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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Accepterat pris : En analys av samarbeten inom fastighetsmäklarbranschen och dess prissättning

Billstam, Sofie, Gustafsson, Madeleine January 2012 (has links)
ABSTRACT Title: Level: Author: Supervisor: Date: Aim: Method: Accepted price – An Analysis of Cooperation in the Real Estate Markets and its Pricing. Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Madeleine Gustafsson and Sofie Billstam Jonas Kågström 2012 - May The aim with this final assignment is to investigate if the introduction and the cooperation of accepted price was necessary to generate a more stable real estate market with marketable listing prices in Stockholm. The introduction of accepted price led to a cooperation with some of the most important real estate firms in Stockholm. This cooperation was opposed by a number of companies on the real estate market. This fact inspired to examine similarities and differences of being and not being part of the cooperation and thereafter comment on the outcome. The aim is to compare the pricing between companies within the cooperation of accepted price and external companies and the advantages and disadvantages of entering and not entering a collaboration. The main questions to be answered are: - Is the cooperation necessary to regulate listing prices to a marketable level? - What are the effects of higher listing prices on the Swedish real estate market? - What´s the best possible method when pricing listing price? - What are the advantages and disadvantages of entering and not entering a collaboration? The final assignment has been implemented in an abductive way. The essay is mainly based on secondary data in form of journals, websites, literature and qualitative empirical data collected trough three interviews with Erik Carlborg, Mats Uddare and Fastighetsmäklarnämnden. Quantitative empirical data has been collected trough a questionnaire sent to real estate agents working at Svensk Fastighetsförmedling in Stockholm. Theory and empirical evidence has been analyzed and linked together in the analysis chapter, where the essayists’ thoughts and opinions have been presented. Result & Conclusions: Suggestions for future research: Contribution of the thesis: Key words: The result of the study demonstrates that cooperation between competitors in the same industry in this case is positive since it does not involve a "win-lose situation". How a listing price is set can be affected by numerous factors. To conclude, it is important to keep the price at a marketable level in order to keep the real estate market stable. What the pricing is called is less significant. The pricing should only be called price. The study is delimited to two companies, Svensk Fastighetsförmedling and Karlsson&Uddare, and can therefore not represent the entire real estate market in Stockholm. The study has been limited to brokers at Svensk Fastighetsförmedling in order to compare the brokers’ views with the views of the management within the company. Since the accepted price is relatively new on the Swedish market, there is also a limitation in comparing similarities and differences over time. Suggestions for future research may therefore be to examine how the accepted price has affected the market for a longer period of time, and how the cooperation of accepted price is progressing. A larger study may also be performed where more firms and brokers could be included in order to generalize to the entire industry. This essay contributes whit the brokers’ opinion about the introduction of accepted price, which has not been examined earlier. In addition to this, the essay contributes with an analysis about cooperations and pricing, which are the main parts with accepted price. It also shows the advantages and disadvantages of being and not being part of the cooperation. Accepted price, Listing price, Time on market, competing cooperations, Svensk Fastighetsförmedling, Karlsson & Uddare.

Slöjan: om "av-slöjning" : – En uppsats om unga, obeslöjade, svensk-muslimska kvinnors syn på slöjan och slöjdebatten / The veil: about "un-veiling" : – an essay on young, not-/unveiled, Swedish Muslim women's views on the veil and the headscarf debate

