching activities were significantly less (higher flow) than for routine activities. Kendall's Tau coefficients showed that perceived skills and sense of well-being for each activity correlated with job satisfaction (p<.01). Kendall's Tau coefficients between perceived skills and sense of well-being were moderate to moderately low (p<.001). One-way ANOVAS found subjects who rated their challenges higher than skills on relationships had a lower sense of well-being than subjects who rated their skills and challenges as equal or their skills greater than the challenges (p<.05). Multiple regression showed sense of well-being as the best predictor of job satisfaction (r²=.25). The best predictor of well-being was skills in relationships (r²=. 13). / M.S.
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Förskollärares uppfattningar om utemiljöns betydelse för undervisning i biologi : Hur olika miljöer används i praktiken i förskolan för att främja lärande och utforskande inom biologi. / Preschool teachers' perceptions of the importance of the outdoor environment for teaching biology. : How different environments are used in practice in preschool to promote learning and exploration in biology.Nilsson, Josefine January 2024 (has links)
Previous research has highlighted the importance of place for learning in preschool, and positive benefits of using indoor and outdoor environments as complements to each other have also been described. Outdoor environments have been particurly described as significant for learning in biology. This study, which is based on phenomenographic theory, aims to contribute with insights into preschool teachers´perception of the importance of the outdoor environment for teaching biology. Is teaching mainly outdoors, or does it take place in other environments, if so, why? In order to obtain rich data material, semi-structured interviews were conducted to obtain as detailed descriptions as possible of preschools located in two different municipalities were interviewed. The results from this point to four enviroments that the preschool teachers perceive as important for teaching biology: the preschool yard, the forest, indoors and nearby enviromments to the preschool. However, there are different opinions about why certin places are chosen such as attractive, educational , and everyday enviroment to name a few. This indicates that the choice of location can be context-dependent and influnced by a number of diffrent factors. Keywords: biology teaching, outdoor enviroemnts, perceptions, preschool teachers / Tidigare forskning har belyst betydelsen av plats för lärande i förskolan, dethar även beskrivits positiva fördelar med att använda inomhus och utomhusmiljöer som komplement till varandra. Utemiljöer har särskilt beskrivits sombetydelsefulla för lärande i biologi. Denna studie, som är grundad påfenomenografisk teori, syftar till att bidra med insikter om förskolläraresuppfattning om utemiljöns betydelse för undervisning i biologi. Är detframför allt utomhus som undervisning bedrivs, eller sker det i andra miljöer,i så fall, varför? För att få ett rikt datamaterial genomfördessemistrukturerade intervjuer för att få så detaljerade beskrivningar sommöjligt av förskollärares uppfattningar. I studien intervjuades sjuförskollärare från tre förskolor belägna i två olika kommuner. Resultaten fråndenna studie pekar på fyra miljöer som förskollärarna uppfattar som viktigaför biologiundervisning: förskolegården, skogen, inomhus och närliggandemiljöer till förskolan. Det förekommer dock olika uppfattningar om varförvissa platser väljs, det är lockande, pedagogiska och vardagliga för att nämnanågra. Detta indikerar att valet av plats kan vara kontextberoende ochpåverkas av en rad olika faktorer.
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Modersmålsutveckling för flerspråkiga barn i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares erfarenheter av att arbeta medflerspråkiga barns modersmålsutveckling / Mother Tongue Development for Multilingual Children in Preschool : A qualitative study on Preschool Teachers' Experiences of Working withMultilingual Children's Native Language DevelopmentShihab, Nour January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to contribute knowledge about preschool teachers' experiences of working with the mother tongue development of multilingual children in a preschool with several different mother tongues. It is a qualitative study with semi-structured interviews with six preschool teachers, followed by content analysis as a method to categorize the results. The study is based on sociocultural theory, with concepts such as scaffolding, tools, and mediation. Other related concepts used are mother tongue, multilingualism, and translanguaging. The results of the study show a clear ambition among the preschool teachers and a positive attitude towards working with the mother tongue development of multilingual children through the use of various available resources, as well as engaging guardians in different ways. However, the study also shows some uncertainty among a few preschool teachers who feel that this area is challenging for them and needs further development. One conclusion drawn from the study is that mother tongue development mainly depends on the preschool teacher's level of ambition and experience in this work. Additionally, the number of multilingual children in the group affects the preschool teachers' engagement and focus on the mother tongue development of this group of children to varying degrees. / Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om förskollärares erfarenheter av att arbeta med flerspråkiga barns modersmålsutveckling i en förskola med flera olika modersmål. Det är en kvalitativ studie med semi-strukturerade intervjuer med sex förskollärare, följt av innehållsanalys som analysmetod för att kategorisera resultaten. Studien utgår från en sociokulturell teori, med begrepp som scaffolding, redskap och mediering. Andra relaterade begrepp som används är modersmål, flerspråkighet och transspråkande. Studiens resultat visar en tydlig ambition hos förskollärarna och en positiv inställning till att arbeta med modersmålsutveckling för flerspråkiga barn genom användning av olika tillgängliga resurser, samt genom att engagera vårdnadshavarna på olika sätt. Men studien visar även en osäkerhet hos några förskollärare som upplever att detta område utgör en utmaning för dem och behöver utvecklas ytterligare. En slutsats som dras i studien är att modersmålsutveckling huvudsakligen vilar på förskollärarens ambitionsnivå och erfarenhet i detta arbete. Även att antalet flerspråkiga barn i barngruppen påverkar förskollärarnas engagemang och fokus på modersmålsutveckling hos denna barngrupp, i varierande grad.
