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Psychologická budoucnost studentů gymnázia / Future Through the Eyes of High School StudentsHanzlíková, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis with the future through the eyes of senior high school students, especially with its contents and time location of these contents. The theoretical part presents the most famous time perspective theories and the relationship between adolescents and their future. The emhasis is on introducing czech and also foreign research on a similar topic. The empirical part has four goals: find out which future contents senior high school students are dealing with, 2. where these contents are located in time, 3. how important are the contents and 4. what is the relationship between the future contents and student's past and present. They were done semi-structured interviews within the first and the second goal, then these interviews were coded and interpreted by using elements of grounded theory. To answer the other two goals students filled out questionnaire Ten most important life events by Cottle. The discussion part presents results of the research and comparison with the results of other research. The most senior high school students deal (in the context of the future) with university study, profession, travelling, independence and making their own family. Key words: time perspective, future time perspective, future orientation, late adolescence, senior high school students
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新北市高中英文教師教學專業能力指標建構之研究 / A study on the development of professional teaching competence indicators for senior high school english teachers in New Taipei City馮文秀, Feng, Wen Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
向也提出一些看法,以期對英文教學有些許貢獻。 / Academic authorities have recently laid their prominence on upgrading teachers’ professional competence with the reform efforts of implementing evaluating professional competence on teachers in middle schools. The current study aimed to explore the indicators for evaluating senior high school English teachers’ professional competence, and at the same time, to provide English teachers access to improve and increase teaching efficiency by showing the rankings of indicators under each sub-criterion investigated from 279 English teachers with 4 social background variants in 22 public senior high schools in New Taipei City. The social background variants included gender, educational backgrounds, school size, and total teaching years. In accordance with literature review and expert validity, 5 criteria, 13 sub-criteria, and 47 indicators were established as evaluating standards. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was employed and the results indicated that:
1. Planning competence: Teaching planning was more important than course planning. Planning appropriate teaching activities and developing teaching procedures were considered to be the most important in the two sub-criteria respectively.
2. Teaching competence: Communicative competence and English language competence were the first two priorities, but presentation of teaching materials the last. Good oral communicative skills and self-expressive ability were labeled as the most essential indicators respectively.
3. Management competence: Classroom management was rather prominent than resources management. Good teacher-student interaction was especially viewed as important in classroom management.
4. Professional development: Grasping opportunities to learn was taken more significant than conducting teaching research and teaching innovation. In grasping opportunities to learn, reflecting on one’s teaching and seeking professional development were seen as more important than others.
5. Teaching ethics: Working attitude was of higher significance than professionalism, especially establishing good working relationship with school staff, students’ parents, and surrounding communities.
In conclusion, indicators which were more helpful to teaching were more favored. Despite their different social backgrounds, teachers tended to show similar opinions on the development of their professional competence. According to the results of the study, some suggestions were provided for professional development of English teachers, teacher training, gender differences of English teachers, teaching experiences, and future studies.
