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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O corpo e a escola: um estudo sobre políticas de subjetivação na sociedade contemporânea

Rocha, Márcio Donizetti [UNESP] 05 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-11-05Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:20:34Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 rocha_md_me_rcla.pdf: 433461 bytes, checksum: 47013d24a31c11ef61015aa756fa6a44 (MD5) / Nesta pesquisa analisamos práticas de interdição do corpo detectadas na sociedade, com desdobramentos na escola. O campo de observação se estabelece nas fronteiras entre igreja e escola, e entre religião e ciência. O foco da atenção dirige-se para o corpo situado neste território. Ao investigarmos as práticas de interdição operadas sobre o corpo, identificamos as marcas das políticas de subjetivação que atravessam os processos educacionais. Analisamos uma prática de interdição ao movimento e um modo de controle dos corpos de adolescentes a partir dos sinais recolhidos durante as aulas de Educação Física, no decorrer de minha experiência de magistério. Além disso, rastreamos as pistas indicativas do que escapa aos mecanismos de captura do poder. Interpretamos algumas práticas corporais observadas no âmbito das aulas de Educação Física em uma escola pública que registra inúmeros conflitos com a injunção de algumas igrejas evangélicas sobre os processos educacionais. Analisamos os sentidos atribuídos à Educação Física e às soluções elaboradas pelos professores, diante dos desafios identificados nos gestos de controle sobre os corpos dos educandos. No contexto da interdição exercida sobre os corpos, perguntamos: Que processos de subjetivação resultam das práticas de interdição dos corpos dos adolescentes?; Quais são as marcas dos elementos disruptivos no corpo interditado?; Por que o educador e a escola não conseguem ajudar o educando a sair do papel de refém nesta condição de corpo interditado? No esforço para responder a estas perguntas, descrevemos o movimento dos corpos na aula de Educação Física, assim como nos colocamos na escuta dos discursos produzidos sobre os efeitos da experiência da interdição que ocorre sobre os alunos. Situamos as práticas religiosas no amplo campo da cultura para, em seguida, estudarmos o exercício do poder pastoral / In this research we analyzed the practices of body interdiction detected in society with repercussions for school. Field observation was established on the boundaries between church and school, and between religion and science. The focus of attention was on a body situated in this territory. When we investigated the practices of interdiction operated on the body, we identified the marks of subjectivization policies that cross the educational processes. We analyzed an interdiction practice for the movement and control manner of adolescent bodies from signs collected during Physical Education class throughout my teaching experience. Furthermore, we traced the clues as to what escapes from the mechanisms of power seizure. We interpreted some body practices observed during Physical Education class in a public school that records numerous conflicts with the injunction of evangelical churches aimed at educational processes. We analyzed the senses attributed to Physical Education and the solutions elaborated by teachers faced with challenges identified in gestures to control student bodies. In the context of interdiction exercised by bodies, we inquired: 1) Which subjectivization processes result from interdiction practices of adolescent bodies? 2) What are the marks of disruptive elements on an interdicted body? 3) Why are the educator and school unable to help the student emerge from the role of hostage in the condition of interdicted body? In an effort to answer these questions, we described body movement in Physical Education class and we listened to discourses on the effects of the interdiction experience that occur with students. We located religious practices in the broad field of culture to subsequently study the exercise of pastoral power. We identified signs of student disruption and explored the possibilities of educator intervention in the place where the educator establishes his relationship

