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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cultura mista, manipulação química e genética de micro-organismos: estratégias para a diversificação do metabolismo secundário / Mixed culture, chemical and genetic manipulation of microorganisms:strategies for diversifying the secondary metabolism.

Fernanda Oliveira das Chagas 24 April 2014 (has links)
Recentes estudos genômicos têm mostrado que vários fungos e bactérias possuem um potencial biossintético superior à quantidade de me tabólitos secundários já isolados desses micro-organismos. A descoberta de produtos naturais inéditos e bioativos é limitada pela impossibilidade dos micro-organismos expressarem to das as suas rotas biossintéticas em laboratório. Assim, estratégias alternativas para i nduzir a produção de produtos naturais microbianos são necessárias. A utilização de cultur as mistas de micro-organismos é uma estratégia que vem sendo recentemente utilizada, na tentativa de mimetizar condições mais naturais de crescimento. Além disso, a adição de mo duladores químicos e epigenéticos às culturas microbianas também pode potencialmente est imular a produção de compostos de interesse, seja por ativar mecanismos celulares em resposta à condição de estresse, ou por alterar a taxa de transcrição de certos genes, em f unção de mudanças no grau de enovelamento da cromatina. Alternativamente, a indu ção de certos genes, e até mesmo a diversificação do metabolismo secundário, podem ser conseguidos através de engenharia genética, pela manipulação direta de genes de inter esse. A linhagem endofítica Alternaria tenuissima SS77, selecionada para os experimentos de modulaçã o química e epigenética, teve seu metabolismo secundário alterado após o tra tamento com diferentes moduladores. Provavelmente, o efeito observado ocorreu em função de uma eliciação inespecífica dos diferentes moduladores. Além disso, o cultivo misto desse fungo com o fungo endofítico Nigrospora sphaerica SS67 , isolada da mesma planta hospedeira ( Smallanthus sonchifolius ), levou ao isolamento de dois novos policetídeos, da classe das perilenequinonas, juntamente com um já relatado na literatura científica. Para r ealizar os cultivos microbianos mistos, envolvendo uma linhagem bacteriana e uma fúngica, t rês linhagens de actinobactérias e cinco de fungos, todos endofíticos da planta Lychnophora ericoides , foram selecionadas. Alterações no perfil metabólico da cultura mista de Phomopsis sp FLe6 com Streptomyces albospinus RLe7 foram as mais evidentes e por isso a maioria das investigações foram focadas nessa cultura mista. Várias condições de cu ltivo foram testadas e diferentes resultados foram obtidos. Em alguns casos, o desenv olvimento da linhagem fúngica foi inibido pela bacteriana, e em outros, foi observado o inverso. Da mesma forma, houve acentuada inibição da produção de alguns metabólito s secundários na presença da linhagem desafiadora, mas também foi verificada a eliciação de outros. Os extratos das culturas simples desses micro-organismos também apresentaram relativas alterações nos perfis metabólicos em função das condições de cultivo. Os metabólitos produzidos pelo fungo Phomopsis sp FLe6 e pela actinobactéria Streptomyces albospinus RLe7 foram isolados e caracterizados. Os resultados mostram que as intera ções entre os micro-organismos endofíticos são bastante complexas, estando sujeita s a ação de diversos fatores externos que muitas vezes não podem ser pré-determinados. Po r isso, estabelecer um cultivo misto adequado, do ponto de vista da eliciação da produçã o de metabólitos secundários, pode requerer uma série de tentativas. Ainda assim, os r esultados almejados podem ser conseguidos utilizando essa estratégia. Diferenteme nte das linhagens endofíticas, manipuladas quimicamente através de diferentes estr atégias, a linhagem sequenciada de Fusarium heterosporum ATCC 74349, foi manipulada geneticamente para a co nstrução de um gene biossintético híbrido pks-nrps , contendo a porção nrps do gene híbrido da equisetina e um pks críptico de Aspergillus fumigatus . Era esperado que a linhagem hibridizada fosse capaz de produzir o metabólito se cundário geneticamente planejado, entretanto, após seu cultivo, esse produto não foi detectado nos extratos, e as possíveis razões são discutidas. Ainda que os resultados espe rados não tenham sido obtidos, estudos que contribuam para a ampliação do entendimento das megassintases fúngicas são de extrema valia. / Recently, genetic studies have shown that several b acteria and fungi hold a greater biosynthetic potential than the amount of secondary metabolites isolated from these microorganisms. The discovery of novel bioactive na tural products is limited by the inability of microorganisms to express all their biosynthetic pa thways in laboratory conditions. Therefore, alternative strategies to induce the production of microbial natural products are required. Mixed cultures of microorganisms are a strategy tha t has been used to mimic more natural conditions of growth. Furthermore, the addition of chemical and epigenetic modulators to the microbial cultures can also stimulate the productio n of compounds by activating cellular mechanisms in response to stress conditions or by c hanging the transcription rate of certain genes, due to changes in the chromatin folding. Alt ernatively, the induction of some genes, and even the diversification of secondary metabolis m, can be achieved by genetic engineering, by manipulating genes of interest. The endophytic strain Alternaria tenuissima SS77, which was selected for the experiments of che mical and epigenetic modulation, had changed its secondary metabolism after treatment wi th different modulators. Probably, the observed effect was due to a nonspecific elicitatio n of those modulators. Moreover, the mixed cultures of this fungus with the endophytic fungus Nigrospora sphaerica SS67, isolated from the same host plant ( Smallanthus sonchifolius ), led to the isolation of two new polyketides, belonging to perylene quinone class, along with ano ther one already reported in the scientific literature. Three strains of actinobacteria and fiv e fungi, all endophytes of Lychnophora ericoides , were selected to grow in microbial mixed cultures comprising one bacteria and one fungus. Changes in the metabolic profile of the mix ed culture of Phomopsis sp. FLe6 with Streptomyces albospinus RLe7 were the most obvious, and then further studi es were focused on this mixed culture. Many culture conditions were analyzed and different results were obtained. In some cases, the development of the fun gal strain was inhibited by bacteria, and in other cases was observed the opposite. Similarly , there was a remarkable inhibition of the production of certain secondary metabolites in the presence of the challenging strain, but the eliciting of others was also observed. The extracts of the single cultures of these microorganisms also showed changes in metabolic pro files due to culture conditions. The metabolites produced by the fungus Phomopsis sp. FLe6 and the actinobacteria S. albospinus RLe7 were isolated and characterized. The results show that interactions between endophytic microorganisms are quite complex and are influenced by various external factors that often can not be previously determined. Theref ore, establishing a suitable mixed culture to elicit the production of secondary metabolites m ay require some attempts. Still, the expected results can be achieved using this strateg y. Unlike the endophytic strains, that was chemically manipulated by different strategies, the sequenced strain Fusarium heterosporum ATCC 74349 was genetically manipulated to construct a hybrid PKS-NRPS biosynthetic gene containing the NRPS portion of the hybrid gene of e quisetin and a cryptic PKS gene of Aspergillus fumigatus . It was expected that hybridized strain could be a ble to produce the secondary metabolite genetically planned, however, after its cultivation, this product was not detected in any extracts, and some possible reasons are discussed. Although the expected results have not been obtained, studies that contri bute to increasing the understanding of fungal megasynthases are extremely valuable

