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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effects of a S.M.A.R.T. goal setting and self-monitoring intervention on physical activity and fitness in middle school students

McDonald, Samantha M. 19 July 2012 (has links)
A large body of evidence suggests physical activity is inversely associated with several cardio-metabolic risk factors among children and adolescents. Despite these health benefits, a majority of youth are not meeting the physical activity guidelines set forth by the USDHHS. Schools have been identified as an ideal vehicle for interventions; however, research evidence indicates school-based interventions are not effective at increasing outside of school physical activity. Goal setting may be a potential effective strategy for increasing physical activity among youth; however no previous studies have examined the effects of goal setting on cardiorespiratory fitness and physical activity in middle school students. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of a S.M.A.R.T. goal setting and self-monitoring intervention on fitness and physical activity in middle school students. Two middle schools in Tallahassee, FL participated in this study. One school served as the intervention and the other served as a delayed intervention measurement only control. The students in the intervention school completed a one-time S.M.A.R.T. goal setting lesson. During the lesson, students were taught the definition of a goal, the importance of goal setting, and how to set S.M.A.R.T. goals. As part of the lesson, students completed a S.M.A.R.T. goal setting worksheet. The objectives of the worksheet activity were to teach students the concepts of S.M.A.R.T. goal setting and to apply this knowledge by creating personal fitness goals. Student fitness goals were entered into an interactive website that acted as a self-monitoring tool. Before and after the intervention, participating students completed a survey assessing student demographics, physical activity, and physical activity self-efficacy. Cardiorespiratory fitness levels, assessed by the PACER test, were also measured pre and post. Betweengroup differences in post-test scores, adjusted for baseline levels, were assessed for statistical significance using ANCOVA. Additional covariates included gender, race/ethnicity, grade level and weight status. After adjustment for baseline levels, students in the intervention school exhibited significantly higher PACER laps in comparison to the control school ((F[subscript (1,257)] = 58.0) p<0.0001)). The PACER scores in intervention school increased from 40.6 laps to 45.9 laps while the PACER scores in the comparison school decreased. There were no significant between-group differences for physical activity or self-efficacy Although these results require replication in larger studies using a group randomized study design and objective measures of physical activity, the results suggest that teaching students about S.M.A.R.T. goal setting may be a potentially effective strategy for increasing fitness in middle school students and worthy of further investigation / Graduation date: 2013

Clinical and Biochemical Features of Adult Diabetes Mellitus in Sudan

Abdelgadir, Moawia January 2006 (has links)
The high prevalence of diabetes mellitus among the Sudanese population is linked to obesity, poor glycaemic control and a high rate of complications. This study investigated 1/ Leptin hormone and its correlations with different biochemical characteristics in Sudanese diabetic subjects, 2/ The impact of glycaemic control on pregnancy outcome in pregnancies with diabetes, 3/ The glycaemic response to Sudanese traditional carbohydrate foods, 4/ The influence of glucose self-monitoring on the glycaemic control among this population, 5/ The health related quality of life in Sudanese subjects with diabetes-related lower limb amputation. Leptin was significantly lower in diabetic subjects compared with controls of same BMI in both females (P =0.0001) and males (P =0.019). In diabetic subjects, serum leptin correlated positively with the homeostatic assessment (HOMA) of both beta-cell function (P =0.018) and insulin resistance (P =.038). In controls, leptin correlated only with insulin resistance. Pregnancy complications were higher among diabetic compared with control women (P&lt;0.0001) and varied with the type of diabetes. Infants of diabetic mothers had a higher incidence of neonatal complications than those of non-diabetic women (P&lt;0.0001). In six Sudanese traditional carbohydrate meals over all differences in incremental AUCs were significant for both plasma glucose (P = 0.0092) and insulin (P = 0.0001). Millet porridge and wheat pancakes displayed significantly lower post-prandial glucose and insulin responses, whereas maize porridge induced a higher post-prandial glucose and insulin response. In type 2 diabetic subjects SMBG or SMUG was not related to glycaemic control. In type 1 diabetic subjects, SMBG was significantly associated with better glycaemic control, as assessed by HbA1c (P=0.02) and blood glucose at clinic visits (P=&lt;0.0001), similar associations were found for SMUG respectively. Neither glycaemic control nor glucose self-monitoring was associated with education level. Diabetic subjects with LLA had significantly poorer HRQL compared to a reference diabetic group (P=&lt;0.0001). Duration of diabetes and amputation had negative impact on HRQL in subjects with LLA (P=&lt;0.0001) respectively. Diabetic subjects with LLA had decreased sense of coherence and high presence of symptoms. Improving health services at the primary level is important to reduce the complications and burden of disease in the Sudanese population.

