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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Knacka innan du öppnar” : En kvalitativ studie om integritet och handlingsutrymme i särskilt boende ur ett personalperspektiv / ”Knock before you open the door” : A qualitative study about integrity and scope for action, managers and care providers perspective

Axelsson, Frida, Hag, Emmy January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to, based on qualitative interviews with managers and group interviews with care providers, understand their interpretation of integrity and also their scope for action to satisfy disable people’s integrity at sheltered housing for adults. The questions of this study are: How do the managers and the care providers interpret the concept of integrity? Which scope for action do they have to satisfy the integrity of disabled people? Method: Individual – and group interviews have been used as methods to gather empirical data. Theory: The theories of scope for action and integrity as a theoretical conception have been used to analyze the empirical material. Results: The informants of this study found it difficult to give a specific definition of integrity. The main aspects we could distinguish were that integrity was interpreted as a personal sphere and self-determination. The result of this study shows that the scope for action to satisfy the integrity of disabled people is affected by many factors. First of all the scope for action is affected by the Swedish law LSS and the assignment within the organization. The scope for action is also affected by individual adaption for each person. This study shows the importance of the relationship between the managers, care providers and the persons. At last the informants emphasize some dilemmas in their scope for action to satisfy the integrity.

En flerstämmig kulturanalys : Om värden, värderingar och motiv i skolors vardagsarbete / Polyphonic Reanalysis of School Cultures : A study on school stakeholders’ goals and values in their daily work

Sträng, Roger January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to design and develop a polyphonic reanalysis instrument for analysis of school cultures, as a part of the efforts to understand and develop schools as organizations. The purpose of the new instrument is to achieve an extended possibility to highlight the values and motives underlying a school´s everyday work from the actors´ micro-oriented perspective. The concept of school culture refers to Gunnar Berg and his school development strategy of scope for action, which in turn can be understood as an empirically grounded development of Gerhard Arfwedson´s concept of school codex.  The new instrument is intended to complement these two existing and long-established analytical instruments. School development is an ambiguous concept, open to different explanation and interpretation, depending on the choice of perspectives and approaches. Christopher Hodgkinson emphasizes the difficulty in conceptualizing a discussion of the motives and values held by members of an organization. It is all about subjective concepts, the meanings of which vary, depending on the situation and the context in which they are observed. A central issue in organizations is how to reconcile the organization’s nomothetic and idiographic aspirations and structures. In school organizations the problem can be understood as the dialectical interaction between institutional and organizational values. In order to provide the kind of empirical knowledge of school development that is called for, an analytical tool is required that can capture both individual and organizational and institutional aspects of the school's everyday work. My empirical evidence is drawn from cultural analysis of schools in three municipalities and municipal districts. In the reanalysis, the emerging common features were lack of continuity in school leadership and the expectations of school leaders as educational leaders to participate more actively in the everyday work. The frequent changes of directors, was by many perceived as an inhibiting and counterproductive obstacle to sustainable school improvement. The results also showed significant differences in the schools' organizational structures of formal and informal decision-making. Knowledge of the underlying patterns that affect the school's everyday work can probably be used to make the organization more transparent and malleable. The dialectical interplay between the organization and its nomothetic-idiographic aspirations differs from school to school. The driving forces in the members’ collective action clarify the relationship between the organization and its members' goals. In-depth knowledge of actors' behavior and attitudes in the context of this interaction increases the possibility of real school development on pedagogical terms to the pupils' benefit. In conclusion: The polyphonic culture assay is still an underdeveloped area. Access to the polyphonic school culture will hopefully be the starting-point for the challenge to increase new and exciting empirical knowledge of the daily work at school.

Hur formas chefskapet? : En kvalitativ studie om hur chefer upplever sin yrkesroll

Berggren, Ellen, Kjessler, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
This qualitative interview based essay aims to examine how managers perceive their management role in an organization and more specified to what extent management is shaped by the individual’s personal attributes versus how much is controlled by the organization. The essay’s second central aspect is how scope for action is perceived by managers in their profession, as well as their reasoning concerning their and other managers’ exchangeability. To examine this, we used semi structured interviews with four managers active in different lines of business. Our theoretical framework aimes to enlighten the relationship between organizational and individual. Our results and thereby the conclusion of the essay is that the management role is affected by a correlation between organization and individual. The organization gives the manager space to act/scope for action under the preresquisite that the organization’s goals and demands are achieved. These demands from the organization create a sense of duty in the manager, which results in them tempering their personal values to benefit the organization. The managers’ scope for action also makes it possible for them to put their own stamp on the profession, which in turn leads to them being harder to replace (as a manager). We have found that the personal attributes, in organizations where the manager has been given a lot of scope for action, then have greater significance in shaping the profession. Despite this we found that the organization affects the profession in a greater extent than the individual’s attributes, since the scope for action is given only if the organizations’ goals and demands are achieved.

