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Πολιτισμικό κεφάλαιο και εκπαιδευτικές προσδοκίες γηγενών μαθητών δημοτικού σχολείου και μαθητών προερχόμενων από οικογένειες μεταναστώνΣπηλιοπούλου, Γεωργία 07 October 2014 (has links)
Το θέμα της εργασίας μας αναφέρεται στο πολιτισμικό κεφάλαιο και στις εκπαιδευτικές προσδοκίες γηγενών μαθητών δημοτικού σχολείου και μαθητών προερχόμενων από οικογένειες μεταναστών. Σκοπός της εργασίας αυτής είναι να διερευνηθούν: α) οι διαφοροποιήσεις και οι ομοιότητες μεταξύ του πολιτισμικού κεφαλαίου των γηγενών μαθητών και των μαθητών προερχόμενων από οικογένειες μεταναστών της ΣΤ’ τάξης δημόσιων δημοτικών σχολείων της περιοχής της Πάτρας, β) κατά πόσο το πολιτισμικό κεφάλαιο των μαθητών αυτών συσχετίζεται με τις προσδοκίες τους για το εκπαιδευτικό τους μέλλον και γ) η συσχέτιση του μορφωτικού επιπέδου και του επαγγέλματος των γονέων των μαθητών (γηγενών και προερχόμενων από οικογένειες μεταναστών) με τις προσδοκίες τους για το εκπαιδευτικό μέλλον των παιδιών τους. Η έρευνά μας, βασισμένη στο θεωρητικό πλαίσιο του Pierre Bourdieu, διεξήχθη με τη χρήση δύο ερευνητικών «εργαλείων»: του ερωτηματολογίου και της ημιδομημένης συνέντευξης.
Τα ερευνητικά μας ευρήματα δείχνουν ότι οι διαφοροποιήσεις μεταξύ του πολιτισμικού κεφαλαίου των γηγενών μαθητών και των μαθητών προερχόμενων από οικογένειες μεταναστών είναι περισσότερες σε σχέση με τις ομοιότητες που παρουσιάζουν και εστιάζονται, μεταξύ άλλων, στην ανάγνωση εξωσχολικών βιβλίων και στα πολιτισμικά αγαθά που υπάρχουν στο σπίτι τους. Οι γηγενείς μαθητές φαίνεται να συσσωρεύουν μεγαλύτερο όγκο «εγγενούς» και «αντικειμενοποιημένου» πολιτισμικού κεφαλαίου από την οικογένειά τους σε σύγκριση με τους μαθητές με μεταναστευτικό υπόβαθρο, το οποίο αποτυπώνεται στις επιλογές τους και στις δράσεις τους. Επιπλέον, προκύπτει ότι το πολιτισμικό κεφάλαιο των γηγενών μαθητών και των μαθητών με μεταναστευτικό υπόβαθρο στις περισσότερες εκφάνσεις του συσχετίζεται με τις εκπαιδευτικές τους προσδοκίες. Οι εκπαιδευτικές προσδοκίες των γονέων των μαθητών ανεξαρτήτως της εθνικής τους προέλευσης και του μορφωτικού τους υπόβαθρου φαίνεται ότι είναι πολύ υψηλές. Διαπιστώνεται επίσης ότι το μορφωτικό επίπεδο και το επάγγελμα των γονέων των μαθητών συσχετίζεται με τις προσδοκίες τους για το εκπαιδευτικό μέλλον των παιδιών τους. / The subject of our paper refers to cultural capital and educational expectations of primary school native students as well as students come from immigrant families. This paper aims to investigate: a) differences and similarities between native students and students come from immigrant families who study at the 6th grade of state primary schools in Patras area, b) to what extent their cultural capital is correlated with their expectations concerning their educational future and c) the correlation of educational level and occupation of students’ parents (natives and those come from immigrant families) with their expectations concerning the educational future of their children. Our research, based on the theoretical framework of Pierre Bourdieu, was carried out by means of two research “tools”: questionnaire and semi-structured interview.
Our research findings show that there are more differences than similarities between cultural capital of native students and students come from immigrant families and they are focused, among others, on reading extracurricular books and cultural goods which exist into their house. Native students seem to accumulate larger volume of “embodied” and “objectified” cultural capital from their family compared to students with immigrant background, which is imprinted on their choices and their actions. In addition, it is evident that cultural capital of native students and students with immigrant background is correlated in most of its manifestations with their educational expectations. Educational expectations of students’ parents regardless of their national origin and their educational background seem to be very high. It is also revealed that educational level and occupation of students’ parents is correlated with their expectations concerning their children’s educational future.
