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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


TATIANA BOTELHO 26 September 2006 (has links)
[pt] A razão deste estudo é identificar se o mercado brasileiro reage a notíciais e informações que demonstram responsabilidade ambiental e social (ou a falta delas) referentes a empresas listadas na Bovespa. Para selecionar os tópicos de responsabilidade social e ambiental foram utilizados os sete critérios do estudo da SustainAbility e UNEP (2001). Para cada critério foram escolhidos eventos que geram notícias e informações (positivas e negativas) entre 2001-2005 publicadas no Jornal Valor Econômico. A metodologia de pesquisa de estudo de evento utilizando o modelo CAPM foi aplicada para medir mudanças anormais nos valores de ações. O evento que tem correlação mais positiva no valor das empresas é a formalização da intenção de migração para os níveis de governança da Bovespa e o evento tem uma correlação mais negativa é a greve ou a ameaça de greve. Não foram encontrados suficientes casos para gerar uma analise estatística significativa no caso dos eventos de corrupção e trabalho escravo. / [en] The objective of this study is to identify if the Brazilian market reacts to news and information that demonstrate corporate social and environmental responsibility (or a lack thereof) of the companies listed in Bovespa. To select the social and environmental responsibility topics the seven criteria from the SustainAbility and UNEP (2001) study was used. Events that generate news and information (positive and negative) were chosen for each criterion between 2001- 2005 published in the Jornal Valor Econômico. The event study methodology was applied using the CAPM model to measure the abnormality in the stock value. The event with the longest positive correlation in the company´s market value is the formalization for the intention to adhere to the governance levels of Bovespa. The event with the longest negative correlation is the strikes or strike threatens. Not enough cases were found to generate a significant statistical analysis corruption and slave labor.

Measurement of Game Immersion through Subjective Approach

Chinta, Ruthvik January 2017 (has links)
Context. People in recent times are getting engaged more often in playing video games. Few play for enjoyment, few play for stress relaxation and so on. Generally, the degree of involvement of a player with the game is described as game immersion. People when immersed into playing a game doesn't realize that they are getting dissociated with the outside world and are losing track of time. Objectives. In this research, the main objective is to explore the relationship between the game immersion and game experience using the five factors of game immersion. In addition, the study also involves exploring different methods that can be used to measure game immersion. Methods. In this research, initially literature review has been conducted to explore the meaning of game immersion and also different methods that can be used to measure it and next user studies in the form an experiment was conducted to measure game immersion. After the experiment was conducted regression analysis was performed on the data obtained from the results to describe the relation between game immersion and game experience. Results. After the experiment participants were asked to answer the IEQ questionnaire and the answers obtained from the questionnaire are analyzed using regression analysis. An inverse linear regression was observed between game immersion and game experience. Conclusions. After analyzing the data, from the observed inverse linear regression, it is concluded that game immersion levels decrease with the increase in the game experience.

Les procédures extra-judiciaires de règlement des conflits en droit du travail / Alternative dispute resolution in labor law

Monnot, Maurice 18 February 2017 (has links)
Le droit du travail s’est doté depuis longtemps d’instruments de règlement amiable des conflits individuels et collectifs du travail : la conciliation prud’homale et la médiation encas de harcèlement pour les premiers ; la conciliation, la médiation et l’arbitrage pour les seconds. Mais leur échec est largement constaté. Il faut dès lors réfléchir à une réforme des procédures existantes : le recours obligatoire des salariés et des syndicats à une procédure non-contraignante de médiation, l’instauration d’une période de paix sociale précédant la grève et la création d’un service administratif de règlement des conflits sont certaines des pistes explorées.Ces procédures doivent s’appuyer sur plusieurs garanties essentielles. Celui qui a la charge de la procédure doit être indépendant, ce qui interdit qu’il soit placé dans un rapport de subordination à l’égard de l’une des parties, impartial, ce qui exclut tout parti pris ou préjugé, et compétent, alliant la connaissance du droit du travail à la maîtrise des techniques de règlement amiable des différends. La procédure elle-même doit présenter des garanties tenant à la confidentialité des échanges et des documents communiqués, à une durée assez réduite pour préserver le droit à l’accès au juge des parties, et à un coût qui ne soit pas dissuasif. / Labor law aknowledges for a long time amicable settlement procedures of labor disputes: conciliation in labor courts and mediation in harassment cases for disputes between an employer and its employees ; conciliation, mediation and arbitration in case of strikes. All of them failed and their reform must be studied: compulsory mediation for employees and unions, mandatory industrial peace and the creation of a public service in charge of labor conflict resolution are some of the options explored. These procedures require to respect several essential guarantees. The person in charge of the procedure must be independant, impartial and competent in both labor law and dispute resolution. The procedure itself must guarantee the confidentiality of the discussion and the documents communicated, take place during a limited amount of time to preserve the right of access to a judge, and have a non-dissuasive cost.

