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Regionale Fachkräftesicherung durch Rück- und ZuwanderungEsch, Stefan 23 November 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die aus der deutschen Wiedervereinigung resultierenden ökonomischen und demografischen Veränderungsprozesse stellen große Herausforderungen für die Regionalentwicklung dar: Nachdem die ostdeutschen Arbeitsmärkte lange Zeit von einem Überangebot an Arbeitskräften geprägt waren und zahlreiche (vor allem junge, gut ausgebildete) Menschen in die alten Bundesländer abwanderten, zeichnet sich mittlerweile eine Trendwende ab. Infolge des demografischen Wandels (Bevölkerungsalterung und -schrumpfung) geht die Zahl der Personen im erwerbsfähigen Alter kontinuierlich zurück. Dies wirkt sich vor allem auf das Rückgrat der ostdeutschen Wirtschaft, die kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen, aus. Schon heute machen sich Schwierigkeiten bei der Besetzung offener Arbeitsstellen bemerkbar und vielerorts wird bereits von einem „Fachkräftemangel“ gesprochen. Um die Zukunftsfähigkeit der ansässigen Unternehmen zu sichern, entwickeln regionale Organisationen Strategien, die eine ausreichende Versorgung der Unternehmen mit Fachkräften gewährleisten und damit zur regionalen Resilienz beitragen sollen. Während diese vor allem auf eine erhöhte Arbeitsbeteiligung bestimmter Gruppen (z.B. ältere Arbeitnehmer, Frauen, Arbeitslose) abzielen, lässt sich vermehrt auch eine gezielte Anwerbung von Fachkräften aus anderen Regionen beobachten. Angesichts der Tatsache, dass mittlerweile ein beachtlicher Teil der abgewanderten Ostdeutschen in seine „alte Heimat“ zurückkehren möchte, kommt dieser Personengruppe dabei ein besonderes Interesse zu.
Auf diesen Erkenntnissen aufbauend setzt sich die Forschungsarbeit mit folgenden Fragestellungen auseinander: (1) Wie beschäftigen sich die relevanten Organisationen in Ostdeutschland mit der regionalen Fachkräftesicherung? (2) Welche Rolle spielt dabei die gezielte Anwerbung von Rück- und Zuwanderern? und (3) Wie können Rück- und Zuwanderungsinitiativen zur Resilienz ostdeutscher Regionen gegenüber dem rückläufigen Erwerbspersonenpotenzials beitragen?
Auf Basis einer Literatur- und Internetrecherche werden die wichtigsten Rück- und Zuwanderungsinitiativen in ostdeutschen Regionen erfasst und charakterisiert. Darauf aufbauend werden anhand der Informationen der Trägerorganisationen weitere, mit dem Thema „Fachkräftesicherung“ betraute Organisationen identifiziert. Diese Grundgesamtheit stellt den Ausgangspunkt für eine schriftliche Befragung dar. Auf Grundlage der Befragungsergebnisse werden Trends sowie Besonderheiten bei der regionalen Fachkräftesicherung ermittelt. Im Rahmen einer anschließenden Fallstudienuntersuchung wird ein detaillierter Einblick in die Arbeitsweisen und Kooperationsbeziehungen ausgewählter Rück- und Zuwanderungsinitiativen gewonnen. Anhand von Experteninterviews werden weitere Erkenntnisse über den Beitrag dieser Initiativen zur Resilienz regionaler Arbeitsmärkte gewonnen.
