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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Forvaltning av felles ressurser : En casestudie av regimeeffektivitet i Den nordvest-atlantiske fiskeriorganisasjonen (NAFO) og Den nordøst-atlantiske fiskerikommisjonen (NEAFC)

Kristiansen, Magnus Skjelmo January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Wirklichkeit und Fiktion : Alfred Döblins „Tatsachenphantasie“ in seinem historischen Roman „November 1918“

Cutieru, Adriana F. 05 1900 (has links)
Avec la conscience grandissante de la constructibilité de l’histoire, l’historiographie et les sciences littéraires se sont beaucoup rapprochées dans les dernières années. Hayden White a montré, dans son livre Metahistory (1973), que dans la construction de l’histoire, les historiens utilisent, pour construire leur récit, des techniques de narration semblables à celles utilisées par les écrivains. La narratologie devient ainsi une discipline qui rend possible le dialogue entre l’historiographie et les sciences littéraires. Par ce dialogue entre les deux disciplines, les théories (post)modernes de l’historiographie et les concepts de la métafiction dans la littérature s’influencent réciproquement. Dans ce contexte, il est d’autant plus intéressant d’analyser le roman Novembre 1918 de l’écrivain allemand Alfred Döblin (1878-1957), qui anticipe sur cette évolution de l’historiographie et de la littérature, mais qui, malgré sa modernité, reste paradoxalement très peu connu et quasiment ignoré par la critique littéraire. Dans son roman historique, Döblin combine le récit épique des faits historiques avec l’analyse existentielle des protagonistes, en vue de décrire l’histoire comme procès. Du point de vue formel, il combine les moyens narratifs expérimentaux et avant-gardistes, avec la conviction traditionnelle de l’auteur réaliste, c’est-à-dire qu’un récit de fiction puisse dire la vérité sur la réalité et l’histoire. Ainsi il crée une forme singulière de récit entre tradition et innovation, forme qu’il caractérise dans ses essais poétologiques à partir de deux concepts clés : « modernes Epos » et « Tatsachenphantasie », « épopée moderne » et « fantaisie de la réalité ». Dans ma thèse, j’entends définir ces concepts clés de la poétique d’Alfred Döblin pour ainsi établir le cadre théorique de l’interprétation du roman Novembre 1918. L’auteur lui-même définit dans ses essais esthétiques la « fantaisie de la réalité » comme union entre des faits réels et des faits fantastiques. C’est pourquoi ma thèse se concentre sur ce jeu fictionnel entre réalité et fantaisie, entre les éléments du récit réaliste et ceux du récit fantastique. « L’incursion de la démonie » et « le narrateur démiurge » sont deux concepts innovateurs de ma thèse qui aideront à mieux comprendre et définir la poétique du roman d’Alfred Döblin. / As a result of the acute understanding of the constructibility of historical writings, the historiography and the literary sciences have come closer in the last few years. Hayden White shows in his book Metahistory (1973) that the narrative techniques historians use in their historical writings are similar to those used by the authors of literary writings. The narratology has also become a discipline, which allows the dialogue between historiography and literary sciences. Thus, the (post)modern theories of historiography and the concepts of metafiction in literature have an impact on one another. In this context, it is more than challenging to analyse the historical novel November 1918 written by the German author Alfred Döblin (1878-1957), as he already anticipates in the 1920es this evolution of historiography and literature. His historical novel November 1918 is, despite its modernity, a relatively unknown novel, not only to the public, but also to the literary critics. Döblin combines in this novel the monumental realistic description of historical events with the existential analysis of his protagonists. As far as the formal aspects are concerned, he combines the experimental narrative techniques of the avant-garde with the traditional elements, thus unveiling the conviction of the traditional realist author that a fictional literary work can bring out a hidden truth about history and reality. Therefore, he creates a unique form of literature linking tradition and innovation. He caracterises this form, in his poetological writings by means of two key-concepts: “modernes Epos” and “Tatsachenphantasie”: “modern epos” and “fantasy of the real”. In my dissertation I intend to define these key-concepts in Alfred Döblin’s poetics with a view to establish the theoretical setting for the interpretation of his novel November 1918. Since Döblin himself defines in his theoretical essays the “fantasy of the real” as portrayal of both real and fantastic elements, my dissertation focuses on this fictional tension between reality and fantasy, between the elements specific to the realist writings and those specific to the fantastic ones. The “incursion of the demonic” and “the narrator demiurge” are two innovative concepts I present in my dissertation. These concepts should lead to a better definition and understanding of Döblin’s novel poetics. / Die Historiographie und die Literaturwissenschaft haben sich in den letzten Jahren sehr viel angenähert. Durch sein bahnbrechendes Buch Metahistory (1973) bringt Haydn White ans Licht, dass sowohl die Schriftsteller als auch die Historiker sich ähnlicher narrativer Verfahren bedienen, um die Wirklichkeit zu beschreiben. Durch dieses Bewusstsein der Konstruktivität und Narrativität von Geschichte ist die Narratologie zur verbindenden Wissenschaft geworden. Darum ist es interessant, sich Alfred Döblins historischem Roman November 1918, einem der großen historischen Romane der deutschen Literatur, zuzuwenden, weil er vieles davon vorwegnimmt, was die (post)modernen Theorien der Historiographie und die metafiktionalen Konzepte der Literatur ins Blickfeld rücken. Aufgrund unglücklicher Rezeptionsbedingungen wurde Döblins Roman bis heute kaum beachtet, sowohl vom Publikum als auch von der literarischen Kritik. In seiner Darstellung der deutschen Revolution verknüpft Döblin die experimentell-avantgardistischen Erzählverfahren und das Misstrauen gegenüber der Erzählbarkeit der Geschichtsprozesse mit der traditionellen Einstellung, dass eine fiktive Erzählung die Wahrheit über Wirklichkeit und Geschichte sagen kann. Dementsprechend schafft er eine einzigartige Erzählform zwischen Tradition und Innovation, die er bereits in seinem Berliner Programm anhand von zwei Schlüsselbegriffen definiert: „modernes Epos“ und „Tatsachenphantasie“. Meine Arbeit versucht, Döblins Geschichtsepos November 1918 im Lichte dieser zwei Begriffe zu analysieren und zu zeigen, wie Döblin sein ästhetisches Postulat der „Tatsachenphantasie“ in seinem Roman literarisch realisiert. Da Döblin selbst die „Tatsachenphantasie“-Ästhetik als Verbindung der wirklichen und der phantastischen Fakten und Elementen definiert, befasse ich mich in meiner Arbeit mit diesem Zusammenspiel zwischen den narrativen Formen der realistischen Erzählung und denjenigen Motiven und Elementen, die in den phantastischen Erzählungen vorkommen. „Der Einbruch des Dämonischen“ und „der Erzähler als Demiurg“ sind zwei innovative Schlüsselkonzepte meiner Arbeit, die zu einer besseren Begriffsbestimmung von Döblins „Tatsachenphantasie“-Ästhetik führen werden. / Thèse réalisée en co-tutelle avec l'Université Libre de Berlin, Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie

