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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Renewable energy technologies assessment in providing sustainable electricity to Nigerian rural areas

Garba, Abdulhakeem January 2017 (has links)
The research work that underpins this thesis aims to investigate the viability of renewable energy technologies (RETs) and to develop a RETs implementation framework for providing sustainable electricity to Nigeria’s rural areas. As a result of electricity supply deficiency in Nigeria, rural communities have been negatively affected in their socio-economic activities. A strength, weakness, opportunity and threat (SWOT) analysis in combination with an assessment of sustainability indicators of RETs, identified the most appropriate technology for providing sustainable electricity in Nigeria's rural areas. Biomass energy technologies (BETs) are the most appropriate RET given significant resource availability. However, cost has been identified as the major barrier in adopting BETs. Both BETs and grid extension (GE) systems have been assessed. Whole Life Costing (WLC) and interview methods have been used to evaluate the economics of various capacities of BETs and GE systems, and assessed suitability of BETs respectively. Typical findings revealed that all the BETs capacities evaluated other than a 50kW direct combustion system are currently cost-competitive with existing fossil fuel (FF) sources used in generating electricity in Nigeria (US$0.13/kWh without incentives). BETs are identified as the preferable option than GE system for electricity provision to communities of demand capacity less than 50kW and distance less than five kilometre from load centres. Similarly, the interview method confirmed that BETs utilisation in the country’s rural areas are suitable and desirable. For implementation, all the identified drivers and enablers of BETs should be considered, along with the identified constraints to the adoption and development of BETs, some of which should be addressed before implementation. Further, a BETs implementation framework for sustainable electricity provision in rural areas has been developed through the selection of appropriate biomass feedstock and conversion technologies, and support through suitable incentive strategies. The framework was then evaluated and validated using six villages as case study. The benefit of the framework is ensuring successful electricity provision in rural areas. Thus, this study recommends that the existing rural areas energy policies be reviewed to include incentive strategies like economic subsidies in order to encourage investors’ participation given lack of energy infrastructures in rural areas.

Arqueologia em áreas de conflito: Cemitérios, obras de desenvolvimento e comunidades / Conflict Archaeology: Cemeteries, construction works and communities.

Hattori, Marcia Lika 25 March 2015 (has links)
Em todo país, áreas de diferentes comunidades têm sido atingidas por grandes obras de infraestrutura, em função do Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento (PAC) do Governo Federal. Arqueólogos responsáveis por parte do licenciamento ambiental têm se deparado com o desafio de trabalhar com essas comunidades e, geralmente, em um curto espaço de tempo. A presente pesquisa busca compreender, face aos conflitos entre comunidades e empreendimentos ocorridos no âmbito do Sítio Arqueológico Fazendinha (Estado de Pernambuco) e do Sítio Arqueológico Rio Bezerra III (Estado do Tocantins), em que medida os trabalhos de Arqueologia podem trazer outras valorações no trabalho de licenciamento ambiental que não seja somente a econômica. Da mesma forma, procura identificar o espaço das comunidades, a partir de análises contradiscursivas, no contexto de uma ciência que nasceu colonialista. Para tal, propõe contribuições metodológicas e de atuação em áreas de conflito em que há uma arena de disputa entre mercado, comunidades, patrimônio e ciência, que possibilitem espaços de diálogos a serem construídos em conjunto com as questões locais, incorporando narrativas e formas de trabalho. / All over the country, areas of different communities have been affected by major infrastructure projects, according to the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) of the Brazilian Federal Government. Archaeologists responsible for part of the environmental licensing have faced the challenge of working with these communities and generally, in a short period of time. This research aims to comprise, given the conflicts between communities and infrastructure works occurring within the Archaeological Site Fazendinha (State of Pernambuco) and the Archaeological Site Rio Bezerra III (Tocantins), the extension of the infuence of archaeology work bringing other valuations at te study of environmental licensing, besides the economic one. Similarly, attempts to identify the space of the community, from contra-discursive analysis in a context of a science that was born colonialist. It therefore suggests methodological contributions and forms of acting in conflict areas where there is a dispute between capital market, communities, heritage and science, enabling spaces for dialogue to be built in conjunction with the local questions, incorporating narratives and ways of working.

