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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evolution d'applications de bases de données relationnelles : Méthodes et Outils|Evolution of relational databases applications: Methods and Tools

Hick, Jean-Marc H. G. G. 26 September 2001 (has links)
Si les nouvelles technologies en matière de SGBD envisagent le problème de l'évolution du schéma d'une base de données, les systèmes d'information actuels posent des problèmes particulièrement ardus lors des phases d'évolution. Ce travail étudie ces problèmes dans un contexte pratique tel qu'il est vécu actuellement par les développeurs. Il propose une typologie complète des modifications possibles ainsi qu’une analyse du phénomène de l'évolution et de son impact sur les structures de données, les données et les programmes d'application au travers de stratégies typiques. Le document décrit ensuite l'environnement de génie logiciel DB-Main avec lequel a été construit un prototype d'outil d'aide à l'évolution. Cet outil permet notamment de générer automatiquement les programmes de conversion de la base de données à partir de la trace des opérations de modification des schémas conceptuel ou logique de la base de données. Il aide aussi le programmeur à modifier les programmes d'application en conséquence.| If the recent DBMS technologies consider the problem of databases schema evolution, standard Information Systems in use raise hard problems when evolution is concerned. This work studies these problems in the current developer context. It gives a complete typology of modifications and analyses the evolution of systems and its impact on the data structures, data and programs through typical strategies. The document introduces the DB-Main CASE environment, with which an evolution tool prototype has been developed. This tool can automatically generate the conversion programs for the database from the operational trace of the conceptual and logical schema modifications. It can also help the programmer to modify the application programs.

Uždavinio su viena dvitaške nelokaliąja sąlyga tyrimas / Investigation of the spectrum for stationary Problem with two-point nonlocal boundary condition

Skučaitė-Bingelė, Kristina 15 June 2011 (has links)
Magistro darbe pateikiami nauji rezultatai, gauti tiriant diskretųjį Šturmo ir Liuvilio uždavinį su viena klasikine (arba Noimano) ir antra nelokalia dvitaške kraštine sąlyga. Analitinėje dalyje pateikiama teorija, reikalinga nagrinėjamo uždavinio tyrimui ir trumpai pristatomi rezultatai, gauti tiriant panašų uždavinį. Projektinėje dalyje ištirta diferencialinio uždavinio ir baigtinių skirtumų schemų kompleksinės spektro dalies priklausomybė nuo nelokaliųjų kraštinių sąlygų parametrų $\gamma$ ir $\xi$. Dauguma tyrimo rezultatų pateikiama kompleksinės ir realiosios charakteristinių funkcijų grafikais. / In this Master thesis presented new results which are got investigated the Sturm--Liouville problem with one classical (or Neumann) and another two-point nonlocal boundary condition. In the analytical part are presented the theory, which is necessary to study the problem and presented the results of investigation a similar task. In the design part are investigated the spectrum in complex plane depends on the nonlocal boundary conditions parameters $\gamma$ and $\xi$ in differential problem and in the finite difference schemes. Simulation results are presented as graphs of complex-real characteristic functions.

Podpora pro práci s XML u databázového serveru Microsoft SQL Server 2008 / Support for XML in Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Bábíčková, Radka Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis is focused on XML and related technologies. The XML language is directly linked to the databases and its support in databases. The overview of the XML support provided by various database products and systems are presented in this work. Support in the MS SQL Server 2008 is discussed in more detail starting with the mapping of relational data to XML and vice versa to support of the XML data type and work with it through XQuery. Also some indexing techniques are briefly presented. Finally, the support in MS SQL Server 2008 is demonstrated by means of a sample application, which verifes the theoretical knowledge in practice.

