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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Controle robusto de suspensão semi-ativa para caminhonetes utilizando amortecedores magneto-reológicos. / Robust control of a semi-active pickup truck suspension using magneto-rheological dampers.

Cláudio Crivellaro 28 November 2008 (has links)
A utilização de sistemas semi-ativos no controle de movimento e vibração vem crescendo muito nos últimos anos, e está se firmando como a opção mais econômica em muitas aplicações. Os sistemas de controle semi-ativos baseados em fluidos magneto-reológicos (MR) já são empregados no controle de vibrações desde máquinas de lavar a grandes pontes suspensas, e até mesmo no controle de vibração de edifícios sujeitos a abalos sísmicos. No controle de movimento, eles têm sido aplicados em aparelhos de fisioterapia, próteses de joelho humano e embreagens. No setor automobilístico, os sistemas semi-ativos são empregados em sistemas de controle da suspensão e sistemas anti-rolagem, e também no controle de sistemas de torque e tração. Visto a crescente importância dos sistemas de controle semi-ativo, este trabalho aborda este assunto dividindo-o em duas partes: a primeira, apresentada no volume 1, trata do projeto de atuadores magneto-reológicos e do seu modelamento dinâmico voltado para projetos de controle; e a segunda parte, apresentada no volume 2, trata de projeto de controladores para sistemas semi-ativos, mais especificamente voltados para o controle de suspensão veicular semi-ativa, buscando a melhoria do desempenho em conforto, segurança e dirigibilidade do veículo. Na primeira parte, a maior contribuição deste trabalho está em preencher uma lacuna na literatura no que diz respeito a uma técnica sistemática de projeto de atuadores magneto-reológicos e da forma mais adequada de sua representação dinâmica para projetos de controle, que é feita a partir de dados experimentais. Na segunda parte deste trabalho buscou-se desenvolver um sistema de controle economicamente viável para veículos utilitários (caminhonetes principalmente). Estes são os veículos que mais carecem de sistemas de suspensão capazes de atender a uma grande variedade de situações (variação de pista, variação de carga), e cujo mercado exige uma relação custo/benefício melhor que aquela dos mercados de carros de luxo, onde estes sistemas são empregados atualmente. Como resultados mais importantes deste trabalho têmse: uma proposição para o uso da lei de controle LQG/LTR em sistemas não estritamente próprios; um modelo de um veículo utilitário completo com sete graus de liberdade e capaz de representar as situações mais importantes do comportamento dinâmico deste tipo de veículo; o desenvolvimento de uma estratégia de controle robusto baseado na técnica LQG/LTR, adequada para trabalhar com atuadores semi-ativos, e que utiliza sensores de custo compatível com a aplicação. O sistema de controle proposto foi capaz de melhorar o desempenho em conforto e segurança, evitando situações de perda de aderência dos pneus e comportamentos dinâmicos indesejáveis destes veículos, que foi verificado experimentalmente e através de simulações em computador. / The application of semi-active systems to motion and vibration control has significantly grown during the last years, and it is becoming an economically viable option for several applications. Semi-active systems based on magneto-rheological (MR) fluids were applied to vibration control ranging from washing machines to suspended bridges, and also in vibration control of buildings under seismic tremors. Regarding the movement control, they have been used in gym apparati, human knee prosthesis and clutches. More specifically in the automotive industry, semi-active systems have been applied in suspension and anti-roll systems, and also in torque and traction control systems. This work treats this subject dividing it into two parts: the first one, presented in volume 1, deals with the design of semi-active actuators based on magneto-rheological fluids and dynamic modeling; and the second one, presented in volume 2, deals with the design of semi-active control for vehicular suspension systems. The control main objective is the performance improvement in comfort, safety and handling features of a vehicle. In the first part, the main contribution of this work is to fulfill a literature gap regarding a systematic procedure for design of magneto-rheological actuators and to find a better representation for the dynamic behavior regarding the control system development, which is done based on experimental data analysis. The second part of this work leaded with the development of a vehicular suspension system for utility vehicles (for SUVs, and mainly for light trucks), which need suspension systems able to face a great number of situations (road variation, load variation, etc.), and which present stability problems due to its high gravity center height. Important results of this work are: the development of a robust control strategy based on LQG/LTR techniques for non-strictly proper systems, the development of a dynamic model for light trucks and SUVs with seven degrees of freedom; the development of a robust control strategy based on the LQG/LTR synthesis, suit to work with semi-active actuators, and using sensors with costs compatible to the application. The proposed control system was able to improve the performance of comfort and safety, avoiding the loss of adherence between tires and the ground and other undesirable dynamic behaviors of these vehicles, that was verified experimentally and through computer simulations.

