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Community College Honors Education and Student Outcomes: A Propensity Score AnalysisHoneycutt, Jane B. 01 May 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship of honors education to student success by comparing honors-eligible community college students who met requirements to academically matched peers who opted out of honors participation. Honors program participation was defined as completing 12 or more credit hours of honors-level course work. The population for this study included 452 honors-eligible participants with 95 honors participants (HPs) and 357 non-participants (NPs) from a community college in Tennessee. The sampling frame was generated using a five-year participation window from 2008 through 2013. Propensity score matching alleviated the threat to validity for self-selection bias by controlling for confounding variables such as high school GPA, dual-enrollment participation, ACT score, declared major, community college GPA upon first term of eligibility, parental income, parental education, gender, and age.
Major findings of the study were: honors program participants (a) earned a significantly higher numerical final course grade in Composition II, a first-year writing course; (b) earned significantly higher cumulative GPAs the second semester after honors eligibility; (c) earned significantly higher cumulative GPAs upon completion; (d) were significantly more likely to graduate. Conclusions generated from the data analyses indicate that honors education benefits community college students and provide empirical support for increased investment in community college honors education, especially for high-achieving students experiencing poverty. Low-income students were defined as those students receiving the maximum federal Pell Grant award provided to undergraduate students with financial need. Within the study sample, it was determined that 50% of NPs met the low-income threshold whereas 47% of HPs were identified as low-income. These participation rates suggest that more low-income high-achieving students who could substantially benefit from participating in honors are participating less. Further empirical research studies and policy levers should identify ways to increase honors participation for low-income, high-achieving students.
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Conflictos matrimoniales y divorcio en Catalunya: 1775-1883Costa, Marie Adelaide 11 April 2008 (has links)
El presente trabajo pretende construir un fragmento de la historia de los conflictos entre hombres y mujeres a finales del siglo XVIII y principios del XIX, desvelar la vida cotidiana o costumbres de una parte de la sociedad catalana, explicar las disputas prematrimoniales (incumplimiento de la promesa de matrimonio), sus influencias en el matrimonio (en el caso de que se celebrara el enlace), analizar el divorcio tal como se entendía en la época, sus facetas (divorcio formal e informal), poner de manifiesto los mecanismos de divorcio e insistir sobre sus modalidades ("separación interina, divorcio temporal y divorcio perpetuo"), sus consecuencias e implicaciones (el secuestro femenino generalmente realizado en casa de familiares o amigos; la reclusión femenina y masculina en una institución caritativa o penitenciaria (en caso de delitos matrimoniales); el reparto de los bienes, la restitución de la dote, la pensión alimenticia, la custodia de los hijos, etc. Para explicar el proceso de liberalidad que se estaba produciendo en torno al divorcio y a las promesas de matrimonio, y por ende los cambios de actitud relativos al matrimonio y a las relaciones de géneros, hemos recurrido a la bibliografía relacionada con el contexto histórico, social y económico de la época, de la información de los archivos judiciales y eclesiásticos (Arxiu Diocesà de Barcelona, Arxiu Diocesà de Girona y Arxiu de la Corona d'Aragò) así como de la documentación procedente del Arxiu Històric de la Casa de Misericòrdia de Barcelona, de la Fundació Arxiu Històric de l'Hospital de la Santa Creu y de l'Arxiu Històric de la Biblioteca de Catalunya. / This work aims at recreating a piece of the history related to the conflicts between men and women between the end of the XVIIIth and the begining of the XIXth centuries in Catalonia. It pretends to reveal the everyday life and customs of a part of the catalan society, to explain the conflicts previous to marriage (violation of the marriage promise) and its influences on marriage (when the marriage union is celebrated), to analyze the divorce as it was understood in that time, and its multiple points of view (formal and informal divorce). We want to reveal the divorce mechanisms and its modalities ("interim separation, temporary divorce and permanent divorce"), its consequences and implications (the feminine kidnap typically carried out in a relative or friend's home; reclusion in a charity or penitentiary institution in case of marriage delicts); properties partitioning, the dowry devolution, nutritional allowance, children custody, etc. We have used the bibliography contained in juridical and clerical archives (Arxiu Diocesà de Barcelona, Arxiu Diocesà de Girona y Arxiu de la Corona d'Aragò) as well as documents of the Hospicio de Barcelona and Hospital de la Santa Cruz, relating the historical, social and economical context of that time in order to better explain the liberality process that was being developed around divorce and marriage promises, and therefore the attitude changes relating marriage and gender relationships.
