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Living with physical disability : experiences of the rehabilitation process, occupations and participation in everyday lifeLarsson Lund, Maria January 2004 (has links)
A comprehensive understanding is lacking of the experiences persons with acquired physical disabilities have of changes in their engagement in occupations and of the conditions influencing these experiences Furthermore, little is known about the experiences these people have of the rehabilitation process and whether the rehabilitation services satisfy their needs. Access to such knowledge would significantly add to the ability to design rehabilitation services intended to enhance participation in everyday life. The overall aim of this thesis was, therefore, to illuminate and enhance the understanding of how persons with acquired physical disabilities experienced their rehabilitation process and their possibilities to engage in occupations in everyday life. The thesis is comprised of five studies. The planning of the clients’ rehabilitation at hospital was explored through interviews with the clients (n=57) and the professionals (n=50). Interviews exploring how persons with physical disabilities experienced their rehabilitation process (n=15), their occupational lives in their homes (n=13) and the use of assistive devices (n =17) were analysed qualitatively. Data was also collected from persons with spinal cord injury (n =161) by the Impact on Participation and Autonomy questionnaire. The findings showed that the professionals used different strategies to encourage the clients to participate in the planning of the rehabilitation and that the strategies were based on traditions rather than on the individual clients’ desires to participate. The informants’ experiences reflected three parallel chains of rehabilitation over a period of time, a medical, a psychological and a social one. The influence of the different rehabilitation chains on how the clients’ lives turned out varied over time, and the professionals were predominantly involved in the medical rehabilitation chain. The informants’ experiences showed that their engagement in occupations in the home differed profoundly. Access to social support, which was provided under different conditions, was of decisive importance for their occupational engagement. The findings also showed that changes in the informants’ occupations in the home setting transformed the meaning of the home in general. The meaning of using assistive devices was experienced as manifold and double-edged. The incorporation of or resistance to assistive devices was understood as different approaches to adaptation with the same intention: to achieve desired occupational self-images. The majority of the informants perceived their participation in the life situation as sufficient but more than half reported one or more severe problems with participation. Access to social support in everyday occupations had a greater impact on predicting severe problems with participation than certain traditional health related factors or aspects related to the individual. To conclude, the findings indicate that the rehabilitation services need to be better able to adapt to clients’ desires to participate in the planning of their rehabilitation, and designed to satisfy the various needs the clients experience throughout the rehabilitation process. It was revealed that the societal and social environment, as manifested through social interactions, are of central importance in understanding the consequences of and possibilities to engage in occupations supporting participation in everyday life.
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Groupdrink: An Examination of the Social Facilitation of Reward Evaluation and Alcohol-Related BehaviorBelow, Maureen Caroline 01 January 2012 (has links)
Emerging adults- youth between the ages of 18-25- experience high rates of alcohol use and drinking-related consequences, yet risky drinking in this group seems to occur in the context of adaptive developmental processes. Such risk-taking behavior is thought to result from neurobehavioral changes impacting personality, cognitive development, and social functioning beginning in early adolescence. Youth seek out stimulation that, while objectively dangerous, may provide opportunity for evolutionary pay-offs. Social environmental cues signaling such pay-offs may facilitate risky behavior. This study aimed to manipulate social context, subsequent drinking-related behavior, and related shifts in risk and reward evaluation. Participants participated in a "focus group" and taste test of placebo beer (ad libitum drinking session) alone (Solo; SF condition) or in groups that either interacted in the focus group session (Social Facilitation; SF condition) or did not (Mere Presence; MP condition). Participants in the MP and SF conditions reported greater desire to drink and poured and drank more during the taste test than those in the S condition. SF participants reported the highest levels of post-manipulation affect valence, arousal, and positive group experience. Expected differences between conditions in risk/reward evaluation were not observed. Results indicate that despite differences in affective and social experiences between the group conditions, the simple presence of others had as strong an impact on drinking behavior as the social facilitation manipulation. Results underscore the complexity of social influences on human behavior.