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台北市高中圖書館支援教學之研究 / A Study on the Teaching Support of Taipei Senior High School Libraries陳冠穎 Unknown Date (has links)
高中圖書館的宗旨在配合學校教育目標,並支援、豐富與實現學校的教育計畫,為學校整體教學中所不可或缺的一部份。許多國外研究亦已證明學校圖書館與教師之合作對於學生學術成就具有正向影響力。本研究透過訪談法瞭解臺北市高中圖書館支援教學之內涵,釐清圖書館負責人對於支援教學之看法,並分析支援教學所面臨之瓶頸與成功因素,探討高中圖書館如何突破困難,提出有效支援教學之策略。 / 綜合而言,臺北市高中圖書館支援教學之內涵包括:1. 積極發展館藏資源,以滿足教師之教學需求;2.善用資訊傳播科技以支援教學;3. 為師生提供圖書館利用教育,增進其資訊素養;4.由資訊融入教育著手,為教師提供教學諮詢服務。 / 若將支援教學相關服務依教師與館員合作關係歸納為「協調」、「合作」與「協同」三個層次,臺北市高中圖書館目前多已達協調、合作層次,僅少數圖書館達協同層次。和國外圖書館相較,臺北市高中圖書館離理想的協同性支援教學(如教學諮詢、協同教學、參與課程規畫)仍有一段距離。 / 臺北市高中圖書館支援教學之困難包括:1. 升學主義依然掛帥,成為圖書館推動資訊素養教育與資訊融入教育時之障礙;2. 館員缺乏學科教學專業知能,使教學諮詢服務不易獲得教師信任;3. 現階段圖書館人力不足,資訊相關業務之負荷過重。 / 而臺北市高中圖書館支援教學服務之成功因素則在於:1. 掌握資訊科技與資訊教育政策所提供之新契機;2. 館員具備圖書館學與資訊科技專業知能;3. 校長在經費、設備與人力資源上之支持;4. 教師之高度使用需求及參與意願;5. 館員之服務熱忱更為深化支援教學服務之要素。 / 綜合文獻探討與訪談結果,高中圖書館有效支援教學之策略包括: 1. 整合圖書館之服務及學科教學活動,以提升學生學習效能;2. 以資訊融入教育為己任,進而提供教學諮詢服務;3. 建置教學知識庫,整合教學資源;4. 充份整合人力資源,提供較深入之支援教學服務;5. 爭取教師之認同,共同創造新時代之教學願景;6. 培育種子教師,透過成功經驗之激勵,逐步推動高中圖書館之轉型;7. 積極爭取校外經費與設備之補助,以豐富師生教與學之經驗;8. 加強高中圖書館從業人員之專業知能,成為深度支援教學之支柱。 / 最後,本研究為深入支援教學提出幾點建議,供相關單位參考:1. 高中圖書館應協助教師進行個人知識管理;2. 高中圖書館員應深入了解社會發展、教育趨勢與學習需求;3. 高中圖書館從業人員應保持開放心態,隨時充實專業知能;4. 高中圖書館應持續推展與評鑑支援教學相關服務;5. 教育相關單位應將資訊素養概念納入學科教學中之中。 / The school library is the center for collecting, organizing and using information resources, and is therefore an indispensable part of school teaching activities. Teachers could better choose teaching materials, develop curriculum, and evaluate programs with school librarians’ support. Library literatures show that teacher and media specialist collaboration can effectively enhance student learning. This study use in-depth interviews to investigate the the situation of teaching support in Taipei senior high schools, to analyze the difficulties encountered, to identify the successful factors, and to provide strategies of teaching support. / Findings show that (1) teaching support services provided in most cases come under the “coordination” and “cooperation” stage, according to the Pollard and Montiel-Overall taxonomy framework, and very few senior high school libraries provide “collaboration” stage services. (2) Most directors keep conservative attitude toward “collaboration” stage services. (3) The difficulties encountered in teaching support include: tight course schedule, lack of education professional librarians, and tedious work. (4) Successful teaching support factors include: policy, professions in library and information science, unique personality, administration support, and teachers’ willingness. (5) Effectively teaching support strategies include integrating library programs into curriculum, helping teachers to integrate ICT into their lessons, assisting in teachers’ personal knowledge management, making better use of human resources, building visions with teachers, creating success stories, striving for budget actively, enhancing librarians’ professional ability. / Finally, the suggestions were made: (1) Senior high school libraries should assist in teachers’ personal knowledge management. (2) Senior high school librarians should keep learning. (3) Librarians should know the education trends and learning needs. (4) Services should be delivered, evaluated, and improved persistently. (5) Educational authorities should put emphasis on information literacy in subject instructions.
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英語教學在職碩士班對高中英文老師影響之研究 / A Study on the Influence of In-svice English Teaching Graduate Programs on Senior High School English Teachers黃素端, Huang,Su Duan Unknown Date (has links)
1. 在專業態度方面,在職英語教學碩士班增強了進修教師嚐試新教學法的動機,
2. 在專業知能方面,進修教師在本身的讀寫能力及語法、構詞及言談分析等語言
3. 在教室實務方面,專業知能的充實非常有助於進修教師應用新的教學技巧於字
4. 運用進修所得知識於教學中讓具有在職英語教學碩士班進修經驗的教師在教
關鍵字: 在職進修 研究所 高中英文老師 專業態度 專業知能
教室實務 / Teachers’ professional development is the key to teacher quality. It encompasses pre-service teacher education and in-service teacher training. In Taiwan, in an effort to promote English teachers’ continual learning, in-service English teaching graduate programs were started in 1999 in place of what was called "Forty-Credit Program".
