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Poder local e palavra impressa: a dinâmica política em torno dos Conselhos Provinciais e da imprensa periódica em São Paulo, 1824-1834 / Local power and printed word: the political dynamics around the provincial councils and the periodical press in São Paulo, 1824-1834Carlos Eduardo França de Oliveira 01 June 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a criação de espaços de poder provincial em São Paulo mediante o estudo da atuação política do Conselho da Presidência (1824-1834) e do Conselho Geral (1828-34), os quais juntamente com a presidência da província constituíram a base do poder provincial durante o Primeiro Reinado e os anos iniciais do período regencial, até a extinção de ambos os Conselhos, em 1834. A dissertação procura, concomitantemente, entrelaçar tal discussão com o debate político desenvolvido pela imprensa paulista do período, notadamente pelos periódicos O Farol Paulistano (1827-1831) e O Observador Constitucional (1829-1832), que por sua vez representam os dois primeiros jornais impressos na província de São Paulo. Ao levar em consideração o papel fundamental que a imprensa desse período desempenhou como veículo de produção, discussão e disseminação de ideais e projetos políticos vinculados a grupos de interesses distintos, a análise dos periódicos selecionados possibilita aprofundar o entendimento não apenas da imprensa paulista e dos elementos envolvidos na sua implementação e manutenção, mas também da inserção da província de São Paulo no interior de um processo histórico mais amplo que foi o da construção das bases políticas do Império. Nesse sentido, o trabalho pretende problematizar o posicionamento político dos periódicos em questão, partindo da hipótese de que não constituíam conjunto homogêneo, aspecto esse que ajuda a compreender as nuanças políticas da Província de São Paulo no Primeiro Reinado e no período inicial da Regência. / The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the creation of provincial political areas in São Paulo through the study of the political performance of the Provincial Councils (Conselho da Presidência and Conselho Geral), which along with the provinces presidency formed the local power structure between the First Reign (1822-1831) and the beginning of the Regency Period (1831-1834). The dissertation purposes at the same time to link such analysis to the political discuss developed by the paulista press, mainly by O Farol Paulistano (1827-1831) and O Observador Constitucional (1829-1832), the first two printed newspapers in São Paulo. Taking into consideration the basic role that the press of that time represented as a vehicle of discussion and dissemination of distinct political projects, the analysis about the chosen periodicals enables a better understanding of the São Paulos press, the people involved in its implementation and maintenance, as well as the insertion of São Paulo in the political emperial bases construction in 19th century. In this regard, the research intends to bring out the essential elements of the political conceptions of the two newspapers, starting from the hypothesis that they didnt compose a homogeneous group, aspect that helps to understand the political nuances in São Paulo in the First Reign and in the initial period of the Regency.
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L'administration provinciale à l'Ancien Empire / Provincial administration in the Old KingdomMartinet, Émilie 09 December 2013 (has links)
L’augmentation des publications concernant les sites provinciaux datés de l’Ancien Empire, qu’il s’agisse d'ouvrages consacrés à des découvertes récentes ou d’éditions plus approfondies de nécropoles connues depuis longtemps, a accru la documentation relative aux élites provinciales et au système administratif provincial de cette époque. Il était donc nécessaire de proposer une nouvelle reconstitution des structures administratives provinciales et de la hiérarchisation des élites provinciales de l’Ancien Empire. Si l'outil prosopographique reste crucial pour ces thématiques, nos objectifs n'ont pu être atteints qu'en effectuant une analyse croisée de la totalité des sources relatives au sujet, qu'il s'agisse de sources inscrites, iconographiques ou archéologiques, royales ou privées, ainsi qu'en adoptant une approche globale qui dépasse largement le cadre d'une étude prosopographique. Dans le chapitre 1, nous avons analysé chacune des catégories de fonctionnaires ayant eu une autorité supra-provinciale, afin de déterminer leurs différentes compétences et leur sphère d'influence. Nous avons aussi mis en évidence les temps forts de la présence de l’administration royale en province, ainsi que les modalités de son intervention selon les dynasties. Dans le chapitre 