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The (In)visible Hand of the EU : How the EU has affected changes in Turkey's Asylum and Refugee Policy?Deniz, Ugur Amber January 2019 (has links)
Previous literature on the Europeanization of candidate countries has lacked careful empirical investigations into how the process drives domestic policies to change in line with the EU acquis. Selecting on the least-likely case of Turkey and its refugee and asylum policy, I identify that previous work has assumed that Turkey’s policy shifts have been driven by rationalist cost- benefit calculations of its government. The purpose of this study has been to empirically investigate and trace the mechanisms of Europeanization in the selected case, in order to thereby contribute to knowledge on the process of Europeanization in candidate countries in general, and address to the previous research gap. Given this purpose, I have aimed to produce answers to the research question: how has the EU affected Turkey’s asylum and refugee policy after the declaration of candidacy status? I hypothesize that a rationalist model driven by the EU’s conditionality can indeed explain domestic policy changes in Turkey, but also that an alternative mechanism of socialization has been at play. Tracing the process of Europeanization through secondary sources, the results show that what started with behavioral-adaptation of domestic policy change in alignment with the EU’s laws, norms and demands between 1999 and 2010, between 2011 and 2018 the Turkish asylum and refugee policies started to step away from the push power of the external incentives. Nonetheless, significant domestic policy changes continued, suggesting evidence against the rationalist conditionality model of Europeanization in this period. However, I argue that the results are not strong enough to make the claim Turkey’s domestic policy change was driven by a mechanism of socialization, but rather suggest there has been initiation of a switch between the mechanisms.
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Projeto Educação para a Sustentabilidade: transformando espaços e pessoas. Uma experiência de sete anos no ensino médio / Education for Sustainability Project: transforming spaces and people. A seven-year high school experience.Grandisoli, Edson Abreu de Castro 05 September 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a efetividade da pedagogia da sustentabilidade utilizada como guia na criação, implantação e desenvolvimento do Projeto Educação para a Sustentabilidade (EpS), a qual foi avaliada por meio da análise dos principais produtos gerados no espaço escolar, e dos efeitos e dos impactos sobre os estudantes participantes, professores tutores e gestão escolar. O EpS (2010 a 2016) foi de um projeto extracurricular optativo desenvolvido no contraturno e destinado a alunos dos 1os e 2os anos do Ensino Médio de uma escola privada tradicional da cidade de São Paulo. O objetivo principal do Projeto EpS foi o de colocar estudantes como protagonistas da criação e execução de intervenções no espaço escolar, a fim de torná-la mais sustentável. Neste processo, optou-se pelo uso de metodologias ativas de aprendizagem, dos preceitos da aprendizagem social, norteados pelas premissas da Educação Ambiental Crítica. As principais intervenções realizadas pelos estudantes no espaço escolar foram avaliadas criticamente com relação aos produtos gerados, bem como efeitos e impactos desse processo sobre os estudantes participantes no tocante aos parâmetros conhecimentos, atitudes, comportamentos declarados, valores e habilidades. Nesta análise, utilizou-se questionários pré e pós-testagem explorados por análise qualitativa de conteúdo e, posteriormente, quantificados e apresentados por meio de estatística descritiva. Os efeitos sobre o grupo de estudantes participantes (grupo experimental) foram comparados com grupo de estudantes não-participantes (grupo controle). O grupo experimental apresentou marcadas mudanças em todos os parâmetros (conhecimentos, atitudes e comportamentos declarados) considerando os pré e pós-testes. O grupo controle não apresentou mudanças tão significativas, indicando e reforçando a influência da participação no Projeto EpS. A análise das habilidades e valores declarados pelo grupo experimental apontam para a valorização da importância da análise complexa dos desafios socioambientais, do trabalho em equipe, da comunicação entre os pares, da criação de redes de cooperação, do respeito e da empatia, entre outros. A análise de impacto foi realizada com ex-participantes 4, 5 e 7 anos após a passagem pelo projeto e revelou importante influência nas escolhas acadêmicas, profissionais e do dia a dia. Os professores tutores e gestão escolar foram analisados por questionários e entrevistas, respectivamente. Os efeitos da participação no projeto sobre esses atores são menos significativos que para os estudantes. Conclui-se que os efeitos e impactos sobre o grupo experimental possuem relação direta com as experiências vividas no projeto, o que reforça a efetividade da pedagogia da sustentabilidade. Entre os fatores decisivos para o