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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Fortsett sånn!” Samhandling ved utskrivning fra alderspsykiatrisk spesialisthelsetjeneste : Undersøkelse av dagens praksis / “Continue like that!” Collaboration when old age psychiatry patients leave hospital : Examination of practice

Nåvik, Marit January 2011 (has links)
Hensikt: Hensikten med oppgaven har vært å undersøke om sykepleierapport, epikrise og dagens samhandlingspraksis ved utskrivning fra alderspsykiatrisk spesialisthelsetjeneste oppleves som nyttig av leger og sykepleiere i kommunene. Metode: Tverrsnittsundersøkelse. Et spørreskjema ble utviklet og sendt til 497 leger og sykepleiere. Data ble analysert med både kvalitative og kvantitative metoder Resultat Informantene vurderer innhold i epikrise og sykepleierapport som nyttig for videre arbeid med pasienten. Dokumentene beskrives som grundige, nyttige og informative. Dagens samhandlingspraksis vurderes som nyttig. Ambulante pasientrettede tiltak, deltagelse i møter, pasientrettet undervisning og veiledning vurderes som positive tiltak kommunene ønsker mer av. Medarbeidere i kommunene har i varierende grad erfaring med og kjenn-skap til det tilbudet Seksjon for alderspsykiatri gir. Konklusjon Undersøkelsen viser at samarbeidspartnere i kommunene i Telemark er tilfreds med epikrise, sykepleierapport og dagens samhandlingspraksis. De ønsker enda bedre tilgjengelighet / Aim: This study aimed to examine the opinions of physicians and nurses in the municipalities in Telemark, Norway regarding information given in written reports from the old age psychiatri unit and to examine the usefulness of collaboration when patients leave the hospital. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional survey. A questionnaire was developed and sent to 497 health professionals. The data were analyzed by both qualitative and quantitative methods. Results: Physicians and nurses in the municipalities have different knowledge and experiences regarding the services offered by the old-age psychiatry hospital. They described the reports from the hospital as informative and useful for further treatment of the patient. Collaboration practices were also evaluated as useful. Ambulant examination of patients and participation in meetings, education and guidance were evaluated as positive approaches. Conclusions: Physicians and nurses in the municipalities in Telemark county expressed satisfaction with the information in the reports and the existing collaboration practice when old age psychiatry patients leave the hospital. They want more of the services offered today. / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-24-9</p>

Jämförande analys av lättare psykisk ohälsa hos kvinnor och män före och efter skattereformen 1990/91 / Analysis comparing prior and following the tax reform 1990/91 of mental health problems among women and men