Egenkontroll och tillsyn : – ur de granskades perspektiv

Erikson, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
Den här rapporten vill vända på perspektiven. Den beskriver inte hur samhället anser att miljölagstiftningen och miljötillsynen ska fungera. Här beskrivs istället hur företagen upplever hur den lagstadgade egenkontrollen fungerar i deras egen verksamhet och hur de upplever hur kommunens miljötillsyn fungerar. Forsk­ningen om miljötillsyn är begränsad och har hittills inte haft företagens perspek­tiv. Det är viktigt att både samhällets och företagens perspektiv lyfts fram. Bägge parter behöver arbeta på en enad front för att gemensamt kunna uppnå målet om en hållbar utveckling. Denna fallstudie, med ett begränsat antal företag i två olika kommuner, lyfter fram och bekräftar företagens syn på tillsynsmyndighetens arbete. Detta är en viktig del i dessa miljökontors kvalitetsarbete men även för framtida utveckling och användning av tillsynsmetoder. Företagen ger överlag en positiv bild om hur miljötillsynen och egenkontrollen fungerar. Egenkontrollen är ett viktigt och fungerande verktyg för de verksamheter som bedriver ett aktivt och systematiskt miljöarbete. För en mindre verksamhet kan dock system som bygger på dokumenterade rutiner kännas tungarbetat. Tillsynen upplevs ske i en givande dialog mellan myndighet och företag. Rådgivningen uppskattas och är värdefull för företagens miljöarbete. Företagarna förväntar sig däremot en mer omfattande rådgivning än vad som är myndighetens uppgift enligt lagstiftaren. / This report does not describe the way in which society considers how environmental legislation and environmental monitoring should work. Instead it describes the experience of a number of companies of the self monitoring system and the municipality's environmental monitoring functions. The research about environmental monitoring is limited and has not focused on the perspective of companies. It is important to elucidate the perspectives of both society and companies. Both parties work is needed in order to achieve sustainable development. The results of this case study brings out and confirms the view of a limited number of companies on the monitoring authority’s work. This is an important part in the quality work of the studied authorities, but is also necessary for future development and use of monitoring methods. The companies in the study give a positive picture about how the environment monitoring and the self monitoring system work. The self monitoring system is an important tool for a company which has an ongoing and structured environmental management system. For a smaller company systems that build on documented procedures, may however, be perceived as a burden. Another result of the study is that the companies experience the authorities´ monitoring as a rewarding dialogue between them and the authority. The advice given by the authority is appreciated and valuable for the companies' environmental work. Nevertheless, the entrepreneurs expect more extensive support than the authority can provide due to the legislation.