sucesso das transformações no espaço e nas pessoas estão a construção de uma rede de parcerias internas e externas, bem como a permanência do projeto por sete anos na escola, fato raro na maior parte das instituições de ensino que se dedicam a práticas relacionadas à Educação Ambiental ou Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável. / This thesis aims to analyze the effectiveness of the \"pedagogy of sustainability\" used as a guide in the creation, implementation and development of the Education for Sustainability Project (EpS), which was evaluated considering the main products created in the school space, and the effects and impacts over the participating students, teachers and school management. The EpS (2010 to 2016) was an optional extracurricular activity for high school students (1st and 2nd grades) developed at the counter-shift of a traditional private school of the city of São Paulo. The main goal of the EpS project was to place students as protagonists of the creation and execution of interventions in the school, in order to make it more sustainable. In this process, active learning techniques and the precepts of social learning were used, guided by critical environmental education premises. The main interventions carried out by the students were critically analyzed regarding the products generated as well as the effects and impacts related on the participating students considering parameters as knowledge, attitudes, declared behaviors, values and abilities. For that, pre and posttest questionnaires were used and explored by qualitative content analysis techniques and subsequently quantified and presented by descriptive statistics. The effects over the participating students (experimental group) were compared to groups of non-participating students (control group). The experimental group presented conspicuous changes in all parameters (knowledge, attitudes and declared behaviors) considering pre and post-tests. The control group, on the other hand, did not present such significant changes, indicating and reinforcing the importance and influence of the participation in the EpS Project. The analysis of declared abilities and values of the experimental group indicate the valorization of the complex analysis of socio-environmental challenges, teamwork, peer communication, networking, respect and empathy, among others. The impact analysis was carried out with ex-participants after 4, 5 and 7 years their participation and showed important influence in the academic, professional and everyday choices. Tutors and school management were analyzed by questionnaires and interviews, respectively. The effects on both stakeholders regarding their participation in the project seem less significant than for the students. It is possible to conclude that the effects and impacts on the experimental group directly reflect the experiences lived in the project, and, therefore, reinforce the effectiveness of the \"pedagogy of sustainability\". Among the decisive factors for the success of the transformations in space and people are the construction of an internal and external partnerships network, as well as the continuity and permanence of the project for seven years in the school, a rare fact in most educational institutions that dedicate themselves to Environmental Education or Education for Development Sustainable related practices.
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Negociação na governança da água: inovações na construção de consensos em comitês de bacia hidrográfica - Water Governance Game para o Comitê do Alto Tietê / Negotiation in water governance: innovations and consensus building in river basin. The Water Governance Game for Upper Tietê River Basin.Granja, Sandra Inês Baraglio 01 August 2008 (has links)
Esta tese oferece o seqüenciamento, as bases conceituais da construção, formatação e apresentação do Jogo de Governança da Água (JGA) para a Bacia do Alto Tietê (BAT) situada em grande parte na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. O objetivo do Jogo é construir intervenções dentro da sustentabilidade ambiental da BAT, alocando recursos em tempo real, através de rodadas de negociação e escolhas estratégicas pelos atores da própria Bacia, de forma a potencializar ou ampliar a governança da água na mesma. Três teorias embasam e sustentam o JGA, ou seja, a Teoria da Ação Comunicativa, a Teoria dos Jogos e a Teoria do Construtivismo. Essas teorias, associadas ao entendimento de outras metodologias que comportam plataformas de negociação, traduzem um produto, o JGA, capaz de estruturar propostas de intervenção e de alocação de recursos para sua implementação e, conseqüentemente, modificação de uma situação inicial de criticidade elencada pelos atores do Comitê da Bacia Hidrográfica do Alto Tietê. Os resultados do Jogo dependem das circunstâncias, do contexto, da interação dos jogadores; de variáveis de outros subjogos, das jogadas produzidas e da criatividade dos próprios atores. Após o Jogo, formatamse redes de aprendizagem e de prática, para que o monitoramento e avaliação da implementação permitam oferecer a gestão dos indicadores e parâmetros