Asklöf, Linn January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats presenterar fyra obeslöjade svensk-muslimska kvinnors uppfattning och erfarenheter rörande slöjan, valet att inte bära slöja och samhällets syn på slöjan. Grundad på dessa kvinnors berättelser syftar uppsatsen till att undersöka vad det är som ligger bakom valet att inte bära slöja. Kvalitativ semistrukturerad intervju har används som metod för insamlingen av det empiriska materialet, och empiristyrd tematisk metod för analysen av det. De teoretiska begrepp som empirin vidare diskuterats utifrån är identitet, klassificering, symboler, normer och social kontroll. Informanterna i denna studie förklarar att de aldrig har känt sig tvingade till att bära slöja. De tycker inte att de behöver bära slöja för att kunna identifiera sig som muslimska kvinnor. Islam ligger inte i slöjan, utan i ens relationen till Gud. Vidare visar resultatet att de informanter som kommer från länder kategoriserade som muslimska länder har påverkats mer av det svenska sekulära samhället och dess normer än de som inte kommer från länder kategoriserade som muslimska länder. Hos alla informanter finns det ändå en rädsla för samhällets bemötande och potentiella hinder som får dem att stå fast vid beslutet att inte bära slöja. / This essay presents four not-/unveiled Swedish Muslim women's perceptions and experiences regarding the headscarf, the choice not to wear a headscarf, and the dominant understanding of the headscarf in Swedish society. Drawing on narratives of these women, this study aims to examine what it is that lies behind the choice not to wear the veil. Qualitative semi-structured interview was used as method for the collection of empirical data, and empirically guided thematic approach to the analysis of it. Moreover, set out from theoretical concepts of identity, classification, symbols, norms and social control, the obtained data is discussed. The participants in this study explains that they have never felt forced to wear the veil. They are of the opinion that one does not have to wear a headscarf in order to identify oneself as Muslim women. Islam, or ones level of religiosity, is not connected with a headscarf, rather, ones relationship as a Muslim is between that person and God. Moreover, the result indicates that the informants born in countries categorized as Muslim countries have been more affected by the Swedish secular society and its norms than those born in countries not categorized as Muslim countries. Nevertheless, they all fear potential rejection, negative sanctions and aggressions of society, causing them to stand by the decision not to wear a veil.

Återhämtning i svensk psykiatrisk vård : En kvalitativ studie

Lundh, Gustaf January 2016 (has links)
Mental health has issues globally and Sweden is one of the countries where this phenomenon occurs. In light of the swedish psychiatric reform and regarding to contemporary psychiatry this study has the purpose of examine the perspective in recovery process by healthcare professionals in this field. The theoretical tools for this are based on concepts by Tor Wennerberg and Jaakko Seikkula. The methodological tools are inspired by phenomenology and hermeneutics and the approach is qualitative interviews with healthcare professionals from the swedish psychiatric field. The results show that the operations partly has weight and structural issues. Long-term direction, social factors, follow-ups and work with relatives is an important factor in recovery process. Pharmaceuticals is used for large scale and this is a dilemma though it can be a supportive role in psychiatric treatment and recovery process. Conclusions is that outpatient swedish psychiatry field may have adversials in regard to the goals and purpose of the psychiatric reform twenty years ago. Further conclusion is that inter- and intrapersonal balance of autonomy versus dependence is a complex phenomena by reason of not necessarily being affected by if whether liberty and self-determination occurs or not. Another is that the patient initiative of discharge has some interesting aspects in regard to recovery process. Long-term perspective, an alliance and group-based solidarity based on some of the theoretical concepts is important in regard to recovery process. The last three factors show some interesting perspectives in regard to information and time. In regard to the limited materials of this study it is hard to draw any concrete conclusions about what long-term directions the swedish authorities can take to conduct good psychiatric care achieving a lower rate of mental illness but the field may have lack of a nuanced definition of not just recovery but recovery process and what it can contain.

Spridningen av miljömedvetenhet inom den svenska stålindustrin : <em>en fallstudie av miljöarbetet hos Outokumpu Stainless AB i Avesta</em>

