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Efecto del marketing digital en los clústeres regionales: estudio de casos en ColombiaTarazona Montoya, Raúl Antonio 14 October 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Esta tesis analiza la relación del marketing digital y el desarrollo de los clústeres regionales a través de tres estudios. El estudio se basa en un marco teórico que integra la literatura sobre marketing digital, clusters regionales y desarrollo económico.
El primer estudio se titula "Industrial cluster and knowledge creation: a bibliometric analysis and literature review". Este artículo ofrece una perspectiva exhaustiva de la literatura científica sobre clústeres industriales, su desarrollo y su relación con la generación de conocimiento. El objetivo principal es identificar los fundamentos de esta literatura, las diversas estructuras intelectuales, conceptuales y sociales, así como las tendencias emergentes en la investigación en este campo. El segundo estudio se titula "The Value of Cluster Association for Digital Marketing in Tourism Regional Development". Este estudio examina cómo la asociación en clusters puede potenciar el uso efectivo de las tecnologías digitales, herramientas de marketing y el rendimiento general, especialmente para las pequeñas y medianas empresas en regiones subdesarrolladas. El tercer estudio se titula "Efectiveness of digital marketing and its value in new ventures". Este artículo examina cómo el marketing digital y la pertenencia a un clúster impactan en el rendimiento de las clínicas dentales en Colombia. Se evalúa el uso de diversas herramientas de marketing digital, así como su efecto en la penetración en nuevos mercados y su rendimiento en general. En resumen, el estudio muestra las herramientas digitales más efectivas para crear nuevos mercados y mejorar el desempeño de las clínicas dentales, así como el valor añadido que aporta la asociación en clusters en este contexto. / [CA] Aquesta tesi analitza la relació del màrqueting digital i el desenvolupament dels clústers regionals a través de tres estudis. L'estudi es basa en un marc teòric que integra la literatura sobre màrqueting digital, clústers regionals i desenvolupament econòmic.
El primer estudi es titula "Industrial cluster and knowledge creation: a bibliometric analysis and literature review". Aquest article ofereix una perspectiva exhaustiva de la literatura científica sobre clústers industrials, el seu desenvolupament i la seua relació amb la generació de coneixement. L'objectiu principal és identificar els fonaments d'aquesta literatura, les diverses estructures intel·lectuals, conceptuals i socials, així com les tendències emergents en la investigació en aquest camp. El segon estudi es titula "The Value of Cluster Association for Digital Marketing in Tourism Regional Development". Aquest estudi examina com l'associació en clústers pot potenciar l'ús efectiu de les tecnologies digitals, eines de màrqueting i el rendiment general, especialment per a les petites i mitjanes empreses en regions subdesenvolupades. El tercer estudi es titula "Effectiveness of digital marketing and its value in new ventures". Aquest article examina com el màrqueting digital i la pertinença a un clúster impacten en el rendiment de les clíniques dentals a Colòmbia. S'avalua l'ús de diverses eines de màrqueting digital, així com el seu efecte en la penetració en nous mercats i el seu rendiment en general. En resum, l'estudi mostra les eines digitals més efectives per a crear nous mercats i millorar el rendiment de les clíniques dentals, així com el valor afegit que aporta l'associació en clústers en aquest context. / [EN] This thesis analyzes the relationship between digital marketing and the development of regional clusters through three studies. The study is based on a theoretical framework that integrates literature on digital marketing, regional clusters, and economic growth.