Nordling, Elisabeth January 2008 (has links)
BAKGRUND:  Skattepolitiken kan bidra till att människors villkor förbättras eller försämras. Detta har sällan belysts i folkhälsovetenskapen. Skattereformen 1990/91 finansierades delvis med höjda indirekta skatter. De dynamiska effekter, som utlovades inför skattereformen 1990/91, uteblev. Snart efter reformens införande visade SCB:s undersökning av levnadsförhållanden en ökad oro för familjens ekonomi hos befolkningen. SYFTE: En jämförande analys före och efter skattereformen av lättare psykisk ohälsa med en beskrivning av skattereformens effekter på typfamiljer samt reformens effekter på samhällsnivå. METOD: Litteraturstudie och analys av tillgänglig statistik från SCB. RESULTAT: Under 90-talet ökade den lättare psykiska ohälsan bland såväl yngre som medelålders. Familjer med barn med ett stort basbehov har fått ett synnerligen lågt positivt utfall av skattereformen, medan familjer utan barn, vars basbehov är ringa har fått betydligt större utfall. Åtstramningarna har gett arbetslöshet och nedskärningar framför allt i den offentliga sektorn. SLUTSATSER: Denna genomgång tyder på att det som får samhällsekonomin att fungera med många arbetstillfällen är att alla gruppers basbehov blir tillgodosedda genom skattesystemets utformning och de transferereringar som det möjliggör. I annat fall stagnerar ekonomin med arbetslöshet som följd, vilket bidrar till psykisk ohälsa. Skattepolitiken och dess konsekvenser behöver tydliggöras genom en handlingsplan för hälsa, där skattesatsen på överskottet presenteras, när basbehoven är täckta för olika grupper. Vidare behövs forskning inom området om basbehov för olika grupper i samhället och dess effekter på samhällsnivå. En åtgärd för framtiden är även att införa hälsokonsekvensbedömning inför större skatteförändringar / BACKGROUND:  Tax policy can contribute to the improvement or deteroriation of citizens'  conditions. This has rarely been the object of investigation in public health science. The tax reform of 1990/91 was financed partly by the increasing of indirect tax. Those dynamic effects of the reform, promised before its introduction, did not occur. Soon after the introduction of the reform, an investigation carried out by the Council for Official Statistics´ (SCB) reported that anxiety amongst families had increased in the matter of home economics. AIMS: An analysis comparing prior to and following the tax reform of mental health problems describing the effects on a number of family types and the effects on a civic level. METHOD: Literature study and statistics from SCB. RESULT: During the 1990ties the mental health problems of younger and middle-aged people have increased. Families with children, which have substantial basic requirements have received an extremely low positive result of the tax reform, while families without children, whose basic requirements are less substantial have received a considerably high result. As a result of the tightening, there has been increased unemployment, which has resulted in decreased expenditure particularly in the public sector. CONCLUSIONS: This investigation indicates that a functioning civic economy with low unemployment needs the basic requirements of all groups to be met. This is achieved by continuing shaping of the tax system. Otherwise economic growth decreases, unemployment increases, which in turn leads to mental health problems. Tax policy and its consequences should be included in a public health plan, in which tax percentage on the surplus are presented, when the basic requirements for all socio-groups are covered. Furthermore there is a need for further research of the basic requirements of socio-groups and their effect on a civic level. A further measure would be to include health impact assessment before the introduction of major tax reforms. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-46-7</p>

Ungdomar och stress : en undersökning av förekomsten av stress och psykosomatiska besvär bland gymnasieelever / Youth and stress : a study of stress and psychosomatic symptoms among secondary school students

Olsson, Jeanette January 2006 (has links)
BAKGRUND: Stress och psykosomatiska besvär är ett av de allvarligaste folkhälsoproblemen i Sverige. Psykisk ohälsa omfattar cirka 20% av sjukdomsbördan i Sverige. Även ungdomar uppvisar ökad grad av stress och psykosomatiska besvär. SYFTE: Syftet med studien var att undersöka förekomsten av självupplevd stress och psykosomatiska besvär hos gymnasieelever på en svensk gymnasieskola. MATERIAL OCH METOD: En enkät delades ut på skolan. 970 elever besvarade enkäten (75%). Enkäten innehöll 16 frågor rörande självupplevd stress och psykosomatiska besvär. Bakgrundsvariabler var kön, årskurs och program. RESULTAT: Majoriteten av eleverna känner sig ofta glada, att de klarar det de vill och har en positiv framtidstro, men en hög andel av eleverna upplever ofta stress, framför allt skolstress. Psykosomatiska besvär i form av sömnsvårigheter, oro, irritation, och nedstämdhet är vanliga. Det finns en tydlig könsskillnad i resultaten. Flickorna har en högre grad av stress och psykosomatiska besvär och en lägre grad av glädje, bemästring och framtidstro. De flesta eleverna hade en vuxen att prata med och i nio fall av tio var det en förälder. De som inte hade någon sådan vuxen uppvisade dubbelt så hög andel psykosomatiska besvär. SLUTSATSER OCH REKOMMENDATIONER: Studien visade att det finns ett samband mellan stress och psykosomatiska besvär. Det är viktigt att skolan, både lokalt och nationellt, vidtar åtgärder för att minska skolstressen. Samhället bör öka sitt stöd till familjer, så att fler ungdomar kan ha en öppen och förtroendefull relation till sina föräldrar. Det krävs vidare forskning om flickornas höga andel av stress och psykosomatiska besvär, så att trenden med ökade ohälsotal för kvinnor kan brytas. / BACKGROUND: Stress and psychosomatic symptoms is one of the major public health problems in Sweden. Psychological disease accounts for 20% of the burden of disease in Sweden. Also young people show an increasing degree of stress and psychosomatic symptoms. OBJECTIVES: The objective of the study was to investigate the prevalence of self-rated stress and psychosomatic symptoms among secondary school students. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A questionnaire was distributed. 970 students filled it out (75%). The questionnaire had 16 questions on self-rated stress and psychosomatic symptoms. The background variables were sex, grade and program. RESULTS: The majority of the students often felt happy, a sense of mastering and had a positive view of their future, but a high proportion of the students felt stress, the level of school related stress was very high. Psychosomatic symptoms such as problems with sleep, feeling anxious, irritable and low was common. There was a clear gender difference. The girls had a higher degree of stress and psychosomatic symptoms and lower degree of happiness, sense of mastering and positive view of their future. A majority of the students had an adult to talk to, which in 90% of the cases was a parent. Those students who didn’t have such an adult had twice as high degree of psychosomatic symptoms. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The study showed an association between stress and psychosomatic symptoms. It is important that the school, both on local and national level, take measures to decrease the level of school related stress. The society should increase its support to families, so more young people can have an open and trusting relationship to their parents. Further research is needed about the high level of stress and psychosomatic symptoms among girls, so the increasing burden of disease among women can be reversed. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-133-4</p>

