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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An evaluative study on attempts to improve the quality of processes for the U.S. Senate Productivity and Quality Award for Virginia

Simmers, Cheryl L. 24 March 2009 (has links)
Quality awards are formal award programs that have been established to recognize organizations (or sub-units thereof) for achieving excellence in quality and productivity. The criteria of these awards require a systematic and comprehensive program that is mature either from time or results. These awards are issued on a regular, typically annual, basis. The administrators of the awards can range from individual companies to state governments to the federal government. Recipients of these awards can be organizations or sub-units of organizations. Further, the recipients could involve specific projects and programs. The recipients are ultimately defined by the specific award process. This thesis describes the quality award program in the State of Virginia. Overall, this thesis is a formative evaluation of the U.S. Senate Productivity and Quality Award for Virginia. This research reviews the processes used in determining winners for this award. Recommendations are made to improve the application evaluation and feedback processes, in particular. The thesis describes the types of key performance indicators that organizations report in their applications. A set of common key performance indicators were collected to form a type of measurement system to assess the “health” of organizations in the State of Virginia. The purpose of this measurement system is to provide benchmarks to other organizations in the state. As a final output, this research compares the key performance indicators reported in applications to two measurement frameworks provided in the literature. / Master of Science

RPA, AI och IPA – Tekniska hjälpmedel vid verksamhetsstyrning enligt konceptet TQM och MBNQAmodellen.

Hellstadius, Simon January 2024 (has links)
RPA, AI och IPA blir allt mer populära verktyg inom företagande. Detta trots att det till stor del saknas teoretisk förankrad förståelse för vilka förmågor teknologierna besitter och hur de kan understödja företagsledning. Som ett svar på den bristande tillgängligheten av forskning kring ämnet, syftade denna studie till att på ett inkluderande och övergripande plan, samla teknologiernas förmågor och nytta. Varpå dessa kunde kopplas mot verksamhetsstyrning i form av konceptet TQM. Studien genomfördes som en kvalitativ enfallsstudie, där fallet utgjordes av ett internationellt teknikföretag som arbetar med applikationer kopplat till teknologierna. Den empiri som fallet erbjöd samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer, där företagets personal utgjorde studiens respondenter. Empirin jämfördes sedan med och kompletterades av den tidigare spridda teoretiska forskningen kring RPA, AI och IPA:s nyttjande och nytta. Ur sammankopplingen skapades en modell vilken gav en bred bild av teknologiernas nytta i relation till TQM och MBNQA-modellen som nyttjades för att konkretisera TQM. Resultatet antydde att RPA, AI och IPA kan utgöra viktiga verktyg för att stödja verksamhetsstyrning enligt TQM, och bidrog med en bred teoretisk referensram för teknologiernas förmågor i relation till verksamhetsstyrning. Studien belyste även behovet av mer forskning kring teknologiernas snabbt föränderliga förmågor i relation till verksamhetsstyrning och TQM. / RPA, AI, and IPA are becoming increasingly popular tools in the business sector. Despite their growing prevalence, there is a significant lack of theoretically grounded understanding of the capabilities these technologies possess and how they can support corporate management. In response to this research gap, the aim of this study was to comprehensively and inclusively gather the capabilities and benefits of these technologies. Subsequently, these factors were linked to business management through the concept of TQM. The study was conducted as a qualitative single-case study, with the case comprising an international technology company working with applications related to these technologies. The empirical data were collected through semi-structured interviews, with the company's personnel serving as the study's respondents. This empirical data were then compared with and supplemented by existing scattered theoretical research on the utilization and benefits of RPA, AI, and IPA. From this synthesis, a model was developed that provided a broad view of the technologies' benefits in relation to TQM and the MBNQA model, which was used to concretize TQM. The results suggested that RPA, AI, and IPA can serve as important tools to support business management according to TQM, and contributed a broad theoretical framework for the capabilities of these technologies in relation to business management. The study also highlighted the need for further research on the rapidly evolving capabilities of these technologies in relation to business management and TQM.

