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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis and evaluation of the pilot attentional model

Ghaderi, Maryam 08 1900 (has links)
Pendant les opérations de vol, les pilotes sont exposés à une variété de conditions émotionnelles, mentales et physiques qui peuvent affecter leurs performances et leur attention. Par conséquent, il est crucial de surveiller leur charge de travail et leurs niveaux d'attention pour maintenir la sécurité et l'efficacité de l'aviation, notamment dans les situations d'urgence. La charge de travail fait référence aux exigences cognitives et physiques imposées aux pilotes lors d'un vol. Des niveaux élevés de charge de travail peuvent entraîner une fatigue mentale, une attention réduite et une surcharge cognitive, ce qui peut entraver leur capacité à effectuer leurs tâches de manière efficace et efficiente. L'attention est un processus cognitif complexe qui limite la capacité de se concentrer et de comprendre tout en même temps. Dans les tâches de traitement de l'information visuelle, la vision humaine est la principale source du mécanisme d'attention visuelle. Le mode de distribution de l'attention d'un pilote a un impact significatif sur la quantité d'informations qu'il acquiert, car la vision est le canal le plus critique pour l'acquisition d'informations. Une mauvaise allocation des ressources attentionnelles peut amener les pilotes à négliger ou à oublier des paramètres spécifiques, ce qui entraîne des risques graves pour la sécurité des aéronefs. Ainsi, cette étude vise à étudier les niveaux d'attention des pilotes lors d'une procédure de décollage simulée, en mettant l'accent particulièrement sur les périodes critiques telles que les pannes de moteur. Pour ce faire, l'étude examine s'il existe une corrélation entre la dilatation de la pupille, mesurée à l'aide de la technologie de suivi oculaire, et les niveaux d'engagement, mesurés à l'aide de l'EEG. Les résultats indiquent que les changements de taille de la pupille sont effectivement corrélés aux changements d'activité de l'EEG, suggérant que la dilatation de la pupille peut être utilisée comme un indicateur fiable de l'engagement et de l'attention. Sur la base de ces résultats, la dilatation de la pupille et l'EEG peuvent être utilisés en combinaison pour examiner de manière globale le comportement des pilotes, car les deux mesures sont des indicateurs valides de l'engagement et de la charge cognitive. De plus, l'utilisation de ces mesures peut aider à identifier les périodes critiques où les niveaux d'attention des pilotes nécessitent une surveillance étroite pour garantir la sécurité et l'efficacité de l'aviation. Cette étude met en évidence l'importance de surveiller la charge de travail et les niveaux d'attention des pilotes et recommande d'utiliser les mesures de dilatation de la pupille et d'EEG pour évaluer la charge cognitive et l'engagement d'un pilote pendant les opérations de vol, améliorant ainsi la sécurité et l'efficacité de l'aviation. / During flight operations, pilots are exposed to a variety of emotional, mental, and physical conditions that can affect their performance and attention. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor their workload and attention levels to maintain aviation safety and efficiency, particularly in emergency situations. Workload refers to the cognitive and physical demands placed on pilots during a flight. High levels of workload can lead to mental fatigue, reduced attention, and cognitive overload, which can hinder their ability to perform their tasks effectively and efficiently. Attention is a complex cognitive process that limits the ability to focus and comprehend everything simultaneously. In visual information processing tasks, human vision is the primary source of the visual attention mechanism. A pilot's attention distribution mode significantly impacts the amount of information they acquire, as vision is the most critical channel for information acquisition. Improper allocation of attention resources can cause pilots to overlook or forget specific parameters, resulting in severe risks to aircraft safety. Thus, this study aims to investigate pilots' attention levels during a simulated takeoff procedure, with a specific focus on critical periods such as engine failures. To achieve this, the study examines whether there is a correlation between pupil dilation, measured using eye-tracking technology, and engagement levels, measured using EEG. The results indicate that changes in pupil size are indeed correlated with changes in EEG activity, suggesting that pupil dilation can be used as a reliable indicator of engagement and attention. Based on these findings, pupil dilation and EEG can be used in combination to comprehensively examine pilot behavior since both measures are valid indicators of engagement and cognitive workload. Furthermore, using these measures can help identify critical periods where pilots' attention levels require close monitoring to ensure aviation safety and efficiency. This study emphasizes the significance of monitoring pilots' workload and attention levels and recommends using pupil dilation and EEG measures to assess a pilot's cognitive workload and engagement during flight operations, ultimately enhancing aviation safety and efficiency.