Experiência, memória e autonomia em um assentamento de reforma agrária na região de Ribeirão Preto-SP / Experience, memory and autonomy in a land reform\'s settlement in the region of Ribeirão Preto-SP

Severi, Fabiana Cristina 11 June 2010 (has links)
O objetivo central da pesquisa é analisar a percepção que os assentados têm sobre as transformações em sua subjetividade decorrentes da participação no movimento dos trabalhadores rurais sem terra (MST). A pesquisa pretendeu investigar as percepções que os assentados vão elaborando sobre o mundo e seus problemas, sua ação e seus ideais em relação ao mundo, e sobre os conflitos e tensões vividos no processo de luta pela terra. Os objetivos específicos voltaram-se para a análise dos aspectos em que o assentado percebeu uma mudança nas suas concepções quanto: a) às causas da riqueza e de desigualdade social; b) à educação dos filhos; c) às relações de gênero; e d) à sua participação política. A metodologia proposta é qualitativa, tendo como instrumento privilegiado de coleta, o uso de História de Vida. Como campo teórico, percorre-se as reflexões demarcadas por alguns pensadores da Teoria Crítica, especialmente as discussões sobre experiência, memória e autonomia. Os processos educativos imbricados na dinâmica dos assentamentos rurais têm ocupado espaço na reflexão educacional e sociológica recentes. De modo amplo, há um dado aprendizado político, ligado especialmente às práticas engendradas pelos movimentos sociais do campo em torno de eixos como a cidadania e a emancipação. Pode-se perceber que os assentados reconhecem uma mudança na subjetividade em razão da luta. Sentem que conseguiram adquirir e elaborar uma linguagem política de reivindicação, capaz de converter suas carências em luta por direitos individuais e coletivos. Por isso, com a conquista de uma linguagem política, também passam a se reconhecer enquanto sujeitos de direitos e cidadãos. Os assentados também reconhecem uma modificação quanto à orientação geral de suas práticas produtivas e de suas ações no cotidiano social. As exigências pela produção sustentável ambientalmente e de acordo com formatos associativos implicaram na construção de novas relações do homem com a natureza e abertura à experimentação de novos modelos produtivos. A vida no assentamento, associada à ênfase dada pelo MST à temática educacional, permitiu-lhes valorizar mais a escola bem como qualificar sua participação nas escolas onde estudam seus filhos. Nas relações de gênero, mesmo reconhecendo poucas modificações, algumas mulheres assentadas sentem-se mais capazes de reivindicar direitos. Nas relações domésticas, a capacidade lingüística adquirida, quando não é suficiente para instituir arranjos mais isonômicos, ao menos permite à família uma maior negociação dos papéis e tarefas de cada um dos membros. Por fim, a luta permitiu aos assentados a construção de uma visão crítica sobre a realidade, permitindo-lhes situar suas histórias pessoais em um contexto social e histórico mais amplo. Mesmo com tais conquistas, as subjetividades vão sendo constituídas no espaço social do assentamento em meio a múltiplas e imprevisíveis situações e temporalidades. Ao mesmo tempo em que buscam instituir novos comportamentos em conformidade a certo projeto político, os indivíduos lidam com tais dispositivos das mais variadas maneiras, compondo um jogo complexo, envolvendo atores variados, em que resistência e submissão aparecem imbricadas nos mesmos processos. A liberdade e a cidadania ativa conquistadas aparecem, dessa forma, o tempo todo ameaçadas. / The main aim of this research is to analyze the perception that the settlers rural workers have on the transformations of their subjectivity from their taking part on the Brazils Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST). The research has aimed to investigate the perceptions that the settlers rural workers have been elaborating concerning the world and its problems, their actions and ideals related to the world and the conflicts and tensions they have been to during the fight for land. The specific objectives turned back to the analysis of the aspects on which the settled rural worker realized a change on its conceptions concerning: a) richness and social inequity causes; d) children education; c) gender relations and; d) political participation. The proposed methodology is qualitative using Life Histories as a privileged instrument of collection. As a theoretical fundament, reflections demarked by a few philosophers from the Critical Theory have been considered, especially discussions about experience, memory and autonomy. The educational process, enchased on the settled rural workers dynamic, has taken part on the late educational and sociological reflection. In a large scale, there is a political learning datum, specially linked to the practices engendered by the landing social movements, reaching fields as citizenship and emancipation. It could be noticed that the settled rural workers recognize a change on the subjectivity turned back to the fight. They feel they could acquire and elaborate a claiming political language, able to convert their willing to fight for individual and collective rights. For this reason, within the acquisition of a political language, they could also recognize themselves as rights subjects and citizens. The settled rural workers could also recognize a modification concerning the general orientation on their productive practices and their actions on the social daily life. The demands for an environmental sustainable production and according to the associative formats implied the construction of new men and nature relationships and the opening to new production models experimentations. Life in the rural settlement, associated to the emphasis given by the MST on the educational thematic, has enabled them to highly valorize school and take part on meetings with teachers. In gender relationships, a few rural settled women feel more capable to claim for their rights. In home relationships, the linguistic capacity acquired, when not enough to institute more isonomic arrangements, at least enables the family to a better regular discussion on the roles and tasks of each of the members. In the end, this fight enabled the settled rural workers to a critical view construction from reality, enabling them to insert their personal stories in a wider social and historical context. Even with such conquers, subjectivity is been constituted in the social space of the rural settlement, surrounded by multiple and unpredictable situations and temporalities. At the same time, they aim to institute new behaviors in conformity to a certain political project; once they deal with such device in the most different ways, composing a complex play, involving different actors, in which resistance and submission appear to be enchased in the same processes. Freedom and the conquered active citizenship appear then, to be threatened all the time.