2, nous avons étudié l'évolution du statut des responsables des provinces au cours de l'Ancien Empire (les administrateurs temporaires de nome, les proto-nomarques et les nomarques). Dans le chapitre 3, pour analyser les rouages de l’administration provinciale, nous avons choisi de nous concentrer sur les titres des fonctionnaires intermédiaires et subalternes qui se rencontrent les plus fréquemment en province et dont certaines sources, comme les décrets et les empreintes de sceaux, ainsi que la documentation hiératique, attestent leur emploi dans un contexte administratif et contribuent à préciser les modalités d'exercice de ces charges. Dans le chapitre 4, nous avons proposé une typologie des différentes structures administratives provinciales. Nous avons élaboré une liste de 22 critères qui nous ont permis de regrouper les provinces en plusieurs catégories en fonction de caractéristiques dominantes et communes à celles-ci. Trois principales catégories ont été mises en évidence : 1) les provinces qui présentaient d’importantes interactions avec le pouvoir central, 2) les provinces dans lesquelles le temple local occupait une place prépondérante, alors que les institutions centrales y étaient moins présentes, et 3) les provinces caractérisées par une organisation plus mixte, et dont les élites locales présentaient un degré d’intégration moins important à la structure administrative du royaume. Enfin, nous avons démontré, pour la VIe dynastie, l'existence d'une circulation du pouvoir entre certaines provinces sélectionnées par la monarchie et qui ont eu un rôle important dans l'administration de la Haute-Égypte, comme le suggère la présence de certains bureaux déconcentrés. Les élites de ces centres régionaux d'importance ont une influence sur plusieurs provinces et ont permis à la monarchie de pouvoir maintenir la stabilité de l'État et le contrôle d'une partie des ressources locales. / This study aims at improving our understanding of the provincial administrative structures in the Old Kingdom. The analysis of the titles provides some information about the careers of the provincial officials and the hierarchical relationships in the provinces. The cross analysis of all the data allows to reconstitute the organisation of the provincial administration and its changes during the Old Kingdom. Moreover, despite attempts to standardise the administrative system by the royal power under the Sixth dynasty, the provincial administrative structures were diverse, according to the status of the province in the administration, as well as local factors
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Gendering Canada's Whole-of-Government Approach? Militarized Masculinity and the Possibilities of Collaboration in the Kandahar Provincial Reconstruction TeamTuckey, Sarah Christine 02 April 2019 (has links)
When Canada took on the leadership role of the Kandahar Provincial Reconstruction Team (K-PRT) in Afghanistan, the liberation of women and children via multi-departmental collaboration was promoted by the government as a critical goal of the operation. Research from the fields of public administration, international development, and critical security studies hypothesizes that collaborative approaches to governance, particularly in fragile states, ensures that greater resources are available to address human rights issues, including gender equality. It is therefore surprising that the gendered implications of Canada’s collaborative governance commitments within the K-PRT have not been deeply explored. Through a feminist frame analysis, informed by critical and post-structural feminist theory, this dissertation asks whether the Canadian collaborative approach permits more attention to be paid to policy and programming on gender equality. Framing the case of the K-PRT from a feminist perspective, this dissertation identifies the hegemony of masculinity within the policy context that guided the Canadian collaborative approaches in Kandahar, highlighting how international guidelines for collaboration legitimized the leadership of the military and instrumentalized gender for militarized purposes. It also exposes the masculine structure of the K-PRT, identifying how the design of the PRT favoured the might of the military, and presented the exceptionalism of women as the only marker of gender. Finally, this dissertation highlights the narrative of masculinity that is threaded throughout the K-PRT, working to normalize the militarization of civilian departments and actors implicated within the Canadian collaborative approach. The application of a gender lens to the case of the K-PRT reveals the necessity of feminist analysis of collaborative approaches, as these are increasingly being seen as best practices for addressing state fragility worldwide.