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Journarlisme : les journalistes face aux attentes des réalités mixtesApffel Font, Oceania 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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O problema da agência moral e política na filosofia de David HumeRodrigues, Cláudio Eduardo 29 November 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-11-29 / This thesis analyzes and discusses the ideas of passion, reason, consenting, promise, and political obedience aiming to verify how they can found on a defense of morals and politics in David Hume s philosophy. From the rational view, Hobbes and Locke postulate that the institution and legitimating of political associations or of the State stem from people s liberty and interest in giving in to the other s power; from the making of agreements or deals related to the association or submission; and from the explicit promise of adhesion and obedience to the established government. From the human behavior observation and historical perspectives, Hume states that government s origin and legitimating don t rely on contracts and explicit promises of submission since political societies established through usurpation and conquering demand the same obedience and submission from people as other states do. Such a debate with contractualists reveals three problems in Hume s political philosophy: the passive and tacit character of political obedience to the usurped and conquered governs; the compatibility between the idea of spontaneity liberty or free action and the submission imposed by governments established through strength and violence; and the existence and operation of political and moral agents able to determine themselves in circumstances of social and political restraint. As a hypothesis of solution for such problems, one considers that morals and politics in Hume s philosophy can be established by taking human nature principles as the creative principle of all institutions and sciences. Therefore, one needs to verify the role reason and passions play in the determination of human behavior and constitution of the State; to distinguish the debate on the government origin from the debate on its legitimacy, so that to analyze the psychological principles which make people to accept being governed; to examine the general promise foundations, so that to note the motivations for the agreements fulfillment; and to investigate the obedience and legitimating principles in political societies. / Esta tese analisa e discute as idéias de paixão, razão, consentimento, promessa e obediência política, para verificar como podem fundamentar a defesa de uma teoria da agência moral e política na filosofia de David Hume. Do ponto de vista racional, Hobbes e Locke postulam que a instituição e legitimação de associações políticas ou do Estado derivam: da liberdade e do interesse dos indivíduos em se submeterem ao poder alheio; do estabelecimento de acordos ou contratos relativos à associação e submissão; e da promessa expressa de adesão e obediência ao governo estabelecido. Na perspectiva da observação do comportamento humano e da história, Hume concebe que a origem e legitimidade do governo não dependem de contratos e promessas expressas de submissão, pois as sociedades políticas fundadas mediante usurpação e conquista exigem das pessoas a mesma obediência e submissão que os outros Estados. Esse debate com os contratualistas deixa entrever três problemas na filosofia política de Hume: o caráter passivo ou tácito da obediência política aos governos usurpados e conquistados; a compatibilidade entre a idéia de liberdade de espontaneidade ou ação livre e a submissão imposta pelos governos estabelecidos pela força e violência; e a existência e atuação de agentes morais e políticos capazes de se determinarem nas circunstâncias de constrangimento social e político. Como hipótese de solução desses problemas, considera-se que a agência moral e política na filosofia de Hume pode se estabelecer com base na análise dos princípios da natureza humana como princípio criativo de todas as instituições e ciências. Assim, é preciso: verificar o papel da razão e das paixões na determinação do comportamento humano e na constituição do Estado; distinguir o debate acerca da origem do governo da discussão sobre sua legitimidade, analisando-se os princípios mentais que permitem as pessoas consentirem ser governadas; examinar os fundamentos da promessa em geral, observando-se as motivações para o cumprimento de acordos; e investigar os princípios da obediência política e legitimação das sociedades políticas.