« Survivre » 25 ans après la chute de l'URSS : classes populaires et marchés dans les espaces ruraux ukrainiens / « Surviving » 25 years after the fall of the USSR : working classes and markets in rural areas in Ukraine

Deffontaines, Pierre 04 October 2018 (has links)
« Survivre » (viživati) est un mot du terrain. Il souligne plusieurs aspects de la vie quotidienne : - les efforts constants à déployer pour trouver de quoi se nourrir, s’habiller et payer un logement, des soins ou des études ; - la dégradation perçue du niveau de vie ; - une aspiration à mieux, à une économie « développée » et stable ; - un certain ressentiment contre l’Etat, « ceux qui dirigent et décident » (pri vladi), ou les employeurs, ceux qui ne payent plus le travail à sa juste valeur (robota ne cinuêt’câ). Ces sentiments sont encore accrus sur le terrain ukrainien par les conséquences économiques de la guerre à l’Est du pays depuis 2014. De fait, l’inflation est repartie à la hausse, dépassant les 60 % en avril 2015, après la période de relative stabilité des années 2000 et un retour à la normale depuis les effets de la crise financière internationale en 2008-2009.A partir d’un terrain dans un canton du centre de l’Ukraine, la thèse remet en perspective cette impression de « survie ». Par-delà le sentiment partagé d’une débrouille généralisée, apparaissent des régularités sociales, dont l’enquête s’évertue à restituer les logiques sociales, c’est-à-dire à saisir les formes de « l’informel ».La thèse s’appuie sur les concepts et méthodes de la sociologie du travail et de l’anthropologie économique, croisant une littérature spécifique aux espaces postsocialistes, surtout en langue anglaise, et les acquis des travaux récents de la sociologie des classes populaires en France. L’ethnographie y a joué un rôle central. Elle s’est appliquée à la fois à l’observation des espaces domestiques et des scènes de travail, mais également au travail des administrations locales et à leurs usages des catégories statistiques et règlementaires. Elle est complétée par un usage extensif d’archives, d’entretiens menés avec des responsables régionaux et nationaux du monde agricole et d’une base statistique (Ukrainian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey) regroupant les données sur plus de 7000 trajectoires dans 3000 ménages. Les chapitres successifs explorent diverses scènes sociales : « l’espace domestique », les champs des entreprises agricoles locales, les chantiers de construction et les marchés des produits agricoles.Ainsi, la recherche fait ressortir divers processus sociaux de régulation des activités économiques, en-deçà et au-delà de tout encadrement légal. Elle met notamment en avant deux aspects saillant de cette régulation. D’une part, l’organisation du travail agricole dans les entreprises locales témoigne de la reproduction de rapports hiérarchiques datant de la période soviétique, malgré les transformations du régime de propriété et des relations d’emploi suite à la privatisation des terres agricoles. Les multiples conflits locaux et les formes de domination, qui se retrouvent dans d’autres études de cas sur les espaces post-socialistes, justifient une approche en termes de classes sociales. D’autre part, l’observation de diverses scènes sociales et de leur superposition a permis de montrer le rôle de l’interconnaissance et des effets de réputations sur les classements et les positions occupées par les personnes rencontrées sur les marchés de l’emploi ou les marchés des produits agricoles. Les sociabilités locales, marquées par la division sexuelle du travail mais aussi par des inégalités économiques, jouent un rôle déterminant dans la différenciation sociale et dans les opportunités d’accès aux multiples marchés.Le terrain ukrainien, de par les bouleversements qu’il connaît depuis 25 ans, offre un point de comparaison à une réflexion sur les modes d’institution des pratiques économiques qui ne prennent pas pour acquis les cadres légaux ou statistiques et, par eux, les échelles régionales et nationales des études des phénomènes économiques. En s’appuyant sur l’ethnographie, la thèse tente ainsi d’apporter sa contribution à une sociologie globale des classes sociales, attentive à l’espace et à l’histoire des rapports sociaux. / In Ukraine, rural inhabitants regularly use the verb “viživati” (to survive) to describe their situation and their diverse economic activities. In so doing, they highlight different aspects of their practices: - their permanent efforts to make the ends meet, to provide their family with food, clothing, health care or tuition fees; - the decline of their standard of living; - their desire for a better life in a “developed” and stable economy; - the temporary and fragile balance of their daily arrangements; - and a resentment against the State, “people in power” (“lûdì pri vladi”) or employers, who do not pay as they used to (“robota ne cinuêt’câ”). This local perception of economic realities is reinforced in Ukraine today in the afterwards of the upheaval of Maidan and the war on the eastern part of the country in 2014. Inflation rate increased and reached 60% in april 2015. This new crisis happen after a period of growth and relative stability during the 2000s.Through a field research in a district in central Ukraine, the thesis explain and qualify this impression of generalized “survival”. It shows the social regularity and reproduction beyond coping practices. The research catches and sketches the social logics, which give forms to the mostly “informal” economy.The analysis is based on methods of sociology of work and economic anthropology. It discusses two corpuses: the post-socialist studies, mostly in English and specialized on this area, and the sociology of social classes that is recently developed, in France notably. The ethnographic and localized field research has been central to this analysis. It has allowed an observation of different relations (domestic, commercial transactions or employment relations) and also of local administrations who try to regulate economic activities. The research stem also on archives material, on interviews with local and national officials and on statistical analysis. The data from the Ukrainian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey, which comprise more than 7000 observations and 3000 households, have been used to test the hypothesis from the field. The successive chapters of the thesis explore different social spaces: domestic spaces, the fields from agricultural enterprises, building sites, markets of agricultural products.The main results concern the social processes of local economic regulation, beyond and below legal and administrative rules. On one hand, the local job market is dominated by agricultural enterprises. Despite the reforms of privatization and the new system of employment, those enterprises are still in the hands of the former soviet managers or their heirs. Maintained hierarchies in the system of production stand in favor of an approach of the local situation through the reproduction of social classes.On the other hand, in a context of uncertainty and institutional transformation at a national level, groups of affiliation and local reputation play an important role in determining social positions. In postsocialist rural areas, the social structure is not only defined through positions at work but also out of work, on markets of agricultural products. The sexual division of labor and the small economic differences between households are structuring for social differentiation and inequalities. Position in local groups of affiliation is determinant to get access to larger markets and to long distance transactions.This field research in Ukraine, through the upheaval of the past 20 years, represents an opportunity to question approaches of social spaces in context of crisis. Frames of institution of economic practices and the national level of analysis of social hierarchies can not be taken for granted. In this way, the localized ethnography proposed here is a contribution to a global sociology of social classes.

