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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mellan skola och fritidshem : läraren mot fritidshems roll, uppdrag och samverkan med och i skolan

Ohlin, Sofie January 2016 (has links)
In this academic essay I explore and reflect upon number of a number of questions arising from a dilemma. The dilemma comes from a situation where primary teachers with a specialization in extended school education (“recreation centre teachers”) is subject to contradictory demands and expectations in their job situation. I have searched for causes and new perspectives on the dilemma by exploring the role, mission and professional identity for this category of teachers. I find that a clear role as a teacher and a clear mission within the school is not present. Based on this I investigate different strategies and opportunities for the recreation centre teachers to use their competence and find their mission within the school based on the regulatory demands and different perspectives on learning. I find a need for further formalization of the role and mission and also opportunities for the recreation centre teacher to complement the traditional class room education with their own competences and different perspectives on education and learning.

När det enkla blir svårt : Svårigheten med att veta om vi arbetar inkluderande

Söderström, Jennie, Jonsson, Helène January 2016 (has links)
This work are based on two different stories which both describes the challenges in incorporating the children in work. In the first story we meet a 7-year-old girl, Nina. She is misunderstanding an art assignment. She is interacting with the pedagogue that is trying to understand what made Nina choose that specific picture. This pedagogue is doubting her teaching methods when she is faced with the fact that she does not understand Nina. In the second story we meet another child, Joel. Joel is faced with a punishment due to disobedience and the child is therefore risking to be excluded from a specific activity that he has looked forward to. The main point with this essay is to reflect and problematise in how our actions of participation with the children effects our work. We have used a hermeneutic method, based on reflection and interpretations of the stories. In our study, we have chosen to immerse ourselves in the concept of inclusion, what affects us as educators in our work on inclusion and the importance of our experience in this work.Our conclusion is that, despite all the knowledge and the experience we dedicated ourselves, we end up in situations where we do not know how we should act. But by reflect, discuss and share research and literature we will be able to get support on how we can deal with the dilemmas we encounter.

Fritidshemselevens perspektiv på kunskap

Härdelin, Åsa January 2017 (has links)
The reason for my study is to gain knowledge about how pupils perceive their knowledge acquisition in recreation centre. I want to lift the informal learning when the pupils learn something outside educational planning situations. It can be knowledge gathered on their own or with other pupils. The perspective I assume in my study is socio-culturally taken from Lev S. Vygotskijstheory. My empirical material has been based on pupil interviews and observations at a private unit with a section for 30 children in primary school age. The qualitative study shows that a majority of pupilsdo not connect Recreation centre knowledge to informal knowledge activities over time. / Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur elever ser på sin kunskapsinhämtning på fritidshemmet. Jag vill lyfta fram det informella lärandet då eleven lär sig någonting utanför pedagogiskt planerade situationer. Det kan vara kunskap som inhämtas på egen hand eller tillsammans med andra elever. Ett sociokulturellt perspektiv inspirerat av Lev S. Vygotskij utgör det teoretiska ramverket för denna studie. Mitt empiriska material har utgått från elevintervjuer och observationer på ett enskilt fritidshem med elever i lågstadieåldern. Den kvalitativa studien visar att en majoritet av eleverna inte kopplar kunskap till informellt lärande över tid.

MIK, what are the boundaries? : A study of media and Information literacy in relation to youth culture and the extended school environment.

Clive, Dean January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to observe how, and if, the concept of Media and Information Literacy (Medie-och informationskunnighet in Swedish) was used in the extended school environment. In Swedish primary schools, 21stcentury skills, such as critical thinking, are beginning to be implemented, butis that also the case with the fritidshem? In this study, I have used fiveobservations to examine the situation at a specific school that has a vision ofsustainability and focus of extensively working with information andcommunication technologies. Would this school break down the boundaries, andstatus divide, that often exist between school and fritidshem? / Måletmed den här studien var att observera hur, och om, medie- ochinformationskunnighet användes i fritidshemmet. I den svenska grundskolanbörjar 2000-talets förmågor, som kritiskt tänkande, att sätta sig, men gällerdet även fritidshemmet? I denna studie har jag använt fem observationer för attundersöka hur det ser ut i en skola som har en vision om hållbarhet och fokuspå informations- och kommunikationsteknologi. Kunde denna skola brytabarriärerna och statusskillnaderna, som ofta finns mellan skola ochfritidshemmet?

