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Studies on the Conflict of Diaoyutai and Sovereignty DisputeLee, Yueh-Ling 26 December 2011 (has links)
In 2010, a Chinese fishing vessel ¡§Min Jin Yue No.5179¡¨ collided with Japanese patrol boats in Diaoyutai. The Japan Coast Guard arrested the captain of the Chinese vessel for the violation of Japanese ¡§Fisheries Act¡¨. China reiterated again and claimed that Diaoyutai fishing incidence is in Chinese territory. This incidence has resulted in the Diaoyutai sovereignty dispute on the international community.
The Diaoyutai sovereignty dispute has been exist dated from 20th century into 21st.. The problem is that countries of dispute have their own national sovereignty claim. Japan claims that the Diaoyutai was included in the return area to Japan for the US-Japan Agreement to return Okinawa in 1971. By this, Japan starts harshly to prohibit both Taiwan and Chinese fishing boats into this area. This has resulted in many accidents occurring among Japan, China and Taiwan.
The present study assesses and analyzes the conflicts of Diaoyutai waters associated with the attitude of China and Japan on dealing with the dispute, such as the diplomatic confrontation of China-Japan; the Japanese government quoted the wrongly legal custody of detained Chinese fishing boat captain; China postponed conference of cooperative exploitation ¡§Chunxiao Oilfield¡¨ with Japan; suspended increased flights and expanding aviation rights etc., in addition to a series of implement of political and economic sanctions, these has triggering global concerns. China practiced rare earth embargo for Japan that had probably resulted in explosive potential global trade war. Therefore, the present study has also research into the international case studies of their ruling, as examples, on resolving the sovereignty dispute. As a result of inducing settled methods and models for the island¡¦s sovereignty dispute, the present work has resulted in the deduction of ideas, suggestions and prospects to the problem of Diaoyutai especially the suspensive sovereignty and residual sovereignty issues.
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Vybrané otázky přístupu k soudům v ochraně životního prostředí / Selected issues of access to justice in environmental protectionChejn, Štěpán January 2013 (has links)
Štěpán Chejn - Diplomová práce Název práce v českém jazyce: Vybrané otázky přístupu k soudům v ochraně životního prostředí Název práce v anglickém jazyce: Selected issues of access to justice in evironmental protection Abstrakt: Cílem diplomové práce je zhodnotit platnou právní úpravu přístupu k soudům v otázkách životního prostředí ve světle nálezu Výboru pro dodržování Aarhuské úmluvy. Práce nejprve stručně pojednává o teoretických přístupech a obecných otázkách, které jsou pro zhodnocení platné právní úpravy nezbytné, a poté popisuje hlavní body stížnosti. V závěru se pak věnuje tématu odkladného účinku, jelikož v této části nebyla dle Výboru Úmluva porušena. Součástí práce je také autorův vlastní výzkum dle zákona 106/1999 Sb. Klíčová slova: Soudní ochrana životního prostředí, Aarhuská úmluva, odkladný účinek Abstract: The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the legal regulation of access to justice in environmental matters in the light of findings of the Compliance Committee of the Aarhus Convention. The thesis briefly discusses theoretical approaches and general issues that are necessary to evaluate existing legislation, and then describes the main points of the complaint. The conclusion is devoted to the topic of suspensive effect, as in this section according to the Compliance Committee the Convention...
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Considérations dialogiques autour de la dynamique épistémique et de la notion de condition dans le droit / Dialogical considerations about the dynamic of epistemic logics and conditionnal lawMagnier, Sébastien 29 March 2013 (has links)
Le projet de cette thèse émane du constat d'une scission entre épistémologie d'une part et logique épistémique d'autre part. Si des tentatives de conciliation se sont avérées fructueuses, nous explorons ici la possibilité d'une réconciliation entre épistémologie et logique épistémique à travers l'argumentation.Étudier la logique épistémique au sein d'une pratique argumentative, c'est-À-Dire au sein de dialogues, nous permet de bénéficier d'un cadre d'étude dynamique pour explorer le dynamisme et la signification du langage de la logique épistémique. Nous montrons que cette conciliation de l'épistémologie et de la logique épistémique dans une pratique argumentative est pertinente dans le domaine juridique car elle offre une approche originale de la notion de condition dans le droit. / The project of this thesis stems from the observation of a split between epistemology and epistemic logic.If some attempts at conciliation have been successful, here we explore the possibility of reconciliation between epistemology and epistemic logic through argumentation.Studying epistemic logic in argumentative practice, that is to say in dialogues, enables us to benefit from a dynamic framework to explore the dynamics and the meaning of the language of epistemic logic.We show that this reconciliation of epistemology and epistemic logic in an argumentative practice is relevant in the legal field because it offers an original approach to the notion of condition in law.