Práticas educativas escolares de enfrentamento da exclusão social no meio rural: a pedagogia da alternância e a casa familiar rural em Frederico Westphalen

Pacheco, Luci Mary Duso 24 May 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-04T21:16:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 24 / Nenhuma / A pesquisa sobre PRÁTICAS EDUCATIVAS ESCOLARES DE ENFRENTAMENTO DA EXCLUSÃO SOCIAL NO MEIO RURAL: A Pedagogia da Alternância e a Casa Familiar Rural em Frederico Westphalen tem como objetivo analisar qual o lugar da Pedagogia da Alternância, enquanto prática educativa desenvolvida nas Casas Familiares Rurais, na construção de uma nova organização escolar que possibilite o enfrentamento da exclusão social no meio rural, espaço marcado por desigualdades, privações, limitações, mas também, por oportunidades. A pedagogia da Alternância é uma proposta educativa que visa à formação integral do jovem rural no aspecto intelectual e profissional, enfatizando a iniciativa própria, a criatividade individual, o trabalho em equipe, o senso de responsabilidade, de cooperação e de solidariedade. A Pedagogia da Alternância estimula o aprender a viver com os outros e melhor interagir com o meio ambiente, estabelecendo relações entre sujeito, escola, comunidade e propriedade. Essa pedagogia possibilita ao aluno períodos de for / The research on EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL PRACTICES IN FACING OF SOCIAL EXCLUSION IN RURAL AREAS: The Pedagogy of Alternance and the Rural Family House in Frederico Westphalen which aims to analyze the place of the Pedagogy of Alternance, while educational practice developed in the Rural Family Houses, in the construction of a new school organization that allows the facing of social exclusion in the rural area, space marked by inequality, deprivations, restrictions, but also for opportunities. The Pedagogy of Alternance is an educational approach that seeks the integral formation of rural youth in the intellectual and professional aspects, emphasizing the own initiative, individual creativity, teamwork, sense of responsibility, of cooperation and of solidarity. The Pedagogy of Alternance stimulates the learning to live with others and have a better interact with the environment, establishing relationships between subject, school, community and property. This pedagogy allows the student to have periods of complete t

Enoturismo, turismo enogastronômico e slow food : experiências na serra gaúcha – RS / Brasil