Why Non-Pharmacological Prescribing of Antibiotics? : A Phenomenological Investigation into the Rationale behind it from the GP’s perspective / Varför ”icke-farmakologisk förskrivning av antibiotika?” : Fenomenologisk undersökning av allmänläkares attityder och åsikter

Pétursson, Pétur January 2005 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Concern has increased worldwide with regard to the over-prescribing of antibiotics, as well as the fact that more bacteria strains are developing resistance to antibiotics. According to research, a great deal of this use is for what has been called “non-pharmacological” reasons. The reduction of unnecessary antibiotic use and exploration of the reasons for ”irrational prescribing” has become a public health priority. OBJECTIVE: To study the reasons cited by Icelandic general practitioners for their “non-pharmacological” prescribing of antibiotics. DESIGN: A qualitative interview-study with research dialogues guided by the Vancouver School of doing phenomenology. SETTING: General practice. PARTICIPANTS: 16 general practitioners: 11 in the maximum variety sample and 5 in the theoretical sample. RESULTS: The most important reasons for prescribing antibiotics in situations with low pharmacological indications (non-pharmacological prescribing) were an unstable doctor-patient relationship due to lack of continuity of care, patient pressure in a stress-loaded society, the doctor’s personal characteristics, particularly zeal and readiness to serve, and finally, the insecurity and uncertainty of the doctor who falls back upon the prescription as a coping strategy in a difficult situation. CONCLUSION:The causes of non-pharmacological prescribing of antibiotics are highly varied, and relational factors in the interplay between the doctor and the patient are often a key factor. Therefore, it is of great importance for the general practitioner to know the patient and to become better equipped to resist patient pressure, in order to avoid the need to use the prescription as a coping strategy. Continuity of medical care and a stable doctor-patient relationship may be seen as the core concepts in this study and the most important task for the GPs is to promote the patients’ trust. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-091-5</p>

Rygmarvsskadede patienters involvering i beslutninger om egen rehabilitering / Patient involvement in spinal cord rehabilitation

