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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Darbo su socialinės rizikos šeimomis ir jaunimo subkultūrų atstovais ypatumai / Peculiarities Of Work With Social Risk Families And The Members Of Subcultures Of Youth

Grigonytė, Viktorija 20 June 2014 (has links)
Šio darbo objektas – darbas su socialinės rizikos šeimomis ir jaunimo subkultūromis. Darbo hipotezė – vaikams iš socialinės rizikos šeimų dažniau yra tarpininkaujama dėl konsultacijų su kitais specialistais bei įvairių dokumentų, susijusių su pašalpomis, tvarkymu, o šeimoms, kurių vaikai priklauso subkultūroms, dėl vyraujančių įvairių konfliktų sprendimo. Darbo tikslas - ištirti darbo su socialinės rizikos šeimomis ir jaunimo subkultūrų atstovais ypatumus. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išsiaiškinti socialinės rizikos šeimų atsiradimo pagrindinius veiksnius. 2. Nustatyti veiksnius, turinčius įtakos jaunimo subkultūrų susiformavimui. 3. Palyginti specialistų, dirbančių su socialinės rizikos šeimomis ir su šeimomis, kurių vaikai priklauso subkultūroms, darbo ypatumus. Išvados: 1. Tyrimo metu nustatėme, kad bendrų interesų, tikslų nebuvimas šeimoje, nepatikimumas, nepasitikėjimas vienas kitu šeimoje bei tarpusavio supratimo nebuvimas – tai pagrindinės priežastys, kurios skatina rastis socialinės rizikos grupės šeimas. 2. Veiksniai, turintys įtakos jaunimo subkultūrų susiformavimui, tai nepatenkinti saviraiškos poreikiai; ieškojimas „kitoniškumo“; tam tikroje subkultūroje vyraujančios idėjos bei bendravimas; paauglių problemos šeimoje ir patyčios mokykloje. 3. Socialiniai darbuotojai, labdaros teikimo organizacijos, socialiniai pedagogai, mokyklos ir kiti mokyklos darbuotojai, dirbdami su socialinės rizikos šeimomis ir (ar) jų vaikais, teikia paramą ir pagalbą, sprendžiant... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of this work - social risk families and subcultures of youth in Kaunas city. Hypothesis of this work – for children from social risk families are mediating for consultation with other specialists and are handling various documents relating to the benefits, and for families, which children are in subcultures, are prevailing the resolution of various conflicts. The aim of this work - to explore the peculiarities of work of social risk families and subcultures of youth. Tasks of work: 1. Find out the main occurrence factors of the social risk families. 2. Identify the factors, which influence formation of youth subculture. 3. Compare the peculiarities of experts work with social risk families and families, which children are in subcultures. The main conclusions are: 1. In research it had been set that when in families there are not common interests, goals, unreliability, distrust of each other – there are main reasons, which encourage the emergence of families of social risk. 2. Factors, which are affecting to the formation of youth subcultures are expressions of unmet needs, for „otherness“, prevailing ideas and communication in the particular subculture, the problems of teen in the family and bullying at school. 3. Social workers, organizations of charity, social workers, schools, and other school staff provide support and aid, deal various questions, when they work with families of social risk and (or) their children. Arranging for consultations with other... [to full text]


Süß, Heidi 27 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Der Begriff HipHop-Feminismus wurde von der amerikanischen Kulturkritikerin Joan Morgan etabliert und beschreibt einen Feminismus, der den Lebenswelten HipHop-sozialisierter Frauen (of color) gerechter werden soll. Neben der selbstreflexiven Auseinandersetzung mit der eigenen Positionierung innerhalb einer als sexistisch geltenden Kultur, zählen auch kritische Diskurse um rassisierte Repräsentationen von women of color und die Aufarbeitung weiblicher HipHop-Geschichte zu den Themen des HipHop-Feminismus.

De l'organisation au déroulement d'événements rave à Montréal : étude des mécanismes de régulation sociale