Die empirischen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich aktuell eine Vielzahl verschiedener Organisationen mit dem Thema der regionalen Fachkräftesicherung beschäftigt: Neben den Agenturen für Arbeit, den Industrie- und Handelskammern sowie den Handwerkskammern sind dies verschiedene Wirtschafts- bzw. Branchenverbände und Gewerkschaften. Darüber hinaus spielen auch Ministerien, Förderbanken, kommunale Einrichtungen, Career Services von Hochschulen und ehrenamtliche Vereine eine Rolle. Obwohl Rück- und Zuwanderer nicht die Hauptzielgruppe ihrer Maßnahmen darstellen, finden sie dennoch Berücksichtigung. Außerdem stehen die meisten Organisationen mit dreizehn Initiativen, welche sich auf eine gezielte Anwerbung von (Re-) Migranten spezialisiert haben, in Kontakt. Bei Letzteren gehören die Vermittlung von Arbeitsplätzen, die Information und Beratung bei der Arbeitssuche sowie Dual Career Services (Informationen und Beratung bei der Arbeitsplatzsuche der Partnerin/ des Partners) zu den wichtigsten Leistungsangeboten. Zwar ist eine direkte Messung ihres Erfolges nicht möglich und eine dauerhafte Finanzierung, aufgrund ihres Projektcharakters, nur selten garantiert, dennoch tragen sie aber zur regionalen Fachkräftesicherung bei: Durch den Aufbau von Netzwerken, der Sensibilisierung ansässiger Unternehmen sowie der aktiven Vermarktung des Standorts werden vorhandene Ressourcen mobilisiert und bestehende Vulnerabilitäten abgebaut. Durch das Einwirken weiterer, externer Prozesse stellt sich schließlich eine erhöhte Resilienz ostdeutscher Regionen gegenüber dem rückläufigen Erwerbspersonenpotenzial ein. Daraus leiten sich Handlungsempfehlungen ab, die eine weitere Intensivierung der regionalen Kooperation vorschlagen. / Germany’s reunification caused economic and demographic changes that represent major challenges for regional development: After the East German labour markets experienced a long period of labour oversupply and the emigration of many (particularly young and well educated) people to former West Germany, they are now facing a reversal. Due to demographic changes (the aging and shrinking of the population) the number of people in working age has been steadily declining. This especially affects small and medium sized businesses, the backbone of the East German economy. Already, it has become noticeably difficult to fill vacant positions, and a “shortage of skilled labour” is widely discussed.
In order to future-proof local businesses, regional organisations have developed strategies that ensure a sufficient supply of skilled labour and an increased regional resilience. Although these strategies mainly aim towards increasing labour market participation among certain groups (e.g. older workers, women, the unemployed), the recruitment of skilled labour from other regions has also noticeably increased. Since a significant proportion among emigrated East Germans would like to return ‘home’ now, this group is of particular interest. Based on these findings, this research paper deals with the following questions: (1) What do relevant organisations in East Germany do about securing regional skilled labour? (2) What role does the targeted recruitment of immigrants and return migrants play in this context? (3) How can immigration and return migration initiatives contribute to making East German regions resilient against the diminishing work force potential?
Based on a combined literature and Internet research, this paper identifies and characterises the most important immigration and return migration initiatives in East Germany. Further, it uses information provided by these initiatives’ support organisations to identify other organisations whose remit is to safeguard skilled labour. The resulting statistical population then forms the basis for a written survey. Based on the survey results, the paper investigates trends and anomalies in securing regional skilled labour. A subsequent multiple case study analysis provides detailed insights into the working methods and cooperation among selected immigration and return migration initiatives. Expert interviews provide additional information on how these initiatives contribute towards regional labour market resilience.
As the empirical results show, there currently exist a number of organisations dealing with the shortage of skilled labour. These include regional employment agencies, chambers of industry and commerce, and chambers of crafts, as well as various trade associations and unions. In addition, government departments, business development banks, local authorities, university career services, and voluntary associations also play an important role. Even though immigrants and return migrants are not considered to be their main targets, these organisations do include them in their measures. Furthermore, most of the surveyed organisations are in contact with the thirteen initiatives that focus on targeted recruitment of immigrants and return migrants. The most important services provided by immigration and return migration initiatives include job placements, information and advice during the job search, as well as dual career services. Even though it isn’t possible to directly measure their impact, and although they are rarely guaranteed permanent financing due to their project-based nature, these initiatives do contribute towards securing regional skilled labour: By developing networks, sensitizing local companies, and actively advertising the region, they mobilise existing resources and reduce regional vulnerabilities. The influence of additional external processes eventually creates an increase in regional resilience towards the declining labour force potential. Derived from these findings, this paper recommends several action points that propose a further intensification of regional cooperation.
