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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Religious language within Jürgen Habermas and cognitive linguistics

Derkson, Kyle 16 September 2014 (has links)
Religious language has been theorized in multiple ways. I will look at how religious language has been theorized in the work of Jürgen Habermas and in the field of cognitive linguistics. I will compare these approaches to religious language and assess the results. In doing so, I will indirectly assess the confluence of these two theoretical approaches. My conclusion is that even with the similarities between these theoretical frames, religion is thematized differently under each method. Jürgen Habermas’s definition of religion as the output of ritual praxis is not compatible with the normative place of religious language found in cognitive linguistics.

Automata methods and techniques for graph-structured data

Shoaran, Maryam 23 April 2011 (has links)
Graph-structured data (GSD) is a popular model to represent complex information in a wide variety of applications such as social networks, biological data management, digital libraries, and traffic networks. The flexibility of this model allows the information to evolve and easily integrate with heterogeneous data from many sources. In this dissertation we study three important problems on GSD. A consistent theme of our work is the use of automata methods and techniques to process and reason about GSD. First, we address the problem of answering queries on GSD in a distributed environment. We focus on regular path queries (RPQs) – given by regular expressions matching paths in graph-data. RPQs are the building blocks of almost any mechanism for querying GSD. We present a fault-tolerant, message-efficient, and truly distributed algorithm for answering RPQs. Our algorithm works for the larger class of weighted RPQs on weighted GSDs. Second, we consider the problem of answering RPQs on incomplete GSD, where different data sources are represented by materialized database views. We explore the connection between “certain answers” (CAs) and answers obtained from “view-based rewritings” (VBRs) for RPQs. CAs are answers that can be obtained on each database consistent with the views. Computing all of CAs for RPQs is NP-hard, and one has to resort to an exponential algorithm in the size of the data–view materializations. On the other hand, VBRs are query reformulations in terms of the view definitions. They can be used to obtain query answers in polynomial time in the size of the data. These answers are CAs, but unfortunately for RPQs, not all of the CAs can be obtained in this way. In this work, we show the surprising result that for RPQs under local semantics, using VBRs to answer RPQs gives all the CAs. The importance of this result is that under such semantics, the CAs can be obtained in polynomial time in the size of the data. Third, we focus on XML–an important special case of GSD. The scenario we consider is streaming XML between exchanging parties. The problem we study is flexible validation of streaming XML under the realistic assumption that the schemas of the exchanging parties evolve, and thus diverge from one another. We represent schemas by using Visibly Pushdown Automata (VPAs), which recognize Visibly Pushdown Languages (VPLs). We model evolution for XML by defining formal language operators on VPLs. We show that VPLs are closed under the defined language operators and this enables us to expand the schemas (for XML) in order to account for flexible or constrained evolution. / Graduate

Conjecturing (and Proving) in Dynamic Geometry after an Introduction of the Dragging Schemes

Baccaglini-Frank, Anna 11 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This paper describes some results of a research study on conjecturing and proving in a dynamic geometry environment (DGE), and it focuses on particular cognitive processes that seem to be induced by certain uses of tools available in Cabri (a particular DGE). Building on the work of Arzarello and Olivero (Arzarello et al., 1998, 2002; Olivero, 2002), we have conceived a model describing some cognitive processes that may occur during the production of conjectures and proofs in a DGE and that seem to be related to the use of specific dragging schemes, in particular to the use of the scheme we refer to as maintaining dragging. This paper contains a description of aspects of the theoretical model we have elaborated for describing such cognitive processes, with specific attention towards the role of the dragging schemes, and an example of how the model can be used to analyze students’ explorations.

