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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

SCHOOL HEALTH NURSING : Perceiving, recording and improving schoolchildren’s health

Clausson, Eva January 2008 (has links)
Aim: The overall aim of this thesis is to explore School health nursing through school nurses’ descriptions of schoolchildren’s health and to analyse factors influencing the recording of school-children’s health in the School Health Record (SHR). An additional aim is to evaluate fam-ily nursing interventions as a tool for the school nurses in the School Health Service (SHS). Methods: The thesis comprises four papers. A combination of qualitative and quantita-tive methods was used through individual interviews with a strategic sample of school nurses (n=12) (PI), a national survey to a representative sample of school nurses (n=129) (PII, III) and the implementation of family nursing models developed in Canada with girls in their early ad-olescence with recurrent health complaints and their families (n=4) in co-operation with their school nurses (n=2) (PIV). The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) was used as pre and post test. Evaluation interviews were conducted with the families and the nurses separate-ly. Qualitative content analyses were used to analyze the interview text with the school nurs-es and the families. Manifest content analysis was used to analyze the free text answers of the survey and the evaluation interview with the school nurses. Descriptive statistical analyses were used to describe demographic data in all four papers. The SDQ was hand-scored statistically. Findings: The findings showed that nurses judged the schoolchildren’s mental health as dete-riorated, especially in socially disadvantaged areas and more generally among girls expressed as psychosomatic symptoms. Individual factors related to lifestyle affected the schoolchildren’s physical health, and the mental health was, to a large extent, affected by the school environ-ment and family relations. The latter seemed to be the most important factor affecting school-children’s mental health. The basis for the school nurses judgement of the physical health was health check-ups and the health dialogues. Spontaneous visits were more commonly used to judge the mental health. Recording schoolchildren’s mental health was a challenge for school nurses. Difficulties were related to ethical considerations, tradition, lack of time and the im-proper structure of the SHR. Fears of marking the schoolchild for life related to the schoolchild itself, the parents or to other authorities/successive caregivers were brought up as hinders for recording mental and social health. Family sessions may be useful within the profession when handling recurrent health complaints among adolescence girls. The girls and their families ex-perienced relief, they felt confirmed and that their feelings and reactions were normal in that situation. The families became aware of their own strengths and possibilities and this was sup-ported by the SDQ which showed an increased well-being. The school nurses valued this way of working and meant that the sessions seemed to start a changing process within the families. Conclusions: The results indicate that school nurses have a deep knowledge about schoolchil-dren’s health which is not used to its full potential in a public health perspective. However, the experienced difficulties recording schoolchildren’s mental health seem obvious, which would de-mand developing the SHR for the needs of today. Family sessions in SHS with the school nurse as a collaborator with the family seemed useful and may be transferable to other health problems expressed by the schoolchildren. Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory and other models for health determinants are used to illustrate the school nurse as a mediator working on the bridge over different health streams with schoolchildren’s health on an individual and a population level.

”Hygiejne på tværs” : tværsektorielt samarbejde omkring patient/borger med behov for infektionshygiejnisk bistand – hvordan løses opgaven? / Intersectoral collaboration surrounding patients in need of infection control measures : how do we do it?

Bloch, Bente January 2012 (has links)
Baggrund: Patientbehandling på sygehuse sker i et højt specialiseret tempo, hvor flere patienter modtager kompliceret pleje og behandling, som ofte fortsætter i kommunerne efter udskrivelsen. Efter strukturreformen skal aftaler om infektionshygiejnisk bistand fra sygehus til kommune indskrives i sundhedsaftaler. Formål: Formålet med studiet var at udforske og analysere samarbejde på tværs af sektorer, og få en øget forståelse for fænomenet tværsektorielt samarbejde i relation til patient/borger med behov for ydelser, hvori der indgår infektionshygiejnisk bistand. Metode: Studiet er et kvalitativt multiple casestudie, hvor empirien hentes via semistrukturerede interviews. Teorigrundlaget er perspektivet på tværsektorielt samarbejde, eksempler på modeller for samarbejde, og styrker og svagheder i samarbejde. Resultat: Studiet viste, at motiverende faktorer for tværsektorielt samarbejde i praksis var: fokus på organisering og struktur i organisationerne, at arbejde sammen i netværk, bevidsthed om klare kommunikationsveje og fokus på faglighed og kompetencer i forhold til infektionshygiejne. Struktureret samarbejde mellem kommune og sygehus med oprettelse af hygiejneorganisation mellem sektorer, gav adgang til ekspertviden, tryghed hos plejepersonalet og motivere til at arbejde med infektionshygiejne som indsatsområde. Konklusion: Nosokomielle infektioner hos patienter og borgere i sektorovergange, kan sandsynligvis forebygges ved dels at tilføre viden om infektionshygiejne til personale på alle niveauer i organisationerne, og dels ved at indgå et formelt samarbejde mellem kommune og sygehus omkring etablering af en tværsektoriel hygiejneorganisation. / Background: Today, patient care in hospitals is highly specialised and undertaken at high speed. Many patients receive complex treatment and care, which often continues in the primary-care sector after the patient is discharged. Structural reform of the health care sector requires infection control measures in intersectoral health agreements. Aim: This study aimed to investigate and analyse intersectoral collaboration and gain better understanding of collaboration across health sectors in relation to the treatment and care of patients requiring treatment and care for infection control. Method: This is a qualitative, multiple-case study, wherein semi-structured interviews form the basis of the empirical knowledge. The theory underpinning the study is the perspective on intersectoral collaboration, examples of models of collaboration, and the strengths and weaknesses of collaboration. Results: The findings showed that the motivational factors for intersectoral collaboration include focus on organisational structure and organisation, collaboration through networks, awareness of the importance of clear communication, and focus on the relationship between professional competencies and infection hygiene. Structured collaboration with the establishment of an actual infection control organisation resulted in access to expert knowledge, security among personnel, and motivation to work with infection control as an area of focus. Conclusion: Patient transference of nosocomial infections from one health sector to another likely can be prevented by increasing workers’ knowledge of infection control in all sectors, and by formalised collaboration across health sectors to establish an intersectoral, infection control organization. / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-26-3</p>