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Are You Staying? : A Study of In-movers to Northern Sweden and the Factors Influencing Migration and Duration of StayAndersson, Erika January 2017 (has links)
The distribution of the population has multiple implications on regional development and planning. In-migration is frequently seen as the only possible solution in order to rejuvenate the population and stimulate regional development in sparsely populated regions. A population increase results in greater tax revenues, meaning that local authorities can plan for their inhabitants and expenditures in a more sufficient way. In addition, certain professionals are needed in order to support essential local services such as schools and hospitals. Place marketing with the intention of attracting in-movers has become increasingly popular, especially for rural, sparsely populated Swedish municipalities. Still, the outcome from place marketing efforts are dubious and in addition, migration has a temporal aspect and individual migration propensity usually fluctuates over time. This begs the question – how long do in-movers stay? Is there potential for long lasting development in sparsely populated regions connected to in-movers or is it temporary? This study focuses on the duration of time until an in-mover re-migrates from Region 8 in northern Sweden and which socioeconomic and demographic factors that influences the out- migration. This is studied by applying an event history method with discrete-time logistic regressions. The study follows individuals in working age that moved to any of nine specified municipalities in Västerbotten and Norrbotten County, sometime between 2000 and 2011. Questions posed for the study is: i) On average, how long did people who moved to Region 8 between the years 2000-2011 stay in the region? ii) What are the socioeconomic and demographic factors that influence the out-migration from the region? iii) Do the influencing factors differ between women and men? The results show that the time perspective matters as the risk of moving out was highest in the initial years and that it declines with time. 30 % of the sampled in-movers had moved out again within the time of observation, and on average the in-movers stayed for nine years. The regression results indicated that the factors that had the greatest influence on the out- migration was unemployment, being between 20-26 years old, high education, having and unemployed partner, and having children below school age. Women had a slightly lower likelihood of moving out compared to men, and the most prominent influential factor to outmigration that varied between women and men was unemployment.
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Teorie dobývání renty a veřejné zakázky v České republice v letech 1993 až 2011 / The theory of rent-seeking and the public procurement in the Czech Republic in years 1993 - 2011Krejčová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the development of legal and institutional framework of the public procurement in the Czech Republic from 1993 to 2011 and on the basis of this analysis to determine their influence on rent seeking in the public procurement. The main problems of the public procurement in the CR are also discussed in this thesis. The process of awarding and execution of the public procurement is very topical. A hundred of billions from public funds are yearly spent through the public procurement in the CR. Currently, the intense debate about the influence and importance of the public procurement act amendment are taking place. The theoretical part covers the general theory of rent seeking. The basic characteristic together with the economical aspects of the public procurement are also explained here. The analytical part is focused on the development of legal framework of the public procurement from 1993 to 2011. The main accent is put on the defining of the space for rent seeking during awarding, execution and follow-up control of the public procurement. The development of institutional framework of the public procurement arrangements in the CR, namely the activities of the Office for the Protection of Competition, the Supreme Audit Office and the Ministry of Regional Development, are defined in this part. Further, the main problems of the public procurement in the CR together with their possible solutions are described here. The thesis uses the method of comparison of the different public procurement acts which were implemented during the years 1993-2011 including the comparison of the institutional framework in order to detect the positive and negative influence on the rent seeking in the public procurement.
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Úroveň lidských zdrojů a jejich úloha v regionálním rozvoji Zlínského kraje. / The Level of Human Resources and their Role in Regional Development of the Zlín RegionRanochová, Aneta January 2014 (has links)
There are two main aspects this thesis is based on. These are human resources as a major factor of regional development and human capital as the most valuable asset of the organization. The aim of the thesis is to map the situation in the labor market in the Zlín region as seen from the perspective of employers and from the perspective of further regional development in prospective sectors of the economy. The thesis deals not only with the level and quality of human resources in the Zlin region, but also with employers' satisfaction with the current level of the workforce. The first part is based on the theoretical background and focuses on human resources as a factor of regional development in the Czech Republic. The following chapters deal with regional policy and regional development in the country. The next part is aimed at human resources in terms of organization and especially personnel management. It describes selected areas of human resource management that are important for the theoretical basis of the thesis. The practical part is divided to three parts. The first part introduces the analysis of the situation in the Zlín Region. It contains basic indicators of the level of human resources and compares them with other Czech regions. Then there are the results of a survey and structured interviews, which were conducted among employers in the Zlín region. The aim of the survey was to identify employers' satisfaction with human resources in the region and assess the quality of human resources in terms of the appropriateness of the focus of education and its level compared to the needs of employers in the region. The final part of the thesis summarizes the results obtained in the analysis and compares them with the results from employers in the region. It is concluded by the evaluation of hypotheses.