Compactação e compressibilidade de resíduos sólidos urbanos / Compaction and compressibility of municipal solid waste

Afonso Celso Moruzzi Marques 17 July 2001 (has links)
Os objetivos desta pesquisa incluem: (i) estudar as características de compactação dos resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU); (ii) avaliar os mecanismos de compressão dos RSU e o efeito de sobrecarga (aterro experimental) em maciço sanitário existente; (iii) desenvolver programa computacional para previsão de recalques em aterros sanitários. Um aterro experimental com cerca de 24.400 \'M POT.3\' de RSU e altura de até 4 m, distribuído em área aproximada de 8.400 \'M POT.2\', foi construído em São Paulo para estudar os procedimentos de compactação de aterros sanitários. Ensaios in situ de grande dimensão foram executados para avaliar o peso específico do resíduo, após a compactação, em diferentes posições e camadas do experimento. Ensaios de umidade e composição dos resíduos foram realizados, assim como o levantamento das espessuras das camadas para cada etapa construtiva. O aterro experimental foi construído sobre aterro existente, criando a oportunidade para estudar a compressão do resíduo novo e antigo. Rigoroso programa de monitoração de recalques foi implantado, de forma que as deformações do aterro experimental pudessem ser isoladas das do aterro existente. Marcos superficiais foram posicionados interna e externamente à área do experimento, e placas de recalque instaladas na base do aterro experimental. O período de monitoramento envolveu cerca de 3 anos de medidas. A pesquisa resultou em: (i) novos subsídios e relações para a compactação dos RSU, incluindo as influências do equipamento de compactação, número de passadas, espessura das camadas, plano de compactação e teor de umidade, mostrando ser este último o parâmetro de maior impacto no processo de compactação; (ii) dados de peso específico e de sua relação com a profundidade, assim como do efeito da compactação na compressibilidade dos RSU e na geração de líquidos percolados em aterros sanitários; (iii) avaliação do desempenho de modelos de compressibilidade existentes na literatura; (iv) desenvolvimento de modelo compósito para compressibilidade dos RSU, considerando a compressão mecânica primária e secundária e a parcela devido a biodegradação dos resíduos; (v) desenvolvimento do programa MSWSET usando o modelo compósito para cálculo dos recalques de aterros como função do tempo. O modelo e programa desenvolvidos apresentaram elevado desempenho, constituindo importante ferramenta para previsão de recalques de aterros sanitários. / The objectives of this research were to: (i) study the compaction characteristics of municipal solid waste (MSW); (ii) evaluate the compression mechanisms of MSW and its response to a surcharge (waste test fill) over an existing landfill; (iii) develop a computer program for landfill settlement predictions. A waste test fill with a volume of about 24,400 \'M POT.3\' and a height up to 4 m, distributed over an area of approximately 8,400 \'M POT.2\', was constructed in Sao Paulo, to study compaction procedures for sanitary landfills. Large in situ tests were performed to evaluate the unit weight of waste immediately after compaction at several locations for each lift. Water content measurements and composition determinations were carried out, as well as thickness measurements of the waste layers after each construction (compaction) phase. The test fill was constructed over an existing landfill. Thus, the test fill provided opportunities to study the compression of the new and the old waste. A rigorous program of deformation monitoring was implemented in order to separate compression of the test fill from settlement of the underlying landfill. Benchmarks were located inside and outside of the experimental area, and settlement plates were installed at the bottom of the test fill. The monitoring period encompasses around 3 years of measurements. The research provided: (i) new guidelines and relationships for compaction of municipal solid waste, including the influences of compaction equipment, number of passes, lift thickness, water content, and compaction plane. The water content has presented larger response on the compaction process than the other variables; (ii) quantitative data regarding unit weight, the influence of depth on unit weight, water content, compressibility of MSW, and leachate generation; (iii) assessment of the performance of existing MSW compressibility models described in the literature; (iv) development of a composite model of MSW compressibility that considers primary compression, secondary mechanical compression, and compression from biodegradation; (v) development of the computer program MSWSET using the composite model of MSW compressibility to calculate landfill settlement as a function of time. The developed model and program has presented a high performance, being a powerful tool for landfill settlement prediction.

