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Förändring av varumärkenHemström, Oskar, Innala, Richard, Rost, Christian January 2005 (has links)
This thesis aims to study brand change, which can be of interest since a brand during its lifetime can be expected to meet a lifecycle consisting of five phases; innovation, introduction, growth, maturity and recession. In order to avoid the recession phase and the sales decline that follows there is a need for a change of the brand. In order to study brand change, theoretical framework is compared to two real world cases that have gone through an active change. The conceptions of positioning, repositioning and revitalization are clarified. Positioning deals with how brands are located in customer’s minds as well as on the real market. Repositioning implies a change of the current position and is also often a move towards a new market segment. Revitalization deals with giving the brand new associations as well as changes in the product. Revitalization in its simplest form can be just a repetition of old messages and associations mixed, in some cases in combination with new ones. Ongoing revitalization can in the long run be seen as incremental repositioning since the brand is updated with small steps in order to follow the customer’s changes in preferences and after a while end up in a new position. Radical repositioning means that you during a short period of time change the foundation of a brand by creating new associations and an almost new product, all to accomplish a trustworthy message to the new target group. The two brands, Festis and Explorer Vodka, have both gone through changes but with different reasons. Festis did not have a large customer group and therefore aimed at finding a new attractive target group. Explorer Vodka already had a large circle of customer, which it could not afford to lose, and therefore just a small image change was the solution. Festis performed a radical repositioning and switched target group and thereby recaptured the market leader position in the stilldrinkmarket. Explorer Vodka has with small steps improved its image and at the same time stick to their target group by revitalization. / I denna uppsats studeras förändring av varumärken, vilket kan vara av intresse eftersom det kan förväntas att ett varumärke under sin livstid kan komma att möta en livscykel bestående av fem olika faser, utveckling, introduktion, tillväxt, mognad, och slutligen nedgång. För att undvika nedgångsfasen och en eventuell död krävs en förändring av varumärket. För att studera förändring av varumärken tillämpas uppsatsens teorier på två fallstudier av varumärken som genomgått ett aktivt förändringsarbete. I uppsatsen behandlas begreppet positionering av varumärken såväl som förändringsbegreppen ompositionering och revitalisering. Positionering beskriver hur ett varumärke är placerat i konsumenternas medvetande såväl som på marknaden. Ompositionering innebär förändringar av befintlig position och är ofta en förflyttning till ett annat marknadssegment. Revitalisering innebär bland annat att skapa nya associationer till varumärket genom direkta åtgärder och/eller förändringar i produkten. Ständig revitalisering kan i längden ses som en inkrementell ompositionering eftersom man i små steg följer förändringarna i kundernas uppfattningar. Radikal ompositionering innebär att man under en kort tid förändrar hela grunden för varumärket och istället skapar nya associationer och även förändrar produkten för att på ett så trovärdigt sätt som möjligt rikta sig till en ny målgrupp. De två varumärkena Festis och Explorer Vodka har båda genomgått förändringar. Dessa förändringar har skett med lite olika motiv, Festis hade ingen stark kundbas och behövde hitta ett nytt attraktivt kundsegment. Explorer Vodka hade en stark kundbas med och hög försäljning som man inte fick förlora, dock behövde varumärkets image förbättras. Festis genomförde en radikal ompositionering och bytte kundsegment och återtog därmed sin forna position som marknadsledare på stilldrinksmarknaden. Explorer Vodka har med små steg förbättrat sin image och samtidigt stannat kvar i samma kundsegment, vilket kan liknas vid en revitaliseringsstrategi.