Vest Hansen, Hanne January 2011 (has links)
Formål: Formålet med undersøgelsen har været at få indsigt i og viden om, hvordan nytilskadekomne rygmarvsskadede patienter oplever og opfatter at deltage i tværfaglige patientkonferencer, hvor deres rehabiliteringsforløb tilrettelægges. Metode: Undersøgelsesmetoden er kvalitativ med en fænomenografisk forskningstilnærmelse. Dataindsamlingen er foretaget ved hjælp af kvalitative semistrukturerede interview. Der er gennemført 15 interview blandt otte indlagte patienter, tre kvinder og fem mænd i alderen fra 28 til 75 år Resultat: Analysen viste at patienterne fandt, at det var meningsfuldt at deltage i patientkonferencer om eget rehabiliteringsforløb og for de fleste en nødvendig og selvfølgelig del af rehabiliteringen. Der blev identificeret fire beskrivende hovedkategorier: Patientkonferencer oplevedes støttende i en rehabiliteringsproces; Forskellige følelser var i spil; Pårørendes deltagelse havde betydning; Mødekultur og deltageres betydning Konklusion: Denne undersøgelse viste, at nytilskadekomne rygmarvsskadede og sorgfyldte patienter oplevede, at de var i stand til og gerne ville deltage aktivt i beslutninger i forhold til eget rehabiliteringsforløb. Tværfaglige patientkonferencer blev opfattet som et forum, hvor patienter og pårørende kunne få overblik og kontrol i en situation, hvor patienternes livssituation var kaotisk i relation til komplekse og omfattende fysiske funktionstab. Undersøgelsen har afdækket områder, som har vist sig at have haft betydning for, om patienterne oplevede disse konferencer som meningsfulde og tilfredsstillende / Aim: This study aimed to increase understanding of how patients newly injured with spinal cord lesion experience rehabilitation planning conferences with their clinicians and therapists. Method: I used a qualitative methodology within a phenomenographic research approach. Data was collected during 15 qualitative and semi-structured interviews with eight hospitalized patients (three women and five men) ranging in age between 28 to 75 years. Results: The data suggests that patients view participation in rehabilitation conferences as essential. Indeed, some patients deemed participation a necessary and natural part of their rehabilitation. Four main categories were identified: patient conferences support rehabilitation; emotional vulnerability; family participation matters; and atmosphere and location of conferences are critically important. Conclusion: The results show that patients newly injured by spinal cord lesion can and want to participate in decisions about their own rehabilitation, even when they are grieving and in a state of shock. Interdisciplinary patient conferences that include relatives provide an ideal environment and help patients gain oversight and control in an often chaotic life situation resulting from complex and substantial physical disabilities. The data also revealed areas for improvement that will help ensure meaningful and satisfactory patient conferences / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-14-0</p>

Smitteverntiltak ved Clostridium difficileinfeksjon. : En kvantitativ tverrsnittsstudie blant helsepersonell i et norsk sykehus / Infection control measures for Clostridium difficile : a retrospective cross-sectional survey among healthcare professionals in a Norwegian hospit