The first study is titled "Industrial cluster and knowledge creation: a bibliometric analysis and literature review." This article offers a comprehensive perspective on the scientific literature about industrial clusters, their development, and their relationship with knowledge generation. The main objective is to identify the foundations of this literature, the various intellectual, conceptual, and social structures, and emerging trends in research in this field. The second study is titled "The Value of Cluster Association for Digital Marketing in Tourism Regional Development." This study examines how cluster association can enhance the effective use of digital technologies, marketing tools, and overall performance, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises in underdeveloped regions. The third study is titled "Effectiveness of digital marketing and its value in new ventures." This article examines how digital marketing and cluster membership impact the performance of dental clinics in Colombia. It evaluates the use of various digital marketing tools and their effect on market penetration and overall performance. In summary, the study shows the most effective digital tools for creating new markets and improving the performance of dental clinics, as well as the added value of cluster association in this context. / Tarazona Montoya, RA. (2024). Efecto del marketing digital en los clústeres regionales: estudio de casos en Colombia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/210137 / Compendio
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Der italienische Mezzogiorno auf dem Weg in die europäische WissensgesellschaftJahnke, Holger 18 January 2005 (has links)
Der Übergang Europas in die Wissensgesellschaft ist durch die massive Ausbreitung wissenschaftlichen Wissens und dessen Eindringen in den ökonomischen Produktionsprozess gekennzeichnet. Für die Teilnahme von Regionen an der Wissensgesellschaft ist die Ausbildung junger Akademiker und deren Integration in den regionalen Arbeitsmarkt von entscheidender Bedeutung. In dieser Perspektive wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Erwerbssituation und die regionale Mobilität italienischer Hochschulabsolventen aus dem Mezzogiorno betrachtet. Die Untersuchung erfolgt anhand von zwei methodischen Ansätzen. Im ersten empirischen Teil wird umfangreiches Datenmaterial, u.a. die Hochschulabsolventenbefragung des italienischen Statistikamts, ausgewertet. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass der italienische Mezzogiorno trotz vergleichsweise niedriger Absolventenzahlen von einer extremen Jungakademikerarbeitslosigkeit gekennzeichnet ist: Zudem verlassen viele junge Süditaliener vor Studienbeginn oder nach Studienende ihre Heimat, um in Nord- oder Mittelitalien eine Arbeit zu finden, so dass von einem regelrechten Brain drain gesprochen werden kann. Im zweiten empirischen Teil der Arbeit werden in einer hermeneutischen Perspektive sowohl die Erwerbssituation als auch die Mobilitätsbereitschaft von Hochschulabsolventen in Sizilien untersucht. Mit Hilfe von biographisch orientierten, themenzentrierten qualitativen Interviews wird der Versuch unternommen, die Handlungsrationalitäten zu verstehen, die sich hinter den hohen Arbeitslosenzahlen verbergen. Es wird gezeigt, dass die sozialen, kulturellen und institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen die Entstehung komplexer Aktivitätsnetze begünstigen, die den Verbleib in Sizilien auch bei einer unbefriedigenden Erwerbssituation ermöglichen und zu einem permanenten Hinausschieben der Wanderungsentscheidung beitragen. Für die regionale Entwicklung Siziliens, wie auch der übrigen Regionen des Mezzogiorno, kann sich aber gerade der Verbleib junger Hochschulabsolventen in der Unterbeschäftigung als Standortvorteil für wissensorientierte Unternehmen und somit als Entwicklungspotential erweisen. / Europe''s transition towards the Knowledge Society is characterised by major advances in scientific knowledge and its infiltration of the economic production process. To fulfil their role in the Knowledge Society, regions must ensure that young academics can be educated and integrated into the regional labour market. In this perspective the book analyses the employment situation and the regional mobility of young academics in the Italian Mezzogiorno using two different empirical approaches. The first part of this paper investigates the employment situation and regional mobility of young Italian academics using data sources provided by the Italian statistical office, Istat. Despite its comparatively small academic population, the Italian Mezzogiorno is marked by extremely high unemployment levels among young academics. Furthermore, a large number of young Italians from the South leave their home region before starting university or after graduation in order to find jobs in Northern or Central Italy. The second section of this paper draws on empirical evidence to analyse the employment outlook and high level of emigration among young Sicilian graduates from a hermeneutic perspective. With the help of biographical, problem-oriented qualitative interviews, the author attempts to understand the culturally embedded rationalities that inform statistical evidence. Sicily''s social, cultural and institutional framework is shown to promote the growth of highly complex networks of activity that encourage young unemployed graduates to remain in unsatisfactory work environments and constantly postpone their decision to migrate. On a more positive note, the continued presence of young underemployed university graduates may be considered beneficial to the regional development of Sicily, as well as other parts of the Mezzogiorno, if interpreted as a regional advantage for knowledge-intensive industries in their search for new locations.
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Приоритизация инфраструктурных проектов на основе социально-экономического прогнозирования в контексте стратегического развития региона на примере проектов с государственным участием : магистерская диссертация / Prioritization of Infrastructure Projects Based on Socioeconomic Forecasting in the Context of the Strategic Development of a Region: Using the Example of Projects with State ParticipationКошкин, А. А., Koshkin, A. A. January 2024 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения и библиографического списка. В работе проведено исследование методологических основ социально-экономического прогнозирования и его роли в управлении инвестиционными проектами. Разработан и апробирован прототип цифровой платформы для социально-экономического прогнозирования. Продемонстрировано, что социально-экономическое прогнозирование является действенным инструментом для принятия решений в области реализации инфраструктурных проектов. В заключении сформулированы основные выводы и обобщены результаты исследования. / The master's thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, and a bibliography. The study examines the methodological foundations of socioeconomic forecasting and its role in the management of investment projects and project prioritization. A prototype of a digital platform for socioeconomic forecasting was successfully developed and tested. The research demonstrates that socioeconomic forecasting is a valuable tool to support decision-making in the implementation of infrastructure projects. The conclusion summarizes the key findings and provides a synthesis of the study's outcomes.