En studie om möjligheten att dubblera råvaruflödet med hänsyn till in- och utleveranser samt beläggningsgrad i terminal / A study on the possibility of doubling the raw material flow regarding in- and outgoing deliveries and utilization rate in the terminal

Bengtsson, Fredrik, Johansson, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Alfredsson Transport AB är ett tredjepartslogistiksföretag som samordnar och distribuerar råvaror till 25 000 portioner per dag till bland annat skolor och äldreboenden i Norrköpings kommun. Alfredsson Transport vill anta ett nytt uppdrag som innebär att råvaruflödet kommer att fördubblas. Studien har genomförts för att undersöka möjligheten att anta uppdraget och på detta sätt fördubbla flödet med hänsyn till in- och utleveranser samt antal bur i terminalen. Tre alternativa scheman har skapats där köer vid terminalen inte uppstår. Det finns möjlighet för Alfredsson Transport att anta uppdraget, vilket innebär ett dubblerat flöde, genom användande av alternativt schema 3. Alternativt schema 3 innebär bland annat att en av Alfredsson Transports omlastningar på förmiddagen senareläggs. Alternativt schema 3 innebär även att inleverans från Leverantör A tidigareläggs och inleverans från Leverantör C senareläggs. För att frigöra utrymme i terminalen är det även planerat i alternativt schema 3 att två av Alfredsson Transports lastbilar lastas snarast efter inleverans. För att det skall vara möjligt för Alfredsson Transport att anta det nya uppdraget krävs det förmodligen att Alfredsson köper in ytterligare lastbilar och anställer mer personal.

A Web Application for Daily Staff Coordination in Hospital Care / En webbapplikation för samordning av personal inom sjukhusvården

Adolfsson, Hampus, Adolfsson, Mattias, Wang, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Stress and heavy workloads are commonplace for those who work within Swedish healthcare; the issue is exacerbated further by the current shortage of qualified personnel. Therein arises a need for tools to help lessen the burden on the personnel. This report presents a prototype of a web application made for daily staff scheduling, tailored to the needs of the pediatric surgery department at Uppsala University Hospital. The aim of the project was to deliver a more flexible digital solution of daily staff coordination at the department. Two fundamentals of the application were that it should be easy to use and display informationclearly with few misunderstandings. The resulting prototype met the usability requirement, other than a few specific usability issues, and improved upon the readability of the contents displayed in comparison to the previous system. To further improve the system, work could be done to increase the efficiency with which tasks can be performed. / Stress och tunga arbetsbördor hör till vardagen för den som jobbar inom svensk sjukvård, och problemet förvärras ytterligare av den rådande bristen på kvalificerad personal. Däri uppstår ett behov av verktyg som lätter på personalens belastning. Denna rapport presenterar en prototyp av en webbapplikation för dygnsmässig schemaläggning av personal, anpassad för barnoperationsavdelningen vid Uppsala akademiska sjukhus. Målet med projektet var att leverera en flexiblare digital lösning för avdelningens samordning av personal. Två fundamentala egenskaper hos applikationen var att den skulle vara enkel att använda samt visa upp informationen tydligt och med få missförstånd. Den resulterande prototypen uppfyllde kraven på användbarhet, med undantag för ett antal specifika problem, och förbättrade läsbarheten i jämförelse med det tidigare systemet. Det finns dock viss möjlighet för förbättring vad gäller effektiviteten uppgifter kan genomföras med.

Using Work Domain Analysis to Evaluate the Design of a Data Warehouse System

Iveroth, Axel January 2019 (has links)
Being able to perform good data analysis is a fundamental part of running any business or organization. One way of enabling data analysis is with a data warehouse system, a type of database that gathers and transforms data from multiple sources and structures it in the goal of simplifying analysis. It is commonly used to provide support in decision-making. Although a data warehouse enables data analysis, it is also relevant to consider how well the system supports analysis. This thesis is a qualitative research that aims to investigate how work domain analysis (WDA) can be used to evaluate the design of a data warehouse system. To do so, a case study at the IT company Norconsult Astando was performed. A data warehouse system was designed for an issue management system and evaluated using the abstraction hierarchy (AH) model. The research done in this thesis showed that analysis was enabled by adopting Kimball’s bottom-up approach and a star schema design with an accumulating snapshot fact table. Through evaluation of the design, it was shown that most of the design choices made for the data warehouse were captured in the AH. It was concluded that with sufficient data collection methods, WDA can be used to a large extent when evaluating a data warehouse system.

