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Risk Minimization in Power System Expansion and Power Pool Electricity MarketsAlvarez Lopez, Juan January 2007 (has links)
Centralized power system planning covers time windows that range
from ten to thirty years. Consequently, it is the longest and most
uncertain part of power system economics. One of the challenges that
power system planning faces is the inability to accurately predict
random events; these random events introduce risk in the planning
process. Another challenge stems from the fact that, despite having
a centralized planning scheme, generation plans are set first and
then transmission expansion plans are carried out. This thesis
addresses these problems. A joint model for generation and
transmission expansion for the vertically integrated industry is
proposed. Randomness is considered in demand, equivalent
availability factors of the generators, and transmission capacity
factors of the transmission lines. The system expansion model is
formulated as a two-stage stochastic program with fixed recourse and
probabilistic constraints. The transmission network is included via
a DC approximation. The mean variance Markowitz theory is used as a
risk minimization technique in order to minimize the variance of the
annualized estimated generating cost. This system expansion model is
capable of considering the locations of new generation and
transmission and also of choosing the right mixture of generating
The global tendency is to move from regulated power systems to
deregulated power systems. Power pool electricity markets, assuming
that the independent system operator is concerned with the social
cost minimization, face great uncertainties from supply and demand
bids submitted by market participants. In power pool electricity
markets, randomness in the cost and benefit functions through random
demand and supply functions has never been considered before. This
thesis considers as random all the coefficients of the quadratic
cost and benefit functions and uses the mean variance Markowitz
theory to minimize the social cost variance. The impacts that this
risk minimization technique has on nodal prices and on the
elasticities of the supply and demand curves are studied.
All the mathematical models in this thesis are exemplified by the
six-node network proposed by Garver in 1970, by the 21-node network
proposed by the IEEE Reliability Test System Task Force in 1979, and
by the IEEE 57- and 118-node systems.
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Risk Minimization in Power System Expansion and Power Pool Electricity MarketsAlvarez Lopez, Juan January 2007 (has links)
Centralized power system planning covers time windows that range
from ten to thirty years. Consequently, it is the longest and most
uncertain part of power system economics. One of the challenges that
power system planning faces is the inability to accurately predict
random events; these random events introduce risk in the planning
process. Another challenge stems from the fact that, despite having
a centralized planning scheme, generation plans are set first and
then transmission expansion plans are carried out. This thesis
addresses these problems. A joint model for generation and
transmission expansion for the vertically integrated industry is
proposed. Randomness is considered in demand, equivalent
availability factors of the generators, and transmission capacity
factors of the transmission lines. The system expansion model is
formulated as a two-stage stochastic program with fixed recourse and
probabilistic constraints. The transmission network is included via
a DC approximation. The mean variance Markowitz theory is used as a
risk minimization technique in order to minimize the variance of the
annualized estimated generating cost. This system expansion model is
capable of considering the locations of new generation and
transmission and also of choosing the right mixture of generating
The global tendency is to move from regulated power systems to
deregulated power systems. Power pool electricity markets, assuming
that the independent system operator is concerned with the social
cost minimization, face great uncertainties from supply and demand
bids submitted by market participants. In power pool electricity
markets, randomness in the cost and benefit functions through random
demand and supply functions has never been considered before. This
thesis considers as random all the coefficients of the quadratic
cost and benefit functions and uses the mean variance Markowitz
theory to minimize the social cost variance. The impacts that this
risk minimization technique has on nodal prices and on the
elasticities of the supply and demand curves are studied.
All the mathematical models in this thesis are exemplified by the
six-node network proposed by Garver in 1970, by the 21-node network
proposed by the IEEE Reliability Test System Task Force in 1979, and
by the IEEE 57- and 118-node systems.