Ålin, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
<p></p><p>I dagens samhälle tas miljöfrågor allt oftare upp i den allmänna och politiska debatten och ett aktivt miljöarbete är något som i allt högre grad krävs av företag från bland annat myndigheter och miljöorganisationer. Stålindustrin är inget undantag och får därför ofta kritik för att de åtgärder som vidtas inte är tillräckliga.</p><p>Inom stålindustrin genomför företag ofta investeringar för att minska sin miljöpåverkan trots att avkastning på det investerade kapitalet uteblir. Den institutionella organisationsteorin förklarar dessa handlingar som direkta konsekvenser av likriktning. Det fenomen som studeras i studien är spridningen av miljömedvetenhet eftersom denna anses ligga till grund för investeringarna i miljöåtgärder inom den svenska stålindustrin. Formatet för studien är en fallstudie där den empiriska datainsamlingen skett genom tryckt material och intervjuer.</p><p>Det kan konstateras att det studerade företagets miljöarbete påverkas i stor utsträckning av andra aktörer inom det organisatoriska fält som företaget tillhör. Inverkan på det studerade företagets miljöarbete och således spridningen av miljömedvetenhet varierar mycket mellan olika aktörer. Det är framförallt aktören <em>politiker och myndigheter</em> som genom tvingande mekanismer styr företagets miljöarbete. Beroende på rådande situation kan dock även influenserna från övriga aktörer påverka företagets miljöarbete och spridningen av miljömedvetenhet.</p><p> </p> / <p></p><p>In society today environmental issues more often appear on both the public and the political agenda and an active environmental awareness is increasingly often demanded from companies by regulative authorities and environmental organisations. The steel industry is no exception and therefore receives criticism that they do not undertake the necessary actions to prevent further pollution.</p><p>Companies within the steel industry often invest in different measures to reduce their environmental impact although it seldom generates a profit. Institutional theory explains these actions as direct consequences of conformity. The phenomenon of interest is the spread of environmental awareness because it is considered to be the reason behind investments in environmental impact reduction within the Swedish steel industry. The study is preformed as a case study where the empirical data is collected through written sources and interviews.</p><p>It is established that the environmental work of the focal company is largely affected by the other actors within the organizational field of interest. Among these actors the level of impact on the focal company’s environmental work and therefore also the spreading of environmental awareness varies a lot. <em>Politicians and government authorities are</em> the actor which first and foremost through coercive actions affects the environmental work in the studied company. Although, depending on the situation at hand the other actors can also play very important parts in affecting the studied company and the spread of environmental awareness.</p><p> </p>

Påverkar regleringar styrelsenätverket? : En studie av Svensk kod för bolagsstyrnings påverkan på det svenska styrelsenätverket

Davidsson, Marcus, Johansson, Camilla, Nilsson, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Bakgrund:                   </strong>Under senare år har de börsnoterade bolagens styrning kommit att intressera samhället. Ett viktigt fenomen i bolagens styrning är styrelserna. Under de senaste 15 åren har omfattande regleringar införts för att klargöra och definiera hur styrelserna i de börsnoterade bolagen skall sättas samman och arbeta.</p><p><strong>Syfte:                            </strong>Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om, och i så fall hur, det svenska styrelsenätverket förändras efter utvecklandet och implementeringen av en reglering. Vår ambition är att ge förklaringar till varför eventuella förändringar sker.</p><p><strong>Avgränsning:</strong>               Studien har utgått från Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning som ett fall av reglering för att se hur denna har påverkat styrelsenätverket.</p><p><strong>Metod:                          </strong>En social nätverksanalys av styrelseledamöternas nätverk har genomförts. Studien omfattar bolag noterade på en svensk reglerad marknad med säte i Sverige.</p><p><strong>Slutsats:                        </strong>Studien påvisar att införandet av en styrelsereglering inte behöver leda till förändringar i styrelsenätverket. Däremot kan hotet om att en reglering skall införas utgöra ett starkt instrument, för att åstadkomma förändringar i styrelsenätverket.</p>

Krigsekonomi? : Hur den privatägda ammunitionsfabriken Norma Projektil AB i västra Värmland påverkades av staten under perioden 1938-1943 / War economy? : How the private owned ammunitionfactory Norma Projectile AB in western Värmland was affected by the state during the period 1938-1943.