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"Man utgår från individen och inte deras könstillhörighet" : En diskursanalys av hallsituationer och förskollärares berättandeFrisk, Sonya, Martinez, Ofelia January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to, through gender theory and an equality perspective, identify which discourses emerge during hallway situations and preschool teachers descriptions. The guiding questions for the study were: how does the preschool teachers talk about hallway situations and their approach against boys and girls?, how does the preschool teachers treat children in hallway situations? and which discourses emerge during the preschool teachers descriptions?. The theoretical outset for this study is gender theory, with a focus on gender studies scholar Davies. The chosen analysis method is discourse analysis. The studies result indicate that there is an ambition amongst the preschool teachers to treat boys and girls equal as well as to work more aware with equality. The preschool teachers seem to express insecurity about talking about the studies subjects. The preschool teachers describe hallway situations as stressful, in which their approach against boys and girls sometimes is affected negatively. This could be expressed in for example gender binary words or expectations being projected at the children. When the preschool teachers described gender stereotypical examples they distanced themselves from these, which indicate that they don’t want to be associated with society’s binary image of gender. However the studies data show that this image of gender is expressed through preschool teachers approach against boys and girls in preschool.
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Förskollärares beskrivningar av arbetet med att främja barns matematiska lärande : Komplexa system och deras samband / Preschool teachers' descriptions of the work to promote children’s mathematical learning : Complex system and their connectionsKoch, Jeanette January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to shed light on how preschool teachers describe the work with mathematics, linked to the responsibilities, to gain a deeper understanding of the conditions the children are given for mathematical learning. The approach is qualitative. Six semi-structured interviews of preschool teachers were conducted, where the results were analyzed with Bronfenbrenner´s developmental-ecological systems theory. The results reveal differences in the preschool teachers´ descriptions of how mathematical teaching is conducted to create progression. It appears that proximal processes are created in planned teaching situations, everyday situations and through theme work. All teaching situations do not automatically start from the prevailing situation, the mikrosystem even if directions are always made. Based on the preschool teachers´ description that planned mathematical teaching is more aimed at the older children in the preschool. Greater need for supply of materials and resources is hereby described as required. The planning time and documentation tools are described as important to ensure that teaching is carried out. Without documentation, it will be difficult to challenge and expand learning. Documentation tools in application, where curriculum goals can be linked are described to give a good overview of mathematics areas that have been worked on. Dividing children into small groups creates good conditions for paying attention to all the children and following their progress. Children´s participation in teaching is described as the basis for being able to challenge the children further. Which when there are large groups of children is described as more difficult. The study can contribute to an awareness among preschool teachers about which systems need to be developed and thus directions in the work with mathematics can be taken. Preschool teacher professional development is thus possible. A good mathematical foundation can thus be made possible, which benefits children’s future mathematical learning. / Syftet med studien är att belysa hur förskollärare beskriver arbetet med matematik, kopplat till deras ansvar, för att få djupare förståelse för vilka