das intervenções acordadas no JGA. / This thesis provides the structure, conceptual bases, outline and operation of the Water Governance Game (WGG) for the Upper Tietê River Basin in the metropolitan region of São Paulo. The objective of the game is to create and develop environmentally sustainable interventions within the river basin, allocating resources in real-time, through negotiation rounds and the strategic choices of actors from the basin in order to strengthen and amplify local water governance. Three theories underpin and sustain the WGG: Jürgen Habermas\' Theory of Communicative Action, Game Theory and Constructivist epistemology. In association with a full understanding of other methodologies which encompass negotiation platforms, the theories make the WGG a product that is capable of structuring opportunities for intervention and resource allocation for the implementation and consequent modification of first case situations raised by actors within the basin. The results of the game depend on circumstances, context and the interaction of players. They are concomitant on variables from other sub-games, from gameplay and from the creativity of each of the actors. After the game, learning networks and communities of practice form which can monitor and evaluate developments and allow them to accompany implementation, offer management of indicators and follow the parameters for intervention agreed within the WGG.
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Uma investigação experimental sobre a interação entre comportamento social não-verbal e comportamento supersticioso / An experimental investigation about the interaction between non-verbal social behavior and superstitious behaviorSantiago, Jéssica Bezerra 20 April 2018 (has links)
Buscou-se investigar se a aprendizagem social pode facilitar a ocorrência de respostas supersticiosas, selecionadas pela relação acidental com eventos ambientais contíguos ao responder. Em uma atividade de computador, participantes podiam clicar em um mouse e havia um galão de água na tela que poderia encher-se de acordo com o esquema de reforçamento programado. O Experimento 1, realizado com oito estudantes universitários, foi composto por três sessões (delineamento ABA), alternando entre condições nas quais o participante atuou sozinho ou na presença de outro participante que também realizou a tarefa no mesmo momento. O segundo participante, porém, era um participante confederado com a experimentadora e respondeu à tarefa de forma previamente treinada. Os participantes foram expostos, em cada sessão, a esquemas de tempo variável de 15s (VT15s) e extinção (EXT) que foram alternados entre si a cada dois minutos. O participante confederado foi exposto aos esquemas de intervalo variável (VI15s) e EXT, e respondeu de forma constante em ambos os esquemas. Manipulou-se duas variáveis: o esquema de contiguidade e a exposição a outro indivíduo comportando-se na tarefa. Efeitos sobre as taxas de respostas dos participantes foram medidos. Não houve diferenciação do responder em função da mudança do esquema, porém houve diferença significativa entre as médias de respostas nas sessões individuais e conjuntas, permitindo a conclusão de que a manipulação da variável social produziu um efeito sobre as respostas. O Experimento 2 manipulou apenas a variável social. O esquema de reforçamento foi mantido em VT15s durante a sessão inteira em todo o experimento. Trabalhou-se com dois grupos de participantes, um no qual os participantes realizavam a sessão individualmente e outro grupo no qual outros participantes trabalhavam na sessão juntamente com um segundo participante, que, tal como no primeiro estudo, era um confederado que respondia de forma constante e previamente treinada, sendo exposto ao esquema de VI15s durante a sessão inteira. Observou-se uma diferença significativa entre as médias de respostas entre os dois grupos, o que mostra o efeito da variável manipulada. Além disso, observou-se uma variância significativamente maior das taxas de respostas dos participantes no grupo sem confederado em comparação com as dos participantes do grupo com confederado, que mostra um efeito de interação entre a variável social e o esquema de VT. O presente trabalho acrescenta dados novos tanto para a literatura de aprendizagem social quanto para a literatura de comportamento supersticioso, ao constatar que a variável social foi responsável por diminuir a variação das taxas de respostas de participantes expostos a um esquema independente, que, além disso foi independente desde o início da tarefa. Ademais confirmou-se achados sobre efeitos de facilitação social, sobretudo em uma situação de esquema não-contingente / The purpose of the present work was to investigate if social learning may facilitate occurrence of superstitious responses, selected by accidental relation with contiguous environmental events. In a computer activity, participants could click with a mouse and there was a water gallon on the screen that could fill itself according to reinforcement schedule programmed. The First Experiment was done with eight college students. It was composed by three