The evolving scope and impact of total quality management in leading South African companies

Weitz, Kevin Walton 06 1900 (has links)
The objective of the study was to quantify the evolving scope of quality management as practiced in a sample of companies in South Afiica, and to correlate this with corporate profitability. The empirical data in this study suggests that a more extensive scope of application and practice of quality management and related management practices is related to better organisational profitability. The significant correlations which were demonstrated are: • A focus on results by companies is inversely correlated with Operating Profit Margin. • Quality training, employee communications and internal coordination correlates positively with Net Profit Margin. • The rigorous use of quality standards correlates positively with Net Profit Margin. • Quality control and monitoring correlates positively with Return on Equity. Recommendations flowing from this study include that a broader paradigm of quality management is required, expressed as an integrated model for innovation and change which is holistic rather than fragmented. / Economics / M. Com. (Business Economics)

我國服務業推動全面品質管理之實證研究-以百貨業為例 / An Empirical Study of the Implementation of TQM of Domestic Service Industry - Taking Department Stores for Example

趙建彰, Jaw, Jiann Jang Unknown Date (has links)
品質的管理由早期的品質是檢查、製造、設計出來的,逐漸演變成全面管理,許多國家體認到全面品質管理對提昇企業競爭力,進而提昇國家競爭力,有相當大的助益,因此紛紛設立國家品質獎,一方面引導企業實施全面品質管理,另一方面提供有意引進全面品質管理的企業一套完整的架構,以做為實施的標竿(Benchmarking)。   依據國外經驗指出,美日等國服務業者利用國家品質獎、戴明獎做為標竿,對品質進行全面體檢的成效卓著。反觀國內,國品獎自民國84年起開放非製造業申請,要利用國品獎做為服務業者標竿對象,提升整體競爭力,尚在起步階段。本研究目的在於以非製造業國家品質獎評審標準為基礎,對百貨業進行標準認知重要性的分析及標準的修訂,從而建立符合產業特性的全面品質管理標準;其次,則經由國內業者的互評,選擇國內外推動TQM績效卓著的百貨業者,實地了解績優業者推動TQM的現況,以作為業者標竿對象。   本研究的研究對象為國內百貨業,問卷係根據我國國家品質獎非製造業評審標準之九大項四十一中項發展而成。本研究對國內每家百貨公司各寄發一份問卷,共寄出26份問卷,回收16份,其中有效問卷14份,回收率為53.8%。   本研究發現百貨業者普遍認為非製造業國家品質獎的九項評審標準的重要性都非常的高,且業者對九項標準的認知重要性彼此間並無顯著差異。百貨業者對各中項評審標準的認知重要性以「顧客接觸點服務品質」及「顧客抱怨處理」為最重要,以「倉儲運輸的品質」及「品質榮譽的追求」較不重要。結論是百貨業者可應用非製造業國家品質獎評審標準作為推動TQM的主要架構。   百貨業者建議非製造業國家品質獎評審標準作以下的修正,以符合百貨業特性:資訊科技的運用以及行銷溝通如促銷、廣告、商店氣氛等應納入評審標準中。

我國服務業推動全面品質管理之實證研究-以國際觀光旅館業為例 / Empirical Study on Taiwan Service Industry's Total Quality Management: International Tourist Hotel Industry for Example

王世豪, Wang, Shyh Haur Unknown Date (has links)
隨著我國經濟發展,服務業所扮演的角色日益重要,而TQM的觀念經有關單位、學者及業者多年的提倡,在國內製造業已有較廣泛的應用,但服務業方面目前則仍有相當大的推廣空間。因此,本文以服務業之全面品質管理為題進行實證研究。   本研究的目的在以非製造業國家品質獎標準為基礎,對國際觀光旅館業進行標準相對重要性的分析及標準的修訂,從而建立符合產業特性的全面品質管理標準;其次,則經由國內業者的互評,選擇國內外推動TQM績效卓著的業者製作標竿個案,由此二方面著手,制定產業全面品質標竿。產業標竿制定後,國際觀光旅館業者可比較彼此在程序及績效上的差異,界定改善的機會及先後順序,從事品質提升的活動。   本研究發現非製造業國家品質獎的九大構面標準,在國際觀光旅館業的相對重要性有所差異;九大構面中,以「經營理念、目標與策略」、「顧客服務」及「人力發展與運用」在國際觀光旅館業有較高的相對重要性,而「研究發展」的相對重要性則顯著較低。此外,本研究同時對非製造業國家品質獎41中項標準,就國際觀光旅館業進行相對重要性分析。   在國際觀光旅館業者互評方面,以凱悅、亞都、西華、來來、希爾頓、福華、晶華等旅館有較突出的表現;而標竿個案的國內部份以亞都飯店為對象,國外部份以Ritz Carlton及地中海俱樂部為對象,依非製造業國家品質獎標準的架構寫成。