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Sutrikusio intelekto moksleivių motyvavimas sportuoti / Motivation to do sports for mentally disabled studentsŠkimelienė, Vida 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė moksleivių socialinės aplinkos sampratos, ją lemiančių veiksnių, protinio atsilikimo sampratos ir sutrikusio intelekto vaikų vystymosi ypatumų analizė.
Iškelta hipotezė, kad socialinė aplinka ir fizinis pajėgumas įtakoja sutrikusio intelekto mokinių motyvavimą sportuoti.
Taikant anketinės apklausos, testavimo, pedagoginio eksperimento metodus buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas – nustatyti socialinės aplinkos ir fizinio pajėgumo įtaką sutrikusio intelekto mokinių motyvavimui sportuoti. Atlikta statistinė ( dažnių, vidurkių, standartinės paklaidos, Spearman koreliacijos kooficiento, t- testo) duomenų analizė.
Tyrime dalyvavo 72 Rusnės specialiosios ir 20 Klaipėdos I-os specialiosios mokyklų sutrikusio intelekto mokinių bei 145 Rusnės pagrindinės mokyklos mokiniai.
Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjamas sutrikusio intelekto ir pagrindinės mokyklos mokinių požiūris į socialinę aplinką; įvertinami sutrikusio intelekto mokinių fizinio pajėgumo rodikliai bei eksperimento programos poveikis.
Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados:
1.Tyrimo duomenys, susiję su pirmojo uždavinio sprendimu, atskleidė, kad mokyklose moksleiviai dalyvauja tik kūno kultūros pamokose, nes jos yra privalomos. Nelanko sportinių būrelių 54% specialiosios ir 58% pagrindinės mokyklos mokiniai.
2. Pasitvirtino hipotezė, kad socialinė aplinka ir fizinis pajėgumas įtakoja sutrikusio intelekto mokinių motyvavimą sportuoti. Sveikų vaikų socialinė aplinka daugiau skatina mankštintis ir sportuoti, o... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Theoretical analysis of pupils’ conception of social environment, factors that predetermine conception of mental retardation and the analysis of peculiarities of the development of children with intellectual disabilities have been carried out in the research paper.
The set up Hypothesis is that social environment and physical capacity influence the motivation to engage intellectually retarded pupils in sports activities.
The research, applying questionnaire survey, testing, pedagogical experiment method to determine the impact of social environment and physical capacity on motivation to engage pupils with intellectual disabilities in sport activities, has been carried out. Statistical (frequency, average, standard error, Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient, t-test) data analysis has been carried out.
72 pupils from Rusne, 20 pupils from Klaipeda 1st Special School for Intellectually Disabled pupils and 145 pupils from Rusne Primary School participated in the research.
In the empirical part the attitude of intellectually disabled pupils and pupils from primary school towards social environment is analyzed. Rate of physical capacity and the influence of experimental program on intellectually disabled pupils are evaluated.
Fundamental conclusions of the research:
1. Research data, related to solution of the first problem, showed that pupils participate in physical education lessons at school only because they are compulsory. 54% of pupils from Special School and 58%... [to full text]
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Pagyvenusių ir senų žmonių socialinių ryšių ypatumai / The peculiarities of social relationships of elderly andSkrabienė, Irena 22 January 2008 (has links)
Šiame darbe aprašomi pagyvenusių ir senų žmonių socialiniai ryšiai, apimant pagyvenusių ir senų žmonių socialinių ryšių pokyčius tiek šeimoje, tiek visuomenėje. Kalbama apie požiūrį į senėjimą, senėjimo procesą, ekonominius ir socialinius veiksnius bei pagyvenusių ir senų žmonių užimtum��, mokymosi ypatumus. Aptariami pagyvenusių ir senų žmonių socialinių ryšių ypatumai, senatvės poveikis socialiniams žmogaus vaidmenims. Darbas parašytas remiantis mokslinės literatūros analize apie pagyvenusių ir senų žmonių socialinių ryšių ypatumus, juos sąlygojančius veiksnius bei atlikto kokybinio tyrimo „Pagyvenusių ir senų žmonių socialinių ryšių ypatumai“ duomenimis ir tiesioginiu stebėjimu natūraliose sąlygose dėl objektyvesni�� išvadų pateikimo, apibūdinant asmens elgesį.