Metabolisme secondaire des éponges Homoscleromorpha : diversité et fluctuation de son expression en fonction des facteurs biotiques et abiotiques / Secondary metabolism of Homoscleromorpha sponges : diversity and fluctuation of its expression as a fonction of biotic and abiotic factors

Ivanisevic, Julijana 27 May 2011 (has links)
Le métabolisme secondaire joue un rôle écologique majeur dans les interactions des organismes avec leur environnement. Une étude intégrée de la biologie, de l’écologie des organismes et des variations de leur métabolisme est essentielle pour comprendre le rôle des métabolites secondaires au sein des écosystèmes. Or ce type d’approche est rare en milieu marin.Le petit clade d’éponges Homoscleromorpha constitue un vrai potentiel de découverte de nouvelles espèces et de molécules bioactives valorisables. Par ailleurs, leur position de dominance dans certaines communautés benthiques de Méditerranée en faisait un modèle de choix pour démarrer des recherches en écologie chimique marine.Ce travail a débuté avec la description d’une espèce du genre Oscarella, O. balibaloi ainsi que de nouvelles molécules produites par cet organisme. Cette nouvelle espèce avec deux autres espèces communes du même genre, O. tuberculata et O. lobularis constituent parfois de vrais faciès au sein des communautés du coralligène et des grottes semi-obscures. L’étude comparée du cycle de vie de ces Oscarella a montré dans tous les cas une reproduction saisonnière, avec des différences dans les périodes de gamétogénèse et d’émission des larves, et des sensibilités variables face aux changements des conditions de régime thermique. Deux composés majoritaires de type lysophospholipides ont été isolés et caractérisés pour la première fois dans O. tuberculata, et retrouvés dans O. lobularis. Leur rôle potentiel de médiateurs moléculaires impliqués dans le processus de reproduction (embryogenèse et développement) a été proposé, et devra être confirmé par des études expérimentales. Une nouvelle famille de sesterterpènes glycosylés (dénommés balibalosides) a été découverte dans O. balibaloi.Une étude pluriannuelle des variations du métabolisme de ces espèces a été réalisée à travers trois approches complémentaires permettant de tester les modalités d’allocation des ressources à la production de métabolites secondaires. Les patrons de variation des niveaux d’expression de métabolites ciblés, des signatures métaboliques et des bioactivités des extraits d’éponges ont montré une influence significative du cycle de reproduction sur le métabolisme secondaire. Les méthodes globales (métabolomique et bioactivité) ont permis de montrer que le cycle de variation du métabolisme secondaire était marqué par une modification importante de sa production accompagnée par une baisse de bioactivité pendant les périodes les plus coûteuses de la reproduction (reproduction asexuée, embryogenèse et développement larvaire). Ces résultats montrent un compromis d’allocation des ressources entre un métabolisme primaire (la reproduction) et la production des métabolites secondaires, et soutient ainsi la théorie de défense optimale.L’approche de métabolomique s’est avérée un bon indicateur de la chimio-diversité. Appliquée à l’étude des relations inter-spécifiques, cette méthode de chimio-systématique a permis de proposer une classification des espèces méditerranéennes d’Homoscleromorpha. Cette classification soutient les résultats les plus récents de phylogénie moléculaire et propose la restauration de deux anciens clades au sein des Homoscleromorpha: les Plakinidae, un groupe qui ne contient aujourd’hui que des espèces à squelette, et les Oscarellidae qui ne contient que des espèces sans squelette. Les approches développées au cours de cette thèse permettent de nombreuses perspectives en chimio-systématique et écologie chimique marine. L’utilisation des signatures métaboliques peut être transposée à d’autres questions de systématique, particulièrement pour démontrer l’existence d’espèces cryptiques, et pour soutenir des hypothèses phylogénétiques au sein d’autres clades problématiques [...] / Secondary metabolism plays a major ecological role in the interactions between the organisms and their environment. An integral study of the organisms’ biology and ecology and the variations of their metabolism is essential for understanding the role of secondary metabolites in the ecosystems. This kind of approach is rare in the marine environment. Small sponge clade Homoscleromorpha constitutes a real potential for the discovery of new species and potentially bioactive molecules. In addition, its dominance in some Mediterranean benthic communities makes it a good model in marine chemical ecology research. This work has started with a description of new species of Oscarella genus, O. balibaloi. This new species forms sometimes, with two other commun Oscarella species, O. tuberculata and O. lobularis, special facies within the coralligenous and semi-dark cave communities. All three Oscarella species are caraterized by a seasonal reproductive cycle with differences in the period of gametogenesis and larval emission as well as the variation in sensitivity facing the changes in thermal regime. Two major lysophospholipid compounds were isolated and caracterized for the first time in O. tuberculata and confirmed in O. lobularis. Their potential role as signal molecules in the reproduction process (embryogenesis and development) was proposed and should be confirmed by experimental studies. One new familly of glycosilated seterterpens (named balibalosides) was found in O. balibaloi. A pluriannual study of species metabolism was performed using three complementary approaches and enabled to test the models of resource allocation to secondary metabolite production. Variation patterns in the expression level of target metabolites, in the metabolic fingerprints and the bioactivities of sponge extracts reflected the significant influence of the reproductive cycle to the secondary metabolite production. Holisitic approaches (métabolomics and bioactivity) pointed out the important modification in the secondary metabolism variation pattern followed by the decrease in bioactivity during the costly period of reproduction (asexual reproduction, embryogenesis and larval development). These results highlight the trade-off in resource allocation between the primary (reproduction) and secondary metabolism and therefore support the Optimal Defense Theory. Metabolomic approach applied to the study of interspecific relations turned out as a good indicator of chemical diversity which allowed the classification of Mediterranean Homoscleromorpha sepcies. The obtained classification was congruent with recent molecular phylogeny results proposing the restauration of two ancient clades within Homoscleromorpha, the Plakinidae, a group of species possesing skeleton and the Oscarellidae, a group of species lacking skeleton. Approaches developed during my thesis opened a numerous perspectives in chemosystematics and marine chemical ecology. The use of metabolic fingerprints can be transposed to other questions in systematics, particularly to demonstrate the existance of cryptic species and to support phylogenetic hypothesis within other problematic clades. [...]