O acontencimento patchwork : um modo de aprender a vida

Rizzo, Luisa Maria Nunes Vieira January 2008 (has links)
Um projeto terapêutico, qualquer que seja, implica em capacitar o ser humano a poder inovar, inventar, criar. Vem daí um desejo de conhecer mais a respeito da dimensão criativa e da potência de vida do indivíduo, bem como dos modos de produção de espaços que favoreçam a invenção de si e do mundo. Deste interesse nasceu a reflexão sobre uma experiência com um grupo de artesãs e uma artista plástica, cuja apresentação é o objetivo último deste texto. A partir do conceito de Acontecimento de Gilles Deleuze e, tendo como intercessor o trabalho com patchwork, vai relacionar modos de trabalhar e modos de subjetivar. Parte do pressuposto de que o modo de trabalhar com o patchwork configura-se como uma estética criadora de oportunidades e de transformações, fazendo emergir novos modos de existencialização. O tema da atenção, conforme a concepção de Henry Bergson, vai surgir como um elemento essencial no processo de busca de liberdade para pensar o estético e a ocupação dos espaços. De uma aproximação com máquinas estagnadas à transformação em máquinas subjetivantes, este é o entre que se procurou cartografar, e que está sintetizado nessa escritura. / Any therapeutic project implies training people to be able to innovate, invent, and create. This is the origin of the desire for increasing our knowledge regarding the individual’s creative dimension and life power, as well as in terms of ways to create environments that stimulate self-invention and the invention of the world. This interest served as the basis for the analysis of an experience involving a group of craftswomen and an artist. The objective of this study is to present such experience. Based on the concept of Happening created by Gilles Deleuze, and having patchwork as the means, this experience relates ways of working to ways of practicing subjective analysis. This experience is based on the assumption that the way people work with patchwork constitutes a creative aesthetics of opportunities and transformations, producing new ways of being. The topic of attention, according to the concept created by Henry Bergson, is one the essential elements in the process of search for freedom to consider aesthetics and the way we use the environments. From getting familiar with still machines to the transformation of this equipment into subjectivizing devices, this is the process we intended to show, and such a process is summarized in this text.

Recherche sur les évolutions du droit administratif sous la contrainte environnementale : l'exemple de la lutte contre la pollution / Research about adminitrative law evolutions under environmental constraints : the fight against pollution example

Marcantoni, Pauline 06 July 2015 (has links)
Phénomène séculaire, la pollution a pris une nouvelle ampleur au début des années 1970. Cette transformation a conduit l’État à mettre en place un dispositif de protection visant à prévenir ou réparer les dommages susceptibles d'en résulter. A une période où il faisait par ailleurs l'objet de nombreuses contestations, le droit administratif s'est alors trouvé confronté à un nouvel objet. L'étude des évolutions issues de cette rencontre révèle d'abord que les équilibres du droit administratif institutionnel ont été ajustés. L'institution étatique, largement attendue, s'en trouve revalorisée. Et les relations administratives sont redéfinies. Au sein de l'appareil administratif, l’État central est renforcé. Dans ses relations avec ses administrés, le pouvoir administratif s'est au contraire ouvert, favorisant sa démocratisation. Par ailleurs, les mouvements du droit administratif substantiel ont été modérés par l'appréhension de cette nouvelle mission. Du fait de sa dimension collective, la lutte contre la pollution se prête mal à la subjectivisation du droit administratif. Quant à la tendance à la contestation de l'autonomie du droit administratif, elle est également limitée. La transversalité de l'objet pollution favorise l'ouverture du droit administratif aux autres disciplines. Pour autant, l'intégration des sources extra-juridiques reste maitrisée et les effets de l'exercice de cette nouvelle mission en termes de banalisation du droit administratif sont mesurés. / Although an age-old phenomenon, pollution has gained a new momentum throughout the l 970's. This development prompted the State to institute a plan to prevent or repair potential subsequent damages. At a time when it had already aroused many disagreements, administrative law then had to deal with a new matter. Balances of institutional administrative law were adjusted. The value of the state institution highly expected, was reasserted. And the administrative relations were redefined. Within the administrative institution, the unitary state was reinforced. On the contrary, the administrative power opened up towards its citizens, thus fostering its democratization. Besides, substantial administrative law, apprehensive of this new mission, tempered its movements. Due to its collective nature, pollution abatement does not lend itself to subjectivization of administrative law. While individual interests still hold an important place, the protection plan and its guarantees are based on the administrative action. The propensity to contest the autonomy of administrative law is also limited. The transversal essence of the pollution topic encourages administrative law to embrace other disciplines. Nevertheless, the integration of sources unrelated to law remains under control and the fulfilment of this new mission has moderate consequences in terms of trivialization of administrative law.