La question du réalisme dans le cinéma hollywoodien, 1917-1927 / The question of realism in Hollywood cinema, 1917-1927

Lyczba, Fabrice 07 November 2011 (has links)
Dans les années vingt, au moment de l’institutionnalisation du cinéma classique hollywoodien, discours critiques et pratiques publicitaires maintiennent actif un plaisir spectatoriel lié à la présence sensationnelle de réel dans le film. La notion de « réalisme » que ces discours utilisent est un concept fragmenté qui vise d’une part à asseoir la légitimité du cinéma sur le sérieux des arts réalistes, et d’autre part à mettre l’accent sur les liens que le film entretient avec la réalité, dans son tournage, sa fabrication en studio, ou les techniques de l’illusion réaliste. Ces discours révèlent donc tout ce qu’il y a de réel dans le travail de la fiction des films. Il y a donc derrière ces discours un projet réaliste de construction d’un regard spectatoriel anti-illusionniste et actif qui est invité à analyser le film comme une illusion artificielle. Ces discours sont étendus dans le quotidien des spectateurs par des pratiques publicitaires qui visent à créer un espace de réception ludique où réel et romanesque s’interpénètrent dans le ballyhoo aux accents forains, les décorations des entrées de salles de cinéma, et les prologues joués sur scène avant (ou pendant) le film. Ce regard réaliste que ces discours et pratiques développent nous permet d’analyser la réception des films muets hollywoodiens comme un moment ludique et participatif. En visant au réveil des sens et à l’acuité du regard chez le spectateur, ces discours et pratiques permettent de poser la question d’un réalisme hollywoodien dont l’objectif serait un jeu actif, conscient et critique avec l’illusion cinématographique. / In the 1920s, as Hollywood cinema is undergoing industrial institutionalization, critical and advertising discourses maintain active a spectatorial pleasure derived from the sensational presence of reality in fiction films. The notion of « realism » used in those discourses is a « cluster concept » aiming on the one hand to derive cinema’s legitimacy from the serious purpose of realistic arts, and on the other to emphasize the relationship between film and the reality of on location or studio shooting, of the manufacturing of films, and of the tricks behind the realistic illusion. Those discourses therefore reveal all that is real in how fiction works in films and support a realistic project to construct an active and non-illusionistic spectatorial gaze that is invited to analyze film as an artifical illusion. These discourses are extended to spectators’ daily life through advertising practices that aim to create a playful space of reception where reality and romance merge in circus-inspired ballyhoo, in lobby decorations, and in on-stage prologues before, or during, the film. This realistic gaze developped by such discourses and practices allows us to analyze the reception of Hollywood silent films as a playful and participative moment. Aiming to awaken spectators’ senses and sharpen their attention, such discourses and practices allow us to raise the question of a Hollywood realism that would aim to create an active, conscious and critical game with the filmic illusion.