Secondary metabolism and development in the filamentous fungus <i>Aspergillus nidulans</i> - Activation of silent gene clusters and characterization of the SAM synthetase SasA / Sekundärmetabolismus und Entwicklung im filamentösen Pilz <i>Aspergillus nidulans</i> - Aktivierung stiller Gencluster und Charakterisierung der SAM-Synthetase SasA

Gerke, Jennifer 26 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

A molecular approach to taxol biosynthesis

Onrubia Ibáñez, Miriam 03 April 2012 (has links)
Secondary metabolism in plants produces numerous compounds with wide-ranging activities, including the antineoplastic compound taxol and related taxanes. The biotechnological production of taxol has so far been based on empirical studies. The aim of the present work has been to study how the factors that enhance taxane production affect the metabolic profiles and gene expression in productive cells. As a consequence of this work, new potential candidates have been obtained for unknown taxane biosynthetic genes, some bottle-neck steps of taxane biosynthesis (in vitro and in silico) have been identified and a master regulator, not only for taxane biosynthesis, but also for other secondary metabolism routes, has been characterized. Coronatine, a powerful and less harmful elicitor than methyl jasmonate, has been successfully assayed and found to increase taxane production. In the different studies of this work, the expression level of genes that participate in taxol biosynthesis has been determined, clarifying their involvement in the production of this anti-cancer agent. / El metabolismo secundario de las plantas produce numerosos compuestos con un amplio rango de actividades, entre los que se encuentra el compuesto antineoplásico taxol y los taxanos relacionados, la producción biotecnológica del cual se basa en estudios empíricos. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido estudiar como los factores que incrementan la producción de taxanos afectan los perfiles metabólicos y la expresión génica en los cultivos. De esta manera se han identificado nuevos genes candidatos que codifican para los genes desconocidos de la biosíntesis, algunos pasos limitantes de ésta y se ha caracterizado un regulador relacionado con el metabolismo secundario. Se ha ensayado la coronatina, un elicitor más eficiente para mejorar la producción de taxanos y menos dañino que el jasmonato de metilo. En los diferentes ensayos de este trabajo han sido determinados los niveles de expresión de genes que participan en la biosíntesis de taxol, ayudando a comprender su papel en la producción de este anticancerígeno.

