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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Campeonatos de robótica na escola: constituição de um ambiente de aprendizagem / .

Delfino, Brythnner Monteiro 06 March 2017 (has links)
As tecnologias contemporâneas são elementos centrais da nossa sociedade, e sua consolidação como instrumentos transformadores e capacitores das ações cotidianas influenciaram e ainda influenciam diversas áreas de atividades humanas. Dentre diversas mudanças, esta investigação procurou destacar as exigências criadas para a educação, com enfoque no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de matemática por meio da robótica. Para isso, esta pesquisa propôs analisar o ambiente de aprendizagem constituído por meio da preparação e participação de alunos nos campeonatos de robótica. No processo de produção de informação adotamos como metodologia de pesquisa a de caráter qualitativo, em um delineamento baseado nos parâmetros da observação participante, na qual utilizamos fotos, filmagens, documentos produzidos pelos alunos e entrevista. Assim sendo, por um período de dois anos, acompanhamos alunos, com idade entre 10 e 16 anos, que cursavam o Ensino Fundamental II de uma escola municipal na cidade de Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, em suas atividades de preparação e participação em competições de robótica, das quais destacamos suas produções e elaboração de estratégia de organização. No processo de análise das informações consideramos dois momentos: o primeiro, relacionado aos estudos e reflexões sobre o processo de produção de conhecimento envolvendo a organização de estratégias para preparação e participação em competições de robótica; e o segundo momento, que compreende o processo de produção de conhecimentos pelos estudantes relacionados às exigências dos campeonatos de robótica, destacando a criação de um projeto escrito, numa perspectiva científica, dentro dos moldes de campeonatos de robótica e no processo de montagem, programação e simulação de robôs. No desenvolvimento da análise das informações desta investigação apresentamos algumas dificuldades no processo de consolidação deste ambiente de aprendizagem, tais como: aquisição de materiais na escola pública; formação e/ou capacitação de professores em robótica; relacionar as atividades desenvolvidas com robótica e as aulas de matemática em sala de aula e desenvolver a prática de pesquisar dos alunos. Entretanto, esse ambiente de aprendizagem possibilitou que os alunos desenvolvessem sua autonomia e criatividade quando realizavam construções de maquetes e trabalhavam com mídias sociais. A montagem e programação de robôs evidenciou o processo de autoria e de produção coletiva dos estudantes da escola pública. / Contemporary technologies are central elements of our society and its consolidation as transformative instruments and capacitors of everyday actions have influenced and still influence diverse areas of human activities. Among several changes, this investigation sought to highlight the demands created for education, focusing on the process of teaching-learning of mathematics through robotics. For this, this research proposed to analyze the learning environment constituted through preparation and participation of students in the robotics championships. In the process of information production, we adopted qualitative research methodology, in a design based on the parameters of participant observation, in which we use photos, filming, documents produced by students and interviews. Thus, for a period of two years, we accompanied students, aged between 10 and 16, who were attending Elementary School II of a municipal school in the city of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, in their activities of preparation and participation in robotics competitions, of which we highlight his productions and elaboration of organizational strategy. In the process of informations analysis we consider two moments: the first, related to the studies and reflections on the process of knowledge production involving the organization of strategies for preparation and participation in robotics competitions; And the second moment, which comprises the process of knowledge producing by the students related to the requirements of the robotics championships, highlighting the production of a scientific research within the molds of robotics championships and on the process of assembly, programming and simulation of robots. In the development of analyzing the information of this investigation we present some difficulties in the process of consolidation of this learning environment, such as: acquisition of materials in the public school; training and/or improvement of teacher in robotics; to relate the activities developed with robotics and to the classes of mathematics in the classroom and to develop the practice of researching the students. However, this learning environment made it possible for students to develop their autonomy and creativity when constructing mock-ups and working with social media. The assembly and programming of robots evidenced the process of authorship and collective production of public school students. / Dissertação (Mestrado)

Escola cidadã em Uberlândia (MG): trajetória da elaboração do Projeto Político-Pedagógico no período 2001-2004