Ørnevik, Grethe January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrunn: Clostridium difficile(CD)er antatt å være den utløsende årsak for 20-30 % av tilfeller med antibiotikaassosiert diaré. CD er den vanligste formen for helsetjenesteervervet diaré, og forår-saker økt sykelighet og dødelighet, samt økte kostnader for helsetjenesten. Desiste tiår er det rappor-tert om endringeri epidemiologien, forårsaket av en ny CD stamme, ribotype 027. Den spres lettere, lager mer alvorlig sykdom og tilbakefall. I Norge har denne stammen til nå ikke vært noe problem. Forekomsten kan reduseres ved en tydelig antibiotikapolitikk, og etterlevelse av anbefalte smitte-verntiltakfor å forebygge CD. Hensikt: Finne ut hvilke smitteverntiltak helsepersonell i sykehuset velger ved håndtering av pasien-ter med CD, og hvor de henter kunnskap om slike smitteverntiltak fra. Metode: En retrospektiv tverrsnittsstudie med spørreskjema til helsepersonell ble gjennomførtvåren og høsten 2011 i Sørlandet sykehus HF (SSHF), sør i Norge. Resultat: 168 helsepersonell deltok i undersøkelsen, fordelt på 59 leger og 109 pleiere. Svarprosen-ten var 94. Antibiotikarestriksjoner sier 94 % av medisinerne og 38 % av kirurgene atde har i sine avdelinger(x²=10.756, p&lt;0.001). Stetoskop brukt i isolat med CD pasienter sier 25 % legerat de spritdesinfiserer og tar med, mens 6 % pleiere sier det samme (x²=22.273, p&lt;0.001). 73 % av leger og 64 % pleiere sier at de både desinfiserer og vasker hendene etter kontakt med CD pasient (x²=6.451, p=0.011). Pasientinformasjon om viktigheten av håndhygiene sier 8 % leger og 36 % pleiere at de alltid gir (p&lt;0.001). Desinfeksjonsmiddel til bruk etter en CD pasient, sier 48 % medi-sinske pleiere og 43 % kirurgiske pleiere at de velgerVirkon (feil). Infeksjonskontroll-programmet (IKP) som kunnskapskilde brukes av 14 % leger og 46 % pleiere, (p&lt;0.001). Kunnskap om smitte-verntiltak ved CD sier 63 % legerog 72 % pleiere at de får fra kolleger. Konklusjon: Helsepersonell har generell kunnskap om smitteverntiltak, men mangler spesifikk kunnskap om smitteverntiltak ved CD. For å møte utfordringen med nye mer spredningspotente CD stammer, må etterlevelsen av smitteverntiltak øke. IKPalene, synes ikke å være tilstrekkelig for å holde helsepersonelloppdatert. Den manglende spesifikke kunnskapen om smitteverntiltak ved CD kan utsette pasienter i sykehuset for smitterisiko / Background: Clostridium difficile(CD) causes 20 %–30 % of all nosocomial infectious diarrhea, resulting in significant morbidity and increasing healthcare costs. Good antibiotic stewardship reduc-es the incidence of CD, andcompliance with infection control measures limits its spread. In recent years, ribotype 027, a new strain of CD, caused several disease outbreaks. Ribotype 027 spreads more easily and increases disease severity and relapse. Thus far, ribotype 027 has caused few prob-lems in Norway. Objective: This thesis aimed to determine whether hospital-based healthcare professionals comply with recommended infection control measures for CD prevention and identify how they learn about such measures. Method: A retrospective cross-sectional survey and questionnaire was performed among healthcare professionals at Sørlandet Hospital, Norway,during the spring and fall of 2011. Results: Survey participants included 168 health professionals (59 physicians and 109 nurses). The response rate was 94 %. Medical doctors (94 %) and surgeons (38 %) said that their clinics impose antibiotic restrictions (x ² = 10.756, p&lt; 0.001). After contact with a CD patient, physicians and nurs-es (73 % and 64 %, respectively) said they disinfect and wash their hands (x ²= 6.451, p&lt; 0.011). Notably, only 8% of physicians and 36 % of nurses always give patients information about the im-portance of hand hygiene (p&lt; 0.001). Even 25 % of physicians and 6 % of nurses reported using ethanol (does not eliminated CD spores) to disinfect stethoscopes before leaving a CD isolation room (x ² = 22.273, p&lt; 0.001). Medical and surgical nurses (48 % and 43 %, respectively) incorrectly used Virkon as a disinfectant in the CD patient’s room. Physicians and nurses (63 % and 72 %, respective-ly) mainly obtain knowledge about infection control measures from colleagues, compared to physi-cians and nurses (14 % and 46 % , respectively) who gain such knowledge from the hospital’s infec-tion control program (p&lt; 0.001). Conclusion: Healthcare professionals have some knowledge about infection control measures, but lack knowledge specific to limiting the spread of CD. Increased compliance with infection control measures is crucial to meeting the challenge of new and more potent strainsof CD. Guidelines alone are likely insufficient to keep healthcare professionals up to date. The lack of specific knowledge about infection control measures for CD may expose hospitalized patients to CD infection / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-69-0</p>

Enhance your workplace! : a dialogue tool for workplace health promotion with salutogenic approach

Nilsson, Petra January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to develop and make a quality assessment of a tool, which includes a questionnaire and a dialogue process that could be useful for workplace health promotion from a salutogenic point of view. The studies have been performed within two health care organizations between 2005 and 2009, together with hospital staff. Two questionnaire studies were conducted (n=446 n=505, respectively). A focus group interview study was performed (n=78), and meetings were held in an action research process for applying a questionnaire process at two wards (n=69). The result shows a development process for a multi-dimensional questionnaire, the Work Experience Measurement Scale (WEMS), which can be used to measure work experiences from a salutogenic perspective. WEMS was shown to be a functional workplace health promotion questionnaire with the ability to discriminate between groups. Its psychometric properties support its applicability in health care settings and offer a possibility to measure trends over time regarding employees´ work experiences. A dialogue structure for progress in the questionnaire process is presented. It describes what to precede and how to proceed through a workplace questionnaire process to foster applicability, meaningfulness, and sustainability. Through WEMS, the outcome of work-related Specific Enhancing Resources (SER) may be highlighted and strengthened in workplace activities. When used as a dialogue tool in a continuous questionnaire process, WEMS has the potential of being a useful assessment tool in workplace health promotion. Such a dialogue tool is useful in discussions and tangible for the work of enhancing positive human capabilities and resources (SER) that improve work performance.