förutsättningar barnen ges till ett matematiskt lärande. Ansatsen är kvalitativ. Sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med förskollärare genomfördes, där resultatet analyserades med stöd i Bronfenbrenners utvecklingsekologiska systemteori. I resultatet framkommer skillnader i förskollärarnas beskrivningar av hur matematikundervisning bedrivs för att skapa progression. Det framkommer att proximala processer skapas i planerade undervisningssituationer, vardagssituationer samt genom temaarbete. Alla undervisningssituationer utgår inte automatiskt från den rådande situation, mikrosystemet, även om riktningar därtill alltid görs. Utifrånförskollärarnas beskrivningar framkommer att planerad matematikundervisning mer är riktat mot de äldre barnen i förskolan. Större behov av utbud av material och resurser beskrivs härmed krävas. Planeringstiden samt dokumentationsverktyg beskrivs betydelsefulla för att säkerställa att undervisning bedrivs. Utan dokumentation blir det svårt att utmana och vidga lärandet. Dokumentationsverktyg i applikation, där läroplansmål kopplas beskrivs ge en god överblick av matematikområden som har arbetats med. Indelning av barn i smågrupper framkommer skapa goda förutsättningar för att uppmärksamma alla barn och följa deras progression. Att barn är deltagande i undervisning beskrivs vara grunden till att kunna utmana barnen vidare. Vilket när det är stora barngrupper beskrivs vara svårare. Denna studie kan bidra till en medvetenhet hos förskollärare om vilka system som behöver utvecklas och därmed kan riktningar i arbetet med matematik därtill tas. Förskollärarprofessionsutveckling blir härmed möjlig. En god matematisk grund kan därmed möjliggöras som gynnar barns framtida matematiska lärande.
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A descriptive study of the academic progress of Head Start teachers seeking as degrees at indian river community collegeRyall, Christine 01 October 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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师范生信念的发展: 一所师范大学英语专业及学前教育专业的个案研究 = The development of student teachers' beliefs : a case study of the English and early childhood education teacher training programmes in a normal university. / Development of student teachers' beliefs: a case study of the English and early childhood education teacher training programmes in a normal university / Shi fan sheng xin nian de fa zhan: yi suo shi fan da xue Ying yu zhuan ye ji xue qian jiao yu zhuan ye de ge an yan jiu = The development of student teachers' beliefs : a case study of the English and early childhood education teacher training programmes in a normal university.January 2015 (has links)
随着教师研究关注点从教师行为发展到教师认知,教师信念成为重要的研究议题。职前教师教育政策性文本也开始关注教师信念等问题,促进师范生信念的改变成为职前教育的目标。在教师信念研究中,基于中国大陆职前教育背景的师范生信念的动态研究相对比较少。 / 本研究采用质性研究取向、个案研究策略,选取了P师范大学英语专业和学前教育专业共8位师范生为研究对象。通过深度访谈、文件分析等方法搜集田野研究数据,探究在职前教育阶段师范生信念的发展变化,并分析影响师范生信念发展变化的因素。 / 研究发现,在专业课后,学前教育专业师范生都转向幼儿中心的信念取向;实习后,学前教育专业师范生信念出现回归倾向。英语专业师范生在专业课后信念发展变化有一些多样性。师范生信念的转变可以分为两组,专业课学习之后,EFL-X、EFL-Q这两位师范生信念呈现整合的特点,实习后,两位师范生信念转向以传统教师中心取向为主。而另外两个英语专业师范生则呈现另一类型。专业课后,EFL-Z、EFL-R两位师范生持有学生中心的信念取向,实习后,他们的信念呈现整合的特点。师范生信念的发展是一个动态的过程,师范生信念由基于个人经验的信念发展初期,发展到基于理论的信念发展阶段,再发展到基于情境的、经验的信念发展阶段,这一阶段师范生信念出现具体化,回归传统两种发展变化形态。 / 在不同的阶段中,影响师范生信念的因素具有差异性。在专业课学习阶段,学前教育教育专业师范生信念受职前教育课程影响比较明显。师范生接受专业理论课程时,师范生进行一致性检验,新习得的信息与原有的基于个人经历形成的信念不一致,出现认知冲突,认知冲突是信念改变的开始。专业课传递的理念处于比较强势的地位,同化了之前基于社会文化及个人因素形成的信念,基于专业课形成的信念还要反复地通过实践环节进行一致性的检验。学前教育专业主干课程的课程内容强调儿童中心,理论课程的学习阶段有见习环节,见习的重要作用在于及时强化师范生在专业课程中习得的信念。大学教师在教学中注重学生参与、注重实践性,课程组织以及大学教师的教学方式都符合情境学习理论所强调的通过即时的情境、注重学习材料的真实性,在参与实践的过程中学习的理念。结合真实的情境进行学习,容易引起师范生的认知冲突,因此,学前教育专业师范生信念改变比较明显。英语专业职前教育课程理论课程与实践课程相分离,在专业课形成理念得不到及时的强化,不利于师范生信念的改变。英语知识课程理念和教师职业教育类课程所强调的理念有一些不一致,是导致专业课后英语专业师范生信念出现差异性的原因之一。 / 实习过程中,师范生信念主要受情境性因素、基于实践的反思、社会性互动影响。师范生在实习过程中教学实践与信念的一致性强化专业课习得的信念,信念的发展形态为具体化。如果实践和师范生持有的信念不一致,出现认知冲突,伴随比较消极的情绪,师范信念开始动摇,出现回归的倾向,出现信念的重新整合或回归教师中心的信念取向。 / 个人、社会方面的因素对师范生信念有所影响,高中学习经历是影响大一英语专业师范生信念形成的因素。实习阶段,受考试文化因素的影响,师范生信念发生回归传统的倾向。另外,师范生的个人性格、个人性别、其他学习经历制约职前教育课程对个人信念影响的大小。 / With the shift of focus in teacher research from teachers’ behavior to teachers’ cognition, teachers’ beliefs have become an important research issue. Recently, pre-service teacher education policies have begun to pay attention to teachers’ beliefs. Promoting changes in the beliefs of pre-service teachers should be one of the central tasks of pre-service teacher education. However, few studies of pre-service teachers’ beliefs have been conducted in the context of mainland Chinese pre-service teacher training programs. / The present research followed a qualitative research approach and employed the case study method. Eight students of a normal university, four pre-service teachers majoring in English and four majoring in preschool education, participated in the study. The researcher collected data through in-depth interviews and document analysis to address the following questions. How do pre-service teachers’ beliefs develop during pre-service teacher education? What factors would effect changes in the beliefs of pre-service teachers? / The results show that before their teaching practicum the preschool education majors tended to hold child-centered beliefs, whereas after it their beliefs tended to reflect a traditional teacher-centered orientation. The changes in the beliefs of the English majors exhibited greater variety, although two general types of belief-changes were observed. Two of the English majors showed an integration of teacher-and student-centered beliefs before the teaching practicum, and reverted to teacher-centered beliefs after it. The other two originally held student-centered beliefs, and then moved toward an integration of teacher-and student-centered beliefs after the teaching practicum. / The influential factors in changing the participating pre-service teachers’ beliefs differed at different stages of the research. The preschool education majors were affected by the university curriculum in significant ways, and then tried to reconcile their experience in the teaching practicum with a theoretical perspective. Cognitive conflict arose when there was a discrepancy between teaching experience and earlier held beliefs, leading to a change in beliefs. Beliefs based on formal education tend to be influential and to assimilate pre-existing beliefs based on personal experience and the prevailing culture, but need to be consolidated by practice. The preschool education curriculum emphasizes child-centered beliefs, which are to be strengthened by internship experience. Normal universities emphasize the full participation of pre-service teachers, and preschool education majors have many opportunities to learn through practice. The organization of the curriculum and teaching methods are in line with situated learning theory, which emphasizes the situated nature of the learning process in the immediate context and the use of authentic learning materials. For English majors, in contrast, the curriculum and practice are separated. Beliefs shaped by the courses taken are not immediately strengthened by practice, and are thus more resistant to change. What is more, there are inconsistences between English subject courses and educational theory courses. That discrepancy appears to be the main reason for the diversity in pre-service teachers’ beliefs observed in this research. / During the teaching practicum, participants’ beliefs were affected by the context, reflection on practices, and social interaction. Consistency between practice and beliefs reinforced their beliefs, whereas discrepancies led to negative emotions and belief-regression. / Personal factors and the assessment-centered culture that prevails in mainland China also affected the participating pre-service teachers’ beliefs. The main influence on those beliefs was the participants’ own educational experience, which was largely characterized by an emphasis on assessment. During the teaching practicum, this assessment-centered culture prompted the English majors to resort to a traditional teacher-centered orientation. Also, personal factors such as personality, sex, and additional learning experiences, influenced the effectiveness of the teacher training program in shifting the beliefs of all participating pre-service teachers. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 李玲. / Parallel title from added title page. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 238-261). / Abstracts also in English. / Li Ling.