Du er ikke alene” : Samtalegrupper som helsefremmende tiltak for skilsmissebarn. En Grounded Theory studie. / You are not alone.” : Peer groups as health promotive measures for children of divorced parents. A Grounded Theory study

Egge, Hilde January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrunn Samtalegrupper for skilsmissebarn har vist seg å ha en positiv effekt ved at deltagerne får økt selvfølelse, blir lettere og gladere, viser bedre trivsel og får en mer positiv opplevelse av familien.   Hensikt Å kartlegge hva som hjelper og hvorfor det hjelper å delta i samtalegruppe for elever som har opplevd samlivsbrudd.   Metode 28 elever, 14-16 år, fra tre ulike steder i Norge er blitt intervjuet i syv fokusgrupper. Grounded Theory er blitt brukt i analysen av materialet.   Resultat Fellesskapet med andre skilsmissebarn har en helsefremmende effekt ved at elevene får noen å identifisere seg med, de opplever åpenhet rundt det de har erfart, og de uttrykker gjensidig støtte til hverandre. Dette gir økt trygghet og selvtillit, økt styring over eget liv, økt forståelse av skilsmissen og foreldre/steforeldre samt evne til å se de positive sidene ved skilsmissen.   Konklusjon Studien viser at samtalegrupper for skilsmissebarn kan være et viktig tiltak i  folkehelsearbeidet / Background Peer groups for children of divorced parents have been shown to have a positive effect. Participants experience increased self-esteem, become happier, and report better well-being and a more positive family experience.   Aim This study aimed to identify and increase understanding of the positive consequences of participating in peer groups for children of divorced parents.   Method Twenty-eight pupils, 14–16 years of age, from three various communities in Norway participated in seven focus group discussions. Grounded Theory was applied in the analysis.   Results Peer groups create a sense of community that provides health promotive effects for children experiencing divorce. Group members who share similar experiences gain a feeling of openness and support, providing increased confidence and self-confidence as well as better influence and control over their own lives. Peer groups also increase understanding of divorce, parents/step-parents, and ability to see the positive aspects of divorce.   Conclusion This study shows that peer groups for children of divorced parents may provide an important public health measure. / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-25-6</p>

Vad innebär det att drabbas av ESBL-bildande tarmbakterier? : En kvalitativ studie. / The emotional impact of infection caused by ESBL-producing intestinal bacteria : A qualitative study.