Influência do glyphosate no perfil bioquímico e fisiológico de populações de azevém (Lolium multiflorum) suscetíveis e resistentes ao herbicida / Glyphosate influence in the biochemical and physiological profile of susceptible and resistant ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) populations to herbicide

Picoli Junior, Gilmar José [UNESP] 25 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by GILMAR JOSÉ PICOLI JUNIOR null (gilmarpicoli@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-03-01T21:07:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese versão definitiva.pdf: 3101518 bytes, checksum: 929d40efab9e6e768e639133eb923580 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-03-04T12:31:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 picolijunior_gj_dr_bot.pdf: 3101518 bytes, checksum: 929d40efab9e6e768e639133eb923580 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-04T12:31:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 picolijunior_gj_dr_bot.pdf: 3101518 bytes, checksum: 929d40efab9e6e768e639133eb923580 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / No Brasil, o azevém (Lolium multiflorum) foi identificado como resistente ao glyphosate se tornando um grande problema em determinadas lavouras. Dessa forma, entender o comportamento a nível bioquímico e fisiológico desta planta daninha são ferramentas que auxiliam num manejo eficiente. Com isso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o perfil bioquímico e fisiológico de populações de azevém suscetíveis e resistentes ao herbicida glyphosate aplicação do mesmo. Foram realizados quatro estudos em casa-de-vegetação com delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizados com quatro repetições sendo semeadas três populações de azevém (Lolium multiflorum) consideradas como suscetível (S), com suspeita de resistência (R1) e resistente (R2) ao herbicida glyphosate. No primeiro estudo foi obtido o controle aos 21 dias após a aplicação (DAA) e quantificada a massa seca aos 28 DAA das três populações. Os tratamentos foram constituídos da aplicação do herbicida glyphosate composto pelas doses: 0, 135, 270, 540, 1080, 2160, 4320, 8640 g e.a. ha-1. O segundo estudo teve como objetivo determinar a atividade da enzima fenilalanina amônia liase (PAL) nas diferentes populações as 12, 24, 48 e 72 horas após a aplicação (HAA). Os tratamentos foram compostos de duas doses (720 g e.a. ha-1 e 1080 g e.a. ha-1) mais uma testemunha sem aplicação. No terceiro estudo foram realizadas avaliações da fotossíntese nas três populações ao 1, 3, 7 e 28 DAA. As variáveis analisadas foram: taxa de assimilação líquida de CO2, condutância estomática, concentração interna de CO2, transpiração, eficiência do uso da água e eficiência instantânea de carboxilação. Os tratamentos foram compostos de duas doses (720 g e.a. ha-1 e 1080 g e.a. ha-1) mais uma testemunha sem aplicação. O quarto estudo teve o objetivo de quantificar compostos alterados da rota do ácido chiquímico. Para isso, foram utilizados os mesmos tratamentos do primeiro estudo e realizadas coletas das folhas aos 5, 11 e 28 DAA. Os compostos analisados foram: glyphosate, AMPA (ácido aminometilfosfônico), ácido chiquímico, ácido quínico, shiquimato-3-fosfato, os aminoácidos aromáticos fenilalanina, tirosina e triptofano, ácido ferúlico, ácido coumárico e ácido cafeico. Na população considerada resistente, a atividade da enzima fenilalanina amônia liase manteve-se alta após a aplicação do glyphosate. Todas as variáveis fisiológicas foram afetadas após a aplicação do glyphosate nas três populações, porém, R2 foi capaz de se recuperar apresentando valores semelhantes à testemunha. Os níveis de ácido chiquímico e quínico apresentaram padrões semelhantes onde houve aumento para as populações suscetíveis com o aumento da dose do herbicida enquanto que para a resistente os valores se mantiveram semelhantes. Ocorreu aumento dos níveis de shiquimato-3-fosfato para a população R2 se mantendo constante para as suscetíveis. Houve redução dos aminoácidos aromáticos com a aplicação do glyphosate para as populações suscetíveis. / In Brazil, ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) was identified as resistant to glyphosate becoming a major problem in certain crops. Thus, understanding the behavior of the biochemical and physiological level of this weed are tools that help in efficient management. Thus, the aim of this study was to compare the biochemical and physiological profile of ryegrass populations susceptible and resistant to glyphosate after spray it. Four studies were carried out in greenhouse with experimental design completely randomized with four replications being seeded three populations of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) considered as susceptible (S), suspected of having resistance (R1) and resistant (R2) to the herbicide glyphosate. In the first study was measured the control at 21 days after application (DAA) and at 28 DAA, the dry mass the three populations. The treatments consisted of application of the glyphosate composed of doses: 0, 135, 270, 540, 1080, 2160, 4320, 8640 g a.i. ha-1. The second study aimed to determine the phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) activity in different populations at 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours after application (HAA). The treatments consisted of two doses (720 g a.i. ha-1 and 1080 g a.i. ha-1) plus a control without application. In the third study were carried out photosynthesis assessments at three populations at 1, 3, 7 and 28 DAA. The variables analyzed were: CO2 net assimilation rate, stomatal conductance, CO2 internal concentration, transpiration, water use efficiency and instantaneous carboxylation efficiency. The treatments consisted of two doses (720 g a.i. ha-1 and 1080 g a.i. ha-1) plus a control without application. The fourth study aimed to quantify altered compounds of the shikimic acid pathway. For this, the same treatments of the first experiment were used and made collections of leaves at 5, 11, 28 DAA. The compounds analyzed were: glyphosate, AMPA (aminomethylphosphonic acid), shikimic acid, quinic acid, shikimate 3-phosphate, the aromatic amino acids phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan, ferulic acid, coumaric acid and caffeic acid. The phenylalanine ammonia lyase enzyme was not influenced by glyphosate in resitant population. All physiological variables were affected after the application of glyphosate at the three populations, but R2 was able to recover with values similar to the control. The shikimic and quinic acid levels showed similar patterns where, there was an increase for susceptible populations with increasing doses of the herbicide while in resistant, the values remained similar. There was increase in levels of shikimate-3-phosphate to the R2 population, remaining constant for susceptible. There was a reduction of the aromatic amino acids with the application of glyphosate for the susceptible populations.