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Význam grafických symbolů v procesu formování regionu: příklad Libereckého kraje / The Importance of Graphical Symbols in the Region Formation Process: the Case of the Liberec RegionŠifta, Miroslav January 2014 (has links)
The Importance of Graphical Symbols in the Region Formation Process: the Case of the Liberec Region The thesis analyzes the role of symbols and graphic symbolism in the process of regional and spatial identity formation in the context of the theory of institutionalization of regions by A. Paasi. The goal of the thesis is to contribute to a scientific discussion of this topic using the example of a specific region - the Liberec Region. In the theoretical part of the thesis, general studies of spatial identities, mainly with regard to creating the symbolic shape of region, are discussed, and the importance of symbolism in forming the region, its spatial identity and power relations is assessed. This section aims to define the key concepts, terms and also types of symbols used in this study. In the research part of thesis, first, the selection of the studied area is justified (region with intensively changed landscape), and, second, its situational analysis is presented, focusing mainly on the social phenomena and elements which could play role of regional symbols. Next, the actual symbolism of the region, as presented in various sources and media, is evaluated. Subsequently, it is compared with the graphic symbols of regional and local institutions, classified and analyzed according to the form...
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Usos do território e políticas de ciência, tecnologia e inovação em saúde: uma abordagem a partir da circularidade produtiva do radiofármaco FDG-18F para estudos PET-CT na Argentina e no Brasil / Uses of territory and science, technology and health innovation policies:a perspective on the productive circularity of the radiopharmaceutical FDG-18F for PET-CT studies in Argentina and BrazilIozzi, Fabíola Lana 18 February 2014 (has links)
Argentina e Brasil apresentam, cada um com suas particularidades, situações deficitárias no que diz respeito à base produtiva de alta intensidadetecnológica. Nesse amplo contexto, mostram-se de forte relevância políticas públicas de ciência, tecnologia e inovação voltadas para o fortalecimento e aprimoramento das áreas de produção e pesquisa nacionais em campos estratégicos. Por conformar um ramo fortemente demandante e dependente de produtos e serviços com intenso conteúdo tecnológico e ser um dos pilares do sistema de proteção social, o campo da saúde ganha destaque. Com isso, aparece como central para as políticas públicas nacionais dos países subdesenvolvidos, tendo em vista a importância de alcançarem maiores graus de autonomia frente aos oligopólios mundiais que dominam a produção de medicamentos e equipamentos para a saúde. É nesse conjunto de circunstâncias que se insere a proposta do presente trabalho, cujo objetivo é analisar umcircuito espacial produtivo e seus respectivos círculos de cooperação (SANTOS, 1986) que envolvem um serviço de alta densidade tecnológica na área da saúde. O recorte mais específico é a circularidade produtiva do radiofármaco fluordesoxiglucose (FDG-18F) para estudos em equipamento de tomografia por emissão de pósitrons (PET-CT) na Argentina e no Brasil. Para alcançar esse objetivo, além de pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema, empreendeu-se uma análise das políticas de ciência, tecnologia e inovação em saúde nos dois países. Destaca-se a realização de entrevistas com atores-chaves de várias instituições argentinas e brasileiras, abarcando representantes dos mais diversos segmentos envolvidos no circuito espacial produtivo estudado. O conjunto analítico explorado possibilitou o encontro de relevantes similitudes entre o funcionamento sistêmico dos elementos em questão nos dois países analisados, fundamentalmente no que concerne à lógica de atuação de setores privados na oferta e disponibilização de equipamentos e na prestação de serviços sofisticados de diagnóstico por imagem, como o caso do PET-CT. As estratégias de incorporação da tomografia computadorizada por emissão de pósitrons nos sistemas de saúde brasileiro e argentino são exemplos significativos, na área da saúde, de como as políticas do Estado e das empresas têm articulado os lugares para promover circuitos espaciais produtivos e círculos de cooperação que, todavia, nem sempre respondem aos princípios de universalização da saúde / Argentina and Brazil are found to be lacking in terms of a production base of high intensity technology.In this broad context, public policies on science, technology and innovation aimed at strengthening and improving national production and research in strategic fields are highly significant.Constituting a segment that is both heavily demanding and dependent on high technological content products and services and as one of the pillars of the social protection system, the field of health care is of particular importance.Thus it appears as central to the national public policies of developing countries, bearing in mind the importance of achieving greater degrees of autonomy from the global oligopolies that dominate the production of drugs and health care equipment.It is within this set of circumstances that the proposal for this study is placed, with the aim of analysing a productive spatial circuit and its respective circles of cooperation (Milton Santos, 1986) involved in the service of technological high density in the area of health.The most specific example is the productive circularity of the radiopharmaceutical fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG-18F) for studies in positron emission tomography equipment (PET-CT) in Argentina and Brazil.To achieve this aim, as well as a bibliographic study on the topic, a