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"Torka bord, ingår det verkligen i förskollärararbetet?" : En empirisk studie om olika kunskapsformer samt samarbete, ledarskap och ansvar mellan förskollärare och barnskötare på förskolan / "Wipe the table, is it really included in the preschool teacher's work?" : An empirical study of different forms of knowledge, cooperation, leadership and responsibility between preschool teachers and childcare workers at the preschool.Brixing, Alexandra January 2012 (has links)
Detta arbete utgår ifrån den diskussion som förts i det svenska samhället vad gäller förskollärarnas ansvar som synliggjorts i den reviderade läroplanen samt införandet av lärarlegitimation. Arbetet syftar på att förstå, genom kvalitativa intervjuer, vad fyra verksamma pedagoger inom förskolan har för tankar omkring arbetets huvudfrågor: Samarbete, ledarskap och ansvar, erfarenhet och praktisk kunskap samt teoretisk kunskap. Vidare finns viss historik omkring förskolan och förskollärarens bakgrund. Målet med denna undersökning är att lyfta upp frågan om samverkan mellan praktisk kunskap och teoretisk kunskap och diskutera samarbetet mellan yrkesgrupperna samt stärka betydelsen av att inneha båda dessa kunskaper. I resultatdelen ämnas de fyra intervjuade pedagogernas åsikter framföras och sedan diskuteras i förhållande till begreppen och tidigare forskning. Samtliga pedagoger är och har varit aktiva i förskolan under minst fem år. Genom studien har resultatet pekat allt tydligare på att de två förskollärarna och de två barnskötarna har olika syn på de olika arbetsrollerna. Sammanfattningsvis menar jag att förskollärarna verkar tycka att ansvar och ledarskap till viss del är deras uppgifter men att arbetslaget, innefattande både förskollärare och barnskötare, bör samarbeta och man kan ana att de inte vill ta hela ansvaret själva. Barnskötarna, å andra sidan, eftersöker mer ledarskap av förskollärarna och vill att de tar det ansvar som de har utbildning och får lön för. De två barnskötarna är inte lika strikta i sin linje vad gäller rollfördelningen, den ena barnskötaren uttrycker att många pedagoger på förskolan gör ett bra arbete oavsett teoretisk kunskap. Som resultat vill jag lyfta fram att det alltså är de som saknar akademisk utbildning som lyfter fram att det är den teoretiska kunskapen är avgörande för ansvarsbiten. Detta trots att samtliga fyra pedagoger menar att den praktiska kunskapen är viktig. Slutligen innefattar arbetet förslag på vidare studier inom ämnet: då särskilt, varför tycker förskollärarna och barnskötarna i denna undersökning så olika beroende av egen utbildningsgrad? / This study departs from the discussion in Swedish society concerning preschool teachers’ responsibilities as visualized in the revised curriculum and the introduction of teacher license registration.The study is aimed at understanding, through qualitative interviews, what four active pedagogues involved in pre-school feels about the changes, which are this study’s main issues: the concept of cooperation, leadership and responsibility, experience and practical knowledge and theoretical knowledge. Further, there is some history about kindergarten and preschool teachers’ background. The purpose of this study is to highlight the issue of interaction between practical knowledge and theoretical knowledge as well as the cooperation of the people involved in preschool.The results section is dealing with the four pedagogues, who are and have been active in pre-school for at least five years, to be presented and then discussed in relation to the concepts and previous research. The study results have indicated more clearly that the two preschool teachers and the two childminders have different views on the differing roles. In sum I believe that preschool teachers find that responsibility and leadership in some way lies on their shoulders, but they’re pointing more to the team, including both preschool teachers and childcare workers, for cooperation. You can sense that they do not want to take full responsibility themselves. Childcare workers are on the other hand looking for more leadership from the preschool teachers and expect that they should take the responsibility they have been educated and are paid for. The two childcare workers are not as strict in the terms of roles. One of them expresses that many teachers in the preschool are doing a good job regardless of theoretical knowledge. As a result, I would highlight that it is the pedagogues without theoretical knowledge that emphasizes that theoretical knowledge is crucial for the responsibility part, despite the fact that all four teachers believe that practical knowledge is important. Finally, this study includes suggestions for further studies in the subject: on particular, why do preschool teachers and childcare workers in this study feel so different depending on their own level of education?
