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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os conhecimentos prévios no processo de aprendizagem de conteúdos históricos no contexto escolar : um estudo exploratório

Cohen, Liliana Alicia January 2005 (has links)
A pesquisa intitulada “Os conhecimentos prévios no processo de aprendizagem de conteúdos históricos no contexto escolar” tem o objetivo de indagar indicadores da atividade cognoscitiva das crianças que caracterizem o processo de aquisição de conhecimentos históricos no contexto escolar. Aborda os processos de interpretação de conhecimentos históricos na leitura de um texto ensinado e focaliza sua análise nas relações de significado que as crianças estabelecem entre os conhecimentos prévios à sua disposição e a informação explícita no texto. A pesquisa se referencia na concepção de aprendizagem sustentada nos pressupostos epistemológicos do construtivismo genético, na concepção interacionista do processo leitor e na aproximação à complexidade disciplinar da Históri A pesquisa foi realizada no âmbito de uma escola particular entre os meses de abril a setembro de 2004. Foram observados dois grupos de 6ª série no percurso de uma seqüência de ensino de um conteúdo de História. Após a seqüência, foram realizadas 12 entrevistas clínico-críticas, nas quais as crianças leram e interpretaram um dos textos ensinados. As respostas infantis foram analisadas em função do grau de sistematicidade e organização das relações de significado que foram estabelecidas entre os conhecimentos prévios e a informação explícita do texto. Sua análise mostrou que há uma atividade sistemática de produção de significados, a partir da qual a informação do texto é integrada a um marco de conhecimentos prévios que se organiza e reorganiza na simultaneidade da interação com a informação escolar. Encontramos três níveis de interpretação em função da contextualização das informações e reconstrução da trama narrativa do acontecer histórico. Trata-se de uma pesquisa psicológica, mas na interseção dos problemas vinculados ao conhecimento didático de domínio específico. Em conseqüência, sua relevância na compreensão dos processos de aprendizagem do saber histórico em sala de aula, e como fundamento na elaboração de intervenções de ensino na escola. / The research entitled The previous knowledge in the learning process of historical contents in the school context aims at questioning the indicators of children’s cognitive activity which characterizes the historical knowledge acquisition process in the context of the classroom. It covers the process of interpretation of historical knowledge in the reading of a text taught in class and focus its analysis on the relations of meaning that children establish between the previous knowledge they had available and the explicit information in the text. This research is based on the learning concept based on epistemological assumptions of genetic constructivism, the interactionist concept of the reading process and the approach to the disciplinary complexity of History. The research was carried on in a private school between April and September 2004. Two 6th grade classes were observed during a teaching sequence of History content. After this sequence, 12 clinical-critical interviews were made in which the children read and interpreted one of the texts taught. Children’s answers were analyzed according to the degree of sistematicity and organization of the relations of meaning established between the previous knowledge and the explicit information in the text.The analysis showed there is a systematic activity of meaning production where the text information is integrated to a previous knowledge framework which is organized and reorganized simultaneously to the interaction with school information. We have found three levels of interpretation regarding the contextualization of information and reconstruction of the narration plot of historical events. This is a psychological research, but it is located in the intersection between the problems linked to the didactical knowledge of a specific domain. Thus its relevance in the understanding of learning processes of History knowledge at school and as a foundation in the elaboration teaching interventions at school.