Argamassas com adição de fibras de polipropileno -estudo do comportamento reológico e mecânico. / Mortars with polypropylene fibres´addition - study of the rheological and mechanical behavior.

Rosiany da Paixão Silva 19 June 2006 (has links)
Buscando evitar as anomalias surgidas nos revestimentos de argamassa, muitos projetistas e construtores têm procurado soluções alternativas, dentre as quais aparece o emprego de argamassas com adição de fibras. Porém, o conhecimento sobre o comportamento deste compósito é empírico, principalmente no Brasil, onde inexistem pesquisas sistêmicas sobre o assunto. A partir deste contexto, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo investigar a influência da adição de fibras de polipropileno em argamassas para revestimento, no que se refere ao seu comportamento reológico e mecânico. Para avaliar o comportamento reológico, foram empregadas as técnicas de ensaio dropping ball e squeeze flow, e a avaliação da aplicabilidade quanto à execução do revestimento, utilizando o conhecimento de um operário experiente. Para avaliar o comportamento mecânico, foram utilizados ensaios relativos a resistência à tração na flexão, resistência à compressão e módulo de elasticidade dinâmico. Os compósitos de argamassa produzidos no trabalho apresentam variação na matriz e no teor de fibras. A variação na matriz compreendeu o tipo de argamassa e a dosagem de água. Foram utilizadas duas argamassas, largamente empregadas no mercado da Construção Civil, uma com baixo teor de ar incorporado (da ordem de 5%) e outra com alto teor (da ordem de 30%) e foram utilizados seis teores de água. Quanto à fibra, empregou-se um único tipo, com 6mm de comprimento, variando-se o seu teor na mistura, com cinco dosagens distintas. Como resultado, constatou-se que a adição de fibras influencia na reologia das argamassas devido (não somente) às suas características físicas e mecânicas, mas também porque ao serem introduzidas, modificam fortemente as características da matriz original, como por exemplo, as alterações do teor de ar incorporado. Assim, constatou-se que a adição de fibras na argamassa com baixo teor de ar elevou este teor; enquanto na com alto teor de ar, a adição de fibras reduziu o teor de ar. Estas alterações conferiram condições de aplicabilidade particulares a cada tipo de argamassa. O comportamento mecânico das argamassas também foi alterado. Dentre os “modificadores reológicos” estudados, o teor de fibras na argamassa com baixo teor de ar incorporado foi o que mais contribuiu com a alteração da propriedade mecânica; enquanto para a argamassa com alto teor de ar, o teor de água é o que mais afeta o comportamento mecânico. / Many designers and constructors have been looking for alternative solutions trying to avoid types of anomalies in the mortar rendering. One of these solutions is the application of mortar with fibres’ addition. However, the knowledge concerning the composite behavior is very empirical, mainly in Brazil where there are no systematic researches about this subject. From this context, the objective of this job is to investigate the influence of the polypropylene fibres’ addition in the rheological and mechanical behavior of the mortar applied in rendering. For the study of the rheological behavior, laboratory evaluations were done using the following methods: dropping ball and squeeze flow. Furthermore, for the applicability evaluation, the knowledge of an expert was taken into account. For the study of the mechanical behavior, laboratory evaluations were done using the following methods: evaluation of the flexural strength, compressive strenght and dynamic elastic modulus. In this job, the mortar composites present variation in the matrice and fibre. The variation in the matrice involves the mortar type and the water dosage. Two mortars widely used in the civil construction market were used in this present work: one with low air voids formation (about 5%) and other with high air voids formation (about 30%). Six water percentages were also used in the matrice variation. Polypropylene fibres with length 6mm were used in the fibre variation. Five different fibre percentages were used in the mixes. As results, the fibres’ addition evidenced alterations in the mortars rheological due (not only) to physicals and mechanicals characteristics, but also because when the fibres were inserted, they modified the characteristics of the original matrice strongly, as for example, the alteration of the incorporated air percentage. So, the fibres’ addition in the mortar with low air voids formation increased the air formation; while in the mortar with high air voids formation, the fibres’ addition decreased the air formation. These alterations evidenced the specifics applicability conditions for each type of mortar. The mortar mechanical behavior also was altered. Inside the “rheological modifications” studied, the fibre percentage in the mortar with low air voids formation was what more contributed with the alteration of the mechanical property; while that the mortar with high air voids formation, the water percentage is what more affected the mechanical behavior.