review was conducted into the science, technology and innovation policies in health in both countries.This featured interviews with key players from several Argentinian and Brazilian institutions, encompassing representatives from the most diverse segments involved in the productive spatial circuit under investigation. The analytical set explored enabled the finding of significant similarities between the systemic functioning of the elements in question in both countries, fundamentally as regards the role played by the private sector in the supply of equipment and the provision of sophisticated diagnostic imaging services, such as PET-CT.Strategies to incorporate PETCT scans into the Brazilian and Argentinian health systems is a significant example of how the policies of the State and of private companies have underpinned the places to promote productive spatial circuits and circles of cooperation that do not always answer to the principles of universalized health care
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Sustentabilidade e desenvolvimento regional: uma análise do potencial econômico dos resíduos sólidos urbanos no Oeste do Paraná 1970 - 2020 / Sustainability and regional development: an analysis of the economic potential of urban solid waste in West of Paraná - 1970 - 2020Bianco, Tatiani Sobrinho Del 13 March 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-03-13 / The various activities inserted in the production processes are characterized by the generation of common solids (MSW) waste, whether in solid, liquid or gaseous. Therefore, this study aims to identify factors capable of explaining the economic potential of MSW as a sustainable regional development factor, transforming the problem of MSW generation in new business opportunity. For this purpose, the methodology included the implementation of steps to characterize the source of MSW municipalities under study, analysis of the models and technologies used in MSW, and identification of potential bottlenecks in the economic sectors and the systematization of results by presenting a new economic model using MSW as inputs in production processes. The results showed that the municipalities under study had an average generation of 54.5 t / day of plastic; 12 t / day of glass; 6:06 l t / day of metal; 60.6 tons / day of paper; 5.5 ton / day from other waste types and 418.5 tons / day of organic. It was identified that the marketing of MSW aluminum, cardboard and PET is more expressive in the states of São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Paraná. From this information it was possible to estimate the total gross revenue for the 30 municipalities in the study, which was approximately R$ 3,642,408.38, of which this was more notable in the municipalities of Cascavel, Foz do Iguacu and Toledo , which together were responsible for obtaining 57% of the total gross revenue for the cities analyzed. The systematization of the results showed that the new model of MSW, send about 5.6 tonnes/day of MSW to the municipal landfill of Toledo, representing a reduction of 92% of the total previously forwarded by using the traditional management model MSW. Thus, the development of this new management model would help the sustainable development of meso study, it would be able to generate income from the implementation of new models of factories, developing new technologies, increased service life and reduced need for increased of area landfills and thus will make the municipalities fall under the guidelines of the law 12.305/2010 PNRS. / As diversas atividades inseridas nos processos produtivos têm como característica comum à geração de resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU), sejam eles sólidos, líquidos ou gasosos. Diante disso, esse trabalho visa identificar elementos capazes de explicitar o potencial econômico dos RSU como fator de desenvolvimento regional sustentável, transformando a problemática da geração de RSU em oportunidade de novos negócios. Para tanto, a metodologia contemplou a execução de etapas de caracterização da fonte geradora de RSU dos municípios em estudo, análise dos modelos e tecnologias utilizadas na gestão dos RSU, identificação das potencialidades e gargalos nos setores econômicos e a sistematização dos resultados por meio da apresentação de um novo modelo econômico utilizando o RSU como insumos dos processos produtivos. Os resultados demonstraram que os municípios em estudo, apresentaram uma geração média de 54.5 t/dia de plástico; 12 t/dia de vidro; l 6.06 t/dia de metal; 60.6 t/dia de papel; 5.5 t/ dia de outros tipos de resíduos e, 418.5 t/dia de orgânicos. Identificou-se que a comercialização dos RSU de alumínio, papelão e PET é mais expressiva nos estados de São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Paraná. A partir dessas informações foi possível estimar a receita bruta total para os 30 municípios em estudo, que foi de cerca de R$3.642.408,38, dentre os quais esta foi mais expressiva nos municípios de Cascavel, Foz do Iguaçu e Toledo, que juntos foram responsáveis pela obtenção de 57% da receita bruta total nos municípios analisados. A sistematização dos resultados demonstrou que o novo modelo de gestão dos RSU, enviaria cerca de 5.6 t/dia de RSU para o aterro sanitário municipal de Toledo, representando uma redução de 92% do total anteriormente encaminhado por meio da utilização do modelo tradicional de gestão dos RSU. Assim, o desenvolvimento desse novo modelo de gestão auxiliaria no desenvolvimento sustentável da mesorregião em estudo, pois seria capaz de gerar renda, a partir da implementação dos novos modelos de fábricas, desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias, aumento da vida útil e redução da necessidade de aumento de área para aterros sanitários e, assim, fará com que os municípios fiquem em conformidade com as diretrizes da lei de 12.305/2010 do PNRS.