sessions (ABA design), alternating between conditions in which the participant acted alone or in the presence of another participant, who also performed the task at the same moment. The second participant, however, was confederate with the experimenter and responded to the task in a previously trained manner. Participants were exposed, in each session, to 15s variable time schedules (VT15s) and extinction (EXT) which were alternated between each other every two minutes. The confederate participant was exposed to variable interval (VI15s) and exctinction (EXT) schedules and responded steadily in both schedules. Two variables were manipulated: the contiguity schedule and the exposure to another individual behaving on the task. Effects on participants rates of responding were measured. There was no differentiation in responding due to schedule change, however there was significant difference between mean rates of responses in individual sessions and in joint sessions, allowing the conclusion that the social variable manipulation had an effect on responses. The Second Experiment manipulated only the social variable. The schedule of reinforcement was maintained VT15s during the whole session in all the experiment. There were two groups of participants, one in which participants performed the session individually and another in which other participants performed in a session together with another participant. This participant, as in the First Experiment, was a confederate that responded steadily and in a previously trained manner, and was exposed to a VI15s schedule It was observed a significant difference between means of response of each group, which shows the effect of the manipulated variable. Moreover there was a significant higher variance in response rates of the individual group participants in comparison with response rate of the group with a confederate, which shows an effect of interaction between the social variable and the VT schedule. The present work adds new data to social learning literature as much as to superstitious behavior literature, upon verifying that the social variable was responsible for diminishing variation in response rates of participants exposed to an independent schedule, which beyond that, was independent since the beginning of the task. Furthermore it confirmed some findings of social facilitation effects, especially in a situation of non-contingent schedule
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Laços e entrelaços: o novelo dos comitês de bacia no Estado de São Paulo. Uma análise da governança no SIGRH São Paulo / Laços e entrelaços: o novelo dos comitês de bacia no Estado de São Paulo. Uma análise da governança no SIGRH São Paulo.Souza, Alexandre do Nascimento 06 May 2015 (has links)
Tendo como referência principal a discussão sobre governança, a pesquisa buscou identificar quais tipos de práticas são consideradas mais exitosas no contexto da gestão da água. O trabalho apresenta a crítica ao modelo da ciência normal e apresenta a ciência pós-normal como alternativa para um fazer científico que legitima outras formas de conhecimento, e não apenas o especialista. O trabalho toma como referência o cenário político, social, econômico, cultural e ambiental descrito pela a abordagem da sociedade de risco. Foram revisadas abordagens recentes sobre os temas da governança, da governança ambiental, governança da água, da aprendizagem social e da análise do desenvolvimento das instituições. Toda a discussão suscitada pela literatura revisada é feita à luz do Sistema Integrado de Gerenciamento dos Recursos Hídricos no Estado de São Paulo- SIGRH. Apresentamos o modelo de análise da gestão participativa MAGEP, desenvolvido como síntese da literatura revisada e uma reflexão sobre as políticas de participação social da terceira geração. O trabalho conclui que a gestão da água no Estado de São Paulo é feita em consonância com o que a literatura tem apresentado como formas adequadas de gestão do recurso hídrico. No entanto, o SIGRH em São Paulo carece de práticas inovadoras que tornem o ambiente da gestão da água mais dinâmico e com mais participação social. / The governance approach represents the main discussion in this research that tried to identify how water can be managed in a sustainable way. We criticize the normal science model, to show that the pos-normal science is an approach able to recognize different kinds of knowledge. We took the risk society approach as the political, economic, social, cultural and environmental setting where the water management becomes an important question. We reviewed works from Governance, Environmental Governance, Water Governance, Social Learning and Institutional Analysis Development to understand the Integrated Management State of São Paulo. We present the Participative Management Analysis Model built as a synthesis of the reviewed literature and the reflection about the third generation of social participation polices. We concluded that the water management in São Paulo has been done in according with what we found in the research; however it needs to have more creative practices and more social participation.