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Le droit de préemption / Right of preemptionWalravens, Arnaud 09 December 2015 (has links)
Droit de propriété et liberté contractuelle fondent le droit pour tout propriétaire de choisir la personne à laquelle il souhaite, le cas échéant, vendre son bien. Il est pourtant des hypothèses où le législateur a accordé d’autorité à certaines personnes un droit de préemption qui leur permet d’être préférées à d’autres lors de la conclusion du contrat de vente. Cela étant, le droit de préemption demeure une institution mal connue et discutée. En effet, le législateur a institué de très nombreux droits de préemption en fonction de ses ambitions politiques, en dotant chacun d’eux d’un régime juridique spécifique. Le fait qu’il ne se soit guère préoccupé de conférer une quelconque cohérence à cet ensemble génère de nombreux conflits entre droits de préemption ou entre un droit de préemption et une autre institution juridique. Par ailleurs, l’intérêt général qui justifie le droit de préemption et exige que le domaine de celui-ci soit cantonné au strict nécessaire ainsi que l’octroi de garanties aux personnes concernées, ne dissuade pas le législateur de renforcer constamment l’emprise de cette institution. Ces données, qui illustrent les finalités du droit de préemption, influencent nécessairement la notion. Elles conduisent en effet à considérer que la prestation attendue du vendeur, à savoir proposer par priorité l’acquisition de son bien au bénéficiaire, constitue l’essence du droit de préemption. Le régime et l’effectivité de tous les droits de préemption reposent sur cette prestation. Il est alors possible de suggérer une nouvelle définition du droit de préemption et d’établir sa nature juridique à partir du droit des biens. Deux critères de délimitation du droit de préemption peuvent également être proposés, le premier reposant sur sa source légale, le second résultant de la détermination du moment de son intervention, ce qui n’est pas sans conséquence pratique. / Property right (jus proprietatis) and contractual freedom establish the right for every owner to choose the person to whom he may wish to sell his property. There are nevertheless hypotheses where the legislator granted to some persons, by his own authority, a right of pre-emption which allows them to be preferred to others when concluding the sale contract. Right of preemption remains, however, a badly known and controversial institution, as the legislator established a very great quantity of rights of preemption, according to his political ambitions, and endowed each of these rights of a specific legal regime. The fact that he hardly worried to confer on them any coherence generates many conflicts between rights of preemption, or between a right of preemption and another legal institution. Besides, general interest, which justifies right of preemption and requires that its domain be limited to strict minimum as well as the guarantees granted to the concerned persons, does not dissuade the legislator to strengthen constantly the influence of this institution. These data, which illustrate the purposes of right of preemption, do inevitably influence its notion : indeed, they lead to consider that the service expected from the seller, which is to propose by priority the acquisition of his property to the beneficiary, is constituting the basis of right of preemption. The regime and the effectiveness of all the rights of preemption are based upon that service. It becomes then possible to suggest a new definition of right of preemption and to establish its legal nature from property right. Two criteria of delimitation of right of preemption can be also proposed, the first one resting on its legal source, the second resulting from the determination of the moment of its intervention, which is not without practical consequence.