Ungdomsmottagningarnas verksamhet i Jönköpings län

Ceder, Sofie January 2009 (has links)
<p>Attityder och beteende i ungdomsåren vad gäller sexualitet kan ha stor betydelse för hur den sexuella hälsan utvecklas. Ungdomsmottagningen är en betydelsefull arena för att förebygga sexuellt överförbara infektioner och oönskade graviditeter samt för att främja ungas sexuella hälsa i helhet. Undersökningen har utförts i samråd med och på uppdrag av Landstinget i Jönköpings län. Syftet med studien var att undersöka ungdomsmottagningarnas verksamhet i Jönköpings län och finna förslag till underlag för att kvalitetssäkra ungdomsmottagningarna i länet. Enkätundersökningen baserades på Socialstyrelsens förslag på indikatorer och Föreningen för Sveriges Ungdomsmottagningars (FSUM) rekommendationer för ungdomsmottagningars verksamhet. Resultatet visade på variationer gällande tillgänglighet och personalresurser. Relevanta arbetsområden berörs men det saknas strukturerade arbetsmetoder och underlag för uppföljning. För att få ytterligare kunskaper och djupare förståelse om enskilda mottagningars behov samt behov i respektive upptagningsområde, skulle en kvalitativ studie med intervjuer av mottagningarnas personal samt ungdomar från olika delar av länet vara önskvärt. Slutsatserna var att basala kvalitetskrav bör gälla för alla mottagningar. Krav avseende personal och öppettider på länets mottagningar bör dock anpassas efter lokala behov och förutsättningar. Mottagningarna är i behov av resurser för att kunna erbjuda länets ungdomar ett likvärdigt stöd för deras sexuella hälsa.</p> / <p>Sexual attitudes and behavior in youth can be of great importance for sexual health development. Youth centers are important settings for preventing sexual transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies and for promoting sexual health among youths in full. This study was performed in consultation with Landstinget Jönköping. The aim of the study was to examine the work of youth centers in Jönköpings County and find suggestions for quality guarantees for these centers. The survey was based on Socialstyrelsens indicators and Swedish Society for Youth Centers (FSUM) recommendations for youth centers work. The result showed a variation considering personnel resources and accessibility. The work areas are relevant but there is a lack of methods for preventive work and basic data for evaluation. To get further knowledge about separate youth centers needs, and needs in respective areas, a qualitative study is to prefer. The conclusions were that basic quality aspects should be applied for all youth centers. Demands concerning opening hours and personnel recourses should however be adjusted for local needs and conditions. The youth centers are in need of resources to offer the youth an equivalent support for their sexual health.</p>