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Nationell potentialbedömning av olika energieffektiviseringsåtgärders kostnadseffektivitet i flerbostadshus : En jämförelse av olika åtgärder och analys av olika styrmedels anpassning för minskad energianvändning / National Potential Assessment Energy Efficiency and Cost-effectiveness in Multi-family Buildings : A comparison of energy efficiency measures and the conformation of Different Policy Instrument for reduced energy useJansson, Josef, Enell, Elisabeth January 2022 (has links)
Energianvändningen idag är den största bidragande faktorn till de globala klimatförändringarna vilket ställer krav på mer hållbar och resurseffektiv energihantering. I Sverige står sektorn bostäder och service för ca 40 % av den slutgiltiga energianvändningen motsvarande 144 TWh. För att nå en mer hållbar byggnadssektor har EU i direktivet för Byggnaders Energiprestanda satt målet att byggnadssektorn ska vara fossilfri till 2050, samt beslutat att varje medlemsstat ska etablera en långsiktig renoveringsstrategi. Nationellt finns därmed målet att minska den totala energianvändningen per uppvärmd area med 50 % till 2050 jämfört med 1995. Detta innebär att omfattande energieffektiviseringsåtgärder (EEÅ) behöver implementeras i Sveriges byggnadsbestånd. I examensarbetet jämförs den nationella potentialen avseende energibesparing, kostnadseffektivitet samt utsläppsreduktion av koldioxidekvivalenter (CO2eq) för olika energieffektiviseringsåtgärder (EEÅ) kopplade till uppvärmning och tappvarmvattenanvändning i flerbostadshus. Vidare undersöks även hur väl anpassade befintliga styrmedel är för de studerade EEÅ. För att besvara frågeställningarna har sex olika typhus tagits fram vilka är representativa för Sveriges bestånd av flerbostadshus. Dessa byggnader har modellerats i programvaran IDA ICE och energisimuleringar har genomförts för att undersöka effekterna av samtliga EEÅ. Vidare, styrmedel kopplade till energieffektivisering av flerbostadshus har analyserats och dess innebörd för olika EEÅ granskats. Resultatet visar att inom det svenska flerbostadshusbeståndet har installation av spillvattenvärmeåtervinning och FTX störst tekniskt möjlig energibesparingspotential med en årlig nationell energibesparingspotential på 5,3 TWh respektive 4,7 TWh. Isolering av tak är den EEÅ med högst kostnadseffektivitet per sparad energienhet, 334–579 SEK/MWh beroende på klimatzon, följt av spillvattenvärmeåtervinning och FTX som har en kostnadseffektivitet på 1267–1503 SEK/MWh respektive 1882–3587 SEK/MWh. Takisolering är även den EEÅ som är mest kostnadseffektiv för utsläppsminskning av koldioxidekvivalenter följt av spillvattenvärmeåtervinning och FTX. För takisolering är kostnadseffektiviteten 5,9–10,3 tSEK/ton CO2eq, 28,2–33,5 tSEK/ton CO2eq för spillvattenvärmeåtervinning och 39,5–93 tSEK/ton CO2eq för installation av FTX. Utifrån de styrmedel som studerats konstateras det att befintliga styrmedel för energieffektivisering i flerbostadshus inkluderar konventionella EEÅ men att det finns bristfällig information och krav gällande återvinning av värme från spillvatten trots åtgärdens höga energibesparingspotential och kostnadseffektivitet. Bättre kunskap och information gällande kostnadseffektiviteten för olika EEÅ kan leda till mer resurseffektiva åtgärdsförslag från energiexperter och även öka renoveringstakten. / Today's energy use is the largest contributing factor to global climate change, which calls for a more sustainable and resource-efficient energy management. In Sweden, the residential and service sector accounts for about 40% of the final energy use, corresponding to 144 TWh. To achieve a more sustainable building sector, the European Commission has set a target in the Energy Efficiency Directive that the building sector should be fossil-free by 2050 and decided that every Member State should establish a long-term renovation strategy. Nationally, there is a target to reduce the total energy use per heated area by 50% by 2050. This requires a large-scale implementation of energy efficiency measures (EEMs) in Sweden's building stock. This master thesis compares the national potential regarding energy saving, cost-effectiveness and emission reduction of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2eq) for various EEMs linked to heating and domestic hot water use in multi-family buildings. Furthermore, it is also examined how well-adjusted existing policy instruments