BĮ „Jonavos rajono savivaldybės kūno kultūros ir sporto centras“ veiklos vertinimas, taikant kokybės vadybos metodus / Budgetary institutions “Jonava district physical education and sports center” performance evaluation of the application of quality management methods

Rutkauskas, Nauris 06 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – veiklos vertinimas taikant kokybės vadybos metodus. Darbo tikslas – įvertinti BĮ „Jonavos rajono savivaldybės kūno kultūros ir sporto centras“ vykdomą veiklą bei jos gerinimo galimybes taikant kokybės vadybos metodus. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti EFQM verslo tobulumo ir Malcolmo Baldrige‘o modelius. 2. Atskleisti EFQM tobulumo ir Malcolmo Baldrige‘o modelių pritaikomumo galimybes organizacijoje. 3. Įvertinti BĮ „Jonavos rajono savivaldybės kūno kultūros ir sporto centras“ organizacijos veiklą panaudojant kokybės vadybos metodus. Išvados: 1. Išanalizavus EFQM ir Malcolmo Baldrige‘o modelius, remiantis skirtingų autorių vertinimu, galim teigti, kad tai yra modeliai, kuriuose geriausiai praktiškai pritaikyti visuotinės kokybės vadybos principai. Organizacijos, naudodamos šiuo modelius gali įvertinti savo veiklą ir nustatyti gerinimo galimybes. Šie modeliai gali būti traktuojami kaip visuotinės kokybės vadybos principų pritaikymo instrukcija, todėl labai svarbu gerai juos žinoti ir sugebėti pritaikyti kasdieninėje įmonės veikloje. 2. Palyginus EFQM ir Malcolmo Baldrige‘o modelius gauti rezultatai parodė, kad išsamesniam organizacijos veiklos vertinimui tikslingiau naudoti EFQM tobulumo modelį. 3. Atlikus tyrimą BĮ „Jonavos rajono savivaldybės kūno kultūros ir sporto centras“ organizacijoje ir joje pritaikius pasirinktą EFQM tobulumo modelį paaiškėjo, kad organizacija vykdo savo veiklą efektyviai, o gerėjantys rezultatai parodo, kad organizacijos veiklos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Key words: total quality management, models of quality management, the EFQM Excellence Model, Malcolm Baldrige'o National Quality Award. Study object – activity assessment using quality management techniques. Aim of the study: to assess the budgetary institutions “Jonava district physical education and sports center” activities and possibilities of its improvement using quality management techniques. Objectives: 1. To analyze the EFQM business excellence and Malcolm Baldrige'o models. 2. To expose the EFQM excellence and Malcolm Baldrige'o models applicability opportunities in the organization. 3. To rate the budgetary institutions “Jonava district physical education and sports center” organizations in the use of quality management techniques. Conclusions: 1. The analysis of the EFQM and Malcolm Baldrige'o models based on the evaluation of different authors, we can say that this is the model for the best practical application of total quality management principles. Using these models organizations can assess their performance and identify improvement opportunities. These models can be seen as a total quality management principles application instruction, so it's important for them to know and be able to adapt the company's daily activities. 2. Compared EFQM and Malcolm Baldrige'o models, results showed that a more comprehensive assessment of the organization's more appropriate to use the EFQM Excellence Model. 3. The study budgetary institutions “Jonava district physical... [to full text]

台灣國家品質獎對公司財務績效的影響 / The influence of Taiwan national quality award for company financial performances