Rodrigues, Renata Gonçalves January 2016 (has links)
Analisar as dinâmicas que envolvem a combinação de atividades realizadas no contexto rural mostra-se uma tarefa pertinente para a temática do agronegócio. A crescente valorização das culturas e sistemas de produção locais, dos produtos agroalimentares, das paisagens e do meio ambiente, bem como as dinâmicas das relações sociais e econômicas, impulsionam o surgimento de novas oportunidades para geração desenvolvimento econômico e social no meio rural. Nesse sentido, o desenvolvimento da atividade turística no espaço rural, motivado pela diversificação e pela demanda das novas relações com esse ambiente, expõe as possibilidades de exploração de novas oportunidades de mercado. Percebe-se que a valorização do local estimula não apenas a economia rural, mas também a atividade turística e o desenvolvimento de pequenos empreendimentos de uma determinada região. No caso dessa pesquisa, tais fatores são explorados através da identificação e análise das iniciativas de enoturismo e turismo gastronômico na região Sul do Brasil. Buscando discutir esse contexto, realizou-se um levantamento da literatura acerca das abordagens que conduzem a construção analítica do trabalho, posteriormente desenvolveram-se dois estudos, que, para a estrutura teórica, relacionam como fio condutor a temática do turismo no espaço rural, com a abordagem de cadeias curtas. O levantamento realizado serviu para embasar a análise dos dados selecionados para compor o estudo acerca do enoturismo e das entrevistas com atores locais, no caso do estudo referente ao turismo gastronômico, que também contempla outros elementos, como Indicações Geográficas e o movimento Slow Food. Como resultados da análise, pode-se considerar que, ao promover os produtos locais, valorizar o tradicional e as estruturas sociais e econômicas de uma determinada região é possível atingir o desenvolvimento regional e agregar valor para os produtos, valorizar os produtores e aproximá-los do setor varejista e de serviços, e, consumidores finais. / To analyze the dynamics involving the combination of activities in the rural context appears as a relevant task for the subject of agribusiness. The growing appreciation of cultures and local production systems, agri-food products, the landscapes and the environment, as well as the dynamics of social and economic relations, drive the emergence of new opportunities for generating economic and social development in rural areas. In this sense, the development of tourism in rural areas, driven by diversification and demand of new relations with the environment, exposes the possibilities of exploiting new market opportunities. It is noticed that the appreciation of the Local encourages not only the rural economy, but also the tourist activity and the development of small enterprises in a given region. In the case of this research, these factors are explored through the identification and analysis of wine tourism and gastronomic tourism initiatives in southern Brazil. Attempting to discuss this context was held a survey of the literature on approaches that lead to analytical construction of the study, subsequently were developed two studies, which, for the theoretical framework, relate as a guide the theme of tourism in rural areas, with the approach of short chains. The survey served to support the analysis of the data selected to compose the study of the wine tourism and interviews with local actors, in the case of study related to gastronomic tourism, which also includes other elements such as geographical indications and the Slow Food movement. As a result of the analysis, it can be considered that by promoting local products, enhance the traditional social and economic structures of a given region can achieve regional development and add value to the products, value producers and bring them closer of the retail sector and services, and consumers.

Politiser l'entreprise : une histoire des coopératives dans le Wisconsin (années 1870-années 1930) / Politicize the company : a history of cooperatives in Wisconsin (1870s-1930s)

Blin, Alexia 18 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse explore l’histoire des entreprises coopératives dans l’État du Wisconsin entre les années 1870 et les années 1930 et les manières dont différents groupes d’acteurs les ont mobilisées afin de défendre leurs intérêts. En croisant les questionnements de l’histoire des entreprises et ceux de l’histoire politique, elle étudie le recours aux coopératives à travers trois grands moments de réforme dans l’histoire des États-Unis – les luttes antimonopolistes du Gilded Age, le progressisme et le New Deal. Ce travail montre que les coopératives font partie de l’horizon réformateur américain de manière continue dans ces décennies. Bien que les coopérateurs ne parviennent pas à construire un « mouvement », ou un « système » économique qui permettrait de servir d’alternative au capitalisme industriel dominé par les grandes entreprises, ils dessinent avec succès les contours d’une forme d’entreprise différente, plus démocratique et dont le modèle est relativement bien identifié à la fin des années 1930. Afin de comprendre les mécanismes d’institutionnalisation de cette forme d’entreprise, on observe les différentes manières dont elle est mobilisée et appropriée au cours du temps – en premier lieu par les fermiers, mais également par les consommateurs, et dans une moindre mesure par les ouvriers. Le rôle de l’État, dont les agents sollicitent les coopératives et en font des outils de politique publique, fait également l’objet d’une attention particulière. L’analyse de ces mobilisations est constamment replacée dans l’environnement au sein duquel les coopérateurs évoluent : en mesurant l’écart qui distingue les coopératives des formes d’organisation économique contre lesquelles elles se forment, celles qui leur servent de référence, ou celles avec lesquelles elles sont en concurrence. Penser les coopératives dans leur environnement signifie également interroger l’importance des territoires dans lesquelles elles s’inscrivent, et en particulier la spécificité des zones rurales, lieu privilégié du développement des coopératives américaines à cette période. / This dissertation explores the history of cooperative businesses in the state of Wisconsin between the 1870s and the 1930s, and the ways various groups resorted to those organizations in order to protect their interests. My study involves both business history and political history, and looks at the uses of cooperatives through three important reform movements in US history: the antimonopolist struggles of the Gilded Age, the Progressive era and the New Deal. I show that cooperatives were continuously part of the American reform horizon in those decades. Although cooperators did not succeed in creating a “movement” or an economic “system” that would serve as an alternative for an industrial capitalism dominated by big corporations, they were able to build a specific and more democratic form of business enterprise, whose model was easy to identify at the end of the 1930s. In order to understand the mechanisms that led to the institutionalization of this form of business, I observe the various ways farmers, consumers, and, to a lesser extent, workers used and understood cooperatives over time. The role of the state, whose agents called upon cooperatives and turned them into public policy tools, is also a subject of inquiry. The analysis of the uses of the cooperative form of business is constantly replaced in the environment in which their members operated, especially by measuring the distance that separated them from the economic organizations against which they were formed, those that were their models, or those against which they competed. Understanding cooperatives in their environment also means questioning the importance of the territories where they were created, and more specifically the characteristics of rural areas, where cooperatives were especially successful.