Die grens tussen lewe en dood : 'n studie van spookkarakters in die roman-oeuvre van Etienne van Heerden / Mariëtte van Graan

Van Graan, Mariëtte January 2015 (has links)
Hierdie studie stel ondersoek in na die voorkoms en funksie van spookkarakters in die roman-oeuvre van Etienne van Heerden, een van Afrikaanse letterkunde se mees bekroonde skrywers. Die doel van hierdie studie is om vas te stel watter funksies die spookkarakters in onderskeidelik Toorberg (1986), Die Stoetmeester (1993) en Die swye van Mario Salviati (2000) vervul, en ook of die spookkarakters in hierdie romans ʼn groter funksie buiten dié in hul onderskeie tekste vervul wat nuwe lig kan werp op Etienne van Heerden se hantering van identiteit (ʼn tema wat deurlopend in sy oeuvre na vore kom). Die ondersoek word hoofsaaklik aan die hand van teks- en romananalise gedoen. Die spookkarakters in die betrokke romans word geklassifiseer aan die hand van teorie uit die paranormale wetenskap. Alhoewel die spookkarakters en die tersaaklike romans nie genregebonde gelees word nie, word teorie uit karakterstudies, identiteitstudies, spookstories, die Gotiese, die magiese realisme, die postkolonialisme, die historiese roman en liminaliteitsteorie in die bespreking betrek. Dit word geargumenteer dat die spookkarakters in Toorberg die prototipiese, manlike Afrikaneridentiteit vergestalt en dit deur middel van uitsluiting (eksklusiwiteit) in stand hou; dat die spookkarakter in Die Stoetmeester ʼn liminale figuur in ʼn liminale historiese tydperk vergestalt, en derhalwe ʼn liminale weergawe van Afrikaneridentiteit uitbeeld; en dat die spookkarakters in Die swye van Mario Salviati ʼn meer inklusiewe (Suid-)Afrikaanse identiteit uitbeeld deur identiteite in die Suid-Afrikaanse verlede wat voorheen misken is, in spesifieke spookkarakters te vergestalt. Deur die individuele spookkarakters as verteenwoordigend van groepsidentiteite te lees binne die bepaalde historiese konteks waarin die romans afspeel en gepubliseer is, word daar ten slotte aangevoer dat die spookkarakters in die roman-oeuvre van Etienne van Heerden ʼn evolusie van Afrikaner- na Suid-Afrikaanse identiteit uitbeeld. / PhD (Afrikaans and Dutch), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Die grens tussen lewe en dood : 'n studie van spookkarakters in die roman-oeuvre van Etienne van Heerden / Mariëtte van Graan