This study aims to investigate the influence of the in-service English teaching graduate programs on senior high school English teachers. Three methods, questionnaire survey, interview, and classroom observation, were used. In the part of questionnaire survey, a questionnaire was designed to elicit participants’ self-perceptions of the influence the in-service English teaching graduate programs have on their professional attitudes, professional knowledge and classroom practice. Then, a general survey was conducted island-wide. Ninety-eight schools responded with 109 valid questionnaires. Follow-up phone interviews were conducted with seven willing respondents to further explore how they apply their new knowledge to their teaching. Regarding the classroom observation, two groups of English teachers from the same school participated in this part of study. In the first group were two teachers with the in-service English teaching graduate program experience while in the second group were two teachers without the experience. The teaching of one lesson conducted by the four teachers were observed, video-taped, analyzed, and compared. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with each teacher after the observational data were collected. The purpose of the interview was to know the reasons why they adopted current ways of teaching.
This study has the following important findings. Firstly, in terms of
professional attitudes, the in-service programs affect participants most in their motivation to try out new teaching methods, professional confidence, enthusiasm for English teaching and motivation to partake in in-service training activities. Secondly, in the aspect of knowledge about the English language, participants benefit from the programs the most in their own reading and writing ability as well as in knowledge of syntax, morphology, and discourse analysis. Thirdly, with regard to classroom practice, the enrichment of professional knowledge helps a lot in participants' application of new techniques to their instruction of vocabulary, grammatical structure, reading and writing. It also contributes to participants’ use of varieties of learning resources and materials. Lastly, the application of the new knowledge leads to the differences between teachers who have the in-service English teaching graduate program experience and those who do not.
These findings have rich implications for the relationship between in-service English teaching graduate programs and the improvement of English teaching practice of senior high school English teachers, an area well worth more attention and research.
Key words: in-service graduate programs senior high school English teachers
professional attitudes professional knowledge classroom practice
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Vad spelar språkriktigheten för roll? : En studie om hur fyra svensklärare uppfattar och arbetar med språkriktighet. / Does standard language matter? : An study on how four teachers of Swedish perceive and teach standard language.Björkegren, David January 2019 (has links)
This study examines how four teachers of Swedish perceive the knowledge requirement that says that a student should mainly be able to follow the rules concerning standard written language, how often they teach standard language and to what extent students’ written language affect assessment. The results show that the teachers of Swedish agree that the most important aspect of a text is how it is perceived in its entirety, as well as its flow and how well a reader can understand the text. Some nonstandard expressions are allowed by the teachers, while others are not. The study also shows that the teaching of standard language depends on which school the teachers belong to. In a public school the standard language is taught in isolated situations, while the teachers in a private school do it continuously. However, all informants agree that they do it continuously to some extent when it comes to feedback on student essays. Student perception was also examined and the result shows that there is an inconsistency in how students perceive that standard language is taught. / Den här studien undersöker hur fyra svensklärare uppfattar kunskapskravet som säger att en elev i huvudsak ska kunna följa skriftspråkets normer för språkriktighet, hur ofta de arbetar med språkriktighet och i vilken mån elevers skriftspråk påverkar bedömning. Sammanfattningsvis är informanterna eniga om att det handlar om helhetsbilden, flytet och förståelsen. Vissa normbrott godkänns i elevtexter medan andra är oacceptabla. Resultatet visar att informanternas skoltillhörighet påverkar arbetet med språkriktighet. Medan de kommunalt anställda lärarna undervisar om språkriktighet vid isolerade tillfällen, sker det mer kontinuerligt av de privat anställda lärarna. Däremot finns det viss kontinuitet i språkriktighetsarbetet vad beträffar återkoppling på elevtexter. Även elevåsikter har undersökts och resultatet visar att informanterna är oeniga om hur ofta de undervisas om språkriktighet.
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Formação de professores no uso de sistemas de informação geográfica no ensino fundamental e médioPazini, Dulce Léia Garcia 29 October 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-10-29 / The purpose of the present work is to show how to enable teachers to use Geographic Information Systems GIS in junior and senior high schools. The investigation was made in a development course attended by 27 public school teachers of Estado de São Paulo in a partnership of Diretoria de Ensino Região de Lins with Centro de Tecnologia em Geoprocessamento CTGEO.