are to the studied EEMs. To answer the research questions, six different reference buildings, which are representative of Sweden’s stock of multi-family buildings, have been developed. These buildings have been modeled using the software IDA ICE and energy simulations have been carried out to investigate the effects for all EEMs. Policy instruments regarding energy efficiency in multi-family buildings have been analyzed and their significance for various EEMs have been investigated. The results show that installation of wastewater heat recovery and exhaust air heat recovery has the highest technically possible energy saving potential with an annual national saving potential of 5.3 TWh and 4.7 TWh, respectively Roof insulation is the EEM with the highest cost-effectiveness per saved energy unit, 334–579 SEK/MWh depending on climate zone, followed by wastewater heat recovery with a cost-effectiveness of 1267–1503 SEK/MWh and exhaust air heat recovery with 1882–3587 SEK/MWh. Roof insulation is also the EEM that is most cost-effective regarding reduced CO2eq -emissions, followed by wastewater heat recovery and exhaust air heat recovery. For roof insulation, the cost-effectiveness is 5.9–10.3 kSEK/ton CO2eq, 28.2–33.5 kSEK/ton CO2eq for wastewater heat recovery and 39.5–93 kSEK/ton CO2eq for installation of exhaust air heat recovery. Based on the studied policy instruments, it is found that the existing policy instruments for EMMs in multi-family buildings include conventional EMMS. However, there is insufficient information and requirements regarding recovery of heat from wastewater despite the measure's high energy saving potential and cost-effectiveness. Better knowledge and information regarding the cost-effectiveness of various EEMs can lead to more resource-efficient suggestions from energy experts and increase the pace of renovation.
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Kurz- und langfristige Angebotskurven für Rohöl und die Konsequenzen für den MarktSchlothmann, Daniel 20 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wurden Angebotskurven für 22 bedeutende Ölförderländer ermittelt und anschließend zu globalen Angebotskurven aggregiert. Gemäß den ermittelten Angebotskurven sind nahezu alle gegenwärtig in der Förderphase befindlichen Ölprojekte in den Untersuchungsländern auch beim aktuellen Ölpreis von 35 bis 40 US-$ je Barrel unter Berücksichtigung der kurzfristigen Grenzkosten rentabel. Sollte der Ölpreis jedoch in den kommenden Jahren auf diesem Niveau verharren, wird es bis zum Jahr 2024 zu einem Angebotsengpass auf dem globalen Ölmarkt kommen, da zur Deckung der zukünftigen Nachfrage die Erschließung kostenintensiver, unkonventioneller Lagerstätten und von Lagerstätten in tiefen und sehr tiefen Gewässern notwendig ist. Damit es bis zum Jahr 2024 nicht zu einem solchen Angebotsengpass kommt, ist gemäß des ermittelten langfristigen Marktgleichgewichts ein Ölpreis von mindestens 80 (2014er) US-$ je Barrel notwendig.
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Kurz- und langfristige Angebotskurven für Rohöl und die Konsequenzen für den MarktSchlothmann, Daniel 08 March 2016 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurden Angebotskurven für 22 bedeutende Ölförderländer ermittelt und anschließend zu globalen Angebotskurven aggregiert. Gemäß den ermittelten Angebotskurven sind nahezu alle gegenwärtig in der Förderphase befindlichen Ölprojekte in den Untersuchungsländern auch beim aktuellen Ölpreis von 35 bis 40 US-$ je Barrel unter Berücksichtigung der kurzfristigen Grenzkosten rentabel. Sollte der Ölpreis jedoch in den kommenden Jahren auf diesem Niveau verharren, wird es bis zum Jahr 2024 zu einem Angebotsengpass auf dem globalen Ölmarkt kommen, da zur Deckung der zukünftigen Nachfrage die Erschließung kostenintensiver, unkonventioneller Lagerstätten und von Lagerstätten in tiefen und sehr tiefen Gewässern notwendig ist. Damit es bis zum Jahr 2024 nicht zu einem solchen Angebotsengpass kommt, ist gemäß des ermittelten langfristigen Marktgleichgewichts ein Ölpreis von mindestens 80 (2014er) US-$ je Barrel notwendig.:1. Einleitung
2. Rohöl - Eine naturwissenschaftliche Einführung
3. Charakteristika von Rohölprojekten
4. Historie der Ölindustrie
5. Ökonomik von Rohölprojekten
6. Fallstudien zu den bedeutendsten Förderländern
7. Ermittlung regionaler und globaler Angebotskurven
8. Zusammenfassung
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