Oliveira, Karen Cheila Sousa Sales 21 August 2009 (has links)
The current work, established in the Political Public Educational s field has the aim in describing and analyzing, using a critical language, the historical process construction of the political pedagogical matter s Letter, as the community s scholarship mobilization, to construct and implement in a participative way, the PPP s- Political Pedagogical Projects of every school which is part of the public net education in Uberlândia MG. The mentioned process took part of the city s program and was titled as Citizen School , which were established during the period Zaire Rezende governed the city (2001- 2004). To launch the purpose, a research was made in a quality way; methodologically speaking, the principles of the historical materialism and the documental analysis as also a group of interviewers which had their focus implemented by educators interested in the area, were used. The descriptions and the writing analysis of the interviewers show a complex experience in the government actions which are not always seen by the society and discussed by it, but yes, are deeply set as a fragment. We can say that part of these results were motivated by a lot of interferences, like the political part s interests added to the interest of isolated groups and also to the educators which were searching for a better work and money conditions. These interferences reflected on the day by day of the school as they contribute to the achievement of the PPP s aims and their elaboration by every school, looking also for the democratization of living and the school s evaluation. The interviewers realized the importance lived during the experimental process, as a number of critical views which made the PPP s implantation very difficult after the document s publication. It s possible to conclude that these facts turned out to be a problem for the elaboration and completion of the community s project. / O presente trabalho, situado no campo das Políticas Públicas Educacionais, tem como objetivo descrever e analisar, criticamente, o processo histórico de construção de uma Carta de Princípios Político-Pedagógicos, assim como da mobilização da comunidade escolar para construir e implementar, de forma participativa, os Projetos Político- Pedagógicos PPP´s , de cada uma das unidades escolares da Rede Pública Municipal de Ensino de Uberlândia (MG) RME/UDI. Os referidos processos fizeram parte dos objetivos do programa de governo municipal intitulado Escola Cidadã , implantado durante a gestão do Prefeito Zaire Rezende, no período 2001- 2004. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa fundamentada, metodologicamente, nos princípios do Materialismo Histórico Dialético e a utilização da análise documental e de um conjunto de entrevistas organizadas em grupos focais, formados por educadores, direta e indiretamente envolvidos no processo. A descrição e a análise das formações discursivas dos entrevistados apontam para uma experiência instituída em uma conjuntura complexa, permeada de ações governamentais, que nem sempre são orientadas pela unidade de intervenção coletiva, mas, que são profundamente fragmentadas. Parte das resultantes dessa conjuntura foi motivada, dentre outros aspectos, pela presença de uma série de interferências, inclusive de natureza político-partidária, associadas não somente a interesses de grupos que atuavam no interior da SME, mas, também, devido a um conjunto de exigências oriundas de insatisfações surgidas entre os profissionais da educação da RME/UDI, que buscavam melhores condições salariais e de trabalho. Tais interferências refletiram no cotidiano das escolas e, em maior ou menor intensidade, contribuíram para o alcance parcial dos objetivos propostos, que deveriam subsidiar, dentre outros aspectos, a elaboração do PPP de cada unidade escolar, tendo em vista a democratização da convivência, da gestão, do currículo e da avaliação escolar. Nesse contexto, os entrevistados, perceberam, tanto a importância da experiência vivida no processo, bem como uma série de fatores críticos que dificultaram, após a publicação oficial do documento, a implementação das ações destinadas a elaborar os PPP´s. É possível concluir que esses fatores foram empecilhos na concretização do projeto prioritário na comunidade. / Mestre em Educação

A infra-estrutura escolar e as características familiares influenciando a frequência e o atraso no ensino fundamental. / School infrastructure and family characteristics affecting frequency and delay in primary and secondary school.