Forsberg, Mattias January 2013 (has links)
The topic of this essay is whether the private owned ammunition factory Norma Projectile AB was a part of a war economy system from 1938 to 1943. This is done by analyzing specific documents from the company´s archives that expose the connection with Swedish authorities. The selection and analysis of these documents are based on four main criteria’s of the concept war economy. These criteria’s are based on Ivan T. Berends texts about war economy. The results show that the factory to some extent was a part of a war economy based on these four criteria’s. However, the answer to the questions is a bit more nuanced. By nuanced I’m referring to the company’s independence towards the state. By the end of this essay there is a more detailed discussion on this subject.

En fornälskares utgrävningar. : En studie av den tidiga arkeologin i Sverige. / The excavations of an antiquarian. : A study of the early archaeology in Sweden.

Magnusson Karlsson, Malena January 2017 (has links)
The essay deals with the early archaeology in Sweden during the 17th and 18th centuries in generally and with Henric Jacob Sivers excavations at Skrickerum in particularly. In the medieval, Christian Sweden, the relics from the antiquity was considered merely as symbols of the heathen past  but with the foundation of Sweden as a united kingdom they awoke interest as symbols for the nation and were used as tools in the nation building. The interpretation of the antiquity and the ancient relics where done with the Bible and the ancient writers of Greece and Rome as guides and sources. With the new scientific approach, inspired by the Enlightenment, the Swedish antiquity and its relics gained other meanings and understandings and during the early 19th century Swedish archaeology developed into a scientific subject. The aim of this essay is to retain a deeper understanding for how Swedish antiquity was looked upon during the period between the Renaissance and 1800 among scholars of the time. What similarities and differences can be spotted in a comparison with archaeology of today? Due to this, the essay concentrate on a few, selected scholars from each century and takes a look at questions like; what was considered antiquities, how where they interpreted and what part did the Christianity, and later on the Enlightenment, play in the view upon Sweden´s ancient past. In order to find answers on a broader and deeper level, the essay makes a detailed study of excavations performed by Henric Jacob Sivers at Skrickerum, Östergötland in 1757. Sivers, who was a priest and a scholar born and educated in Germany, was inspired by the new scientific view and very interested in the ancient past, he collected antiques and called himself “fornälskare”, antique lover. The excavations at Skrickerum took place during two days in June 1757 and Sivers documented the work rather thoroughly in his publication Berättelse om några nyligen i Tryserums Sokn, Tiust Härad och Calmare Län, öpnade hedniska Grafhögar och the theruti fundna Saker (Sivers 1758). How were these excavations conducted and how did they differ from excavations of today, in theoretical, methodical and conductional aspects? Sivers’ publication will give the answers and help us get a glimpse of Swedish archaeology in its early state.

'Cum organum dicitur' : The transmission of vocal polyphony in pre-Reformation Sweden and bordering areas

Bergwall, Erik January 2016 (has links)
The polyphonic sources of medieval Sweden are very few, although well-documented in musicological research. However, while most of the earlier research has tended to focus on interpreting the sources themselves rather than to examine the cultural and historical context in which they were written, the present dissertation aims at providing a broader narrative of the transmission and practice of polyphony. By examining the cultural context of the sources and putting them in relation to each other, a bigger picture is painted, where also Danish and Norwegian sources are included. Based on the discussion and analyses of the sources, a general historical outline is suggested. The practice of organum in the late 13th century in Uppsala was probably a result from Swedes studying in Paris and via oral transmission brought the practice back home. This 'Parisian path' was accompanied by an 'English-Scandinavian' path, where mostly Denmark and Norway either influenced or were influenced by English polyphonic practice. During the 14th century, polyphony seems to have been rather established in Sweden, although prohibitions against it were made by the Order of the Bridgettines. These prohibitions were probably linked to a general antipolyphonic attitude in Europe, beginning with the papal bull of John XII in 1324. The sources of the 15th and 16th centuries are very different from each other, and perhaps suggest that polyphony of older styles were sung in monasteries and certain churches while more modern discant were sung at the royal courts and at larger religious feasts such as the translation of Catherine of Vadstena.