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Διδασκαλία της λειτουργικής γραμματικής στο δημοτικό σχολείο και ανάπτυξη διδακτικών σεναρίωνΜαρτζάκλη, Νίκη 27 April 2015 (has links)
Αντικείμενο της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας αποτελεί ο σχεδιασμός του γλωσσικού μαθήματος στο Δημοτικό Σχολείο και ειδικότερα, ο τρόπος διδασκαλίας της γραμματικής της ελληνικής γλώσσας στους μαθητές. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, διερευνάται ο ορισμός της έννοιας γραμματική και δίνεται ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στον τρόπο διδασκαλίας της λειτουργικής γραμματικής και φυσικά η αποτελεσματικότητα της στην επίδοση των μαθητών. Επιπλέον, η διδασκαλία της λειτουργικής γραμματικής συνδέεται με την ανάπτυξη διδακτικών σεναρίων αναφορικά με το γλωσσικό μάθημα. Επιχειρείται, λοιπόν, ο σχεδιασμός κάποιων ενδεικτικών διδακτικών σεναρίων για το γλωσσικό μάθημα για τη Γ΄, Δ΄, Ε΄ και ΣΤ΄ Τάξη του Δημοτικού Σχολείου με εστίαση στη διδασκαλία της λειτουργικής γραμματικής. / The purpose of this thesis is the teaching of the language in Primary School and in particular, the instruction method of the Greek language’s grammar. More specifically, the objective is to develop the concept of grammar and to put special emphasis on the teaching of functional grammar and subsequently on its effectiveness on students’ progress. In addition, the instruction of the functional grammar is associated with the development of instructional scenarios in regard to the linguistic subject. It is therefore attempted the design of some prime examples of instructional scenarios for the Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Class of Primary School with a focus on the instruction of functional grammar.
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A collaborative action for tutors' development : case study of teaching about HIV and AIDS at a teacher training college in KenyaOnyango, Moses Orwe January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Vem får vara synlig i läseboken? : Om etnicitet i läsläror för elever i årskurs ettGustafsson, Liselotte January 2010 (has links)
Having different kinds of literature is an important part of the education in school and schoolbooks, in shape of reading-books, are common in the first year of primary school. The texts pupils encounter in school are important for how they form their identity and thoughts about what is right or wrong and what is natural or unnatural. People of other ethnicity than Swedish, or with another skin colour than white, have often in the past been portrayed negatively in reading-books as if they are of less worth. According to the Curriculum for the Compulsory School System (Lpo94) the school shall act for understanding of all people and every person’s equal value. The study analyses how ethnicity is portrayed in reading-books for pupils in the first year of primary school. I have also compared these books to see if they differ from each other and, if this is the case, how they differ. In addition, I have investigated if the books follow the curriculum of the Swedish school system according to ethnicity. The books I have chosen to analyse are four different schoolbooks published 1995-2008 which are used in Swedish schools in a specific community. The method I have used is text analysis. My results show that some reading-books still portray people with ethnicity other than Swedish in a demeaning way and that “white” people often are shown as the norm. The study also shows good examples of a more diverse inclusion of different settings, characters with other ethnicity and their role in the reading-books. The diversity gives the possibility for a more individual interpretation and gives room to show the multicultural society as the new norm.
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Pradinių klasių mokytojų muzikinio kompetentingumo vertinimo kriterijai ir jų taikymas administruojant / Criteria of the Evaluation of Primary Teachers` Musical Competence and Their Applying while AdministeringPeganova, Natalija 21 June 2006 (has links)
Natalya Peganova
Criteria of the Evaluation of Primary Teachers` Musical Competence and Their Applying while Administering
In the Master`s research work the problem of primary teachers` musical competence is analysed. The newness of the topic is determined by the fact that primary teachers` musical competence in schools in the process of pedagogical practice is almost not examined. In this research criteria of the evaluation of primary teachers`musical competence needed for their professional work and administrative control are defined.The problem is improper evaluation of primary teachers` musical competence made by school administration and insufficiant attention to primary teachers preparation for carrying out the process of children`s musical development.
The research was aimed at determination of criteria of the evaluation of primary teachers` musical competence and checking-up their suitability while administering. Doing this the conception of competence itself was discussed, the ways of the evaluation of primary teachers` musical competence and administrative control were analysed, primary teachers` view towards their musical competence was ascertained, description of the criteria of the evaluation of primary teachers` musical competence was prepared and its suitability was checked while administering.
The data of the empirical research was collected and systematized. The results showed that primary teachers themselves evaluate their musical abilities quite... [to full text]
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Sustiprinto muzikinio ugdymo vaidmuo formuojant pradinių klasių mokinių muzikinius interesus / Heighted musical fostering role in formation primary school students' musical interestsSuchorukovienė, Lina 24 September 2008 (has links)
Sustiprintas muzikinis ugdymas pradinėje mokykloje sudaro ypatingas sąlygas vaiko muzikiniam augimui. Tam, kad muzikiniai interesai netaptų trumpalaikiais ir atsitiktiniais, reikia juos nukreipti į pastovių interesų vagą. Ypatingai sėkmingai formuojasi muzikiniai interesai tada, kada jų ugdymas tikslingai nukreipiamas žemesnėse klasėse. Tuomet galima išugdyti mokinių domėjimąsi įvairiažanre muzika.
Šio tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti ir nustatyti, kokią įtaką vaikų muzikiniams interesams turi sustiprintas muzikinis ugdymas pradinėje mokykloje. Tyrimo objektas - pradinių klasių mokinių muzikinių interesų formavimo efektyvinimas. Keliama tyrimo hipotezė, kad tik sustiprintas muzikinis ugdymas gali užtikrinti įvairiapusių muzikinių interesų ugdymo efektyvumą.