Rosangela Maria Pontili 21 January 2005 (has links)
Diversos estudos realizados na área econômica têm mostrado a importância da escolaridade para a melhoria da qualidade de vida das pessoas. Apesar disso, o nível médio de escolaridade no Brasil é de 6,4 anos na população adulta, considerado baixo, se comparado a outros países da América Latina. Em vista disso, na década de 1990, foram instituídas diversas mudanças na forma de gestão do ensino público brasileiro, com objetivo de melhorar sua qualidade e motivar o interesse da criança pela escola. O presente trabalho inseriu-se nessa discussão ao propor uma avaliação da influência que a infra-estrutura escolar e as características familiares exercem sobre a freqüência e o atraso no ensino fundamental. Dadas as diferenças regionais existentes no Brasil, fez-se uma comparação entre os estados de São Paulo e Pernambuco. Para tanto, foram feitas análises de regressões, utilizando-se do modelo próbite, e as bases de dados foram o censo demográfico, o censo escolar e as transferências do Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Escola (FNDE), do ano 2000. Tais análises concentraram-se nas escolas públicas, da área urbana, dos dois estados. Além disso, foram realizadas interações entre variáveis das características familiares e variáveis da infra-estrutura escolar, a fim de verificar as formas mais eficientes de se colocar e manter a criança na escola, garantindo-lhe o avanço nos estudos. Questionou-se, portanto, se é mais interessante para o governo investir na melhoria da qualidade das escolas, ou em iniciativas que melhoram as condições socioeconômicas da família. Foram, também, realizadas simulações para avaliar os impactos de uma melhoria na qualidade das escolas, versus uma melhoria das condições socioeconômicas das famílias, na freqüência e no atraso escolar do estudante. Os resultados mostraram que políticas públicas voltadas para um aumento do salário, ou da escolaridade do professores, assim como para uma melhoria dos equipamentos disponíveis na escola, beneficiarão mais as crianças pertencentes a famílias com chefes pouco escolarizados e/ou com uma baixa renda familiar per capita. Além disso, percebeu-se que em Pernambuco, a política pública de maior impacto sobre a freqüência escolar foi o aumento do salário do professor e sobre o atraso escolar foi o aumento da escolaridade do chefe de família. Para São Paulo, a melhor opção seria aumentar a renda familiar per capita, tanto no caso da freqüência, quanto no caso do atraso escolar. Conclui-se, então, que a adoção de políticas públicas deve levar em consideração o lugar onde as mesmas serão adotadas, bem como os objetivos a serem atingidos na área da educação. Acredita-se, no entanto, que políticas voltadas para melhorar as características familiares geram resultados somente no longoprazo. Por isso, sugere-se que no curto-prazo sejam priorizadas as políticas capazes de melhorar a qualidade das escolas públicas que oferecem o ensino fundamental, na área urbana, dos dois estados. Sugere-se, também, que os investimentos públicos na área da educação priorizem Pernambuco, em função das diferenças socioeconômicas existentes entre os dois estados. / Many studies in the economic field have showed the importance of education to increase the wellbeing of the society. However, the adult population in Brazil has, on average, 6.4 years of education, which is considered low when compared to other Latin American countries. Trying to improve the educational indicators, in the 90’s, many changes were implemented in the Brazilian public school system. The objective of the present study is to evaluate school infrastructure and family characteristics affecting children’s decision to study or to drop out from school (frequency and school delay in primary and secondary levels). The analyses were concentrated in public schools located in the urban areas of Pernambuco and São Paulo states. Demographic census, school census and government spending data from 2000 were used to run a Probit model, whether a child was in school or not and whether a child was in lower grade for his age or not. Interactions between family’s characteristics and school infrastructure, as well as some simulations, were done to verify what would be the best possible resource allocation to improve children’s education. The results showed that public policies that increased teacher’s schooling or teacher’s salaries, and policies that improved the school’s equipments would benefit more children from low income families and/or with low educated parents. Moreover, in Pernambuco, the teacher’s salary caused the greater impact in the children’s frequency to school, while the teacher’s schooling had the larger impact in the children’s school delay. On the other hand, in São Paulo, the best option would be to increase per capita family income, either to increase frequency or decrease delay in school. It is known that policies to improve families’ characteristics will produce results more in the long run. Therefore, policies that would improve the schools’ infrastructure and consequently the quality of the schools are suggested in the short run. Moreover, the investment should focus Pernambuco due to the lower socio-economic indicators compared to São Paulo.

(Multi)letramento(s) digital(is) na escola pública: reflexões sobre as práticas discursivas de professoras que se relacionaram com as tecnologias da informação e comunicação no ensino