Wiklund, Susanne January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: ESBL är ett enzym som kan produceras av bakterier i tarmens normalflora och gör bakterien motståndskraftig –resistent- mot många antibiotika. För den enskilde individen får det konsekvenser vid en infektion orsakad av ESBL-bildande tarmbakterier, och då behandling krävs. De som infekteras med dessa bakterier riskerar att svara dåligt på behandling med våra vanligaste antibiotika, och det kan krävas inläggning på sjukhus även vid banala infektioner. Syfte: Att fördjupa kunskapen om vad det innebär för den enskilda individen att drabbas av ESBL-bildande tarmbakterier. Metod. En modifierad variant av Grounded Theory användes som analysmetod av sju öppna intervjuer. Resultat: I analysen växte kärnkategorin Att bli utkastad i det skrämmande och okända utan karta och kompass fram. Samtliga informanter upplevde att de fått bristande information, eller ingen information alls om sin diagnos. Informationsvägen från läkaren var antingen via telefon eller genom ett brev via posten. Konsekvensen blev att det uppstod många tankar och funderingar efteråt, och det innefattade även frågan om hur man blivit smittad; genom sjukvården eller om de själva orsakat att bli smittade. I mötet med sjukvården upplevdes att okunskapen hos personalen i vissa fall orsakade stigmatisering. Här förekom såväl extrema hygienåtgärder i form av “skyddsmundering“ som alltför bristande hygienrutiner. Därutöver framkom också upplevda attitydproblem från personalens sida, nonchalans, bristande förståelse, ingen villighet eller tid att svara på frågor. Allt detta ledde till att informanterna i sin egen vardag fick ta saken i egna händer. Samtliga försökte skaffa sig information på annat sätt, exempelvis via internet. I oron för att smitta andra konstruerades egna åtgärder av kvinnorna i studien, exempelvis att instruera andra om handtvätt, att själv desinfektera föremål vid vårdbesök och i bostaden, att inte åka med tunnelbana eller buss, att inte umgås med andra och att själv uppleva informationsplikt om sin smitta. Männen i studien vidtog, trots bristande eller ingen information alls, inte några speciella åtgärder i sitt vardagsliv, de fortsatte att leva som tidigare. Ingen ville oroa sina anhöriga/närstående. Det förekom att barnen ej informerats alls om diagnosen. Konklusion: För att kunna hantera sin livssituation är det av stor betydelse att den som drabbas av en ESBL-bildande bakterie får en god information av patientansvarig läkare. / Background: Extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL), an enzyme produced by bacteria in normal intestinal flora, renders such bacteria resistant to many antibiotics. Some patients infected with ESBL respond poorly to antibiotic treatment, and even trivial infections may require hospitalization.Purpose: To increase understanding of the emotional impact of ESBL-producing intestinal bacteria.Method: This study used a modified version of grounded theory during seven open interviews to analyze coping mechanisms for ESBL infection.Results: Our analysis identified a core category (i.e., being thrown into scary and unknown territory without a map and compass). All respondents felt they received no or insufficient information about the diagnosis, and reported that any information they did receive arrived only by phone or letter. Consequently, respondents questioned whether they had been infected through medical care or through their own actions. They believed that lack of knowledge and attitude problems among healthcare providers (perceived as carelessness, lack of understanding, and unwillingness or lack of time to answer questions) stigmatizes patients. Such deficits led respondents to take matters into their own hands as they tried to obtain information by other means (e.g., the Internet). Respondents described extreme hygiene measures as a "protective suit" against inadequate hygiene. Female respondents constructed individual coping mechanisms (e.g., instructing others about hand washing technique, disinfecting objects during healthcare visits and at home, avoiding metro or bus travel, avoiding social interactions, and informing others of the infection). Conversely, male respondents took no special measures and lived as they did before infection. No one wanted to worry relatives/significant others, and no one told their children about the diagnosis.Conclusion: It is to important that attending doctors provide good information to individuals infected by ESBL-producing bacteria. Moreover, such individuals must develop good life management and coping skills. / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-12-6</p>

Det sårede selv : Kvalitativt studie om at blive ramt af kræft i æggestokkene / The wounded self : Qualitative study of being hit by ovarian cancer