Influência da idade da planta na composição química do óleo essencial de Lippia alba e de um ciclo de seleção recorrente na atividade formicida / Influence of plant age on the chemical composition of the essential oil of Lippia alba and of a recurrent selection cycle on formicidal activity

Pinto, Vanderson dos Santos 31 July 2017 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Brazilian lemon balm (Lippiaalba (Mill.) N. E. Brown) is a medicinal and aromatic species widely used to fight diseases. Its essential oil, rich in carvone, has insecticidal activity on pests of agricultural interest. Cutting ants cause severe economic damage to forest and horticultural species and hinder cultivation worldwide. Plant aging is one of the main factors that alter the biological activity of essential oils. The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of plant age on the essential oil of L. alba accessionsand of a recurrent selection cycle onformicidal activity. The experiments were carried out at the Experimental Farm - Campus Rural UFS.The experiment consisted of a randomized blocks design with three replications. For the first experiment, 18 L. albaaccessions were used at two plant ages: one-year-old plants (February2006), and ten-year-old plants (February 2016). In the second experiment, a recurrent selection cycle was carried out with three accessions of the limonene/carvonechemotype. For the progeny competition experiment, three parent genotypes and 11 progenies were taken to the field. In the first experiment, plant age influenced the essential oil production and the chemical composition.The highest essential oil content increase was observed for accessions LA-41 (0.69-2.48%) and LA-53 (0.76-2.84%). The compounds with the greatest variation in the second harvest were p-cymene (0.00-5.12%), limonene (0.00-11.08%), and elemol (0.00-10.54%), because of plant aging. In the second experiment, the highest dry weight of aerial part was observed for parental LA-56 (57.54 g plant-1). The essential oil content was higher in the progeny LA-57-10 (2.844%) and the parental LA-57 (2.664%). Carvone concentration was higher for LA-57 (59.02%), with a significant difference when compared with the evaluated progenies. Among the progenies, the highest carvone concentration was observed for LA-56-04 (57.78%) and the lowest for LA-57-01 (17.71%) and LA-57-02 (17.27%).One recurrent selection cycle resulted in increased formicidal activity of some progenies. Higher mortility of Acromyrmex balsani was caused by the essential oils of the progenies LA-56-04 and LA-70-03. / A erva-cidreira-brasileira [Lippia alba (Mill.) N. E. Brown] é uma espécie medicinal e aromática que apresenta vários quimiotipos. O óleo essencial rico em carvona possui atividade inseticida sobre pragas de interesse agrícola. Diante disso, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a influência da idade da planta nos óleos essenciais de acessos de L. alba e de um ciclo de seleção recorrente na atividade formicida. Os ensaios foram conduzidos na Fazenda Experimental “Campus Rural da UFS”. Para o primeiro ensaio foram testados 18 acessos de L. alba, que foram colhidos quando as plantas estavam com um ano de idade (fevereiro/2006) e dez anos (fevereiro/2016). No segundo experimento foi realizado um ciclo de seleção recorrente com três acessos com alto teor de carvona no seu óleo essencial. Para o ensaio de competição de progênies foi implantado um ensaio testando 11 progênies e os três parentais. A idade da planta influenciou na produção e composição química dos óleos essenciais dos acessos de L. alba testados. Observou-se maior aumento doteor de óleo essencial para os acessos LA-41 (0,69-2,48%) e LA-53 (0,76-2,84%). Com o envelhecimento das plantas notou-se maior variação nos óleos essenciais para os compostos p-cimeno (0,00-5,12%), limoneno (0,00-11,08%) e elemol (0,00-10,54%). No segundo experimento a maior produção de massa seca da parte aérea foi observada para o genótipo LA-56 (57,54 g planta-1). O teor de óleo essencial foi superior na progênie LA-57-10 (2,844%) e o parental LA-57 (2,644%). A carvona foi superior para o LA-57 (59,02%) com diferença significativa em comparação as progenies avaliadas. Entre as progênies, o maior teor foi observado para a progênie LA-56-04 (57,78%) e o menor para o LA-57-01 (17,71%) e LA-57-02 (17,27%). Um ciclo de seleção recorrente resultou no aumento da atividade formicida de algumas progênies.Maior mortalidade de Acromyrmex balsani foi causada pelos essenciais das progênies LA-56-04 e LA-70-03. / São Cristóvão, SE

Estudo de conservação de pêssego [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] minimamente processado.