A Vegetarian Re-Enchantment of the World : Subjective experiences, gender, and emotion in German Vegetarianism read through the member magazines of the Deutscher Vegetarier-Bund 1895-1931

Sjöberg, Wilma January 2017 (has links)
I denna uppsats analyseras det vegetariska subjektet med fokus på subjektiva upplevelser och genom detta belyses attraktioner och förändringar inom vegetarianismen mellan 1895–1931 i medlemstidskrifterna för Deutscher Vegetarier-Bund. Teoretiskt är uppsatsen grundad i subjektiviseringstesen med fokus på upplevelser, genus och känslor. Resultaten visar att ett skifte skedde från en rationell objektiv upplevelse till en subjektiv och känslostyrd upplevelse. Genomgående konstruerades den vegetariska livsstilen som en elitupplevelse och kontrasterades mot andra livsstilar. Det vegetariska subjektet var även könat och konstruerat med eller mot maskulina förväntningar. Genom analysen av genus och upplevelser har forskningen om tysk vegetarianism utökats. Vegetarianism kan genom analysen förstås som ett sätt att återförtrolla världen genom mystik och förundran.

Politiques du passage de l'individuel au collectif dans Les Années d'Annie Ernaux

Brabant, Josée 08 1900 (has links)
Ce travail aborde l’œuvre d'Annie Ernaux en montrant sa préoccupation constante de tendre vers les autres, préoccupation qui découle de la conviction que l'individu est constitué des discours qui le traversent et du monde social qui l'entoure. Influencée par la sociologie de Bourdieu et par sa propre expérience de transfuge de classe, Ernaux fait aussi montre d'une grande sensibilité aux rapports de domination, omniprésents dans l'espace social. Par son œuvre, elle cherche à faire entrer dans la sphère du légitime des expériences reléguées dans l'illégitime, sa démarche se rapprochant en cela de celle de Foucault. Cela inclut le mode de vie et la mémoire des dominés, qui n'entrent généralement ni dans la littérature ni dans les discours dominants. Elle souhaite également montrer que les expériences vécues sur le mode individuel sont en fait largement partagées et ont des origines sociales et politiques. Bien que tous ses livres visent à accomplir ce passage de l'individuel au collectif, ce travail s'attarde plus particulièrement aux Années, qui conjugue des stratégies narratives employées dans ses livres précédents à une nouvelle forme de narration à la troisième personne, lui permettant de livrer un texte encore plus « auto-socio-biographique ». / This thesis intends to present Annie Ernaux's constant concern to reach out to others throughout her work, resulting from her belief that individuals are the result of the speeches they go through and of the social world surrounding them. Influenced by Bourdieu’s sociology and by her own experience as a parvenu, Ernaux also shows a great sensitivity to power and dominance relationships, omnipresent in the society. Through her work, she seeks to turn illegitimate experiences into legitimate ones, in that way making her approach similar to Foucault’s. This includes the lifestyle and collective memory of the dominated, rarely depicted in literature or in the prevailing discourses. She also wishes to show that experiences lived as an individual are in fact largerly shared and have social and political origins. Even though each of her books intends to accomplish this passage from the individual to the collective, this thesis is particularly interested in Les Années, which combines narrative strategies employed in her previous books to a new form of narration in the third person, allowing her to deliver an even more “auto-socio-biographical” work.

