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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det ingår i jobbet : En kvalitativ studie om hot och våld i klientrelationer på Migrationsverket

Costa Flores, Casandra, Costa Flores, Valeria January 2014 (has links)
Att arbeta med utsatta människor i en statlig verksamhet som tjänsteman kan för de flesta människor verka ofarligt – men hur är det egentligen? Tidigare forskning har visat att det finns ett stort mörkertal när det kommer till klientrelaterat hot och våld och att incidenterna inte tas tillräckligt seriöst. Syftet med denna uppsats är att få en större förståelse för vad de ökade hoten får för konsekvenser för personalen på Migrationsverket. Vi vill belysa och synliggöra spänningsfältet i klientrelationen som leder till att hot och våld mot handläggare ökar. Det teoretiska ramverk som används i uppsatsen är gräsrotsbyråkrati, makt och klientrelationer. Genom sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med handläggare på Migrationsverket har vi fått fram underlag som visar att hot och våldssituationer förekommer i större omfattning än vad det anmäls och rapporteras om. Resultatet visade att mörkertalet är stort vid incidentrapporteringen och att det råder en ”det kommer med jobbet”-mentalitet bland personalen. Maktfördelningen har en stor roll i klientrelationen och är en bidragande orsak till att incidenter uppstår. Vidare visar det sig att negativa beslut är de som tenderar att utlösa hot eller våld från klienten och att det väldigt sällan rapporteras kring eller anmäls om inte klienten tar till fysiskt våld. Slutligen visar uppsatsen att förebyggande arbete måste ske i en större omfattning. / Working with vulnerable people in a government controlled authority may for most people seem harmless - but is it really? Previous research has shown that there is large hidden statistics when it comes to client-related threats and violence and that the incidents are not taken seriously enough. The purpose of this paper is to gain a greater understanding of what the increased threats and violence towards officials in a government controlled authority can lead to. We want to shed visibility over the attributes in the client relationship that leads to threats and violence against the government officials. The theoretical framework used in the paper is street-level bureaucracy, power, and client relationships. We have performed six semi-structured interviews with officials from the Swedish Migration board, which have shown that threats and violence towards government officials occur to a greater extent than it is shown and reported on. The results showed that the hidden statistics is large in incident reporting and that there is a "it comes with the territory" mentality among officials. The distribution of power has a major role in client relationships and is a contributing factor to incidents occurring. Furthermore, it turns out that negative decisions are the ones that tend to trigger threats or violence from the client and that it is rarely reported unless the client resorts to physical violence. Finally, the paper shows that prevention work must be done on a larger scale.

Skyddade boendens skilda villkor : En intervjustudie med personal på ideella och kommunala skyddade boenden om deras erfarenheter i arbetet med våldsutsatta kvinnor.

Tottmar Virsand, Tove, Pettersson, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur personal på ideella respektive kommunala skyddade boenden för våldsutsatta kvinnor upplever verksamhetens möjligheter och begränsningar samt hur de upplever samverkan. Studien har en kvalitativ metod där det har genomförts åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra personal från två ideella boenden och fyra personal från två kommunala boenden. En kartläggning från Socialstyrelsen (2013) visar att det år 2013 var 71 % av Sveriges skyddade boenden som bedrevs i ideell regi och 21 % som bedrevs i kommunal regi. Det framgick även att dessa boenden hade olika förutsättningar för att hjälpa kvinnorna vilket även framkom i tidigare forskning. I studiens resultat framkom det att personal från de ideella skyddade boendena i högre utsträckning upplevde att de hade en frihet att utforma sitt arbete och att ge kvinnorna ett socialt sammanhang men att de kunde vara begränsade av kortsiktiga avtal med kommunen. Personal från de kommunala boendena upplevde i högre utsträckning en trygghet i arbetet, dock kunde de uppleva begränsningar i att beslutsprocesser var ineffektiva samt att de inte kunde utforma det egna arbetet i samma utsträckning. Personal från de kommunala boendena upplevde sig ha bättre förutsättningar för samverkan än personal från de ideella boendena, samtliga intervjupersoner upplevde dock vissa begränsningar i samverkan. / The purpose of this study is to examine how the staff of non-profit and municipal sheltered housings experience the opportunities and limitations of the organisations as well as how they experience cooperation. The study has a qualitative method in which eight semistructured interviews were conducted with four employees from two non-profit sheltered housing and four employees from two municipal sheltered housing. A survey from the National board of health and welfare (2013) shows that in the year of 2013 71 % of Sweden's sheltered housing were non-profit and 21 % were municipal sheltered housing. These sheltered housings had different conditions in helping battered women, as shown by previous research. The results of this study show that the staff from the non-profit sheltered housing to a greater extent experienced that they were free in designing their work and giving the women a social context but could be limited in short-term agreements with the municipality. Staff from the municipal sheltered housing felt safer with the organisational form however they could experience limitations regarding that the decision-making process were ineffective and that they could not design their own work to the same extent. Staff from the municipal sheltered housing to a greater extent experienced that they had good conditions for cooperation, however all of the interviewees experienced some limitations regarding cooperation.