Social forces and hedonic adaptation

Chugani, Sunaina Kumar 24 October 2013 (has links)
Consumers acquire products to enhance their lives, but the happiness from these acquisitions generally decreases with the passage of time. This process of hedonic adaptation plays an integral role in post-acquisition consumer satisfaction, product disposal and replacement behavior, and the "hedonic treadmill" that partially drives the relationship between consumption and happiness. Humans are social animals, however, and we know little about the relationship between the social environment and hedonic adaptation. My dissertation addresses this gap by exploring the moderating role of social presence (Essay 1) and self-concepts (Essay 2) on hedonic adaptation to products. Essay 1 explores how social presence affects hedonic adaptation to products. Research on general happiness has shown that significantly positive life events tend to maintain their positivity for longer periods of time when they involve active social interactions. I examine a more common situation in the domain of product consumption, i.e., the presence of others during consumption, and test whether hedonic adaptation to products is moderated by public contexts. By tracking happiness with products over time, I show that a "social audience" (i.e., the presence of others and the perception that those others notice the consumer) moderates hedonic adaptation through a consumer's inference of the social audience perspective. Inferring that the social audience is admiring one's product slows down adaptation, and inferring that the social audience is negatively viewing one's product accelerates adaptation. Essay 2 explores the role the identity-relevance of a product plays in hedonic adaptation. Extant research illustrates that consumers avoid consuming identity-inconsistent products in order to avoid dissonance arising from product choices conflicting with important self-concepts. I show that dissonance can also arise from consuming identity-consistent products because of the force of hedonic adaptation. I provide evidence that consumers feel uncomfortable experiencing declining happiness with identity-consistent products and thus resist hedonic adaptation to such products in order to resolve the dissonance. / text

Personal Informatics and Context: Using Context to Reveal Factors that Affect Behavior

Li, Ian Anthony Rosas 01 August 2011 (has links)
Personal informatics systems help people collect and reflect on behavioral information to better understand their own behavior. Because most systems only show one type of behavioral information, finding factors that affect one’s behavior is difficult. Supporting exploration of multiple types of contextual and behavioral information in a single interface may help. To explore this, I developed prototypes of IMPACT, which supports reflection on physical activity and multiple types of contextual information. I conducted field studies of the prototypes, which showed that such a system could increase people’s awareness of opportunities for physical activity. However, several limitations affected the usage and value of these prototypes. To improve support for such systems, I conducted a series of interviews and field studies. First, I interviewed people about their experiences using personal informatics systems resulting in the Stage-Based Model of Personal Informatics Systems, which describes the different stages that systems need to support, and a list of problems that people experience in each of the stages. Second, I identified the kinds of questions people ask about their personal data and found that the importance of these questions differed between two phases: Discovery and Maintenance. Third, I evaluated different visualization features to improve support for reflection on multiple kinds of data. Finally, based on this evaluation, I developed a system called Innertube to help people reflect on multiple kinds of data in a single interface using a visualization integration approach that makes it easier to build such tools compared to the more common data integration approach.

自我構念、自我監控及思考模式對自我表達產品之購買意願 / Customers' self construal and self-control effect on the purchase of self-expressive products