Saito, Fabiano Santos 18 March 2011 (has links)
Submitted by isabela.moljf@hotmail.com (isabela.moljf@hotmail.com) on 2017-08-08T11:28:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 fabianosantosaito.pdf: 2225284 bytes, checksum: e301c7cf28a8e31d10326ef4fa1184dc (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-08-08T18:04:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 fabianosantosaito.pdf: 2225284 bytes, checksum: e301c7cf28a8e31d10326ef4fa1184dc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-08T18:04:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 fabianosantosaito.pdf: 2225284 bytes, checksum: e301c7cf28a8e31d10326ef4fa1184dc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-18 / FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / O objetivo desta dissertação é investigar as práticas discursivas de três professoras que se relacionaram direta e indiretamente com as Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs) no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Para cumprir com esta proposta, adotamos o modelo de Multiletramentos Digitais, de Selber (2004), que congrega as várias dimensões de Letramento(s) Digital(is) e tenta explicá-los razoavelmente através de três categorias principais: Letramento Digital Funcional; Letramento Digital Crítico e Letramento Digital Retórico. Além disso, para melhor investigar as práticas discursivas das professoras pesquisadas, encontramos suporte na Teoria do Posicionamento, de acordo com a qual nós disponibilizamos lugares discursivos para nós mesmos e para os outros dentro de uma ordem moral que estabelecemos durante uma troca simbólica, construindo pontos de vista específicos através de posicionamentos (cf. HARRÉ e VAN LANGENHOVE, 1999). Metodologicamente, esta pesquisa se estrutura como um estudo de caso etnográfico (ANDRÉ, 1995; YIN, 2001; VIÉGAS, 2007), associado a uma (micro) análise do discurso (GEE et al., 1992; SACKS et al., 1974, 2005; DAVIES e HARRÉ, 1990). O contexto investigado é uma escola pública da rede municipal de ensino de Juiz de Fora-MG, localizada em um bairro periférico da cidade. As participantes são três professoras que se relacionaram direta e indiretamente com as TICs no ensino, a saber: a professora de Informática Educacional, a professora regente de turma (4º ano do Ensino Fundamental) e a professora responsável pela biblioteca escolar. Para geração de dados, utilizamos questionários, notas de campo, observação e entrevistas semi-estruturadas. O corpus de pesquisa constitui-se principalmente das transcrições das entrevistas realizadas com as participantes. Os resultados do estudo indicam que, embora as professoras tenham um posicionamento favorável ao uso das TICs no ensino, suas experiências pessoais e profissionais com tais tecnologias acabam influenciando em diferentes níveis de engajamento quanto ao projeto de inserção das TICs no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. A análise dos dados também indica um predomínio do modelo de Letramento Digital Funcional na escola investigada, o que aponta para a necessidade de se adotar perspectivas mais críticas de Letramento(s) Digital(is) no contexto educacional. / The aim of this thesis is to investigate the discursive practices of three teachers that have kept direct and indirect relationships with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT‟s) in the teaching-learning process. To accomplish with this purpose, we have adopted as theoretical framework the model of Digital Multiliteracies proposed by Selber (2004), which considers the multilayered dimensions of Digital Literacies and tries to explain them reasonably through three main levels of computer literacy: Functional Literacy, Critical Literacy, and Rhetorical Literacy. In addition, to better investigate the discursive practices of the teachers surveyed, we also have found support on Positioning Theory, according to which we provide discursive locations for ourselves and the others within a moral order that we establish during a symbolic exchange, building specific points of view inside the positions we take on (Harré and Van Langenhove, 1999). Methodologically, this research is structured as an ethnographic case study (André, 1995; Yin, 2001; Viégas, 2007) associated to a discourse (micro) analysis (Gee et al., 1992; Sacks et al., 1974, 2005; Davies and Harré, 1990). The context of this qualitative research is a public school pertaining to the municipal education system of Juiz de Fora – Minas Gerais. This school is located in a suburbian area of the city. The participants are three teachers that have kept direct and indirect relationships with ICT‟s in education, namely: the teacher of Educational Informatics, the teacher of a classroom (4th year of Brazilian elementary school) and the teacher responsible for the school library. To generate the data, we have used questionnaires, field notes, observation and semi-structured interviews. The corpus of this research consists mainly of the transcripts from interviews made with the participants. The results of this study point out that although the teachers have taken on favorable positions regarding the use of ICT‟s in education, their personal and professional experiences with such technologies tend to influence at different levels of commitment to the project of insertion of ICT‟s in the teaching-learning process. The data analysis also evinces a predominance of Functional Digital Literacy in the school investigated, which indicates the necessity for adoption of more critical perspectives regarding Digital Literacies in educational settings.

