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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Matros,Motorman eller Sjöbefäl : En kvantitativ undersökning om sjömanselevers framtidsplaner efter gymnasiet

Reis, Fredrik January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med undersökningen var att försöka definiera vad sjömanseleverna i årskurs 2 och 3 på gymnasiet hade för framtidsplaner när det gällde fortsatt arbete till sjöss som matros, motorman. Dessutom undersöktes hur många som planerade att läsa vidare till sjökapten eller sjöingenjör, samt hur stort intresset av att söka arbete utomlands var bland eleverna. Undersökningen byggde på en kvantitativ metod där resultatet baserades på enkätsvar från fyra olika skolor och totalt 114 svarande elever. Intresset för att fortsätta arbeta som matros var något större än att arbeta som motorman. Majoriteten av de tillfrågade eleverna planerade vidare studier medan endast ett fåtal av de tillfrågade planerade att enbart fortsätta arbeta som matros och motorman. Närmare 80 % av de tillfrågade var intresserade av att söka arbete utomlands. Många av de tillfrågade planerade läsa vidare och frågan är hur branschen skall säkra tillväxten bland matroser och motormän i Sverige? / The purpose of this thesis has been to try and define future plans among merchant marine seamen students. Regarding work as able bodied seaman, oiler or to study to deck or engine officer. And also see the interest to apply for marine job positions outside Sweden for example in Norway. The thesis is based on a quantitative method where the result is based on an inquiry from four schools and answers from 114 students. The interest to continue working as able bodied seamen was higher than to continue working as oiler. The majority of the students planed deck or engine officer studies. Only a few of the students planed only to continue as able bodied seamen or oiler. Almost 80 % of the students answered they were interested to apply for marine job positions abroad. Many students planed further studies and the question is how the shipping business should secure the growth of Swedish merchant marine seamen?

Sentimental Sailors: Rescue and Conversion in Antebellum U.S. Literature

Smith, Cynthia Alicia 26 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Hand- och armvibrationer till sjöss : En studie om arbetsriskerna med nålhacka

Jansson, Martin, Johansson, Manuel January 2016 (has links)
Den till sjöss vanliga nålhackan som används vid rostskyddsarbete avger kraftigt stötande vibrationer som kan skada användaren efter extensiv användning. Syftet med denna studie var att klarlägga hur mycket vibrationer ett däcksmanskap kan utsätts för under en normal arbetsdag samt vilka hälsorisker som föreligger vid användning av nålhackan. Två metoder har använts för att genomföra studien. En fältstudie användes för att ta reda på vilka hand- och armvibrationsnivåer ett däcksmanskap kan komma upp i vid arbete med nålhacka. Detta skede via loggning av tid som nålhackan använts på fyra olika fartyg och resultatet ställdes sedan mot lagstadgade insats- och gränsvärden för hand- och armvibrationer. En litteraturundersökning användes för att komma fram till hur hand- och armvibrationer, HAV, påverkar arbetaren och vilka risker som föreligger vid HAV-exponering. Fältstudieresultatet visar att genomsnittsvärden överskred arbetsmiljölagens lagstadgade gränsvärden för hand- och armvibrationer. Resultatet från litteraturstudien tyder på att däcksmanskapsyrket skulle kunna vara en riskfaktor för utvecklande av hand- och armvibrationssyndrom, HAVS, som kan ge symtom såsom vita fingrar, försämrad finmotorik och greppstyrka. / At sea, the needle scaler is a commonly used tool for removing rust and preparing steel surfaces for new paint. Prolonged exposure to its strong vibrations can cause harm to the user. The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of vibration exposure a seaman working on deck with needle scalers can reach during a normal working day, and how this exposure can affect the worker’s health. To accomplish this, two methods were used. A field study was used, aimed to determine the daily vibration exposure, by logging the time needle scalers were used on board four different merchant ships. A literature search was used aimed at examining how hand- arm vibration, HAV, affect the worker and what risks HAV-exposure can generate. The result from the field study showed that the average vibration values ​​exceeded European statutory limits. The result from the literature study showed signs that the deck seaman profession may be a risk factor in developing hand- and arm vibration syndrome, HAVS, with symptoms such as impaired dexterity, white finger syndrome and reduced grip strength in the hand as possible risks.