LSS-handläggaren och funktionsnedsatta barn- och vårdnadshavare : En kvalitativ studie om hur LSS-handläggare inom sex svenska kommuner förstår och hanterarsitt handlingsutrymme i relation till funktionsnedsatta barn-och vårdnadshavares behov. / LSS-officials and disabled children and guardians

Al-Sumaidaee, Ali, Bergkvist, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to better understand howLSS-officials within several swedish municipalities understand and handles their discretion in regard to children and guardians who has a certain form of physical or mental disability. If or how those LSS-officials shape the services they are responsible for to help the families as a whole with their parental abilities. We will try to illustrate how the LSS-officials reflects upon the guardians ability to care for their children and how they assess the services they are able to provide in relation to those children and guardians needs. We have used qualitative method and semi-structured interviews in the study. To help analyze our material we have used Michael Lipsky’s theory about street-level bureaucracy as well as Roine Johansson’s criticism and attempt to refine the theory. Our results showed us that the LSS-officials we interviewed have varying discretion in their work with children and guardians with disabilities due to the swedish law that supports services for disability. Moreover we found that the LSS-officialshad trouble understanding how some available services could function in regards to different forms of disability. We also found that they sought different services such as parental guidance for the parents in their homes to improve the work with the children and guardians.


Howard, Fai 01 January 2017 (has links)
Immigration is arguably among the most divisive global and national issues at present. In the U.S., undocumented persons (the DREAMers) who arrived to the U.S. as children have been the central focus of legislation and debate. As of 2013, the undocumented population has increased from less than a million in 1980, then reaching 12.2 million in 2006, to an estimated population of 11.3 million (Passel, Cohn, Krogstand, & Gonzalez-Barerra, 2014) just a few short years ago. For the numerous undocumented students who have excelled academically and socially, and make positive contributions to their communities, the goal of obtaining a college degree is naturally the next step after high school. While undocumented students face intractable challenges in the areas of residency/citizenship, the college admission process, and financing their education, many still find their way on college campuses seeking degree completion. Academic advisors are uniquely positioned to support the persistence and graduation of students, especially undocumented students. Therefore, this research examined perspectives and behaviors of advisors concerning their interactions with undocumented students in public universities utilizing the framework of Michael Lipsky’s (1980) understanding of street-level bureaucracy to determine the discretionary behaviors exercised by academic advisors who advise undocumented students. Study participants included college advisors located in the middle southern and western regions of the United States, where undocumented populations are highest. A qualitative methodology with a case study research design was used in this phenomenological guided research to determine two major study findings: (a) academic advisors are exercising discretionary behavior in advising undocumented students and general population students and (b) the academic advising needs of undocumented students differ from other students. This study has contributed to public administration and higher education advising literature by providing insight into how advisors understand their roles, implement policy, and participate in divergence to meet the needs of students.

Politisk aktivism i skolan? : En diskursanalys av Greta Thunbergs skolstrejk för klimatet / Political Activism in School? : A Discourse Analysis of School Strike for Climate by Greta Thunberg

Aronsson, Tilda January 2019 (has links)
A few weeks before the Swedish election in September 2018, a young girl named Greta Thunberg decidedto leave school every Friday and instead sit outside the Swedish parliament in Stockholm to raise awarenessabout the climate. This “school strike for climate” has since then developed to be a world-wide phenomenonand on the 15th of March more than 1.4 million youngsters participated in more than 100 countries.However, these actions have been subject of lots of debate in media; Greta being both cherished andcriticized. Framed within the questions about what motivates the political participation and in what way theschool takes a stand, this thesis aims to analyze “school strike for climate” in relation to the role of bothknowledge and fostering in the Swedish school. Through theories of street-level bureaucracy and politicalparticipation, accompanied by Carol Bacchis discourse perspective what´s the problem represented to be the studyexamines 32 Swedish newspaper articles. The result is a variety of problem representations, getting legitimized through law or moral, but also through a representation which hold both school and the pupils responsible for result in school. One of thedevelopments in the discourse is that during time and enlarging of the political activism, the youngster’sactions more and more is characterized as political participation than of an individual choice. This alsomeans that schools have to take a stand up on an organizational level, where many principals refer to schoolattendance and the law. When political activism is legislated through the curriculum it seems to be adidactical choice by the teachers, whom within their free space as professional street-level bureaucrats mayhave varying opportunities to use the theme within their teaching. Over all, the discourse focus more uponthe climate than democratic ideals, which suggests an unused potential of “school strike for climate” incivic´s education.