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Ompositionering; en fallstudie av Norrvidden Fastigheter ABBrandt, Robert, Karlsson, Peter January 2008 (has links)
Bakgrund och syfte: Det är viktigt för ett företag idag att hitta en position på marknaden som fungerar i ett långsiktigt perspektiv. Dessutom gäller det för företaget att på ett tydligt sätt positionera sin produkt eller sitt varumärke i kundernas medvetande. Ett företag som inte är nöjd med positioneringen kan välja, eller är tvunget, att ompositionera. Vi har studerat fastighetsföretaget Norrviddens arbete med ompositioneringar av två varumärken, galleriorna Flanör i Gävle och In: i Sundsvall. Syftet är att undersöka när och varför ett företag är i behov av att ompositionera sitt varumärke eller sin produkt samt att beskriva hur processen kan gå till. Huvudfrågorna uppsatsen behandlar är: - Varför genomför ett företag en ompositionering av ett varumärke? - Vilka strategier kan ett företag använda sig av vid en ompositionering? - Hur kan en ompositioneringsprocess gå till? Metod: Vi har gjort en fallstudie där vi har arbetat med ett induktivt angreppssätt med utgångspunkt i empirin. För att samla in data har vi gjort två kvalitativa intervjuer med dels Maria Davidson som är centrumledare på Flanör och dels Jan-Åke Eriksson som är shoppingansvarig på Norrvidden Fastigheter AB. Innan intervjuerna sammanställde vi relevanta teorier och modeller som ligger till grund för uppsatsen och de frågor vi ställde till intervjupersonerna. Utifrån de data vi samlat in har vi gjort intressanta iakttagelser och försökt se samband med de modeller och teser som teoriavsnittet behandlar. I analys- och diskussionskapitlet presenterar vi våra tankar kring detta. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Organisation, ledarskap och beslutsfattande inom företag är inte vad denna uppsats primärt avser att behandla och fortsatta studier med fokus på någon av dessa delar skulle vara intressant. Det vore även intressant att följa upp arbetet med flanör efter färdigställandet, för att se hur Norrvidden lyckats med positioneringsarbetet. Resultat: För att konkurrera på marknaden såg Norrvidden ompositioneringarna som ett måste. Flanör var väldigt nedgånget, kändes omodernt och var i behov av förnyelse. I Sundsvall byggde Norrvidden ihop två gallerior och blev då tvungna att arbeta fram ett helt nytt varumärke som skulle passa det nya konceptet. För Flanör var positioneringsstrategin att förstärka sin position på marknaden genom att skapa en modernare och trendigare galleria. För In: var strategin att hitta en ny position på marknaden då man inte ville behålla det gamla som den tidigare gallerian Världshuset stod för. / Aim: On today´s market it´s important to find a position that is sustainable over time. To position a product or a brand in the mind of the consumers in a clear way is crucial. If a company is unsatisfied with their position, they can choose, or might be forced to, reposition the brand. In this paper we have been studying how the real estate company Norrvidden is repositioning two of their brands, Flanör in Gävle and In: in Sundsvall. The purpose of this study is to explore when and why a company needs to reposition their brand or product, also what this process can look like. The main questions in this paper are: - Why does a company reposition their brand? - What strategies can be used to reposition the brand? - What can a reposition process look like? Method: We have used a case study which is based on the empirical information. To collect data we have interviewed two people at Norrvidden Fastigheter AB, Maria Davidson and Jan-Åke Eriksson. Before the interviews we gathered relevant theories and models which the questions is based on. We have compared the empirical information with the theories and models to find possible connections and illuminate interesting observations. We present our thoughts concerning this in the final chapter; analyze and discussion. Suggestions for future research: Organization, leadership and the decision making process is not what we have been focusing on in this paper. We believe that this is something that varies between different companies and we suggest that future research within this subject would be interesting. Results: Norrvidden saw the reposition of their brands as the only way to be able to compete on the market. Flanör was old fashioned and in need of renovation. In Sundsvall, Norrvidden brought two separate gallerias together and felt they had to come up with a new brand to fit the concept. In Flanörs case the positioning strategy is to reinforce their position on the market by creating a modern and fashionable galleria. The strategy for In: is to find a new position on the market.