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Does Everyone Go to College? A Critical Policy Analysis of State Proposed and EnactedTuition-Free LegislationIson, Matthew P. 24 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Nietzsche a aristokratické hodnocení / Nietzsche and aristocratic rankingHolý, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
"Nietzsche and aristocratic ranking" tries to address and interpret relatively incoherent topic of the higher man and, specifically, aristocratic ranking. Basic concepts of Nietzsche's thoughts are shown through the thesis, specifically from Genealogy of Morality, The Dawn or The Gay Science. Some of those concepts are listed as follows: morality of custom, gradation, individual, autonomous individual, noble or blond beast and these concepts are then intertwined with aristocratic ranking. By that not only those basic concepts are clarified, but especially aristocratic ranking as such. Thesis aims to interconnect each of these motives and take interpretation to some important motives of Will to Power, which then helps the reader to understand broader context. Aristocratic ranking is shown as integral part of Nietzsche's thoughs and is then implied as inherent part of all basic motives that Nietzsche's work imply.
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Supporting instructors to promote at-promise students’ success: How faculty coordinators facilitate TSLC’s ecological validationToccoli, Jonathan 01 January 2021 (has links)
Despite decades of research and billions of dollars spent per annum to promote at-promise student—that is, low-income, first-generation, and/or racially/ethnically minoritized students—college success, at-promise students continue to be retained and graduate at lower rates than their traditionally college-going peers. The purpose of this study is to investigate how faculty coordinators in the Thompson Scholars Learning Community (TSLC) facilitate and integrate instructors into the program’s ecological validation which has been found to promote at-promise student success. This study is framed by the ecological validation model of student success in conjunction with a systems theory perspective of faculty roles to investigate how TSLC’s faculty coordinators support instructors to engage in high-quality interactions with at-promise students. This qualitative multiple-case study utilizes 56 semi-structured interviews with faculty coordinators, TSLC program directors, and TSLC instructors, as well as observations and documents, from three University of Nebraska campuses to triangulate its findings.
Results indicate the importance of the mesolevel role faculty coordinators play in both students and instructors’ ecologies. Three primary ideas emerged. First, faculty coordinators helped bridge instructors to campus and program resources which promoted attentiveness to student needs, the adoption of validating teaching practices, and grew instructor affinity with the program. Moreover, faculty coordinators helped departments understand the program and its students which empowered them to assign good instructors. Second, faculty coordinators helped align instructors’ personal, practitioner, and professional goals with their teaching in the program by working with instructors and departmental leadership to contextualize instructors’ work within TSLC as promoting student success, professionally developing, and beneficially for the department. Third, faculty coordinators influenced instructor pedagogy by encouraging validating teaching practices, demonstrating validating approaches, and serving as single points of contact for instructors. As single points of contacts for instructors, faculty coordinators were able to promote attentiveness to student issues by distributing the responsibility for supporting students across the students’ mesolevel—that is, throughout the program, their other instructors, and campus resources. Results also indicate potential avenues for how institutions can structure supports for instructors to scale TSLC’s ecological validation, including the creation of single points of contacts for instructors, the creation of validating incubators, and the importance of linking trainings with mesolevel supports.