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Determinantes de sobrevivência das pequenas empresas : um estudo sob o enfoque da atividade turística sergipana (2002 - 2012)Araujo, Marleide Alcantara de 28 September 2015 (has links)
This study aims to analyze the determinants of survival for micro and small businesses in the segments intended for tourism of Sergipe economy. Given the social and economic relevance, the possibility of failure impacts on regional development, generating economic and social losses for the whole country, and have a negative impact on the effectiveness of incentive policies to the creation of these companies in Brazil. It analyzed its historical development, and their inclusion in the tourism sector through study of its economic potential in this segment. Research indicates that in the period 2002-2012, the average survival rate of micro and small companies in Sergipe, amounted to 79.1%. In the composition of this study, first, we present a theoretical framework regarding the Regional Development and its insertion on the traditional economic theory, dealing with three generations of regional policies: developmentalism, neoliberalism and regional development (local). Promotes an analysis of Regional Development in Brazil and its historical progression in the economy. It brings also a study of the Micro and Small Business and Tourism, as a tool for Brazil´s economic development. Then, this was the application of data and display the search results, which is to identify the survival rates and comparative analyzes on the subject studied. The findings present the analysis of the results obtained, in order to contribute to the maintenance and continuity of these companies, incorporated as essential to the regional and global socioeconomic development. / Este estudo objetiva analisar os fatores determinantes de sobrevivência das micro e pequenas empresas nos segmentos destinados à atividade turística da economia sergipana. Dada à sua relevância social e econômica, a possibilidade de fracasso impacta no desenvolvimento regional, gerando prejuízos econômicos e sociais para todo o país, além de repercutir negativamente sobre a eficácia das políticas de incentivo à criação dessas empresas no Brasil. Foram analisadas a sua evolução histórica, e a sua inclusão no setor de turismo, mediante estudo de suas potencialidades econômicas, neste segmento. A pesquisa indica que no período de 2002 a 2012, a taxa média de sobrevivência das micro e pequenas empresas em Sergipe, correspondeu a 79,1%. Na composição deste estudo, primeiramente, apresenta-se um referencial teórico acerca do Desenvolvimento Regional e sua inserção sobre a teoria econômica tradicional, versando sobre três gerações de políticas regionais: desenvolvimentismo, neoliberalismo e desenvolvimento regional (local). Promove-se uma análise do Desenvolvimento Regional no Brasil e sua progressão histórica na economia. Traz ainda, um estudo sobre as Micro e Pequenas Empresas e o Turismo, como ferramenta para o desenvolvimento econômico brasileiro. Em seguida, tratou-se da aplicação dos dados e exposição dos resultados da pesquisa, que consiste na identificação das taxas de sobrevivência e análises comparativas sobre o tema estudado. As conclusões apresentam a análise dos resultados apurados, como forma de contribuir para a manutenção e continuidade destas empresas, constituídas como fundamentais para o desenvolvimento socioeconômico regional e global.