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Modelo de gestão dos resíduos sólidos urbanos como elemento de desenvolvimento regional sustentável: uma análise dos municípios do Oeste do Paraná / Urban solid waste management model as a sustainable regional development element: an analysis of the municipalities of the West of Paraná.Bianco, Tatiani Sobrinho Del 27 November 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Marilene Donadel (marilene.donadel@unioeste.br) on 2019-03-25T16:13:20Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-11-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The problem of urban solid waste management (RSU) is a topic of worldwide concern, and has been treated as a priority, since equating excessive generation and final disposal of environmentally sound waste is one of the major challenges facing modern society. Thus, the RSUs are correctly managed as a challenge / goal to be achieved, in order to minimize the negative impacts caused by the generation of waste from various generating sources. In view of the above, this thesis aimed to propose a model of MSW management differentiated, in the stages of collection, transportation, treatment and recovery of waste, capable of meeting the legal prerogatives in economic, social and environmental context, and that allows the implantation of an economic model that generates wealth, employment and income in a sustainable environment in the municipalities of the Western Mesoregion of Paraná. For that, the methodological procedures included the execution of six stages, namely: 1) Characterization of the sources of RSU in the western mesoregion of Paraná; 2) Estimation of the potential of RSU generation in the municipalities of the Western Mesoregion of Paraná, during the years 1980 to 2030; 3) Evaluation of the execution of the National Solid Waste Policy as of the enactment of Federal Law No. 12,3052010; 4) Prospecting of methods, processes and technologies for the collection, transport, treatment and use of MSW; 5) Presentation of the MSW management model that allows the consolidation of an economic and sustainable system based on the MSW industrialization based on the economic, social and environmental specificities of the municipalities of the West of Paraná; 6) Consolidation and systematization of results. The results showed that only 12% of the municipalities of the Western Mesoregion of Paraná presented, through the construction of the Indicator of Sustainable Regional Development, a dynamic relationship in their productive base with economic, social and environmental advances. However, given the potential increase in the generation capacity of the MSW in the region, which was estimated at around 41%, it was identified that the 50 municipalities had a daily solid waste generation potential of 595.6 ton/day, in 1980, to 841.5 ton/day, in 2030. Thus, it was evidenced that there is inability to comply with Federal Law No. 12.305/2010, where 63% of the municipalities of the West of Paraná do not have the capacity economic, financial and technical / intellectual staff capable of handling the costs of managing and maintaining the correct level of waste management. This result is mainly due to the application of PNRS guidelines and targets in the municipalities of the West of Paraná through individualized solutions (landfills and / or controlled landfills), which become sources of economic and financial problems for the municipal administrations, as well as in the unfeasible possibility of meeting all the determinations in effect in PNRS / 2010. This scenario also occurs when one intends to establish only one intermunicipal waste management consortium capable of serving the 50 municipalities in the region, since a total investment of R $ 936.28 million would be necessary considering the amount of waste generated in the region, by 2030. Thus, the feasible, economical, social and environmentally adequate solution to waste management in the municipalities of the West of Paraná is the use of three Integrated Systems of Solid Urban Waste Management (SIGRSU), which should be implanted in the Microregions of Cascavel, Foz do Iguaçu and Toledo. Thus, the implementation of this new MSW management model, based on differentiated methods and technologies, has demonstrated the technical and economic viability of the proposal, in which urban solid waste becomes a cost factor and becomes an investment opportunity. In this scenario, the economic variable is one of the main attractions for individuals, while the impacts on the environment and society are also positive. Therefore, there is an environmental externality transformed into a source of opportunities for new business models, in which waste is considered as raw material and / or input of industrial processes, which will help in the sustainable and innovative development of the Meso-region under study, since it would be capable of generating income, from the