Pedagogiskt ledarskap i fritidshem - nuläge och utvecklingsbehov : En studie om hur fritidshemspersonal uppfattar det pedagogiska ledarskapet i förhållande till uppdrag och förutsättningar / Educational leadership in recreation centres – current situation and need of development : A study about how recreation centre staff in Sweden perceive educational leadership

Wallén, Cecilia January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om hur personal i fritidshem uppfattar nuläge och utvecklingsbehov gällande rektors pedagogiska ledarskap samt rektors inverkan på de förutsättningar som finns för arbetet i fritidshemmen. I en enkätundersökning har fritidshemspersonal i en kommun i södra Sverige fått dela med sig av sina uppfattningar om rektors pedagogiska ledarskap. Allmänna råd för fritidshem (Skolverket, 2014) och Robinsons fem ledarskapsdimensioner (Robinson m.fl., 2008) utgör metodologiska utgångspunkter. Resultatet visar att fritidshemspersonalen uppfattar rektors inverkan på de rådande förutsättningarna för arbetet som goda. Pedagogerna instämmer i hög grad i att rektorn är förtrogen med fritidshemmens uppdrag, liksom att rektor har inblick i den dagliga verksamheten. Däremot är kompetensutveckling ett stort utvecklingsområde, liksom samarbete med andra skolformer och rektors dialog med personalen. Inom dessa områden är personal med pedagogisk högskoleutbildning mer kritisk. Personalen är minst nöjd med den Robinsondimension som berör pedagogers lärande och utveckling. Med utgångspunkt från resultatet kan ett lämpligt pedagogiskt ledarskap i fritidshemmen vara process- och kontextinriktat, och ha tydliga inslag av kommunikation. Rektor bör vara förtrogen med fritidshemmets uppdrag samt, för att stärka personalens och fritidshemmens status, vara en närvarande ledare som organiserar fortbildning och kollegialt lärande, gärna tillsammans med andra skolformer. / The purpose of this study is to provide knowledge on how recreation centre staff perceive the present situation and need for development regarding educational leadership and the principal’s impact on conditions. A questionnaire was given to all recreation centre staff (convenience sample) in a municipality in Sweden. Allmänna råd för fritidshem (approximate translation: General Advice for Recreation Centres) (Skolverket, 2014) and Robinson's five leadership dimensions (Robinson et al, 2008) served as the methodological starting points for this study. The results show that the staff perceives the principal’s impact on the current conditions as good. The staff largely agrees that the principal is familiar with assigned tasks, as well as having insight into daily operations. However, professional development is seen as in need of improvement, as well as cooperation with other forms of education and the principal’s dialogue with staff. In these areas staff that had completed higher education gave their principals lower scores than those that had not. Staff are least satisfied with the Robinson dimension, involving teachers' learning and development. Based on the result, an educational leadership in recreation centres would be oriented toward process and context, and have clear elements of communication. The principal needs to be present, familiar with the task, and would, in order to strengthen the status of staff and recreation centres, organize for educational training and peer learning, preferably together with staff from other forms of education.