Ørtoft, Merethe January 2010 (has links)
Formål: Formålet med studiet var at opnå en fordybet forståelse af, hvordan kvinder med nyopdaget kræft i æggestokkene oplever egen mestring og hvordan mening og identitet konstrueres i den første periode efter diagnosen er stillet. Metode: Der er anvendt en kvalitativ metode med narrative interviews af seks kvinder, som har fået diagnosticeret kræft i æggestokkene indenfor et halvt år. Til analyse af data anvendtes en narrativ analysemetode ”The Holistic Content Perspective” for at få et helhedsbillede af informanternes selv, som det blev præsenteret i deres fortællinger.  Resultater: Studiet viser tre forskellige udviklingsveje, som må ses i sammenhæng med kvindernes alder, livsperiode samt sygdommens udbredelse. En udviklingsvej anvendtes af de yngre kvinder, som oplever sygdommen så truende for identiteten, at de forsvarer sig ved at fornægte sygdommens alvorlighed og på ingen måde identificerer sig med denne. De vælger at leve livet uændret som før de blev syge og oplevelsen af mening forsøges fastholdt ved hjælp af fornægtelse af sygdommens alvorlighed. En anden udviklingsvej viste sig hos de ældre kvinder, som forstår sygdommen som en del af livet og som hurtigt begynder en proces af meningsdannelse og tilpasning af identiteten, hvor de forholder sig til sygdommen og dens mulige konsekvenser som tab af livet. Disse kvinder lærer at leve med sygdommen, som en del af deres identitet. En tredje udviklingsvej viste sig hos de kvinder, hvor sygdommen var i et fremskredet stadie og hvor fysiske og sociale lidelser bliver dominerende. Disse kvinder har svært ved at opretholde eller finde mening, i stedet præges de af meningsløshed samtidig med, at identiteten er svær at opretholde, idet selvbilledet og selvforståelsen forsvinder, da de ikke længere kan kende sig selv. Konklusion. Konstruering af mening og identitet som en del af det at mestre livet med nyopdaget kræft i æggestokkene er vigtig for kvinderne, men processerne omkring, hvordan kvinderne mestrer, er forskellige afhængig af alder, livsperiode og sygdommens udbredelse. Sundhedsfremmende indsatser for at forbedre mestringsprocesserne hos disse kvinder må derfor tilpasses de forskellige udviklingsveje for at sikre størst mulig sundhed. / Purpose: The purpose of the study was to obtain an increased understanding of how women with newly diagnosed ovarian cancer are experiencing their own coping and how meaning and identity constructed in the first period after the diagnosis Method: Used a qualitative approach with narrative interviews with six women who have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer within six months. Data analysis used a narrative analysis method "The Holistic Content Perspective" to get an overall picture of the informants' themselves, as it was presented in their stories Result: The study shows three different development paths that must be considered in conjunction with women's age, life period, and the spread of disease. A development path used by younger women who experience the disease as threatening to the identity that they defend themselves by denying the seriousness of the disease and in no way identify with this. They choose to live life the same as before they became ill and the experience of meaningful attempts maintained through denial of the seriousness of the disease. Another path of development emerged in the elderly women who understand the disease as a part of life and quickly begin a providing of meaningful and maintenance of identity, how they relate to disease and its potential consequences such as loss of life. These women learn to live with the disease as part of their identity. A third path of development was found in women where the disease was in an advanced stage and the physical and social suffering becomes dominant. These women struggle to retain or find meaning, instead characterized by meaninglessness, while identity is difficult to maintain, with self image and self-understanding recover from, because they can no longer know themselves Conclusion: The construction of meaning and identity as a part of it to cope with newly discovered cancer of the ovary are important for women, but the processes around how women cope, is different depending on age, life duration and spread of the disease. Health promotion interventions to improve coping processes among these women must keep pace with these different development paths to ensure maximum health. / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-05-8</p>

Skolehelsetjenestens arbeid med kosthold og fysisk aktivitet for å forebygge overvekt hos barn og unge / Promoting health and preventing overweight among children and adolescents : the school health service’s approach to diet and physical activities.

Gram, Kristine January 2010 (has links)
Overvekt er et voksende folkehelseproblem blant barn og unge. Andelen overvektige barn utgjør mellom 15-20% av barnepopulasjonen i de nordiske landene. Fysisk aktivitet og kosthold er viktige innsatsområder for å snu denne trenden. Skolehelsetjenesten har en unik mulighet til å arbeide med dette inn i skolen. Mangel på tid og tilgjengelighet har vist seg å være den viktigste barrieren for å samarbeide med skolene om helsefremmende aktiviteter. Hensikten med dette studiet har vært å undersøke hvordan helsesøster i skolehelsetjenesten i Oslo opplever sin rolle, sine muligheter og begrensninger for å forebygge overvekt gjennom å fremme fysisk aktivitet og et sunt kosthold for barn og unge. Studien bygger på teori om helsefremmende arbeid, empowerment, salutogenese og samarbeid. Det er gjennomført kvalitative intervju med ni skolehelsesøstere i ulike bydeler i Oslo kommune. Materialet er analysert ved hjelp av Graneheims innholdsanalyse. Resultatene viser at opplevelsen av egen rolle samsvarte med opplevelsen av problemet på egen skole, og at dette hang sammen med sosiodemografiske faktorer. Det var ulik praksis på om dette arbeidet ble prioritert i de ulike bydelene. En årsplan med felles mål og innsatsområder var viktig for å sette disse tiltakene på dagsorden for den enkelte helsesøster. Mangel på tid var den viktigste årsaken til at dette arbeidet ble prioritert bort til fordel for andre oppgaver som er bedre spesifisert i ”Anbefalt program for skolehelsetjenesten 5-20 år”. Tverrfaglighet, spesielt med fysioterapeut fremsto som viktig fordi det å kunne dele på oppgaver ut fra kompetanse styrket kvaliteten i arbeidet, og fordi man hadde mulighet til å fordele oppgaver og derfor fikk tid til mer. Et godt samarbeid med skolens ledelse og forankring i skolen blant annet ved god tilgjengelighet av helsetjenesten og felles årsplanlegging var nødvendig for å kunne jobbe med tiltak på systemnivå. Vekt ble opplevd som et sensitivt tema, og flere av informantene i denne undersøkelsen hadde vanskelig med å finne en innfallsvinkel for de overvektige elevene. Nye nasjonale retningslinjer for vekt og høyde kan eliminere dette problemet i tillegg til å sikre viktige epidemiologiske data. / Since overweight currently affects 15-20% of all children in Nordic countries, overweight represents a growing public health problem among children and adolescents. Physical activity and healthy diet are important target areas for reversing this developing trend. Although school health services are uniquely positioned to address overweight within the school environment, time and availability present important barriers between schools and school health services. The purpose of this study was to explore how school health nurses in the Oslo area experience their roles, possibilities and limitations in preventing overweight by encouraging physical activity and healthy diet in children and adolescents. The present study is based on theories about health promotion, empowerment, salutogenesis and cooperation.We conducted qualitative interviews with nine school health nurses in different districts in the Oslo area and analyzed their response using the Graneheim method of content analysis. The results show that personal experience correlated with the level of the problem at the corresponding school. Both factors also related to socio-demographical factors. All participants viewed weight as a sensitive issue, and several encountered difficulty in identifying an approach toward overweight pupils. Different districts placed different priorities on preventing overweight. A year-plan that includes mutual goals and target areas figures importantly in adding these issues to the agenda of individual school health nurses. Lack of time was the foremost reason for sacrificing this work for other tasks specified in the “Recommended Program for School Health Services 5-20 yrs”. Since sharing tasks from different competencies strengthens work quality and since the opportunity to distribute tasks gives the individual more time, an interdisciplinary cooperation is particularly important with physiotherapists. We determined that adequate cooperation with the among school management and school based activities, among others with sufficient availability of health services and a coordinated year-planning, was necessary for shaping action-programs at a system level. Focus on weight and height was perceived as a sensitive topic and more informants in this study had difficulties finding an appropriate approach to overweight pupils. New national guidelines for weight / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-97-9</p>