李典運, Lee, Tien Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討有效的全面品質管理(Total quality management, TQM)對公司股價和獲利能力財務績效的影響,透過獲得台灣國家品質獎來當作一個有效成功實施TQM的確認,來進行獲獎公司於得獎前後跟其他公司績效的比較。 本論文將評估得獎公司得獎前後與不同的參照公司和比較公司群做3年的引入TQM計畫和成功完成TQM計畫後4年的財務績效比較。雖然這方面的研究在國外已經有不少探討,在研究統計方法上有不斷的改進,但基於本研究由於樣本數過少的狀況,所以對研究統計方法做特別的選擇與考量。在長期實施TQM計劃的結果當中,得獎公司只有在報名台灣國家品質獎前的實施階段有明顯的正向股價異常報酬和營運異常報酬,而完成TQM落實後的階段並沒有顯著的正向異常報酬,其結果有別於國外對美國國家品獎研究結果,在結論方面也將提出相關可能的原因與探討。 / This thesis discussed how the efficient total quality management (TQM) influenced company stock price and operation performance. Taiwan National Quality Award winners were selected representing the companies that implement TQM successfully. Their performance before and after winning the awards were compared with others equivalent companies. The paper tested the company performances for two periods in which the first one is undertaking the TQM program for three years before winning the awards as the implementation period and the second one includes four years after winning the awards as post-implementation period. The performance of award winning companies at two periods were compared with control firms and comparison groups. Although many relevant researches were found and the statistical methods were developed and improved, this study selected few unique methods because of insufficient samples. The results showed that award winning companies have significantly positive performance in stock price and operating index only at the first period, and no significant effects at the second period were found. The results are different from the studies regarding Malcolm Baldridge Award, and probable causes and issues are discussed.

Geração de valor ao acionista: estudo de caso das métricas de avaliação financeira utilizadas por oito empresas vencedoras do prêmio nacional da qualidade e do malcolm baldrige national quality award nos anos de 2002 e 2003

Haussen, Leonardo Fagundes 04 March 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:20:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 136782.pdf: 844548 bytes, checksum: f94ae320c5baa61d9a3c8b068bb0a094 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-03-04T00:00:00Z / Este estudo é uma análise do processo de geração de valor ao acionista do Prêmio Nacional da Qualidade (PNQ) e do Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA), feita através do estudo de caso das métricas financeiras utilizadas por oito empresas vencedoras destes prêmios em 2002 e 2003. Objetivo: Identificar consistências e complementaridades entre o PNQ e o MBNQA e objetivos financeiros de geração de valor ao acionista, verificando se as métricas utilizadas pelas oito empresas são consistentes com estes conceitos. Método: Estudo de caso das métricas financeiras utilizadas em 2002 e 2003 por três empresas vencedoras do PNQ e por cinco empresas vencedoras do MBNQA, comparando-as com métricas financeiras recomendados pela bibliografia de finanças na área de geração de valor ao acionista. Resultados: As empresas monitoraram indicadores operacionais importantes (direcionadores de valor), mas a maior parte das métricas financeiras utilizadas está mais ligada a medidas contábeis e de performance passada do que a métricas de geração de valor ao acionista. Conclusão: Verificou-se que as métricas financeiras utilizadas pelas oito empresas não estão consistentes com os conceitos de finanças na área de geração de valor ao acionista e não permitem a correta medição do seu processo de geração de valor. Por outro lado, o fato do PNQ e do MBNQA levarem ao acompanhamento sistemático de indicadores direcionadores de valor, a revisões periódicas destes indicadores e a busca de melhorias e alinhamento com a estratégia da empresa é positivo, podendo gerar bons resultados para as empresas. A utilização conjunta da metodologia do PNQ e do MBNQA com a disciplina de finanças tem grande potencial de gerar valor para os acionistas.

Responsabilidade social nas organizações classe mundial no Brasil: só um discurso ou desempenho sustentável?