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Uma investigação experimental sobre a interação entre comportamento social não-verbal e comportamento supersticioso / An experimental investigation about the interaction between non-verbal social behavior and superstitious behaviorJéssica Bezerra Santiago 20 April 2018 (has links)
Buscou-se investigar se a aprendizagem social pode facilitar a ocorrência de respostas supersticiosas, selecionadas pela relação acidental com eventos ambientais contíguos ao responder. Em uma atividade de computador, participantes podiam clicar em um mouse e havia um galão de água na tela que poderia encher-se de acordo com o esquema de reforçamento programado. O Experimento 1, realizado com oito estudantes universitários, foi composto por três sessões (delineamento ABA), alternando entre condições nas quais o participante atuou sozinho ou na presença de outro participante que também realizou a tarefa no mesmo momento. O segundo participante, porém, era um participante confederado com a experimentadora e respondeu à tarefa de forma previamente treinada. Os participantes foram expostos, em cada sessão, a esquemas de tempo variável de 15s (VT15s) e extinção (EXT) que foram alternados entre si a cada dois minutos. O participante confederado foi exposto aos esquemas de intervalo variável (VI15s) e EXT, e respondeu de forma constante em ambos os esquemas. Manipulou-se duas variáveis: o esquema de contiguidade e a exposição a outro indivíduo comportando-se na tarefa. Efeitos sobre as taxas de respostas dos participantes foram medidos. Não houve diferenciação do responder em função da mudança do esquema, porém houve diferença significativa entre as médias de respostas nas sessões individuais e conjuntas, permitindo a conclusão de que a manipulação da variável social produziu um efeito sobre as respostas. O Experimento 2 manipulou apenas a variável social. O esquema de reforçamento foi mantido em VT15s durante a sessão inteira em todo o experimento. Trabalhou-se com dois grupos de participantes, um no qual os participantes realizavam a sessão individualmente e outro grupo no qual outros participantes trabalhavam na sessão juntamente com um segundo participante, que, tal como no primeiro estudo, era um confederado que respondia de forma constante e previamente treinada, sendo exposto ao esquema de VI15s durante a sessão inteira. Observou-se uma diferença significativa entre as médias de respostas entre os dois grupos, o que mostra o efeito da variável manipulada. Além disso, observou-se uma variância significativamente maior das taxas de respostas dos participantes no grupo sem confederado em comparação com as dos participantes do grupo com confederado, que mostra um efeito de interação entre a variável social e o esquema de VT. O presente trabalho acrescenta dados novos tanto para a literatura de aprendizagem social quanto para a literatura de comportamento supersticioso, ao constatar que a variável social foi responsável por diminuir a variação das taxas de respostas de participantes expostos a um esquema independente, que, além disso foi independente desde o início da tarefa. Ademais confirmou-se achados sobre efeitos de facilitação social, sobretudo em uma situação de esquema não-contingente / The purpose of the present work was to investigate if social learning may facilitate occurrence of superstitious responses, selected by accidental relation with contiguous environmental events. In a computer activity, participants could click with a mouse and there was a water gallon on the screen that could fill itself according to reinforcement schedule programmed. The First Experiment was done with eight college students. It was composed by three sessions (ABA design), alternating between conditions in which the participant acted alone or in the presence of another participant, who also performed the task at the same moment. The second participant, however, was confederate with the experimenter and responded to the task in a previously trained manner. Participants were exposed, in each session, to 15s variable time schedules (VT15s) and extinction (EXT) which were alternated between each other every two minutes. The confederate participant was exposed to variable interval (VI15s) and exctinction (EXT) schedules and responded steadily in both schedules. Two variables were manipulated: the contiguity schedule and the exposure to another individual behaving on the task. Effects on participants rates of responding were measured. There was no differentiation in responding due to schedule change, however there was significant difference between mean rates of responses in individual sessions and in joint sessions, allowing the conclusion that the social variable manipulation had an effect on responses. The Second Experiment manipulated only the social variable. The schedule of reinforcement was maintained VT15s during the whole session in all the experiment. There were two groups of participants, one in which