Which Method Detects Foot Strike in Rearfoot and Forefoot Runners Accurately when Using an Inertial Measurement Unit?

Mitschke , Christian, Heß, Tobias, Milani, Thomas L. 02 October 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Accelerometers and gyroscopes are used to detect foot strike (FS), i.e., the moment when the foot first touches the ground. However, it is unclear whether different conditions (footwear hardness or foot strike pattern) influence the accuracy and precision of different FS detection methods when using such micro-electromechanical sensors (MEMS). This study compared the accuracy of four published MEMS-based FS detection methods with each other and the gold standard (force plate) to establish the most accurate method with regard to different foot strike patterns and footwear conditions. Twenty-three recreational runners (12 rearfoot and 11 forefoot strikers) ran on a 15-m indoor track at their individual running speed in three footwear conditions (low to high hardness). MEMS and a force plate were sampled at a rate of 3750 Hz. Individual accuracy and precision of FS detection methods were found which were dependent on running styles and footwear conditions. Most of the methods were characterized by a delay which generally increased from rearfoot to forefoot strike pattern and from high to low midsole hardness. It can be concluded that only one of the four methods can accurately determine FS in a variety of conditions.

Balancing the educator's rights to fair labour practices and to strike with the right to education

Govender, Mahalingum January 2011 (has links)
This treatise investigates the potential for law (including courts and tribunals) to intervene and act as a lever for the protection and advancement of the rights of the child including the right to basic education. The dissertation critically explores the debate on the educator‟s right to strike and fair labour practices and the child‟s right to education, by assessing the rights and liberties, which accrue to educators and the child (learners) in terms of existing law. The South African Constitution has made specific provision for the protection of the rights of children and the rights of educators and these rights are fundamental to the development of a society in transition. The vexed question that arises is whether these rights can co-exist in a society that has inherited a legacy of discrimination and inequality. The consequences of this legacy have resulted in the rights of educators competing with those of learners. The normalisation of the balance of these opposite rights is the challenge that lies ahead and this process will require intervention of all stakeholders rather than purely legislative intervention. This dissertation recommends a consensus-based approach, which is the most appropriate solution to balance the rights of educators with this of the child‟s right to education, as opposed to a declaration of the education sector as an essential service. It further proposes the establishment of a more structured and organised forum / institution and its sole purpose would be to deal with the individual or collective rights of educators that compete with the rights of learners.

L’expression artistique comme émancipation et représentation de la classe ouvrière par elle-même / Artistic expression as a way of emancipation and representation of the working class itself

Leroy, Monique 17 December 2014 (has links)
Le désir de changer la vie, de s'accomplir et de s’émanciper dans les années 1830 trouve, pour se concrétiser, une expression artistique qui se poursuit aujourd’hui sous d'autres formes. Les prolétaires du XIXe siècle décident de ne plus vivre l’insupportable. Ils prennent des heures sur leur temps de repos, pour se cultiver, se former. Ils fondent des journaux, composent des chansons, des poèmes, des pamphlets, lisent les textes des penseurs Saint-simoniens et Fouriéristes. Leur lutte emprunte les voies du régime esthétique. Cette expérience d’émancipation fait le lien, à travers le temps, avec les multiples tentatives qui se sont poursuivies pour transformer la société, avec des temps forts en 1936, 1968, 1995. Lors du mouvement social de 1995, les grévistes ont choisi l’expression cinématographique pour relater leur lutte. Un flot d’images a accompagné les grèves, tout au long des manifestations et des Assemblées Générales. Ces films aboutissent à donner une autre vision des grèves et à construire une mémoire ouvrière par les travailleurs eux-mêmes. Ils sont un contrepoint aux images et commentaires proposés par la majorité des médias. Ce sont aussi des expériences esthétiques. Cette prise de caméra par les travailleurs n’est pas nouvelle. Elle s’inscrit dans l’histoire du cinéma militant pour créer une représentation sociale du monde du travail. Il est nécessaire, pour comprendre ces différentes périodes d’émancipation, de construire et analyser les figures de cette Histoire de l’irruption de l’esthétique dans le champ de l’Histoire ouvrière. Il faut aussi s’interroger sur les significations politiques et anthropologiques de ces temps de rupture où le désir d'émancipation et d'accomplissement s'inscrit dans une dimension esthétique Au moment où la classe ouvrière est en pleine refonte de son identité, où l’on évoque la disparition de ses valeurs, il est indispensable de montrer sa combativité et les luttes qui continuent de jalonner son histoire. / The desire to change life, to be accomplished and emancipated in the 1830s was found through artistic expression. This continues today in other forms. The proletariat of the nineteenth century decided to no longer live the unbearable. They took hours on their free time, to educate and cultivate themselves. They founded newspapers, composed songs, poems, pamphlets, read the texts of thinkers like Saint-Simonian and Fourierists. Their struggle followed the routes of the aesthetic regime. This experience of emancipation is the link, through time, with other multiple attempts that continue to transform society, with highlights in 1936, 1968, 1995. During the social movements in 1995, the strikers chose cinematic expression to recount their struggle. A flood of images followed the strikers throughout demonstrations and General meetings. These films led to creating a different vision of strikes and to building a working memory by the workers themselves. They are a counterpoint to the images and comments offered by most of the media. They are also aesthetic experiences. This very use of the camera by workers is not new. It is part of the history of militant cinema that creates a social representation of the working world. It is necessary to understand these different periods of emancipation, to build and to analyze the figures in this history of the emergence of aesthetics in the field of working history. We must also question the political and anthropological significance of these breaking points where the desire for emancipation and fulfillment is part of an aesthetic dimension When the working class is being overhauled its identity, when the disappearance of its values is evoked, it is essential to show its fight and struggles that continue to stake its history.