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Contribuições do planejamento estratégico situacional para a gestão de micro e pequenas empresas : um estudo de caso comparativo em Itapeva, SP / Contributions of strategic planning situation to the management of micro and small entreprises: a comparative case study in Itapeva, SPOderlei Ferreira dos Santos 27 March 2014 (has links)
O Planejamento Estratégico destaca-se como importante ferramenta de gestão para a sustentabilidade das organizações, entretanto, grande parte das perdas e
insucesso das Micro e Pequenas Empresas são atribuídos a inexistência ou falha do Planejamento Estratégico. Isso se dá pela inadequação do Planejamento Estratégico denominado como Tradicional a essa modalidade de empresa. Este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar a contribuição dos momentos do Planejamento Estratégico Situacional na gestão das Micro e Pequenas Empresas, a fim de obter um caminho alternativo para a formulação da estratégia e auxiliar a gestão de forma prática, simples e eficiente. O Planejamento Estratégico Situacional foi criado para ser aplicado em instituições públicas e contesta em alguns pontos do método Tradicional. Diante disso, pautado em referenciais teóricos, realizou-se um estudo de caso comparativo em Micro e Pequenas Empresas da Indústria, Serviços e Comércio da cidade de Itapeva, SP. Para a análise dos dados, criou-se e aplicou-se um método próprio, denominado Análise Estratégica Tridimensional, que considerou a participação, utilidade e importância dos médotos de Planejamento Estratégico estudados. Os resultados demonstram as diversas características das empresas estudadas e conclui-se que os momentos do Planejamento Estratégico Situacional apresentam diversos aspectos que contribuem com a gestão das Micro e Pequenas
Empresas. Além disso, este estudo deixa como legado um construto teórico e prático para a avaliação da prática estratégica qual pode ser aplicado em organizações que
demandam estratégia. / The Strategic Planning stands out as an important management tool for the sustainability of organizations, however, most of the losses and failure of Micro and
Small Enterprises are attributed to lack or failure of Strategic Planning. This happens by the inadequacy of the Strategic Planning termed as Traditional to this type of company. This study aims to evaluate the contribution of the moments of the
Situational Strategic Planning in the management of Micro and Small Enterprises in order to find alternative way to formulate the strategy and assist in management practice, simply and efficiently. The Situational Strategic Planning was created to be used in public institutions and disputes in some points of the Traditional method. Given this, based on theoretical references, we performed a comparative case study in Micro and Small Enterprises of Industry, Trade and Services in Itapeva city, SP. For the analysis of the data was created and applied a method, termed Strategic Analysis Three Dimensional, which made participation, utility and importance of Strategic Planning médotos studied. The results demonstrate the various features of the studied companies and concludes that the moments of the Strategic Planning
Situational present various aspects that contribute to the management of Micro and Small Enterprises. Moreover, this study leaves a legacy of a theoretical and practical construct for the evaluation of strategic practice which can be applied to organizations that require strategy.
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Características regionais e oportunidades locais na formação de mão de obra : análise comparativa de duas sub-regiões do Vale do Paraíba Paulista / Regional and local features opportunities in workforce training: comparative analysis of two sub - parts of the state Paraiba ValleyRodrigo Paulino Nascimento 26 March 2015 (has links)
Com o propósito de formar mão de obra qualificada para atender às vocações regionais, e com base no perfil socioeconômico de cada região, os cursos técnicos têm recebido investimentos por parte dos governos, em âmbito, tanto federal, quanto estadual. No Estado de São Paulo, o Centro Paula Souza, por meio das Escolas Técnicas Estaduais (ETECs), proporciona educação profissional gratuita, de acordo com as demandas do mercado e direcionada às especificidades regionais. Segundo dados da Fundação de Apoio à Tecnologia (FAT), responsável pelos processos seletivos (Vestibulinhos) das Escolas Técnicas, a habilitação que mais gera oferta de vagas e demanda de alunos é o Curso Técnico em Administração. Assim, neste trabalho objetiva-se identificar a relação entre a formação técnica em Administração proposta pelo Centro Paula Souza e as potencialidades econômicas das sub-regiões 3 e 4 da Região Metropolitana Vale do Paraíba e Litoral Norte (RMVLN), bem como as perspectivas profissionais dos egressos dessa habilitação profissional. A pesquisa