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盧永祥研究 / The study of Lu Yung-Hsiang徐敏蕙, Hsu, Min-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
作者希望能在多方蒐集相關資料後,對盧永祥做公正而客觀的歷史定位,而不落入Diana Lary所謂「與研究者融為一體的危險」,或「透過研究對象來看軍閥主義時期的傾向」的困境中。
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Contribution à la réduction de la mortalité intrahospitalière des enfants en Afrique Centrale (Nord Kivu/RDCongo)Bitwe, Mihanda Richard 26 March 2009 (has links)
Dans le monde, presque 10,6 millions d’enfants meurent chaque année avant d’avoir atteint leur cinquième anniversaire. En dépit de l’existence théorique d’interventions curatives efficaces, on constate que la mortalité intrahospitalière peut demeurer très élevée dans les services de pédiatrie de nombreux pays à faible revenu notamment en Afrique. Pour améliorer la prise en charge des enfants dans ces hôpitaux et par conséquent la survie des enfants, il est nécessaire avant tout de faire le constat de la situation et de la reconnaître, d’en analyser les causes, de s’attaquer aux déterminants vulnérables et de se doter d’outils d’évaluation de la qualité de soins dans les hôpitaux. En tant que pédiatre oeuvrant à l’HPG, j’ai constaté que la mortalité intrahospitalière était élevée. Fruit d’une démarche personnelle, ce travail avait pour objectif global la réduction de cette mortalité.
Pour y arriver, les objectifs spécifiques étaient les suivants :
1) Décrire et évaluer la qualité des soins intrahospitaliers chez les enfants à l’HPG.
2) Préciser la mortalité intrahospitalière globale ainsi que les mortalités spécifiques.
3) Etudier l’importance des facteurs associés à la surmortalité des enfants à l’Hôpital Provincial de Goma.
4) Construire un modèle de prédiction de la mortalité globale intrahospitalière ainsi qu’un score pronostique adapté au contexte.
5) Mettre en place un programme de formation et de supervision du personnel médical et paramédical.
6) Etudier l’impact de ce programme sur la mortalité intrahospitalière.
Les analyses ont porté sur les données des études qui se sont déroulés dans le service de pédiatrie de l’hôpital provincial de Goma (HPG), il s’agit des études suivantes: une étude descriptive d’observation d’évaluation de la qualité des soins intrahospitaliers des enfants en décembre 2004 (étude qualitative utilisant la méthode de Nolan), une étude de cohorte prospective intrahospitalière portant sur les indicateurs prédictifs de la mortalité (du 1er avril 2003 au 31 mars 2004) (« avant ») , suivi d’une intervention dont l’impact avait été évalué de nouveau par une étude de cohorte prospective intrahospitalière (du 1er janvier 2005 au 31 décembre 2005) (« après ») (étude d’intervention quasi-expérimentale).
Les résultats du travail étaient les suivants :
A) -Les facteurs qui augmentent le risque de décès étaient la référence tardive et la sévérité de la maladie à l’admission.
-Les facteurs limitant la qualité de la prise en charge et qui contribuaient probablement au mauvais pronostic étaient :
1) A l’admission, le triage n’était pas toujours correctement fait, les soins d’urgences étaient retardés l’après-midi et la nuit et 12% des admissions étaient différés. Il n’y avait pas de grille d’évaluation initiale, ni des guides pratiques de l’OMS, ni les guides standardisés de prise en charge, ni de kit d’urgence.
2) En hospitalisation, il y avait une insuffisance en nombre du staff (surtout l’après-midi et la nuit), le monitoring de base et les soins infirmiers étaient insuffisants surtout la nuit, les cliniciens notaient les signes cliniques, mais ne les documentaient pas toujours, le délai pour avoir le diagnostic était trop long et l’indisponibilité des médicaments prescrits.
-Le staff du service avait des connaissances théoriques et pratiques insuffisantes et une motivation insuffisante
B) -Durant la première étude de cohorte, une mortalité globale de 15,9% et des mortalités spécifiques anormalement élevées ont été observés. Les enfants les plus à risque de décès avaient, à l’admission, les caractéristiques suivantes : un âge < 1 an, un périmètre brachial < 115 mm ou un retard de croissance pondérale (-3< Z-PPA ≤ -2 et Z-PPA ≤ -3), une altération de la conscience, une raideur de la nuque, un tirage intercostal et une infection.