Poïétique de la création sonore au cinéma : la figure de l’artiste-poïéticien

Forest, Pierre-Olivier 01 1900 (has links)
Nous proposons, dans ce mémoire, d’explorer les possibilités pratiques et pédagogiques d’une approche autopoïétique de la création sonore au cinéma. Notre principal souci sera de saisir les modalités de l’ascèse propre aux artistes qui se livrent à une telle activité, comprise comme un « apprentissage de soi par soi » (Foucault), afin de faire celui qui peut faire l’œuvre (processus de subjectivation), et le rôle descriptif et opératoire de cet exercice - en tant qu’effort pour penser de façon critique son propre savoir-faire -, dans le faire-œuvre et l’invention de possibles dans l’écriture audio-visuelle cinématographique. Pour ce faire, d’une part, nous étudierons, à partir de témoignages autopoïétiques, le rapport réflexif de trois créateurs sonores à leur pratique et leur effort pour penser (et mettre en place) les conditions d’une pratique et d’une esthétique du son filmique comme forme d’art sonore dans un contexte audio-visuel, alors qu’ils travaillent dans un cadre normalisant : Randy Thom, Walter Murch et Franck Warner. D’autre part, nous recourrons à différentes considérations théoriques (la théorie de l’art chez Deleuze et Guattari, la « surécoute » chez Szendy, l’histoire de la poïétique à partir de Valéry, etc.) et pratiques (la recherche musicale chez Schaeffer, la relation maître-apprenti, les rapports entre automatisme et pensée dans le cinéma moderne chez Artaud et Godard, etc.), afin de contextualiser et d’analyser ces expériences de création, avec l’objectif de problématiser la figure de l’artiste-poïéticien sur un plan éthique dans le sillage de la théorie des techniques de soi chez Foucault. / It is our aim, in this study, to explore the practical and pedagogical possibilities of an auto-poietic approach to sound designing in cinema. Our main concern is to grasp the modalities of the asceticism unique to artists of this trade, understood as a apprenticeship of the self, by the self (Foucault) in order to generate the one who can make the work of art, and the descriptive and operational roles of this exercise - as a means of producing critical thought with respect to one’s own know-how-, in the making of the film and the invention of possibilities in audio-visual cinematographic “writing”. To do this, firstly, based on various forms of autopoietic testimony, we study the reflexive relation of three sound designers (Randy Thom, Walter Murch and Frank Warner) with respect to their practice and their efforts to think (and put in place) the conditions of a practice and an esthetics of film sound as a form of sound art in the audio-visual context, while these are working in normative framework. Secondly, we will use various theoretical (the art theories of Deleuze and Guattari, the “surécoute” of Szendy, the history of poietic from Valéry, etc.) and practical (Schaeffer’s musical research, the master-student relationship, the relationship between automatism and thought in the modern cinemas of Artaud and Godard, etc.) considerations to help contextualize and analyze these experiences of artistic creation, with the objective of problematizing the figure of the poietic-artist in the wake of Foucault’s theories on the techniques of self.

Modos de subjetivação dos trabalhadores de saúde mental e os processos micropolíticos no discurso da desinstitucionalização da loucura / Ways of subjectivization of mental health workers and the micropolitic processes in the discourse of desinstitutionalization of madness / Modi di soggettivazione dei lavoratori di salute mentale e i processi micropolitici nel discorso della deistituzionalizzazione della pazzia