Influence de l'amidon sur les propriétés rhéologiques, mécaniques et multiphysiques de formulations terre-paille / Influence of starch on the rheological, mechanical and multiphysics properties of earth-straw mixes

Alhaik, Ghaith 27 March 2017 (has links)
Les techniques de l'éco-construction répondent au besoin de réduire l'empreinte environnementale du secteur de la construction grâce à l'utilisation de ressources de proximité (filières courtes), sans transformation énergivore et grâce à la capacité de régulation thermo-hydrique des parois. La terre crue seule ou associée à de la paille fait office de symbole. Mais ses caractéristiques variables selon son origine, le long temps de séchage, et de faibles résistances mécaniques sont des freins à son utilisation. L'association de la terre avec des adjuvants biosourcés, tel que l'amidon déjà utilisé dans la fabrication de plaque de plâtre, représente une voie intéressante d'amélioration des performances. La thèse a pour objectif d'étudier l'influence de l'amidon sur le comportement physico-mécanique de la terre seule ou mélangée à de la paille. L'application envisagée des formules est la préfabrication de produits de construction non-porteurs. Les formulations incluent des fines argilo-calcaires (FAC), de la chènevotte ou des anas de lin, et différents amidons. La première partie de la thèse porte sur les mélanges terre-amidon. Des essais au viscosimètre ont défini le comportement rhéologique des mélanges de type Bingham modifié et ont montré une augmentation de la thixotropie. A l'état durci, les résistances mécaniques ont été meilleures avec l'amidon. La deuxième partie porte sur des mélanges terre-paille-amidon. L'amidon améliore l'ouvrabilité et les résistances mécaniques mesurées selon différentes conditions de stockage. A l'échelle d'un carreau, les performances mécaniques, thermiques, et acoustiques de certaines formules sont comparables à celles de carreaux de plâtre. / The eco-construction responds to the need to reduce the environmental footprint in the sector of construction through the use of proximity resources (e.g. earth, straw, etc.), without energy-intensive transformation and through the thermohydric regulation capacity of walls. Raw earth alone or in association with straw is a symbol. But variable characteristics according to its origin, a long drying time and low mechanical strengths are brakes to its use. Earth material in association with biosourced admixtures such as starch, already used in the manufacturing of plasterboard, represents an interesting way to improve its performances.The thesis aims to study the influence of starch on the physico-mechanical behavior of the earth alone or with straw. The intended application of the study is the prefabrication of non-load-bearing construction products. The designed mixes include quarry fines (QF), hemp or flax straw and various starches.The first part of this work deals with earth-starch mixes. Viscometer tests were defined modified Bingham as the rheological behavior of mixes and showed an increase in thixotropy. In hardened state, the mechanical strengths are better with starch.The second part deals with earth-straw-starch mixes. Starch improves the workability and the mechanical strengths measured under different storage conditions. At the scale of a block, the mechanical, thermal and acoustic performances of some mixes are comparable to those of plaster blocks.

MR-fluid brake design and its application to a portable muscular device / Design d'un frein à fluide MR et son application au sein d'une machine de revalidation musculaire portable

Avraam, More 17 November 2009 (has links)
Many devices are available on the market for the evaluation and rehabilitation of patients suffering from muscular disorders. Most of them are small, low-cost, passive devices based on the use of springs and resistive elements and exhibit very limited (or even not any) evaluation capabilities; extended muscular force evaluation is only possible on stationary, expensive, multi-purpose devices, available only in hospitals, which offer many exercise modes (e.g. isokinetic mode) that are not available on other devices.<p><p>The objective of this thesis is to make the functionalities currently only implemented on bulky multi-purpose devices available at a lower cost and in a portable fashion, enabling their use by a large number of independent practitioners and patients, even at home (tele-medecine applications).<p><p>In order to achieve this goal, a portable rehabilitation device, using a magneto-rheological fluid brake as actuator, has been designed. This particular technology was selected for its high level of compactness, simple mechanical design, high controllability, smooth and safe operation. The first part of this thesis is devoted to the design of MR-fluid brakes and their experimental validation. The second part is dedicated to the design of the rehabilitation device and the comparison of its performances with a commercial multi-purpose device (CYBEX). / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished


EDSON JOSE SOARES 10 April 2002 (has links)
[pt] O escoamento de fluidos imiscíveis em tubos ocorre em diferentes processos industriais, como a extração de óleo em meios porosos, a cimentação de poços de petróleo e o revestimento de superfícies internas de tubos. Para uma boa compreensão e otimização destes processos, é extremamente relevante o estudo da influência da capilaridade, da inércia e da razão de viscosidades no padrão de escoamento. Além disso, os materiais envolvidos são frequentemente polímeros de moléculas flexéveis, portanto, o estudo dos efeitos dos parâmetros reológicos faz-se igualmente importante. Os diferentes padrões de escoamento são caracterizados pela fração de massa depositada na parede do tubo, pelo perfil da frente da interface e pela presen¸ca de recirculações. Analisa-se o problema através de uma abordagem experimental e outra numérica. A comparação dos resultados obtidos pelas duas abordagens mostra uma boa concordância para o caso com fluidos Newtonianos e qualitativamente boa para o caso não Newtoniano. / [en] There are many important processes in industry that use liquid displacement of imiscible fluids in tubes. Some practical applications include enhanced oil recovery, ce- mentation of drilling wells and coating of internal surfaces of the tubes. For a good understanding of these problems, it is extremely important to study the effect of cap-illarity,inertia and viscosity ratio in these flows. Furthermore, the materials used are frequently flexible polymer molecules. Hence, the study of rheological properties is very important as well. The focus of the thesis is to analyze the fractional mass deposited on the tube wall and the configuration of the interface. The analysis followed two approaches: theoretical and experimental study. The comparison of the two approaches shows a good agreement for Newtonian fluids and a qualitatively good agreement for Non-Newtonian.

Production et caractérisation de farine de patate douce (Ipomoeabatatas.Lam) : optimisation de la technologie de panification / Production and characterisation of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas Lam) flours : optimisation of the technology of breadmaking