An Investigation of the Impact Gender-Specific Course Grouping Has on Female Middle-School Students' Concept of and Interests Toward Technology and Engineering

Walsh, Thomas Broderick 06 August 2021 (has links)
Attempts to improve retention, interest, and enrollment of females in Technology & Engineering Education courses have included a variety of approaches including female-only classes. However, the implications of such courses have not been thoroughly investigated. Therefore, an investigation of female-only classes was undertaken; the findings revealed that the overall enrollment of females went up in the course and in subsequent classes, these students maintained their interests and attitudes towards Technology and Engineering, their perceptions of an engineer's gender changed from that of mostly male to mostly female, and their concepts of what an engineer does changed from mostly building or fixing things to that of mostly someone who designs. This study used two instruments: the Technology Engineering Attitude Survey (TEAS) and the Draw an Engineer Test (DAET). The population of the study was 7th grade middle school students. They were placed into two groups: the control being the mixed male female engineering and technology classes, and the treatment being the all-female students enrolled in the same engineering technology course.

Experienced stressors by Educators in Public High Schools of Malamulele, Vhembe District

Nkuna, Clothilda Tsakani 18 September 2017 (has links)
MPH / Department of Public Health / Introduction: It has been noted that stress is considered a major global health challenge. This is because it affects the well-being of service providers, especially those working in the human service sector, such as educators. The sources of stress are attributed to social factors, discipline of students, occupational pressures and workload. Studies have shown that stress is a silent killer that affects the health and productivity of educators, leading to mental, physical, emotional and behavioral illnesses. Educators in the Malamulele North East Circuit are confronted with work challenges and continue experiencing stress. Purpose: The study aimed at finding out the experienced stressors by educators in public high schools of Malamulele North East circuit, Vhembe District. Method: The study was conducted in Malamulele North East public high schools. Malamulele North East is situated in Vhembe District, Limpopo Province, South Africa. A qualitative approach using explorative and descriptive design was adopted for the study. A sample of twelve educators was chosen from the target population by means of convenience sampling and data was collected through a face to face individual in-depth interview. Interviews and discussions were audio-recorded, transcribed and coded into larger themes, categories and sub-categories. Results: The following themes were derived from data analysis: factors considered to be sources of stress, perceived effects of stress among high school educators, strategies that educators use to cope with stress and strategies to manage the experiences of stress for educators. The study showed that different factors at schools have a great impact on educators. All the educators were affected by stressors in their work daily and adopted some coping strategies. However, these educators required continued intervention to manage the stress. Conclusions: The findings showed that all educators were experiencing stress in their work environment and were affected personally as well as professionally. Hence, the DOE needs to design strategies for continues support in order to manage the stress.

Faktore wat die effektiewe bestuur en kontrole van skoolfinansies in openbare skole beïnvloed

Jordaan, Johannes Cornelius 27 June 2009 (has links)
AFRIKAANS : Voor 1994 was die skoolhoof aanspreeklik vir die beheer van die finansies van die skool. Met die instelling van die Suid-Afrikaanse Skolewet no. 84 van 1996 het die aanspreeklikheid ten opsigte van finansies drasties verander deurdat selfbestuur by skole geïmplementeer is. Daar bestaan groot onduidelikhede by departementele amptenare sowel as by skoolhoofde en beheerliggaamlede oor wie aanspreeklik vir die finansies van die skool is. Skole se begrotings het sedert 1994 van `n paar honderd duisend rand na `n paar miljoen rand toegeneem; meer personeel word aangestel wat deur die skoolbeheerliggaam vergoed word en dit alles plaas ekstra belading op die skoolhoof. Dikwels is die skoolhoofde en skoolbeheerliggaamlede nie opgelei om hierdie ekstra finansiële lading te hanteer nie. Daar word van die skoolbestuurspan verwag om kennis van finansiële bestuur te hê om hulle taak effektief te kan uitvoer, nie alleenlik vir hulle eie oorlewing nie maar ook tot die voordeel van die skool en die gemeenskap. Die doel van hierdie studie is om te bepaal watter faktore die beheer en bestuur van skoolfinansies in `n openbare skool beïnvloed en om `n model daar te stel wat die beheer en bestuur van skoolfinansies in `n openbare skool sal rig. ENGLISH : Before 1994 the principal of a school was accountable for the control of the school`s finances. Since the introduction of the South African Schools Act no. 84 of 1996 and the implementation of self management of schools, the accountability regarding finances has changed dramatically. Schools’ budgets have increased from thousands of rand to millions of rand since 1994; more teachers are being appointed and paid by the school governing body. Departmental officials, principals and school governing body members have no experience to handle the extra financial burden. Principals and school governing body members have no experience of carrying this extra financial burden. It is expected of school managers to have knowledge of financial management to enable them to execute tasks effectively, not only for their own survival but also in the best interest of the school and the community. The purpose of this study is to determine factors that influence the control and management of public schools’ finances and to present a model that will guide the control and management of a public school’s finances. Copyright / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

