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Hur interna och externa faktorer påverkar samhällskunskapslärares formativa bedömning : En intervjustudie med samhällskunskapslärare / How internal and external factors affects social studies teachers formative assessment : An interview study with social science teachersJohansson, Filip January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att belysa hur gymnasielärare i samhällskunskap använder formativ bedömning, hur detta påverkas av interna och externa faktorer samt vilka förutsättningar att ge formativ bedömning som respondenterna beskriver som specifika för samhällskunskap. Studiens resultat baseras på semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex gymnasielärare i samhällskunskap. Intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och ramfaktorteorin utgjorde studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt. Ett resultat av studien är att samtliga respondenter använder formativ bedömning och anpassar densamma utifrån varje elevs behov. Ett annat resultat är att respondenterna menar att externa faktorer har en större påverkan på deras formativa bedömning än interna faktorer. Ytterliggare ett resultat är att hälften av respondenterna anser att det finns specifika förutsättningar att använda formativ bedömning i samhällskunskap jämfört med historia, svenska och matematik. / The purpose of this study is to highlight how social studies teachers in the Swedish upper secondary school uses formative assessment, how this is affected by internal and external factors and which conditions to give formative assessment the respondents describes as specific for social studies. The result of the study is based on semistructured interviews with six social studies teachers in the upper secondary school. The interviews were analyzed with a qualitative content analysis and the frame factor theory constituted the studies theoretical starting point. One result of this study is that all respondents uses formative assessment and adjusts the same based on the specific needs of every pupil. Another result is that the respondents consider external factors as having a larger impact on their formative assessment than internal factors. A further result is that half of the respondents think that there are specific conditions for using formative assessment in social studies compared to history, swedish, and mathematics.
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Reflektioner kring grupputveckling för kontroversiella samtal i samhällskunskapsundervisningenHussein, Shano January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to qualitatively investigate how social studies teachers in a high school, use group development strategies when approaching potentially controversial topics in the classroom. The study used five semi-structured interviews with social studies teachers. Bruce Tuckman's model of group development was used to organize and analyze the teachers' experiences in a way that could be linked to the phases described in the model. The results of the study have shown the importance of using group development as a method to prepare students to handle controversial conversations in a constructive way and promote their growth together. The teachers' overall goal with group development is for the students to learn to cooperate, develop their communication skills and show respect for each other's opinions. The teacher's democratic mission also appears as part of group development. Positive group development also contributes to a cohesive social environment that creates an inclusive conversation climate. The skills acquired through group development were considered applicable when students faced controversial discussions. For example, they were seen using communication skills to actively listen and strive to understand each other's perspectives instead of trying to dominate each other. Therefore, classes may need to go through different stages of development to manage controversial conversations effectively.
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Samhällsekonomi, privatekonomi eller något annat? : Vad är det för innehåll som gymnasielärarna väljer att fokusera på inom ekonomidelen av samhällskunskapsämnet?Gustaf, Oja January 2023 (has links)
The study was conducted in Norrbottens County. The purpose with the study was to examine which way social studie teachers interpret and convert economy education. How do social studie teachers teach economy in social science? How for content do teacher choose to focus in economy section in social sciene subject and the choice or emphasis about the content in education: national economy or personal fiance or something else? Which factors lies as basis for teachers to convert economy education in different ways, one choice that could lead to students getting varied education? The theory that is used in the study is factor theoretical perspective and the research approach is deductive. The method that is used in the essay is a qualitative individual interview with a mix of open questions and half standardise questions and the study is a case study. Six teachers was interviewed in upper secondary school. The result of the study the teachers believes that in the economy part of social studies that regulatory documents controls the shape, what they evaluting after and pervade the teaching profession as a entirety. Which made the formulation arena to have a increased influence then transformation arena. That means that the teachers autonomy to interpret have decreased when teachers follows the regulatory documents stricter. / Studien genomfördes i Norrbottens län. Syftet med studien är att undersöka på vilket sätt samhällskunskapslärare tolkar och omvandlar ekonomiundervisningen. Vad undervisar samhällskunskapslärare om i samhällskunskap när det gäller ekonomi? Vilket innehåll väljer lärarna att fokusera på inom ekonomidelen av samhällskunskapsämnet, det vill säga valet av eller betoningen på själva innehållet i undervisningen: samhällsekonomi eller privatekonomi eller någonting annat? Vilka faktorer ligger till grund för att lärarna omsätter ekonomiundervisningen på olika sätt, val som i sin tur kan leda till att eleverna får varierande undervisning? Den teori som används i studien är ramfaktorperspektiv och forskningsansatsen är deduktiv. Metoden som används i uppsatsen är kvalitativa enskilda intervjuer med en blandning av öppna frågor och halvstandardiserade frågor och studien är en fallstudie. Sex lärare från gymnasiet intervjuades. I resultatet av studien anser lärarna att inom den ekonomiska delen av samhällskunskap så styr styrdokumenten utformningen gällande inriktningen för deras bedömning samt genomsyrar läraryrket i sin helhet. Vilket innebär att formuleringsarenan har fått en större påverkan än transformeringsarenan. Det innebär i sin tur att lärarnas friutrymme för tolkning har minskat när lärarna följer styrdokumenten till punkt och pricka.