Azzolin, Kelli Anne Santos 28 February 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The knowledge of previous conceptions of students is an important tool in the teaching-learning process, since it can significantly help the planning of educational activities. Solubility is a fundamental concept in Chemistry present in a wide range of everyday situations; however, it is little explored regarding previous conceptions. In this context, this study aimed to investigate the previous conceptions of high school students on solubility, to evaluate if Biology and Chemistry teachers develop experimental and interdisciplinary activities on the theme and to elaborate a booklet with experiments on solubility. The study was performed in public schools of Santa Maria-RS and Rosário do Sul-RS and involved 314 students and 30 teachers of Biology and Chemistry. In order to investigate the previous conceptions of students, we used a semi-structured questionnaire for data collection consisting of questions concerning the concept of solubility, the importance of this concept in everyday life and the existence of correlation of this content with the content studied in Biology. With regard to Biology and Chemistry teachers, we used a closed questionnaire with issues related to the workload of teachers, the realization of practical classes and the interdisciplinary approach of the solubility content. In general, we verified that students have knowledge about solubility, but little is based on scientific knowledge. Students also reported the importance of this knowledge mainly regarding the food. The results obtained also showed that most of the teachers do not work the theme solubility in an interdisciplinary way or perform experimental activities related to it. Therefore, we can conclude that some teachers still have a fragmented and compartmentalized teaching, where the student is a mere receiver of knowledge. After the analysis of the data obtained, a booklet will be prepared with experiments on solubility, which will be distributed to teachers participating the research in order to help them carry out these experiments and develop new experimental activities in the classroom. / O conhecimento das concepções prévias dos estudantes constitui uma ferramenta de grande importância no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, uma vez que estas podem auxiliar de forma significativa no planejamento de atividades pedagógicas. Um conceito fundamental em Química e pouco explorado nas investigações sobre concepções prévias é o conceito de solubilidade, o qual está presente em uma vasta gama de situações do cotidiano. Neste contexto, o presente estudo teve como objetivos: investigar as concepções prévias de estudantes do Ensino Médio sobre solubilidade; averiguar se os professores de Biologia e Química desenvolvem atividades experimentais e interdisciplinares sobre o tema; e elaborar uma apostila com experimentos sobre solubilidade. O estudo foi realizado em Escolas Públicas de Santa Maria-RS e Rosário do Sul-RS e envolveu 314 estudantes e 30 professores de Biologia e Química. A fim de investigar as concepções dos estudantes, foi utilizado para coleta de dados um questionário semi-estruturado composto por questões referentes ao conceito de solubilidade, a aplicabilidade deste conceito no dia a dia e a existência de correlação deste conteúdo com os trabalhados em Biologia. Com relação aos professores de Biologia e Química, foi utilizado um questionário fechado composto por questões referentes à carga horária dos professores, a realização de aulas práticas e a abordagem interdisciplinar do conteúdo solubilidade. De forma geral, verificou-se com este estudo, que os estudantes possuem conhecimentos sobre o tema solubilidade, porém pouco ancorados em conhecimentos científicos e que também relacionam a importância deste conhecimento principalmente com a Alimentação. Os resultados obtidos, também mostram que a maioria dos professores não trabalha o tema Solubilidade de forma interdisciplinar e nem realiza atividades experimentais sobre conteúdos relacionados. Pode-se concluir que alguns professores ainda mantêm um Ensino fragmentado e compartimentalizado, onde o estudante é um mero receptor de conhecimentos. Após a análise dos dados obtidos, será elaborada uma apostila com experimentos sobre solubilidade, a qual será distribuída aos professores participantes da pesquisa. Pretende-se auxiliá-los na execução destes experimentos e no desenvolvimento de novas atividades experimentais em sala de aula.

La educación emprendedora y la intención emprendedora: ¿los factores situacionales y personales participan en la influencia educación emprendedora-intención emprendedora? / Entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial intention: do situational and personal factors influence the relationship between entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial intention?

Cavero Flores, Katherine, Pérez Fernández, Elizabeht 05 December 2019 (has links)
En la actualidad, la educación emprendedora está tomando un rol fundamental para fomentar el emprendimiento en todo el mundo, ya que tanto las economías desarrolladas o aquellas en vía de desarrollo consideran al emprendimiento como una alternativa para salir de la crisis económica y la incertidumbre laboral, que principalmente se ve en los jóvenes. Por ello, las universidades vienen desarrollando diferentes programas de educación emprendedora para fomentar esta intención y en este vínculo algunas investigaciones consideran como algo positivo el impacto de estos programas; mientras que otras, sostienen lo contrario. En el presente trabajo se han revisado investigaciones de los últimos 5 años relacionadas a la intención y educación emprendedoras, dado que dentro de esta participación existen posturas a favor y en contra de la influencia de los factores situacionales y personales. Además, se identifican y plantean nuevas líneas de investigación, de tal manera que los resultados contribuyan a comprender el proceso de formación de la intención emprendedora, para que así, tanto la academia como el gobierno, las empresas, los investigadores y actores interesados puedan desarrollar propuestas más acertadas. / At present, entrepreneurial education is taking a fundamental role in fostering entrepreneurship worldwide, since both developed and developing economies see entrepreneurship as an alternative to get out of the economic crisis and job uncertainty. , which is mostly seen in young people. For this reason, universities have been developing different entrepreneurial education programs to foster entrepreneurial intent, and in this connection, some research considers the impact of these programs to be positive, while others maintain the opposite. In the present work, investigations of the last 5 years related to entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurial education have been reviewed, within this relationship the positions for and against the influence of situational and personal factors. In addition, new lines of research are identified and proposed, so that the results contribute to understanding the process of entrepreneurial intention formation, so that the academy, government, companies, researchers and stakeholders can develop proposals more successful.

Contributing Factors of Substance Abuse: Mental Illness, Mental Illness Treatment andHealth Insurance

Bridge, Laurie January 2017 (has links)
No description available.