The effect of school autonomy on learners’ performance in Egbeda local government secondary schools in Oyo State, Nigeria

Binuyo, Monilola Mary 29 March 2021 (has links)
Education plays prominent role in the development of nations considering that the progress of nations depends on the capability of its workforce which is informed by the quality of education offered its citizenry. Program for international students‟ assessment revealed the need to improve upon the quality of education across nations. This need was corroborated by the unimpressive performance of the secondary schools learners in Egbeda local Government of Oyo State. Ironically, secondary schools management in the local government have been found to have very little discretionary powers in the administration of their schools – a situation that could have contributed to the poor performance of the learners. The study thus focussed on the effect of school autonomy on learners‟ performance in Egbeda Local Government secondary schools of Oyo State, Nigeria. Cross-sectional survey research design was adopted for the study. The population comprised 72 Principals, 158 Vice Principals and 125 Heads of Departments from the 72 schools covered by the study. Thirty schools were excluded from the study for not meeting selection criteria of ten years of establishment. Sample size of 355 was purposively selected for the study. Response rate was 97.7%. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings revealed that school autonomy dimensions have statistically significant effect on learners‟ work quality (F5, 341 = 221.357, Adj. R2 = 0.761, p < 0.05); school autonomy dimensions have statistically significant effect on learners‟ affective performance (F5, 341 = 66.085, Adj. R2 = 0.492, p < 0.05); school autonomy dimensions have statistically significant effect on learners‟ character formation (F5, 341 = 553.982, Adj. R2 = 0.889, p < 0.05); school autonomy dimensions have statistically significant effect on learners‟ personal development (F5, 341 = 104.177, Adj. R2 = 0.599, p < 0.05); school autonomy dimensions have statistically significant effect on learners‟ social development (F5, 341 = 45.928, Adj. R2 = 0.394, p < 0.05). The study concluded that school autonomy affected learners‟ performance. The study recommended that education authorities should make policy provisions that will enhance school autonomy in both private and public secondary schools in the Egbeda Local Government of Oyo State to improve learners‟ performance. / Educational Management and Leadership / Ph. D. (Education Management)

An Analysis of Race and Gender in Select Choice Programs Within Brevard County Public Schools

Doaks, Synthia 01 January 2014 (has links)
The focus of this research was to compare the student membership population proportions, by race and gender, of Brevard County Public School students with the actual participation in select choice programs offered to Brevard County public high school students. This study was based on an analysis of the scores of 1,152 eighth-grade students who received a score of 4 or 5 on the 2008 Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) mathematics and a score of 4 or 5 on the 2008 Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) reading and their participation in high school advanced academic courses. The advanced academic choice programs selected for this study consisted of the four Florida articulated accelerated college credit seeking programs: Advanced Placement (AP), Dual-Enrollment (DE), International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme, and the Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE). The proportion comparison consisted of student membership data and eighth-grade FCAT scores from 2007-2008 and the student membership data and high school course load data from the 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, and 2011-2012 academic school years. Chi-square goodness-of-fit tests were run to analyze the proportions by race and gender of the sample groups and student membership populations. For each respective year involved in this study, there was a statistically significant difference in the race and gender proportions of the samples and the student membership populations.