Att växa upp i en sjöfartsfamilj : Hur unga vuxna upplevt sin uppväxt med en periodvis bortavarande förälder / Growing up in a seafaring family : Young adult’s perception of growing up with an intermittently absent parent

Kindsjö, Alexander, Hermander, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
I en sjöfartsfamilj kretsar mycket av vardagen kring de olika perioderna i sjöfararens yrke - hemmaperioder, bortaperioder och perioderna kring hemkomst och avresa. Det finns undersökningar på hur sjöfararen och dennes partner upplever dessa perioder men det saknas kunskap om hur det är att växa upp i en sjöfartsfamilj. Mot denna bakgrund var syftet med denna undersökning att undersöka hur unga vuxna, uppväxta i en sjöfartsfamilj med en periodvis bortavarande sjöfarare, upplevt perioderna när sjöfararen var hemma, borta och kring avresa eller hemkomst. En kvalitativ metod användes och åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta respondenter gjordes. Respondenternas upplevelser varierade men en övergripande känsla var att perioderna av lång sammansatt ledighet när sjöfararen var hemma övervägde nackdelarna med att bara ha en förälder under bortaperioderna. Under sjöfararens bortavaro upplevde alla respondenterna varierande grader av saknad, framförallt vid speciella tillfällen eller högtider, men för många var det en normalitet då de inte kände till något annat. / In a seafaring family a considerable part of everyday life revolves around the different periods of the seafarers working cycle - when the seafarer is home, away and the periods just before and after leaving or coming home. There are studies on how seafarers and their partners experience these periods, but very little on what it’s like to grow up in a seafaring family. Against that background, the purpose of this study was to examine how young adults, brought up in a seafaring family with an intermittently absent parent, have experienced the different periods connected to the seafarers working cycle. The study used a qualitative method and it comprised of eight semi structured interviews with eight respondents. The respondents’ experiences varied but the overall sentiment was that the seafarers long leave periods made up for the disadvantages of only having one parent while the seafarer was away. All respondents reported feeling varying degrees of sadness when the seafarer left and having feelings of longing around holidays and special occasions. Many respondents referred to it as a normality and that it was all they knew.

Darbo santykių ypatumai dirbant laivuose / The Peculiarities of Employment Relations of Seamen

Plekavičiūtė, Neringa 06 June 2005 (has links)
Lithuania as a marine state is strongly motivated to create a favourable employment relationship system satisfying the interests of seamen. All marine states are interested that their citizens would work in national fleets and would not be forced to look for work on the ships of other states or on the ships of “convenient flags”. Work analyses the peculiarities of work on ships on the basis of legal act differentiation, i.e. it analyses how employment relationships are regulated by general and specific legal acts. The analysis of employment relationships of different institutions is performed by comparing provisions applied to employees in general and to seamen exclusively in order to highlight the peculiarities of work on ships. The work is based on international: ILO and EU and Lithuanian legal acts. The peculiarities of work on ships is revealed examining main aspects of employment relationships. Employment requirements for seamen as well as employment contracts with seamen and the terms and conditions thereof: payment, work and rest time, vacations – are analysed. Work safety, implementing authorities and liability for injuries of the employees are also discussed. The analysis of the project of ILO consolidated maritime labour conventions is provided. This instrument is intended to facilitate the procedure of ILO standard ratification, i.e. to enable the member states to implement more ILO maritime labour conventions into national law by one ratification act and this way... [to full text]

Entre o Prata e Mato Grosso : uma viagem pelo mundo do trabalho maritimo de 1910 a 1930 (Buenos Aires, Montevideu,Assunção e Corumba)