Norske ergoterapeuter som aktører på helsefremmende arbeid og helsefremmende arbeidsplasser : en kvalitativ studie / Norwegian occupational therapists as contributors to health promotion and healty workplaces : a qualitative study

Holmberg, Vigdis January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrunn Ergoterapeuter skulle, med bakgrunn i  sin utdannelse, kunne anvende sin kompetanse til både helsefremmende arbeid generelt og til helsefremmende arbeidsplasser. Til tross for dette er det foreløpig få som har spesialisert seg innen områdene arbeidshelse og folkehelse. Ved å utnytte kompetansen sin til helsefremmende arbeidsplasser kunne ergoterapeutene bidratt til å påvirke både den enkelte arbeidstakers helse, arbeidsmiljøet og på sikt også det arbeidsrelaterte sykefraværet. Hensikt med studien var å tydeliggjøre hva ergoterapeuter selv mener de har av kompetanse omkring helsefremmende arbeid og hvordan de anvender denne kompetansen i sitt daglige arbeid, med spesifikt fokus på: -          hvilken kompetanse de mener at de har om helsefremmende arbeidsplasser; -          hva de mener de savner av kompetanse om helsefremmende arbeidsplasser; -          deres erfaringer med eget arbeidsmiljø som helsefremmende; og -          deres tanker og meninger om fremtidsutsikter for helsefremmende ergoterapi Metode I denne oppgaven er det valgt en kvalitativ tilnærming og data er samlet inn via fokusgruppediskusjoner. Analyse av materialet er gjort med kvalitativ innholdsanalyse. Resultatene viser at selv om ergoterapeutene i denne studien beskrev et salutogent fokus og et helsefremmende arbeidssett, arbeider de i dag hovedsakelig på individnivå. Individfokuset deres er sterkt forankret i deres praksis og ser ut til å påvirke yrkesutøvelsen slik at de ikke bruker sin helsefremmende kompetanse på system- og samfunnsnivå i vesentlig grad. Samtidig mente de at det er mye som tyder på at deres kompetanse er for lite kjent blant folk flest, samarbeidspartnere og hos myndighetene, hvilket kan forklare at den ikke blir benyttet. Sammenfatning Mens ergoterapeutenes utsagn tyder på at de har mye kunnskap og erfaring med helsefremmende arbeidsplasser, viser funnene at de ikke ser betydningen av å bruke denne kompetansen til å utvikle helsefremmende arbeidsplasser. Funnene viser videre at ergoterapeutene i denne studien skulle kunne anvende sin kompetanse til både helsefremmende arbeid generelt og til helsefremmende arbeidsplasser. Selv om dette er en kvalitativ studie, er det sannsynlig at resultatene kan gjelde generelt for ergoterapeuter i Norge, noe som kunne vært interessant å undersøke videre / Background. Occupational therapists are trained to use their general competence in health promotion to initiate healthy workplaces. However very few therapists specialize in areas that combine occupational health and public health. By using their competence regarding healthy workplaces, therapists could positively impact employee health and work environments and likely reduce sick leaves that result from working conditions. The purpose of this study was to clarify the therapists’ opinion of their own competence in health promotion, and also determine how they use that competence in their daily work, focusing especially on: -          self-evaluation of their own competence regarding healty workplaces; -          their opinions on what competence they lack in this area; -          their personal experience with healthy promotive workplaces; and -          their thoughts and opinion on the potential for health promotion in occupational therapy Method. We chose a qualitative approach using focus groups and prosessed collected data  using thematic content analysis. The findings suggest that although study participants maintain a salutogenetic focus and a health promotional way of working, they currently work mainly at an individual level. Focus on the individual is deeply rooted in their practice and seems to influence their work such that they hardly use their health promotion competence on a system or a societal level. They also described their competencies as unknown by citizens, collaborating partners and authorities, possibly explaining why their competence is not in demand. Conclusions. While their statements indicate much knowledge and experience about healthy workplaces, our findings show that they don’t appreciate the importance of using that competance to initiate healthy workplaces. We further determined that study participants should be able to use their general competence in health promotion to initiate healthy workplaces. Allthough this is a qualitative study, our results may be valid for all the occupational therapists in Norway, an aera that requires further investigation. / <p>ISBN 978-91-82721-92-4</p>

