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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

E-kronan och bankerna : En kvalitativ studie om e-kronans påverkan på den svenska banksektorn / The e-krona and the banks : A qualitative study on the impact of the e-krona on the Swedish banking sector

Leidehall, Kim, Aronsson, Magnus, Nyrén, Oscar January 2024 (has links)
Uppsatsens språk är svenska. Idag är det svenska samhället nästintill kontantlöst och utvecklingen hit har gått fort. Med anledning av digitaliseringen och statens potentiellt förändrade ställning på betalningsmarknaden har Riksbanken undersökt möjligheter samt påbörjat utvecklingen av en egen centralbanksutgiven digital valuta kallad e-krona. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om och hur ett införande av e-krona som betalmedel främjar hållbar finansiell utveckling baserat på vilka möjligheter samt risker som kan uppstå utifrån ett banksektorperspektiv. Studien är kvalitativ och består av finansiell teori tillsammans med nio semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomförts för att nå syftet. Dessa har gjorts med utvalda experter som är eller har varit verksamma inom affärsbanker, Riksbanken, Finansinspektionen och Fintech-bolag. Studien finner att e-kronan kan stärka den finansiella stabiliteten och bibehålla värdeförhållandet mellan pengar. Dessutom identifieras risker med e-kronan där höga kostnader ses som en väsentlig del tillsammans med spekulation och informationsasymmetri. Studien har också visat på resultat att e-kronan kan bidra med innovation och teknikutveckling vilket ses som betydande möjligheter. En central slutats är att e-kronan kan främja hållbar utveckling om utformningen tillåter den att beakta de fyra grundpelarna till hållbar finansiell utveckling, men att det beror på ur den kan komma att utformas. / This study is written in Swedish. Today, the Swedish society is nearly cashless and the progression towards this has been rapid. Due to digitization and the state's potentially changed position on the payment market, the Riksbanken has investigated possibilities and initiated the development of its own central bank-issued digital currency called e-krona. The aim of the study is to investigate whether and how the introduction of the e-krona as a means of payment, promotes sustainable financial development based on the opportunities and risks that may arise from the perspective of the banking sector. The study is qualitative and consists of financial theory together with nine semi-structured interviews that have been conducted to achieve its purpose. The interviewees consist of selected experts who are or have been active in commercial banks, the Riksbanken, the Finansinspektionen and Fintech organizations. The study finds that the e-krona can strengthen financial stability and maintain the value ratio between money. In addition, risks are identified with the e-krona where large costs are seen as an essential part together with speculation and information asymmetry. The study has also resulted in the e-krona being able to contribute with innovation and technology development, which are seen as significant opportunities. A central conclusion is that the e-krona can promote sustainable development if the design allows it to take into account the four pillars of sustainable financial development, but that this depends on how it will be designed.

How to Improve the Swedish Corporate Bond Market / Hur man kan förbättra den svenska företagsobligationsmarknaden