C) -Ces premières données avaient permis de construire le modèle Goma1 basé essentiellement sur les indicateurs suivants : l’âge, le périmètre brachial, l’état de conscience et le type d’infection. Grâce au score pronostique, il était destiné à la sélection à l’admission des enfants à risque élevé de décès pour une admission en soins intensifs et à la standardisation de la mortalité en vue de l’évaluation de la qualité de prise en charge.
D) -Une intervention a été menée, en décembre 2004 portant essentiellement sur la formation et la supervision du personnel de santé oeuvrant à l’HPG. Grâce à une évaluation avant-après, on a pu déterminer l’impact probable de cette intervention : la mortalité globale a diminué de 15,9% (avant l’intervention) à 4,6% (après l’intervention) et restait toujours plus basse après l’intervention et après ajustement à l’aide du modèle.
La mortalité pédiatrique intrahospitalière est généralement beaucoup trop élevée et c’était le cas à l’HPG.
Notre démarche après ce constat et l’évaluation de la qualité des soins donnés aux enfants sur base d’un questionnaire qualitatif a été d’intervenir sur un des points mis en exergue par cette évaluation (formation et supervision du personnel insuffisante) et d’évaluer l’impact de ce programme sur la mortalité globale.
Les résultats ont suggéré un impact positif de ce programme (mortalité globale de 15,9% avant l’intervention et de 4,6% après l’intervention).
Si de nombreuses critiques liées à la méthodologie (évaluation uniquement qualitative, étude quasi-expérimentale avant-après, intervention limitée, etc) doivent être épinglées et limitent la portée de ce travail, la démarche entreprise a cependant permis de mobiliser le personnel de santé oeuvrant dans des conditions difficiles, autour d’un projet commun et améliorer ainsi la prise en charge des enfants hospitalisés à l’HPG.
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An investigation of students' perceptions and expectations of service delivery and service quality at an institution for higher education and training within a provincial government department in the Western CapeWentzel, Kim-Lee. January 2011 (has links)
The primary aim of this thesis was to undertake research in a Higher Education and Training Institution in a Provincial Government Department in the Western Cape to determine which variables affect the services that are being delivered and the quality of the services and how these services could be improved. The population selected for the purpose of the research was a large number of students at a Higher Education and Training Institution in a Provincial Government Department in the Western Cape. A research sample represented by a subset of participants from this organisation was selected. A biographical questionnaire and the SERVQUAL questionnaire were administered to a sample of 130 students enrolled at a Higher Education Institution in the Western Cape. The results indicate that there are significant relationships between selected biographical variables and perceptions of service quality. Moreover, there were also statistically significant differences in perceptions on the variables Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Tangibles and Empathy. Tentative conclusions can be drawn from the results and recommendations regarding future research are highlighted.
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Hedonic prices, economic growth, and spatial dependence / Hedoniska priser, ekonomisk tillväxt och rumsligt beroendeSandberg, Krister January 2004 (has links)
This thesis consists of three papers on econometric modeling of spatial dependence. The awareness of interactions between actors is fundamental for understanding property markets as well as the growth of regions. In both cases, neighbors and neighboring markets may stimulate or hamper growth of values. From a modeling point of view, these interdependencies calls for spatial econometric models. In the thesis we introduce such methods in the analysis of regional property markets as well as in a comparative regional growth analysis. In the first paper, we estimate hedonic prices in the market for co-operative flats in the city of Umeå, Sweden, during 1998 and 1999. Structural, neighborhood, and accessibility characteristics are used as attributes in the hedonic price function. Important attributes were the rent, floor space, age, and population density. Two attractive nodes, although with different characteristics, were found. Thus there are signs supporting the view that Umeå has developed into a multi-nodal structure for property values. SAR-GM estimation was used due to signs of spatial error dependence. In the second paper, hedonic prices for single-family homes in two Swedish counties are estimated for two years. Parameter estimates are compared and changes in space and time analyzed. Spatial lag dependence is found to influence the results. Hence, four independent variables are lagged with a spatial weights matrix. Additional spatial error dependence is treated by SAR-GM estimation. Structural, neighborhood, and accessibility characteristics are used as attributes. The regional price pattern and its changes over time, is illustrated and identified with GIS maps. Proximity to the two county capitals, as well as the other municipality centers, influence property prices positively. This is also noticable over time, where values have risen for homes located near major population centers and those which have water provided by the municipality. Values are in addition largely a function of the quality of each home. The third paper examines the provincial pattern of growth in China during the period 1985-2000, testing the hypothesis that provinces with similar growth rates are more spatially clustered than would be expected by chance. The provincial economic growth is explained by the distribution of industrial enterprises, foreign direct investment, infrastructure, and governmental preferential policies. The neoclassical hypothesis of convergence is also tested. Indications of unconditional convergence does occur during the periods 1985-2000 and 1985-1990. In addition, conditional convergence is found during the sub-period 1990-1995. Evidence of spatial dependence between adjacent provinces has also been established, and in the econometric part, solved by a spatial lag, or alternatively a spatial error term, in the growth equation.