Bringing the Theory of Street-Level Bureaucrats into the 21st Century: A Study of Social Workers in Louisiana

Lewis, Quian J, Jackson-Lewis, Quian Lizetta 20 December 2019 (has links)
This study examines the applicability of Michael Lipsky’s (1980) concept of “street-level bureaucracy” to the profession of social work in 2019. Street-level bureaucrats are public service workers “who interact with citizens in the regular course of their jobs; have significant independence in decision making, and potentially have extensive impact on the lives of their citizens” (Lipsky, 1980:3). They are faced with uncertainties in their work related to inadequate resources, unclear policies, and caseloads/workloads that defy what may be possible to achieve by any one worker. Workers develop routines and “coping mechanisms,” to manage their environments. The routines that they develop then become effective public policy for their clients. The street-level bureaucracy theory has been widely applied, but generally with the assumption that street-level bureaucrats are homogenous across occupations and settings. Recent research suggests the need for more nuanced approaches, especially with regard to the effects of professionalism, individual characteristics of workers, and the variety of circumstances in which they interact with clients. Yet most research utilizes small numbers of cases, making it difficult to measure differences among types of workers. The present study addresses that gap with a large survey of social workers in Louisiana. Findings show that these street-level bureaucrats do exercise discretion, but circumstances in which they do so vary significantly, even within a single profession. Further, ways in which they exercise discretion differ from those described by Lipsky. Instead of using coping mechanisms to buffer themselves from an otherwise overwhelming environment, the respondents in this study report consultation with peers and management to find ways to serve client needs. These findings have implications for both the study of street-level bureaucracy and the practice of social work. Keywords: Discretion, decision-making, street-level bureaucracy, social work, coping mechanisms

"Det finns inget facit" - Socialtjänstens överväganden gällande att upprätta polisanmälan vid våld mot barn

Paulsson, Cecilia, Johanson, Jasmine January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how professionals within Swedish child and youth department of social services reason regarding the establishment of a police report when they suspect that children have been exposed to violence. The aim of this study was also to examine if the professionals' experience that an established police report tends to influence their ongoing social investigations in any way. A thematic analysis was conducted based on six qualitative semi structured interviews with professionals working within the child and youth department of social services from two different workplaces. The empirical data was analyzed in relation to previous research regarding the topic of the study and selected theories. The theories that formed the basis for the analysis were Lipsky’s Street-Level Bureaucracy and Normative ethics in terms of Consequence ethics, Duty-based ethics and Situational ethics which are derived from various philosophers. The results of the study show that the professionals when they consider whether a police report should be filed or not reason about several different factors, making their assessments complex and difficult to describe in generalized terms. Some factors described as influencing their assessments are the degree of clarity in the received information, the severity of the suspected violence and the child's age and ability to tell about what they have experienced. The professionals also reason about possible consequences a police report may result in, in both positive and negative sense, which also influence their assessments. When making these assessments the professionals possess a relatively high degree of discretion using mainly consequence ethics and situational ethics. Further the result show that the ongoing social investigations are significantly affected by an established police report. The impact consists of difficulties in establishing a good alliance with the family and having to deal with the parents’ trauma. The social investigation is also affected by the parallel ongoing police process, because of the existing confidentiality during the preliminary police investigation.

”Små saker som ändå kan ha så stor betydelse” : En sociologisk professionsstudie av kriminalvårdares emotionella arbete med omhändertagna hemlösa