Costa, Amauri Costa da 06 July 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:42:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_ Amauri_Costa_da_Costa.pdf: 821830 bytes, checksum: 461372c264b8901d1eddb80605e2c297 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-07-06 / Enzymatic browning and softening are the main changes on fresh-cut peaches. Initially we studied the combination of antioxidant molecules and protective texture control enzymatic activities of peroxidase (POD) and polyphenoloxidase (PPO), enzymatic browning and softening the flesh of peaches cv. Esmeralda, minimally processed and refrigerated. For this we tested the use of L-cysteine (Cis), L-ascorbic acid (AA) and calcium chloride (CC), alone or in combination: (i) water (control); (ii) AA+CC; (iii) Cis+CC; e, (iv) Cis+AA+CC. After treatment, the slices were packed in packages sealed with PVC film 30μm and stored for six days at 4±1ºC and 85±3 RH. The samples were evaluated under physical-chemical, enzymatic and sensory every two days. Treatment Cis+AA+CC had the highest values of L* and h°, ie was more effective in preventing browning. Treatments with L-cysteine showed a lower PPO activity and treatment Cis+AA+CC was the most effective in containing the POD activity, indicating that the best performance of this treatment is associated with lower activity of these enzymes. The sensory evaluation indicated that the treatment Cis+AA+CC was the most efficient, providing the maintenance of the sensory characteristics acceptable of fresh-cut peaches, cv. Esmeralda. In sequence was tested using ultraviolet radiation type C (UV-C) radiation as a means of increasing the conservation value of these fruits as well as to increase the synthesis of compounds of nutritional value and functional. That were applied to the following treatments: (i) fruit without UV-C, peeled, sliced and stored under refrigeration (control); (ii) fruits treated with UV-C and immediately peeled, sliced and stored under refrigeration (UV-C 0); (iii) fruits treated with UV-C and kept at room temperature 24h before processing (UV-C 24), (iv) fruits treated with UV-C and kept at room temperature 48h before processing (UV-C 48); and (v) fruit without treatment with UV-C, processed and treated with metabisulphite K (MB K). Evaluations, color (L* and hue angle), firmness, ascorbic acid and phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity and transcriptional expression of genes supposedly related to physiological changes were taken immediately after processing and every 24h for six days. The application of UV-C resulted in a significant improvement in the storage potential of the peaches. But for that to happen, it was necessary to wait 24 to 48h before processing. With this procedure there was a stimulus to the transcription of genes in the metabolism of ethylene, cell wall synthesis and oxidation of phenolic compounds. Still, there was less browning of fruits treated with UV-C, indicating that this change is not only dependent on the concentration of total phenolics and PPO activity. / O escurecimento enzimático e o amolecimento são as principais alterações em pêssegos minimamente processados. Inicialmente estudou-se a combinação de moléculas antioxidantes e protetores de textura no controle da atividade das enzimas polifenoloxidase (PPO) e peroxidase (POD), do escurecimento enzimático e do amolecimento da polpa de pêssegos, cv. Esmeralda, minimamente processados e refrigerados (MPR). Para isso testou-se o uso de L-cisteína (Cis), ácido L-ascórbico (AA) e cloreto de cálcio (CC), isolados ou em combinação: (i) água (controle); (ii) AA+CC; (iii) Cis+CC; e, (iv) Cis+AA+CC. Após o tratamento, as fatias foram acondicionadas em embalagens rígidas envoltas com filme PVC 30μm e armazenadas durante seis dias a 4±1ºC e 85±3 UR. As amostras foram avaliadas sob aspectos físico-químicos, enzimáticos e sensoriais a cada dois dias. O tratamento Cis+AA+CC apresentou os maiores valores de L* e hº, ou seja, foi o mais eficaz na prevenção do escurecimento. Os tratamentos com L-cisteína apresentaram menor atividade da PPO e o tratamento Cis+AA+CC foi o mais efetivo na contenção da atividade da POD, indicando que o melhor desempenho desse tratamento está associado à menor atividade dessas enzimas. A avaliação sensorial indicou que o tratamento Cis+AA+CC foi o mais eficiente, proporcionando a manutenção de características sensoriais aceitáveis aos pêssegos MPR, cv. Esmeralda. Em sequência testou-se o uso de radiação ultravioleta tipo C (UV-C) como meio de aumentar o potencial de conservação desses frutos, assim como para aumentar a síntese de compostos de interesse nutricional e funcional. Para isso foram aplicados os seguintes tratamentos: (i) frutos sem UV-C, pelados, fatiados e armazenados sob refrigeração (AR) (controle); (ii) frutos tratados com UV-C e imediatamente pelados, fatiados e armazenados em AR (UV-C 0); (iii) frutos tratados com UV-C e mantidos 24h à temperatura ambiente (TA) antes do processamento (UV-C 24); (iv) frutos tratados com UV-C e mantidos 48h a TA antes do processamento; e (v) frutos sem tratamento com UV-C, processados e tratados com metabissulfito de K (MB K). As avaliações, coloração (L* e ângulo hº), firmeza de polpa, teor de ácido ascórbico e compostos fenólicos, atividade antioxidante e a expressão transcricional de genes supostamente relacionados às alterações fisiológicas, foram realizadas imediatamente após o processamento e a cada 24h por seis dias. A aplicação da radiação UV-C provocou uma significativa melhora no potencial de conservação dos pêssegos. Mas para que isso ocorresse, foi necessário se aguardar de 24 à 48h antes do processamento. Com esse procedimento houve estímulo à transcrição de genes do metabolismo do etileno, da parede celular e da síntese e oxidação de compostos fenólicos totais (CFT). Mesmo assim, houve menor escurecimento dos frutos tratados com UV-C, indicando que essa alteração não é apenas dependente da concentração de CFT e da atividade da PPO.