Bacco, Max, de Sá Gustafsson, Madeleine January 2021 (has links)
In late Mars 2020, Covid19was declared to be a pandemic by the World Health Organization.The following crisis negatively affected the overall economy and also the Swedish corporate bond market. Generally, corporate bonds have been described as secure investments during turbulent market conditions, but now they decreased in value rapidly. The sellpressure was of unprecedented measures and it became difficult and costly for companies to issue new corporate bonds in order to refinance operations. Meanwhile, it became difficult for investors to sell their holdings as the liquidity deteriorated. Shortly after, the Swedish National Bank declared the Swedish corporate bond market to be highly dysfunctional. Moreover, the Swedish National Bank and the Financial Supervisory Authority identified some characteristics of the Swedish corporate bond market that contributed to the severe market stress, namely; (1) Limited liquidity and a small market (2) Lacking transparency and unreliable price information (3) Most issuers lacking a credit rating (4) A homogeneous group of investors and (5) Real estate companies constituting a large share of total issuers. These characteristics are defined as the five areas of concern in this thesis. This qualitative study is based on interviews with market participants. The objective is to identify which area of concern should be prioritized in order to improve the Swedish corporate bond market and which improvement measure is deemed most effective. The results show that transparency is the area of concern that should be prioritized. Nevertheless, the new selfregulations that will be implemented July 1st, 2021 with the purpose to improve transparency is not deemed to be enough, but rather a step in the right direction. Therefore, an iterative process is suggested, continuously evaluating and adjusting, ensuring that transparency improves but not to such an extent that liquidity is negatively impacted. / I mars 2020 deklarerade Världshälsoorganisationen att spridningen av Covid19 hade utvecklats till en pandemi. Krisen påverkade hela världsekonomin negativt och även den svenska företagsobligationsmarknaden. Företagsobligationer har generellt beskrivits som säkra investeringar under turbulenta marknadsförhållanden, men nu förlorade de sitt värde mycket snabbt. Försäljningstrycket var enormt och gjorde att det blev dyrt för företag att emittera nya obligationer och refinansiera sin verksamhet. Samtidigt blev det svårt för investerare att sälja sina innehav då likviditeten snabbt försämrades. Strax därefter uppgav Riksbanken att företagsobligationsmarknaden var högst dysfunktionell. Vidare identifierade Riksbanken och Finansinspektionen fem karaktärsdrag på den svenska företagsobligationsmarknaden som kan ha bidragit till den stressade marknadssituationen. Karaktärsdragen var följande; (1) Begränsad likviditet och en liten marknad (2) Bristande transparens och opålitlig prisinformation (3) Faktumet att många emittenter saknar kreditbetyg (4) En homogen grupp av investerare (5) Majoriteten av emittenterna utgörs av fastighetsbolag. De fem identifierade karaktärsdragen har definierats som de fem problemområdena i följande uppsats. Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie baserad på intervjuer med marknadsaktörer. Målet är att identifiera vilket av de fem problemområdena som bör prioriteras i arbetet mot en förbättrad företagsobligationsmarknad samt att fastslå vilka förbättringsåtgärder som anses vara mest effektiva. Resultaten visar att transparens är de problemområde som bör prioriteras men att den nya självregleringen som skall implementeras den första juli år 2021 med syftet att förbättra transparensen anses vara otillräcklig. För att förbättra transparensen föreslås en iterativ process med kontinuerlig utvärdering och anpassning av regleringar. Genom en iterativ process kan man även säkerställa att transparenskraven inte blir så pass strikta att de påverkar likviditeten negativt.

Cash is [no longer] king: is an e-krona the answer? : - a de lege ferenda investigation of the Swedish Riksbank's issuing mandate and other legal callenges in relation to economic effects on the payment market

Imamovic, Arnela January 2019 (has links)
For the past decades, the Swedish public’s payment habits have changed, where the majority of the public has abandoned the old way of making payments, using cash, and instead opted for more modern payment solutions, digital money. The difference between cash and digital money is that cash is physical and only issued by the Riksbank, whereas digital money is created by and stored on accounts at commercial banks. The question of what role the state should have on the payment market is an important point of discussion. But it is not categorically a new question; the Swedish government is tackling essentially the same problem today as it has been doing many times before. Today’s problem is to some extent however manifested in a different way. During the 20th century, discussions were held whether or not the Riksbank should have the exclusive right to issue banknotes. It was considered unnecessary, inappropriate and dangerous. The idea that the Riksbank could cover the entire economy’s need for banknotes was, according to the commercial banks, unreasonable. Nonetheless, in 1904 the exclusive right became fait accompli; the government intervened and gave the Riksbank the banknote monopoly. We are now finding ourselves facing a similar situation, where there is a difference of opinion regarding the Riksbank’s role on the payment market. It is therefore nothing new, but rather an expected task for the government, and thus the central bank, to analyze major changes and draw conclusions from them. The problem is essentially about cash being phased out by digital means of payment. In order to therefore solve the problem, the Riksbank has started a project to investigate whether or not the Riksbank should issue digital cash to the Swedish public, what the Riksbank calls an e-krona. To introduce an e-krona would be a major step, but for the public to not have access to a government alternative, seeing as cash usage is declining, is also a major step. No decision has been made yet regarding whether the e-krona will be introduced on the market or not. A decision that however has been made, is that the Riksbank is now working on building an e-krona to develop and assess the technique. Nonetheless, an introduction would undoubtedly have consequences for both the Riksbank and the commercial banks, which ultimately means it would have effects on the economy as a whole. What about regulatory aspects; is the Riksbank even allowed to issue an e-krona under current legislation? The answer is affirmative, to a certain extent. There are furthermore many other uncertainties regarding how an e-krona would affect the economy; the Riksbank does not fully answer many of the system issues in its project reports. The question of whether or not it even is up to the Riksbank to make a decision on the matter of an introduction is also questioned by the author in the thesis.

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