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O efeito suspensivo aos embargos à execução fiscal após o advento da Lei 11.382/2006 / The suspensive effect to the stays of tax execution after the advent of Law 11.382/2006Ferreira, Olívia Tonello Mendes 16 November 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-11-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present work has the objective of analyzing if the stays of tax foreclosure should always be received with suspensive effect or if, after the advent of Law 11.382/2006, which had altered significantly the Code of Civil Procedure, mainly concerning the discipline of civil execution by means of extrajudicial title, the concession of the suspensive effect is conditioned to the presence of fumus boni iuris, periculum in mora and judgment security, in the terms of the new art. 739-A and its first paragraph. Since this is a study with scientific aims, we will first discourse about the issues related to Law Philosophy and the General Theory of Law, in which the adopted reference system will be identified, as well as establishing the premises to be adopted along the study, going through the notion of juridical system, characterization of antinomies and the ways of solving those conflicts. Afterwards, some requirements to the achievement of the execution and of some of the applying principles to the process mentioned will be approached. Next, the systematic of embargos to the civil execution of extrajudicial executive title will be analyzed, tracing a comparative analysis of the main changes made by the advent of law 11.382/2006. Then, some notes about the objective responsibility of the State will be made so that the specificities of the executive juridical-tributary relation formed between the State and the Private in the process of tax execution can be analyzed. Once these specificities are analyzed, we will discourse about the norms to be applied / O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar se os embargos à execução fiscal devem ser recebidos, sempre, com efeito suspensivo ou se, após o advento da Lei 11.382/2006, que alterou significativamente o Código de Processo Civil, especialmente no que tange à disciplina da execução cível por título extrajudicial, a concessão do efeito suspensivo está condicionada à presença do fumus boni iuris, periculum in mora e garantia do juízo, nos termos em que prescreve o novo art. 739-A e seu parágrafo primeiro. Tratando-se de um estudo com pretensões científicas, discorremos inicialmente sobre questões atinentes à Filosofia do Direito e à Teoria Geral do Direito, identificando o sistema de referência adotado, bem como estabelecendo as premissas a serem adotadas ao longo do desenvolvimento do estudo, passando pela noção de sistema jurídico, a caracterização de antinomias, bem como os modos de solução de tais conflitos. Após, cuidamos de abordar alguns requisitos para realização da execução, bem como alguns princípios de aplicação ao mencionado processo. Em seguida, cuidamos de analisar a sistemática dos embargos à execução cível de título executivo extrajudicial, traçando uma análise comparativa das principais mudanças provocadas pelo advento da Lei 11.382/2006. Traçamos breves noções acerca da responsabilidade objetiva do Estado para, então, analisarmos as especificidades da relação jurídico tributária executiva que se forma entre o Estado e o Particular no processo de execução fiscal. Uma vez analisadas tais especificidades, passamos a discorrer sobre a norma a ser aplicada
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El Devengado Jurídico y su impacto tributario en las empresas de Servicios Empresariales ubicadas en el distrito de Santiago de Surco, en el año 2019Julca Huachurunto, Adriana Isabel, Maldonado Mendoza, Viky Gabriela 08 June 2021 (has links)
Nuestra investigación busca determinar el impacto tributario de la aplicación del Devengado jurídico en las empresas del sector servicios empresariales ubicadas en Santiago de Surco en el 2019.
El Devengo en el Perú, siempre ha sido tratado según la definición de las normas contables (NIIF). Sin embargo, ha sido un tema de interés que ha generado incertidumbre para las empresas, ya que existía un vacío en el sistema tributario y no se tenía claro la forma de aplicar este término en la contabilidad tributaria. A causa de ello, se emite el Decreto Legislativo 1425.
La presente de investigación está compuesta por cinco capítulos. El primer Capítulo está constituido por el Marco teórico, en el que se definieron conceptos importantes que tienen relación con nuestro tema de investigación, como el Devengado contable y tributario. Posteriormente, en el segundo Capítulo se definió el Plan de investigación, se desarrolló la problemática determinando los objetivos e hipótesis. En el tercer Capítulo: Metodología de trabajo, se explica el tipo de investigación realizado, la población y muestra. El Capítulo IV está compuesto por el Desarrollo de la investigación, se aplicaron los instrumentos, entrevistas a expertos en el tema, encuestas virtuales a empresas y también se plantea un caso práctico. Por último, en el Capítulo V: Análisis de resultados, se analiza las respuestas de los instrumentos para posteriormente dar conclusiones y recomendaciones. / Our research seeks to determine the tax impact of the application of the legal accrual in the companies of the business services sector located in Santiago de Surco in 2019.