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Incumbent firms and Response to Disruptive Innovation through Value Network Management : Lessons from Eastman Kodak‟s failure in the digital eraGebremeskel Tesfaye, Helen, Nguyen, Thi Hong Nhung January 2012 (has links)
AbstractTitle: Incumbent firms and Response to Disruptive Innovation through Value Network Management - Lessons from Eastman Kodak‟s failure in the digital eraAuthors: Helen Gebremeskel Tesfaye & Thi Hong Nhung NguyenSupervisor: Marie BengtssonBackgroundThe question of why incumbent or established firms get into difficulties when they are faced with disruptive innovations has been extensively researched and discussed by many authors. Many explanations given for such failure seem to take “inside-out” approach by focusing on problems of organizational inertia, complacency, lack of insight and incompetence. On the other hand, Christensen‟s (1997; 2003) explanation takes an “outside-in” approach by focusing on the role of established firms‟ value network, particularly mainstream customers, as a determining factor to what incumbent firms can and cannot do.Purpose(i) Examine comprehensively the impacts of the value network on the incumbent firms when they are challenged by the arrival of disruptive innovations; (ii) Developing a model for the incumbent firms to recognize and manage effectively changes occurring in the value network in the face of disruptive innovations; and (iii) Gain a new insight into Kodak‟s failure in the reign of digital technology from the value network management perspective.DefinitionsDisruptive Innovation: Disruptive innovations in this study are considered as new products based on new technologies and which provide different attributes or product characteristics than what the company‟s mainstream or established customer segments historically value, while at the same time bringing new performance attributes to the market.iiValue Network: Value network is the context or environment within which a firm identifies and responds to customers‟ needs, solves problems, procures input, reacts to competitors and strives for profit.ResultsA Value Network Management model is developed for the incumbent firms to recognize and manage effectively changes occurring in the value network caused by the arrival of disruptive innovations. More specifically, the model aims at helping firms to overcome insight and action inertia and to choose the right partners among various new actors entering the value network. This model is iterative in essence and incorporates steps of searching/scanning, value network analysis and partner selection on the basis of appropriate role selection in the value network.
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This dissertation examines the role and impact of the promotion tools in the repositioning strategy of a tourism destination. Building on a theory which brings together the repositioning strategy process and the communication mix, this study is conducted through the examination of a case study based on one of the most important and innovative European ski resort: Avoriaz. The research has been made through an in-depth interview with a manager of the ski resort in charge of the communication, which has been completed by a content analysis of the communication supports edited by the resort. As a result, this study concludes that the communication tools have a main role in the implementation a repositioning strategy by having a major impact on the image of the tourism destination.
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Trois-Rivières et le Festival international de la poésie : l'inscription de la poésie dans la ville industrielleCochard, Magali January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Tyngdlyftningens eventuella påverkan på proprioceptionen jämfört med styrkelyft : En utvecklingsstudie och inledande metodstudieLarsson, Sandra, Emén, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Fysisk träning betyder rörelse av kroppen som kräver energi. Muskelstärkande träning är en del inom fysisk träning. Två idrotter inom detta område är tyngdlyftning och styrkelyft, där båda har som mål att lyfta så tungt som möjligt med skivstång. Den ena idrotten är tyngdlyftning med ryck och stöt som tävlingslyft, medan styrkelyft har tävlingslyften knäböj, marklyft och bänkpress. Proprioception är kroppens inre djupa känsel som ger information om kroppsdelarnas position och rörelse relativt varandra, samt upplevelse av kraft och ansträngning. Ett sätt att testa proprioception är genom joint repositioning sense (JPS) test. JPS tester går ut på att testpersonen ska repositionera en led i en förutbestämd position. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att utföra en utvecklings- och inledande metodstudie för att undersöka proprioceptionen i extremitetsleder hos tyngdlyftare jämfört styrkelyftare. Metod: I studien deltog två manliga tyngdlyftare och två manliga styrkelyftare. De leder som testades var axelled, handled, höftled och fotled. JPS testerna som användes utvecklades som en del av studien. Resultat: Tyngdlyftarna och styrkelyftarna var mycket lika vad gäller proprioception i extremitetslederna. Tyngdlyftarna hade något bättre proprioception i axelled och höftled, medan styrkelyftarna var något bättre i handled och fotled. Konklusion: Skillnaderna i proprioception mellan grupperna var marginella. De tendenser som kunde ses var att grupperna skiljde sig åt beroende på led. Testerna som utvecklades och användes behöver validitet- och reliabilitetstestas och att standardisera testerna vad gäller rörelsehastighet kan även vara värdefullt. Testerna kräver förhållandevis lite utrustning och är enkla att genomföra vilket innebär att de är relevanta att använda ute i det kliniska arbetet. Mer forskning inom området krävs för att kunna undersöka sambandet mellan tyngdlyftning och proprioception.