李宜安, Lee, Yi An Unknown Date (has links)
本研究由人格特質出發,觀察消費的思考途徑所產生的效果。研究的對象主要分成單人與朋友陪伴,經由網路進行問卷調查,影響消費者行為的幾個重要因素及心理機制。更明確的說,本研究由個人層次著手,直接探討獨立/互賴自我構念的人格特質在思考模式上的差異,並且藉由思考途徑,推出個人對產品價值需求上的關係。 接續研究朋友的影響,將其視為「捷思式線索」,探討消費者在友人的陪伴之下,是否形成對產品形象購買意願上的改變。「捷思式線索」顧名思義即為能供消費者透過簡單決策影響消費者判斷之變數。而這樣的線索,可能會導致獨立自我構念者的消費者轉向捷思式的思考途徑而反向改變原本對產品形象與自我形象一致性的消費習慣。 本研究由捷思式-系統式訊息處理模型推論:在朋友的陪同之下,獨立自我構念者同時會進行捷思式之訊息處理途徑。運用便捷快速的捷思式線索作為判斷與決策之基礎下,將對形象一致性的效果差距較不明顯,甚至可能出現追求與自身人格特質相反的產品需求。 下一步本研究以自我監控為調節變數,探討自我監控的人格特質為個人對社會情境做調適的行為模式。面對有朋友陪伴的情境,高度自我監控者會調適自己的行為,亦之,只有在社會情境提供過少的線索的情況之下,高度自我監控者的表現出最原始的自己。因此獨自購物時,表現應如上述所預期。但當高自我監控者與朋友相約一同消費,對於社會的適切性相對有較迫切的需求,而會根據朋友的性格或相處方式而注意或調適自己的行為;相反地,低自我監控者對是否符合社會適切性感到不關心,傾向表達自我內心的真正的感受,依據原本的思考途徑做選擇,而不會因為身旁的友人而刻意調整自己的行為。 本研究發現互賴自我的消費者對自我表達產品的需求會因為消費者本身是否為高自我監控者而受到影響。若能採用心理測試工具,相信可準確發現不同自我構念及自我監控的消費者對自我表達產品的歸因基礎,並以此結果對消費者的選擇做更符合需求的預測。 關鍵字: 自我構念、思考模式、自我監控 / Social influences play a persuasive role when it comes to spending. Previous research has shown that friends help shape our affects, behavior and cognitions (Argo, Dahl, and Machanda 2005; Ratner and Kahn 2002). Thus, the presence of an accompanying friend might to an extent influence the original consumption due the course that consumers have the opportunity and the motivation to conform to the expectation that their friends have in them (Funder and Colvin 1988; Stinson and Ickes 1992). To date, researchers have studied many social characteristics to which the presence of a friend determines the consumer’s purchase. Across studies show that friends can influence consumers’ purchase intentions in a positive way by providing information in reducing perceived risk (Urbany, Dickson and Wilkie 1989). Further on, studies demonstrates that the mere presence of a friend might cause agentic (oppose to communal) shoppers to spend more (Kurt, Inman and J.Argo 2010). Based on preceding studies, we implement experiments to first determine which factors with the influence of social presence matters, followed by studying how they change the way we perceive information and eventually lead to purchase intentions of either self or non-self expressive products. Study 1, measuring the orientations by the effect of the social environment ( ie, presence vs. absence of a friend). Study 2 used self-monitoring as moderator. In the findings, this research shows that independent construct is correlated with systemic thinking while dependent construct is related to both thinking style. It was unpredicted the way dependent construal person thought, and the results was therefore insignificantly related to the types of product chosen. With friends, however, findings show that systemic thinking has no effect on buying self-effective products when it comes to co-consumption. On the other hand, customers that are accustomed to heuristic thinking bring out higher willingness to buy self-expressive products.

Evaluation of health-related outcomes following a self-management program for older people with heart failure

Shao, Jung-Hua January 2008 (has links)