Tyrimo metu buvo vertinami pagyvenusių ir senų žmonių socialinių ryšių pokyčiai, atskleidžiami pagrindiniai besikeičiantys vaidmenys, tokie kaip: socialinės padėties praradimas, sutuoktinio vaidmens netekimas – našlystė, tėvystės vaidmens netekimas, neįgalumas ir liga, priklausomybė nuo kit��, pagyvenusių ir senų žmonių kultūrinė veikla (žmogui senstant, retesnis dalyvavimas ir pasirodymas visuomenėje) bei kliūtys kelyje į ramią senatvę. Taip pat socialinio darbuotojo vaidmuo, palaikant ir stiprinant pagyvenusių ir senų žmonių socialinius ryšius.
Nustatyta, kad pagyvenusių ir senų žmonių socialinių vaidmenų pasikeitimas suvokiamas kaip natūralus senėjimo procesas. Tyrimo duomenys parodė, kad senatvėje žmogaus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this work the social relationships of elderly and old men are being described, including the changes of social relationships of elderly and old men as in family, as in society. The point of view towards ageing, senescence process, economical and social factors, being busy of elderly and old men, and also peculiarities of studying are being discussed. The peculiarities of social relationships of elderly and old men and the influence of old age to the social roles of person are being reviewed. The work was written according to the analysis of scientific literature about the peculiarities of social relationships of elderly and old men, also on the basis of the analysis of the factors, stipulating them, and also according to the fulfilled qualitative research “The peculiarities of social relationships of elderly and old men” data, also according to direct observation under natural conditions because of presenting objective conclusions, characterizing the person’s behavior.
During the research, the changes of social relationships of elderly and old men were evaluated, the main altering roles are revealed, whish are as follows: the loss of social status, the loss of spouse’s role – widowhood, the loss of paternity role, disablement and illness, dependence on others, cultural activity of elderly and old men (when a person grows old, he rarer participate in the social activity) and also obstacles for the serene old age. Also the role of social worker in sphere of keeping and... [to full text]
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Medicinos darbuotojų darbo ergonomiškumo ir sveikatos tyrimas / The research of work ergnomics and health of medical eployeesMalaiškaitė, Donata 25 June 2008 (has links)
Šiame baigiamajame darbe siekiama ištirti medicinos darbuotojų darbui ir sveikatai darančius ergonominius veiksnius bei įvertinti medicinos darbuotojų sveikatą, darbo kokybę ir ergonomiką. Siekiama rasti ryšį tarp ergonomikos, sveikatos, aplinkos ir medicinos darbuotojų gyvenimo kokybės bei skatinti imtis priemonių rizikos veiksniams šalinti. Darbas sudarytas iš dviejų analitinių (aprašomųjų) ir empirinės (eksperimentinės) dalių. Pirmoje analitinėje dalyje nagrinėjami veiksniai, darantys įtaką darbo ergonomikai, tai mikroklimato parametrai ir jų įtaka žmogui, dulkių poveikis, apšvietimas, taip pat triukšmo bei virpesių poveikis žmogaus organizmui. Antroje dalyje nagrinėjama sveikata bei darbą ir sveikatą lemiantys veiksniai: socialinė aplinka, gyvenimo kokybė, aplinkos tarša. Empirinėje dalyje, atlikus anketinę apklausą, įvertintas darbo įrankių ir prietaisų atitikimas ergonomikos reikavimams, nustatyta, kaip ergonominės naujovės atitinka darbuotojų lūkesčius, kaip jos mažina darbo įtampą. Taip pat buvo įvertintas medicinos darbuotoj�� darbo ergonomiškumas ir sveikata. / The objective of this study is to investigate the factors of ergonomics having the influence upon the medical employee‘s health, work quality and ergonomics. The aim was to find the link among ergononomics, health, environmental and life quality of the medical employees and to include to take measures for the elimination of the risk factors. The paper consist of two analytical (descriptive) and one empirical (experimental) parts. The first analytical part analyses the factors which affect the ergonomics of work, mainly the parameteres of microclimate and their influenc on people, as well as the influence of dust, ligthing, noise and vibration being mad o the human organism. The second part examines the health and such factors as health, social enviroment, life quality,pollution affecting the quality of work and life. The empirical part, according to previous surveys, evaluates the correspondence between hand tools, devices and the requirements of ergonomics, defines the way the innovations of ergonomics conform the expectations of the workers. It also analysed the role of innovations in reducing stress at workplace. Work ergonomics and health of medical employee‘s was analyses, as well.