Biologiundervisningens metoder och innehåll : – en fråga även för elever? / Methods and content in biology education : - a question for pupils?

Wild, Erica January 2024 (has links)
According to the Swedish school law, pupils should have the possibility to influence their education – both in learning methods and content. However many teachers find it hard to operationalize the pupils’ influence in their teaching. The motive for this study was therefore to explore how pupils’ influence can be incorporated in education in relation to subject traditions, here exemplified in the discipline of biology. The data was analysed from a sociocultural perspective by using a model of the didactical triangle for natural sciences. Inclusive methods for pupils’ influence in biology was also used as an analytical tool. The analysed material was derived from interviews with nine pupils and five teachers and was categorized using an abductive thematic method. The results demonstrate that pupils’ influence was strongly expressed in the relationship between the pupils and their teachers. However, in the relationship between the pupils and the biology content it was considerably less expressed. Teaching traditions in biology are often textbook oriented and tend to affect the teacher’s possibilities for allowing pupils’ influence. Methods for pupils’ influence in biology can include more diversified and interactive teaching practises. Using modelleling is another possibility which liberate the biology content and provides examples for influencing biology education.

Is School Size Important? A Study of the Relationship Between School Size and Advanced Achievement in Public Secondary Schools in Virginia

Perrigan, Keith Samuel 28 December 2010 (has links)
The primary focus of the current study was to determine if there is a relationship between size of high school and advanced academic achievement as measured by the Virginia Index of Performance while statistically controlling for multiple combinations of the following variables; socioeconomic status, urbanicity of school, per-pupil expenditure, and student-teacher ratio. The combinations of variables used in the current study were determined by knowledge gained in the review of the literature. Level of award on the Virginia Index of Performance, school enrollment, percentage of students receiving free or reduced lunch prices, per-pupil expenditures, student-teacher ratios, and school locale were collected for all high schools in Virginia with 9th-12th grade configurations for school years 2006-07 through 2008-09. A sequential multiple regression analysis was conducted using level of Virginia Index of Performance award earned as the dependent variable and school size as the primary predictor variable while statistically controlling for per-pupil expenditure, student-teacher ratio, socioeconomic status, and urbanicity in different combinations. The analyses performed on the collected data revealed that school size, when other variables were accounted for, was not a significant predictor of performance on the Virginia Index of Performance incentive program. When the analyses were performed for Research Question 2, however, socioeconomic status was found to be a significant predictor of performance on the Virginia Index of Performance incentive program. Multiple limitations should be noted when interpreting the results of the analyses. The main limitations to the current study were a restricted population of schools due to confines placed on grade configurations of schools included in the study and the initial criteria of making Adequate Yearly Progress for two consecutive years in order to be eligible to receive an award in the Virginia Index of Performance program. The combination of these restrictions resulted in a large number of schools being excluded from the current study. Due to the range restrictions placed on the studied population, the relationship between size of school and advanced student achievement could be stronger than reported. Future research should include a less restricted population of schools and other measures of advanced student achievement. / Ed. D.