Caractérisation biochimique et fonctionnelle de glutathion transférases à cystéine catalytique de peuplier (Populus trichocarpa) / Biochemical and functional characterization of poplar glutathione S-transferases containing a cysteine as a catalytic residue

Lallement, Pierre-Alexandre 12 December 2014 (has links)
Les glutathion transférases (GSTs) constituent une superfamille ubiquitaire d’enzymes multifonctionnelles impliquées dans les processus de détoxication cellulaire en métabolisant des substrats exogènes appelés xénobiotiques et dans le métabolisme secondaire. Pour cela, ces enzymes peuvent catalyser la conjugaison d’une molécule de glutathion (GSH) sur les composés ciblés ou simplement les lier au travers d’une fonction ligandine. Alors que la fonction de conjugaison est catalysée par les GSTs possédant une sérine ou une tyrosine comme résidu catalytique, certaines d’entre elles possèdent à la place une cystéine. Cette substitution change radicalement leurs propriétés puisque les GSTs à cystéine (Cys-GSTs) catalysent plutôt des réactions de déglutathionylation. Les Cys-GSTs sont retrouvées chez la plupart des organismes et sont réparties en plusieurs classes. Chez les plantes, on trouve principalement 4 classes : déshydroascorbate réductases (DHARs), GSTs Lambda (GSTLs), glutathionyl hydroquinone réductases (GHRs) et mPGES2 (microsomal prostaglandine E-synthase type 2). Alors que le rôle des DHARs semble clairement associé à la réduction du déshydroascorbate en ascorbate, la fonction physiologique des autres Cys-GSTs reste majoritairement inconnue. En combinant des approches moléculaires, cellulaires, biochimiques et structurales, l’analyse fonctionnelle des deux GHRs, des trois GSTLs et des trois DHARs chez l’arbre modèle Populus trichocarpa a été entreprise. De façon intéressante, les gènes GSTL et GHR sont majoritairement exprimés dans les fleurs, les fruits et les pétioles par rapport aux feuilles et aux racines. A l’inverse, les gènes DHAR sont principalement exprimés dans les feuilles. De plus, l’expression transitoire de protéines fusionnées à la GFP dans le tabac a montré que les GSTLs et les DHARs sont localisées dans les plastes, le cytoplasme et le noyau alors que les GHRs sont toutes plastidiales. Les études biochimiques et structurales effectuées à l’aide des protéines recombinantes et de substrats modèles ont montré que la plupart des Cys-GSTs possèdent des activités et des structures assez semblables. Cependant, bien que les GSTLs et les DHARs adoptent un repliement GST canonique classique proche de celui des GSTs Oméga fongiques et humaines, elles sont monomériques alors que les GSTs Oméga sont dimériques. Les GHRs sont particulières tant au niveau de leur interface de dimérisation unique qu’au niveau de leurs propriétés spécifiques de réduction de quinones glutathionylées. En résumé, la nature des substrats fixés par les Cys-GSTs (composés cycliques aromatiques) ainsi que les territoires d’expression de ces gènes et protéines suggèrent que ces protéines sont globalement impliquées dans la protection des plantes face aux contraintes environnementales via la modification, le stockage et/ou le transport de métabolites secondaires et autres composés antioxydants. Toutefois, l’objectif suivant sera de déterminer la nature exacte des substrats/ligands associés à chaque enzyme / Glutathione transferases (GSTs) constitute a ubiquitous superfamily of multifunctional enzymes involved in cellular detoxification processes by metabolizing exogenous substrates called xenobiotics and in secondary metabolism. For this purpose, these enzymes catalyze the conjugation of a glutathione molecule (GSH) onto target compounds or simply bind them through a ligandin function. While conjugation reactions are catalyzed by GSTs having a serine or a tyrosine as catalytic residues, other GSTs possess a cysteine. This substitution radically changes their properties since GSTs having a cysteine (Cys-GSTs) rather catalyze deglutathionylation reactions. Cys-GSTs are found in most organisms and are divided into several classes. In plants, there are mainly four classes: dehydroascorbate reductases (DHARs), Lambda GSTs (GSTLs), glutathionyl hydroquinone reductases (GHRs), and microsomal prostaglandin E-synthase type 2 (mPGES). While the role of DHARs seems clearly associated to the reduction of dehydroascorbate into ascorbate, the physiological function of other Cys-GSTs remains largely unknown. By combining molecular, cellular, biochemical and structural approaches, the functional analysis of the two GHRs, the three GSTLs and the three DHARs in the model tree Populus trichocarpa was undertaken. Interestingly, GSTL and GHR genes are predominantly expressed in flowers, fruits and petioles compared to leaves and roots. Conversely, the DHAR genes are mainly expressed in leaves. Furthermore, transient expression of proteins fused to GFP in tobacco showed that GSTLs and DHARs are localized in plastids, cytoplasm and nucleus while GHRs are all localized in plastids. Biochemical and structural studies using recombinant proteins and model substrates showed that most Cys-GSTs have similar activities and structures. However, although GSTLs and DHARs adopt a canonical GST folding similar to that of fungal and human Omega GSTs, they are monomeric whereas Omega GSTs are dimeric. GHRs are particular owing to their unique dimerization interface and to their specific capacity to reduce glutathionylated quinones. In summary, the nature of the substrates bound by Cys-GSTs (heterocyclic aromatic compounds) as well as the expression territories of these genes and proteins, suggest that they are generally involved in the protection of plants towards environmental constraints through the modification, storage and/or transport of secondary metabolites and other antioxidants. However, the next goal will be to determine the exact nature of the substrates/ligands associated with each enzyme

Comparative study of the proteome of S. coelicolor M145 and S. lividans TK24, two phylogenetically closely related strains with very different abilities to accumulate TAG and produce antibiotics / Étude comparative du protéome de S. coelicolor M145 et S. lividans TK24, deux souches phylogénétiquement proches ayant des capacités très différentes à accumuler des TAG et à produire des antibiotiques / Estudio comparativo del proteoma de S. coelicolor M145 y S. lividans TK24, dos cepas filogenéticamente próximas con diferentes capacidades para acumular TAG y producir antibióticos

