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[pt] O processo de formação presbiteral é constituído por um itinerário que
corresponde à vida do ministro sacerdotal desde o seu despertar vocacional até a
conclusão de seus dias sobre a terra. Nesse percurso, encontram-se as etapas de
formação inicial e permanente que se complementam, por se caracterizar como um
processo que, além de unitário, é integral, enquanto inter-relaciona as dimensões
humano afetiva, espiritual, pastoral e intelectual, do seminarista ao sacerdócio
ministerial, num iter dinâmico, de modo a lhes favorecer o amadurecimento
necessário para cumprir sua missão. O Seminário Arquidiocesano de São José do
Rio de Janeiro possui um itinerário formativo elaborado a partir da Ratio
Institutionis Sacerdotalis: O dom da vocação presbiteral, sobre o qual esta
pesquisa se detém como o seu objeto material, elucidando a contribuição das etapas
e das dimensões da formação para o desenvolvimento da antropologia da vocação
presbiteral. Nesse sentido, a presente dissertação perpassa alguns autores patrísticos
acerca da teologia e da práxis sacerdotal, os atuais desafios antropológicos para a
formação presbiteral e o progressivo desenvolvimento humano e espiritual dos
formandos ao longo do iter formativo. Distribuída em cinco partes, a pesquisa tem
início, identificando a teologia do ministério presbiteral e seus traços
antropológicos no testemunho patrístico da Didaqué, Clemente de Roma, Inácio de
Antioquia, Policarpo de Esmirna, Papias de Hierápolis, Hermas, Barnabé e Justino
de Roma, prosseguindo por meio dos aspectos unitários e integrais do processo de
formação, em que são desenvolvidos os temas das dimensões da formação e das
etapas formativas da pastoral vocacional, do seminário menor, do propedêutico, do
discipulado, da configuração e da síntese. Os aspectos teológicos e antropológicos
do processo formativo encerram a pesquisa, ressaltando os desafios para o
desenvolvimento do formando e as propostas para a sua maturação humana e
vocacional. / [en] The process of priestly formation is constituted by an itinerary that
corresponds to a priest s life from his vocation awakening to the end of his days on
Earth. In this path, there are the stages of initial and permanent formation that
complement each other. This can be characterized as a process that besides being
unitary is also wholesome insofar as it interrelates the affective, spiritual, pastoral,
and intellectual human dimensions in a seminarian life up to the priesthood within
a dynamic iter whose aim is to encourage him towards the necessary maturity to
accomplish his mission. The Archdiocesan Seminary of Saint Joseph in Rio de
Janeiro has a formative pathway based upon the Ratio Institutionis Sacerdotalis:
The gift of the priestly vocation, in which this research focuses as its material object,
elucidating the contribution of the stages and dimensions of formation towards the
development of an anthropology of the priestly vocation. In this context, this
present work runs through some patristic authors’ theologies and their related
priestly praxis, the current anthropological challenges for priestly formation, as well
as seminarians’ onward human and spiritual development throughout their
formation iter. Divided in five parts, this research’s starting point describes
priesthood theologies, and anthropological traits in the patristic testimony of
Didache, Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp of Smyrna, Papias of
Hierapolis, The Shepherd of Hermas, Barnabas, and Justin of Rome, undertaking
the unitary and integral aspects of the formation process in which dimension
elements of formation, vocation ministries formative stages, minor seminary,
propaedeutic, discipleship, configuration and synthesis are developed. Theological
and anthropological aspects of the formative process conclude this research as it
highlights challenges regarding the development of the person being formed and
proposals whose aims are human and vocation maturation.
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No description available.
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A Psychoeducational Approach to Improving College Student Mental HealthHigginbotham, Harlan Keith January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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The Jesus mystery : a biblical, historical and Christological study of JesusBacchioni, Philip Louis 11 1900 (has links)
The Jesus of history and the Christ of faith are two different figures. Two centuries of
search for the historical Jesus has led to greater awareness and better use of New
Testament criticism, had salutary effects on proper historical biblical research and the
desire to look beyond the paucity of material about Jesus in the canonical gospels.
Despite proven difficulties the historical Jesus is an endless enterprise eliciting an equally
endless fascination.
The solution to the Jesus mystery appears better linked to Paul who has never been
subjected to the same degree of historical research as Jesus. The figure, character,
preaching, and teaching of Jesus was fashioned by the gospel authors not just to fit in. with
the primitive church but to provide a natural linkage with Pauline Christianity.