Background. Heart failure (HF) which is a chronic, disabling disorder is mainly found in older people and is one of the leading causes of hospitalisation and readmission around the world. Unfortunately, the mortality and morbidity rates for HF remain high. HF is a complex combination of symptoms which are related to an inadequate perfusion of the body tissues caused by fluid and sodium retention. Hence, enhancing HF patients’ self-efficacy to change their behaviours to perform fluid & sodium control is one of the most important issues for the management of HF. A self-management program has the potential to raise self-efficacy and self-care which is a method to improve health for those with chronic illness and to decrease patients’ health service utilisation and also to enhance these patients’ health status. Aim. The study aims to examine the effectiveness of a self-management program, based on self-efficacy theory, in older people with heart failure in Taiwan. Methods. An experimental design was used to examine the effectiveness of a self-management program on diet and fluid control among HF patients. A total of 93 subjects from two medical centres in Taiwan were randomly assigned to the intervention and control groups. In order to examine the effectiveness of self-management, data were collected at baseline, week 4, and week 12 using the following instruments: self-efficacy for salt and fluid control, HF self-management behaviour, HF related symptoms, and body weight. Moreover, health service utilisation and patient’s evaluation of care received were collected on all patients for the 12 weeks prior to commencing the study and for the 12 week study period. Demographic and disease information was also collected including age, gender, marital state, education, and New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classification. A structured, individualized self-management training program created by the investigator was implemented for the intervention group through home visits and telephone follow-ups. This program emphasized self-monitoring of diet control and body weight for the self-management of heart failure. The purpose was to improve patients’ self-efficacy in their diet control behaviour. The “diet control” in this study focussed on sodium and fluid restriction. Outcome measures were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 15.0 version, and the level of significance (á) was set at 0.05 for statistical analysis. Results. There were differences for older Taiwanese HF patients’ self-efficacy for salt and fluid control, self-management behaviour, and HF related symptoms for participants who received a self-management intervention compared to those who did not. However, there were no significant differences between the two groups in weight and health serves utilization (p>.001). Conclusion. The self-management program had a positive impact on the improvement of self-efficacy for salt and fluid control, HF related self-management behaviours and symptoms in older Taiwanese with HF. This program may bridge the gap between theory and practice. Health care providers need to provide older people in Taiwan with HF the appropriate skills for self-managing their condition and thereby promoting their health status. These patients with HF and their caregivers have to receive individualized education that emphasizes self-efficacy in the self-management of their disease, thus improving their quality of life.