新聞寫作連貫性之研究 / Coherence and Cohesion in News-Writing:An Exploratory Study

劉郁青, Liu, Yu-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
一篇好的新聞寫作最基本的要求是要有清楚的主題,文意必須通順且連貫。而新聞寫作中的主題該如何凸顯,讀者閱讀新聞時連貫通順的感覺又從何而來,即是語言學和認知心理學中的「連貫性」理論所探討的現象,也是本研究有興趣探索的主題。 本研究中所謂的「新聞寫作的連貫性」,可以界定為「新聞文本中的句子、段落、字詞是如何連貫成一篇有意義的文章,以及新聞中的結構與意義之間是如何銜接和組織,產生連貫通順的感覺」。而本研究主要的目的即是探討新聞寫作中連貫性的特性,並且試圖從新聞寫作特有的連貫性建立出判斷新聞寫作好壞的評估標準,替新聞寫作的教學和實務建構初步的理論基礎。 為了瞭解新聞寫作中獨特的連貫性為何,本研究先從理論文獻的角度切入來探討何謂連貫性,然後本研究發現影響連貫性的面向包括語意上的連接關係、讀者的認知心理、文體特色,以及文本背後的背景知識脈絡。本研究並且從連貫性與新聞文體的討論中發現「新聞寫作特有的連貫性」可以整理成以下幾點: 第一、從學者van Dijk區分的新聞文體功能結構來觀察(van Dijk,1988),新聞文體會遵守著「先描述新聞事件,再描述影響、結果或反應」及「整個新聞事件報導完畢,才進行評論或預測」的結構組織規則。 第二、純淨新聞文體中連貫性十分依賴因果基模的關係來建立,因此,新聞文本中結構與意義之間因果關係的推論十分重要,因果基模推論的越清楚,越符合一般人的日常邏輯,新聞文體中的連貫性就越緊密。 第三、新聞文體為了方便讀者閱讀及新聞組織運作,從導言到軀幹之間,發展出先在導言中提示新聞重點摘要,再在軀幹的段落中對應導言的重點敘述細節的敘述方式,使得新聞從導言到軀幹間發展出一種從抽象到具體、從摘要到細節描述的「層次連貫性」。 第四、從命題分析來分析新聞的組織結構,可以發現新聞文本為了加強組織結構間的連貫,有其特殊的組織結構。新聞文本的導言中會呈現整篇文本最高層次的命題,通常為新聞的主旨,然後每一段落的命題都是指向這個新聞主旨的。另外,文本中的各段落通常也有各自的主旨,其下的命題也都是指向這個主旨進行敘述。因此,新聞文體通常可以畫出結構關係清楚的命題分析圖。 第五、由於新聞文體具有客觀中立的文體特質,所以新聞文體中通常維持一貫的第三人稱的觀看角度,遣詞用字也避免帶有記者主觀的感嘆詞,或情緒性強烈的字眼,這些規則有助於維持新聞文體中展現的客觀氣氛的一致性。 本研究依據以上「新聞寫作特有的連貫性」為分析架構,實際分析一個有實務寫作經驗的記者個案,和一個無實務經驗的學生個案。比較兩個個案分析,得到以下發現:一、記者個案和學生個案在功能結構的組織順序排列關係上差異較小,在因果基模和命題連貫性的建立上差異較大,而記者在這些方面表現的比學生好。二、記者個案中可以觀察到清楚的層次連貫性,學生個案則缺乏層次連貫性的連接概念,仍依賴敘事文體中的線性連貫性來連接上下文。三、記者個案對於巨觀命題結構的連接掌握得比學生個案佳,兩者在微觀命題結構的銜接上差異較小。四、記者個案中對於客觀立場一致性的掌握比學生個案佳。 根據本研究初步應用「新聞寫作連貫性」的分析架構來進行的個案分析,可以發現這個架構的確可以運用在新聞寫作連貫性的某些層面的分析中。這個架構在初步分析中,也觀察出一些記者個案和學生個案從結構到意義連貫之間寫作能力的差異,所以本研究發展出的分析架構應該是具有可行性的,可以實際應用在新聞寫作連貫性的分析之中,也有助於進一步觀察在連貫性面向表現得「好」 的新聞寫作應達到哪些標準。而本研究也 建議未來在新聞寫作教學上應該從層次連貫性、命題分析等理論層次來教導寫作,才能在寫作教學上有效結合理論與實務經驗。

Effekten av fysiska aktivitets-interventioner i grundskolan : En systematisk litteraturöversikt