Freiheit und soziale Sicherheit

Vobruba, Georg 22 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In der soziologischen Untersuchung des Zusammenhangs von Freiheit und sozialer Sicherheit kann es nur um individuelle Freiheiten in ihren institutionellen Bedingungszusammenhängen gehen. Es geht also um Autonomiegewinne im Wohlfahrtsstaat in den Selbstzurechnung der Leute. Es geht um Freiheiten im Kontext von Institutionen, welche die Lebensbedingungen dieser Leute strukturieren. Und es geht um in der Praxis angestellte Vergleiche durch die Leute: Vergleiche zwischen ihren Freiheitsansprüchen und den gegebenen Realisierungsmöglichkeiten, Vergleichen zwischen tatsächlich erreichbar erscheinenden Alternativen in der Gesellschaft. Damit setzt sich die soziologische Sichtweise ganz ausdrücklich von all den Versuchen ab, einen \"Begriff\" von Freiheit zu entwickeln, um die gegebenen Verhältnissen dann an diesem Begriff zu messen, sei es, um ihnen eine \"Legitimation\" zu liefern, sei es, um an ihnen \"Kritik\" zu üben. Es geht nicht darum, „dem Menschen“, oder \"der Gesellschaft“ von einer gleichsam außergesellschaftlichen Beobachterposition aus „Freiheit“ sans phrase als eine Eigenschaft zuzuschreiben, weder als Gegebenheit, noch als Kontrafaktizität. Dies ist keineswegs einfach Ausdruck einer arbiträren argumentationsstrategischen Wahl unter mehreren Möglichkeiten. Dem Zuschnitt des Themas liegt vielmehr die These zugrunde, dass es sich unter den Bedingungen modernen Denkens um die einzig mögliche Art der wissenschaftlichen Befassung mit \"Freiheit\" handelt. Indem ich die wissenssoziologischen Grundlagen dieser These skizziere, werde ich den Begriff der Freiheit, den seine traditionale philosophische Belastung für sozialwissenschaftliche Analysen weitgehend unbrauchbar gemacht hat, in die Frage nach institutionellen Bedingungen für individuelle Handlungsspielräume überführen. Dann werde ich soziale Sicherheit als Bedingung der Realisierbarkeit bürgerlicher Freiheiten einführen. Vor diesem Hintergrund lässt sich dann fragen, warum in den Diskursen, welche die Entwicklung moderner Wohlfahrtsstaaten begleitet haben, der Zusammenhang von Freiheiten und sozialer Sicherheit nur eine marginale Rolle spielt. Dann werde ich kurz auf die theoretischen Voraussetzungen für die Analyse der Wechselwirkungen von Freiheit und sozialer Sicherheit eingehen und auf dieser Grundlage eine Neuinterpretation des Verhältnisses von Arbeitsmarkt und Sozialpolitik anbieten. Schließlich werde ich zeigen, dass die konservative Sozialstaatskritik diese Interpretation ungewollt bestätigt und empirische Hinweise dafür sammeln, dass die Leute Autonomiegewinne im Wohlfahrtsstaat tatsächlich nützen.

Die sozialpolitische Selbstermöglichung von Politik

Vobruba, Georg 22 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Unter all den denkbaren Effekten von Sozialpolitik auf Politik untersuche ich hier die Möglichkeit, dass Sozialpolitik den Handlungsspielraum von Politik absichert; dass Sozialpolitik Erfolgsvoraussetzung von Politik ist. Es geht also um die Frage, in welcher Weise staatliche Sozialpolitik eine Voraussetzung für Politik ist, um die Frage der sozialpolitischen Selbstermöglichung von Politik. Solch ein Zugang muß den gewohnten Blick auf Staat und Sozialpolitik irritieren. Denn üblicherweise werden sozialpolitische Verpflichtungen des Staates als Beeinträchtigung, als Überforderung staatlicher Handlungsfähigkeit gesehen. Zuerst werde ich kurz auf die Entwicklung des sozialwissenschaftlichen Verständnisses der gesellschaftlichen Bedingtheit staatlicher Politik eingehen. Dann werde ich ein grundsätzliches Dilemma staatlicher Steuerung darstellen. Anschließend werde ich dieses anhand der aktuellen Schwierigkeiten mehrerer politischer Großprojekte veranschaulichen. Dann werde ich nach einem Theoriemuster zur Interpretation dieser Schwierigkeiten suchen, mit dem sich zeigen läßt, wie Sozialpolitik einpassbar ist. Und schließlich werde ich Konsequenzen diskutieren, die sich aus der Integration von Sozialpolitik in eine soziologische Theorie der Gesellschaft ergeben.

"Och förutom det så ska man ju göra allt som står i läroplanen också…Då blir man svettig!” : Undersökning baserad på intervjuer, observationer och enkäter / "And besides that you have to do everything that curriculum says... That can make you sweat" : Investigation based on  questionnaires, observations and interviews

Schüssler, Nadine, Troyan, Yana, Seferouglou, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to gain knowledge about which scope for action and tasks are included in the organisation of educational activities on the preschool and which competences are lifted up by preschool teacher to conduct educational activities. The database consists of questionnaires, observations and interviews at the municipal and multicultural preschools located in Stockholm. The study is anchored in sociocultural theory and  framefaktor theory. Questions and  results are presented thematically and are divided into three thematic sections: How preschool teachers organised pedagogical activities in preschool with their preconditions. How preschool teachers organise education time in preschool. Which are the most important competencies of preschool teacher?   Results show that preschool teachers use their subjective scope of action to create the education that is able to meet the requirements of the curriculum. Subdivision of the children's group into smaller groups often takes place during the day as a necessary tool in terms of teaching and organising of education activities. This article problematizes the teachers' expression of scope of action and planning time in the organisation of educational activities. The competences of the preschool teacher are complex and multidimensional.