Accrual in Peru has always been treated according to the definition of accounting standards (IFRS). However, it has been a topic of interest that has generated uncertainty for companies, since there was a gap in the tax system, and it was not clear how to apply this term in tax accounting. As a result, Legislative Decree 1425 was issued.
This research is made up of five chapters. The first chapter is constituted by the theoretical framework, in which important concepts related to our research topic were defined, such as the accounting and tax accrual. Subsequently, in the second chapter, the research plan was defined, the problem was developed, and the objectives and hypotheses were determined. In the third chapter: Methodology of the work, the type of research carried out, the population and sample are explained. Chapter IV is composed of the Development of the research, the instruments were applied, interviews to experts on the subject, virtual surveys to companies and a case study is also presented. Finally, Chapter V: Analysis of results, analyzes the responses of the instruments, and then provides conclusions and recommendations. / Tesis
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Le principe de l'absence d'effet suspensif des recours contentieux en droit administratif / The non-suspensive effect principle of dispute actions in french administravive lawLei, Maxime 17 March 2018 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la procédure administrative contentieuse, les recours ne sont pas pourvus d’un effet suspensif. Par conséquent, les autorités administratives ont la possibilité d’exécuter les décisions contestées jusqu’à la décision juridictionnelle. Cette situation, constitutive d’un principe, est le produit d’une philosophie contentieuse marquée par un déséquilibre à l’avantage de l’administration. Le principe de l’absence d’effet suspensif en est une des formes d’expression les plus directes tant il est susceptible de grever la protection des droits des requérants. Son étude permet indirectement de questionner la pertinence contemporaine des fondements idéologiques du droit et du contentieux administratif. Sa déconstruction fait apparaitre son caractère désuet au regard des évolutions en cours. Celles-ci, qu’elles soient propres au phénomène juridique ou qu’elles le dépassent, servent à déterminer les caractéristiques attendues des recours contentieux. La recherche d’une solution équilibrée, à mi-chemin entre efficacité administrative et protection des requérants, devient un impératif. Celui-ci sera atteint à partir d’une reconstruction de cet aspect épineux de la procédure administrative contentieuse en s’appuyant sur une analyse matérielle de la situation litigieuse. / In contentious administrative disputes, appeal actions do not trigger any suspensive effect on the case. As a consequence, the administrative authorities can enforce the appealed decisions until the court gives its final decision. This position constitutes a principle and is due to a highly unbalanced dispute philosophy, as it tends to be favourable to the administration. The non-suspensive effect principle is one of the most direct expressions of this phenomenon as it is most likely to encumber the protection of the plaintiff rights. Studying this principle allows to question the relevance, nowadays, of the ideological basis on which law and administrative disputes are built. A deconstructive analysis shows that, due to several evolutions, this principle seems to be “outdated”. These developments, whether they are part of the legal dimension or part of something bigger, help shaping the expected features of the dispute actions. Finding a balanced solution, between administrative effectiveness and protection of plaintiffs, has become an essential requirement. And this may be reached through rebuilding this rather thorny aspect of the administrative proceedings from a legal analysis of the position in controversy.