Ndangui, Chancelle Betty 13 April 2015 (has links)
La patate douce est un tubercule appartenant à l'ordre des polémoniales et à la famille des convolvulacées. Il contient de l’amidon, qui est l’élément principal, des dextrines, du ß-carotène, puis d’autres éléments nutritifs en quantités variables. L’objectif de la thèse a été de valoriser la patate douce sous forme de farines et de mettre en évidence les potentialités technologiques de ces farines. Deux études complémentaires ont été réalisées au cours de ce travail de thèse, la première concerne l’étude de l’impact des prétraitements thermiques et chimiques sur les propriétés physicochimiques, thermiques, rhéologiques et fonctionnelles des farines issues de patates douces ayant : TPD (tranche de patate douce non prétraitée), TPDCaCl2 (tranche de patate douce prétraitée au CaCl2) et enfin TPDB (tranche de patate douce prétraitée par blanchiment). Il en résulte une légère augmentation de la teneur en sucres réducteurs dans les farines TPDCaCl2 par rapport aux farines TPDB et TPD. Cependant, la valeur de L* (luminance) dans la farine TPDB était inférieure à celles des farines TPDCaCl2 et TPD. La teneur en calcium était relativement élevée dans la farine TPDCaCl2 (120,6 mg/100g) par rapport aux farines TPD et TPDB (respectivement, 77,8 et 67,6 mg/100g). Les valeurs d’enthalpie de gélatinisation et de module élastique (G’) étaient supérieures dans la farine TPDCaCl2. La capacité de gonflement était élevée dans les farines blanchies. Il a également été constaté une légère augmentation de la constante d'énergie de liaison d'eau du modèle BET dans les farines traitées au CaCl2 et une augmentation marquée pour les farines blanchies. De cette étude, on déduit que les farines traitées au CaCl2 possèdent les propriétés physicochimiques les plus intéressantes pour une application en panification et dans la formulation alimentaire. Dans une seconde étude, les essais de panification ont été réalisés avec différents taux d’incorporation à la farine de blé (0, 10, 15, 20, 25 et 30 %) des farines de patate douce traitées au CaCl2 afin de déterminer le taux d’incorporation optimal permettant de réaliser un compromis entre l’amélioration des propriétés nutritionnelles et la diminution des propriétés rhéologiques de la pâte à pain, suite à l’incorporation de farine de patate douce. Les paramètres texturaux des pâtes ont été déterminés. Il en résulte une diminution de la cohésion, la valeur de a* (échelle de couleurs rouge-vert) a augmenté avec l’augmentation du taux de substitution, contrairement aux valeurs de la luminance L* qui ont diminué. Finalement, la farine de patate douce pouvait être incorporée dans une formulation de panification jusqu’à 25 % sans dépréciation notable des qualités organosensorielles des pains / Sweet potato is an edible tuber belonging to the order of Solanales and Convolvulaceae family. It contains starch, which is the main component, dextrins, ß-carotene, and other nutrients in varying amounts. The thesis aimed promoting the use of sweet potato as flour by highlighting its nutritional potential. Two complementary studies were carried out in this thesis work, the first concerned the study of the impact of thermal and chemical pretreatments on physicochemical, thermal, rheological, and functional properties of sweet potatoes flours obtained after different pretreatments : TPD (unpretreated sweet potato slices), TPDCaCl2 (CaCl2- pretreated sweet potato slices) and finally TPDB (bleached sweet potato slices). These results show a slight increase in reducing sugar content in TPDCaCl2flour compared to TPDB and TPD flours. However, the value of L* (luminance) in the TPDB flour was below the ones ofTPDCaCl2 and TPD flours. The calcium content was relatively high in TPDCaCl2 flour (120.6 mg / 100 g) compared to TPD and TPDB flours (respectively, 77.8 and 67.6 mg / 100g). The gelatinization enthalpy and elastic modulus (G’) were higher in the TPDCaCl2 flour. The swelling capacity was high in bleached flour. It was also noticed a slight increase in the water binding energy constant of the BET model in CaCl2-pretreated and blanched. In this study, it was deduced that the flours pretreated with CaCl2 have physicochemical properties interesting for bakery and food formulation applications. In the second part of the thesis study, baking tests were carried out with different levels of incorporation to wheat flour (0, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 %) of the CaCl2-pretreated sweet potato flour in order to determine the optimal incorporation level allowing the compromise between improved nutritional properties and the decreased rheological properties of the dough, due to the sweet potato flour incorporation. Textural parameters of doughs were determined. This resulted in a decrease in cohesion and an increase in the value of a* (red - green color scale) with increasing the degree of substitution, in contrast to the luminance L * values which felt. Finally, sweet potato flour could be incorporated into a bread formulation up to 25 % without significant impairment of sensory organic qualities of bread

Essai d’optimisation du procédé de fabrication de la poudre de kishk libanais : conséquences sur les propriétés physicochimiques, microbiologiques, rhéologiques et sensorielles / Optimization of the manufacturing process of Lebanese kishk powder : effects on physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory properties