PRISCILA CARVALHO DE ANDRADE 20 February 2020 (has links)
[pt] O precedente determina que decisão em caso anterior deve ser repetida em um caso atual porque ambos os casos são similares. Trata-se de argumento independente do conteúdo: a anterioridade de decisão em caso similar é importante, e não a qualidade. O precedente implica a valorização de se decidir, preferível, pelo que se supõe com o argumento, que se decidir corretamente ou conforme as melhores consequências. Se os casos são similares, devem receber o mesmo tratamento – ótimo ou subótimo. Mas quando casos são similares? Num sentido possível, casos são similares quando se pode garantir justificação interna num silogismo em que a prescrição extraída da decisão anterior é premissa maior, os fatos do caso atual são premissa menor e a conclusão é o resultado determinado no precedente. O precedente é uma regra. Noutro sentido possível, casos são similares quando se mapeiam categorias fáticas relevantes de ambos e conclui-se que são análogas. O precedente configura analogia. Uma teoria assegura a vinculação do juiz ao precedente, mas não acomoda a prática do distinguishing; a outra se ajusta ao distinguishing, mas não oferece vinculação – trata-se de um problema de alocação entre estabilidade e flexibilidade. Essas possibilidades teóricas ensejam questões empíricas: existe um conceito ordinário, dedutivo ou analógico, para precedentes? Se o precedente é uma regra, a sua extração de decisão anterior é enviesada pela escolha de seu grau de generalidade? Se o precedente corresponde à analogia, há manipulação da relevância dos fatos do caso precedente para que se atinja um resultado desejável no caso atual? / [en] The precedent establishes that a prior decision in a past case must be repeated in a current case because both cases are similar. It is a content-independent argument: the anteriority of the decision in a similar case is important, not its quality. The precedent implicates the value of deciding, which is more desirable, for what it is assumed with the argument, than deciding correctly or according to the best consequences. If cases are similar, they must receive the same treatment – optimal or suboptimal. But when are cases similar? In one plausible account, cases are similar when there is internal justification in a syllogism in which the prescription from the past decision is the major premise; the facts of the current case are the minor premise and the conclusion is the result established in the precedent. Thus the precedent is a rule. In another possible account, cases are similar when relevant factual categories are mapped in both cases and it is possible to conclude that they are analogous. The precedent is an analogy. One account assures precedential constraint, but cannot adjust to distinguishing; the other can make room for distinguishing, but cannot offer precedential constraint. – that is a problem of allocating between stability and flexibility. The theoretical possibilities gives rise to empirical questions: is there an ordinary concept, deductive or analogical, of precedents? If the precedent is a rule, its extraction from the prior decision is manipulated by choosing different generality levels? If the precedent is an analogy, are there biases on the determination of relevance to the facts of a precedent case in order to get a desirable result in the current case?

The Effects of Previous Athletic Experience on Error Detection and Identification Abilities in Novice and Experienced Coaches

Rotteau, Thea 05 1900 (has links)
<p> Qualitative research exploring the development of coaching skills and knowledge suggests that this development begins with early athletic involvement. Unfortunately, the quantitative research exploring the association between athletic involvement and coaching abilities has not been able to identify a clear and causal relationship. This thesis investigates the relationship between previous athletic experience and current perceptual-cognitive coaching skills in novice and experienced gymnastics coaches using a quantitative experimental paradigm. Novice and experienced provincial and national level gymnastics coaches with and without experience competing at the provincial or national level participated in this study. In Experiment 1, twenty-three coaches completed a Knowledgebase Task and an Error Identification task. The data demonstrated that experienced coaches performed better on the knowledgebase task (F(1,19)=7.113, p. =0.016) and the Error Identification task than the novice coaches (F(1,18)=14.916, p. =0.001). While there were no performance differences on either task for experienced coaches with either significant or minimal athletic histories, novice coaches without previous athletic experience outperformed the novice coaches with previous athletic experience when asked to identify the initial error in a flawed gymnastics sequence (F(1,18)=5.338,p. =0.03). This counterintuitive result was further explored in Experiment 2. It was hypothesized that the nature of the knowledge on which the novice coaches rely differed based on their athletic histories. Specifically, novice coaches without athletic experience would rely to a greater degree on explicit knowledge whereas novice coaches with previous athletic experience would rely upon implicit knowledge acquired while an athlete. The results of Experiment 2 did not support this hypothesis. While this thesis was able to develop further insight into the relationship between previous athletic experience and current perceptual-cognitive coaching abilities, no clear and causal conclusions were drawn. Additional research is required to fully understand this complex and multi-dimensional relationship.</p> / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Relationships Among Prospective Elementary Teachers' Beliefs About Mathematics, Mathematics Content Knowledge, and Previous Mathematics Course Experiences