Green, Elina, Hellqvist, Linn January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Skolan är en av de bästa arenorna för att genomföra insatser som syftar till att främja fysisk aktivitet hos barn och ungdomar, då det går att nå samtliga barn och ungdomar som omfattas av skolplikt. Huruvida dessa insatser är verkningsfulla saknas det däremot information om. Trots att enskilda studier kan visa att insatserna leder till positiva förändringar i barnens aktivitetsnivåer så visar andra ingen effekt. För att få en bättre helhetsbild krävs en systematisk litteraturundersökning. Syfte: Syftet med översikten var att undersöka om skolbaserade interventioner främjar fysisk aktivitet på barn och ungdomar. Metod: En systematisk litteraturöversikt gjordes enligt PRISMA:s riktlinjer. Sökningen gjordes i sökmotorerna PubMed, Onesearch, ASSIA, SportDiscus, Cambridge, PMC mellan 2017-12-15-2018-03-02. Inklusionskriterierna innefattade svenska och engelska kontrollerade studier som var peer reviewed gällande barn och ungdomar i åldrarna 6–17 år. Manipuleringen av interventionsgruppens fysiska aktivitet mättes med accelerometer i minimum tre dagar. Studierna rapporterade medelvärde och standardavvikelse av antingen counts per minute (CPM) eller moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) eller båda. Resultat: Totalt identifierades 11 artiklar som motsvarade de uppsatta inklusions- och exklusionskriterierna. I en artikel gav interventionen positiva effekter gällande den totala fysiska aktiviteten med en nettoökning på 50 CPM mellan baslinjen till uppföljningen. En metaanalys kunde dock inte genomföras då studierna var allt för heterogena avseende metodologiska val, typ av intervention och population. Slutsats: En obetydande till svag evidens för att skolbaserade interventioner främjar barn och ungdomars totala fysiska aktivitet gick att urskilja, dock är studierna överlag allt för heterogena för att några definitiva slutsatser kan dras. Detta är en indikation på att skolbaserade interventioner bör på ett bättre sätt standardiseras avseende utvärderingsmetod och rapportering.

Interaction entre le schéma corporel et les comportements moteurs dans l'anorexie mentale et chez le sujet sain / Interaction between body schema and motor behaviors in anorexia nervosa and healthy subjects

Metral, Morgane 06 April 2016 (has links)
Le schéma corporel est une représentation interne et dynamique du corps, de la morphologie, et des positions relatives des segments corporels. Celui-ci serait le support à partir duquel une motricité adaptée va pouvoir se mettre en place. L’objectif principal de ce travail doctoral était d’évaluer plus précisément cette intrication entre schéma corporel et comportements moteurs. Nous avons ainsi évalué à la fois l'effet de différentes distorsions du schéma corporel sur le comportement moteur, et inversement l'effet des comportements moteurs sur la modulation éventuelle du schéma corporel.Tout d’abord, nous avons testé si la distorsion morphologique du schéma corporel rapportée récemment dans l’anorexie mentale avait un retentissement sur la locomotion des patientes, dans une tâche de passabilité d’ouvertures (Etude 1). Les patientes ont effectivement tourné leurs épaules pour des largeurs d’ouvertures qui, compte tenu de leur nouvelle morphologie, ne nécessitaient pas une telle contorsion. Des comportements moteurs identiques ont été observés chez une patiente ayant perdu massivement et rapidement du poids, mais sans souffrir d’anorexie mentale (Etude 2). Ces résultats dans leur ensemble soulignent la rigidité du schéma corporel face à des changements corporels majeurs, ainsi que son incidence forte sur le comportement moteur dans l’anorexie mentale.Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons induit chez le sujet sain, grâce au paradigme miroir, souvent utilisé en réadaptation motrice, une distorsion entre schéma corporel et segments corporels, afin d’en évaluer les conséquences sur le comportement moteur volontaire (coordination bimanuelle, Etude 3) et involontaire (post-effet moteur, Etude 4). Les résultats de nos études font apparaître que la modulation des comportements moteurs dans le paradigme miroir serait plus liée aux afférences proprioceptives du bras face au miroir ou encore à une meilleure répartition des processus attentionnels, plutôt qu’à la distorsion du schéma corporel via le miroir.Enfin, nous avons testé si les comportements moteurs, ou tout du moins l’intention motrice à l’origine, pouvaient en retour moduler le schéma corporel et le sens du mouvement (Etude 5). Les illusions de mouvement induites dans le paradigme miroir ont bien été modulées selon que l’intention motrice du bras soumis à l’illusion soit congruente ou non avec le sens du mouvement illusoire généré.Compte tenu de l’implication de l’intention motrice dans la mise à jour du schéma corporel, nous suggérons que la prise en charge des troubles du schéma corporel (e.g. dans l’anorexie mentale), souvent basée sur une réadaptation visuelle de la représentation du corps, devrait être complétée par une remédiation sensori-motrice.Mots clefs : schéma corporel, comportement moteur, anorexie mentale, paradigme miroir, kinesthésie / The body schema is an internal and dynamic representation of the body, of the relative positions of body parts, but also of their metrics. It is supposed to be the support for motor behavior to develop appropriately. The main purpose of this doctoral work was to better assess this entanglement between body schema and motor behaviors. Specifically, we sought to evaluate how different motor behaviors are affected by distortions of the body schema, and conversely how the body schema could be modulated by motor behaviors.First, we tested whether the distortion between body schema and body morphology, recently reported in the anorexia nervosa patients, had an impact on their motor behaviors during a locomotion task of door crossing (Study 1). Results show that these patients are actually turning their shoulders for door widths which, given their body morphology, do not require such a contortion. Similar motor behaviors were observed on a patient who lost weight massively and quickly, without suffering from anorexia nervosa (Study 2). Altogether these results confirm the rigidity of body schema towards major body changes, as well as its significant impact on motor behavior in anorexia nervosa.In the second part of this work, we sought to experimentally induce a visual distortion between body schema and segmental positions in healthy subjects, with a mirror paradigm, usually used as therapeutic tool, and to assess the implications for a voluntary motor behavior (bimanual coordination task - Study 3) and an involuntary one (post-contraction response- Study 4). These results show that modulation on motor behaviors is more related to proprioceptive inputs from one arm facing the mirror or better allocation of attention, rather than distortions of the body schema and mirror itself.Finally, our last aim was to test whether the motor behavior, or at least the original motor intention, could in turn modulate the body schema (Study 5). Our results revealed that illusions of movement induced in the mirror paradigm were regulated by whether the participant conducted a motor intention, with the arm subject to the illusion, that was congruent or not with the induced illusory motion.Given the involvement of motor intention in updating the body schema, we suggest that the treatment of body schema disorders (e.g. anorexia nervosa), often based on a visual rehabilitation of the body representation, should be supplemented by a sensorimotor remediation.Keywords: body schema, motor behavior, anorexia nervosa, mirror paradigm, kinesthesia