de natureza exploratória e descritiva está dividida em três etapas: A primeira, com estratégia de levantamento por meio de pesquisa eletrônica, com o intuito de identificar as Unidades Escolares a serem analisadas. Os critérios estabelecidos foram: estarem localizadas nas sub-regiões 3 e 4 da RMVLN e oferecerem o terceiro módulo da habilitação técnica em Administração no segundo semestre de 2014. Na segunda etapa foram verificados os documentos das instituições selecionadas: Projeto Político Pedagógico, Currículo da Habilitação Técnica em Administração e Matrizes Curriculares. Os resultados foram analisados de forma qualitativa e nortearam o roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada, que foi realizada com quatro responsáveis pedagógicos e técnicos das três escolas que compuseram a amostra. Finalmente, com abordagem quantitativa, utilizou-se como instrumento um questionário aplicado a 145 alunos, com retorno de 102. Os dados obtidos nesta etapa foram tratados por meio de análise de frequência e percentual. Assim, a pesquisa apresenta as conclusões que seguem. A primeira delas refere-se à fundamental contribuição dos cursos técnicos para o desenvolvimento regional, porque busca atender à realidade do mercado de trabalho local, que constantemente é avaliado pelas escolas analisadas; A segunda conclusão está no fato de que os cursos técnicos atendem às expectativas dos egressos, visto que a investigação revelou que 98% deles se declaram satisfeitos com o curso. Por fim, concluiu-se que, com a flexibilidade do currículo do Curso Técnico em Administração articulado com o perfil econômico de cada município, afirma-se que as Unidades Escolares direcionam seu processo formativo da seguinte maneira: Sub-região 3 - Etec Prof. Alfredo de Barros Santos - Guaratinguetá, para o setor de serviços (em especial militar), enquanto a Etec Professor Marcos Uchôas dos Santos Penchel, Cachoeira Paulista, para turismo no segmento religioso e comércio. E na sub-região 4 - Etec Prof. José SantAna de Castro, Cruzeiro, demandas administrativas da Indústria e segmento comercial. / In order to form skilled labor to meet regional vocations, and based on the socioeconomic profile of each region, the technical courses have received investments from governments, both federal and state levels. In São Paulo, the Paula Souza Center, through the State Technical Schools (Etecs), provides free professional education, according to the market demands and directed to regional specificities. According to the Technology Support (FAT) Foundation, responsible for the selection processes (Vestibulinhos) of the Technical Schools, enabling that generates more openings and student demand is the Technical Course Directors. Thus, this work aims to identify the relationship between technical training in Administration proposed by Paula Souza Center and the economic potential of the sub-regions 3 and 4 of the metropolitan area the Paraíba Valley and North Coast (RMVLN), and the professional prospects graduates of this professional qualification. The research exploratory and descriptive nature is divided into three steps: The first survey with strategy through electronic research in order to identify the School Units to be analyzed. The criteria were: being located in the subregions 3 and 4 of RMVLN and offer the third module of technical qualification in Business Administration in the second half of 2014. In the second stage the documents of the selected institutions were checked, namely: Political Pedagogical Project , Curriculum Enable Technical Administration and Curriculum Matrix. The results were analyzed qualitatively and guided the semi-structured interviews, which was held with four educational officials and technicians of the three schools in the sample. Finally, with a quantitative approach was used as a questionnaire was applied to 145 students, with return 102. The data obtained in this step were treated by means of frequency analysis and percentage. So the research presents the following conclusions: the contribution of technical courses for regional development is critical because seeks to meet the reality of the local labor market which is constantly evaluated by the analyzed schools. Second, because it meets the expectations of graduates, as research has shown that 98% of them were satisfied with the course. Finally, with the flexibility of the Technical Course curriculum articulated Administration with economic profile of each municipality, it is stated that the School Units direct their formative process, as follows: Sub-Region 3 - Etec Prof. Alfredo Barros dos Santos - Guaratinguetá, for the services sector (in particular military), while the Etec Teacher Mark Uchôas dos Santos Penchel, Cachoeira Paulista, for tourism and trade in the religious segment. And in the subregion 4 - Etec Prof. Joseph Phillips de Castro, Cruise, administrative demands of Industry and commercial segment.