Senior sekondêre skoolleerling se belewing van sy relasies met sy onderwysers / The senior secondary child's experience of his relationships with his teachers

Roodt, Aletta Catharina Jacoba 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / Die studie handel oor die belewing van die onderwyser-leerlingrelasies deur die senior sekondere skoolleerling. Bepaalde faktore uit die literatuur blyk 'n invloed uit te oefen op onderwyserleerlingrelasies, naamlik opvoedingsklimaat, opvoedingstyl en intermenslikheid van die onderwysers. Onderwyser-leerlingrelasies word deur 'n outokratiese opvoedingstyl en onwarme opvoedingsklimaat benadeel. 'n Betroubare meetinstrument is ontwikkel en in 'n empiriese ondersoek op standerd 6- tot 10-leerlinge afgeneem. Die resultate van die faktorontleding het getoon dat daar veral twee faktore is wat 'n invloed kan uitoefen op die onderwyser-leerlingrelasies, naamlik opvoedingsklimaat en opvoedingstyl van die onderwyser. Daar is ook bevind dat standerdgroepe en taalgroepe in hulle belewinge van die opvoedingsklimaat en opvoedingstyl verskil. Dit wil uit die resultate voorkom asof geslag 'n rol speel in leerlinge se belewing van opvoedingsklimaat en opvoedingstyl van die onderwyser. Norms is vir die vraelys bepaal deur routellings in staneges om te skakel. / This study concerns the experience of the teacher-student relationship by the senior secondary pupil. A literature study revealed that specific factors seem to influence teacher-student relationships, namely educational climate, educational style and the human nature of the teacher. An autocratic educational style and climate could harm teacher-student relationships. A reliable measuring instrument was developed and administered to standerd 6 to 10 pupils in an empirical study. The results of the factor analasys indicated that two major factors could influence the nature of the teacher-student relationship, namely educational climate and educational style of the teacher. The results also indicated a significant difference in standard groups' and language groups' experience of teacher-student relationships. It also appears from the results as if gender could play a significant role in pupils' experience of educational climate and educational style of the teacher. Norms were established for the questionnaire. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Výuka českého jazyka v 1. - 3. ročníku základních škol pro sluchově postižené - popis současného stavu a možnosti inovace / Learning Czech language in the 1 - 3 grade of elementary schools for hearing impaired - description of current situation and potentiality of innovation

Fuková, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is focused on problems of teaching in school subject Czech Language in 1 - 3 grade of elementary schools for hearing impaired. The whole issue is put into the theoretical framework, which delimit specify of hearing impaired pupils education and the goals which this pupils should achieve in elementary education and primarily in language education too. Special attention is paid to problems of teaching reading and writing - ways to acquiring reading literacy in hearing impaired pupils. Presented are methods of teaching reading and writing and I am thinking about their applicability in hearing impaired pupils education. Is given an idea of teaching in school subject Czech Language in Elementary schools for hearing impaired in history (1948 - 1990), in detail I analyze teaching materials used in that time. Current situation of teaching in school subject Czech Language is describe on the grounds of research probe realized in school year 2011/2012 on four selected elementary schools for hearing impaired in the Czech Republic. Results of observation are related to stated hypothesis and from them are deduced conclusions. Part of thesis is detailed notations of during the teaching in the selected schools. Closing part is focused on brief reflection of possibilities to make use of innovation in...

Gymnasielärarens uppdrag som mentor : En etnografisk studie av relationens betydelse för elevens lärande och delaktighet / The upper secondary school teacher’s assignment as mentor : An ethnographic study of the significance of relations for pupils’ learning and participation

