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Erweiterung des CRC-Karten-Konzeptes um RollenHamann, Markus 07 September 2017 (has links)
Die rollenbasierte Modellierung ist ein aktueller Forschungszweig, welcher Verfahren für die Analyse und die Lehre benötigt. Zu diesem Zweck präsentiert die Arbeit eine Erweiterung des klassischen, objektorientierten CRC-Karten-Verfahrens um rollenbasierte Konzepte. Diese basiert auf grundlegenden Eigenschaften rollenbasierter Elemente, wie Rollen, Objekte und Kontexte, welche modular in das CRC-Karten- Verfahren eingebunden werden. Weiterhin soll anhand einer empirische Studie ermittelt werden, wie gut das rollenerweiterte R-CRC-Karten-Verfahren für die Aufgaben in Analyse und Lehre geeignet ist. Das R-CRC-Karten-Verfahren soll letztendlich eine effiziente Möglichkeit bieten, Problemstellungen rollenbasiert zu analysieren und rollenbasierte Konzepte in der Lehre zu vermitteln.
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Guidelines for professional socialisation of student nursesDe Swardt, Hester Cathrina 11 1900 (has links)
An increase in reports of undesirable professional behaviour in the nursing profession
has prompted the question: How could the internalisation of skills, knowledge, values
and beliefs be guided in student nurses to help them become effectively socialised as
professional nurses? Using a sequential exploratory mixed-methods approach, the
study addressed the above question. The researcher used focus-group interviews and
field notes to explore and describe the perceptions of professional nurses and
experiences of student nurses regarding the professional socialisation of students. The
data generated from these findings were further used to determine and describe
educators’ (N=128) perceptions on their teaching and facilitation of professional
socialisation of students, using a self-administered questionnaire. The findings of both
the qualitative and quantitative data were integrated to develop and validate guidelines
to support educators and professional nurses in the professional socialisation of
students. To establish rigour, the researcher applied measures of trustworthiness and
performed validity and reliability tests.
The qualitative data were analysed by utilising Tesch’s method of data analysis. The
themes that emerged as influential in the professional socialisation of students were
related to the professional nurse as role model, clinical supervisor, the educator, clinical
learning environment, values and beliefs of the nursing profession and cultural and
gender orientations. The quantitative data were analysed using descriptive and
inferential statistics. Educators’ teaching and facilitation strategies revealed that the
educator as a role model, the clinical environment, teaching approaches and cultural
awareness were important social determinants in the professional socialisation of
students. The qualitative and quantitative data were integrated to develop guidelines
that were validated by field and guideline experts. The guidelines for educators and professional nurses addressed issues such as the professional nurse as role model and
clinical supervisor, the creation of a positive clinical learning environment, the educator
as role model, the teaching and support of students, the work ethic of the professional
nurse and educator, the students’ behaviour and cultural awareness. These guidelines
propose recommendations for educators and professional nurses to support the
professional socialisation of students. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)
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RSQL - a query language for dynamic data typesJäkel, Tobias, Kühn, Thomas, Voigt, Hannes, Lehner, Wolfgang 09 June 2021 (has links)
Database Management Systems (DBMS) are used by software applications, to store, manipulate, and retrieve large sets of data. However, the requirements of current software systems pose various challenges to established DBMS. First, most software systems organize their data by means of objects rather than relations leading to increased maintenance, redundancy, and transformation overhead when persisting objects to relational databases. Second, complex objects are separated into several objects resulting in Object Schizophrenia and hard to persist Distributed State. Last but not least, current software systems have to cope with increased complexity and changes. These challenges have lead to a general paradigm shift in the development of software systems. Unfortunately, classical DBMS will become intractable, if they are not adapted to the new requirements imposed by these software systems. As a result, we propose an extension of DBMS with roles to represent complex objects within a relational database and support the exibility required by current software systems. To achieve this goal, we introduces RSQL, an extension to SQL with the concept of objects playing roles when interacting with other objects. Additionally, we present a formal model for the logical representation of roles in the extended DBMS.