Território e desenvolvimento rural: Uma análise da política territorial do MDA em um estudo de caso do Cariri Oriental – PB

Silva, Raiza Madje Tavares da 19 December 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Jean Medeiros (jeanletras@uepb.edu.br) on 2016-03-10T17:54:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 PDF - Raíza Madje Tavares da Silva.pdf: 3455813 bytes, checksum: c797ec93545392651420d12edef038d4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Secta BC (secta.csu.bc@uepb.edu.br) on 2016-04-12T17:26:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 PDF - Raíza Madje Tavares da Silva.pdf: 3455813 bytes, checksum: c797ec93545392651420d12edef038d4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-12T17:33:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PDF - Raíza Madje Tavares da Silva.pdf: 3455813 bytes, checksum: c797ec93545392651420d12edef038d4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This dissertation aims to analyze the Rural Territorial Development Policy, headed by the Ministry of Agrarian Development in Brazil since 2003, based on a Rural Cariri Eastern Territory‟s case located in a state called Paraíba. Therefore, it results from reading and reflection of writings from various authors in relation to the territorial approach, exposing the term "territory" as a concept, category, area of social production among other denominations. As a complement to the theoretical discussions, this paper analyses how these studies have influenced and contributed to the consolidation of territorial rural development strategy of the Brazilian State, showing its emergence, the grounding and presupposition related to it. Finally, it will expose the potential and challenges of this policy based on the analysis of results obtained in research in Eastern Territory Rural Cariri Paraiba. From observation and participation in events and plenary sessions of the college, reading reports and meeting minutes and especially interviews with actors involved in territorial dynamics of the environment, it is possible to realize the joint institutions, social actors, conflicts and advances that the national policy of territorial rural development is able to provide. / A presente dissertação de mestrado, objetiva analisar a Política de Desenvolvimento Rural Territorial, implantada pelo Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário no Brasil desde o ano de 2003, com base em um estudo de caso do Território Rural do Cariri Oriental localizado no Estado da Paraíba. É o resultado, portanto, da leitura e reflexão dos escritos de diversos autores em relação ao enfoque territorial, expondo desta forma as bases teóricas que discutem o termo “território” enquanto conceito, categoria, espaço de produção social dentre outras denominações. Complementando as discussões teóricas, esta dissertação segue analisando como estes estudos contribuíram e influenciaram na consolidação da estratégia de desenvolvimento rural territorial do Estado Brasileiro, abordando seu surgimento, os fundamentos e pressupostos subjacentes a ela. Por fim, serão expostos os potenciais e desafios desta política com base na análise de resultados obtidos em pesquisa de campo no Território Rural do Cariri Oriental paraibano. A partir da observação direta e participativa em eventos e plenárias do colegiado, da leitura de relatórios e atas de reunião e principalmente da realização de entrevistas com os atores sociais envolvidos na dinâmica territorial do entorno, é possível perceber a articulação de instituições, de atores sociais, bem como os conflitos e avanços que a política nacional de desenvolvimento rural territorial é capaz de proporcionar.