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”Alla är lika mycket värda!” : En kvalitativ studie om elevers perspektiv på jämställdhet samt erfarenheter av ojämställdhet / ”Everyone has the same worth” : A qualitative study about pupils’ perspective on gender equality and experiences of inequalitySöderholm, Malin January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie utgår från en undersökning om hur elever i grundskolans årskurs 4 – 6 uppfattar jämställdhet och vilka erfarenheter eleverna har av jämställdhet respektive ojämställdhet. Jämställdhet diskuteras aktivt i samhället och berör alla människor, vuxna som barn. Barnen bör få vara delaktiga i det jämställdhetsarbete som är igång. Trots detta har jag endast hittat lite forskning kring hur just barn tänker om jämställdhet. Därför utgår denna uppsats ifrån just barns perspektiv på jämställdhet. Syftet med studien är därför att undersöka elevers perspektiv på jämställdhet för att förstå hur eleverna uppfattar området för att vidare kunna involvera eleverna ytterligare i jämställdhetsarbetet. Metoden för insamlingen av empirin är gruppintervjuer där elever indelats i grupper för att diskutera förberedda frågor om jämställdhet. Eleverna har i grupperna diskuterat de olika frågorna och sett en film om jämställdhet som senare också diskuterats. Under aktiviteten har jag antagit en passiv roll större delen av tiden. Eleverna visar att de är väl medvetna om jämställdhet och genusfrågor och har många olika erfarenheter av ojämställda händelser i deras skolvardag. Samtliga elever tycker det är viktigt att jobba med området i skolan för att göra varandra, både barn och vuxna, medvetna om hur man agerar i vardagen utifrån vissa stereotypiska könsmönster och könsroller. Eleverna upplever att de själva har blivit väldigt påverkade och uttrycker traditionella könsmönster på flera olika sätt exempelvis genom att anta att pojkar spelar bättre fotboll eller att flickor är lugnare. Pojkarna upplever sig själva som roligare medan flickorna uppfattar dem som att de måste skämta för att upprätthålla en social, konstruerad roll. / The purpose of the study is to investigate what pupils in primary school’s grades’ 4 – 6 think about gender equality and what experiences they have of both gender equality and inequality. Gender equality is currently being discussed in society and all people are affected by it, adults as well as children. The children should be able to be involved in the contemporary work about equality. Even so, I have found few studies about how children think about this. Therefore, this essay is based on their perspective. Following the purpose of this essay is to learn about pupils’ perspective on gender equality in order to involve them more in the future in this important matter. The method that is being used to collect the information is group interviews where pupils have been divided into groups to discuss questions about gender equality. In these groups the pupils have discussed different questions and then watched a movie on the topic of equality that later was discussed. During the activity I took on a passive role most of the time. The pupils show that they are well aware of gender equality and questions about gender and they have many different inequality experiences of incidents from there school days. All the pupils think it is important to work with these questions in school to make each other, both adults and children, aware of how you normally tend to act based on stereotypical gender patterns. The pupils experience that they themselves have been affected by stereotypes and express several traditional gender patterns, for example by assuming that boys are better at soccer or that girls are generally calmer. The boys experience themselves as funnier while the girls assume that the boys must joke around more to uphold a socially, constructed role.