participants performed the session individually and another in which other participants performed in a session together with another participant. This participant, as in the First Experiment, was a confederate that responded steadily and in a previously trained manner, and was exposed to a VI15s schedule It was observed a significant difference between means of response of each group, which shows the effect of the manipulated variable. Moreover there was a significant higher variance in response rates of the individual group participants in comparison with response rate of the group with a confederate, which shows an effect of interaction between the social variable and the VT schedule. The present work adds new data to social learning literature as much as to superstitious behavior literature, upon verifying that the social variable was responsible for diminishing variation in response rates of participants exposed to an independent schedule, which beyond that, was independent since the beginning of the task. Furthermore it confirmed some findings of social facilitation effects, especially in a situation of non-contingent schedule
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Aprendizagem individual e coletiva em organizações de pequeno porte: um estudo em duas lojas de acessórios femininosHirota, Elza 27 January 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-01-27 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / This research paper investigates organizational learning, from the following perspective: how do the individual and collective learning processes function in a small organization? The overall objective is to understand the learning process in small organizations on the individual and collective levels and the formal and informal mechanisms involved. To attain this overall objective, two specific objectives were defined. The first specific objective is to identify and describe how the owners and employees of two stores in a woman s apparel retail chain learned to work in this area, looking at both their formal and informal learning processes. The second specific objective is to analyze and compare the formal and informal learning processes of the owners, the managers and the employees at these stores and to evaluate if there is a difference in the pattern of learning due to a difference in the locations of the stores (one being located on the street and one being located in a shopping center). The theories and concepts which form the foundation of this research are: experiential learning, the theory of social learning as well as formal and informal learning. This paper, which is of an exploratory nature, has adopted a qualitative perspective and has been developed based on the premises of a basic or generic qualitative study . This choice is justified based on the emphasis placed on discovering and interpreting the lessons learned by the participants themselves in terms of their lives and their experiences. The main strategy for data collection was the conduction of interviews at the workplace. An analysis of these interviews led to the creation of hierarchically organized analytic codes to facilitate the interpretation and extraction of significant data. One of the main results of this research is that the interviewees learned through different forms of informal learning: exchanging experiences, self-taught learning, and external interactions in the workplace. We also can affirm that learning occurs much more on the individual level than at the collective level, a fact which is related to the characteristics of the organizational environments investigated,which place management in the central role. The managers are those who command, train and follow the day to day work of the employees, and they serve as models to be emulated and are responsible for the store s earnings. No significant differences were observed in the forms of learning used by the owners, the managers and the employees. As far as the location of the stores is concerned, there was a general consensus that there is no difference between the forms of learning utilized in a store located on the street as opposed to one located within a shopping center, and that the learning process is essentially the same for any type of retail sales organization, differing only in terms of the product that is being sold. / Esta pesquisa investigou a aprendizagem organizacional, a partir da seguinte questão orientadora: como se dá o processo de aprendizagem individual e coletivo em organizações de pequeno porte? O objetivo geral foi compreender o processo de aprendizagem em organizações de pequeno porte, considerando o nível individual, o nível coletivo e os mecanismos formais e informais. Para o alcance do objetivo geral, foram definidos dois objetivos específicos. Primeiro objetivo específico: identificação e descrição de como as proprietárias de duas lojas de rede varejista de acessórios femininos e suas funcionárias aprenderam a trabalhar