Skoglund, Linnea, Eurén, Fredrica January 2020 (has links)
This study, written by Fredrica Eurén and Linnea Skoglund, is about how prison guards who work in a detention department in Stockholm experience the treatment of homeless people who are taken into care due to intoxication. The captive homeless often receive an extra favorable treatment from the prison guards that differs from the standardized work routines. The motivations for special treatment are based on the meeting that takes place between the homeless person in care and the prison guard. The deviations that are made, as well as extra benefits that are given to the homeless in care, include food and drink and also the opportunity to stay longer in custody so that the homeless person can spend a little more time inside. The results are analyzed using two theories: emotional work and street level bureaucracy. These theories partly explain how employees in certain professions cope with emotions, and partly how employees at street level within government organizations use their discretion in decision making. Similar studies have been carried out in prison, but not in arrest as examined in this study. The results suggest that the prison guards, to some extent, feel a kind of civil courage towards the homeless, which in turn means that they provide more favorable treatment to the homeless in custody. / Denna studie av Fredrica Eurén och Linnea Skoglund, handlar om hur kriminalvårdare som arbetar på arrestavdelning i Stockholm upplever hanteringen av hemlösa som omhändertas på grund av berusning. De omhändertagna hemlösa erhåller många gånger en extra förmånlig behandling av kriminalvårdarna, vilket skiljer sig från de standardiserade arbetsrutiner som finns inom myndigheten. Avstegen från rutinerna som görs, samt även motiveringarna till denna specialbehandling, baseras i grunden på det möte som sker mellan den omhändertagna hemlöse och kriminalvårdaren. De avsteg samt extra förmåner som ges till omhändertagna hemlösa, är bland annat mat och dryck samt möjligheten till att få stanna längre på arresten för att den intagne ska få spendera lite mer tid under tak. Resultatet analyseras med hjälp av två teorier: emotionellt arbete och gräsrotsbyråkrati. Dessa förklarar dels hur medarbetare inom vissa yrken arbetar med känslor på arbetet samt hur de hanterar dessa, dels hur medarbetare på gatunivå inom myndighetsorganisationer agerar inom ett visst handlingsutrymme som ges dem. Liknande studier har genomförts på anstalter, men inte på arresten såsom denna studie undersöker. Resultatet talar för att kriminalvårdarna till viss del känner en typ av civilkurage gentemot de hemlösa, vilket i sin tur gör att de ger mer förmånlig behandling till omhändertagna hemlösa.

“Som en advokat hela vägen” : En kvalitativ studie om jobbcoachers och arbetskonsulenters handlingsutrymme i aktiveringsarbetet

Hanna, Anton January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore job-coaches and work consultant’s discretion in work with activation of social assistance recipients. Semistructured interviews have been conducted with 4 job-coaches and 4 work consultants within 2 different municipalities. The interviews have been analyzed using Lipsky's theory on street-level bureaucracy and new institutional organization theory. The results of the study showed that job-coaches and work consultant’s report having a large discretion in the work with activation. Further results show that their experienced discretion in their work is not assessed as being affected by the level of education and age but that the work experience is seen essential. On an organizational level a large supply of activation measures and routines giving support was viewed as important. On a political level political priorities was viewed as an important aspect in regards to the discretion. / Syftet med den föreliggande studien har varit att undersöka jobbcoachers och arbetskonsulenters handlingsutrymme i aktiveringsarbetet med socialbidragsklienter. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med 8 jobbcoacher och arbetskonsulenter i två kommuner. Intervjumaterialet har analyserats med hjälp av Lipsky´s teori om fornlinjebyråkrati och nyinstitutionell organisationsteori.  Studiens resultat visade att jobbcoacher och arbetskonsulenter upplever en stor handlingsfrihet i arbetet med aktivering. Vidare resultat visar att det upplevda handlingsutrymmet i arbetet bedöms inte påverkas av utbildningsnivå och ålder men att yrkeserfarenhet upplevs som betydelsefull. På organisationsnivå ansågs ett stort utbud av aktiveringsåtgärder och stöd inom verksamheten vara av vikt. På politisk nivå ansågs politiska prioriteringar som en viktig aspekt när det gäller handlingsutrymme.

Inte solklart med SoL : En kvalitativ studie om biståndshandläggares erfarenheter av att möta äldre med psykisk ohälsa / It's not always crystal clear : A qualitative study about care managers' experiences of meeting older clients with mental illness

Östergren, Lisa, Kristoffersson, Emma January 2020 (has links)
There is a lack of studies about elderly with mental illness. Previous studies show that care managers tend to construct needs together with the client based on a standardized range of aid (Olaison, 2009; Jönson & Harnett, 2015; Dunér & Nordström, 2005). Further the social needs tend to disappear during the need investigation. This study is based on semi-structured interviews with care managers that work according to the Swedish Social Services Act towards elderly people in Sweden. The purpose of the study is to understand what strategies care managers have and use in the work alongside elderly with mental illness. The interviewed care managers come from different municipalities in the southern and middle Sweden. The interviews are analysed through the theoretical model of street-level bureaucracy (Lipsky, 2010; Johansson, 2007) and Agevall’s (2000) types of autonomy. The study indicates that care managers experience that they work a lot towards elder clients with mental illness of various kinds. The description of the profession however doesn’t say much about how to work with this clientele. Further the organization doesn't have guidelines specified for mental illness in older people, therefore the care managers need to create their own strategies in order to meet the mental needs in clients. The study shows that the care managers have different strategies in their work. For example, some of them describe how they go beyond the aid guidelines to meet mental needs in their clients.

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