Argiles, Carmen Terezinha Leal 08 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2018-04-12T12:24:24Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Tese_Carmen_Terezinha_Leal_Argiles.pdf: 3947533 bytes, checksum: 8d53f4ca2d517c897d13254b6a603cc0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-12T14:55:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Tese_Carmen_Terezinha_Leal_Argiles.pdf: 3947533 bytes, checksum: 8d53f4ca2d517c897d13254b6a603cc0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-08 / Sem bolsa / Esta tese tem como objetivo analisar os modos de subjetivação dos trabalhadores em saúde mental e as micropolíticas produzidas no serviço de CAPS a partir do processo de desinstitucionalização da atenção psiquiátrica brasileira. Este processo propõe mudanças paradigmáticas significativas em relação à concepção de loucura e das práticas desenvolvidas na atenção psiquiátrica, o que pressupõe sua relevância para o campo da saúde mental e para a formação nesta área. Utilizamos o referencial de Michel Foucault, para pensar os modos como os trabalhadores se subjetivam através dos discursos e práticas, que circulam em nosso tempo, e os efeitos destes na constituição dos sujeitos. Trabalhamos com suas concepções e proposições de análise, para mapear os modos de subjetivação dos trabalhadores de CAPS, espaço que se constitui a partir do discurso desinstitucionalizante. A perspectiva de proposição de um trabalho com pressupostos de criação, de singularização, de multiplicidade, desafia os trabalhadores e a micropolítica no campo da saúde mental. Este exige além da formação técnica, a implicação política e subjetiva para que estas relações se constituam neste campo. Gilles Deleuze e Felix Guattari nos apresentam conceitos, tais como: agenciamentos, rizoma, territórios existenciais, entre outros, para pensar os movimentos e acontecimentos neste processo. A desinstitucionalização da loucura configura-se uma proposta arrojada, no mundo contemporâneo, onde a vida é cada vez mais concebida como um produto, com valor flutuante. Franco Basaglia, neste cenário colocou em prática essa ousadia, deixando aos profissionais de saúde mental, o legado de fazê-la possível estabelecendo parâmetros éticos na área de atenção psiquiátrica. O estudo realizou-se no CAPS de Alegrete-RS e os sujeitos do estudo compreendem a totalidade dos trabalhadores deste serviço. Como instrumento de informações utilizou-se entrevistas semi-estruturadas e observação participante. Como parte desta análise foram acessados os bancos da pesquisa CAPSUL. Ainda foram usados dados de observação e de depoimentos dos trabalhadores dos serviços de saúde mental de Trieste-Itália onde realizou-se estágio do doutorado sanduíche. A análise realizada subsidia a tese de que o discurso da desinstitucionalização da loucura constituí-se como um novo regime de verdade no campo da saúde mental, este materializa-se nos serviços de CAPS, respondem a um conjunto de enunciados que problematizam a loucura, e os modos de relação desta com a sociedade. A produção deste discurso afeta os modos de subjetivação dos trabalhadores, produzindo processo de singularização, de agenciamentos e transformações nos modos de existência, implicando-se no cuidado do outro. A micropolítica do trabalho a partir do discurso da desinstitucionalização pressupõe a problematização das relações saber-poder que permeiam o campo psicossocial, e as relações da sociedade com a loucura, elaborando assim outros enunciados, que colocam este discurso como uma política de verdade no campo da saúde mental. / The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the ways of subjectivization of mental health workers and the micro politics produced within CAPS service resulting from the deinstitutionalization process of the Brazilian psychiatric attention. Such process proposes significant paradigmatic changes concerning both, the conception of madness and the practices used in psychiatric attention. These propositions are relevant to the mental health field itself as well as to its education. Michel Foucault‟s theoretical framework was used to approach the ways one attains subjectivization through discourses and practices which circulate in our times as well as their effects in the constitution of subjects. Foucaultian‟s conceptions and propositions for analysis were used in order to identify the ways of subjectivization employed by CAPS workers. CAPS is a service constituted by the deinstitutionalization discourse. The proposition of a work founded on presuppositions of creation, singularization and multiplicity challenges the workers and the micro politics in the field of mental health.Besides the demands of technical education, such work has political and subjective implications so that these relations be produced in this field. Concepts put forward by Gilles Deleuze e Felix Guattari, such as agency, rhizome, existential