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Samspel, gemenskap och delaktighet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om inkludering av nyanlända elever i samhällskunskapsundervisningen / Interaction, community and participation : A qualitative interview study on the inclusion of newly arrived pupils in social studiesLarsson, Lisa January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsen syfte är att öka kunskapen om vilka olika arbetssätt lärare använder för att inkludera nyanlända elever i samhällskunskapsundervisningen. Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie med inspiration från en fenomenologisk livsvärldsansats. Genom en kvalitativ forskningsintervju med grundskollärare i årskurs 4–6 har data samlats in och sedan kategoriserats. De tre teman som resultatet består av är: verktyg för inkludering, svårigheter vid inkludering och vikten av samhällskunskapsämnet. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är sociokulturell teori och utifrån detta perspektiv har resultatet analyserats och teoretiska tolkningar har skapats. Resultatet i undersökningen visar att lärarna använder sig av flera olika verktyg för att inkludera nyanlända elever i samhällskunskapsundervisningen. Det framkommer att inkludering är ett svårtolkat begrepp som är väldigt beroende av individen vilket betyder att inkludering kan se väldigt olika ut. Samarbete med studiehandledare, ämnesövergripande arbetssätt, digitala verktyg, placering, att skapa förförståelse hos eleverna, gemenskap och samspel är alla viktiga delar i inkluderingsprocessen. I resultatet tas även svårigheter vid inkludering upp och dessa är bland annat abstrakta ämnesbegrepp, brister i svenska språket, svårigheter vid socialt samspel, missförstånd, elevernas olika erfarenheter, elevernas verklighetssyn, samhällskunskapsämnets breda innehåll och det faktum att ämnet är kontextbundet. Lärarna i studien är eniga om att samhällskunskapsämnet är en viktig del av de nyanlända elevernas inkluderingsprocess i det svenska samhället. / The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge of different working methods teachers use to include newly arrived pupils in social studies. The study is a qualitative interview study with inspiration from a phenomenological life-world approach. Through a qualitative research interview with primary school teachers in grades 4–6, data has been collected. The collected data has been categorized based on three themes. The three themes that the result consists of are: tools for inclusion, inclusion difficulties and the importance of the social science topic. The theoretical starting point of the study is socio-cultural theory and from this perspective the result has been analyzed and theoretical interpretations have been created. The results of the study show that teachers use several different tools to include newly arrived pupils in social studies. It appears that inclusion is a difficult-to-interpret-concept that is very dependent on the individual, which means that inclusion can look very different depending on the individual. Collaboration with study supervisors, interdisciplinary workingmethods, digital tools, placement, creating understanding of the students, community and interaction are all important parts of the inclusionprocess. The result also show difficulties with inclusion and these include abstract subject concepts, deficiencies in the Swedish language, difficulties in social interaction, misunderstandings, the students 'different experiences, the students' view of reality, the broad content of the social science subject and the fact that the subject is contextual. The teachers in the study agree that the subject of social studies is an important part of the newly arrived pupils' inclusionprocess in Swedish society.
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Samhällskunskapslärares tankar om samhällsbegreppet i samhällskunskapsundervisningen. : En studie i metoden fokusgruppsintervju av nio yrkesverksamma samhällskunskapslärare på två olika gymnasieskolor. / Social science theatchers thoughts on societals concept in social studies. : A study in the focus group interview method of nine professional social sciense teatchers in two different upper secondary schools.Andersson, Jemima January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate how social science teachers perceive and express the concept of society in social studies. The study consists of focus group interviews with nine social science teachers at two upper secondary schools and its results are analyzed against the theoretical backdrop of Odenstad's orientation topics, analytical subjects and discussion topics and Sandahl’s first-order and second-order concepts. In short, the two different conceptual devices can be described as the skills and abilities that are most important for the students to master in order to develop advanced thinking skills in social science. Particular emphasis is put on critical thinking, that is, the ability to seek, structure and evaluate information from different sources and to draw conclusions from this process. The emerging results show a certain consensus on the concept of society among social science teachers as the potential subject of study and analysis that would simplify and clarify the analyses of the different levels in society which, in turn, would contribute to adding significance and bringing cohesion to the subject as a whole. As for the skills and abilities that stem from Odenstad's orientation topics and Sandahl’s first-order concepts, the interviewed teachers all emphasize conceptual ability as well as good external knowledge to have knowledge of how society is made up. With reference to Odenstad's analytical subject and discussion topics and Sandahl's second-order concepts, it would seem that it is not only important but a prerequisite that students develop an analytical ability and critical thinking as well as the ability to sift through and process large amounts of information and assume different perspectives on the topic or issue at hand.
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Covid-19 pandemin och sen då? : En kvalitativ studie om samhällskunskapslärares erfarenheter från covid-19 / Covid-19 pandemic and then what? : A qualitative study based on social science teachers' experiences from covid-19Läck, Loke, Hermansson, Marion January 2023 (has links)
The Covid-19 pandemic was a transformative period for Sweden's upper secondary schools. During a period in social studies, teachers have not been allowed to talk about or reflect on these experiences. As future social studies teachers, we saw a need to investigate this issue. How a complex and vital subject like social studies, which is supposed to form democratic citizens, was affected by all the social changes that covid-19 contributed to in society. Therefore, we aimed to investigate how social studies teachers experienced the covid-19 pandemic, how their professional role, the relationship with the students, and the social studies subject was affected. We have used a qualitative methodological approach through a narrative interview method to interview social studies teachers at upper secondary schools in southern Sweden. The empirical work was analyzed using Pierre Bourdieu's capital- and field theory and Basil Bernstein's concepts of classification and framing. The study results show that social studies teachers' professional roles and relationships with students changed during the covid-19 pandemic. The teachers lost confidence, control and questioned their professional choice when the interaction between teachers and students deteriorated during distance learning. Consequently, the professional role changed, and the teachers have become more caring actors for the students. Social studies teaching was overcrowded and challenged by the social changes brought about by the covid-19 pandemic. The relevance of the social studies subject was strengthened and gained greater importance in a society in crisis. The school has returned to old habits as before the pandemic, and school organizations have yet to take advantage of the social studies teachers' experiences during the covid-19 pandemic.
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