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Förskollärares kompetensutveckling och förutsättningar för undervisning av fysik i förskolan : En studie av sju förskollärares uppfattningar om deras kompetensutveckling och fortbildning i fysik samt förutsättningar för fysikundervisning i förskolan. / : A study of seven preschool teachers’ conception of their competence and professional development in physics with underlying conditions for teaching physics at preschool.Rebecka, Vahlström January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate seven in-service preschool teachers’ conception of their competence in physics, needs in further educational training and their perceptions around conditions surrounding physics education in preschool. The study is based on a phenomenographic approach where individual interviews have been conducted.The study shows that most of the preschool teachers feels that physics is difficult and something they are struggling with, both when it comes to teaching and understanding the subject themselves. Everyone in the study does not share these thoughts. The conception that also appears is that they do have good knowledge in the subject but not in teaching it. Most of the teachers are open minded in their needs of professional development. They express that they want education in the form of workshops, that both has a basic theoretical and practical approach. A minority feels that they can seek further development themselves through various types of literature. The study shows that there are many aspects of underlying conditions for why they do not teach preschoolers in physics. Perception that stands out are time-economic circumstances, their lack of knowledge in physics, lack of interest in the subject and arguments that indicate that they also use the preschoolers’ lack of interest as a defending argument. / Syftet med studien är att undersöka sju verksamma förskollärares uppfattningar kring deras egen kompetens, behov av fortbildning och deras uppfattningar kring förutsättningar för fysikundervisning i förskolan. Studien grundar sig på fenomenografisk teori och metodologi och semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts som datainsamlingsmetod.Studien visar att majoriteten av förskollärarna uppfattar sina kunskaper i fysik som mindre bra och upplever fysikämnet som svårt. De få som anser sig ha goda kunskaper i fysik uttrycker trots goda kunskaper i ämnet osäkerhet kring hur de ska undervisa i fysik. Studien visar att förskollärarna i allmänhet känner att de behöver kompetensutveckling framförallt i hur de ska undervisa i fysik i förskolan. Majoriteten av förskollärarna i studien vill ha fortbildning i form av workshops eller föreläsningar som har både teoretiska och praktiska inslag. Förskollärarnas uppfattningar om förutsättningar för fysik i förskolan visar på en mängd hinder för utvecklande av fysikundervisningen. De lyfter speciellt det tidsekonomiska begränsningar som finns, bristande kunskaper i fysik, bristande intresse i fysik och använder också barnens intressen som starkt argument till att de inte arbetar med fysik i förskolan.
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De tysta barnen / The Quiet ChildrenBokstam, Malin January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to make visible whether, and in these cases how, the children who do not take up so much space gain speaking space and influence in preschool and kindergarten. The goal is to answer the questions about what thoughts preschool teachers have about influence, the children I call the quiet children and what strategies preschool teachers have for including these children. The qualitative survey was conducted with the help of semi-structured interviews where six preschool teachers were interviewed to make visible how they work. The interviews were transcribed, and the results were categorized according to the research questions. The results have been analyzed and interpreted with the help of Vygotsky's sociocultural theory and with a phenomenographic approach, and in the discussion, I have commented on previous research. It appears that the preschool teachers have a greater awareness of including the quiet children than I before the survey had feared in my hypotheses. Preschool teachers do see the problems that exist, and with different strategies they do what they can to see, hear and support these children. Something that also emerges is the strengths that preschool teachers see in the quiet children. Further research could be done by visiting the teaching activities to make observations of what it looks like in reality. / Denna undersökning har som syfte att synliggöra om, och i sådana fall hur, de barn som inte tar så mycket plats får talutrymme och inflytande i förskolan. Målet är att besvara frågorna om vad förskollärarna har för tankar kring inflytande, de barn jag kallar de tysta barnen samt vad förskollärarna har för strategier för att inkludera dessa barn. Den kvalitativa undersökningen har genomförts med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer där sex förskollärare har intervjuats för att synliggöra hur de arbetar. Intervjuerna transkriberades och resultatet kategoriserades utefter frågeställningen. Resultaten har analyserats och tolkats med hjälp av Vygotskys sociokulturella teori samt med fenomenografisk ansats, och i diskussionen har jag jämfört med tidigare forskning.Det framkommer att förskollärarna har en större medvetenhet kring att inkludera de tysta barnen än jag innan undersökningen hade befarat i min hypotes. Förskollärarna ser problematiken som finns, och med olika strategier gör de vad de kan för att se, höra och stötta dessa barn. Något som också framkommer är vilka styrkor som förskollärarna ser hos de tysta barnen. Vidare forskning skulle kunna göras genom att besöka verksamheterna för att göra observationer av hur det ser ut i realiteten.
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