Oliveira, Vitor Wagner Neto de 20 February 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Claudio Henrique de Moraes Batalha / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-05T18:02:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Oliveira_VitorWagnerNetode_D.pdf: 2338095 bytes, checksum: 1e63842d6d0e92e71452fff58be97054 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Tendo o navio, o rio e o porto como espaços privilegiados e os tripulantes como personagens principais, a pesquisa aborda os ¿mundos do trabalho¿ no caminho fluído dos rios da Prata e Paraguai, passando pelas cidades portos de Buenos Aires, Montevidéu, Assunção e Corumbá, ligadas fisicamente pelas águas da Bacia Platina e, numa perspectiva social, pelas relações de trabalho e de resistência operária, no início do século XX. A narrativa pretende apresentar as experiências dos trabalhadores marítimos que delineiam proximidades para além fronteiras nacionais, contribuindo para romper com barreiras historiográficas que se desenham conforme os limites geo-econômicos nacionais. Apresentam-se, de início, os ambientes naturais apreendidos como espaços que se formam ao sofrerem a ação do homem, portanto, espaços dinâmicos que estabelecem fronteiras que podem não coincidir com as linhas demarcadas pelos Estados. A mobilidade da fronteira possibilita o emprego de mão-de-obra precarizada em Mato Grosso, arregimentada no Paraguai e no norte Argentino. Da mesma forma, a urbanização de cidades do antigo Sul de Mato Grosso é explicada a partir dessa percepção de transnacionalização da região. No interior dos navios que faziam a ligação entre o Mato Grosso e o Prata, visualiza-se a conjugação do tempo da natureza, do tempo da máquina a vapor e das relações que os homens estabeleciam com esses elementos e entre si no cotidiano do trabalho. Nos bairros portuários, local de moradia e de convivência desses trabalhadores, tenta-se identificar as diferenças e semelhanças dos marítimos com os outros em terra. Na seqüência prioriza-se o estudo das organizações operárias de Assunção, para entender as inter-relações dos movimentos operários no Cone-Sul americano, especialmente dos marítimos. Os momentos de greves e boicotes são privilegiados na apreensão da solidariedade internacional de classe. Finaliza-se a tese apontando para a existência, no Cone-Sul, de duas faces do movimento operário: a luta organizada e a repressão coordenada, ambas internacionalmente / Abstract: Having the ship, the river and the port as priviledged spaces and the crew as main characters, this research is an approach to ¿words of work¿ that flowed through river Plate and Paraguai river, passing by Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Assunción and Corumbá ports, geographically connected by Platina Basin waters and, in a social perspective, by working relations and working class resistence (at the beginning of the XX century). This narrative intends to present maritime workers experiences that outline proximities beyond national borders, this way contributing to break historiographic barriers outlined according to natural geo-economic limits. At the beginning we present two natural surroundings seized as spaces formed by man¿s action, so, dinamic spaces that have established limits that can ou cannot agree with limits marked out by the States: this frontier mobility permits the use of precarious labor workmanship in Mato Grosso, employed in Paraguay and North of Argentina. In a similar way, cities urbanization at the South of Mato Grosso can be explained from this perception of regional transnationalization. Aboard the ships that sail from Mato Grosso to Plata rivers, we can have a joint view of nature time. Stean machine time and the relations men establish with these elements and among themselves in their daily work. In port neighbourhoods (barrios), living and social places of these workers, we try to identify differences and similarities of these meritime workers with others in land. Then, we try to give priority to a study on labour organizations from Assunción, to understand interlations among Cone-Sul american labour movements, particularly sea workers. Strike and boycott moments are priviledged places to understand international class solidarity. At last, this thesis points out to the existence at Cone-Sul of two faces in this labour movement: organized struggle and coordinated repression, both happening internacionally / Doutorado / Historia Social / Doutor em História

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