Cajazeira, Jorge Emanuel Reis 06 January 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:51:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2006-01-06T00:00:00Z / Estudos demonstraram a associação entre as empresas classe mundiais, ganhadoras dos Prêmios Nacionais de Qualidade em seus países, e o sucesso financeiro dessas organizações. Falta na literatura acadêmica, um elo demonstrado empiricamente a associação entre os modelos de Excelência e os critérios de performance socioambientais. Nosso estudo buscou entender o alinhamento entre os conceitos de Qualidade e Excelência com os conceitos de Responsabilidade Social e Sustentabilidade, determinando os elementos de interface e buscando inter-relações. A partir da aplicação de um modelo consagrado de mensuração do desempenho Sustentável no país, os Indicadores Ethos, em quatro empresas vencedoras do PNQ - Prêmio Nacional da Qualidade no Brasil. Comparando os resultados obtidos com o banco de dados do Instituto Ethos e suas melhores práticas, o nosso estudo buscou responder a pergunta se existe uma associação entre a busca da Qualidade Total e o desempenho Sustentável, ou seja, aquele distribuído com justeza entre o social, o ambiental e o econômico. Para isso, utilizamos uma ampla revisão bibliográfica e uma pesquisa de campo com quatro empresas ganhadoras do PNQ, com portes, localização e atividades representativas das organizações vencedoras. Os resultados foram comparados utilizando-se elementos da estatística não-paramétrica e apontam para um desempenho superior das empresas classe mundial em relação ao banco de dados do Instituto Ethos e equivalente às melhores práticas registradas no Instituto. Ademais, percebeu-se um alinhamento entre a evolução dos Critérios de Excelência da Fundação Nacional da Qualidade com os modelos mais atuais de Responsabilidade Social. / Several academicals studies linked the quality and joumey to excellence with economical results. The relations between the Baldrige winners and their value market increase are one of those studies. However there is a lack on the business administration literacy relating the adoption of the criteria for Excellence (in Brazil the National Quality Award Criteria) and the relevant results of sustainable development and social responsibility. Our research consist in a study in four Brazilians winners ofNational Quality Award (PNQ) and how they performs against a criteria of measurements based on the economics, environmental and social dimensions, the Ethos Social Responsibility Indicators (Indicadores Ethos), From a field survey with four Brazilians former PNQ winners considering the full range of size, localization, and purpose the study compare using nonparametric statistics the results arising from our survey with the data bank of Ethos Institute that includes the benchmarks performances. Plus, a huge literacy review reach the stage of art in Social Responsibility and Sustainability standardization process to try to answer the correlations and interfaces of process and measures track progress in integrated approaches to Excellence and their skillful in align strategic and operational goals with the Sustainability concept. The result highlights the superior performance of the selected sample of PNQ winners against the Brazilian average and indicates that the Excellence criteria from the Brazilian Quality Award rightly oriented the organizations users to Sustainability align with most recent developing in the Social Responsibility area.

Qualidade x desempenho: mito ou realidade?