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Tyst, fri läsning ur ett lärarperspektiv : Är bänkboken en pusselbit för att finna läslusten? / Silent, free reading from a teacher's perspectiveSkåre, Anna, Tall, Marie January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur lärare i årskurs 3 ser på bänkboken och dentysta, fria läsningen i klassrummet. Även deras syn på elevers möjlighet till attfinna sin läslust och kunna utveckla sin läsning undersöks. Resultatet som presenteras i studien bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med 10 verksamma lärarefrån olika skolor. Undersökningen visar att elevers läslust kan väckas på olikasätt och att läsningen kan påverkas av olika faktorer. Genom att aktivt jobbamed elevers intressen, läsmiljöer i klassrummet och att anpassa läsningen tillelevers nivå, kan läsförmågan gynnas. Även läsande förebilder kan påverkaelevers läsintresse, både hemma och i skolan. Att som lärare vara läsande förebild betecknades som svårt, då tiden sällan finns för att läsa när eleverna läser.Lärarna lyfte även vikten av att behålla läsningen i klassrummet samtidigt somen önskan finns att fler elever läser i hemmet. Genom egen läsning hemma kanelevers avkodningsförmåga och läsflyt öka. Bänkboken är enligt lärarna gynnsam för elevernas läsning, då de får rutiner i klassrummet och möjlighet attfinna ett nytt intresse.
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På spaning efter läsande förebilder : En studie om den statliga synen på läsande förebilder / On the look for reading role models : A study on the state view on reading role modelsInsulander, Moa, Zejlon Schild, Louise January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Musikartister, ”ledare eller inte?” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med svenska musikartister utifrån teorier om pedagogiskt ledarskap. / Music Artists, "Leader or Not?" : A qualitative interview study with Swedish music artists, based on theories of pedagocial/educational leadership.Forssman, Victor January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to develop understanding about: in what ways Swedish music artists become leaders for their followers from theories of Educational/Pedagogical Leadership; Music Artists’ perceptions of leadership and influence in a music-artist-follower-context; And the preconditions, opportunities and needs of learning on this topic amongst music artists. The background of this research is the importance of understanding these aspects in a rapidly developing society, where music artists are gaining more prominent roles and influence. Music artists, as a part of the celebrity- and influencer body, are since long recognized to have important influence over many areas of followers’/fans’ lives. Music industry research indicates that due to the digital development, individual music artists are reinforcing and increasing their influence over followers which to some extent are exploited and monetized. Parallell with this, Swedish music artists are considered by practitioners and researchers not to have any obligations, responsibilities nor leadership roles regarding their influence over their followers due to democratic values and artistic freedom. The understanding and theorizing of leadership is developing in new directions. Yet no holistic, interdisciplinary leadership research that analyzes music artists as leaders towards their followers, based on influence has yet been conducted. Therefore the understanding of in what ways music artists can be considered leaders towards their followers, and the content of this leadership is limited. The purpose of this thesis is researched through qualitative, semi-structured group interviews and one individual interview with a total of seven music artists, based on the following research questions: In what ways do music artists in Sweden become leaders for their followers from theories of pedagogical leadership?; What perceptions do music artists have regarding leadership and influence from a music artist- follower-perspective?; What are the conditions, opportunities and needs for music artists to learn about this leadership towards their followers? The theoretical foundations and framework for this research is Methodological Individualism, Parasocial Relations Theory (PSR), Andersson et. al’s theoretical construct of Attributed, Informal Leadership and a theoretical framework constructed by different aspects within research of pedagogiskt ledarskap (Educational/Pedagogical Leadership). The inherent components in this framework are Practical Responsibilities; Leading in Fostering; Leading Through Relationships; Ethics and Morale; Leading Learning, Knowledge and Instruction; Personality and Characteristics; Collegial Learning and Learning Organization. Analysis and conclusion shows that music artists become leaders towards followers in many regards: They have practical responsibilities generating a leadership position towards followers, effecting leadership outwork and development; Lead by being role models, reproducing values, norms and characteristics; Influence and create exchange with followers through actual and perceived relationships; Practice ethical and moral aspects towards followers; Create conditions for- and lead processes of learning, knowledge- and meaning creation in followers; Shape artistry and practice influence from personality and characteristics; Practice collegial and organizational learning. Degree, effectiveness, practice, characteristics, perceptions and opinions of these leadership aspects vary greatly between artists and category. Swedish music artists perceive leadership and influence towards followers as role-model-ship, inspiration and encouragement, practical responsibility, authenticity and interaction. Regarding influence they show many nuances and variety in perceptions. Informants suggests that music artists don’t have leadership responsibilities towards society, but conclude that music artists possess undefined societal roles with potential significant societal influence. Music artists participate in learning initiatives but workload, isolation and financial aspects hinders learning. Forums for dialogue and reflection are missing.