The objective was to analyze how the teachers deal with the Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing as teaching resources in their classrooms and to give them conditions to work with the students by using the software SIG CTGEO Escola based on a Pilot Project developed with some students.
The methodological procedures concerning the development of operational research meet the objective of contributing for the application of resources that help recognize the local space in aerial photographs, satellite images and the use of software, providing a new look and knowledge on space in order to interact and interfere in that space to rescue the real meaning of citizenship.
The present work also describes the teacher development course that was based on theoretical concepts of Remote Sensing and GIS. In that sense, the work aroused several expectations, doubts and difficulties among teachers along the course.
The result of the research shows the need of equipping as many teachers as possible with skills to use the GIS in order that all citizens can learn about that fantastic tool known as GIS / Este trabalho teve por objetivo mostrar como formar professores para a utilização dos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica - SIG nas escolas de Ensino Fundamental e Médio. A investigação ocorreu como parte de um curso de formação para 27 educadores da rede pública do Estado de São Paulo, na Diretoria de Ensino Região de Lins, em parceria com o Centro de Tecnologia em Geoprocessamento CTGEO.
A intenção foi analisar as condições dos professores perante a utilização do Sistema de Informação Geográfica e Sensoriamento Remoto como recurso didático em sala de aula e criar condições para que estes pudessem trabalhar com os alunos usando o software SIG - CTGEO Escola a partir de um Projeto Piloto com a participação de alguns alunos.
Os procedimentos metodológicos referentes ao desenvolvimento operacional da pesquisa foram propostos com o objetivo de contribuir para a aplicação de recursos tecnológicos que facilitassem o reconhecimento do espaço local por meio de fotografias aéreas, imagens de satélite e a utilização de softwares, possibilitando um novo olhar e conhecimento do espaço vivido, com o intuito de interagir e interferir nesse espaço, resgatando o verdadeiro sentido de cidadania.
Este trabalho descreve o curso de capacitação que foi embasado em conceitos teóricos sobre Sensoriamento Remoto e SIG. Nesse sentido, o trabalho contribuiu para sanar várias expectativas, dúvidas e dificuldades apresentadas pelos professores durante a capacitação.
O resultado da pesquisa mostra que os professores foram capazes de trabalhar com os sistemas de Sensoriamento Remoto e SIG, de usar esses sistemas com alunos e de explorar diversos conteúdos por intermédio dessas atividades. Além disso, a pesquisa mostra que se faz necessário capacitar o maior número possível de professores no uso desses sistemas para que a informação se torne conhecimento e que este não fique somente nas mãos de poucos, mas sim de todos os cidadãos que queiram usufruí-los para que mais pessoas possam conhecer a grandeza do Sensoriamento Remoto e dos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica
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高中職教師資訊科技融入教學與圖書館支援策略之研究 / Senior High School Teacher Information Technology Integration into Teaching and Support Strategies of Libraries林鴻源, Lin, Hong Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
教師針對圖書館支援教學的需求與滿意程度,綜合研究結果為:(1)整體表現:教學需求非常強烈,但滿意程度不佳;(2)教學需求面向以「網路資源與電子資料庫」最高;「遠距教學支援」最低;(3)教師個人變項以公立高中教師、中層級(3-融入、4-整合) 融入程度,教學需求較高;(4)滿意程度面向以「軟硬體設備」較高;「遠距教學支援」較低; (5)屏東縣教師滿意程度低於台北市教師、私立高職教師滿意程度則低於其他類型學校教師。
最後,本研究為圖書館支援教學提出幾點建議,供相關單位參考:(1)多辦校內座談,了解老師需求;(2)鼓勵參加研習,提昇資訊素養;(3)教學作業指派,生活化數位化;(4)合作支援教學,訂定獎勵辦法;(5)圖書館員特質,需專業及熱忱;(6)增設支援編組,提供專業服務;(7)整合入口網站,連結網路資源;(8)區域資源整合,建電子資料庫 / In today’s informational education, information technology is fused into the courses, materials, and teaching also provides a meaningful learning progress to the learners for better teaching effect. These are the creativity and breakthrough that a teacher should have in teaching. The function of the school’s library is to collect and provide teaching materials to support teachers in teaching and students in learning. Therefore, it should have a close cooperative relationship with the teachers.