Pignanelli, Alexandre 15 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:51:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 166820.pdf.jpg: 16351 bytes, checksum: 6c3229cf93994513f37086020ef4c6fc (MD5) 166820.pdf: 2874178 bytes, checksum: b87012882801c23b07870292ff40d72d (MD5) 166820.pdf.txt: 211682 bytes, checksum: 1c1c647283ff3bce353d1aad112aa76e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-15T00:00:00Z / Diversos estudos vêm analisando a contribuição da gestão da qualidade para o resultados financeiros das empresas, sejam eles conduzidos por acadêmicos ou por firmas de consultoria diretamente interessadas em comprovar a relação entre qualidade e desempenho superior. Apesar dos benefícios atribuídos ao gerenciamento da qualidade, o conjunto de pesquisas empíricas publicadas até hoje apresenta resultados não conclusivos. A grande maioria desses trabalhos se utilizam de dados de empresas americanas ou européias; no Brasil tal linha de pesquisa ainda é incipiente. Além de comparar o desempenho financeiro de uma amostra de empresas que efetivamente adotam a gestão da qualidade com as demais empresas de seus respectivos setores de atuação, este trabalho avaliou também a evolução do desempenho das próprias empresas dessa amostra no longo prazo (10 anos), comparando seus resultados no período pós-implementação da qualidade com os resultados obtidos anteriormente. Como proxy para a adoção efetiva da qualidade foram consideradas na amostra de estudo 33 empresas reconhecidas como ganhadoras ou finalistas do Prêmio Nacional da Qualidade (PNQ). O desempenho financeiro foi medido em três dimensões: crescimento, lucratividade e valor de mercado. Esses dados foram obtidos de um conjunto de bases de dados entre as quais se destacam o Balanço Anual da Gazeta Mercantil, a Economática e as Pesquisas Industriais Anuais do IBGE. Para isolar o efeito do setor de atuação das empresas, as variáveis foram parametrizadas de acordo com uma relação entre o desempenho das empresas da amostra de estudo, o desempenho do setor e a variância do desempenho do setor. No total, foram utilizadas 12.010 observações de 2.624 empresas (33 da amostra de estudo e 2.591 dos setores), no período de 1987 a 2006. Na primeira etapa da metodologia, o desempenho de cada empresa da amostra de estudo foi sumarizado por meio de regressões lineares, resultando em dois coeficientes: um linear representando o desempenho no ponto médio do período e um angular representando a taxa de evolução do desempenho no mesmo período. A seguir, análises paramétricas (testes t) e não-paramétricas (testes de Wilcoxon para observações pareadas e teste dos sinais) foram realizadas para os dados de toda a amostra. Os resultados mostraram que a rentabilidade foi a única dimensão estudada onde as empresas da amostra tiveram desempenho superior à média de seus respectivos setores; por outro lado, não foram observadas melhorias no desempenho quando comparados os períodos anterior e posterior à implementação efetiva da qualidade. A análise em conjunto desses dois achados fornece indícios de uma relação de co-variância, e não causal, entre qualidade e lucratividade. As conclusões apresentam as principais implicações dos resultados, com ênfase na formulação de possíveis hipóteses para se entender as causas da falta de associação entre qualidade e desempenho superior. Entre as mais importantes destacam-se hipóteses que relacionam qualidade e a perda da capacidade de inovação e que avaliam a gestão da qualidade sob a ótica da linha de pesquisa em estratégia conhecida por visão baseada em recursos (resource-based view – RBV). / Several studies analyzed the quality management contribution to the firms’ financial performance, conducted by either academics or consultant firms interested in demonstrate the relationship between quality and superior performance. Although its promoters publicize the advantages of quality management, the body of empirical researches relating quality management and performance produced mixed results. In the most part, these studies used data from American or European companies; in Brazil, this field of research is still incipient. Beyond comparing the financial performance of a sample of firms which effectively adopt the quality management against a set of others firms of the same economic sectors, this study evaluated the performance evolution of the sample companies, in a long-term framework (10 years), comparing their results in the quality post-implementation period with the results already obtained in the early period. As the proxy to the effective adoption of quality management the research considered a sample of 33 companies distinguished as award recipients or finalists of the Brazilian National Quality Award (Prêmio Nacional da Qualidade – PNQ). The financial performance was measured by growth, profitability and market value. These financial data were collected in a set of data banks including Balanço Anual from Gazeta Mercantil, Economática, and the Annual Industrial Surveys from Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). To isolate the effect of the economic sectors, the indicators were standardized according to a relationship among the performance of the sample firms, the sector performance and the variance of the sector performance. In total, 12,010 observations from 2,624 companies (33 from the study sample and 2,591 from the economic sectors) were collected, from 1987 to 2006. In the first stage of the methodology, the performance of each firm in the sample was summarized by means of linear regressions, resulting, to each case, in two coefficients that characterized the performance. A linear coefficient represents the performance in the period midpoint, whereas the angular coefficient represents the increasing rate of the performance in the same period. Afterwards, parametric (t tests) and non-parametric (Wilcoxon tests for related samples and sign tests) analyses were conducted for the whole sample data. The results showed the profitability as the only dimension of financial performance where the firms in the study sample obtained a superior performance when compared with their economic sectors; otherwise evidence was not found that performance in the post-implementation period is superior to the implementation period. A conjoint analysis of these two findings provide evidences of a covariation, and not causation, link between quality and financial performance. The conclusions presented the main implications of the research, emphasizing the formulation of possible hypothesis in order to understand the causes of the findings. Among the most important stands out the hypothesis that relating quality and the lack of innovation capability, and that evaluate quality management using the theory of the resource-based view (RBV).

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