Leger som folkehelsearbeidere, praksisendring mot et helsefremmende perspektiv? : En studie med fenomenografisk tilnærming / General practitioners (GPs) as public health workers: modifying practice toward health promotion perspectives? : A phenomenographic study.

Storebakken, Jørgen January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrunn: I senere år har det blitt en økende oppmerksomhet på forebygging av sykdom gjennom helsefremmende tiltak i forhold til livsstilsendring. Allmennprakitiserende leger er viktige samarbeidspartnere. Studier viser at en relativt liten del av befolkningen mottar slik rådgivning. Mål: Studiet hadde til hensikt å beskrive de ulike erfaringene allmennpraktiserende leger med å arbeide som folkehelsearbeidere med et helsefremmende perspektiv med fokus på livsstilsintervensjon. Metode: Studiet benyttet en kvalitativ og fenomenografisk tilnærming for innsamling og analyse av data. 26 allmennpraktikere ble strategisk valgt (kjønn, alder, arbeidserfaring, kommunestørrelse). Data innsamlet i 2007 fra seks fokusgrupper med utgangspunkt temaene livsstilsendring, motivasjon, pasienterfaringer og legenes egne erfaringer på området. Resultat: Tre deskreptive kategorier framkom; (A) Dramatisk inngripen, (B) En travel hverdag og (C) Det gylne øyeblikk med to respektive fire underkategorier. I kategorien A fremkom det at allmennlegene oppfattet livsstilsintervensjon som et vanskelig område å diskutere med pasienten, og var opptatt av maktrelasjonen i forhold til pasienten. Mange av dem oppga usikkerhet i forhold til en slik oppgave. I kategori B beskrev legene utenforliggende årsaker som de oppfattet begrenset intervensjon i forhold til levevaner. I kategori C beskrev legene hvordan de griper fatt i de gode situasjonene for intervensjon. Gjennom en syntese av resultatene foreslås en modell for praksisendring. Konklusjon: Den norske fastlegeordningen skaper et ”kjøper/selger forhold” mellom lege og pasient, noe som uheldigvis kan bidra til uklare maktrelasjoner. Mange av legene i studiet manglet kunnskap om folkehelse og helsefremmende perspektiv i sitt daglige arbeid. Modellen som beskrives, fokuserer på synergieffekten mellom behovet for å avgjøre hvilken prosess som reelt resulterer i helsefremmende arbeidet og en identifisering av de prosesser som legene annerkjenner som ”gylne øyeblikk”. Modellen kan benyttes som en diskusjon i nye fokusgruppediskusjoner med mål, å endre praksis mot et mer helsefremmende perspektiv. / Background: In recent years attention have increased on disease prevention and health promotion through lifestyle intervention. General practitioners (GPs) are important partners in this effort. Different studies indicate that relatively few GP-patient-populations receive this type of advice. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe GPs various experiences of working within the field of public health and especially from a health promotion perspective with focus on life style interventions Methods: The study used a qualitative and phenomenographic approach to collecting and analyzing data. Twenty six GPs were strategically selected (gender, age, work experience, sizes of communities). Data was collected in 2007 from six focus group developed on the basis of lifestyle changes, motivation, patient experiences, and GPs’ own experience with these subjects. Findings: Three categories emerged: (A) Dramatic intervention, (B) Busy workday, and (C) The golden moment. In category A, the GPs describe how they experience lifestyle intervention as a difficult theme to discuss with their patients. They were concerned about the risk of disrupting the balance imbalance of power, thereby depreciating the patients. In category B, the GPs describe ulterior causes for limitations in intervention-strategy towards lifestyle changes. Category C describes how GPs seize the opportunity provided by optimal moments for intervention. Synthesizing the focus group results yielded a model for modifying current health promotion practice. Conclusion: The Norwegian medical system uses a listing system to assign patients to a specific physician, a practice that gives the doctor/patient relationship an element of “purchase and sale” that unfortunately may influence the balance of power between GP and patient. Most GPs lacked sufficient knowledge of public health and health promotion in their daily work. The model described in this thesis focuses on the synergistic effects between the need to determine which processes actually result in health promotion and further identifying those processes GP recognizes as “Golden moment.” The model described here can be used as a point of departure for new focus group discussions aiming to modify medical practice towards health promotion perspectives. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-81-8</p>