Tikrinant hipotezę buvo įgyvendinti tokie tyrimo uždaviniai: 1) išanalizuota literatūra apie interesų, taip pat muzikos interesų ugdymą; 2) atliktas tyrimas ir nustatytas sustiprinto muzikinio ugdymo pradinėse klasėse efektyvumas, formuojant įvairiapusius vaikų muzikinius interesus.
Atliekant empirinį tyrimą taikyti šie metodai: anketinė apklausa, aprašomoji statistika, interviu. Tyrimo metu apklausti Prienų Nemuno pradinės mokyklos, kurioje dirbama pagal sustiprinto muzikinio ugdymo programą, 2–4 klasių mokiniai: 181 mokinys, lankantis sustiprintą muzikinį ugdymą ir 54 mokiniai, nepasirinkę šio ugdymo. Interviu tyrimu buvo apklausti 6 gimnazijos moksleiviai, kurie pradinėje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Heighted musical education in primary school makes very special conditions for child‘s musical growth. It is necessary to form learner‘s interests, otherwise they can not last long and be permanent. The earlier the interests are formed, the more successful are the achievements. In that time the highest level of musical interests are fostered.
The aim of this investigation is to evaluate and to establish the influence in children‘s musical interests, when they are taught in heighted musical level in primary school. In the hypothesis it is said that only heighted musical fostering can confirm the efficiency of versatile musical interests fostering.
During the checking of the hypothesis those tasks were done:1) the literature of interests , musical interests fostering was analysed; 2) the investigation was made and it was established the efficiency of heighted musical fostering in formation versatile musical children interests in primary school.
During the investigation such methods were pointed: questionnaire, statistics description, interview. The learners of 2- 4 classes took part in investigation. They attend Prienai Nemunas primary school (there is heighted musical fostering programme). 181 pupils who are taught by heighted musical fostering programme and 54 students who have not chosen it were interviewed.
Also 6 students from gymnasium, who previously attended Nemunas school and... [to full text]
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Knowledge, Attitude and Sexual Behaviors with Regard to HIV/AIDS among Upper Primary School Pupils in Meru District, Arusha, TanzaniaKasilima, Yosh Sospater January 2010 (has links)
<p>A cross- sectional descriptive study using a self-administered close-ended questionnaire was conducted with pupils in standards four to seven (aged 10 &ndash / 17 years) in ten government primary schools in Meru District. The sample of 400 school pupils was obtained by a simple random sampling technique. Data analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences SPSS (version 15) computer software and the results were presented in frequencies using simple percentages, tables and graphs. The Chi-square test was used to assess the significance where a p-value of < / 0.05 was considered statistically significant. In conclusion, Primary school pupils in Meru district engage in several risky sexual behaviors including substance use, sexual coercion, early sexual debut and engaging in various sexual practices. This calls for a more comprehensive approach in the fight against HIV among primary school children in Tanzania, which could include life skill training at an early age, behaviour change communication interventions, advocacy activities to influence policy formulation, condom promotion and incorporating key stakeholders in the rollout of school based HIV programmes such as parents, community leaders and faith-based organizations leaders.</p>
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La dynamique motivationnelle des élèves en situation d'échec à l'école fondamentale en Haïti lors des activités de lectureAndré, Joslyne Vierginat January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Supporting collaborative learning in the foundation phase : a self-study of a head of department.Mlambo, Sizakele Charmaine. January 2012 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.Ed.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2012.
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Exploring experiences of female heads of department in four primary schools in Pinetown South Durban.Mkhize, Silindile. January 2012 (has links)
This study reports on a qualitative study that sought to explore the experiences of
female Heads of Department in Primary Schools. The study was carried out in
KwaNdengezi, Pinetown South. It made use of qualitative methodology to obtain data
using semi-structured interviews and observations as its methods of data collection.
Purposive sampling was used to select the participants of the study, and the study
sample consisted of four female heads of department in four primary schools, with
whom the interviews and observations were conducted.
The main findings of the study revealed that female heads of department experience
and internalize negative stereotypes and believe males do not listen to them and they
also experience gender stereotypes and their impact when performing their
management duties in schools. Other findings include the experiences related to
dynamics of being mothers and teachers at the same time. Further the communication
with teachers, teacher discipline and the role that gender stereotyped held by members
of the society. There is the issue of unequal power relations between men and women
within the schools, which is an underlying factor behind all the gender-based
experiences of female heads of department in the schools.
Despite the fact that female heads of department encounter gender-based experiences
in their management roles and responsibilities, they are engaged in empowering style of
management by means of involving all the colleagues in the decision making processes.
The study concludes by recommending that female heads of departments require
support from all the stakeholders of the school, and that the government should hold
workshops and seminars to support them. At the school level, they should resist all
attempts at being treated in a condescending manner, and become role models to other
aspiring females to assume school management positions for effective management and
delivery of quality education. / Thesis (M.Ed.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Edgewood, 2012.
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