Quillen, Mary Addington 31 March 2004 (has links)
The problem this study addresses is the relationship among the constructs content knowledge, beliefs, and previous experiences of prospective elementary teachers. The 36 participants in the study, 35 females and one male, were recent graduates from a five-year Elementary Education licensure program at a major university located in the Mid-Atlantic region. A correlational research design was used to investigate the relationships that might exist among the three constructs using Praxis I Pre-professional Math test scores, Beliefs Survey scores, and Previous Mathematics Experience Questionnaire [PMEQ] scores. Scores from the Praxis I Pre-professional Math test were self-reported and verified by the Licensure Coordinator in the Center for Teacher Education [CTE]. Scores for the Beliefs Survey and Previous Mathematics Experience Questionnaire [PMEQ] were collected from the survey and questionnaire completed by each participant and the data were analyzed using SPSS software. A frequency distribution was constructed for the Praxis I Math Test scores, the Beliefs Survey scores, and the PMEQ scores. A Pearson correlation was constructed to analyze the relationship among the following variables: Praxis I Math Test, beliefs, and previous mathematics experiences (feelings, teaching tools, and quantity of math courses taken). An alpha level of .05 was used for all statistical tests. A significant positive correlation was found to exist between Praxis I Math Test scores and feelings about mathematics using a two-tailed test indicating that prospective elementary math teachers who have higher Praxis I math test scores tend to report having more positive feelings about mathematics. A significant negative correlation was found to exist between beliefs and teaching tools using a two-tailed test. This indicates a tendency by prospective teachers to favor more relational beliefs when their previous experiences included the use of a wide variety of teaching tools. The prospective teachers' responses to the essay question and interview questions support their stated beliefs about the importance of teachers emphasizing relational understanding. On their essay responses, all 36 participants indicated a desire to provide a relational oriented learning-environment in their future classrooms. The findings in the study support the notion that the prospective teachers in this group with stronger content knowledge tended to report more positive feelings about mathematics. They also tended to favor a relational teaching/learning environment if they had experiences using a wide variety of teaching tools. No significant correlation was found to exist between any of the other variables that were tested. / Ph. D.

Arbetsgivares skydd mot arbetstagares utnyttjande av företagshemligheter från tidigare anställning / Employers' protection against employees' exploit of trade secrets from previous employment

Sanderson, Ellinor January 2014 (has links)
I ett kunskapsföretag besitter anställda kunskap om företagets hemligheter genom sin anställning. Denna kunskap utgör en väsentlig tillgång i företaget och stärker företagets konkurrensförmåga på marknaden, vilket ökar behovet av ett starkt skydd för företagshemligheter. Problematiken uppstår när anställda lämnar sin anställning och tar med sig den hemliga informationen till sin nya arbetsgivare och utnyttjar den där. När anställda konkurrerar med sin tidigare arbetsgivare får den arbetsrättsliga lojalitetsplikten väsentlig betydelse. Utgångspunkten är att anställda inte är bundna av lojalitetsplikten när anställningen upphör, vilket innebär att anställda är fria att utnyttja kunskap, erfarenhet och skicklighet som förvärvats under anställningen. Detta innebär att anställda inte kan ställas till ansvar efter anställningens upphörande, förutom i vissa fall då det enligt lagen (1990:409) om skydd för företagshemligheter (FHL) föreligger ”synnerliga skäl”. Avtal mellan parterna kan därför få en avgörande betydelse för arbetsgivares skydd. En godtroende ny arbetsgivare kan själv bli skadeståndsansvarig om en nyanställd, i sin nya anställning, missbrukar tidigare arbetsgivares företagshemligheter. Frågan som uppsatsen behandlar är huruvida den nya arbetsgivaren kan skydda sig mot detta. Slutsatsen är att FHL:s sanktionssystem och den arbetsrättsliga lojalitetsplikten är en ny arbetsgivares främsta skydd. Risken för en ny arbetsgivare att drabbas av skadestånd enligt FHL är överhängande när en anställd missbrukat tidigare arbetsgivares företagshemligheter i den nya verksamheten. I förebyggande syfte kan en ny arbetsgivare vidta åtgärder, t.ex. klargöra för anställda om sanktionssystemets innebörd och om arbetsgivarens egen inställning. Med anledning av KOM(2013) 813 och lagrådsremissen den 12 december 2013 kan en ny arbetsgivares skydd komma att förstärkas. / In a knowledge based company employees possess knowledge of the company’s secrets through their employment. This knowledge constitutes an essential asset of the company and strengthens its competitive position on the market, which increases the need for strong protection of trade secrets. The problem arises when employees terminate their employment and bring trade secrets to their new employer and exploit it there. When employees compete with their previous employer, the labour law duty of loyalty is essential. The starting point is that employees are not bound by the duty of loyalty when the employment is terminated, which implies that employees are free to utilize the knowledge, experience and skills acquired during their employment. This means that employees can not be held liable under the Act on the Protection of Trade Secrets (“the Act”) after the termination of the employment, except from “extraordinary reasons”. Contracts may therefore be vital for employers’ protection. A new employer in good faith can be held liable for damages if the new employee during the new employment abuses the previous employer’s trade secrets. The question that this thesis addresses is whether the new employer can protect himself/herself against this. The conclusion is that the Act’s system of sanctions and the labour law duty of loyalty is a new employer’s primary protection. The risk for a new employer to suffer damages under the Act is imminent when an employee has abused previous employer’s trade secrets in the new business. The new employer can take measures for preventive purposes, for example to clarify to employees the meaning of the system of sanctions and the employer’s own position. COM(2013) 813 and the proposal for new legislation referred to the Swedish Council on Legislation (December 12, 2013) may enhance a new employer’s protection.