This research is to discuss the situation, degree, and liberay-support-teaching strategy of the information technology brought in by high school teacher. We used questionnaire investigation and the group interview to gain the data and the opinion of the high school teachers on these issues. Later, propose effective strategies that support teaching.
In general, the current status of high school teachers blend in the informational information is: (1) the integral performance is bad; (2) it’s better in making teaching tools but worse in communication and sharing; (3) male, age under 40, with highest degree of bachelor and 6-10 years of teaching experiences in the arts and also hold administration office has better performance; (4) teachers in public high school who make use of library a lot and attend information-related seminar for more than 24 hours within a year have better performance.
For investigating teachers blend in information technology, we adapted LoTi scale with eight simple levels to classify the degree. The research result is similar to the current status that (1) the integral blend in degree is “average;” (2) blend in level 4a (integrate- mechanization) has the highest proportion; (3) the blend in ratio of entire teacher is 2:5:3, low-medium-high; (4) male, age under 30, with highest degree of bachelor and 6-10 years of teaching experiences in the arts, attend seminar for 19-24 hours within a year, teach in Taipei City with an administration position in public high school and often use the library has better performance
The general resulf of the demand and satisfatory degree that teachers hold toward liberary support teaching are: (1) integral performance: strong teaching demand but bad satisfactor; (2) in the aspect of teaching demand, “Internet resource and electronic database” has the highest point; “long-distance teaching support” has lowest point; (3) teachers’ personal variables of public high school teachers, medium blend in level (3-benedly, 4- integrate) have higher teaching demand; (4) in the aspect of satisfactory, “soft- and hard-ware equipment” has higher point and “long-distance teaching support” has lower point; (5) the satisfactory of teachers in Pingdong County is lower than those in Taipei City; teachers in private vocational school has lower satisfactory than those teachers in other kinds of schools.
The result of general interview is that the effective support strategy of high school library includes: (1) enrich teaching resource. Libraries should provide abundant electronic books, electronic resources and databases for teaching; establishes cross field material, courses, and evaluating learning platform, etc; (2) elevate service. The library should have a team with profession and enthusiastic; hold regular discussion, information knowledge seminar to understand the needs of teachers and students also increase informational content; cope with teaching demand and collect these data and make recommendations, etc.; (3) build up a reward system. Encourage teachers actively work with the librarians in favor of blending of school informational technology; (4) maintain good interaction. Having a good relationship with teachers is the primary work of all librarians and it also is the key to the success of the library activities.
Finally, this research proposes several recommendations in library-support teaching for related units: (1) hold more in school discussion to understand the needs of the teachers; (2) encourage teachers to participate in the seminar to increase literacy in information; (3) assign teaching material with life and digitalize; (4) corporate in supporting teaching and draw reward regulations; (5) the quality of a libarian should be both professional and enthusiastic; (6) set up additional support team to provide professional service; (7) integrate access website to link to the Internaet resources; (8) integrate destric resource and set up electronic database.
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我國高級中學後設評鑑指標之研究 / The Study on Metaevaluation Indicators for Senior-High School Evaluation in Taiwan林劭仁, Lin,Shaw-Ren Unknown Date (has links)
此外,本研究也針對得懷術及因素分析方法的運用進行分析與檢討,最後並針對實務應用及未來後續研究方向等提出具體的建議。 / The purpose of this study is to establish the meta-evaluation indicators and the weight system of senior-high school in Taiwan.First,we used document analysis to establish the primary scales of meta-evaluation indicators of senior-high school in Taiwan(M.E.I.S.T.).Then,we used the delphi technique to improve the primary scales.Finally, 123 principles of senior-high school in Taiwan were investigated, and we used factor analysis to calculate the weights of M.E.I.S.T.. The main conclusion of this study are as follows:
(1)The first-order indicators of M.E.I.S.T. include “the stage of evaluation formulation”,” the stage of evaluation design”, “the stage of evaluation implementation”, “the stage of evaluation results”,“the stage of use and discussion of results”. The weights for each indicator is .204,.226,.233,.220,and.228.
(2)There are 3 second-order indicators under“The stage of evaluation formulation”.They are “The evaluation purpose”, “The evaluation plan”, “The staff of planning”. The weights for each indicator is .391, .402, .379.There are 11 third-order indicators under them.