Traços de personalidade em jogadores de futebol / Personality traits in football players

Medeiros, Thiago Emannuel 04 July 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-06T17:07:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Thiago Emannuel Medeiros TRACOS DE PERSONALIDADE EM JOG.pdf: 775671 bytes, checksum: edf50e4a5ff1b5d2f1343182a713bec7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The purpose of present study was to examine the psychosocial identity of soccer players from specific positions. The research design was characterized as exploratory, cross-sectional, and comparative descriptive. The study was divided in two phases. On the first phase the aim was to describe the psychosocial characteristics of soccer players concerning: the gender schema; the idiocentric allocentric profile, and the subjective social status. On the second phase the aim was to compare the players psychosocial characteristics with their specific soccer positions, well as study it relationship of subjective social status with the factors of gender schemas of these athletes. On total 152 male athletes were evaluated with age varying between 14 and 20 years old. They were players at developmental categories from two professional soccer clubs in Santa Catarina. Questionnaires were used to determine the participants sociodemographic conditions, sport situations, the gender schema (IMEGA), and the allocentric idiocentric athletes` profile (IA Profile). In addition a subjective social status scale (MacArthur Scale of subjective Social Status, version for young people) was used to data collection. A mix of qualitative and quantitative data analysis was performed in order to examine the players` psychosocial identity from different soccer positions. According to the results, no significant differences between positions were observed concerning gender schema and A-I profile. Although is important mentioning that 60% of athletes were determined as isoesquematics, and 63 % were defined as isocentrics. Differences between positions were viewed in several factors, such as rationality, integrity, self-realization & competitiveness, emotional distance of team, and idiocentrism level. The differences on subjective social status were observed only in family`s social status on community, in which goalkeepers had higher status. Although among other situations of social status, no significant differences were observed, 99.4% and 97.6% of the athletes demonstrate dissatisfied with their subjective social status in the club and category respectively. Finally, the factors emotion, rationality, egocentrism, sensitivity, integrity, and audacity, that compound the gender schema, were related to subjective social status of players in different positions in both clubs and categories. Therefore, it is concluded that there is no common personality trait in relation to gender schemes and profile idiocêntrico allocentric that characterized the positions occupied by the players despite a predominance of isoesquematic and isocentric respectively players. Well as in respect to subjective social status also not a common trait of social status was found although most athletes present with dissatisfaction status. From these findings we emphasize the fact that all athletes with different psychosocial traits fit in various positions. Therefore, the different positions on soccer, that refer to typical actions during the game, are characterized by individuals with specifics gender schema, idiocentric allocentric profiles and subjective social status, although there is not a predominance of these characteristics among the positions. The data related to features in the personality of the players depending on the positions they occupy in the field in which certain characteristics become more evident than others. / O presente estudo objetivou analisar quais os traços de personalidade relacionados aos esquemas de gênero do autoconceito, perfil idiocêntrico-alocêntrico e status social subjetivo caracterizam as posições específicas em que atuam os jogadores de futebol de campo. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, transversal de cunho descritivo comparativo que primeiramente buscou descrever características psicossociais relacionadas aos esquemas de gênero do autoconceito, perfil idiocêntrico-alocêntrico e status social subjetivo de indivíduos envolvidos com a prática de futebol com vistas ao rendimento esportivo e comparar as características acima citadas no que diz respeito à posição que cada indivíduo ocupa em campo bem como verificar qual a relação do status social subjetivo com os fatores dos esquemas de gênero desses atletas. Foram coletadas informações referentes a situações sociodemográficas e esportivas dos atletas, bem como foram aplicados dois questionários sendo um sobre os esquemas de gênero (IMEGA) e outro sobre o perfil idiocêntrico-alocêntrico de atletas (Perfil I-A), além de uma escala de status social subjetivo (Escala MacArthur de Status Social Subjetivo versão para jovens). Foram avaliados 152 atletas do sexo masculino com idade entre 14 e 20 anos pertencentes às categorias de base de dois clubes de futebol profissional do estado de Santa Catarina. Foram realizadas análises descritivas, comparações e regressão com o intuito de observar quais traços de personalidade caracterizavam esses atletas nas diferentes posições de atuação em campo. De acordo com os resultados não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre as posições no que diz respeito aos esquemas de gênero do autoconceito e perfil I-A, porém ressalta-se que em torno de 60% dos atletas são isoesquemáticos e 63% isocêntricos, respectivamente. Cabe destacar que ocorreram diferenças entre as posições nos fatores racionalidade, integridade, auto-realização e competitividade, distância emocional da equipe e nível de idiocentrismo. Quanto ao status social subjetivo observaram-se diferenças entre as posições somente na situação de status social da família na comunidade em que os goleiros apresentaram maior status. Apesar de entre as outras situações de status social não foram observadas diferenças significativas, 99,4% e 97,6% dos atletas se demonstram insatisfeitos com o seu status social subjetivo no clube e categoria respectivamente. Por fim, os fatores emotividade, racionalidade, egocentrismo, sensibilidade, integridade e ousadia que compõem os esquemas de gênero do autoconceito foram relacionados ao status social subjetivo dos jogadores das diferentes posições no clube e categoria. Sendo assim, conclui-se que não existe um traço comum de personalidade com relação aos esquemas de gênero e perfil idiocêntrico-alocêntrico que caracteriza as posições ocupadas pelos jogadores em campo apesar de um predomínio de jogadores isoesquemáticos e isocêntricos, respectivamente. Bem como, quanto ao status social subjetivo também não foi encontrado um traço de status social comum apesar de a maioria dos atletas se apresentarem com insatisfação do status. A partir dessas conclusões ressalta-se o fato de que todos os atletas com distintos traços psicossociais se encaixam nas mais variadas posições. Dessa maneira, as posições e de atuação em campo as quais remetem ações típicas durante o jogo, são caracterizadas por indivíduos com esquemas de gênero do autoconceito, perfil idiocêntrico-alocêntrico e status social subjetivo específico apesar de não haver um predomínio dessas características entre as posições. Esses dados remetem a particularidades na personalidade dos jogadores em função das posições que ocupam em campo em que determinadas características tornam-se mais evidentes do que outras.

Reconceitualiza??o das categorias de skemp de compreens?o relacional e compreens?o instrumental como crit?rios globais