Van Graan, Mariëtte January 2015 (has links)
Hierdie studie stel ondersoek in na die voorkoms en funksie van spookkarakters in die roman-oeuvre van Etienne van Heerden, een van Afrikaanse letterkunde se mees bekroonde skrywers. Die doel van hierdie studie is om vas te stel watter funksies die spookkarakters in onderskeidelik Toorberg (1986), Die Stoetmeester (1993) en Die swye van Mario Salviati (2000) vervul, en ook of die spookkarakters in hierdie romans ʼn groter funksie buiten dié in hul onderskeie tekste vervul wat nuwe lig kan werp op Etienne van Heerden se hantering van identiteit (ʼn tema wat deurlopend in sy oeuvre na vore kom). Die ondersoek word hoofsaaklik aan die hand van teks- en romananalise gedoen. Die spookkarakters in die betrokke romans word geklassifiseer aan die hand van teorie uit die paranormale wetenskap. Alhoewel die spookkarakters en die tersaaklike romans nie genregebonde gelees word nie, word teorie uit karakterstudies, identiteitstudies, spookstories, die Gotiese, die magiese realisme, die postkolonialisme, die historiese roman en liminaliteitsteorie in die bespreking betrek. Dit word geargumenteer dat die spookkarakters in Toorberg die prototipiese, manlike Afrikaneridentiteit vergestalt en dit deur middel van uitsluiting (eksklusiwiteit) in stand hou; dat die spookkarakter in Die Stoetmeester ʼn liminale figuur in ʼn liminale historiese tydperk vergestalt, en derhalwe ʼn liminale weergawe van Afrikaneridentiteit uitbeeld; en dat die spookkarakters in Die swye van Mario Salviati ʼn meer inklusiewe (Suid-)Afrikaanse identiteit uitbeeld deur identiteite in die Suid-Afrikaanse verlede wat voorheen misken is, in spesifieke spookkarakters te vergestalt. Deur die individuele spookkarakters as verteenwoordigend van groepsidentiteite te lees binne die bepaalde historiese konteks waarin die romans afspeel en gepubliseer is, word daar ten slotte aangevoer dat die spookkarakters in die roman-oeuvre van Etienne van Heerden ʼn evolusie van Afrikaner- na Suid-Afrikaanse identiteit uitbeeld. / PhD (Afrikaans and Dutch), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Konvensjonell krigføring i det 21. århundre – fortsatt relevant?

Svindland, John Arvid January 2010 (has links)
<p>Konvensjonell krigføring er ikke avleggs. Erfaringer fra fem-dagers krigen i Georgia i august 2008 viser at dette fortsatt er mulig og derfor høyst reelt. Men, det siste tiårets transformasjon av vestlige militære styrker og innsats mot opprørere verden over, har betydelig begrenset de fleste nasjoners evne til å utkjempe en konvensjonell krig.</p><p>Flere erfaringer kan trekkes fra den georgiske hærens kamp mot en sjokkerende og overveldende russisk aggresjon. Fra norsk landmakts perspektiv bør de mest sentrale være viktigheten av kombinerte effekter og robuste brigade strukturer, og virkningen av adekvat luftvern, indirekte ildstøtte og panservernsystemer i kamp mot en mekanisert motstander støttet av luftstyrker.<strong></strong></p><p>Som følge av en endret verdenssituasjon er realismen igjen på fremmarsj og kan anvendes til å forklare og anta fremtidige utfordringer. Vi kan ikke eksakt predikere fremtiden, men fremtiden vil høyst sannsynlig bringe med seg elementer fra historien. Mens NATO strever med å finne sin plass i en endret globalisert verden, samtidig som den utkjemper en hybrid krig i Afghanistan, reiser stormaktsrivalisering seg igjen på samme måte som den gjorde på begynnelsen av forrige århundre.</p><p>For å kunne ivareta nasjonale interesser og opprettholde nasjonal suverenitet, hviler fortsatt en militær evne på robuste og balanserte militære styrker. Landkrig spiller en sentral rolle i alle former for selvforsvar og avskrekking. En styrkning av Norges landmakt vil være nødvendig for å nå denne ambisjonen.</p> / <p>Conventional warfare is not obsolete. Lessons from the five-day war in Georgia in August 2008, shows that this possibility is still valid and very much alive. However, last decade’s transformation of western military and counterinsurgency efforts around the globe has severely restricted most nations’ capability to wage conventional warfare.</p><p>Several lessons can be identified from the Georgian Army’s struggle against a shocking and overwhelming Russian aggression. From a Norwegian Land forces perspective, the most important should be the importance of combined arms and robust brigade size units, the impact of adequate air defence capabilities, indirect fire and anti-armour systems against a mechanized opponent supported by sufficient airpower.</p><p>Due to a changing world order, realism is charging ground and can be used to explain and foresee future challenges. We can not precisely predict the future; however the future will certainly hold elements of the past.</p><p>As NATO is trying to find its place in a changing globalized world, simultaneously as it is waging a protracted hybrid war in Afghanistan, great power rivalry is again rising amongst the nations like it did in the beginning of the 20<sup>th</sup> century.</p><p>In order to support national interest and maintain national sovereignty, military capability still depends on robust and well balanced conventional military forces. Land warfare plays an important role in any kind of self defence and deterrence. Strengthening of Norway’s land forces would certainly be needed in order to achieve this aim.</p>