Verifikace poznatků o self-managementu u pacientů se srdečním selháním / Verification of knowledge about self-management in patients with heart failure

VOJTĚCHOVÁ, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a disease with increasing incidence, which requires an adequate and costly management. Repeated hospitalisations due to decompensated CHF contribute to disease progression and herald dismal prognosis. An important goal of heart failure clinics is reduction in number of hospitalizations due to decompensated CHF. The main approaches to reach this aim seem to be effective diagnostics and treatment of CHF, and importantly, education of patients and their families. We aimed to evaluate knowledge of CHF patients regarding self-care in secondary prevention of CHF. We constructed three hypotheses and three research questions to reach the goal of the project. The theoretical part described recommended life-style interventions, pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic CHF management, and specifically, the role of nurses in education of patients with CHF. The practical part described the methods of analysis, the study group and the process of evaluation. To fulfil the study goal, we performed collection of data using qualitative and quantitative methods of research. The qualitative part of the research project included a non-standardized questionnaire for patients with CHF. A total of 260 questionnaires were distributed in six heart failure clinics. 183 completed questionnaires were returned and analysed. The obtained data were evaluated using descriptive statistical methods. Pearson´s chi-test and Student´s t-test were applied to test the hypotheses. Collection of qualitative data was performed using the technique of a semi-structured interview based on pre-prepared questions. The study respondents included general nurses from out-patient heart failure clinics. Six of nine contacted nurse respondents agreed to participate. Answers were recorded on Dictaphone. Data were analysed using the method of "card display". The quantitative part tested the following hypotheses: 1. CHF patients know symptoms and signs of decompensated CHF. 2. CHF patients follow the life-style recommendations. 3. CHF patients perform daily self-monitoring of their weight, blood pressure and pulse. Our study revealed insufficient knowledge of patients regarding symptoms of possible CHF decompensation. This finding was alarming because suboptimal knowledge of symptoms of decompensated CHF may cause inadequate response of the patient and may delay initiation of treatment. Assessment of compliance with life-style measures revealed that most patients did not use tobacco products and had a limited alcohol consumption. Most individuals reported a regular use of heart failure medication and knew the timing of the next follow-up in their heart failure clinic. Life-style measures included also some dietary restrictions modified by the current nutritional status. Respondents preferred recommended food over inappropriate foodstuffs, however, they did not follow neither the salt restriction nor the optimal frequency of meals. Most respondents did not report a regular exercise A significant ignorance was found in the process of self-monitoring. Most respondents did not monitor their body weight, blood pressure and pulse. The qualitative assessment evaluated the following questions: 1. Do we educate the CHF patients appropriately? 2. Are we able as nurses to pass correct information to CHF patients? 3. How is the process of education implemented in practice? Based on the above mentioned methods, we found that the process of education is a domain of doctors. Nurses have only a limited role in education of CHF patients...