Svenska komplementär- och alternativmedicinska terapeuters praktikmönster och samarbete med legitimerad sjukvårdspersonal / Practice patterns of Swedish complementary and alternative practitioners and their collaboration with medical professionals

Bock, Catharina January 2009 (has links)
Historiskt har den medicinska professionen sökt exklusiva rättigheter att praktisera i en miljö där många olika yrkesgrupper fanns. I Sverige har detta lett till att komplementär och alternativ medicin (CAM) hamnade utanför den etablerade sjukvården, vilket inneburit en bristfällig kunskap om hur bl.a. CAM terapeuter arbetar. Användning av alternativ medicin har ökat i Sverige vilket motiverar att studier genomförs för att få bättre kunskap om yrkets utövande. Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva CAM terapeuters praktikmönster och inställning till samarbete med traditionell skolmedicin. Utifrån en litteraturstudie utarbetades en enkät som skickades till 102 CAM terapeuter i Sverige för att undersöka deras praktikmönster och sociodemografiska egenskaper. 63 terapeuter (62 %) svarade, varav 59 uppfyllde forskningskriterierna och kunde delta i de fördjupande telefonintervjuer som följde efter enkätstudien och som syftade till att ta reda på deras syn på samarbete med den skolmedicinska sjukvården. Resultaten av undersökningen visade att 55 %, av de 59 intervjuade var kvinnor, 10 % hade legitimation i andra sjukvårdsyrken, 69 % arbetade ensamma med i snitt 24 patienter i veckan. 79 % var positiva till samarbete med skolmedicinen och 37 % hade redan regelbunden kontakt med läkare. Intervjuerna visade att CAM terapeuter generellt ansåg att det var viktigast att patienters behov och önskemål beaktades i utformningen av den vård som erbjöds. Patienternas kostnad för behandling, respekt för CAM terapeuter, legitimation, konkurrens, samarbete med och kunskap om de olika yrken var andra viktiga faktorer som belystes ur olika perspektiv. Studien ger ny kunskap om CAM i Sverige och avslöjar många hinder som gör samarbete mellan skolmedicin och CAM till en utmaning för CAM terapeuter. Resultaten från denna studie kan hjälpa till att utveckla en sjukvård som omfattar olika utövare av läkekonsten / This study aims to describe the practice patterns of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practitioners and their collaboration with traditional medical professionals in Sweden. Historically, the medical profession has dominated medical practice in an environment of different healing professions. This domination placed CAM professionals outside the established medical system. Consequently, information about CAM is inadequate. Since today’s patients increasingly seek consultations with CAM practitioners, the need for a better understanding of these professions has grown.       To investigate the practice patterns and sociodemographic characteristics of CAM practitioners, we developed a literature-based questionnaire and sent it to 102 CAM practitioners. Among the 63 practitioners (62%) who replied, only 59 matched our research criteria for participating in further telephone interviews that allowed them to state their opinions on collaborating with conventional medical professionals.       Fifty-five percent of the telephone interviewees were women, 10% were licensed in other medical professions, and 69% worked in solo practices, seeing 24 patients per week on average. Furthermore, 79% felt collaboration would be positive, and 37% had already established regular contacts with medical doctors. CAM practitioners generally considered patients’ needs and desires to be an essential component of healthcare provision. They also elucidated the importance of treatment costs, respect for CAM professionals, licensing, competition, collaboration, and knowledge of a variety of professions.  This study provides new information about the challenges faced by CAM profession in Sweden and reveals many obstacles to collaboration. Our results can assist in the development of a health care system that includes a variety of different professions. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-79-5</p>