Silva, Georgiane Amorim 15 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:36:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GeorgianeAS_TESE.pdf: 2906729 bytes, checksum: 517705591ff207d241daa57f0bb21381 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-15 / The thesis presents a systematic description about the meaning, as Skemp, relational understanding and understanding instrumental, in the context of mathematics learning, being that we had as a guide his understanding of the schema. Especially, we analyze some academic productions, in the area of Mathematics Education, who used the categories of understanding relational and instrumental understanding how evaluative instrument and we see that in most cases the analysis is punctual. Being so, whereas the inherent understanding relational schema has a network of connected ideas and non-insulated, we investigated if the global analysis, where it is the understanding of the diversity of contributory concepts for formation of the concept to be learned, is more appropriate than the punctual, where does the understanding of concepts so isolated. For this, we apply a teaching module, having as main content the Quaternos Pythagoreans using History of Mathematics and the work of Bahier (1916). With the data we obtained the teaching module to use the global analysis and the punctual analysis, using research methodology the Case Study, and consequently we conduct our inferences about the levels of understanding of the subject which has made it possible for us to investigate the ownership of global analysis at the expense of punctual analysis. On the opportunity, we prove the thesis that we espouse in the course of the study and, in addition, we highlight as a contribution of our research evidence of need for a teaching of mathematics that entices the relational understanding and that evaluation should be global, being necessary to consider the notion of schema and therefore know the schematic diagram of the concept that will be evaluated / O presente trabalho apresenta uma descri??o sistem?tica acerca do que significa, segundo Skemp (1980,1989), compreens?o relacional e compreens?o instrumental, no ?mbito da aprendizagem matem?tica, sendo que tivemos como norte ? sua compreens?o sobre esquema. Sobretudo, analisamos alguns trabalhos acad?micos, na ?rea de Educa??o Matem?tica, que fizeram uso das categorias de compreens?o relacional e compreens?o instrumental enquanto instrumento avaliativo e detectamos que na maioria dos casos a an?lise ? pontual. Diante disso, considerando que o esquema inerente ? compreens?o relacional apresenta uma rede de ideias conectadas e n?o isoladas, investigamos se a an?lise global, na qual considera-se a compreens?o da diversidade de conceitos contributivos ? forma??o do conceito a ser aprendido, ? mais apropriada que a pontual, na qual considera a compreens?o de conceitos de modo isolado. Para tanto, aplicamos um m?dulo de ensino, tendo como conte?do principal os quaternos pitag?ricos utilizando a Hist?ria da Matem?tica e a obra de Bahier (1916). Com o referido m?dulo de ensino obtivemos os dados para realizarmos tanto a an?lise global quanto a pontual, utilizando como modalidade de pesquisa o Estudo de Caso, e consequentemente realizamos nossas infer?ncias acerca dos n?veis de compreens?o apresentados pelos sujeitos o que nos possibilitou investigarmos a apropria??o da an?lise global em detrimento da an?lise pontual. Na oportunidade, comprovamos a tese que defendemos no decorrer do estudo e, al?m disso, apontamos como contribui??o da nossa pesquisa a evid?ncia da necessidade de um ensino de Matem?tica que promova a compreens?o relacional e que avalia??o a ser realizada deve ser global, sendo necess?rio levar em considera??o a no??o de esquema e consequentemente conhecer o diagrama esquem?tico do conceito a ser avaliado

Narrativas humor?sticas: esquemas e frames na compreens?o do ris?vel

Cardoso, Caetana Araujo 07 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:07:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CaetanaAC_DISSERT.pdf: 1293086 bytes, checksum: 2b15669b2841aa281b7abd5a832adf3a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-07 / A Lingu?stica Cognitiva tem como um de seus principais objetivos descrever e analisar os processos de constru??o de sentido. Para isso, suas pesquisas pressup?em a exist?ncia de estruturas cognitivas oriundas das experi?ncias sens?rio-motoras e socioculturais dos usu?rios da l?ngua, as quais s?o acessadas pelo sujeito durante a compreens?o textual. Fundamentada teoricamente nesta abordagem cognitiva da linguagem, esta disserta??o tem como objetivo nuclear descrever e analisar como os dom?nios cognitivos - representados pelos esquemas e frames - permitem ao leitor depreender o ris?vel em textos humor?sticos. Entende-se por esquemas os dom?nios das informa??es constru?das e armazenadas na mente do sujeito, oriundas de sua experi?ncia corporal, como ao movimentar-se ou manipular objetos. Os frames, por sua vez, s?o os constructos que emergem a partir da intera??o, estabelecida de forma din?mica e consensual, entre os sujeitos em contextos socioculturais espec?ficos. Percorremos este caminho n?o somente por acreditarmos que o efeito de humor decorrente de um texto est? subordinado ? ativa??o e ao acionamento dos esquemas e frames armazenados na mente no leitor, como ainda por crermos na exist?ncia de v?rios n?veis de compreens?o, o que explica a recupera??o de trechos humor?sticos em um texto. Para confirmar a nossa hip?tese, utilizamo-nos da aplica??o de um experimento (uma atividade, com textos humor?sticos, para alunos dos ensinos Fundamental e M?dio registrarem sua compreens?o). Para a an?lise dos resultados dessa atividade, apropriamo-nos, metodologicamente, do processo da introspec??o (entendida como a intui??o do pesquisador e a respons?vel pela produ??o de ideias e racioc?nios ao manipular os dados). Durante a observa??o minuciosa do nosso experimento, chegamos ? conclus?o de que o humor ? apreendido intelectualmente quando os esquemas e frames s?o confrontados