Maari, Frédéric 09 1900 (has links)
Les raves sont des événements festifs dédiés à la musique techno et à la danse qui se distinguent des autres lieux de rassemblement tels que les bars et les discothèques notamment par le fait qu’ils se déroulent toute la nuit dans un lieu aménagé pour l’occasion et qu’il n’y a généralement pas de vente d’alcool. La consommation de drogues de synthèse telles que l’ecstasy et les speeds y est toutefois largement répandue. La tenue de ces rassemblements pose une série de problèmes du point de vue des autorités policières, tels que la présence de trafiquants de drogues ainsi que la sécurité des lieux où se déroulent les raves. Dans le contexte particulier de ces événements, les pratiques de contrôle social sont soumises à un certain nombre d’ambiguïtés. Le but général de l’étude est de permettre une compréhension de la façon dont se déterminent et s’appliquent les règles qui visent à encadrer la tenue de ce type de rassemblements. Trois objectifs spécifiques sont poursuivis, soit 1) de comprendre comment on a tenté de réguler ce type d’événements à Montréal, 2) de comprendre comment les différents acteurs responsables de l’organisation et du bon déroulement des événements établissent une série de règles, aussi bien formelles qu’informelles, et négocient leur application dans le cadre de leur pratique, et 3) de comprendre comment ces acteurs identifient certaines situations comme constituant un problème et éventuellement, y réagissent. La principale méthode de recueil des données a consisté à réaliser des entretiens semi-dirigés avec des promoteurs d’événements rave, des agents de sécurité ainsi que d’autres personnes impliquées dans le milieu telles que policier, pompier, artistes de la scène rave et intervenants. L’observation participante lors d’événements rave fut utilisée comme méthode complémentaire. L’étude démontre comment le service de police s’est vu confronté avec les raves à un vide juridique et comment l’encadrement de ce type d’événements s’est plutôt exercé par le service de prévention des incendies. Les autorités ont également tenté d’encadrer le phénomène par des modifications à certaines règlementations, dont celles sur les permis d’alcool. L’étude démontre également de quelle manière et en fonction de quoi les différents acteurs du milieu négocient les règles en cours d’action dans un contexte où la frontière entre le licite et l’illicite est floue. / Raves are festive events dedicated to dance and techno music, different from other places of gathering such as bars and discotheques by the fact that they take place in all night venues converted for the occasion and where there is generally no sale of alcohol. Synthetic drug consumption such as ecstasy and speed is largely widespread in these events. The existence of these gatherings poses a series of problems from the point of view of the police authorities, such as the presence of drug dealers as well as the safety of the venue where the raves are held. In the particular context of these events, social control practices are subjected to a certain number of ambiguities. The general goal of this study is to allow an understanding of the way the rules, that constitute the framework of this type of gathering, are determined and applied. Three specific objectives pursued in this study are 1) to understand how authorities tried to control these types of events in Montreal, 2) to understand how the various actors responsible for the organization of these events establish a series of rules, formal and informal, and negotiate their application within the framework of their practice, and 3) to understand how these actors identify certain situations as problematic and eventually react to them. The main data collection method consisted in carrying out semi-directed interviews with rave Producers, Security Agents, Police Officer, Fire Marshal, Artists of the rave scene and other parties involved. Participating observation in actual events was a complementary method. This study demonstrates how the police service faced a legal void regarding rave events and how the regulatory framework was rather introduced by the fire department. The authorities also tried to control the rave phenomenon by modifying certain regulations, such as those applicable to alcohol licence. The study also demonstrates how and why key stakeholders negotiate the rules in the course of action in this particular context where the frontier between the licit and the illicit is woolly.

Protest, styl a sociální identita. Diskurzivní analýza anarchistické revue Existence / Protest, style and social identity. Discourse analysis of anarchist revue Existence

Svobodová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on representation of protest in the official periodical of Czech Anarchist federation. It looks into the protest strategies which influence the level of personal lifestyle of an individual. This practice is connected to the issue of devaluation of the anarchist programme and more prominent emphasis on the form of the activities rather than the content. On the example of anarchist review Existence the thesis investigates how the practice is treated at the discursive level in Czech context. It poses a question whether the accent of a particular lifestyle results in shaping a required normative ideal of social identity. At the theoretical level, the thesis reflects how mainstream media tend to represent protest events. Simultaneously, it describes alternative media as the instrument to oppose the dominant media practice. Using the method of discourse analysis based on Norman Fairclough's linguistic approach, the text looks into the similarities between the mainstream and the alternative. The analysis focuses especially on modern tactics of the anarchist movement, politicization of everyday life, reflection of these phenomena within the movement and possible above-mentioned impact on the anarchist programme.

En famille dans la rue : trajectoires de jeunes de la rue et carrières zonardes / In family in the street : street youth trajectories and "zonards" careers