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Mångfald på museerna : Arbetet med mångfald vid kommunala museer, länsmuseer och statliga museer ur ett kulturpolitiskt perspektiv / Plurality at the Museums : Efforts of Plurality at Civic Museums, Provincial Museums and State Museums from a Culture Political PerspectiveSoldal, Kristoffer January 2012 (has links)
How do museums work with plurality in their organizations and in the production of exhibitions and other activities? This paper examines how civic museums, provincial museums and state museums work with plurality from a perspective of culture policies, particularly in relation to the government bill Tid för kultur, issued by the Swedish government in 2009. All together I examine 25 museums and their efforts to include marginalized groups in their activities and exhibitions. To do so I have studied four possible measures that are available for the museums. This includes the following: projects that pay attention to a marginalized group or their living conditions; projects that are specifically created for a marginalized group; projects that include a marginalized group in the museums preparations; and projects were museums give full responsibility to a marginalized group. I have also examined how plurality have been presented – as isolated cultures and cultural expressions or as hybrids and interchangeable phenomenons – and to what extent the museums are ready to involve marginalized groups in their physical environment and in their exhibition and activity programs. Based on three different levels of conduct I evaluate how far the museums have reached and what differences there are between civic museums, provincial museums and state museums. My research shows that Swedish museums in general are on their way to work successfully with plurality and establish a plurality perspective in the whole organization. The research also shows that there are differences between civic museums, provincial museums and state museums. In general, state museums are better to include marginalized groups in their productions and to firmly establish a perspective of plurality in their organization. On the contrary, the research shows that many museums lack certain features in their efforts to work towards a marginalized group. One of those features is the ability to make these efforts part of the museums permanent activities. Civic museums and provincial museums also have a greater freedom of strengthen their regional identity than compared to the state museums ability to strengthen the national identity. A circumstance that can have consequences for culture policies in Sweden and the future of plurality efforts at the museums.
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Temples of divine rulers and urban transformation in Roman-Asia : the cases of Aphrodisias, Ephesos and PergamonÖztürk, Onur 30 October 2013 (has links)
This study provides an in depth analysis of three temples dedicated to emperors in Roman Asia (western Asia Minor): the Temple of Divine Rulers at Aphrodisias, the Temple of Divine Rulers at Ephesus and the Temple of Zeus Philios and Trajan at Pergamon. Focusing on each case study in a separate chapter, the project provides a brief introduction to each city's history and a detailed discussion of each temple's name, dating, patronage structure, architectural form, sculptural program, and the application techniques of sculptural and architectural details. The study proposes an understanding of these temples as key monuments of constantly changing dynamic urban landscapes rather than simple symbolic gestures towards the Roman emperors. Utilizing Kevin Lynch's terminology, the project suggests close links between each monument and the already existing urban elements of each individual city, further strengthening its overall urban image. These structures were essential to their urban contexts, and their meanings and functions were directly linked to the culture and history of each city. Finally, the project demonstrates that through their architectural designs and sculptural programs, each temple emphasized the perspectives of the local elite. The methodology of the project involves a careful study of the city plans, an analysis of context-specific local features and finally a consideration of multiple-viewer perceptions. This dissertation aims to provide an alternative model for later studies in Roman provincial art and architecture. / text
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Approaching the millennium: challenges and prospects for British Columbia archivesHives, Chris 10 March 2009 (has links)
Keynote address delivered at the Archives Association of British Columbia in May 1998.
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