Christian faith is only loosely intertwined with Jesus of Nazareth and has everything to do
with the Christ de"-ised by Paul. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)
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Lärande och bedömning i seminarieform : - ett examensarbete på A3-nivå om arbetet med seminarier inom ämnet biologi i grundskolans senare år / <em>Learning and evaluation through seminars </em> : - a diploma work about working with seminars in secondary school within the subject of BiologyGustrin, Anna January 2010 (has links)
<p>Denna studie utgår ifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande och syftet med studien är att undersöka huruvida seminarier som arbets- och bedömningsform kan främja intresset för olika moment inom naturvetenskap i allmänhet och biologi i synnerhet, samt att undersöka huruvida seminarier även kan fungera som ett bra bedömningsverktyg.</p><p> </p><p>De metoder som användes i studien var enkät och intervju. Studien utfördes i tre moment. Först genomfördes seminarier inom ämnet biologi i en årskurs 8. Därefter besvarades en enkät av ca. 60 elever från seminarieromgången. Slutligen genomfördes två gruppintervjuer, en med elever och en med lärare. </p><p> </p><p>Resultaten visar att det verkar finnas en koppling mellan seminarieformen och ett ökat intresse, men att kopplingen endast går att göra till intresset för det specifika ämnesområde som tas upp under seminariet. Det är möjligt att detta i förlängningen kan leda till ökat intresse för biologi, men det skulle krävas ytterligare undersökningar för att ta reda på detta. Resultaten visar också att seminarier för vissa elever är en uppskattad bedömningsform och att lärarna tycker att den fungerar bra som komplement till skriftliga metoder. Tydliga kriterier framhålls som viktiga av både elever och lärare.</p> / <p>This diploma work leans on the socio-cultural perspective on education, represented by, among others, Vygotskij. The purpose of this work is to investigate whether seminars could work as a reliable alternative to written exams and to investigate if seminars as a method could enhance interest in different parts of natural sciences, in particular Biology.</p><p> </p><p>The methods used in this study were survey and interviews. The study was carried out in three major parts: seminars were performed in secondary school with children aged 14; a survey regarding these seminars was held and finally, group interviews, one with teachers and one with pupils, were conducted. The interviews focused on the perception of the seminars as a method of learning and evaluation.</p><p> </p><p>The results show that there may be a connection between seminars and an increased interest in specific topics within the field of Biology. However, this connection is so far only significantly detectable for the specific topic of these seminars and can as of now not be stretched to include Natural sciences, or even Biology. Therefore there is room for further investigations to confirm this hypothesis. The results also show that seminars are appreciated among teachers and a large number of students and that both these groups see seminars as a complement to other more traditional forms of teaching and written examinations.</p><p>Key words: seminar, seminars, assessment, interest, Biology, natural sciences, secondary school, upper level of compulsory school, senior level of compulsory school<strong></strong></p>
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The impact of the summer seminar program on midshipman performance: does summer seminar participation influence success at the Naval Academy?Norton, Michael A. 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / It is unknown if the Summer Seminar program, which gives rising high school seniors a six-day look at Naval Academy life, has resulted in a more successful midshipman. While not previously discussed in literature, there are an abundance of studies on civilian recruiting and orientation programs, as well as realistic job previews and expectation-lowering procedures. Based on this literature, it is theorized that Summer Seminar program participation will be positively correlated to increased graduation rates and increased academic cumulative quality point ratings, as well as increased military and physical performance. This hypothesis was tested using multiple hierarchical regressions on population data obtained from the Classes of 1997 through 2003. Success is defined using seven dependent variables organized by academic, military, and physical performance. The key independent variable is participation in the Summer Seminar program, while eleven other independent variables control for demographics, selection criteria, and proven indicators of success. Participation in the Summer Seminar program had a significant relation to increased graduation rates, increased academic cumulative quality point ratings, increased military cumulative quality point ratings, and increased physical readiness test scores. This study concludes that the Summer Seminar program makes a unique contribution to midshipman success at the Naval Academy. / Lieutenant, United States Navy
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To Keep on Knowing More(?): Seminar XVILL, The Other Side of PsychoanalysisLowther, John 16 July 2009 (has links)
This is an explication of Lacan’s Seminar XVII. The introduction situates the Seminar in its time and in relation to other theories of discourse. In part one I examine the changes which it brings to a variety of ideas already known in Lacan’s oeuvre such as Jouissance, Master Signifier(s) and Oedipus. Part two looks the four discourses in detail after considering the positions common to each. I provide accounts of each discourse as taking place internally to a subject and between subjects. The coda examines areas where further research is possible, reviews and critiques some scholarship on this seminar and inquires into the use value of the discourse theory, both generally and as a means of getting beyond Lacan.