Nordevall, Elisabeth January 2011 (has links)
Studien beskriver fyra gymnasielärares uppdrag som mentorer. Lärarnas uppdrag är inte knutet till ett specifikt skolämne utan avser en administrativ och stödjande funktion kring en avgränsad grupp elever eller en klass. Uppdraget som mentor har studerats utifrån det kommunikativa relationsinriktade perspektivet, som är influerat av det sociokulturella perspektivet. Syftet med studien är att kartlägga, beskriva och analysera lärarens uppdrag som mentor såväl när det gäller innehåll som funktion. Studien har bedrivits utifrån en etnografisk ansats med deltagande observationer. Inom ramen för den deltagande observationen har genomförts olika former av samtal och intervjuer. Urvalet av mentorer är ett medvetet urval. Det betyder att studien beskriver mentorer med tydligt engagemang i sitt uppdrag. Under ett läsår har fyra mentorer, deras klasser samt nio fallelever följts. Studien visar att i de fall då mentorskapet fungerar väl tycks mentorn få en unik position för överblick av sina ansvarselevers skolsituation. I två av de studerade klasserna är lärandesituationen inledningsvis problematisk både för enskilda elever och klassen som helhet och studien visar hur mentorn kan vända på situationen. Mentorns utvecklings- och mentorssamtal med sina ansvarselever tycks skapa dialogiska läranderum, som ger mentorn en helhetsbild av den enskilde elevens skolsituation. Överblicken ger mentorn möjligheter att bygga upp ett eget kunskapssystem kring eleven. Detta kunskapssystem tycks sedan ge mentorn underlag för att påverka skolans strukturer och öka elevens utrymme för lärande och delaktighet både på individ- och gruppnivå. Studien avtäcker dock flera kritiska aspekter för mentorns genomförande av sitt uppdrag. Mentorernas samarbete med övriga lärare och arbetslag kring elever i behov av särskilt stöd är inte utvecklat på skolnivå. Styrningen och utformningen av uppdraget är upp till den enskilde mentorn. Det råder brist på tid för uppdragets genomförande samt läraren har ingen utbildning för uppdraget. Sammantaget synliggörs på skolnivå en risk för brist på likvärdigt bemötande av alla elever. / The study describes four upper secondary school teachers’ assignments as mentors. The teachers’ task is not tied to a specific school subject, but refers to an administrative and supportive role regarding a distinct group of students or a class. The mentoring assignment has been studied from a communicative relational perspective, which is influenced by the socio-cultural perspective. The aim of this study is to identify, describe and analyze the teacher’s assignment as mentor in terms of both content and function. The study has been conducted using an ethnographic approach with participant observations. Within the framework of participant observation, different types of conversations and interviews were carried out. The choice of mentors by purposeful sampling entails that the study describes mentors with a clear commitment to their assignments. Four mentors, their classes, and nine case-students have been followed over the course of a school year. The results of the study show that in those cases in which mentorship works well, it seems that the mentor has a unique position for overview of the school situation of pupils he or she mentors. In two of the classes studied, the learning situation is initially problematic for both individual students and the class as a whole, and the study shows how the mentor can turn the situation around. The dialogue between mentor and student seems to create a space for mutual learning and to provide a good overall picture of the pupil’s school situation. The overview gives the mentor an opportunity to build up his or her own knowledge system about the pupil. This knowledge system seems to then provide the mentor a basis for influencing the school’s structure and increasing the students’ opportunities for learning and participation at both individual and group level. The study reveals, however, several critical aspects for the mentor’s performance of his or her mandate: The mentors’ collaboration with other teachers and teams of professionals regarding pupils in need of special support is not developed at the school level; the management and design of the assignment are left up to the individual mentors; there is a lack of time for carrying out the assignment; and teachers lack training for the assignment. Generally evident at the school level is a risk of lack of equal treatment of all students.

Senior sekondêre skoolleerling se belewing van sy relasies met sy onderwysers / The senior secondary child's experience of his relationships with his teachers