Internt pasienthotell, et alternativ til sengepost ved innleggelse i sengepost? / Internal Patienthotel, an alternative to admission in ordinary ward

Føreland, Nina January 2009 (has links)
Medisinsk utvikling samt krav til kostnadseffektivitet i Norge har bidratt til et stort fokus på hvordan man kan redusere kostnadene, samtidig som man opprettholder/forbedrer kvaliteten på behandlingstilbudet. Pasienthotell omtales som en god driftsform for økt fleksibilitet og kostnadseffektivitet. Det er et tilbud for pasienter som er oppegående og selvhjulpne pasienter som har behov for innleggelse i sykehus. Pasienthotell har en salutogen tilnærming mens sengeposter tradisjonelt har hatt en patogenesetilnærming. Det er lite forskning på om omgjøring av ordinære senger til pasienthotell er kostnadseffektivt, spesielt når hotellsengen er et alternativ til ordinær sengepost. Hensikten er å studere hvilke pasienter som er innlagt i ordinære sengeposter, men egner seg for internt pasienthotell. Det benyttes tverrsnittsundersøkelse for å samle informasjon. Spørreskjemaet er utarbeidet med fokus på kriterier for å være i pasienthotellet, komplementerende behandling og observasjonsbehov samt medarbeidernes oppfatning om pasienten egner seg for pasienthotell.   Kartleggingen er gjennomført ved Sørlandet sykehus, Kristiansand. Alle innlagte pasienter i ordinære sengeposter og pasienthotell er inkludert i kartleggingen. Pasienter i palliativpost, barselpost og observasjonsposten er ekskludert fra undersøkelsen. Kartleggingen ble gjennomført over en to ukers periode høsten 2007, og omfatter 951 pasientregistreringer. Flere pasienter ble registrert flere dager, noe som var hensikten fordi pasientene ble vurdert ut fra funksjonsnivå.   Resultatet viser at ca 18 % av pasientene som er innlagt i sengepostene fyller kriteriene for pasienthotell. Fordelingen mellom Medisinsk og Kirurgisk klinikk er lik, men det er variasjoner per enhet. En stor andel av pasientene får komplementerende behandling og det er en overvekt i Kirurgisk klinikk. En stor andel av pasientene som fyller kriteriene har behov for spesielle observasjoner. Undersøkelsen viser en variasjon mellom pasientene som fyller kriteriene og medarbeidernes vurdering av hvilke pasienter som egner seg pasienthotellet. Det er liten variasjon mellom det faktiske resultat og medarbeidernes oppfatning av andel pasienter som fyller kriteriene når det er korrigert for komplementerende behandling og behov for spesielle observasjoner. På bakgrunn av resultatene er det grunnlag for å overføre flere pasienter fra sengepost til Pasienthotell. Det er kostnadseffektivt, og vil trolig ikke svekke kvaliteten. / Medical advances and demands for improved cost-effectiveness in Norway have contributed to a major focus on how to reduce costs while maintaining/improving the quality of treatment. A patient hotel is described as a way of achieving both increased flexibility and cost-effectiveness by offering more or less self-reliant patients an alternative to traditional hospitalization. Treatment in a patient hotel is based on a salutogenetic approach, while traditional hospital wards usually approach treatment pathogenetically. There is little research on whether converting traditional ward beds  to the patient hotel model is indeed cost-effective, especially when patient hotel beds are considered an alternative to traditional ward beds. This study sought to determine which patients in traditional wards were suitable for admittance to an internal patient hotel. The study used a cross-sectional survey/questionnaire to collect data and focused on (i) the criteria for admission to a patient hotel, (ii) supplementary treatment, (iii) the patient’s need for special observation, and (iv) the employee’s perception of the patient suitability for the patient hotel. Our survey included 951 patients and was conducted at Sørlandet Sykehus, Kristiansand, Norway, during a two-week period in the autumn of 2007. The survey included all patients admitted to traditional wards and to the patient hotel, except patients in the palliative, maternity, and observation wards. Because we evaluated the patients according to their functional level, we intentionally recorded several patients over a span of several days. We determined that about 18% of patients admitted to traditional wards met the admission criteria for the patient hotel. Patient distribution between the Medical and Surgical Clinic was even, but there were variations per unit. A large proportion of the patients received supplementary treatment, including many from the Surgical Clinic. Many patients who fulfilled the criteria for admission to the patient hotel required special observation. The survey revealed a variation in the employees’ evaluation of which patients were suitable for the patient hotel. However, there was little variation between the actual results and the employees' perception of the proportion of patients who met the criteria when adjusted for supplementary treatment and the need for special observation. Based on the results of the study, it is reasonable to transfer patients from traditional wards to a patient hotel. Furthermore, this option is cost-effective and will not reduce the overall quality of patient care. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-77-1</p>

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