Läsning på fritidshem : En studie om strategier och förutsättningar för att skapa läsande elever

Möllenhoff, Amanda January 2016 (has links)
I en kontext där svenska elevers läsförståelse och motivation till läsning av böcker sjunker vill jag med den här studien undersöka huruvida fritidshemmen är en del av problemet med att barn och ungdomar läser allt mindre – eller en del av lösningen. Studien utgår från intervjuer med fritidshemspersonal och observationer av fritidshems inomhusmiljö. Materialet har sedan analyserats utifrån sociokulturella och miljöpsykologiska utgångspunkter. Dessa teorier grundar sig i antaganden om att språklig utveckling skapas via interaktion mellan människor i en kulturell kontext samt att elevers handlingar och identitetsskapande även skapas utifrån de miljöer de vistas i. Övergripande kan man säga att min studie bekräftar en del av det som tidigare forskning har kommit fram till. Personalen på fritidshemmen arbetar inte så medvetet och strategiskt med läsning vilket troligtvis leder till ett oförändrat intresse för läsning hos eleverna. Elevernas lästradition hemma får således styra vilket gör att klyftor mellan socioekonomiska grupper generellt förstärks. Samtidigt visar min undersökning att mina respondenter är väl införstådda i både styrdokumenten och relevant forskning kring vikten av läsning. Orsaken till att de inte arbetar aktivt med att intressera elever för läsning har enligt dem att göra med miljömässiga faktorer som bland annat barngruppernas storlek och lokalernas utformning. / In a context where Swedish students reading comprehension and motivation for reading books are in decline this study examines whether after school centers are part of the problem - or a part of the solution. The study is based on interviews with recreation staff and observations of the after school centers environment. The material is then analyzed on the basis of socio-cultural and environmental psychological starting points. These theories are based on assumptions that language development is created through the interaction between people in a cultural context and that pupils identification process is also created from the environments they inhabit. Overall, one can say that this study confirms some of what previous research has concluded. The employees at the recreation centers is not working so consciously and strategically with reading which probably leads to an unchanged interest in reading among pupils. Pupils reading habits at home thus control who becomes most avid readers which generally strengthens the gap between socio-economic groups. This investigation shows that the respondents are well aware of both policy documents and relevant research on the importance of reading. The reason they do not work actively to interest students in reading, according to them has to do with environmental factors such as group sizes and problems with the layout of rooms.

Spelet om spelandet : En medieetnografisk studie av barns dataspelande på en fritidsklubb

Brandberg, Peter January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Title: The game of playing: A media ethnographic study of children playing videogames on a Swedish after school recreation centre. Spelet om spelandet: En medieetnografisk studie av barns dataspelande på en fritidsklubb.</p><p>Number of pages: 46</p><p>Author: Peter Brandberg</p><p>Tutor: Amelie Hössjer</p><p>Period: Spring term 2008</p><p>Course: Media and Communication studies D</p><p>University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University</p><p>Purpose/Aim: The aim with this study is to describe how children play video games in an everyday context. In this study this context consists of a Swedish after school recreation centre. By combining three different aspects on the activity this study tries to understand how both the video game and the social and cultural context in which the activity takes place in influences it. This by taking one analyse of the specific game that the children played at the time of the study and how the overall environment is structured into account. Together these two perspectives contribute to the understanding of the playing as a complex and dynamic activity.</p><p>Material/Method: The material and method consists primary of a participatory observation which were conducted for eight days in an after school recreation centre. The analyse of the video game uses specific parts from the ludologist Aki Järvinens “applied ludology” to understand the game Guitar Hero.</p><p>Main results: The main results of this study shows how the social context influences the play activity in which the children needs to negotiate about the resources needed to play. They used different strategies to try to gain control over the interfaces to the game. The study also shows how the children didn’t relate to the fact that these interfaces looked like guitars in their use of them. Instead the children used knowledge about other interfaces and played the game by “pressing buttons in the right time”.</p><p>Keywords: media ethnographic, participatory observation, ludology, applied ludology, video game, game studies, guitar hero, children, after school recreation centre, situated play</p>

Spelet om spelandet : En medieetnografisk studie av barns dataspelande på en fritidsklubb