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In silico drug design et chimie médicinale : développement de nouvelles molécules coumariniques, sélectives de la cyclooxygénase-2 / In silico drug design and medicinal chemistry : development of new unusual coumarinic structures targeting selectively the cyclooxygenase-2Rayar, Anita-Marie 20 January 2017 (has links)
L’inflammation est un phénomène affectant des millions de personnes à travers le monde. Il existe une grande variété de médiateurs inflammatoires impliqués dans différentes fonctions biologiques, dont la cyclooxygénase-2. Bien que de nombreux inhibiteurs sélectifs de la COX-2 aient été développés et commercialisés, ceux-ci présentent des effets secondaires dont la gravité a entraîné, dans certains cas, l'arrêt de leur commercialisation.De nos jours, les méthodes in silico sont de plus en plus employées dans les stratégies de découverte de nouvelles molécules à visée thérapeutique. Au cours de ce projet, nous nous sommes appuyés sur les modèles pharmacophoriques et les méthodes de docking afin de guider et de prioriser la synthèse de molécules de structures diverses et originales, susceptibles de présenter les meilleures affinités pour la cible étudiée. Ainsi, des prédictions réalisées avec le logiciel TOMOCOMD-CARDD combinées à des tests biologiques, ont permis d’identifier le cyclocoumarol comme une molécule potentiellement anti-inflammatoire. Dans le cadre de ces travaux nous nous sommes intéressés à la synthèse et l’étude d’analogues du cyclocoumarol en tant qu’inhibiteurs sélectifs de la COX-2. La pharmacomodulation autour du cyclocoumarol et la mise en place de stratégies de synthèse judicieuses ont permis d’obtenir une série d’analogues. Divers outils bioinformatiques ont été utilisés : le logiciel LigandScout a permis de construire des pharmacophores sélectifs de la COX-2 et les études de docking ont permis de comprendre les modes de liaisons des différents composés. Enfin, le logiciel SeeSAR, a permis de prédire l’affinité des molécules les plus susceptibles d’inhiber sélectivement la COX-2. Les tests biologiques ont confirmé leur activité inhibitrice envers la COX-2 avec une inhibition non significative vis-à-vis de COX-1. Parmi les molécules synthétisées, le 4-OMe cyclocoumarol a démontré une activité et une sélectivité très intéressantes, comparables au NS-398, un inhibiteur sélectif connu de la COX-2. A partir des résultats biologiques obtenus, un travail de phamacomodulation autour de ces dérivés du cyclocoumarol a été réalisé en utilisant des outils in silico dans le but de prédire l’affinité de nouveaux composés et de découvrir de nouveaux inhibiteurs sélectifs de la COX-2.Mots clés : cyclocoumarol, benzalacétones, warfarines, pharmacophores, docking, criblage virtuel, COX-2, repositionnement / Inflammation is a phenomenon affecting millions of people throughout the world. There is a broad range of inflammatory mediators implied in different biological functions including the cyclooxygenase-2. Although many selective inhibitors selective of COX-2 have been developed and marketed, they have displayed diverse side effects leading, in some cases, to their with drawal from the market. Nowadays, in silico methods are more and more used in the drug discovery process. In this project, we have used pharmacophoric models and docking methods to guide and prioritize the synthesis of molecules, presenting different and original structures, with enhanced affinity for the biological target. Thus, predictions realized with the TOMOCOMD-CARDD software together with biological tests enable to identify the cyclocoumarol as a potential anti-inflammatory molecule. As part of these works, the synthesis of and the study of cyclocoumarol analogues as selective inhibitors of COX-2 have been realized. Pharmacomodulation of cyclocoumarol and development of synthesis strategies led to a serie of cyclocoumarol analogues. Several bioinformatics tools have been used: selective COX-2 pharmacophores were elucidated using LigandScout and docking studies (Surflex) were conducted to understand the binding mode of different compounds. Finally, SeeSAR enabled to predict the affinity of the molecules the most susceptible to inhibit selectively COX-2. Biological tests confirmed their inhibitory activity against COX-2 and showed no significant inhibition for COX-1. Among the synthesized molecules, the 4-OMe cyclocoumarol has demonstrated an activity and a selectivity very interesting, similar to NS-398, a known selective COX-2 inhibitor.Based on the biological results obtained, a pharmacomodulation study of cyclocoumarol derivatives has been realized using in silico tools in order to predict the affinity of new compounds and to discover new selective inhibitors of COX-2.Keywords : cyclocoumarol, benzalacetones, warfarines, pharmacophores, docking, virtual screening, COX-2, repositioning
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Sistemática para alocação de cargas e reposicionamento de contêineres vazios no transporte marítimoTeixeira, Rafael Buback January 2017 (has links)