A percep??o das caracter?sticas da face infantil por adultos e crian?as sob uma perspectiva evolucionista

Souza, Catiane Kariny Dantas 18 May 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:37:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CatianeKDS_DISSERT.pdf: 1265888 bytes, checksum: c49a11fa200b7c8a1e4318a81e04203f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-18 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / Child facial cues evoke attention, parental care behaviors and modulate for infant- caretaker interactions. Lorenz described the baby schema ( Kindchenschema ) as a set of infantile physical features such as the large head, round face, high and protruding forehead, big eyes, chubby cheeks, small nose and mouth. Previous work on this fundamental concept was restricted to positive perception to infant face, and did not show consistent results about the development individuals perceptions, regarding the physical attributes that worked as markers of cuteness. Here, we experimentally tested the effects of baby schema on the perception of cuteness of infant faces by children and adults. We used 60 none graphically manipulated photos of different stimulus children faces from 4 to 9 years old. In the first task for the adults experimental subjects, ten stimulus photos were shown, whereas for children experimental subjects, four stimulus photos were shown at a time, with a total of six rounds. The second task involved only adults, who indicated the motivation of affective behaviors and care directed to children through a Likert scale. Our results suggest that both participants judged similarly the cuteness of children's faces, and the physical features markers of this perception were observed only for younger stimulus children. Adults have attributed more motivations of positive behaviors to cuter stimulus children. The recognition of the baby schema by individuals of different ages and genders confers the universality and power of children's physical attributes. From the evolutionary perspective the responsiveness to baby schema is significant to ensure aloparental and parental investment, and the consequent children survival / As informa??es da face infantil evocam aten??o, comportamentos de cuidado parental e modulam as intera??es entre adultos e crian?as. Lorenz descreveu o esquema infantil ( Kindchenschema ) como um conjunto de caracter?sticas f?sicas da face, tais como: grande cabe?a, face arredondada, testa proeminente e alta, olhos grandes, bochechas arredondadas e salientes, e nariz e boca pequenos. Trabalhos pr?vios tiveram uma concep??o fundamental restrita as percep??es positivas ?s faces infantis, e n?o apresentaram resultados consistentes sobre o desenvolvimento da percep??o dos indiv?duos quanto aos atributos f?sicos que funcionavam como marcadores de fofura. N?s testamos experimentalmente o efeito do esquema infantil sobre a percep??o de fofura das faces infantis por adultos e crian?as. Para isso, utilizamos 60 fotos das faces n?o manipuladas graficamente de diferentes crian?as-est?mulo de 4 a 9 anos de idade. Para isso, utilizamos 60 fotos das faces n?o manipuladas graficamente de diferentes crian?as-est?mulo de 4 a 9 anos de idade. Na primeira tarefa para os sujeitos experimentais adultos eram mostrados dez fotos-est?mulo e para os sujeitos experimentais crian?as quatro fotos-est?mulo por vez, num total de seis rodadas. Na segunda tarefa participaram apenas os adultos, que por meio de uma escala likert indicavam a motiva??o de comportamentos afetivos e de cuidado direcionado para as crian?as. Nossos resultados apontam que ambos os participantes julgaram de forma similar a fofura das faces infantis, e as caracter?sticas f?sicas marcadoras dessa percep??o foi verificada apenas para as crian?as-est?mulo mais novas. Os adultos atribu?ram maiores motiva??es de comportamentos positivos as crian?as-est?mulo mais fofas. O reconhecimento do esquema infantil por indiv?duos de diferentes idades e g?neros confere a universalidade e pot?ncia dos atributos f?sicos infantis. Sob a perspectiva evolutiva a responsividade ao esquema infantil ? significante por assegurar investimento parental e aloparental, e a consequente sobreviv?ncia das crian?as

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