Konvensjonell krigføring i det 21. århundre – fortsatt relevant?

Svindland, John Arvid January 2010 (has links)
Konvensjonell krigføring er ikke avleggs. Erfaringer fra fem-dagers krigen i Georgia i august 2008 viser at dette fortsatt er mulig og derfor høyst reelt. Men, det siste tiårets transformasjon av vestlige militære styrker og innsats mot opprørere verden over, har betydelig begrenset de fleste nasjoners evne til å utkjempe en konvensjonell krig. Flere erfaringer kan trekkes fra den georgiske hærens kamp mot en sjokkerende og overveldende russisk aggresjon. Fra norsk landmakts perspektiv bør de mest sentrale være viktigheten av kombinerte effekter og robuste brigade strukturer, og virkningen av adekvat luftvern, indirekte ildstøtte og panservernsystemer i kamp mot en mekanisert motstander støttet av luftstyrker. Som følge av en endret verdenssituasjon er realismen igjen på fremmarsj og kan anvendes til å forklare og anta fremtidige utfordringer. Vi kan ikke eksakt predikere fremtiden, men fremtiden vil høyst sannsynlig bringe med seg elementer fra historien. Mens NATO strever med å finne sin plass i en endret globalisert verden, samtidig som den utkjemper en hybrid krig i Afghanistan, reiser stormaktsrivalisering seg igjen på samme måte som den gjorde på begynnelsen av forrige århundre. For å kunne ivareta nasjonale interesser og opprettholde nasjonal suverenitet, hviler fortsatt en militær evne på robuste og balanserte militære styrker. Landkrig spiller en sentral rolle i alle former for selvforsvar og avskrekking. En styrkning av Norges landmakt vil være nødvendig for å nå denne ambisjonen. / Conventional warfare is not obsolete. Lessons from the five-day war in Georgia in August 2008, shows that this possibility is still valid and very much alive. However, last decade’s transformation of western military and counterinsurgency efforts around the globe has severely restricted most nations’ capability to wage conventional warfare. Several lessons can be identified from the Georgian Army’s struggle against a shocking and overwhelming Russian aggression. From a Norwegian Land forces perspective, the most important should be the importance of combined arms and robust brigade size units, the impact of adequate air defence capabilities, indirect fire and anti-armour systems against a mechanized opponent supported by sufficient airpower. Due to a changing world order, realism is charging ground and can be used to explain and foresee future challenges. We can not precisely predict the future; however the future will certainly hold elements of the past. As NATO is trying to find its place in a changing globalized world, simultaneously as it is waging a protracted hybrid war in Afghanistan, great power rivalry is again rising amongst the nations like it did in the beginning of the 20th century. In order to support national interest and maintain national sovereignty, military capability still depends on robust and well balanced conventional military forces. Land warfare plays an important role in any kind of self defence and deterrence. Strengthening of Norway’s land forces would certainly be needed in order to achieve this aim.