Roodt, Aletta Catharina Jacoba 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / Die studie handel oor die belewing van die onderwyser-leerlingrelasies deur die senior sekondere skoolleerling. Bepaalde faktore uit die literatuur blyk 'n invloed uit te oefen op onderwyserleerlingrelasies, naamlik opvoedingsklimaat, opvoedingstyl en intermenslikheid van die onderwysers. Onderwyser-leerlingrelasies word deur 'n outokratiese opvoedingstyl en onwarme opvoedingsklimaat benadeel. 'n Betroubare meetinstrument is ontwikkel en in 'n empiriese ondersoek op standerd 6- tot 10-leerlinge afgeneem. Die resultate van die faktorontleding het getoon dat daar veral twee faktore is wat 'n invloed kan uitoefen op die onderwyser-leerlingrelasies, naamlik opvoedingsklimaat en opvoedingstyl van die onderwyser. Daar is ook bevind dat standerdgroepe en taalgroepe in hulle belewinge van die opvoedingsklimaat en opvoedingstyl verskil. Dit wil uit die resultate voorkom asof geslag 'n rol speel in leerlinge se belewing van opvoedingsklimaat en opvoedingstyl van die onderwyser. Norms is vir die vraelys bepaal deur routellings in staneges om te skakel. / This study concerns the experience of the teacher-student relationship by the senior secondary pupil. A literature study revealed that specific factors seem to influence teacher-student relationships, namely educational climate, educational style and the human nature of the teacher. An autocratic educational style and climate could harm teacher-student relationships. A reliable measuring instrument was developed and administered to standerd 6 to 10 pupils in an empirical study. The results of the factor analasys indicated that two major factors could influence the nature of the teacher-student relationship, namely educational climate and educational style of the teacher. The results also indicated a significant difference in standard groups' and language groups' experience of teacher-student relationships. It also appears from the results as if gender could play a significant role in pupils' experience of educational climate and educational style of the teacher. Norms were established for the questionnaire. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Čeština jako druhý jazyk pro žáka s odlišným mateřským jazykem v primární škole / Czech as a second language for a pupil with a different mother tongue in primary school

Helclová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with teaching Czech as a second language for pupils with a different mother tongue at primary school. Collects and presents professional findings on this topic. Diploma thesis explains the difference between Czech as a second language and Czech as a foreign language and compares them. The thesis examined what is necessary when the teacher is planning the lesson. Further, describes in detail the various materials and textbook Domino 1 in terms of a beginning teacher of Czech for foreigners. In the practical part of the thesis submitted to analyse three topics. Based on this analysis and complete analysis of theoretical knowledge, textbooks, and materials originated recommendations for a beginning teachers. The thesis also deals with a utility of textbooks of Czech as a second language in a regular classroom. The practical part includes ideas for games in a lesson or samples of worksheets. The result of the work is to evaluate teaching materials and sample other tools that can be used in the Czech lessons for foreigners. KEYWORDS Pupil - foreigner, Czech as a foreign language, Czech as a second language, teaching foreigners, working with foreign pupils, integration, pupil with a different mother tongue, cultural differences, primary school, textbook

Plošné testování jazykových dovedností žáků se sluchovým postižením / Plošné testování jazykových dovedností žáků se sluchovým postižením

Chmátalová, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with national assessment of language abilities of hearing impaired pupils and closer focuses on pre-lingual deaf pupils at the ends of the primary and lower secondary schools. Based on the definition of the characteristics of the national assessment, the diploma thesis also focuses on an overview of currently used language tests, both at international level as well as it gives information about the practice in selected foreign education systems. Special attention is devoted to information that deal with the assessment of language abilities in the Czech Republic, and the form of participation of deaf pupils in such testing . The practical part is done by a research which was done to find out the views of those involved in the education of pupils with hearing disorders just the current assessment practice language skills of the pupils. In the final part of my diploma thesis is a possible outline for innovations for testing related to information from the preceding parts of my diploma thesis.

Plošné testování jazykových dovedností žáků se sluchovým postižením / Plošné testování jazykových dovedností žáků se sluchovým postižením

Chmátalová, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with national assessment of language abilities of hearing impaired pupils at the ends of the primary and lower secondary schools. Based on the definition of the characteristics of the national assessment, the diploma thesis also focuses on an overview of currently used language tests, both at international level as well as it gives information about the practice in selected foreign education systems. Special attention is devoted to information that deal with the assessment of language abilities in the Czech Republic, and the form of participation of pupils with hearing impairement in such testing . The practical part is done by a research which was done to find out the views of those involved in the education of pupils with hearing disorders just the current assessment practice language skills of the pupils. In the final part of my diploma thesis is a possible outline for innovations for testing related to information from the preceding parts of my diploma thesis.

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