implementation and development of new technologies, increase the useful life and reduce the need to increase the area for landfills and, thus, make the municipalities comply with the guidelines of Federal Law N ° 12.305/2010, of the PNRS. / O problema do gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos (RSU) é tema de interesse mundial, e tem sido tratado como prioritário, uma vez que, equacionar a geração excessiva e disposição final e ambientalmente segura dos resíduos é um dos maiores desafios com que se defronta a sociedade moderna. Assim, denota-se a gestão correta dos RSUs como desafio/meta a ser alcançado, visando minimizar os impactos negativos causados pela geração dos resíduos de diversas fontes geradoras. Diante do exposto, a presente tese objetivou propor um modelo de gestão de RSU diferenciado, nas etapas de coleta, transporte, tratamento e aproveitamento de resíduos, capaz de atender as prerrogativas legais em âmbito econômico, social e ambiental, e, que possibilite a implantação de um modelo econômico gerador de riqueza, emprego e renda num ambiente sustentável nos municípios da Mesorregião Oeste do Paraná. Para tanto, os procedimentos metodológicos contemplaram a execução de seis etapas, sendo estas: 1) Caracterização das fontes geradoras de RSU na mesorregião Oeste do Paraná; 2) Estimação do potencial de geração dos RSU nos municípios da Mesorregião Oeste do Paraná, durante os anos de 1980 a 2030; 3) Avaliação da execuçãoimplantação da Política Nacional dos Resíduos Sólidos a partir da promulgação da Lei Federal N°12.3052010; 4) Prospecção dos métodos, processos e tecnologias para a coleta, transporte, tratamento e aproveitamento de RSU; 5) Apresentação do modelo de gestão de RSU diferenciado, que possibilite a consolidação de um sistema econômico e sustentável com base da industrialização dos RSU a partir das especificidades econômicas, sociais e ambientais dos municípios da Mesorregião Oeste do Paraná; 6) Consolidação e sistematização dos resultados. Os resultados demonstraram que apenas 12% dos municípios da Mesorregião Oeste do Paraná apresentaram, por meio da construção do Indicador de Desenvolvimento Regional Sustentável, dinâmica relação na sua base produtiva com avanços econômicos, sociais e ambientais. Contudo, dado o aumento potencial da capacidade de geração de RSU na região, que foi estimado na ordem de 41%, identificou-se que, os 50 municipios apresentaram um potencial de geração de RSU de um montante diário de 595,6 ton.dia, em 1980, para 841,5 ton.dia, em 2030. Assim, evidenciou-se que, há incapacidade no atendimento da Lei Federal N°12.305/2010, onde 63% dos municípios do Oeste do Paraná, não apresentam capacidade econômica, financeira e de corpo técnico/intelectual capaz de arcar com os custos de gestão e manutenção do correto nível de gerenciamento dos resíduos gerados. Tal resultado, deve-se, em maior parte dada a aplicação das diretrizes e metas da PNRS nos municípios do Oeste do Paraná por meio de soluções individualizadas (aterros sanitários e/ou controlados), as quais se transformam em fontes de problemas econômico-financeiros para as gestões municipais, bem como na inviável possibilidade de atendimento de todas as determinações vigentes na PNRS/2010. Tal cenário também se verifica quando se tem a intenção de implantar apenas um consórcio intermunicipal de gerenciamento de resíduos, capaz de atender aos 50 municípios da região, pois seria necessário um investimento total de R$936,28 milhões de reais, considerando o montante de resíduos gerados na região, até 2030. Assim, a solução viável, econômico, social e ambientalmente adequada a gestão de resíduos nos municípios do Oeste do Paraná é a utilização de três Sistemas de Gerenciamento Integrado de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos (SIGRSU), os quais devem ser implantados nas Microrregiões de Cascavel, Foz do Iguaçu e Toledo. Assim, a implementação desse novo modelo de gestão dos RSU, baseado em métodos e tecnologias diferenciadas, demonstraram a viabilidade técnica e econômica da proposta, na qual os resíduos sólidos urbanos passam de um fator de custo e se tornam uma oportunidade de investimento. Nesse cenário, a variável econômica é um dos maiores atrativos para os indivíduos, ao mesmo tempo em que os impactos no meio ambiente e na sociedade são também positivos. Portanto, tem-se uma externalidade ambiental transformada em fonte de oportunidades de novos modelos de negócios, no qual os resíduos são considerados matérias-primas e/ou insumos de processos industriais, qual auxiliará no desenvolvimento sustentável e inovador da Mesorregião em estudo, pois seria capaz de gerar renda, a partir da implementação e desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias, aumento da vida útil e redução da necessidade de aumento de área para aterros sanitários e, assim, fazer com que os municípios ficassem em conformidade com as diretrizes da Lei Federal N° 12.305/2010, do PNRS.