Die Dialektik von Individualisierung und moderner Sozialpolitik

Nissen, Sylke 22 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Der Aufsatz rekonstruiert die Dialektik von Individualisierung und moderner Sozialpolitik und führt zu diesem Zweck die Diskussionsstränge um die Entstehungsbedingungen von staatlicher Sozialpolitik und um die Weiterentwicklung von Sozialpolitik zusammen. Die Analyse befaßt sich zunächst mit Individualisierung als Voraussetzung für die Entstehung moderner Sozialpolitik, um dann, ebenfalls noch in historischer Perspektive, die Bedeutung von Sozialpolitik für die Vollendung der modernen Individuen als Staatsbürger zu betrachten. Anschließend wird die sozialpolitische Strukturierung von Lebensläufen in der Gegenwart diskutiert und dargelegt, daß Sozialpolitik nicht nur reguliert, sondern auch Handlungsspielräume eröffnet und deren individuelle Nutzung möglich macht. Zuletzt wird nach aktuellen staatlichen Reaktionen auf individuelles Handeln gefragt. Die Beobachtung der historischen Kontinuität, mit der Individuum und Sozialpolitik von den Anfängen der gesellschaftlichen Moderne bis in die Gegenwart aufeinander einwirken und in ihrer Entwicklung miteinander verwoben sind, soll dazu anregen, die Analyse moderner Sozialpolitik in eine umfassende gesellschaftstheoretische Perspektive zu stellen.

Social norms and reciprocity

Diekmann, Andreas, Voss, Thomas 25 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In a norm game, under certain conditions, there exist Nash equilibria of mutual cooperation. Experimental work demonstrates that even in one-shot situations the level and proportion of cooperative behavior increases if an punishment option is available to the players of a public goods game. It is therefore important to analyze conditions such that this is consistent with a rational choice approach. The paper is meant as a first step toward this task. The main result will be that nonstandard assumptions about human motivations or preferences can explain norms with sanctions even in one-shot situations. This is shown by an analysis of the norm game with two well-known recent models of fairness from behavioral game theory.

Privilegierad kvinna i Europa : En intersektionell analys av handlingsutrymme i Birgitta Stenbergs roman Kärlek i Europa

Turell, Anna January 2017 (has links)
In the novel, Kärlek i Europa, the main character Birgitta travels to Europe searching for a new approach to life: to her gender, her sexuality and her social class. The places she visits represent two different discourses: the Stockholmean discourse where life is strictly adjusted to gender and class and the European discourse where the frame of life is more open concerning gender, sexuality and social class. The purpose of this essay is to examine what kinds of scope for action the two discourses enables Birgitta in terms of gender, sexuality and social class. By employing a discourse theoretical method combined with intersectional theory focusing on the power axis of gender, sexuality and social class, I hope to reach my goal of investigating what the discourses enables Birgitta. My results show that, in some respects, the ideals for a woman within the European discourse are less strict than the ones within the Stockholmean discourses. My results also show that while Birgitta leaves the Stockholmean discourse regarding her gender and sexuality, she never fully leaves in terms of her social class. Her habitus is so fully developed that it enables her to float between the classes while travelling Europe.

Hot om vräkning : Tre aktörers perspektiv

Holmdahl, Johan January 2009 (has links)
<p>From the filing of an application to evict to the final execution of an eviction order is a long and complicated process. This raises questions about how the actors involved experience and act during this process. The general aim of the study was to describe and analyse this process from the respective perspectives of the landlords, the social services and the individuals (families) facing eviction in three municipalities in the county of Stockholm. The issues discussed are how the landlords and the social welfare offices are organised, their work procedures, respective scopes of action and resources, and how individuals facing eviction cope with their life situation.</p><p>The material for the study consists of qualitative interviews with nine handling officers at six landlord offices, fifteen social workers at three social welfare offices, twelve individuals who were facing eviction and fifteen observations of conversations between social workers and individuals who were facing eviction. The analytic framework used consists of perspectives and concepts derived from organisation theory – Human Service Organizations and street-level bureaucrats – and theories on coping. A main result of the study is that the work procedures of the professionals are standardised in many ways and are characterised by similar procedures for classifying and categorising the individuals facing eviction, irrespective of how the three municipalities have organised their work. Another main result is that the primarily interests of the individuals facing eviction are to meet what they experience to be their children’s needs, and to avoid eviction. Further, the individuals experience as stressful their life situation marked by the threat of eviction in combination with reduced financial resources that make it difficult for them to meet their children’s needs. The study has identified two types of strategies that individuals facing eviction use in order to cope with their life situation and to achieve their interests. These are emotion-focused strategies and problem-focused strategies, which are described and discussed.</p>

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