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Det psykologiska kontraktet bland revisorsassistenter / The psychological contract among audit assistantsRefetova, Melisa, Hasanzadeh, Mohammad Davood January 2023 (has links)
Dagens revisionskår lider av ett stort problem som hotar dess framtid. Sedan 1990 har antalet revisorer minskat från 4400 auktoriserade till 3300. En bakomliggande orsak till minskningen är revisorsassistenters avhopp. Revisorsassistenter förväntas bli framtida revisorer men avhoppen har lett till att revisionsbranschens framtid har hamnat i fara. Tidigare studier har undersökt varför revisorsassistenter har lämnat branschen, dock finns det bristande kunskap om revisorsassistenters förhållande till revisionsbyråer. Därför är det av yttersta vikt att undersöka avhoppen ur det psykologiska kontraktets perspektiv i syfte att ta reda på huruvida uppsägningsavsikten influeras av det psykologiska kontraktet eller inte. Det psykologiska kontraktet är en teori som tar hänsyn till den mellanmänskliga relationen mellan den anställde och organisationen och baseras på den anställdes uppfattningar om ömsesidiga och implicita överenskommelser mellan denne samt organisationen. Kontraktet bygger på en subjektiv tro som den anställde har och är även en viktig aspekt att ta hänsyn till vid undersökandet av uppsägningsavsikten i relation till det psykologiska kontraktet. Syftet med studien är att ge en ökad förståelse för hur det psykologiska kontraktet influerar revisorsassisteters uppsägningsavsikt. För att genomföra studien användes en kvalitativ metod där sex semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med revisorsassistenter från sex olika revisionsbyråer. Studien visar att det psykologiska kontraktet har en inverkan på revisorsassistenters uppsägningsavsikt. När en anställd upplever att kontraktet är ömsesidigt och uppfyllt uppstår ingen känsla av att man vill lämna organisationen. Om den anställde däremot känner att kontraktet inte är ömsesidigt, kan denne vilja lämna organisationen eftersom den får en känsla av att den gör sin del i kontraktet medan organisationen förbiser sin del. Vidare framkom det även att löften som skall uppfyllas består främst av utvecklingsmöjligheter, trivsam arbetsmiljö och stöd som revisionsbyråer är förpliktade att hålla. Revisionsbyråer som inte respekterar det psykologiska kontraktet anses ha brutit mot kontraktets villkor och kan därmed leda till att de förlorar sina revisorsassistenter. / Today’s audit profession is facing a major issue that threatens the future of auditing. Since 1990, the number of auditors has decreased from 4,400 authorized to 3,300. One of the reasons behind the reduction is the audit assistants' intention to resign. These accounting assistants are expected to become the future accountants, but the turnover has led to a threatening future. Previous research has investigated the reasons behind why audit assistants are leaving the profession. However, there is not enough understanding of the relationship between accounting assistants and audit firms. Therefore, it is crucial to research how the psychological contract affects the turnover intention of the audit assistants.The psychological contract is a theory that takes into consideration the interpersonal relationship between the employee and the organization, and the theory is based on the employee´s perceptions of mutual and implicit agreements between him/her and the organization. The contract is based on a subjective belief held by the employee, and it is also an important aspect to take into consideration when examining the turnover intention in relation to the psychological contract. The purpose of this study is to provide a deeper understanding of how the psychological contract affects audit assistants’ intention to resign. In order to go through with the study, a qualitative method with six interviewees, from six different audit firms was used. The study shows that the psychological contract has an impact on accounting assistants' intention to resign. When an employee feels that the contract is mutual and fulfilled, there is no feeling of wanting to leave the organization. If, on the other hand, the employee feels that the contract is not reciprocal, he may want to leave the organization because he feels that he is doing his part of the contract while the organization is neglecting their part. In addition, it was found that the commitments to be followed consist primarily of development, a pleasant work environment, opportunities and support, and the audit firm is obliged to abide by these commitments. Accounting firms that fail to fulfil the psychological contract are deemed to be in default and therefore tend to lose their audit assistants
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Versprechen als kulturelle Konfigurationen in politischen Kontexten: Interdisziplinäre Zugänge und PerspektivenEisler, Cornelia, Schuchardt, Katharina 20 July 2023 (has links)
Versprechen prägen historische und gegenwärtige kulturelle Praktiken, Diskurse und Deutungen. Sie durchdringen unseren Alltag und können besonders in politischen Kontexten eine zentrale Rolle spielen. Der Band setzt sich mit Versprechen aus kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive auseinander und fragt danach, ob und wie Versprechen als kulturelles Konzept bzw. wissenschaftliche Kategorie gefasst werden können. Wo also werden Versprechen sicht- und fassbar? Welche Bedeutungen, Funktionen und Folgen sind mit ihnen verbunden? Und wie können sie konzeptualisiert und durch kulturwissenschaftliche Analysen zugänglich gemacht werden? Die in diesem interdisziplinären Band versammelten Beiträge beantworten diese Fragen aus ihrer jeweils eigenen Perspektive und bieten damit Ansatzpunkte für die Analyse eines als zentral erachteten Konzepts alltäglicher Lebenswelten. / Promises shape historical and contemporary socio-cultural practices, discourse, and interpretation. They permeate everyday life, and can play a vital role especially in political contexts. This volume deals with promises from the perspective of cultural studies and asks whether and how they can be conceived as a cultural concept or scientific category. Where do promises become visible and tangible? What meanings, functions, and consequences are associated with them? And how can they be conceptualized and made accessible through cultural studies analysis? The contributions collected in this interdisciplinary volume answer these questions, each from its own perspective, and consequently offer starting points for the analysis of what is considered a central aspect of everyday life worlds.