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Nurse managers attitudes and perceptions regarding cost containment in public hospitals in the Port Elizabeth metropoleNtlabezo, Eugenia Tandiwe 31 March 2003 (has links)
This study investigated the attitudes and perceptions of nurse managers regarding cost containment issues in selected public hospitals in the Port Elizabeth metropole of the Eastern Cape. Four hospitals participated in the study, and 211 nurse managers completed questionnaires. The results obtained from the participants’ responses indicated that:
✦ Nurse managers are ill-prepared for many responsibilities regarding cost containment, and need appropriate orientation and preparation both during their initial formal, and during their nurse management and in service training in order to fulfil their “financial” or cost containment role more effectively.
✦ Nurse managers perceived the relationship between the productivity of staff and cost containment positively, but were reportedly unable to
• prevent nurses from leaving their points of duty
• curb the rate of absenteeism among nurses
• reduce the number of resignations
✦ Nurse managers suggested that more effective hospital cost containment efforts should ensure that
• effective security checks are performed to curb losses of stock and equipment
• more public telephones are installed in hospitals
• stricter controls regarding wheelchairs are implemented
The rationalisation of staff and services, as well as specialised equipment among the four public hospitals could enhance these hospitals’ cost containment results. However, this would necessitate reorganising these hospitals’ services at provincial level.
The nurse managers required more knowledge about hospitals’ financial management and cost containment issues. Guidelines for such a course were developed addressing: analysis of monthly variance reports; budgeting for manpower; balance statement; calculations for the supplies and expenses budget; income statements; the hospital’s budgetary cycle; break-even analysis; analysis of cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis. / ADVANCED NURSING SCIENCES / D.Litt. et Phil.
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Die rol van die vrou in die onderwys met spesiale verwysing na bruinonderwysWessels, Frances Joan 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Die Bruinvrou in die onderwys het 'n besondere rol om te vertolk veral in die !ewe van
die volwassewordende kind asook in die hele skoolopset. Die doel van hierdie
ondersoek was om hierdie rol te bepaal.
Tersaaklike gegewens is verkry deur middel van Iiteratuurstudie, die outobiografiese
teks, onderhoude asook vraelyste.
Deur die inligting bekom, is vasgestel dat die omstandighede waaronder 'n groot
gedcelte van die Bruinonderwyseresse werk, nie altyd gunstig is nie. Baie Bruinlccrclcrs
woon in sosio-ekonomiese agtergeblewe gebiede waar misdaad en bendebcdrywighedc
aan die orde van die dag is. Waardestelsels, leefstyl van die subkultuur, onvoldoende
materiele versorging en gebrekkige opvoeding veroorsaak steuringe in die leerders se
ingesteldheid teenoor die skool.
Haar vrouwees laat die onderwyseres baie empatie toon in haar opvoedingskommunikasie
met die leerder. Sy poog om toereikend na sy behoeftes om te sicn. As medcganger
help sy die leerder om elke mylpaal wat hy bereik, te beskou as die begin van 'n ander.
Deur haar meelewendheid word veral die milieugestremde Bruinkind se menswaardigheid
erken. Baie bruinleerders het aangedui dat onderwyseresse rolmodelle vir hulle is.
Sommige onderwyseresse word verplig om jarelank dieselfde graad te onderrig.
Aangesien hulle so 'n betekenisvolle rol in die volwassewording van die kind speel, is
dit nodig dat hulle ervaring opdoen van die verskillende grade in die skool. Die vrou is baie veelsydig en het moontlikhede wat tocreikcnd aangewend kan word in
al die fasette van die skoolopset. Sy kan '11 baie belangrike bydrae lewer in die
organisasie en administrasie van die skool as sy die geleentheid gebied word. Haar
ingesteldheid op die menslike en die belangrikheid van gesonde verhoudinge asook haar
hoe pligsbesef dui daarop dat die onderwyseres by magte is om 'n uitstekende
onderwysleier te wees. Nieteenstaande die feit dat onderwyseresse volgens statistieke
oorverteenwoordig is in die onderwys, is hulle onderverteenwoordig in bestuursposte.