Cidade rururbana de Porto Alegre : uma análise etnoconservacionista sobre as áreas protegidas e os espaços de circulação guarani-mbyá

Aguilar, Renata Alves dos Santos January 2013 (has links)
A etnoconservação é uma abordagem teórica em construção que visa salvaguardar a conservação e gestão da biodiversidade incluindo a valorização sociocultural, tendo como pressuposto a indissociável relação entre a biodiversidade e a dimensão humana. Neste trabalho, adotaram-se dispositivos legais que podem dar subsídios a ações de base etnoconservacionista em ambientes altamente fragmentados que apresentam vulnerabilidade no contexto socioambiental. Em decorrência de diversas pressões, como o avanço da urbanização em detrimento das áreas naturais remanescentes na cidade rururbana de Porto Alegre, o objetivo desta dissertação é realizar uma análise etnoconservacionista dessa cidade, caracterizando a circulação e o acesso dos Guarani-mbyá aos ecossistemas da região. Esse objetivo geral desdobra-se em: a) descrever o processo de criação da cidade rururbana de Porto Alegre; b) caracterizar socioambientalmente as Áreas Protegidas da cidade rururbana e c) avaliar a circulação dos Guarani-mbyá em seu território, com ênfase no acesso destes aos ecossistemas da região e tendo em vista a proposição de abertura de diálogos e a adoção de instrumentos de conservação e gestão da biodiversidade de acordo com direitos, costumes e tradições dos Guarani-mbyá. A metodologia adotada caracterizou-se por uma abordagem qualitativa. A caracterização da constituição do município de Porto Alegre, a evolução da urbanização até a criação da Macrozona cidade rururbana no Plano de Desenvolvimento Urbano Ambiental – PDDUA – foi realizada por meio de revisão bibliográfica, análise documental e fotográfica, como também a caracterização das Áreas Protegidas da cidade rururbana de Porto Alegre. Também foram realizadas entrevistas com técnicos e pesquisadores que atuam com os Guarani-mbyá na região e o mapeamento das Áreas Protegidas com ênfase nas tekoás Anhetenguá, Pindó Poty e TI Cantagalo. Além disso, desenvolveu-se um conjunto de técnicas de geoprocessamento em um mosaico de imagens do satélite SPOT 5 de 2011, adquiridas a partir do programa Google Earth Pro 4.2 (beta) em abril/2012. Com o Software ArcMap versão 9.3 as imagens foram georeferenciadas através de pontos de controle. No mesmo programa, as geoinformações foram organizadas no formato Geodatabase com a construção de uma tabela de atributos. A Base Hidrográfica foi adquirida na Fundação Estadual de Proteção Ambiental – FEPAM. Contou-se também com arquivos digitais para uso em SIG, em abril/2012, no formato “shape file”. Para acabamento gráfico dos mapas foi utilizado o Software Photoshop CS5 versão 12.0. Os mapas apresentam-se em escala de 1:15000. Os resultados demonstram a complexidade do território tradicional guarani fragmentado pelo processo de colonização e urbanização, tensões e restrições de uso nas áreas naturais do entorno das tekoás. A condição desses territórios, localizados na interface da dimensão rural e urbana, e a proteção do patrimônio ambiental e cultural, são discutidas no contexto da Mata Atlântica e do povo Guarani-mbyá, com ênfase nas Áreas Protegidas e nas áreas de circulação guarani. / Ethno-conservation is a theoretical approach that aims to safeguard the biodiversity’s conservation and management in accordance with the socio-cultural appreciation, presupposing the inseparable relationship between biodiversity and human dimensions. In this dissertation, legal means to subsidize ethno-conservation actions on fragmented environments that present vulnerability on the socio-environmental context were adopted. Due to many factors, such as the expansion of urban areas into the remaining natural urban-rural areas in the city of Porto Alegre, the goal of this dissertation is to analyze the ethno-conservation of urban-rural areas in the city of Porto Alegre, characterizing the Guarani-Mbya ecosystems’ movement and access. The general aim is divided in three parts: a) to describe the urban-rural areas development process in Porto Alegre; b) to characterize the city’s protected urbanrural areas in relation to socio-environmental aspects; and c) to evaluate the movement of the Guarani-mbyá in their territory, specially related to ecosystems’ access, in opposite to the open dialogue and use of conservation tools and biodiversity management, according to the Guarani-mbyá’s rights, traditions and habits. In order to develop this dissertation, there were adopted qualitative investigative methodological procedures. The constitution characterizations of the city of Porto Alegre, as well as the urban evolution up to the creation of an urban-rural city on the PDDUA (Urban-Enviormental Development Plan) was created based on bibliographic review, analysis of documents, photos and characteristics of the urbanrural protected areas of Porto Alegre. Furthermore, interviews were conducted with experts and researchers that work with the Guarani-Mbya in the region and the mapping of protected areas emphasizing tekoás Anhetenguá, Pindó Poty and TI Cantagalo. The field record has been done with techniques in mosaic environment of satellite images SPOT 5 of 2011, taken from the software Google Earth Pro 4.2 (beta) on April/2012. The images were referenced geographically using control points with the Software ArcMap version 9.3. In the same software, the geographic information was organized in the format Geodatabase by building a table of attributes. The Hydrographic Base was acquired in the State Foundation of Environmental Protection - FEPAM. Digital files to be used in GIS, on April/2012, in the format "shape file" were also exerted. The software Photoshop CS5 version 12.0 was used to finalize the graphic map. The maps are presented in a 1:15,000 scale. The results show the complexity of traditional Guarani territory fragmented by the processes of colonization and urbanization and tensions and restrictions in natural areas surrounding the tekoás. The territories’ conditions, located at the interface of urban and rural dimension, and protection of the cultural and environmental heritage are discussed in the context of the Atlantic Forest and the Guarani-Mbya people, with emphasis on protected areas and areas of outstanding Guarani.