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Framtidens vinnare och förlorare i Östra Götaland? : Infrastruktur och tätortsutveckling i Östergötlands, Jönköpings och Kalmar län 2010-2020 / Winners and losers of the future in Eastern Götaland : Infrastructure and urban development in the County of Östergötland, Jönköping and Kalmar 2010-2020Runnsjö, Joakim January 2010 (has links)
<p> Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera möjlig utveckling av kommunerna och tätorterna i Jönköpings, Kalmar och Östergötlands län fram till 2020, med utblickar mot framtiden. Bakgrunden till uppsatsen är de diskussioner som förs i Sverige kring nya regionkommuner, där sammanslagningar av befintliga län ska ske. I denna process är Östra Götland ett förslag för de tre länen och därför är det av intresse att studera hur dessa kan utvecklas i framtiden.</p><p>För denna analys har tidsgeografiska utgångspunkter kombinerats med Christallers centralortsteori för att skapa ett tredimensionellt tillgänglighetslandskap. Detta har sedan legat som en viktig förklaringsgrund för hur tätorter utvecklas. Resultatet av uppsatsen visar att de som lyckats locka till sig nya invånare kan delas upp i huvudsak i tre grupper;<strong> </strong>pendelorter med goda kommunikationer till andra orter, förorter med kort avstånd till regioncentra eller residensstäder (undantaget Östergötland där både Linköping och Norrköping är tillväxtorter). För de orter som inte lyckats utmärks dessa av att de ofta saknar goda kommunikationer och/eller befinner sig i en näringsomvandling, från dominerande basindustri till ett mer tjänstebaserat näringsliv. Framtidens vinnare blir troligen samma som idag och för den studerade regionen får Jönköping anses vara den största vinnaren, även om de andra länscentrana, Kalmar och Linköpipng/Norrköping, också är vinnare. Vissa frågetecken kring hur Norrköping klarar konkurrensen med Jönköping finns, på samma sätt som mellan Kalmar och Växjö, då en stark tillväxt i en ort kan få andra orter att stå tillbaka.</p> / <p> The purpose of the paper is to study the possible development of municipalities and urban areas in the county of Jönköping, Kalmar and Östergötland to 2020, with glimpses into the future. The background to the paper are discussions taking place in Sweden on a new regional division, where a merge of existing counties are about to happen. In this process is the forming of Eastern Götaland a proposal for the three counties and it is therefore of interest to study how these may evolve in the future.</p><p>For this analysis, time-geographical bases combined with Christaller central place theory are used to create a three-dimensional landscape of accessibility. This has then been used as an starting point in the discussions about how urban areas evolve. The results of the paper shows that those who succeeded in attracting new residents can be divided mainly into three groups; commuter towns with good transport links to other places, suburbs whit short distances to a regional center or provincial capitals (except in Östergötland, where both Linköping and Norrköping are growth centers). For those which have not been able to this has often a lack of good communications and/or are in a business transformation, from primary industry to a more service-based economy. Tomorrow's winner will likely be the same as today, and in the studied region Jönköping may be considered as the biggest winner, though the other county towns, Kalmar and Linköping/Norrköping, also are winners. There are some uncertainties about how Norrköping stands in the competition with Jönköping, just as between Kalmar and Växjö,. A strong growth in one urban area may cause that the growth in other areas are reduced.</p>
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El Impacto de la Inversión Extranjera 1990-2000 sobre el Desarrollo Durable de la Región minera de Antofagasta (Chile)Cademartori, Jan Jose 21 December 2007 (has links)
Esta investigación analiza los efectos económicos y sociales de las masivas inversiones multinacionales mineras en la década de los noventa, sobre una región del Norte de Chile llamada Antofagasta. Se propone una visión de desarrollo económico durable a partir un modelo de enclave, adaptado de la escuela latinoamericana del desarrollo (centro periferia). Con este modelo se cuestiona si el enclave tradicional se transforma garantizando su desarrollo económico durable, como resultado del aparente dinamismo económico de la zona receptora. Se comienza presentando una discusión teórica confrontando los enclaves tradicionales y modernos con visiones opuestas, distritos industriales, neoclásica y de clusters industriales. En la primera parte de los resultados se recupera la historia económica social de la región de Antofagasta y las políticas mineras. En la segunda parte se estudian el actual modelo económico neoliberal chileno y las políticas regionales que han favorecido las inversiones extranjeras. En la tercera parte se miden los impactos sobre la Región de Antofagasta, a nivel de desarrollo productivo, social, equidad territorial, medio ambiente, así como la exportación del excedente regional debido a la débil tributación minera y por la lógica de repartición de ingresos y gastos fiscales entre las regiones. Se dedica un capítulo especial a analizar las relaciones de dominación entre las EMN y los proveedores locales, así como las condiciones de vida de los trabajadores, con una gran masa de subcontratados. La tercera parte finaliza investigando de qué manera responden los actores sociales al modelo de desarrollo, al discurso de las EMN y a los mecanismos de control socio-políticos nacional y regional. / Cette recherche analyse les effets économiques, sociaux et environmentales, des investissements massifs de la part des entreprises minières multinationales dans la décennie des années 90, sur une région du nord du Chili appelée Antofagasta.