Ålder och klimataktivism : En jämförande studie av unga och äldres politiska attityder i klimatstrejker

Carlsson, Moa January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Paléosismologie morphologique à partir de données LiDAR : développement et application d’un code de mesure des déplacements sur les failles, 3D_Fault_Offsets / Recovering paleoearthquake slips in Earth surface morphology measured using LiDAR data : development and application of a new code, 3D_Fault_Offsets

Stewart, Nicholas 19 November 2018 (has links)
L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de tirer de données LiDAR de télédétection à très haute résolution afin d’extraire une partie du traces tectono-géomorphiques imprimées dans la morphologie de grands tremblements de terre préhistoriques. Les informations consultées dans ces traces constituent l'historique des glissements cumulés de grands tremblements paléoséismique successifs le long d'une faille donnée. L'historique des glissements permet de déterminer le nombre d'événements et les glissements les plus importants produits par ces événements. La connaissance des plus grandes glissades produites par des grands séismes historiques et préhistoriques permettra de déduire l'ampleur potentielle des événements futurs. La caractérisation de la distribution du glissement superficiel fournit des informations importantes sur la mécanique des failles, les contrôles de la propagation de la rupture et la répétabilité de la rupture à certains points le long de la faille. Cependant, la caractérisation et la mesure correctes de la distribution des glissements à partir de formes de relief géomorphologiques déplacées par tectonisme sont accompagnées d'incertitudes considérables, résultant principalement de processus d'érosion et de dépôt. Ces incertitudes pourraient entraîner à la fois une sous-estimation et une surestimation du glissement, ainsi que des résultats contradictoires issus d'enquêtes différentes sur le même défaut. Par conséquent, nous avons développé une nouvelle technique basée sur MATLAB, 3D_Fault_Offsets, pour caractériser mathématiquement, et donc automatiquement, la géométrie 3D de marqueurs géomorphiques décalés (définie par 9 entités géométriques situées de part et d'autre de la faille), puis calculer composants latéraux et verticaux du glissement. Nous estimons que les incertitudes générées par cette technique définissent mieux la gamme des "véritables" compensations potentielles par rapport aux incertitudes plus libérales proposées dans d’autres études, pourtant ils se révèlent assez volumineux. Après vérification de l'efficacité du code en mesurant à nouveau 3 ensembles de données paléosismiques, nous avons l’appliqué à une faille de décrochement qui était historiquement capable d'un séisme de chute de contrainte importante (MW ~ 8,2 en 1855), la faille de Wairarapa. Nous avons identifié et analysé un total d'environ 700 marqueurs géomorphiques déplacés le long d'une zone de données LiDAR de 70 km, ce qui en fait l'un des ensembles de données paléosismiques les plus vastes et les plus denses. Les décalages latéraux mesurés vont de quelques mètres à environ 800 m, mais la majorité d'entre eux sont inférieurs à 80 m, ce qui permet d'examiner les plus récents glissements de faille latéraux. Les décalages verticaux varient entre 0 et ~ 30 m et suggèrent des rapports de glissement vertical / latéral généralement compris entre 10 et 20%. Nous avons effectué les analyses statistiques de la collection dense de décalages mesurés séparément le long des principaux segments successifs qui constituent l'étendue de la faille étudiée. Dans la plupart des segments, cette analyse a révélé la présence de 6 à 7 amas décalés dans la plage allant de 0 à 80 m, suggérant la rupture de la faille de Wairarapa lors de 6 à 7 grands séismes précédents. Les plus grandes glissades que nous déduisons pour ces tremblements de terre passés sont importantes, la plupart dans la plage 7-15 m. Chaque glissement sismique semble varier le long de la faille et généralement plus grand dans sa partie sud. La faille de Wairarapa a ainsi provoqué à plusieurs reprises d'importants séismes dus à la chute de contraintes au cours de la période préhistorique, ce qui souligne le risque sismique élevé qu'elle pose dans le sud de la Nouvelle-Zélande. Par conséquent, l'utilisation de notre nouveau code 3D_Fault_Offsets avec des données topographiques à haute résolution telles que LIDAR peut permettre de mieux évaluer le comportement futur des failles sismogènes. / The main scope of this PhD thesis is to utilize very high-resolution remote sensing LiDAR data to extract some of the tectono-geomorphic traces imprinted in the morphology from large prehistoric earthquakes. The