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« L’ingénierie de la biologie » : une analyse des représentations du vivant portées par l’imaginaire sociotechnique de la biologie de synthèseTanguay, Éloïse M. 10 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire traite des représentations du vivant portées par l’imaginaire sociotechnique de la biologie de synthèse. Domaine technoscientifique en pleine expansion, elle a comme objectif de fabriquer des entités biologiques détenant une application commerciale. En plus de ses visées économiques, les promoteurs de la biologie de synthèse annoncent qu’elle constitue une solution aux enjeux engendrés par la crise écologique. Ce type de promesse étant moins étudié par la sociologie des sciences et des technologies, ce présent mémoire fera lumière sur cet enjeu. Je montrerai que la biologie de synthèse s’inscrit dans le modèle bioéconomique qui implique une mise en ressource à large échelle globale des processus biologiques. L’imaginaire de la biologie de synthèse reconduit ainsi une double promesse : poursuivre le modèle de développement industriel tout en évacuant les limites écologiques qui s’y posent. Avec une analyse des discours médiatiques et publicitaires relatifs aux promesses écologiques de la biologie de synthèse, je démontrerai que son imaginaire s’appuie sur une représentation machinique et informationnelle du vivant. Par le fait même, cette analyse montrera que la volonté de mettre les processus biologiques en ressource se décline elle-même en deux tendances. D’une part, le vivant est posé dans les termes d’une matière première inerte et malléable. D’autre part, il est représenté comme une entité active qui peut être mise au travail. L’imaginaire de la biologie de synthèse relève donc d’une radicalisation de la volonté d’englober les processus biologiques dans la production industrielle. Les promesses écologiques de ce domaine apparaissent subordonnées à cette visée. / This thesis focuses on the representations of the living carried by the sociotechnical imaginary of synthetic biology. Synthetic biology is a fast-growing technoscientific field whose main objective is to manufacture biological entities with commercial applications. In addition to its economic aims, promoters of synthetic biology claim that it represents a solution to the challenges posed by the ecological crisis facing contemporary societies. As this type of promise is less studied by the sociology of science and technology, this thesis will shed light on this issue. I will show that synthetic biology is part of the bioeconomy, which proposes the large-scale transformation of biological processes into valuable resources. The imaginary of synthetic biology thus makes a double promise : to continue the industrial development model while bypassing its ecological limits. Through an analysis of media and advertising discourse relating to the ecological promises of synthetic biology, I will demonstrate that its imaginary underpins a machine-like, informational representation of living matter. Furthermore, this analysis will show that the desire to turn biological processes into resources underlies two trends. On the one hand, living matter is posited in terms of an inert, malleable raw material. On the other, it is represented as an active entity that can be put to work. The sociotechnical imaginary of synthetic biology thus reflects a radicalization of the desire to incorporate biological processes into industrial production. The ecological promises of this field appear subordinate to this aim.
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