Brandberg, Peter January 2008 (has links)
Abstract Title: The game of playing: A media ethnographic study of children playing videogames on a Swedish after school recreation centre. Spelet om spelandet: En medieetnografisk studie av barns dataspelande på en fritidsklubb. Number of pages: 46 Author: Peter Brandberg Tutor: Amelie Hössjer Period: Spring term 2008 Course: Media and Communication studies D University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Purpose/Aim: The aim with this study is to describe how children play video games in an everyday context. In this study this context consists of a Swedish after school recreation centre. By combining three different aspects on the activity this study tries to understand how both the video game and the social and cultural context in which the activity takes place in influences it. This by taking one analyse of the specific game that the children played at the time of the study and how the overall environment is structured into account. Together these two perspectives contribute to the understanding of the playing as a complex and dynamic activity. Material/Method: The material and method consists primary of a participatory observation which were conducted for eight days in an after school recreation centre. The analyse of the video game uses specific parts from the ludologist Aki Järvinens “applied ludology” to understand the game Guitar Hero. Main results: The main results of this study shows how the social context influences the play activity in which the children needs to negotiate about the resources needed to play. They used different strategies to try to gain control over the interfaces to the game. The study also shows how the children didn’t relate to the fact that these interfaces looked like guitars in their use of them. Instead the children used knowledge about other interfaces and played the game by “pressing buttons in the right time”. Keywords: media ethnographic, participatory observation, ludology, applied ludology, video game, game studies, guitar hero, children, after school recreation centre, situated play

Elevers uppfattningar om sitt lärande och dess meningsfullhet i fritidshem / Pupils’ perception of their learning and its meaningfulness in the recreation centre

Johansson, Anna, Assaf, Carola January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån elevers perspektiv undersöka vad eleverna själva uppfattar att de lär sig och vad som är meningsfullt lärande för dem. Följande frågeställningar har legat till grund för denna undersökning. Vad uppfattar eleverna att de lär sig i fritidshemmet? Vad uppfattar eleverna som meningsfullt lärande i fritidshemmet? Studien är kvalitativ och utgår från en fenomenografisk ansats där samtalspromenader har legat till grund för insamling av data. Tio semistrukturerade intervjuer har gjorts med elever i årskurs tre som är inskrivna i fritidshemmet. Analys av transkriberingarna har givit studien ett resultat som visar på att eleverna kunde beskriva och sätta ord på sitt lärande. Följande beskrivningskategorier har hittats som besvarar studiens frågeställningar: Rörelse, Kognitiv förmåga, Skapande och Bra kompis. Samlärande, Sortera och klassificera samt Vardagsnytta.

Centrum odpočinku v Lavičkách / Center of Rest in Lavičky

Pospíšilová, Iveta January 2018 (has links)
The topic of this master´s thesis is a new building design of recreation centre in Lavičky and processing of project documentation for this building realization. This thesis is furthermore completed with two specializations. It deals specifically with a specialisation in the field of technical facilities of buildings – heating and air conditioning. The recreation centre is a complex of two units that will provide restaurant and accommodation services with leisure activities facilities. In one of the units there is designed an accommodation facility with smaller wellness area, in the other unit there is designed a restaurant. The estate where the units are located occurs in the north part of the village Lavičky. This locality is built up by family houses and apartment blocks. The architectural solution of the designed units follows on from the concept of simple country object where the object has the shape of rectangle ground plan and is roofed by typical saddle roof. The building of the restaurant and also the guest house is in the shape of rectangle and is roofed by double sheathed saddle roof with metal folded roofing in dark grey colour. As well it utilises modern elements of architecture as big window openings or dormers. The filling of the openings will be accomplished by wooden windows in natural shade. The façade of the units is designed in that way to match both unis together. It is solved by white façade paint in combination with cement splinter panels imitating wood or cement splinter panels in grey colour and is completed by outdoor wooden pergola or wooden storm porch. The wall base part is formed by mosaic façade in grey colour. The layout solution of the units follows on from operation requirements of the particular services and they are separated in space for customers and for operation space. In the unit of the guest house there are designed 9 suites with 22 beds. In the ground floor there is designed one suite for persons with reduced mobility and o

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