Conceituação, avaliação e promoção de automonitoria em pré-escolares e sua relação com competência social e comportamentos-problema / Conceptualization, evaluation, and promotion of self-monitoring in preschool children, and its relation to social competence and bahavior problem

Dias, Talita Pereira 30 January 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:30:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5815.pdf: 2852962 bytes, checksum: 636b06545e546530d496eb0aa5d73cdc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-01-30 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / Currently, there is strong evidence that the promotion of social skills and social competence is crucial to quality of socio-emotional development and prevention of behavior problem from early childhood. The literature shows that both social skills and social competence depend, ultimately, on self-monitoring. However, there is a set of conceptual and methodological challenges associated with the analysis and promotion of self-monitoring, especially with young children. In the present study, it is proposed to; (1) define operationally the term self-monitoring, (2) analyze its relationship with social skills and behavior problem, and (3) develop a self-monitoring resource to evaluate and analyze the effects of an intervention that combined specific procedures to promote it. This thesis is composed of four chapters. In chapter I, a behavioral definition of indicators of self-monitoring is proposed based on literature review, considering the fields of Social Skills and of Behavior Analysis. In Chapter II, the stages of construction of Illustrative Resource of Self-monitoring (RIAM) for assessment (RIAM-A) and for intervention (RIAM - I) in preschoolers are described. In Chapter III, a study is presented with the objective of verifying similarities and differences in behavioral indicators of self-monitoring evaluated by RIAM-A (self-description, description and choice of consequence) of 53 children, between five and six years old, divided into three groups (socially competent, with deficits in social skills, and internalizing behavior problem and externalizing or mixed behavior problem). The results indicated that children with social skills were better than children with behavior problem in selfmonitoring tasks, further verifying positive correlation between self-monitoring scores and social skills scores, and a negative correlation between self-monitoring scores and internalizing behavior problem. Finally, Chapter IV examined the effects of an intervention involving contingency analysis training and exposure to social contingencies in structured situations to promote self-monitoring and its impact on social skills, social competence and reducing behavior problems in preschool evaluated by RIAM-A and who presented difficulties in self-monitoring tasks. Individual sessions were carried out, which included: presentation of interactive situations in the form of drawing, discussion about the appropriateness or relevance of each response and probable consequences, followed by participation in structured presentation of the demand for social skills discussed previously. The results showed that, relative to a comparison group, children who took part in intervention had improved social skills, self-monitoring and social competence, but not reduction of behavior problem. The set of studies suggests the feasibility of research on self-monitoring in early childhood, proposing indicators, resources and procedures for assessment and intervention strategies for self-monitoring. The implications of the research are discussed in terms of theoretical, methodological, empirical and practical contributions. / Atualmente, há fortes evidências de que a promoção de habilidades sociais e de competências social é crucial para o desenvolvimento socioemocional de qualidade e prevenção de comportamentos-problema desde a infância. A literatura mostra que tanto as habilidades sociais como a competência social dependem, em ultima instância, da automonitoria. No entanto, há um conjunto de desafios conceituais e metodológicos associados à análise e promoção de automonitoria, especialmente em crianças pequenas. Propõe-se, no presente estudo, delimitar operacionalmente o conceito de automonitoria, analisar sua relação com habilidades sociais e com comportamentos-problema, desenvolver um recurso para avaliar automonitoria e analisar os efeitos de uma intervenção que combinou procedimentos específicos para promovê-la. A presente tese de doutorado está composta por quatro capítulos. O Capítulo I propõe, com base em revisão de literatura, uma definição comportamental de indicadores de automonitoria, considerando as perspectivas das Habilidades Sociais e da Análise do Comportamento. No Capítulo II, são descritas as etapas de construção do Recurso Ilustrativo de Automonitoria (RIAM) para avaliação (RIAM-A) e para intervenção (RIAM-I) em préescolares. No Capítulo III, apresenta-se um estudo com o objetivo verificar semelhanças e diferenças nos indicadores comportamentais de automonitoria avaliados pelo RIAM-A (autodescrição, descrição e escolha de consequência) de 53 crianças, entre cinco e seis anos, divididas em três grupos (socialmente competentes; com déficits em habilidades sociais e com comportamentos-problema internalizantes e com comportamentosproblema externalizantes ou mistos). Os resultados indicaram que crianças com habilidades sociais apresentaram melhores desempenhos em tarefas relacionadas à automonitoria do que crianças com comportamentos-problema, verificando-se, ainda, correlação positiva entre escores de automonitoria e de habilidades sociais e, negativa entre escores de automonitoria e de comportamento-problema internalizantes. Por fim, o Capítulo IV buscou analisar os efeitos de uma intervenção envolvendo treino de análise de contingências e exposição a contingências sociais em situações estruturadas para promoção de automonitoria e seu impacto sobre habilidades sociais, competência social e redução de comportamentos-problema em pré-escolares avaliados pelo RIAM-A que apresentavam dificuldade em tarefas de automonitoria. Foram realizadas sessões individuais compostas por: apresentação das situações interativas em forma de desenho, discussão sobre a adequação ou pertinência de cada resposta e prováveis consequências, seguida de participação em situações estruturadas com demanda para apresentação da habilidade social antes discutida. Os resultados mostraram que, em relação a um grupo de comparação, crianças participantes da intervenção obtiveram melhora em habilidades sociais, automonitoria e competência social, mas não redução de comportamentosproblema. O conjunto de estudos sugere a viabilidade de investigações sobre automonitoria na infância, propondo indicadores, recursos e procedimentos para sua avaliação e estratégias para intervenção. Discutem-se as implicações das investigações em termos de contribuições teóricas, metodológicas, empíricas e práticas.