information that is accessed in these traces is the cumulative slip history of successive large paleoearthquakes along a given fault. The slip history allows the determination of the number of events and the largest slips produced by those respective events. The knowledge of the largest slips produced by historic and prehistoric large earthquakes will enable some inference into the potential magnitude of future events. Characterizing the distribution of surface slip provides important insights into fault mechanics, controls on rupture propagation, and repeatability of rupture at certain points along the fault. However, properly characterizing and measuring the slip distribution from tectonically-displaced geomorphic landforms comes with considerable uncertainties mostly resulting from erosion and depositional processes. These uncertainties could lead to both underestimation and overestimation of the slip, and to conflicting results from different surveys of the same fault. Therefore, we have developed a new MATLAB-based technique, 3D_Fault_Offsets, to mathematically, and hence automatically, characterize the 3D geometry of offset geomorphic markers (defined by 9 geometric features either side of the fault), and then calculate the lateral and vertical components of slip. We believe that the uncertainties obtained from this technique better define the range of potential ‘true’ offsets compared to more liberal uncertainties offered in other studies, yet they reveal to be fairly large. Upon verification of the code efficacy by successfully re-measuring 3 paleoseismic datasets, we applied it to a strike-slip fault in New Zealand that was historically capable of a large stress drop earthquake (MW~8.2 in 1855), the Wairarapa fault. We identified and analyzed a total of ~700 displaced geomorphic markers along a 70-km stretch of LiDAR data, making this one of the largest and densest paleoseismic datasets. Measured lateral offsets range from a few meters to about 800 m, but the majority are lower than 80 m, providing the means to examine the most recent lateral fault slips. The vertical offsets range between 0 and ~30 m, and suggest vertical to lateral slip ratios commonly in the range 10-20%. We conducted the statistical analyses of the dense collection of measured offsets separately along the successive major segments that form the investigated fault stretch. In most segments, this analysis revealed 6-7 offset clusters in the range 0-80 m, suggesting the Wairarapa fault ruptured in 6-7 previous large earthquakes. The largest slips we infer for these past earthquakes are large, most in the range 7-15 m. Each earthquake slip seems to vary along the fault length, and be generally greater in its southern part. The Wairarapa fault has thus repeatedly produced large stress drop earthquakes in prehistoric time, which emphasizes the elevated seismic hazard it poses in Southern New Zealand. Therefore, the use of our new code 3D_Fault_Offsets with high resolution topographic data such as LIDAR can lead to better assessments of future behavior of seismogenic faults.

Mediální pokrytí Fridays for Future / Media coverage of Fridays for Future

Honc, Martin January 2020 (has links)
The present thesis investigates the impact of the global strike for climate organised by the Fridays for Future movement and led by Greta Thunberg on the approach of selected Czech media toward their coverage of environmental topics. By applying the method of quantitative content analysis, the thesis aims to uncover how Czech media reported on a clearly defined area of ecological problems and incidental environmental topics before and after the protest, while dedicating special attention to the representation of topics and frames in media agenda and the coverage of the respective persons and organisations involved. The theoretical section defines global ecological issues and presents theoretical concepts relevant for studying the media coverage of environmental topics and the impact of social movements and their protests on the agenda of the topics at hand with regard to historical and societal contexts. The thesis' methodology introduces the primary and secondary research questions and explains the choice of the variables of interest for the subsequent quantitative content analysis of selected Czech media. The practical part interprets the results of the analysis and presents a discussion which confronts the results with insights from comparable foreign studies and dissertations mentioned in the...

An Avian Target Processing Algorithm to Mitigate Bird Strike Risk in Aviation

Milluzzi, Anthony J. 11 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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