nesse ramo, considerando tanto os processos formais, quanto os processos informais de aprendizagem. Segundo objetivo específico: análise e comparação dos processos de aprendizagem formais e/ou informais entre as proprietárias, entre as gerentes e entre os níveis funcionais das duas organizações, para avaliar se havia diferenças de aprendizagem considerando a localização das lojas (na rua e no shopping). As teorias e conceitos que embasaram a pesquisa foram: a aprendizagem experiencial, a teoria da aprendizagem social e também a aprendizagem formal e informal. A pesquisa, de caráter exploratório, adotou uma perspectiva qualitativa e desenvolveu-se segundo as premissas do estudo qualitativo básico ou genérico . Esta opção justifica-se pela ênfase em descobrir e interpretar os significados atribuídos a vida e experiências pelos próprios participantes. A estratégia fundamental de coleta de dados se deu por meio da realização de entrevistas, nos locais de trabalho. A análise gerou a criação de códigos analíticos organizados hierarquicamente, para facilitar a interpretação e extração de significados. Como principais resultados, a pesquisa revelou que as entrevistadas aprenderam por diferentes formas de aprendizagem informal: troca de experiências, aprendizagem autodirigida e interações externas no cotidiano de trabalho. Também foi possível afirmar que a aprendizagem se dá muito mais no nível individual do que no coletivo, fato este relacionado às próprias características dos ambientes organizacionais investigados que têm a gerência como papel essencial. É a gerência quem comanda, orienta, acompanha o dia a dia das funcionárias, serve de modelo a ser seguido e responde pelo faturamento da loja. Não se observaram diferenças significativas nas formas de aprendizagem entre as proprietárias, entre as gerentes e entre os outros níveis funcionais. Quanto à localização das lojas, houve consenso de que não existem diferenças de aprendizagem entre a loja da rua e a loja do shopping; observou-se, ainda, a ideia de que a aprendizagem para se trabalhar em vendas no varejo é comum para qualquer tipo de organização, diferindo apenas a relação com o produto comercializado.
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Datorspel = Lärande? : En kvalitativ studie angående gymnasieelevers attityder gällande datorspel som läromedel / Computer games = Learning?Sabelström, Ellen January 2013 (has links)
The gaming market has become the fastest growing market for leisure and is one of the most popular forms of homeentertainment. This has generated a media debate about how people are affected by gaming and concernes how we are affected by the violence that may occur in games. Games proponents argues that gaming is the future of teaching and computer games are becoming a sustainable and popular instruction strategy. Some studies have long used computer games for educational purposes. By interviewing high school students in focus groups as qualitative research, I studied their attitudes towards computer games as a learning tool. Using the indie game Minecraft, the online game World of Warcraft and the simulation game Euro Truck as examples, I have asked high school students what skills they believe can be obtained by using computer games as a learning tool. Focusing on factual abstract learning, social learning and practical application of learning. The result shows that high school students believe that some learning can be achieved by most computer games, but the knowledge obtained is not necessarily the skills that can be applied in reality. The results also show that high school students lack practical application of learning, and they think that computer games are a great tool to visualize factually abstract knowledge. When it comes to social learning they believe that it gives the opposite effect and make players asocial.
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Understanding Pro-Environmental Behaviour as Process: Assessing the Importance of Program Structure and Advice-Giving in a Residential Home Energy Evaluation ProgramHoicka, Christina January 2012 (has links)
Despite recognition that reductions in fossil-fuel usage are necessary to reduce environmental harm, energy consumption continues to rise globally. There is a growing need to understand how to effectively influence individuals to reduce their energy consumption, particularly of fossil-fuels. Pro-environmental behaviour is the subset of consumer behaviour that is oriented towards reducing environmental impact compared to other options. It is widely agreed that due to a multiplicity of influencers, pro-environmental behaviour is best analysed using an integrated approach that allows the inclusion of different disciplinary perspectives, and seeks to identify the most important influences in the system under study. This dissertation sought to address the broader challenge of how to better design programs and policies that result in behaviour that is more sustainable.