Analyse micro-didactique du processus d'étude et de recherche du point de vue mésogénétique au sein d'un travail de groupe dans le cadre des moments d'exploration du type de tâches et d'élaboration d'une technique sur les équations du premier degré / Micro-didactical analysis of the process of study and research from the mesogenetic point of view in a group work, within the framework of the exploration and the elaboration of a technique about the type of tasks about the equations of the first degree

Mejani, Farida 11 December 2018 (has links)
La thèse étudie l'évolution sous contraintes du milieu que se donnent les élèves dans les cadres des premiers moments d'une activité d'étude et de recherche sur les équations du premier degré à une inconnue en classe de 4°. Le dispositif d'observation - analyses mathématique et didactique a priori soutenant la proposition d'activité, mise en place de groupes au sein des classes, films des interactions au sein du processus de recherche - recourt à une méthodologie de type clinique. Elle autorise une analyse micro-didactique qui, utilisant les récents développements de la théorie Anthropologique du didactique, conclut à la différenciation des milieux, des temporalités et des fonctions au sein des groupes observés et un enrichissement du concept de mémoire didactique. / The thesis studies the evolution under constraints of the milieu that pupils give themselves in the frames of the first moments of an activity of study and research on single-unknown equations of the first degree in class of 4 °.The observation device - a priori mathematical and didactical analyzes supporting the activity proposal, setting up groups within the classes, films of the interactions within the research process - resorts to a methodology of the clinical type. It allows a micro-didactic analysis which, using the most recent developments of the anthropological theory of didactics, concludes with the differentiation of the environments, the temporalities and the functions within the groups observed and an enrichment of the concept of didactic memory.

Vyučování matematice orientované na budování schémat v outdoorovém prostředí / Teaching mathematics - schema oriented education in outdoor environment

Mladá, Lada January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with teaching mathematics - schema oriented education in outdoor environment. It seeks advantages of outdoor education and tries to apply them fully in an innovative way of teaching mathematics for primary schools. It connects the innovative methods of teaching mathematics with our nature, in a peaceful and natural way. Nature is not just an expanded space for learning but it is the means of achieving more effective learning. The thesis informs the reader about the history of outdoor education and it enables deeper understanding of nature's potential and its role in education. It takes advantage of Czech and foreign resources on the matter. The thesis wants to enlighten mathematics students and teachers about the positives of outdoor education by providing a collection of ideas, including their real-life realization and their self- reflection, in the form of prepared mathematics outdoor education material. KEYWORDS Substantial Learning Environment, Schema-oriented Education, Outdoor Education, Outdoor Mathematics

Arquitetura para descoberta de equipamentos em processos de manufatura com foco na indústria 4.0. / Architecture to discover equipment in manufacturing processes focused on industry 4.0.