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Handledarens yrkeskunnande : Modell och verklighet / Supervisors' Professional Skill : Model and RealityStrand, Malin January 2013 (has links)
Denna uppsats tar sin utgångspunkt i frågeställningar som berör handledarens yrkeskunnande. Benämningen handledare syftar i detta fall på lärare som är VFU-handledare för lärarstudenter eller mentorer för nyutexaminerade lärare. VFU och introduktionsår för nya lärare befinner sig i gränsområdet mellan utbildning och yrkespraktik. Vilka är de kritiska punkterna i handledarrollen? Är det möjligt att följa en modell och vad fungerar i verkligheten? Vilka områden och frågeställningar är relevanta för blivande handledare? Hur kan man utbilda för att kunna hantera dessa områden? Det empiriska material som ingår i denna uppsats har bland annat arbetats fram med hjälp av dialogseminariemetoden. I linje med grundsynen inom forskningsämnet Yrkeskunnande och teknologi har exempel från praktisk yrkesverksamhet, både utifrån författarens egna och blivande handledares upplevelser, fått utgöra stommen i arbetet. Utöver konkreta exempel på dilemman i koppling till handledning beskrivs forskning inom handledningsområdet. Olika perspektiv på kunskap och yrkeskunnande är ytterligare en beståndsdel i arbetet. Avslutningsvis förs ett resonemang kring de kritiska punkterna i handledarrollen och hur man kan betrakta dem i koppling till olika perspektiv på kunskap samt hur denna relation påverkar möjligheten att utbilda yrkeskunniga handledare enligt ”en modell för verkligheten”. / This essay has its basis in issues concerning supervisors’ skills. The term supervisor, in this case, refers to teachers functioning as supervisors during teacher students’ placements or as mentors during the probationary year. What is the crucial point in the role of the supervisor? Is it possible to follow a model and what works in reality? What fields of interest and which questions are relevant for future supervisors? How can you educate these individuals so the will be able to handle such issues? The empirical material that is a part of this essay is a result of the dialogue seminar. According to the basic outlook of the research subject Skill and technology examples from practice is the foundation of this work. Beyond these practical examples of dilemmas in connection to supervision research in the field of supervision is described. Different perspectives of knowledge and skill are other components in this essay. Finally, a discussion about the crucial points in the role of the supervisor is conducted. It is illustrated how different perspectives of knowledge affects the possibility to educate skilled supervisors by using “a model for reality”.
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Lärande och bedömning i seminarieform : - ett examensarbete på A3-nivå om arbetet med seminarier inom ämnet biologi i grundskolans senare år / Learning and evaluation through seminars : - a diploma work about working with seminars in secondary school within the subject of BiologyGustrin, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Denna studie utgår ifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande och syftet med studien är att undersöka huruvida seminarier som arbets- och bedömningsform kan främja intresset för olika moment inom naturvetenskap i allmänhet och biologi i synnerhet, samt att undersöka huruvida seminarier även kan fungera som ett bra bedömningsverktyg. De metoder som användes i studien var enkät och intervju. Studien utfördes i tre moment. Först genomfördes seminarier inom ämnet biologi i en årskurs 8. Därefter besvarades en enkät av ca. 60 elever från seminarieromgången. Slutligen genomfördes två gruppintervjuer, en med elever och en med lärare. Resultaten visar att det verkar finnas en koppling mellan seminarieformen och ett ökat intresse, men att kopplingen endast går att göra till intresset för det specifika ämnesområde som tas upp under seminariet. Det är möjligt att detta i förlängningen kan leda till ökat intresse för biologi, men det skulle krävas ytterligare undersökningar för att ta reda på detta. Resultaten visar också att seminarier för vissa elever är en uppskattad bedömningsform och att lärarna tycker att den fungerar bra som komplement till skriftliga metoder. Tydliga kriterier framhålls som viktiga av både elever och lärare. / This diploma work leans on the socio-cultural perspective on education, represented by, among others, Vygotskij. The purpose of this work is to investigate whether seminars could work as a reliable alternative to written exams and to investigate if seminars as a method could enhance interest in different parts of natural sciences, in particular Biology. The methods used in this study were survey and interviews. The study was carried out in three major parts: seminars were performed in secondary school with children aged 14; a survey regarding these seminars was held and finally, group interviews, one with teachers and one with pupils, were conducted. The interviews focused on the perception of the seminars as a method of learning and evaluation. The results show that there may be a connection between seminars and an increased interest in specific topics within the field of Biology. However, this connection is so far only significantly detectable for the specific topic of these seminars and can as of now not be stretched to include Natural sciences, or even Biology. Therefore there is room for further investigations to confirm this hypothesis. The results also show that seminars are appreciated among teachers and a large number of students and that both these groups see seminars as a complement to other more traditional forms of teaching and written examinations. Key words: seminar, seminars, assessment, interest, Biology, natural sciences, secondary school, upper level of compulsory school, senior level of compulsory school
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