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Mokesčių naštos poveikio ekonomikos konkurencingumui vertinimas socialinės aplinkos kontekste / Assessment of the tax burden impact on competitiveness of economy in context of the social environmentStankevičius, Evaldas 05 November 2014 (has links)
Pastarąjį dešimtmetį kilusios problemos dėl ekonomikos raidos bei mokesčių vaidmens šiuolaikinėje ekonomikoje skatino diskusijas apie fiskalinės politikos poveikį konkurencingumui. Tyrimai stokoja vertinimo argumentacijos, dauguma vertinimų grindžiamos tik BVP kitimo tendencijomis, kurios nerodo socialinių pokyčių.
Mokslinė problema: kaip įvertinti mokesčių naštos ir ekonomikos konkurencingumo sąveiką socialinės aplinkos kontekste?
Mokesčių naštos poveikio ekonomikos konkurencingumui vertinimas socialinės aplinkos kontekste modelis sudarytas, vadovaujantis teorinėmis, istorinėmis ir praktinėmis mokesčių kitimo ir įtakos ekonomikos, konkurencingumo, socialinio aplinkos lygio raidai bei valstybės dalyvavimo ekonominėje veikloje vertinimui ir yra argumentuotas instrumentas, tinkamas vertinti mokesčių vaidmenį ekonomikos konkurencingumo formavime socialinės aplinkos kontekste.
Atlikti mokesčių naštos lygio ekonomikos aplinkos pokyčiams tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad mokesčiai yra svarbi ekonomikos vystymosi aplinkybė, kuri šiuolaikinėje aplinkoje turi būti vertinama plačiau, ne tik valstybės dalyvavimo ekonomikoje lygio aspektu. Mokestinės naštos poveikį aktualu įvertinti ekonominio potencialo, konkurencingumo, socialinės aplinkos lygio ir viešųjų išlaidų poreikio kontekste. Kompleksinis mokesčių vertinimas leidžia atskleisti mokesčių naštos poveikį ne tik ekonomikos pokyčiams, bet parodo ir mokestinių pajamų perskirstymo vaidmenį ekonomikos konkurencingumo ir socialinės aplinkos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Over the last decade, problems with the economic development and role of taxation in the modern economy, encouraged debate on fiscal policy impact on competitiveness. Studies lack reasoning, most estimates are based only on the GDP change trends, which do not reflect social changes.
The scientific problem: how to assess the interaction of tax burden and economic competitiveness in the context of social environment?
The model “Assessment of the tax burden impact on competitiveness of economy in context of the social environment” was created in accordance with the theoretical, historical and practical taxation changes and their impact on assessment of economy, competitiveness, social environment development level and state participation in economic activities. The model is reasoned assessment tool, suitable for evaluation of the role of taxation in the formation of economic competitiveness in social environment context.
Results of the performed study of tax burden impact on economic environment changes show that taxes are an important factor in economic development, which in today's environment must be regarded as more, than just a level of state involvement in the economy. It is relevant to assess impact of tax burden in the context of economic potential, competitiveness, social environment level and public expenditure need. Complex assessment of taxes allows not only to reveal the impact of tax burden on changes in the economy, but also shows the role of tax revenue... [to full text]
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The embodied experience of living with Parkinson's disease /Sunvisson, Helena, January 2003 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2003. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Genetic and environmental influences on antisocial behavior from childhood to emerging adulthood /Tuvblad, Catherine, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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The relationship between social support and mothers' health beliefs about their babies a research report submitted in partial fulfillment ... parent-child nursing /Pirkle, Melany Ann. January 1989 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1989.
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Social support and use of well-baby health services a research project submitted in partial fulfillment ... community health nursing /Koszarek, Mary Jo. January 1989 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1989.
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