Salameh, Christelle 12 July 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de la thèse est de caractériser la poudre du kishk libanais, un lait fermenté traditionnel, et d’optimiser sa technologie de transformation dans une démarche d’industrialisation. Des échantillons de poudre de kishk traditionnel ont été collectés, et leurs propriétés physico-chimiques, rhéologiques, microbiologiques et sensorielles ont été étudiées, en fonction du type de lait utilisé. Il en résulte que le kishk préparé à base de lait de chèvre est plus riche en matières grasses que les autres types. La distribution granulométrique est très large, quel que soit le type de lait, avec présence simultanée de fines particules à forme irrégulière et d’agrégats de grande taille. Les particules de poudre sont revêtues d’une épaisse couche de lipides leur conférant un caractère cohésif et une grande résistance au cisaillement. Il s’avère aussi que la soupe de kishk présente un comportement rhéofluidifiant, et ses propriétés sensorielles sont fortement liées à la région de production et au type de lait. L’effet des conditions de production optimisée sur les propriétés de la poudre et de la soupe de kishk a été également étudié. Les résultats sont prometteurs et montrent que la structure de la poudre de kishk et son comportement rhéologique n’ont pas été altérés. En effet, les deux poudres de kishk présentent des propriétés rhéologiques quasi similaires, avec une faible aptitude à l’écoulement, malgré des différences au niveau de la composition chimique et la taille des particules. Au niveau rhéologique et sensoriel, la soupe de kishk issue de la production optimisée semble plus épaisse et consistante que la soupe traditionnelle, sans dépréciation notable des qualités organoleptiques du kishk. / The aim of this thesis is to characterize Lebanese kishk powder, a traditional fermented milk, and to optimize its processing technology. Samples of traditional kishk powder were collected, and their physicochemical, rheological, sensory and microbiological properties were studied based on the type of milk. As a result, kishk prepared with goat milk is richer in fat than other types. The particle size distribution is very wide, regardless of the type of milk, with simultaneous presence of fine irregularly shaped particles and large aggregates. Powder particles are coated with a thick layer of fat conferring a cohesive character and a high shear strength. Kishk soup has a shear-thinning behavior, and its sensory properties are strongly related to the production region and the type of milk. The effect of optimized production conditions on the properties of kishk powder and soup was also studied. The results are promising and show that the structure and rheological behavior of kishk powder were not altered. Indeed, the two kishk powders exhibit almost similar rheological properties, with low flowability, despite slight differences in chemical composition and particle size. Finally, kishk soup resulting from the optimized production seems thicker and consistent than traditional soup, without significant loss of the organoleptic properties of kishk.

Analyse acoustique et physico-chimique du couplage de solides élastiques : étude de l'adhésion dans les collages structuraux / Acoustic and physico-chemical analysis of the coupling of elastic solids : study of the adhesion in structural bonding

Gauthier, Camille 20 October 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le contexte de l’ANR ISABEAU (Innovating for Structural Adhesive Bonding Evaluation and Analysis with Ultrasounds, associant des physico-chimistes et des acousticiens) et cherche à apporter des connaissances nouvelles sur l’évaluation par ultrasons du niveau d’adhésion d’un collage structural par ondes de Lamb. La première partie porte sur l’aspect cohésif et particulièrement sur l’influence du paramètre de réticulation de réseaux époxys sur les courbes de dispersion des ondes de Lamb. La deuxième partie est consacrée à la caractérisation de niveaux d’adhésion dans une structure bicouche Aluminium Epoxy en tenant compte aussi bien des aspects cohésifs qu’adhésifs. Des échantillons à niveau d’adhésion connus et maîtrisés sont réalisés avec l’aide de physico-chimistes, où l’époxy est partiellement ou totalement réticulé, et où l’interface substrat adhésif a subit différents traitements chimiques et/ou mécaniques. Les résultats expérimentaux sont confrontés à ceux issus du modèle rhéologique de Jones résolu par éléments finis. Enfin, la troisième partie porte sur l’étude d’un assemblage tricouche Aluminium/Epoxy/Aluminium et cherche à qualifier différents niveaux d’adhésion à l’aide du modèle de Jones par ondes guidées et également par l’étude des fréquences de coupure des modes verticaux de la structure. / This thesis is in the context of the ANR ISABEAU (Innovating for Structural Adhesive Bonding Evaluation and Analysis with Ultrasounds, with the association of physico-chemists and acousticians) and seeks to bring new knowledge of the ultrasonic evaluation of the level of adhesion of structural bonding using Lamb waves. The first part focuses on the cohesive aspect, in particular on the influence of the crosslinking parameter of the polymer on the Lamb waves dispersion curves. The second part is dedicated to the evaluation of the adhesion level of a bi-layer Aluminum Epoxy taking into account the both cohesive and adhesive aspects. Samples of controlled and known adhesion levels are manufactured with the help of physico-chemists, where the crosslinking of the epoxy is partial or total, and the interface substrate-adhesive have been treated chemically and/or mechanically. The experimental results are compared to those obtained from a predictive model based on the rheological model of Jones solved by finite elements method. Finally, the third part focuses on the study of tri-layers Aluminum/Epoxy/Aluminum, looking for the qualification of different levels of adhesion with the Jones model using guided waves as well as the cut-off frequencies of the structure.