The objective of this dissertation was to assess the importance and effects of program structure and advice-giving on the pro-environmental behaviour of participating in a home energy evaluation program that encouraged homeowners to implement energy efficiency retrofits. Program structure was defined as the combination of the price of the evaluation, the financial reward structure, the level of government support, and the focus on influencing eight specific decisions within a specified timeframe. Advice-giving occurred during the initial evaluation with a home energy advisor and with the delivery of the report that contained a set of recommendations. A convergent mixed methods research design was employed to assess the relative importance of the two factors on participation and advice-following, where advice-following was considered as the matching of decisions to recommendations. The quantitative dataset was made up of files that detailed the 13,429 initial and the 6,123 follow-up evaluations conducted by advisors of the Residential Energy Efficiency Project (REEP) in the Region of Waterloo between 1999 and 2011. The qualitative data were gathered through 12 interviews with home energy advisors, eight of whom had worked for REEP and had conducted more than half of the home energy evaluations contained in the quantitative dataset. A natural quasi-experimental intervention that measured self-selection in response to varying program structure was employed to examine for variations in participation, material characteristics of houses, recommendations, and advice-following. To extend our understanding of the process of participation and decision making patterns, other analyses focused on relationships between the number of recommendations, the time between initial and follow-up evaluations, the number and types of decisions made, and the prioritization of decisions. The interviews assessed for differences in styles of advice-giving, and for their impact through comparison with the quantitative data that detailed the recommendations and decisions taken by the homeowners. The results of the effects of both factors were interpreted jointly and compared to previous studies about REEP or the EnerGuide for Houses and program as it was delivered nationally.
This dissertation confirmed that an integrated approach to examining pro-environmental behaviour is supported as a useful framework for analysis. The findings support a process-based definition of pro-environmental behaviour as a useful model and form of integration. A convergent mixed methods research design is supported as a valuable and rigorous approach to examine the impact of various influences simultaneously. The delineation of multiple stages in the decision making process greatly enhanced the quality of analyses and findings. The two main factors of program structure and advice-giving affected advice-following. One factor influenced the other, as the program structure affected the receptiveness of homeowners as perceived by advisors, which affected advice-giving. The findings support the importance of both behaviourist and social learning approaches in influencing pro-environmental behaviour, and that their importance varies depending on the stage of the decision process. The findings show that behaviourist interventions, such as the program structure, were associated with variations in participation, and that different subsets of the population of houses from the Region of Waterloo were attracted to the different program structures. Indeed, in each program structure, the decision to return was influenced by different decisions.
A critical finding of this study was that these programs were not sufficient to alter the path dependence of energy consumption or of energy systems as the program participants usually did not implement the most effective retrofits, and if they did, the retrofits did not achieve adequate depth of reductions to energy consumption in a timely manner. According to the home energy advisors, many homeowners had pre-conceived ideas upon entering the program of replacing their heating systems and windows. The interpretation of the qualitative and quantitative data showed that these intentions were often not altered, particularly in the case of windows, the decision that advisors believed to be the least effective of energy decisions.
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應用視覺化之框架效應於創新服務之行為意向改變 / Communication Visualization and Framing for Behavior Intention Change of New Service陳韻平, Chen, Yun Ping Unknown Date (has links)
處於服務大量興起的時代,創新服務成為企業關注的熱門議題且如雨後春筍般發展。然而,一個新服務的成功並不在於它的獨特性,而是取決於它的使用率與普及化。當中,觀察到有趣的現象,人們對於新服務的使用行為取決於自身的認知與社會影響力相互作用而產生;社會影響力在個人行為表現上扮演關鍵的因素,引導個人了解認知差距並提供建議改善認知以促進個人產生使用意圖。在本研究中,整合行為改變模型(TTM)、傳播理論、框架效應而發展出一套理論架構,並應用視覺化方式呈現資訊提供個人快速理解重點,重塑個人對於新服務的認知,且引起他們願意使用新服務的想法。基於認知重塑的目標,本研究貢獻為設計一套能輔助個人進行行為意向改變與加速新服務使用率的系統。 / In the service growing era, service innovation becomes a popular topic on the businesses who want to develop innovative services for people. However, the success factor is not on how special a service is; but rather, depends on how much utility and popularity of the service. This study has observed the interesting phenomenon that people's behavior performance depends on their cognition and the social influence playing an important role on affecting the intention. In order to resolve this condition, this study connects the transtheoretical model (TTM) of behavior change, communication theories, and frame effect model to develop a framework and apply visualization to provide people with the integral information that can reframe their cognition to enhance their intention to accept the new service. Based on the cognition reframing, this study develops an artifact the can assist people to exercise the cognition adjustment that can reinforce the behavior intention change and facilitate the usage of new service.
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