Índice de sustentabilidade: Um estudo aplicado no município de Marechal Cândido Rondon PR / Sustainability índex: A study applied in the municipality of Marechal Cândido - PR

Sontag, Anderson Giovane 20 January 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T16:04:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 anderson.pdf: 6476309 bytes, checksum: b209a526bc8150d9ffcb6e30c53c0326 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-20 / In agriculture, sustainable proposals are still incipient minority and in certain social contexts, while recognizing that some regions have advanced in public policy implementations extension, technical assistance, agricultural research and financial input. Thus, for the direction of public policies, the measurement of sustainability is important for better monitoring in the municipalities. The objective of the research is to verify the degree of sustainability of farmers located in Macrozone of Manantial, in the city of Marechal Cândido Rondon - PR, watching the three dimensions: economic, environmental and social. Methodologically, it is an applied, quantitative research using statistical procedures and data collection, with the aid of electronic spreadsheets for formatting information in developing the sustainability index. The research is descriptive, aiming to describe certain population characteristics, establishing relationships between variables. In relation to the technical procedures, it is an action research, and a research method applied participatory nature, seeking the development of diagnostics for the municipality. In data collection the estimated population of 813 establishments and the sample represented by 185 farmers, with a sampling error of 6.5% and 95% confidence level. Applying a collection form divided into an initial section with the characterization of the respondent and property, as well as three subsections that include the pillars of sustainability, containing 43 environmental indicators, 18 economic and 33 social, with objective questions. The sustainability index in the region is 0.718, considers good. The best result is displayed in the social dimension with 0.778 index with emphasis on sanitation, electricity, access to communication and education. The environmental dimension has a lower index, considered medium grade. The research helps in the study of rural sustainability and their interactions in the different dimensions as well as the improvement of measurement models. / Na agricultura, propostas sustentáveis ainda são minoritárias e incipientes em certos contextos sociais, mesmo reconhecendo que algumas regiões têm avançado nas implementações de políticas públicas de extensão, assistência técnica, pesquisa agrícola e de aporte de recursos financeiros. Dessa forma, para o direcionamento das políticas públicas, é importante a mensuração da sustentabilidade para melhor acompanhamento nos municípios. Assim, o objetivo da pesquisa é verificar o grau de sustentabilidade dos agricultores localizados na Macrozona de Manancial, no município de Marechal Cândido Rondon PR, observando as três dimensões: econômica, ambiental e social. Metodologicamente, é uma pesquisa aplicada, quantitativa, utilizando procedimentos estatísticos e coleta de dados, com o auxílio de planilhas eletrônicas para a formatação das informações na elaboração do índice de sustentabilidade. A pesquisa é descritiva, visando descrever as características de determinada população, estabelecendo relações entre variáveis. Em relação aos procedimentos técnicos, trata-se de uma pesquisa ação, sendo um método de pesquisa aplicada de natureza participativa, buscando a elaboração de diagnósticos para o município. Na coleta de dados a população estimada é de 813 estabelecimentos e a amostra representada por 185 agricultores, com erro amostral de 6,5% e 95% de nível de confiança. Aplicando-se um formulário de coleta dividido em uma seção inicial com a caracterização do respondente e da propriedade, além de 3 subseções que contemplam os pilares da sustentabilidade, contendo 43 indicadores ambientais, 18 econômicos e 33 sociais, com questões objetivas. O índice de sustentabilidade na região é de 0,718, considerada boa. O melhor resultado é apresentado na dimensão social com índice de 0,778 com destaque para o saneamento básico, energia elétrica, acesso a comunicação e educação. A dimensão ambiental apresenta menor índice, considerado grau médio. A pesquisa contribui no estudo da sustentabilidade rural e suas interações nas diferentes dimensões, assim como no melhoramento dos modelos de mensuração.

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