Pimor, Tristana 03 December 2012 (has links)
À partir d’une approche ethnographique collaborative entre chercheur et enquêtés, mêlant observation participante, récits de vie, entretiens auprès de jeunes vivant dans un squat et auprès de travailleurs sociaux, de commerçants, de riverains nous avons tenté de saisir ce qui dans les trajectoires des acteurs favorisait l’inscription dans cet univers de la rue qu’est la Zone et dans sa culture, ce qui jouait dans les divers inclinements identitaires zonards. Différents modes d’être « jeune en errance », ou plutôt zonard ont été repérés. En usant des théories de la socialisation, de la déviance, des interactions goffmaniennes et de l’ethnicité, nous avons pu mettre à jour des logiques synchroniques et diachroniques explicatives. L’orientation vers la Zone ne s’effectue pas sans les influences de la famille, de l'institution scolaire, du contexte écologique. Ils provoquent des désajustements auxquels la socialisation juvénile de pairs répondra par la pratique d’activités délinquantes. Le positionnement plus ou moins engagé dans la Zone dépend par ailleurs de certaines spécificités biographiques et de l'investissement dans la carrière zonarde. Des facteurs exogènes comme le traitement sanitaire et social en direction de ces jeunes et les représentations du sens commun qui leurs sont attachées, concourent à un étiquetage social, une discrimination, qui associés aux expériences passées des acteurs favorisent alors la pérennisation de l’identité zonarde et accentuent sa déviance en érigeant des frontières entre zonards et normaux. / To study French young homeless we use an ethnographic collaborative approach with one population of the following study fields: young homeless of one squat (interviews, participant observation, life interviews) ; and interviews, reunion observations with social workers, storekeepers and local residents. We tried to understand which street youth life trajectories facilitated the enrolment in that street world that is designated: "the Zone" and what contributes to "zonard" identity and culture. Various ways to be "wandering youth", or rather "zonard" were located. By using socialization, deviance, Goffman’s interactions and ethnicity theories, we were able to shed light on synchronic and diachronic logics leading them to it. The Zone orientation needs specific family, school, ecological, and neighbourhood backgrounds, which provoke adjustment problems. We find that young peers socialization and it activities answer to background life tensions. The position of being more or less committed in the Zone depends on actors’ biographies specificities and on their Zone careers investment. Exogenous factors such as the sanitary and social treatments, the common sense representations of youth street contribute to a social labelling, a discrimination. Associated with past backgrounds, they encourage the Zone identity continuation, increase deviant practices and build borders between normals and Zonards.

Od společenských her k teambuildingu / From board games to teambuilding

Mikoláš, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
The Outline of the development and history of a board game. The Mapping of the contemporary situation in the field of board games. Cultural, social and psychological aspects of playing board games. Defence of the stand that board games are not marginal subject beside modern sorts of amusement e.g. computer games. The Classification of modern board games with regard to their dominant cultural background and origin. The sociological survey on board games and motivation to their playing in the subculture of players 10-15years old. The Analysis of the survey and a search of basic categories of associated motivations for positive relation to board games and their playing. More detailed view on reasons why people do not want to play board games. The Analysis of players' fellowship. The practical application of board games (like general educative tool, a tool in the scope of teambuilding and human resources or else expert diagnostics and therapy). Keywords a subculture of players, a modern classification of a game, a board game, a table game, the history of board games

Oděv jako prostředek sebeidentifikace a sebeprezentace a možnosti didaktického rozvedeni tématu ve výuce výtvarné výchovy / Clothing as a means for self-identification and self-representation and possible didactic applications of the theme in Art Education.

Špidlová, Zdeňka January 2013 (has links)
Anotation: Špidlová, Z.: Clothing as a means for self-identification and self-representation and possible didactic applications of the theme in art education. [Diploma thesis] Prague, 2013 - Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education, Art education, 224 p. (Attachements: Diary and file documenting the art part of diploma thesis) This thesis examines the phenomenon of clothing, its semiotic function in the context of postmodern society and social aspects with emphasis on identification with a particular social group. The research brings knowledge about two groups, their clothing and social contexts. The groups are the costume culture of the Alto Minho in Portugal and the goth subculture. The results of the research are directly connected to the art part, the output of which is a clothing model combining elements of both of these groups. Didactic section presents findings on the diversity of interpretation of students from the seventh grade of basic school and the second year of middle school when dealing with the topic of identity and subculture applied on clothing. Key words: clothes, identity, self-presentation, self-identification, subculture, materials creation, postmodern society, art education

Samizdat v informační době: Jak ovlivnil Web 2.0 kulturu fanzinů / Printed DIY media in information age: how Web 2.0 influenced culture of fanzines

Hroch, Miloš January 2016 (has links)
The thesis aims to explore changes in the production of music fanzines brought about by the advent of new media. Fanzines are defined as nonofficial magazines published independently in compliance with the code of DIY ethics. The theoretical part of this work focuses on the history of fanzine production as well as on concepts of alternative media, which is necessary in order to examine the current state of the aforementioned alternative media sphere. Furthermore, the theoretical part describes fans' behaviour, as they are the most prominent representatives of active audiences. This behaviour is a key to understanding the motivation behind fanzine production as well as the nature of media communication in the cyberspace, where boundaries between producers and consumers of media messages disappear. The main part of this work analyses interviews with ten figures from the Czech community of both pre-internet authors and those of post-internet era, the latter being used to internet communication. Described discursive patterns reveal the existence of two separate worlds: traditional fanzine community and online environment, coexisting in mutual awareness. Yet the former strives to guard its boundaries, protecting its products from the internet, albeit oftentimes entering the virtual space in search for...