territories among others, served as basis to consider the movements and happenings which take place in this process. The deinstitutionalization of madness is a daring proposition in the contemporary world, in which life is conceived of as a product with a fluctuating value. In this context, Franco Basaglia put such boldness into practice, leaving to the mental health professionals the duty of making it possible by establishing ethical parameters in the field of psychiatric attention. The present study took place at the CAPS in the city of Alegrete, RS. The participants in the study were the group of its workers. Semi-structured interviews and participant observation were used to collect the data. Additionally, the CAPSUL databank was accessed as well as information collected by observations and interviews given by mental health workers in Trieste, Italy, where a part of this research was developed. The results confirm the initially proposed thesis that the discourse of the deinstitutionalization of madness is constituted as a new regimen of truth in the field of mental health. Such discourse is materialized in the CAPS services as an answer to a set of enunciations which problematize the madness and its ways of relation with the society. The production of this discourse affects the ways of subjectivization of workers, producing processes of singularization, of agency as well as transformations in the existence modes, resulting in the care of the other. The micro politic of work generated by the discourse of deinstitutionalization presupposes the problematizing of the knowledgepower relations which permeate the psychosocial field and the relations of society with madness, elaborating other enunciations which place this discourse as a politics of truth in the field of mental health. / Questa tesi ha come obiettivo analizzare i modi di soggettivazione del lavoratore in salute mentale e le micropolitiche prodotte nel servizio di CAPS a partire dal processo di deistituzionalizzazione dell‟attenzione psichiatrica brasiliana. Questo processo propone cambiamenti paradigmatici significativi relativo alla concezione di pazzia e delle pratiche sviluppate nell‟attenzione psichiatrica, questo pressuppone sua rilevanza per il campo della salute mentale e per la formazione in quest‟area. Utilizziamo il referenziale di Michel Foucault, per pensare il modo come ci soggettiviamo attraverso i discorsi e pratiche, che ci sono nel nostro tempo, e i loro effetti nella costituzione dei soggetti. Abbiamo lavorato con le sue concezioni e proposizioni di analisi, per conoscere i modi di soggettivazione dei lavoratori del CAPS, spazio che si costituisce a partire del discorso deistituzionalizzante. La prospettiva di proposizione di un lavoro con pressuposti di creazione, di singolarità, di moltiplicità, sfida i lavoratori e la micropolitica nel campo della salute mentale. Questo richiede oltre alla formazione tecnica, d‟implicazione politica e soggetiva affinché questi rapporti si costituiscano in questo campo. Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari ci presentano concetti, così come: il suscitare, rizoma, territori esistenziali, tra altri, per pensare i movimenti e avvenimenti in questo processo. La deistituzionalizzazione della pazzia si configura una proposta audace, nel mondo contemporaneo, dove la vita è sempre di più concepita come un prodotto, con valore incostante. Franco Basaglia, in questo scenario ha messo in pratica questa audacia, lasciando ai professionisti della salute mentale, il legato di farla possibile stabilendo parametri etici nell‟area di attenzione psichiatrica. Lo studio si è realizzato nel CAPS di Alegrete –RS e i soggetti dello studio comprendono la totalità dei lavoratori di questo servizio. Come istrumenti di informazioni sono state utilizzate interviste semistrutturate e osservazione partecipante. Come parte di questa analisi si accesserà i banchi della ricerca CAPSUL. Useremo ancora dati di osservazione e testemonianze dei lavoratori dei servizi di salute mentale di Trieste – Itália dove si è realizzato parte del tirocinio di dottorato. I risultati confermano la tesi costruita dal quale il discorso della deistituzionalizzazione della pazzia si costituisce come un nuovo regime di verità nel campo della salute mentale, questo si materializza nei servizi CAPS, respondono ad un insieme di enunciati che problematizzano la pazzia, e i suoi modi di relazione con la società. La produzione di questo discorso affetta i modi di soggettivazione dei lavoratori, producendo processi di singolarità, di suscitare trasformazioni nei modi di esistenza, implicandosi nella cura dell‟altro. La problematizzazione delle relazioni sapere-potere che permeano il campo psicosociale, e le realzioni della società con la pazzia, elaborando così altri enunciati, che mettono questo discorso come una politica di verità nel campo della salute mentale.