Relações entre automonitoria, problemas de comportamento e habilidades sociais na infância / Relations among self-monitoring, behavior problems and social skills in childhood

Robalinho, Ivana Gisel Casali 28 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:30:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5162.pdf: 2109943 bytes, checksum: c98897ebc95ab3bff1784bf1b2c9015d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-28 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The literature recognizes the importance of social relationships for the healthy development of children. A good social skills repertoire is crucial for this because it allows one to competently deal with the interpersonal demands. Socially competent children have better prospects for the future, while, in the other hand, deficits on the social skills repertoire are associated with behavior problems and other risk factors for development. Social competence depends on a class of skill that is the basis of all others: self-monitoring. This research, which involved two studies, focused on the relationship between social skills, behavior problems and specific indicators of behaviors which are components of the self-monitoring process as well as the relationships between these variables and socio-demographic variables. In Study there were 220 children, of both genders, who attended the 3rd to the 6th grades of elementary education in public or private schools, as well as their parents / guardians who participated as informants. We used the Brazilian version of the Social Skills Rating System (SSRS-BR) and Brazil Economic Classification Criterion (CCEB). Descriptive and inferential statistics analyses pointed that: (1) the sample had scores consistent with the norm for social skills and behavior problems, and that the internalizing were more frequent, according to the parents / guardians; (2) social skills with greater loadings on predicting behavioral problems were: the Responsibility of (the self-assessed) and Composure and Civility (evaluated by informants), (3) social skills of Kindness were evaluated as the ones with greater social relevance according to parents / guardians; (4) there were significant differences for the repertoire of social skills when we take into account variables such as gender, school year and school type; the socioeconomic status, on the other hand, significantly influenced only internalizing behavior problems. In Study II there was larger sample, 30 children, divided into two groups: 15 children with higher scores on social skills and lower scores of behavior problems and 15 children with opposite repertoire. We used the Structured Situations roadmap, the Interview roadmap as well as the Protocol for the Self-Monitoring Assessment. We carried out descriptive and inferential statistical analysis and we found that: (1) children showed greater ease to Describing their own actions and more difficult to Developing possible alternatives of action, (2) in terms of the specific components of self-monitoring, the group to higher score on social skills and lower behavior problems performed better on Describing the actions of others, Developing possible alternatives of action, Predicting their own feelings, Predicting the reactions of others, Predicting the feelings of others and Reporting, where necessary, changes to the future course of action, (3) girls had significantly higher scores than the boys only for Describing the actions of those with whom they interact. The results suggest the importance of investing in planning interventions aimed at promoting self-monitoring in school-age children as a way of contributing to the socio-emotional development and prevention of behavior problems. / A literatura reconhece a importância das relações sociais saudáveis no processo de desenvolvimento infantil, sendo crucial, para isso, um bom repertório de habilidades sociais para lidar de forma competente com as demandas interpessoais. Crianças socialmente competentes têm perspectivas mais favoráveis para o futuro, enquanto que um repertório deficitário de habilidades sociais encontra-se associado a problemas de comportamento e a outros fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento. A competência social depende de uma classe de habilidade que está na base de qualquer outra: a automonitoria. O presente trabalho, que envolveu dois estudos, enfocou a relação entre o repertório de habilidades sociais, problemas de comportamento e indicadores específicos de comportamentos componentes do processo de automonitoria, bem como as relações entre essas variáveis e variáveis sociodemográficas. No Estudo I participaram 220 crianças, de ambos os sexos, que cursavam do 3º ao 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental em escolas da rede pública e particular, bem como seus respectivos pais/responsáveis, que participaram como informantes. Foram utilizados o Sistema de Avaliação de Habilidades Sociais (SSRS-BR) e o Critério de Classificação Econômica Brasil (CCEB). As análises estatísticas, descritivas e inferenciais, apontaram que: (1) a amostra apresentou escores coerentes com a norma para habilidades sociais e problemas de comportamento, sendo que os internalizantes, segundo os pais/responsáveis, foram mais frequentes; (2) as habilidades sociais de maior peso preditivo sobre problemas comportamentais foram as de Responsabilidade (na autoavaliação) e de Autocontrole e Civilidade (na avaliação por informantes); (3) as habilidades sociais de Amabilidade foram consideradas, pelos pais/responsáveis, como as de maior relevância social; (4) foram encontradas diferenças significativas no repertório de habilidades sociais segundo o gênero, ano escolar e tipo de escola; a classe econômica, por outro lado, influenciou significativamente apenas os problemas de comportamento internalizantes. No Estudo II foram selecionadas, da amostra maior, 30 crianças, compondo-se dois grupos: 15 crianças com escore superior em habilidades sociais e baixo de problemas de comportamento e 15 crianças com repertório oposto. Foram utilizados o Roteiro de Situações Estruturadas, o Roteiro de Entrevista e o Protocolo de Avaliação de Automonitoria. As análises estatísticas, descritivas e inferenciais, apontaram que: (1) as crianças apresentaram maior facilidade ao Descrever as próprias ações e maior dificuldade ao Elaborar alternativas possíveis de ação; (2) em termos dos componentes específicos da automonitoria, o grupo com escore superior em habilidades sociais e baixo de problemas de comportamento apresentou melhor desempenho em Descrever as ações dos outros, Elaborar alternativas possíveis de ação, Prever os próprios sentimentos, Prever as reações dos outros, Prever os sentimentos dos outros e Relatar, quando necessário, alterações no rumo futuro de ação; (3) as meninas apresentaram escores significativamente superiores aos meninos apenas para Descrever as ações das pessoas com as quais interagem. Os resultados sugerem a importância de investir no planejamento de intervenções voltadas para a promoção de automonitoria em crianças de idade escolar, como forma de contribuir para o desenvolvimento socioemocional e a prevenção de problemas de comportamento.

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