O gótico e as sombras: comunicação não comunicada

Dimarch, Bruno Fischer 27 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T18:16:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bruno Fischer Dimarch.pdf: 4202658 bytes, checksum: fbec2c82e772f775a28f755773e88f33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-08-27 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / The present Dissertation devotes to think about the Gothic, identifying the problems brought by the mistaken media exposition. For this purpose, it is presented a gothic reading of the Goth, so that it can be understood as a part of an usual process to all cultures, as a refuge of the generation of the, named here, culture norm . This research present as the theoretical corpus the General Systems Theory, in the development of Jorge de Albuquerque Vieira, proposing a new approach of the concept of collective shadow proposed by Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), from the hypothesis that every culture projects its shadow (the term culture refers only to western culture in this dissertation). This shadow is the allegoric night of moral, ethics and dominant customs. The repressed elements are organized in a system of mediation in the communicative relation of body with environment, named Shadows . Goth is a subsystem of Shadows, which found a great difficult in media communication. Through broadcasted interviews, sites and journalistic subjects in several means of communication, it is possible to find Goth associations with a culture and life style that are subversive, licentious, antichrist, necrophile etc. That kind of mediatic exposition, injured public identification in relation to Gothic culture. Although, the Goth intracommunication ensured its permanence and evolution, retreated from mediatic light. In the Shadows, this process points towards a relative distinction of the other subsystems and a specialization of its internal information. Besides the bibliographic research, interviews and an image documentary research in different media means were held / A presente Dissertação se dedica a pensar sobre o Gótico, identificando os problemas trazidos pela sua equivocada exposição midiática. Para tal, apresenta uma leitura gótica do Gótico, com o objetivo de fazê-lo ser entendido como parte de um processo comum a todas as culturas, o refugo da geração da, aqui nomeada, norma da cultura . Essa pesquisa apresenta como corpus teórico a Teoria Geral dos Sistemas, no desenvolvimento de Jorge de Albuquerque Vieira, propondo uma nova abordagem do conceito de sombra coletiva , de Carl Gustav Jung (1875 1961), a partir da hipótese de que toda cultura projeta a sua sombra (e aqui o termo cultura se refere somente à cultura ocidental). Essa sombra é a noite alegórica da moral, da ética e dos costumes dominantes. Elementos reprimidos se organizam em um sistema de mediação na relação comunicativa do corpo com esse ambiente, nomeado de Sombras . O Gótico é um subsistema das Sombras que encontrou grande dificuldade de comunicação midiática. Em entrevistas televisivas, sites e matérias jornalísticas em diversos meios de comunicação é possível encontrar associações do Gótico a uma cultura e estilo de vida subversivo, licencioso, anticristo, necrófilo etc., refugos da norma da cultura. Esse tipo de exposição midiática prejudicou a possibilidade de identificação e melhor compreensão, por parte do público, da cultura gótica. Todavia, foi a intracomunicação no Gótico que garantiu a sua permanência e evolução, fora da luz midiática. Nas Sombras, esse processo apontou para uma relativa distinção de outros subsistemas e uma especialização das suas informações internas. Além da pesquisa bibliográfica, foram realizadas entrevistas e uma pesquisa documental de imagens em diferentes mídias

Tělo za katrem: Význam zdobení těla odsouzených ve výkonu trestu odnětí svobody / The body behind bars: The importance of decorating the body of convicts

Lochmannová, Alena January 2018 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the issue of physical modifications, especially tattoos, in the environment of Czech male prisons. It is based on ethnographic research conducted between 2013 and 2017 in a total of five Czech men's security prisons. The aim of the thesis is to describe the phenomenon of decorating the body of inmates sentenced to serve prison sentences in Czech male prisons and to present the interpretative and meaningful potential of body treatments, especially tattooing, in relation to the so-called second life of the convicted. As a part of the thesis, the design of ethnographic research in the environment of Czech male prisons, including its limits and pitfalls, is presented, while the specificity of this research field in the field of socio-scientific research is demonstrated. Attention is paid to the issue and importance of body in the prison environment and, in consequence, to body modifications that are used at the prison level to resist against the attempt to discipline convicts' bodies through unified institutional practices. Emphasis is placed primarily on tattooing as the most frequent and the most significant physical modification of the criminal subculture in the Czech prison environment. The final chapter and the pivotal part of this thesis brings the categorization of...

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