Godkänd i särskolan : pedagogiskt meningsskapande i betygssättning i skolformen särskolan / Passed in the special school : how teachers add meaning to assessment and grades in schools for children with intellectual disabilities

Kowalska, Barbara January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study was to examine how teachers in special schools for children with mental disabilities add meaning to the process of assessing their pupils with a grading system. The study was carried out in a focus group that, during three qualitative dialogues, discussed the grading system in special schools in general and on the basis of the national school curriculum. The material was analyzed from a theoretical viewpoint taking into account both the French philosopher Michel Foucault’s perspective on empowerment and that of post-structuralism.</p><p>The results show that it is clearly problematic to assess children with intellectual disabilities. Due to the children´s differing conditions it is not possible to establish common knowledge goals and grades cannot be weighed in relation to the child’s level of knowledge. However, by considering the individual conditions of the children, formative assessment can be practiced and by avoiding not-passed grades all pupils in the special school can reach their individual goals and it is guaranteed that pupils always receive a grade that allows them to pass. The study also shows that the assessment still contains a comparative aspect; in fact, a comparative aspect is already incorporated in the assignment process to the special school which in Sweden bases on comparing the pupils intelligence level with that of other children of similar age. The goal-related grading system thus builds on a comparative system, in which children tested with a certain value from the normal test scale, are expected to not reach the curriculum goals and are then placed in a special school.</p><p>The results of this study also illustrate the consequences of grade assessment for children´s identity and future. The teacher´s handling of curriculum goals and grades results in the subjectivization of the pupils. Children are shaped to be learning subjects in an environment of discourses that segregates the children by labeling them as being different from normal. Both, pupils and personnel operate in a system of (ranked) power where disciplinary actions are part of a normalization process, a process that creates and is created by the prevailing ranking of power. The study shows that the assignment of grades in special schools and schools for children with mental disabilities is in itself part of a social process that singles out individuals who get diagnosed as intellectually disabled and that places them at the margin of society.</p> / <p>Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur pedagoger i särskolan skapar mening i betygssättningen av elever i denna skolform. Studien har genomförts i en fokusgrupp som i kvalitativa samtal vid tre tillfällen har diskuterat betygssättning i särskolan allmänt samt med utgångspunkt i grundsärskolans nationella dokument. Materialet har analyserats utifrån ett teoretiskt perspektiv med det poststrukturalistiska och Michel Foucaults maktperspektiv för ögonen.</p><p>I resultatet har det framkommit att betygssättning i särskolan är problematiskt. Elevers olika förutsättningar gör det omöjligt att ha gemensamma kunskapsmål och viktningen av betyg låter sig inte göras i förhållande till kunskapsnivån. Genom att ta hänsyn till de egna förutsättningarna kan formativ bedömning dock tillämpas och avsaknaden av ickegodkänt betyg gör att barnens individuella mål kan uppnås och ett godkänt betyg alltid garanteras. Analysen av materialet visar också att den jämförande aspekten i bedömningen finns kvar inte minst i själva mottagandet till särskolan, då det svenska systemet grundar sig på att elever föreslås skolformen särskola utifrån en jämförelse med jämnårigas intelligensnivå. Skolans mål- och kunskapsrelativa betygssystem bygger därmed på ett relativ jämförande ordning, där barn som testats och fått ett visst värde på normalskalan, förväntas att inte uppnå grundskolans mål och tas emot i särskolan.</p><p>Studiens resultat har också visat betygssättningens och särskolans betydelse för elevers identitetsskapande och framtid. Pedagogers hantering av kunskapsmål och betyg för med sig en subjektivering av elever där barnen formas till lärande subjekt i en miljö fylld av diskurser som vill särskilja dem som avvikande från det normala. Såväl eleverna som personalen själv verkar i en maktordning där disciplineringen är en del i en normaliseringsprocess, en process som skapas av och skapar den rådande maktordningen. Studien visar att betygssättningen i särskolan och den särskilda skolformen i sig är en del av den samhällsprocess som verkar för att sortera ut personer som får diagnosen utvecklingsstörning och som placeras i utkanten av samhället.</p>