ADRIANA BAPTISTA DE SOUZA 16 April 2020 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo principal analisar a interação escolar de um aluno surdo em um contexto praticamente inexplorado no Brasil: as aulas de Inglês como língua estrangeira do primeiro segmento do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública inclusiva. De forma específica, procura-se investigar: (i) como o aluno surdo coconstrói conhecimentos em um contexto multilíngue com três línguas em contato (Inglês, Português e Libras), acrescidas dos sinais caseiros trazidos pelo aluno surdo e da linguagem não verbal que compõe o cenário interacional; (ii) de que forma a interação do aluno surdo com os outros participantes – a professora de Inglês, os colegas ouvintes e a intérprete educacional – impacta a coconstrução de conhecimentos. A abordagem teórico-metodológica é da Linguística Aplicada no âmbito da Microetnografia de sala de aula, com um estudo de caso, de natureza qualitativo-interpretativista, realizado em uma turma de primeiro ano do ensino fundamental de uma escola municipal inclusiva do Rio de Janeiro denominada escola de educação bilíngue (LibrasPortuguês). A geração de dados foi feita em 2018. Nos primeiros meses, houve a ambientação da pesquisadora na escola, com observações da rotina escolar e das aulas de Inglês da turma-alvo, registradas em notas de campo. Nesse período, foram também realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com a coordenadora pedagógica da escola, a professora de Inglês da turma-alvo, o aluno surdo incluído e sua responsável legal, para o mapeamento do contexto escolar, das características dos participantes da pesquisa e das suas perspectivas acerca do objeto de investigação. Após os meses de ambientação, foram feitos registros audiovisuais de aulas de Inglês na turma-alvo, das quais foram selecionadas duas para análise: uma aula sem a presença da intérprete educacional e a outra com a sua presença, o que possibilitou uma comparação entre as estruturas de participação em cada situação para fins de identificar possíveis impactos dessas diferentes configurações na coconstrução de conhecimentos do aluno surdo. Os dados foram transcritos mediante convenções da análise da conversa e de estudos sobre a Libras. A análise de dados indica que, na interação com a professora de Inglês, seus colegas ouvintes e a intérprete, o aluno surdo constrói afetividades e demonstra conhecimentos acerca dos padrões interacionais de sala de aula. Com a intérprete educacional, em especial, apesar da grande resistência travada pelo aluno, há coconstrução de conhecimentos em Libras e sobre a Libras. Não há evidências, no entanto, de coconstrução de conhecimentos em Inglês ou sobre o Inglês, o que pode ser resultante da abordagem metodológica utilizada, que é baseada na oralidade, não contemplando, portanto, as especificidades do aluno surdo. Há, assim, muitos desafios enfrentados por todos os participantes da pesquisa e, principalmente, pelo aluno surdo no que tange à coconstrução de conhecimentos. Os resultados do estudo podem contribuir para reflexões acerca do processo de inclusão do aluno surdo e da necessidade de adequação metodológica no que tange ao ensino de línguas estrangeiras de modalidade oral-auditiva para surdos do primeiro segmento do ensino fundamental em contexto inclusivo, o que carece de pesquisas atualmente e torna este estudo pioneiro na área. / [en] The main objective of this research is to analyze the school interaction of a deaf student in a context that is practically unexplored in Brazil: the classes of English as a foreign language in the first segment of elementary school in an inclusive public school. Specifically, we seek to investigate: (i) how the deaf student co-constructs knowledge in a multilingual context with three languages in contact (English, Portuguese and Libras), plus the home signs brought by the deaf student and non-verbal language that composes the interactional scenario; (ii) how the deaf student s interaction with the other participants – the English teacher, the hearing peers, and the educational interpreter – impacts the co-construction of knowledge. The theoretical-methodological approach is Applied Linguistics in the scope of Classroom Microetnography, with a qualitative-interpretative-naturebased case study, carried out in a first-year class of elementary school in an inclusive municipal school in Rio de Janeiro called Bilingual education school (Libras-Portuguese). The data was generated in 2018. In the first months, the researcher set the scene in the school, with observations of the school routine and the target English classes, recorded in fieldnotes. During this period, semistructured interviews were also carried out with the pedagogical coordinator of the school, the English teacher of the target group, the deaf student and the person who is legally in charge of him, in order to map the school context, the characteristics of the participants and their perspectives about the research object. After these months, audio-visual records of English classes were taken in the target group, from which two were selected for analysis: one class without the presence of the educational interpreter and the other with her presence, which made possible a comparison among the structures of participation in each situation in order to identify possible impacts of these different settings in the co-construction of knowledge by the deaf student. Data were transcribed through conventions of conversation analysis and studies on Libras. Data analysis indicates that in the interaction with the English teacher, his hearing peers, and the interpreter, the deaf student builds affectivities and demonstrates knowledge about classroom interactional patterns. With the educational interpreter, in particular, despite the great resistance waged by the student, there is co-construction of knowledge in Libras and about Libras. There is no evidence, however, of co-construction of knowledge in English or about English, which may be the result of the methodological approach used, which is based on orality, and therefore does not contemplate the specificities of the deaf student. There are, thus, many challenges faced by all the participants of the research and, mainly, by the deaf student in which concerns the construction of knowledge. The results of the study may contribute to reflections on the process of inclusion of the deaf student and the need for methodological appropriateness regarding the teaching of oral-auditory foreign languages for the deaf of the first segment of elementary school in an inclusive context, which lacks research and makes this study a pioneer in the field.

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