Soares, Luís Havelange 22 November 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-09-25T12:18:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LuisHavelangeSoares.pdf: 590177 bytes, checksum: 7aacae98ee64485c6bb9352f7ffead84 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-11-22 / This research study consists of seeking and analyzing the predominant conceptions among mathematics teachers about previous knowledge and its use in the classroom. Integer Number Set was the theme worked; being the research subjects four (4) six grade (12 years old) mathematics teachers of the Fundamental Level at a public school of the State of Paraíba. Questionnaires, interviews and classroom observations were used for the data collection. The Ausubel´s theory of (ver em ingles neste caso..) learning was used for discussing the process of teaching and learning Mathematics. Mandarino´s categorization was adopted to analyze the teaching conceptions. Mandarino (2006) classifies the teaching conceptions in the teaching of Mathematics as formal or traditional conception, utilitarian or instrumental conception and relational conception. It has been noticed, in the day by day teacher´s practice on the teaching of integer numbers that three (3) of the four teachers act on the utilitarian or instrumental conception and one (1) of them on the relational conception. The three teachers reduce the previous necessary knowledge for approaching integer numbers to the four operations to natural numbers, that is, they give attention to the procedural contents in a traditional view of pre-requisites. It is discussed the formative deficiencies, for the initial and continuous, from the detected deficiencies. / Este trabalho de pesquisa consiste em levantar e analisar as concepções predominantes entre professores de matemática sobre conhecimentos prévios e o seu uso em sala de aula. Utilizou-se como tema o Conjunto dos Números Inteiros, sendo pesquisados 04 (quatro) docentes de turmas da 6ª série (7º ano) do Ensino Fundamental da rede pública do estado da Paraíba. Como instrumentos de coletas de dados foram usados questionários, entrevistas e observações de aulas. O uso de conhecimentos no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de matemática foi da teoria da aprendizagem significativa de Ausubel. Para análise das concepções de ensino adotou-se a categorização estabelecida por Mandarino (2006), que classifica as concepções no ensino de matemática em concepção formal ou tradicional, concepção utilitária ou instrumental e concepção relacional. Percebeu-se, quanto à prática cotidiana dos docentes no ensino de números inteiros, que 03(três) deles atuam seguindo a concepção utilitária ou instrumental e 1(um), a concepção relacional. Os três reduzem os conhecimentos prévios necessários para abordar os números inteiros, às quatro operações com naturais, ou seja, ou seja, privilegiam os conteúdos procedimentais dentro da visão tradicional de pré-requisitos. Discute-se as deficiências formativas, tanto inicial, como continuada, a partir das deficiências detectadas.

Die gebruik van musiek ter verbetering van leerders se studie-effektiwiteit

Germishuys, Jacomina Magdelena. 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, summary in English / The object of the study was to determine if the use of different types of music would have an influence on the study effectiveness of the high school pupils. The music was used by the educational psychologist together with study methods. An empirical study was done in which three groups of students were used. The first group had no music, the second group had pop music and the last group had baroque music in their study session. The empirical study showed that music and then specifically baroque music had an influence on the study effectiveness of pupils. A program was compiled in which guidelines were given for study, the program is now used in a study program for high school students. Recommendations were made for the use of music with study methods for the Educational Psychologist, teachers and pupils / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

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