Pisching, Marcos André 08 December 2017 (has links)
A Indústria 4.0, ou quarta revolução industrial, é o atual cenário industrial que estabelece um novo paradigma para os sistemas de produção. A indústria 4.0 é compreendida como a implementação da fábrica inteligente que opera de forma mais autônoma e com menor intervenção humana, cujo propósito é prover serviços e produtos inteligentes que atendam às necessidades individuais dos consumidores. A Indústria 4.0 está amparada nos sistemas ciber-físicos (CPS) e na Internet das Coisas (IoT). Neste cenário máquinas e produtos se comunicam entre si visando automatizar os processos industriais por meio de informações individuais obtidas em tempo real durante os processos de manufatura. No entanto, a Indústria 4.0 e as pesquisas em torno desse assunto ainda são muito recentes e requerem mais investigações no que diz respeito às arquiteturas que suportem a sua implementação, entre elas a comunicação entre produtos e máquinas. Neste quesito, recentemente foi proposto o modelo de arquitetura de referência para a Indústria 4.0 (RAMI 4.0) com o objetivo de nortear a implementação deste tipo de sistema. Contudo, o RAMI 4.0 ainda requer esforços no campo da pesquisa sob diferentes aspectos, entre eles a integração vertical de recursos do sistema de produção. Neste sentido, este trabalho objetiva apresentar uma arquitetura para a descoberta de equipamentos para processar operações conforme as necessidades dos produtos. A arquitetura foi projetada em camadas baseadas no RAMI 4.0 para prover componentes que permitam a comunicação entre equipamentos e produtos, e um mecanismo similar ao sistema de nomes de domínios (DNS - Domain Name System) para realizar a descoberta de equipamentos para processar uma determinada operação. Nessa arquitetura as informações dos equipamentos são armazenadas em uma estrutura organizada hierarquicamente para auxiliar o serviço de descoberta, e os produtos possuem informações das operações necessárias para o processo de manufatura. Para garantir a eficácia do funcionamento dos componentes e suas interações, é necessário a verificação e validação por meio de métodos formais. Neste trabalho a verificação e validação é realizada por meio da técnica PFS (Production Flow Schema)/RdP (Rede de Petri). Por fim, a arquitetura é aplicada em um sistema de produção modular para demonstrar a sistemática de implementação e a sua efetividade. / The Industry 4.0, also known as fourth industrial revolution, is the current industrial scenario that sets a new paradigm for production systems. The Industry 4.0 can be understood as the implementation of the smart factory that operates more autonomously and with less human intervention. The purposes of it is to provide smart products and services that meet the consumer individual needs. The Industry 4.0 is supported by cyber-physical systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT). In this scenario machines and products communicate with each other to automate industrial processes through individual information that are obtained in real time during manufacturing processes. However, the researches around this issue are still very recent and require further investigations with regard of to the architectures that support its implementation, including communication between products and equipment. Taking into account this problem, a Reference Architectural Model for Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0) was recently proposed with the purpose to guide the implementation of this system type. However, the RAMI 4.0 still requires efforts in different aspects, including the vertical integration of resources of the production systems. In this sense, this work aims to present an architecture for the discovery of equipment to process operations according to the product needs. The architecture was designed based on layers of the RAMI 4.0 to provide components that allow communication between equipment and products and a Web Service that offer a mechanism similar to the Domain Name System (DNS) to locate equipment to process a required operation. In this architecture the capable operations supported by the equipment are stored in a structure organized hierarchically to aid the discovery service, and the products have information of the operation required for the manufacturing process. In order to guarantee the effectiveness of the component functionalities and their interactions it is necessary to verify and validate them by formal methods. In this work the Production Flow Schema (PFS)/Petri Net (PN) technique is used to develop the conceptual and functional modeling of the architecture. Finally the architecture is applied in a modular production system to demonstrate its implementation systematics and its effectiveness.

Women's education and social mobility in South Korea

Kim, Kyung-A. January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine women's educational attainment and social mobility in contemporary South Korea. This study seeks to answer to the following key research questions: 1) how much parents' characteristics such as occupational status and educational attainment, are important to their children's education and class; 2) the roles of educational qualification to occupational attainment in contemporary South Korea; 3) whether South Korea has become a more equal society with improved mobility chances for people of different social origins; and, 4) if there is a general pattern of social mobility and social fluidity in South Korea, how it is related to the change in the occupational positions of women. This research uses the Korean Labour and Income Panel Study (KLIPS) from 1998 to look at the changing relationship between social origin, education, and destination and what it indicates the role of education in the social mobility in Korea. The following tools are used for the analysis: I adopt Goldthorpe's class schema and CASMIN scales of educational qualifications. I then separately look at the association for men and women separately. Various statistical methods are subsequently employed to explore the substantive research questions: I use descriptive analysis for changes of Korea's educational attainment and look at absolute rates of mobility. Disparity ratios and odds ratios are used for describing the relative patterns and chances of educational attainment and mobility and regression model are used for analysing the impact of a range of factors on educational attainment and class destination. Finally, I draw on log-linear and log-multiplicative analysis for the trends in relative mobility and social fluidity. I find that access to education is still influenced by social background. Although the disparities between men and women become narrower across cohort, class and gender differentials in general educational attainment still apply to South Korea. Regarding the relative mobility rates, the results from disparity ratios show that the social class and gender differentials in class mobility still exist and the results of odds ratios confirm that social origin has a significant effect on children's social class destination. Looking at the origin-education (OE) association, class differences are still considerable and the relationship between class origins and educational attainment remains. Turning to the association between educational attainment and occupational destination (ED), qualifications continue to play a critical role in entry into the labour market remains, but there is no evidence that the association between education and destination has strengthened over time. Looking at the direct association between origins and destination (OD), the evidence shows the continuing association of origins on destinations. Regression analysis shows that the origin class effects upon educational attainment and occupational destinations were not dramatically decreased, but there were significant changes for women but not for men. The findings from the log-linear and log-multiplicative analysis suggest that there is trendless fluctuation and a stronger link between education and destination for women than for men.

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