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La rétroactivité dans le contrat: étude d'une notion fonctionnelle à la lumière du principe constitutionnel d'égalité / Retrospectivity in contract law: study of a functional notion in the light of the constitutional principle of equalityJafferali, Rafaël 20 February 2014 (has links)
La thèse prend pour objet d'étude les institutions du droit des contrats dotées d'un effet rétroactif (nullité, résolution pour inexécution, condition suspensive ou résolutoire, ratification, etc.). Bien que menée en droit belge, la recherche s'appuie également sur des éléments de droit comparé empruntés principalement aux droits allemand, français et néerlandais. Elle vise à démontrer deux hypothèses.<p><p>Premièrement, elle tend à montrer que la rétroactivité n'est pas une notion conceptuelle, dont la signification serait donnée a priori en sorte qu'elle pourrait être déduite sur un mode purement logique de sa définition, mais bien une notion fonctionnelle dont la portée dépend du but en vue duquel elle est utilisée. La portée de l'effet rétroactif varie donc toujours selon l'institution examinée.<p><p>Deuxièmement, la thèse vise à établir que le principe constitutionnel d'égalité constitue un instrument efficace permettant de corriger certaines divergences de régime entre les institutions rétroactives, sans pour autant abolir toute différence entre elles. / Doctorat en Sciences juridiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Aktuální problémy soudního řízení ve věcech mezinárodní ochrany / Current issues of judicial proceedings in cases of international protectionKřižáková, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis "Current issues of judicial proceedings in cases of international protection" is the evaluation whether the amendment of Asylum Act sufficiently fulfils requirements of the procedural Directive 2013/32/EU regarding the right to effective remedy. Namely these requirements are full and ex nunc examination of both fact and points of law that composes large part of this thesis, suspensive effect and time limits. In order to reach the goal of this thesis several questions are given which one of them relates to the right to effective remedy in international, European and national law. Hence the chapter two deals with the right to effective remedy in European Convention on Human Rights, Convention against Torture and International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights same as in EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Czech Republic. Afterwards the thesis presents the main principles of administrative judiciary such as cassation principle and principle ex tunc and specifics of judicial proceedings in cases of international protection. Crucial part of the thesis is the chapter four that analyses above mentioned requirements of procedural Directive 2013/32/EU and transposition of these requirements by the amendment of Asylum Act....
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Les principes directeurs du procès dans la jurisprudence du Conseil Constitutionnel / The Trial’s guiding principles in the jurisprudence of the Constitutional CouncilLestrade, Éric 21 November 2013 (has links)
Malgré le peu de fondements écrits consacrés à la justice dans le texte de la Constitution du 4 octobre 1958, le Conseil constitutionnel, en réalisant un travail d’actualisation à partir de la Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen, a permis l’émergence d’un droit constitutionnel processuel, construit autour de principes directeurs. Ceux-ci peuvent être répartis dans trois catégories : deux principales, selon que l’acteur du procès prioritairement concerné soit le juge ou les parties et une troisième, complémentaire, celle des garanties procédurales, permettant de favoriser les qualités essentielles du juge et de contrôler le respect des droits des parties. Une gradation des exigences du Conseil constitutionnel est discrètement perceptible entre les deux premières catégories de principes, plus facilement identifiable entre celles-ci et la dernière famille. Cette échelle décroissante de « densité » des principes directeurs du procès témoigne d’une véritable politique jurisprudentielle en matière de droit constitutionnel processuel, qui met l’accent sur l’accès au juge, doté des qualités indispensables à l’accomplissement de sa mission juridictionnelle. Toutefois, aussi satisfaisante que soit l’action du juge constitutionnel français à l’égard du droit du procès, celle-ci nécessiterait aujourd’hui le relais du constituant, afin de moderniser le statut constitutionnel de la justice. / In spite of a relatively low number of written dispositions dedicated to justice inside of the body of the Constitution of October 1958 4th, the constitutional Council, while updating this text through the Declaration of Human Rights, contributed to the development of a procedural constitutional law, which is structured around guiding principles. Those principles can be classified within three different categories : two major categories depend on the trial actor that is primarily concerned, either the judge or the parties; a third and additional category pertaining to procedural protections, fosters the essential qualities of the judge and secure the protection of the parties’ rights. A gradation of the requirements of the constitutional Council is discreetly perceptible between the first two categories of principles, and more easily identifiable between those first two categories and the last one. This decreasing scale of “density” yoked to the trial guiding principles highlights a genuine judicial policy when it comes to procedural constitutional law, emphasizing access to the judge, whom is given essential qualities in order to achieve its judicial duty. However, the action of the French constitutional judge, as satisfactory as it is towards the rights of the trial, would easily support the intervention of the constituent power in order to update Justice’s constitutional status.
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