Alhoewel die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid Afrika 1996, gebaseer is op die
beginsels van gelykheid en menswaardigheid, is seksisme en diskriminasie op grond van
geslag nog steeds ernstige struikelblokke vir die onderwyseres op haar weg na beter
vooruitsigte in die onderwys.
Aanbevelings vir praktykverbetering asook verdere navorsing is gemaak. / The Coloured woman in education has a particular role to play, especially in the life
of the child growing towards adulthood as well as in the school in general. The aim of
this investigation is to determine that role.
Relevant information had been obtained by means of literary sources, autobiographical
texts, interviews and questionnaires.
Having obtained this information, it was established that the circumstances in which a
large proportion of Coloured female educators work, are not always favourable. Many
coloured learners live in socio-economic disadvantaged areas where crime and
gangsterism prevail. Value systems, lifestyles of the subculture, inadequate material
care and a serious lack of education are causing disruptions of learners' inclination
towards the school.
Being a woman enables the female educator to show considerable empathy in her
pedagogic communication with the learners. She endeavours to sufficiently provide in
their needs. As pedagogic accompanist she assists the learner to see every milestone that
he/she achieves as the basis for another. Her involvement brings about an
acknowledgement of the human dignity of the milieu-deprived Coloured child. Many
coloured learners have indicated that their female educators are their role models.
Some female educators are compelled to teach the same grade for years. Their
significant role merits experience of teaching the various grades at school.
Women are very versatile and have potential which can be utilized adequately in all the
facets of the school situation. They can make very important contributions towards the
organisation and administration of the school as a whole, given the opportunity. Their
focus on human nature and the importance of sound relationships as well as their high
sense of duty are indicative of the ability female educators have to become excellent
leaders in education. They are nevertheless under-represented in educational
management positions.
Although the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, is based on the
principles of equality and human dignity, sexism is still a stumbling block in the path
of female educators.
Recommendations for an improvement m educational practice as well as further
research were made. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Filosofie van die Opvoeding)
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A Combined Formal Model for Relational Context-Dependent Roles (Extended)Kühn , Thomas, Böhme, Stephan, Götz, Sebastian, Aßmann, Uwe 17 September 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Role-based modeling has been investigated for over 35 years as a promising paradigm to model complex, dynamic systems. Although current software systems are characterized by increasing complexity and context-dependence, all this research had almost no influence on current software development practice, still being discussed in recent literature. One reason for this is the lack of a coherent, comprehensive, readily applicable notion of roles. Researchers focused either on relational roles or context-dependent roles rather then combining both natures. Currently, there is no role-based modeling language sufficiently incorporating both the relational and context-dependent nature of roles together with the various proposed constraints. Hence, this paper formalizes a full-fledged role-based modeling language supporting both natures. To show its sufficiency and adequacy, a real world example is employed.
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Explaining Civil Society Core Activism in Post-Soviet LatviaLindén, Tove January 2008 (has links)
<p>Civil society activism in traditional non-governmental organizations (NGOs) is seen as one of the cornerstones of a vibrant participatory liberal democracy in most Western democratic states. Whereas this issue has been explored from a variety of perspectives in a Western context, only limited research has been carried out in a post-Soviet context. This study presents unique survey data on civil society core activism in post-Soviet Latvia addressing the following two main questions: What are the characteristics and factors that influence a person to become a core activist in a civil society organization? How does the post-Soviet Latvian context influence civil society core activism?</p><p>Two nationwide surveys were carried out among core activists in all sorts of NGOs and for a comparative purpose among the population at large, from which non-activists have been extracted. Through cross-tabulations based on the three comparative dimensions: a) activists in general vs. non-activists, b) fields of interest and c) position in organization, this study indicates that many of the factors proven to be important when explaining civil society core activism in Western contexts also have explanatory power in post-Soviet Latvia. Important factors are an individual’s educational level, empathic ability and level of civic literacy, as well as the presence of activist role models and positive support for the decision to become involved in civil society activism. Citizenship and gender are other important factors, but unlike Western countries women dominate the civil society sector in Latvia. Two new factors are also suggested and tested, showing that the perception that one has the ability to organize activity and prior leadership experience from a communist organization are important for Latvian core activists.</p><p>Binary logistic regression analysis is further used to test the significance of each of the independent variables alone and in combination with each other, introducing different types of core activists based on gender, motives for activism, intensity of political, charity and recreational activity, as well as the positions they have in their organizations.</p>
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