Approches bio-inspirées du caoutchouc naturel par polymérisation cationique et modification chimique / Towards a bio-inspired synthesis of polyterpenes and biorubber homologues by cationic polymerization and chemical modification

Ouardad, Samira 19 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif de développer une nouvelle approche bio-inspirée des processus de polymérisation conduisant à la formation de polyterpènes et ultérieurement du caoutchouc naturel, un polyisoprène de structure purement 1,4-cis de forte masse molaire dont les propriétés sont encore inégalées par ses homologues synthétiques. Pour cette raison la production mondiale de caoutchouc naturel demeure stratégique et est toujours proche de 10 millions de tonnes, soit environ 45% de la demande mondiale annuelle en élastomères. Alors que les voies de synthèse développées jusqu’à présent pour accéder à des homologues du caoutchouc naturel sont basées sur la polymérisation par voie anionique ou par coordination de l’isoprène,l’approche suivie par la nature pour synthétiser les polyterpènes est basée sur la polymérisation à caractère cationique d’un autre monomère, le pyrophosphate d’isopentényle (IPP) qui est la brique de construction universelle de la famille des terpènes. Le projet a pour objet de tenter de reproduire au plus près le procédé naturel et d’utiliser, d’une part, la voie cationique pour polymériser des modèles de l’IPP et l’isoprène en utilisant des homologues du pyrophosphate dediméthylallyle (DMAPP, amorceur employé par la nature) comme amorceurs et des acides de Lewis pour mimer les cations divalents (Zn2+, Mg2+ or Mn2+) qui assistent les enzymes au cours des étapes d’ionisation et d’activation mises en jeu au cours de la biosynthèse, afin d’accéder à des polyterpènes approchant la structure des produits naturels. Contrairement à la nature, nous avons obtenus des oligomères de structure 1,4-trans avec de plus, de nombreuses structures cyclisées. D’autre part, nous avons également cherché à améliorer les propriétés d’un polyisoprène 1,4-cis obtenu par polymérisation anionique afin d’approcher celles du caoutchouc naturel. Nous avons développé une fonctionnalisation des chaines de polyisoprène 1,4-cis permettant d’ancrer des groupements urées susceptibles d’établir un réseau physique de liaisons hydrogènes. Nous avons montré que les polyisoprènes modifiés possèdent des propriétés viscoélastiques comparables à celles du caoutchouc naturel non vulcanisé obtenu par coagulation du latex. / Although synthetic rubbers, including high cis-content polyisoprene (PIP), are used in a broad range ofapplications, they are far from achieving the performances of natural rubber (NR), a 100% 1,4-cis polyisoprenewith very high molar mass. Therefore, NR produced exclusively by hevea (whereas more than 2,500 plant species are known to produce polyterpene-based polymers) is still dominant in many engineering applications since its exceptional properties grants this polymer a strategic resource material which holds a significant marketshare (about 45%).. The only alternative plant species under cultivation, Parthenium argentatum, also calledguayule, produces a latex yielding rubber with properties close to those of hevea rubber, and marketed as “non allergenic natural rubber” but with a higher cost complex extraction processes The NR biosynthesis process isdescribed as a polymerization process involving a series of enzymatic reactions using isopentenyl pyrophosphate(IPP) as elementary building brick. Besides, synthetic PIPs with high cis-content were already produced fromisoprene monomer by Ziegler-Natta, lanthanide-based or anionic-type polymerizations. Currently, no syntheticPIPs mimics the performance of NR, maybe because 100% 1,4-cis PIP could so far not been produced synthetically. A close inspection of the NR biosynthesis process led us to postulate that this latter is consistent with a transferless, stereospecific carbocationic-type polymerization mechanism. We then propose to develop this new bio-inspired cationic-like polymerization approach with the aim to produce polyterpenes and then NR homologues of tailored molar mass and microstructure that could exhibit properties close to natural polyterpenes by using IPP homologues and isoprene as monomers, DMAPP homologues asinitiators and Lewis acids to mimick the divalent cations (Zn2+, Mg2+ or Mn2+) that assist the enzymes during the initiation end activation steps. For the cationic polymerization of isoprene, oligomers with 1,4-trans and cyclized structures were obtained. We also develop new routes to modify polyisoprenes obtained by anionic polymerization in order to establish hydrogen interaction. To this end, different urea groups were grafted and the modified polyisoprene exhibite delastomeric properties close to the one of a non-vulcanized NR obtained by latex coagulation

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