O transporte de contêineres é um serviço essencial no transporte global, apresentando uma rápida taxa de crescimento na sua utilização quando comparado com outros modos de transporte convencionais. Nesse contexto, o problema de roteirização de cargas de contêineres e o problema de reposicionamento de contêineres vazios são altamente correlacionados, sugerindo a necessidade de uma formulação conjunta adaptada para otimizar o sistema. Esta tese apresenta uma nova sistemática para seleção de cargas, alocação de cargas e reposicionamento de contêineres vazios em apoio às decisões operacionais no gerenciamento do transporte de contêineres por companhia de transporte regular em modal marítimo. O modelo proposto possibilita selecionar cargas e decidir por alternativas de rotas, além de reposicionar os contêineres vazios. O modelo integrado visa maximizar a margem de contribuição no transporte de contêineres para uma demanda fixa de múltiplos tipos de contêineres por uma rede de transporte em um horizonte de tempo particular, como uma rede espaço-tempo em um modelo de rede de fluxo máximo com restrições adicionais de alocação de requisições de cargas em caminhos nas rotas conhecidas. Foram criadas instâncias consistentes com a realidade considerando diferentes demandas fixas e estoques de contêineres. Os resultados mostram a flexibilidade e aplicabilidade do modelo para solucionar este problema de decisão complexo. / Container shipping is an essential service in global trade, presenting a fast-growing rate of utilization when compared to other conventional shipping modes. In this context, the cargo container routeing and empty repositioning container problems considering maritime liner companies are highly related, suggesting the need for a joint formulation tailored to optimize the system. This Thesis proposes a novel approach for cargoes acceptance in routes and empty container repositioning in support to decisions in the container transporting management by liner shipping companies in maritime transport modal. The proposed model decides by cargo acceptance or rejection to transport in known routes, in addition to reposition the empty containers. The integrated model maximises the contribution margin for fixed demand of multiples types of containers by a transport network in a particular season as a space-time network based on a max-flow network model with additional constraints of cargoes requisitions allocation in fixed route paths. We defined instances consistent with reality considering different fixed demands and inventory of containers. The results show the flexibility and applicability of this model to solve this complex decision problem.
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Sistemática para alocação de cargas e reposicionamento de contêineres vazios no transporte marítimoTeixeira, Rafael Buback January 2017 (has links)
O transporte de contêineres é um serviço essencial no transporte global, apresentando uma rápida taxa de crescimento na sua utilização quando comparado com outros modos de transporte convencionais. Nesse contexto, o problema de roteirização de cargas de contêineres e o problema de reposicionamento de contêineres vazios são altamente correlacionados, sugerindo a necessidade de uma formulação conjunta adaptada para otimizar o sistema. Esta tese apresenta uma nova sistemática para seleção de cargas, alocação de cargas e reposicionamento de contêineres vazios em apoio às decisões operacionais no gerenciamento do transporte de contêineres por companhia de transporte regular em modal marítimo. O modelo proposto possibilita selecionar cargas e decidir por alternativas de rotas, além de reposicionar os contêineres vazios. O modelo integrado visa maximizar a margem de contribuição no transporte de contêineres para uma demanda fixa de múltiplos tipos de contêineres por uma rede de transporte em um horizonte de tempo particular, como uma rede espaço-tempo em um modelo de rede de fluxo máximo com restrições adicionais de alocação de requisições de cargas em caminhos nas rotas conhecidas. Foram criadas instâncias consistentes com a realidade considerando diferentes demandas fixas e estoques de contêineres. Os resultados mostram a flexibilidade e aplicabilidade do modelo para solucionar este problema de decisão complexo. / Container shipping is an essential service in global trade, presenting a fast-growing rate of utilization when compared to other conventional shipping modes. In this context, the cargo container routeing and empty repositioning container problems considering maritime liner companies are highly related, suggesting the need for a joint formulation tailored to optimize the system. This Thesis proposes a novel approach for cargoes acceptance in routes and empty container repositioning in support to decisions in the container transporting management by liner shipping companies in maritime transport modal. The proposed model decides by cargo acceptance or rejection to transport in known routes, in addition to reposition the empty containers. The integrated model maximises the contribution margin for fixed demand of multiples types of containers by a transport network in a particular season as a space-time network based on a max-flow network model with additional constraints of cargoes requisitions allocation in fixed route paths. We defined instances consistent with reality considering different fixed demands and inventory of containers. The results show the flexibility and applicability of this model to solve this complex decision problem.