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A sustentabilidade do desenvolvimento socioeconômico na região metropolitana do Vale do Paraíba e Litoral Norte : análise das variáveis da lei do desenvolvimento social e municipal / The socioeconomic development of sustainability in the metropolitan paraíba valley region and north coast: analysis of variable fiscal responsibility law and social development of municipalitiesWimerson de Oliveira Gomes 29 February 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação visou analisar se a observância dos mecanismos estabelecidos pela Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal consagrados no princípio da gestão fiscal responsável principalmente relativos a dois dos seus pilares: o equilíbrio das contas públicas e a obediência aos limites e condições por ela estabelecidas foi eficiente para também promover a responsabilidade social, de forma a cumprir as garantias constitucionais de acesso à educação e saúde públicas de qualidade, além da geração de emprego e renda aos seus cidadãos, na Região Metropolitana do Vale do Paraíba e Litoral Norte (RMVPLN), abrangendo os anos de 2005/2008 e 2009/2012; dois ciclos políticos, portanto. Para tanto, se verificou o comportamento de oito fundamentos da gestão fiscal dos municípios: capacidade de arrecadação das receitas próprias, execução orçamentária, endividamento de longo prazo, endividamento de curto prazo, liquidez, despesa com pessoal e grau de investimento. Criou-se, então, uma matriz de risco que verificou o comportamento destes fundamentos nos últimos anos de mandato dos gestores municipais (2008 e 2012). Para aferir os desempenhos sociais, este trabalho utilizou os indicadores de Desenvolvimento Municipal disponibilizados pela Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FIRJAN). A partir da combinação destes dois resultados, os 39 municípios da RMVPLN foram distribuídos em cinco classes que compuseram o Índice de Desempenhos Fiscal e Social Agregados (IDFSA), e analisada a sua evolução nos mesmos anos de referência: 2008 e 2012. O método de pesquisa utilizado foi analítico, quanto à abordagem, e quali-quantitativo em relação ao seu objetivo. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram ser realmente necessário cumprir as regras estabelecidas pela Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal, até como instrumento que viabilizará a disponibilidade de recursos necessários não só para a manutenção das políticas públicas existentes, mas também para a expansão ou a implementação de novos programas sociais. Entretanto, não são bastantes em si mesmos, de forma que alguns dos municípios analisados, mesmo obtendo o mais elevado grau de desempenho fiscal, não tiveram bons resultados sociais. Assim, a Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal teve um importante papel nas circunstâncias em que foi editada. Entretanto, decorridos mais de quinze anos de sua edição, é imprescindível se fazer a sua revisão para nela integrar uma outra diretriz: a da responsabilidade social. / This work aimed to analyze the observance of strict mechanisms established by the Fiscal Responsibility Act enshrined the principle of fiscal management responsible - mainly related to two of its pillars: the balance of public accounts and obedience to the limits and conditions established by it - was effective also to promote social responsibility in order to comply with the constitutional guarantees of access to education and public health quality, and the generation of employment and income to its citizens, the metropolitan area of the Paraiba and the North Coast Valley (RMVPLN) covering the years 2005/2008 and 2009/2012; two political cycles so. To this end, he found the behavior of eight grounds of fiscal management of municipalities: storage capacity of its own revenues, budget execution, long-term debt, short-term debt, liquidity, personnel expenditures and investment grade. Was created, then a risk matrix that investigated the behavior of these fundamentals in recent years mandate of municipal managers (2008 and 2012). To measure the social performance, this study used the Municipal Development of indicators provided by the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FIRJAN). From the combination of these two index, the 39 municipalities of RMVPLN were divided into five classes that composed the Fiscal Performance Index and Social Aggregates (IDFSA), and analyzed its development in the same reference years: 2008 and 2012. The research method used was analytical, as the approach, and qualitative and quantitative in relation to your goal. The results indicate that it is really necessary to comply with rules established by the Fiscal Responsibility Law, even as a tool to enable the availability of necessary resources not only for the maintenance of existing public policies, but also for expansion or implementation of new social programs. However, they are not enough in themselves, so that some of the municipalities analyzed, even getting the highest degree of fiscal performance, did not have satisfactory social outcomes. Thus, the Fiscal Responsibility Act played an important role in the circumstances in which it was edited. However, after more than fifteen years of its issue, it is essential to do your review to integrate it another guideline: the social responsibility.