[pt] O presente trabalho procura apresentar algumas questões que envolvem a trajetória de Eça de Queirós na construção de sua atividade literária ao longo da segunda metade do século XIX, analisando o projeto de modernização de Portugal utilizado pelo escritor, a fim de cumprir o seu propósito inicial, anunciado nas Conferências do Casino: regenerar Portugal através da literatura, cujas marcas principais são a denúncia e a intervenção. A partir da análise de textos, produzidos entre os anos de 1871 e 1888, a tese busca indagar sobre o papel do intelectual exercido por Eça de Queirós. Por intermédio da crítica mordaz da primeira fase, associdada à fina ironia dos seus romances mais maduros, Eça inaugura o romance moderno português, como parte do seu projeto de tornar Portugal uma nação reconhecidamente européia. O riso sarcástico, a ambiguidade e a galeria de tipos reconhecidamente portugueses são marcas de seu estilo, e constituem ferramenta fundamental para a evidência do seu papel como intelectual das letras em Portugal no século XIX. / [en] The present work aims to present some questions that involve Eça de Queirós s trajectory in the construction of his literary production during the second half of the 18th century, by analyzing the modernization project of Portugal used by the writer, in order to accomplish his initial purpose, announced in the Conferences of the Casino: to regenerate Portugal through literature, whose main marks are denunciation and intervention. Starting from the analysis of texts, produced from 1871 to 1888, the thesis attempts to investigate the role of the intellectual played by Eça de Queirós. Through the bitter criticism of his first phase, along with the fine irony of his riper romances, Eça inaugurates the Portuguese modern romance, as part of his project of turning Portugal into a recognized European nation. The sarcastic laughter, the ambiguity and the gallery of typically Portuguese characters are marks of his style, and offer a fundamental tool to the evidence of his role as an intellectual in the arts of Portugal in the 18th century. / [fr] Le propos de cette Thèse est de présenter quelques aspects de la trajectoire de Eça de Queiroz dans la construction de son activité littéraire au cours de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, en faisant l examen du projet de modernisation du Portugal utilisé par l écrivain en vue de remplir son objectif initial, annoncé dans les Conférences du Casino : régénérer le Portugal à travers la littérature, dont les principales marques sont la plainte et l intervention. Dès l analyse de textes produits entre les années 1871 et 1888, la thèse vise à renseigner sur le rôle d intellectuel joué par Eça de Queiroz. Grâce à la critique acerbe de la première phase, associée à l ironie de ses romans d âge mûr, Eça inaugure le roman portugais moderne, dans le cadre de son projet de rendre le Portugal une nation reconnue comme Européenne. Le rire sarcastique, l ambiguïté et la galerie de types caractéristiquement portugais sont des marques de son style, et sont un outil fondamental pour la preuve de son rôle d intellectuel des lettres au Portugal au XIXe siècle.

A visual semiotic analysis of the hidden meanings, myths and ideologies in Old Mutual South Africa's CSR 2.0 corporate advertising

Eiman, Simoné Marianne 05 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English and Afrikaans / The aim of this exploratory study was to investigate the underlying meanings of Old Mutual South Africa’s (OMSA’s) CSR 2.0 corporate advertisements. It specifically examined the underlying myths and ideologies conveyed through the texts. This qualitative study was conducted by means of a visual semiotic analysis (Machin 2012) on eight CSR 2.0 corporate advertisements, which were purposively selected. A theoretical framework to measure visual CSR 2.0 corporate advertisements was developed, which aided in the sampling, data analysis and interpretation processes. The findings of the study indicated that by positioning its CSR 2.0 positively in terms of change and transformation, progress and equal opportunities for all citizens, OMSA is fostering stakeholder-organisation relationships. In addition, it was also found that OMSA adopts established representational tropes of CSR 2.0 and use them repetitively that firmly entrenches the intended/encoded message to the viewer. / Die doel van hierdie verkennende studie was om die onderliggende betekenis van CSR 2.0 korporatiewe advertensies in Ou Mutual Suid-Afrika te ondersoek. Dit is spesifiek gemoeid met die onderliggende mites en ideologieë wat deur middel van die tekste oorgedra word. Die kwalitatiewe studie is uitgevoer deur middel van 'n visuele semiotiese ontleding (Machin 2012) op agt CSR 2.0 korporatiewe advertensies, wat doelbewus gekies is. 'n Teoretiese raamwerk, om visuele CSR 2.0 korporatiewe advertensies te meet, is ontwikkel, dit het bygedra tot die steekproefneming, data-analise en interpretasie prosesse. Die bevindinge van die studie dui daarop dat deur CSR 2.0 positief in terme van verandering en transformasie, vooruitgang, en gelyke geleenthede vir alle burgers te posisioneer, OMSA verhoudings met belanghebbendes kan bevorder. Daarbenewens is ook gevind dat OMSA gevestigde temas van CSR 2.0 implementeer en hulle herhaaldelik gebruik wat juis die beoogde / gekodeerde boodskap stewig aan die kyker bevestig. / Communication Science / M. A. (Communication Science)

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