(3) There are 3 second-order indicators under“The stage of evaluation design ”.They are “The evaluation ways”, “The evaluation scales and criterias ”, “The organizations and staff”. The weights for each indicator is .373, .378, .371. There are 12 third-order indicators under them.
(4) There are 4 second-order indicators under“The stage of evaluation implementation”.They are “The communication and negotiation”,“The data collection”,“The self-evaluation process”, “ The external evaluation process”.The weights for each indicator is .286, . 298, .280, .296. There are 17 third-order indicators under them.
(5) There are 3 second-order indicators under“The stage of evaluation results”.They are “The data analysis”, “The evaluation report ”,“The disclosure of results”. The weights for each indicator is .358, .362, .359. There are 13 third-order indicators under them.
(6) There are 2 second-order indicators under“The stage of use and discussion of results.”.They are “The use of results ”, “The discussion of results ”. Both of the weights are .523. There are 10 third-order indicators under them.
Besides,this study also discusses the implementation of delphi technique and factor analysis. At the end of the study also proposes some concrete suggestions for practical and further study.
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Har dagens gymnasieelever nytta av sina datakunskaper på högskolenivå. : <em>Får dagens elever arbete på sina gymnasiebetyg inom de nya</em><em> Data/IT programmen</em> / Do today´s senior high school students have any use of their computer knowledge at a collage level?Molin, Yvonne January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose is to analyze if the students have any use of their computer education at a senior high school level or if there is a demand for them to proceed studying. Does the students background have any importance or is it their own motivation that makes the student advance to higher education.</p><p>In this report we ask ourselves the question, if the students have any use of the knowledge gained at senior high school in computer studies at a higher level. Do the students have any chance for employment based on their senior high school grades in computer studies after graduation? Do the schools that follow the senior high school guidelines within programming and databases give these students an advantage towards those that have not received the same fundamental education?</p><p>The method used for the survey is a group questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed at one and the same time and then collected to examine the results. The survey results showed that students who seek work based only on their senior high school grades, received only a temporary position for different lengths of time. Computer education at a senior high school is a preparatory education for collage. Those students that have graduated from senior high school and are keeping up to date with collage oriented subjects within the field of programming and databases, give their students an advantage when they begin reading at a more advanced level.</p>
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高中職社區化-適性學習社區劃分合理性之探討李聖鐸 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現,雲林縣整體就學機會率較他縣市低落,高中、職學校集中於特定鄉鎮,空間分布不甚平均,不利於學生就近就學,而產生部分學生向外縣市通學的情形。外縣市通學的人口中,以高職生為多,多往嘉義縣、市為就學地;顯示雲林縣境內就學機會的供給不敷需求,高職就學機會不均的現象比高中嚴重許多。而就雲林縣三個適性學習社區觀察,雲二區、雲三區內高中、職學生區內就讀的比例皆為六成以上,是為社區內就近就學的良好基礎;雲一區學生外流的情形嚴重,特別是高職學生,往嘉義縣、市通學的趨勢集中,顯示雲一區內就學機會供不應求的情形嚴重,值得注目。對教育當局的建議有二:(1)高中、職通學活動範圍不同,不宜以同一地理界線劃分;(2)雲一區學生向外通學現象嚴重,宜增設高中職校改善之。 / With the popularization of post-secondary education, the Ministry of Education adopts the plan of “Community Senior High School and Vocational School” to connect with the compulsory education. In this plan, Taiwan has been divided into 45 “Adaptive Learning Communities” and the purpose is to diminish the urban-rural difference and increase the opportunity of nearby school enrollment.
This study observes the geographical distribution of students in the three communities in Yunlin to examine the condition of nearby school enrollment. The conclusions are as follows: Senior high schools and vocational schools distributes disproportionately in Yunlin. In other words, almost all schools concentrate in the few towns. It is common for students to commute between residential and school districts, especially for the students enrolled in vocational school. Many non-resident students commute to Chiayi, and the flow of the commuter shows that the supply is unable to meet the demand of school enrollment totally in Yun-1st community. Besides, there are still many students enrolled in nearby schools in Yun-2nd Community and Yun-3rd Community.
Based on the results and discoveries of this study, the following suggestions are proposed: (1)The range of the community should be re-divided for senior high schools and vocational schools respectively. (2)It is necessary to establish more schools in Yun-1 community to increase the supply of the opportunity of the nearby school enrollment.
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