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Análise da qualidade de vida no trabalho no setor de avicultura em sistemas de integração vertical segundo a visão dos produtores do município de Mineiros - GO / Quality of Life Analysis at Work at the Poultry Sector in Vertical Integration System According to the Vision of Producers of Mineiros City- GOGyovanna Borges Martins 26 October 2015 (has links)
O estudo se propõe a conhecer a percepção dos avicultores que operam em sistema de integração vertical agroindustrial no município de Mineiros (GO) quanto à qualidade de vida no trabalho (QVT) proporcionada aos seus empregados. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória e de campo, de caráter
quantitativo e qualitativo. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de questionário, com questões fechadas, aplicado em uma amostra de 42 avicultores, e de entrevistas semiestruturadas aplicadas em uma subamostra de 12 produtores. O questionário identificou a amostra e aspectos relacionados à atividade e à relação do produtor integrado com a agroindústria integradora,
capazes de impactar na QVT dos empregados rurais das granjas. Identifica, também, a percepção dos produtores integrados quanto à qualidade de vida no trabalho proporcionada aos seus funcionários. As entrevistas foram feitas para aprofundamento da percepção da QVT. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que
os avicultores pesquisados têm percepção da satisfação de seus empregados com a qualidade de vida que desfrutam no trabalho. Especialmente os que produzem frango/chester reportam importante percepção de insatisfação de seus funcionários em relação à jornada de trabalho e previsibilidade de horários. Acredita-se que a presente pesquisa possa servir para subsidiar a implementação, por parte dos avicultores, de ações voltadas para a melhoria da qualidade de vida no trabalho de seus colaboradores, gerando desenvolvimento para o Município. / The study proposes to understand the perception of poultry farmers operating in agribusiness vertical integration system in the municipality of Mineiros-GO for the Quality of Life at Work - QLW proportionate to their employees. This is an exploratory research and field, quantitative and qualitative. The data collection was carried out by means of a questionnaire with closed questions applied to a sample of 42 farmers and semi-structured interviews applied in a subsample of 12
producers. The questionnaire identified the sample and aspects related to the activity and the relationship between the integrated producer with agribusiness integrator capable of impacting on QWL of rural workers of the farms, as well as identified the perception of integrated producers with respect to the Quality of Life at Work proportionate to their employees. The interviews were made for deepening of perception on the QWL. The results obtained demonstrate that the respondents
perception of satisfaction of their employees with the quality of life at work that they enjoy. The respondents, especially those who produce chicken/chester, reply important perception of dissatisfaction of the changes in working day and your time of life. It is believed that the present research may serve to ensure that the respondents can implement actions directed to the improvement of the quality of life at work of its employees, generating development for the municipality.
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The trends and patterns of regional development in Ethiopia: an assessment of policy implementation and its challenges in Tigray and Gambella Regions (1995-2015)Aliyou Wudu Reta 05 1900 (has links)
The major objective of this empirical research is to identify and explain the level of regional development and analyse the challenges of policy implementation with special focus on Tigray and Gambella Regions from 1995 to 2015. In line with the research objectives and statement of the problem, this study was designed to determine the level of development of the two regional states, the critical factors of regional growth in the regions, and what the major challenges were in the implementation of regional development policy. This research was explanatory cross-sectional in its design. In this research, both primary and secondary sources were consulted. Key informant interview, document review and observation were used to collect the necessary information. Accordingly, based on their expertise knowledge, and the position they held, a total of 24 regional and federal key informants were purposively selected and interviewed. The findings of the study showed that both regions made remarkable improvements and changes in health, education, road network, agricultural and revenue collection performance. However, contrary to the perceptions of the respondents, the secondary data when divided by regional population showed that in the past 20 years Gambella has been better off in terms of health, education, road networks and some agricultural indicators than Tigray. Tigray, however, grew more in terms of infrastructure than Gambella during the same period. The study found that the Government regional development policy designed and implemented as measured by growth-oriented indicators brought encouraging results. The most important determinant factors for regional economic development between the two sampled regions were: initial historical level of development; capacity of resource utilisation; leadership commitment, cultural differences, recurrent conflicts and insecurity, governance issues, political will, capacity of the regional government authorities; and rent-seeking attitude of politicians and civil servants. To address some of the challenges, few recommendations are made: designing a regional specific development policy, strengthening intergovernmental relations, protecting the environment, ensuring good governance, maintaining peace and security, strengthening capacity building, supporting infrastructural development for Gambella and the provision of additional financial incentives to regions. / Development Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Development Studies)
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