Millán Oropeza, Aarón 23 June 2017 (has links)
Les Streptomyces sont des bactéries filamenteuses du sol à Gram +. Elles sont connues pour leur capacité à produire des métabolites secondaires utiles en médecine et en agriculture. S. coelicolor et S. lividans sont des souches modèles phylogénétiquement proches. Elles ont cependant des capacités contrastées à accumuler des lipides de réserve de la famille des triacylglycérol (TAG) et produire des métabolites secondaires alors qu’elles possèdent des voies de biosynthèse similaires pour ces deux types de molécules. En présence de glucose, S. coelicolor produit des niveaux élevés de métabolites secondaires spécifiques et son contenu en TAG est faible alors que c'est le contraire chez S. lividans. En revanche, en présence de glycérol, les deux souches accumulent une quantité de TAG similaire mais S. coelicolor produit aussi des métabolites secondaires. Le but de la présente thèse était de déterminer les caractéristiques métaboliques différentielles qui sous-tendent les différentes capacités biosynthétiques de ces deux souches modèles. Pour ce faire, une analyse protéomique comparative sans marquage des souches cultivées en milieu R2YE liquide ou solide en présence de glucose ou de glycérol comme principales sources de carbone a été réalisée en utilisant la technique de chromatographie liquide couplée à de la Spectrométrie de Masse en tandem (LC-MS / MS). Au total, 2024 et 4372 protéines ont été identifiées à partir des cultures liquides et solides, représentant 24% et 50% du protéome théorique. Les études en liquide ont révélé que le métabolisme de S. lividans était principalement glycolytique alors que le métabolisme de S. coelicolor était principalement oxydatif. Elles ont également indiqué que ces caractéristiques pourraient être liées au catabolisme préférentiel des acides aminés par rapport au glucose chez S. coelicolor par rapport à S. lividans. De plus, cette thèse constitue la première analyse protéomique du métabolisme de ces deux souches modèles en présence de glycérol. / Streptomyces are filamentous Gram+ soil bacteria well known for their ability to produce secondary metabolites useful in medicine and agriculture. S. coelicolor and S. lividans are phylogenetically closely-related model strains but they have contrasted abilities to accumulate storage lipids of the TriAcylGlycerol (TAG) family and to produce secondary metabolites whereas they possess similar pathways for the biosynthesis of these molecules. In the presence of glucose, S. coelicolor produces high levels of specific secondary metabolites and its TAG content is low whereas it is the opposite for S. lividans. In contrast, in the presence of glycerol, the two strains accumulated similar amount of TAG but S. coelicolor still produces secondary metabolites. The aim of the present thesis was to determine the differential metabolic features supporting such different biosynthetic abilities. To do so, a comparative label-free shotgun proteomic analysis of the strains grown in liquid or solid R2YE media with glucose or glycerol as main carbon sources was carried out using Liquid chromatography−tandem mass spectrometry (LC−MS/MS). A total of 2024 and 4372 proteins were identified in liquid and solid cultures, representing 24% and 50% of the theoretical proteome, respectively. These studies revealed that S. lividans metabolism was mainly glycolytic whereas S. coelicolor metabolism was mainly oxidative. They also suggested that these features might be related to the preferential catabolism of amino acids over glucose of S. coelicolor compared to S. lividans. Furthermore, this thesis constituted the first proteomic analysis of the metabolism of these two model strains in the presence of glycerol. / Streptomyces es un género de bacterias filamentosas Gram+ provenientes del suelo que son conocidas por su capacidad para producir metabolitos secundarios útiles en la medicina y agricultura. S. coelicolor y S. lividans son cepas modelo filogenéticamente próximas que presentan capacidades opuestas para acumular lípidos de reserva de la familia de los triglicéridos (TAG) y para producir metabolitos secundarios en tanto que ambas cepas poseen rutas metabólicas idénticas para la biosíntesis de éstas moléculas. En presencia de glucosa, S. coelicolor produce altos niveles de metabolitos secundarios específicos y su contenido de TAG es bajo mientras que en S. lividans el comportamiento es opuesto. Sin embargo, en presencia de glicerol, ambas cepas acumulan cantidades similares de TAG y S. coelicolor produce metabolitos secundarios. El objetivo de ésta tesis fue de determinar las características metabólicas que distinguen las diferentes capacidades biosintéticas mencionadas previamente. Por esto, un análisis protéomico comparativo sin marcaje de tipo “shotgun” fue realizado con las dos cepas cultivadas en medio R2YE líquido y sólido usando glucosa o glicerol como fuentes principales de carbono mediante Cromatografía Líquida en “tándem” acoplada a Espectrometría de Masas (LC-MS/MS). Un total de 2024 y 4372 proteínas fueron identificadas en cultivos en medio líquido y sólido, representando 24% y 50% del proteoma teórico, respectivamente. El presente estudio demostró que el metabolismo de S. lividans fue principalmente glicolítico mientras que el metabolismo de S. coelicolor fue principalmente oxidativo. También se sugiere que éstas características pueden estar relacionadas con la preferencia catabólica de aminoácidos sobre el catabolismo de glucosa de S. coelicolor comparada con S. lividans. Además, la presente tesis constituye el primer análisis proteómico del metabolismo de éstas dos cepas modelo en presencia de glicerol.

Physiology, Photochemistry, and Fitness of Mexican Maize Landraces in the Field

Pace, Brian A. 24 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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