Integrering av folkhälsoaspekter i fysisk planering i Trosa kommun

Jansson, Sandra January 2009 (has links)
<p>Det övergripande nationella folkhälsomålet är att skapa samhälleliga förutsättningar för en god hälsa på lika villkor för hela befolkningen. Den fysiska planeringen kan skapa en bättre bebyggd miljö som påverkar folkhälsan i befolkningen. Kommunerna har ansvar för folkhälsan genom olika politikområden samt genom bland annat fysisk planering. I Trosa kommun finns riktlinjer för folkhälsoarbetet utarbetade för att denna aspekt ska integreras i hela den kommunala verksamheten. Syftet med uppsatsen var att studera nyckelpersoners upplevelser av hur folkhälsoaspekter integreras i den fysiska planeringen i Trosa kommun. En kvalitativ datainsamlingsmetod med enskilda intervjuer har använts. Studiepopulationen bestod av ordförande och vice ordförande i samhällsbyggnadsnämnden, planchef, samhällsbyggnadschef, samhällsplanerare samt kommunekolog. Resultatet visar bland annat att integreringen av folkhälsoaspekter i den fysiska planeringen sker indirekt genom att skapa goda stadsdelar och förutsättningar för att må bra. Nyckelpersonerna identifierade bland annat ekonomiska och juridiska hinder samt organisatoriska möjligheter för att kunna ta hänsyn till folkhälsan. De anser att det tas bra hänsyn till folkhälsan i den fysiska planeringen men att hänsynstagandet kan utvecklas. Studiens resultat kan bland annat användas för att identifiera och utnyttja möjligheter samt för att upptäcka och undvika hinder i arbetet med att integrera folkhälsoaspekter i fysisk planering.</p> / <p>The comprehensive national public health objective is to create community conditions for god health on equal conditions for the entire population. Physical planning is able to create better build on environments that influence the public health in the population. The municipalities are responsible for public health through policy areas and through physical planning among other things. In Trosa municipality there are guidelines for the public health work because this aspect shall be integrated in the municipality activity. The aim of the essay was to study the experience amongst key persons of how public health aspects are integrated in the physical planning in Trosa municipality. A qualitative data collection method with individual interviews has been used. The study population consisted of the chairman and the vice-chairman of the local community building committee, the plan director, the community building director, the community planner and the municipality ecolog. The results show among other things that the integration of public health aspects in the physical planning occurs indirectly by creating good neighbourhoods and conditions for prosperous. The key persons identified among other things economic and legal obstacles and organizational possibilities to be able to take public health in consideration. They think that public health is taken in consideration in a good way in the physical planning, but that the consideration can be developed. The results of the study can among other things be used to identify and make use of possibilities and to discover and avoid obstacles in the work of integrating public health aspects in physical planning.</p>

Trygghet som en faktor för hälsa : - en studie i stadsdelen Råby i Västerås

Sturk, Malin January 2009 (has links)
<p>Trygghet är en subjektiv upplevelse som påverkas av många olika faktorer och påverkar människors hälsa och beteenden. En individs hälsa påverkas av hela den omgivande miljön och otrygghet kan leda till att områden inte utnyttjas, vilket kan föranleda inaktivitet, isolering och stress. Trygghet påverkas negativt av förekomst av brott och positivt av gemenskap, mötesplatser och delaktighet. I Sverige upplever de flesta sitt bostadsområde som tryggt men det är vanligare att boende i flerfamiljshus i större städer upplever otrygghet. I stadsdelen Råby i Västerås finns mycket flerfamiljshus och har ett rykte om att vara otryggt. Syftet med studien var att undersöka upplevelser av trygghet i stadsdelen och hur dessa påverkar möjligheter till en god hälsa. Datainsamlingen har skett genom fokusgruppsintervjuer med boende och verksamma i stadsdelen. Resultatet visar att Råby upplevs som en trygg stadsdel där aktiviteter och engagemang i stadsdelen har skapat en gemenskap som är av stor betydelse för den upplevda tryggheten. En framgångsfaktor för ökad trygghet är stadsdelens centrumbyggnad som är stadsdelens naturliga mötesplats. Att uppleva trygghet har en positiv påverkan på hälsa och bidrar till ökad fysisk aktivitet och sociala kontakter. För att människor ska tillgodogöra sig hälsofrämjande insatser krävs det att de upplever trygghet i sin närmiljö.</p> / <p>Security is a subjective experience influenced by many different factors and affects health and behaviors. Individual health is affected by the whole of the environment and the feeling of insecurity in an area could reduce the use of its facilities, which can contribute to inactivity, isolation and stress. Security is negatively affected by the presence of crime and positively affected by a sense of community, meeting points and participation. Most people in Sweden feel safe in their residential area, but it is more common to experience insecurity in urban areas. The district Råby in Västerås is an area with a lot of apartment buildings and has a reputation of being insecure. The aim of this study was to investigate perceptions of security and how these affect the possibilities for good health. The data was collected through focus group interviews with residents and other active people in the district. The result shows that Råby is perceived to be a safe area in which the activities and involvement have created a strong sense of community which has had a great impact on the perceived security. The natural meeting point located in the district's local shopping and activity center has been a success factor for increased security. To experience security has a positive effect on health and contributes to physical activity and social contacts. For people to take profit from health promotion activities they need to feel safe in their local environment.</p>

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