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Reposicionamento in silico de novos fármacos contra o schistosoma mansoni / Repositioning in silico of new drugs against Schistosoma mansoniArantes, Morgana Elias 14 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Santos (marlene.bc.ufg@gmail.com) on 2016-08-25T20:20:51Z
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license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-08-26T11:39:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Morgana Elias Arantes - 2016.pdf: 2372439 bytes, checksum: e242dc3a0095f55eea6f6e8fc5fe0748 (MD5)
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Dissertação - Morgana Elias Arantes - 2016.pdf: 2372439 bytes, checksum: e242dc3a0095f55eea6f6e8fc5fe0748 (MD5)
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Previous issue date: 2016-03-14 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Schistosomiasis is a neglected tropical disease caused by parasites of the genus Schistosoma. In Brazil only Schistosoma mansoni transmits this disease. The World Health Organization estimated in 2012 approximately 249 million people at risk of acquiring this disease around the world. The main strategy to control this disease is the treatment of individuals living in endemic areas with Praziquantel. The drug praziquantel is used on a large scale in the treatment of schistosomiasis and currently there are reported cases of resistance, indicating the need to discover new drugs. In silico drug repositioning is a strategy that reduces the time and cost in the search of anti-schistosomal agents. This work used bioinformatics tools and methodology based on previous studies, as a means to identify potential new S. mansoni targets and drug homologs, consequently identifying potential new schistosomal drugs. A list was compiled with S. mansoni potential targets that are part of essential processes in the database TDR and the targets that are part of the tegument were obtained in the scientific literature. The file with S. mansoni targets contained 1376 targets, and of these only 61 targets associated with 399 drugs had homology with drug targets. After removal of duplicate drugs, drugs found in previous studies and after the analysis of the conservation of the active site only 28 S. mansoni targets associated with 102 drugs had 60% or more of the active site conserved. Some of the drugs had activity and are interesting to validate this study such as: artemether, lumefantrine, meloxicam. Among the drugs found 18 drugs were selected to be tested using the following criteria: low toxicity in vivo, expired patent and a value of log P interesting for oral administration. / A esquistossomose é uma doença tropical negligenciada causada por parasitos do gênero Schistosoma. No Brasil apenas o Schistosoma mansoni transmite esta doença. A Organização Mundial de Saúde estimou em 2012 cerca de 249 milhões de pessoas em risco de adquirirem esta doença por meio de diferentes espécies e países. A principal estratégia no controle desta doença é o tratamento dos indivíduos que vivem em áreas endêmicas com o fármaco praziquantel. O praziquantel é o fármaco utilizado em ampla escala no tratamento desta doença e atualmente há casos de resistência relatados, sendo necessário a descoberta de novos fármacos. O reposicionamento in silico é uma estratégia que reduz o tempo e o custo na busca de fármacos esquistossomicidas. Neste trabalho, por meio da ferramenta de bioinformática e com base em estudos anteriores, identificou-se potenciais novos alvos homólogos a alvos de fármacos em uso em humanos, identificando com isso, potenciais novos fármacos esquistossomicidas. Compilou-se uma lista com os potenciais alvos do S. mansoni que fazem parte das vias essências da base de dados do TDR e encontrou-se os alvos que fazem parte do tegumento na literatura científica. O arquivo com os alvos do S. mansoni continha 1376 alvos, sendo que destes apenas 61 alvos do S. mansoni possuía homologia com alvos de fármacos associados a 399 fármacos. Após a remoção dos fármacos duplicados, fármacos encontrados em estudos anteriores e após a análise da conservação do sítio ativo restou 28 alvos do S. mansoni associados a 102 fármacos que tinha 60% ou mais do sítio ativo. Encontrou-se alguns fármacos com atividade comprovada e validam o estudo como: artemeter, lumefantrina, meloxicam. Dentre os fármacos encontrados cerca 18 fármacos foram selecionados para serem testados e a sua atividade então comprovada, utilizando os seguintes critérios: baixa toxicidade in vivo, patente expirada e um valor de log P interessante para um fármaco de administração oral.
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