Godkänd i särskolan : pedagogiskt meningsskapande i betygssättning i skolformen särskolan / Passed in the special school : how teachers add meaning to assessment and grades in schools for children with intellectual disabilities

Kowalska, Barbara January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how teachers in special schools for children with mental disabilities add meaning to the process of assessing their pupils with a grading system. The study was carried out in a focus group that, during three qualitative dialogues, discussed the grading system in special schools in general and on the basis of the national school curriculum. The material was analyzed from a theoretical viewpoint taking into account both the French philosopher Michel Foucault’s perspective on empowerment and that of post-structuralism. The results show that it is clearly problematic to assess children with intellectual disabilities. Due to the children´s differing conditions it is not possible to establish common knowledge goals and grades cannot be weighed in relation to the child’s level of knowledge. However, by considering the individual conditions of the children, formative assessment can be practiced and by avoiding not-passed grades all pupils in the special school can reach their individual goals and it is guaranteed that pupils always receive a grade that allows them to pass. The study also shows that the assessment still contains a comparative aspect; in fact, a comparative aspect is already incorporated in the assignment process to the special school which in Sweden bases on comparing the pupils intelligence level with that of other children of similar age. The goal-related grading system thus builds on a comparative system, in which children tested with a certain value from the normal test scale, are expected to not reach the curriculum goals and are then placed in a special school. The results of this study also illustrate the consequences of grade assessment for children´s identity and future. The teacher´s handling of curriculum goals and grades results in the subjectivization of the pupils. Children are shaped to be learning subjects in an environment of discourses that segregates the children by labeling them as being different from normal. Both, pupils and personnel operate in a system of (ranked) power where disciplinary actions are part of a normalization process, a process that creates and is created by the prevailing ranking of power. The study shows that the assignment of grades in special schools and schools for children with mental disabilities is in itself part of a social process that singles out individuals who get diagnosed as intellectually disabled and that places them at the margin of society. / Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur pedagoger i särskolan skapar mening i betygssättningen av elever i denna skolform. Studien har genomförts i en fokusgrupp som i kvalitativa samtal vid tre tillfällen har diskuterat betygssättning i särskolan allmänt samt med utgångspunkt i grundsärskolans nationella dokument. Materialet har analyserats utifrån ett teoretiskt perspektiv med det poststrukturalistiska och Michel Foucaults maktperspektiv för ögonen. I resultatet har det framkommit att betygssättning i särskolan är problematiskt. Elevers olika förutsättningar gör det omöjligt att ha gemensamma kunskapsmål och viktningen av betyg låter sig inte göras i förhållande till kunskapsnivån. Genom att ta hänsyn till de egna förutsättningarna kan formativ bedömning dock tillämpas och avsaknaden av ickegodkänt betyg gör att barnens individuella mål kan uppnås och ett godkänt betyg alltid garanteras. Analysen av materialet visar också att den jämförande aspekten i bedömningen finns kvar inte minst i själva mottagandet till särskolan, då det svenska systemet grundar sig på att elever föreslås skolformen särskola utifrån en jämförelse med jämnårigas intelligensnivå. Skolans mål- och kunskapsrelativa betygssystem bygger därmed på ett relativ jämförande ordning, där barn som testats och fått ett visst värde på normalskalan, förväntas att inte uppnå grundskolans mål och tas emot i särskolan. Studiens resultat har också visat betygssättningens och särskolans betydelse för elevers identitetsskapande och framtid. Pedagogers hantering av kunskapsmål och betyg för med sig en subjektivering av elever där barnen formas till lärande subjekt i en miljö fylld av diskurser som vill särskilja dem som avvikande från det normala. Såväl eleverna som personalen själv verkar i en maktordning där disciplineringen är en del i en normaliseringsprocess, en process som skapas av och skapar den rådande maktordningen. Studien visar att betygssättningen i särskolan och den särskilda skolformen i sig är en del av den samhällsprocess som verkar för att sortera ut personer som får diagnosen utvecklingsstörning och som placeras i utkanten av samhället.

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