Nous proposons une approche de développement à partir d'un modèle d'enclave, sur base d'une adaptation de l'école latino-américaine du développement. De cette façon, nous demandons si l'enclave traditionnelle se transforme en une enclave moderne qui garantisse son développement économique durable, comme résultat de son dynamisme économique apparent. Nous commençons par une discussion théorique sur le modèle d'enclave, et celui-ci est confronté avec les approches opposées, néo-classique, et de clusters industriels.
Dans la première partie des résultats, on récupère l'histoire économique et sociale de la région et les politiques minières de l'État. Ensuite nous étudions le contexte politique institutionnel et les politiques régionales qui ont favorisé les investissements étrangers. Dans la troisième partie, nous mesurons les impacts au niveau productif, fiscal et social, ainsi que l'exportation de l'excédent régional. Dans cette partie nous consacrons une partie à l'analyse des rapports entre les entreprises multinationales et les fournisseurs locaux, ainsi que des conditions de vie des travailleurs, parmi lesquels se trouvent un grand nombre de sous-traitants. Finalement, la troisième partie de la recherche se pose la question : de quelle façon répondent les acteurs sociaux au modèle du développement et au discours des entreprises multinationales.
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Framtidens vinnare och förlorare i Östra Götaland? : Infrastruktur och tätortsutveckling i Östergötlands, Jönköpings och Kalmar län 2010-2020 / Winners and losers of the future in Eastern Götaland : Infrastructure and urban development in the County of Östergötland, Jönköping and Kalmar 2010-2020Runnsjö, Joakim January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera möjlig utveckling av kommunerna och tätorterna i Jönköpings, Kalmar och Östergötlands län fram till 2020, med utblickar mot framtiden. Bakgrunden till uppsatsen är de diskussioner som förs i Sverige kring nya regionkommuner, där sammanslagningar av befintliga län ska ske. I denna process är Östra Götland ett förslag för de tre länen och därför är det av intresse att studera hur dessa kan utvecklas i framtiden. För denna analys har tidsgeografiska utgångspunkter kombinerats med Christallers centralortsteori för att skapa ett tredimensionellt tillgänglighetslandskap. Detta har sedan legat som en viktig förklaringsgrund för hur tätorter utvecklas. Resultatet av uppsatsen visar att de som lyckats locka till sig nya invånare kan delas upp i huvudsak i tre grupper; pendelorter med goda kommunikationer till andra orter, förorter med kort avstånd till regioncentra eller residensstäder (undantaget Östergötland där både Linköping och Norrköping är tillväxtorter). För de orter som inte lyckats utmärks dessa av att de ofta saknar goda kommunikationer och/eller befinner sig i en näringsomvandling, från dominerande basindustri till ett mer tjänstebaserat näringsliv. Framtidens vinnare blir troligen samma som idag och för den studerade regionen får Jönköping anses vara den största vinnaren, även om de andra länscentrana, Kalmar och Linköpipng/Norrköping, också är vinnare. Vissa frågetecken kring hur Norrköping klarar konkurrensen med Jönköping finns, på samma sätt som mellan Kalmar och Växjö, då en stark tillväxt i en ort kan få andra orter att stå tillbaka. / The purpose of the paper is to study the possible development of municipalities and urban areas in the county of Jönköping, Kalmar and Östergötland to 2020, with glimpses into the future. The background to the paper are discussions taking place in Sweden on a new regional division, where a merge of existing counties are about to happen. In this process is the forming of Eastern Götaland a proposal for the three counties and it is therefore of interest to study how these may evolve in the future. For this analysis, time-geographical bases combined with Christaller central place theory are used to create a three-dimensional landscape of accessibility. This has then been used as an starting point in the discussions about how urban areas evolve. The results of the paper shows that those who succeeded in attracting new residents can be divided mainly into three groups; commuter towns with good transport links to other places, suburbs whit short distances to a regional center or provincial capitals (except in Östergötland, where both Linköping and Norrköping are growth centers). For those which have not been able to this has often a lack of good communications and/or are in a business transformation, from primary industry to a more service-based economy. Tomorrow's winner will likely be the same as today, and in the studied region Jönköping may be considered as the biggest winner, though the other county towns, Kalmar and Linköping/Norrköping, also are winners. There are some uncertainties about how Norrköping stands in the competition with Jönköping, just as between Kalmar and Växjö,. A strong growth in one urban area may cause that the growth in other areas are reduced.
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