”Ingen vill ha en riddare med lös ammunition” : En komparativ kritisk diskursanalys om representationen av karriärmän och karriärkvinnor i svensk media / “No one wants a knight with blank ammunition” : A comparative critical discourse analysis of the representation of career men an career women in Swedish media

Jonsson, Rebecka, Karlsson, Sofie January 2017 (has links)
Denna jämförande studie ser på hur karriärmän och karriärkvinnor och deras kompetens konstrueras i svensk media. Analysmaterialet består av åtta artiklar från tidningen Karriär. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur karriärkvinnor och karriärmän representeras och hur deras kompetens konstrueras i svensk media. Mot bakgrund av att arbetsmarknaden är ojämställd vill vi se om det finns någon skillnad mellan hur respektive kön representeras i artiklarna. För att se hur karriärpersoner konstrueras i media använder vi metoden CDA, kritisk diskursanalys. Studiens teoretiska ramverk utgörs av definitioner av begreppen karriär och kompetens samt av teorier om kulturteoretiskt perspektiv, representation och genussystem. Artiklarna har analyserats utifrån analysbegreppen lexikala val och utelämningar, samt analysfrågor som formats utifrån begreppet kompetens och Lindelöws kompetensmodell. Dessa analysverktyg har möjliggjort en kvalitativ kritisk studie av språket i artiklarna. Utifrån olika mönster som går att tyda i språket i artiklarna har materialet delats in i fyra olika diskursiva teman; män är mer kompetenta än kvinnor, privatliv är en kvinnosak, kvinnor får sin karriär och hängivna män gör allt för sina förtjänade karriärer. Flera av dessa teman går att koppla till hur kärriärpersonerna framstår som kompetenta utifrån studiens teoretiska ramverk och tidigare forskning. Studiens resultat visar att män framstår som mer kompetenta än kvinnor. Detta bland annat på grund av att de har en mer heltäckande kompetens utifrån att olika delar av texten implicit och explicit antyder att män är mer kompetenta och mer lämpade att göra karriär. Resultatet visar även flera olikheter i representationen av karriärmän och karriärkvinnor. / This study views how career men and career women and their competence is constructed in Swedish media. The material in this study is based on eight different articles from the Swedish magazine Karriär. The purpose of the study is to investigate how career men and career women and their competence is constructed in Swedish media. With a background of that the Swedish labour market is unequal, we want to investigate if there are any differences about how gender is represented in the articles. To be able to examine how this is constructed in the Swedish media the method CDA, Critical Discourse Analysis is used. The theoretical framework is based on the definition of the concepts of career and competence and of the theories of; cultural theory, representation and the gendersystem. The articles have been analyzed based on the analytical concepts of suppression, lexicalization and on the definition of competence and Lindelöw’s competency model. These analytical tools have made it possible to do an qualitative critical discourse analysis of the language in the articles. Based on the patterns that has been interpreted from the language in the articles, the material has been divided into four thematic discourses; men are more competent than women, private life is a women’s matter, women receive their career and devoted men do everything for their earned careers. The most essential theme is that men are more competent than women. The study mainly shows that men appears to have more competence than women. This is because of that men seem to have a more comprehensive competence based on that different parts of the texts implicitly and explicitly implies that men are more competent and better suited for doing a career. The results also shows multiple differences in the representation of career men and career women.

Tröskelbegreppen och dess användande inom svensk försvars- och säkerhetspolitik : En analys av nyttjandet av begreppen tröskel, tröskeleffekt, tröskelförmåga och tröskelförsvar / The threshold terms and its use within Swedish defence and security policy : An analysis of the use of the terms threshold, threshold effect, threshold capacity and threshold defence

Nordén, Henrik, Modigh, Johan January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of our essay is to examine how the threshold terms, regarding Swedish capacity, are used within Swedish security policy and whether the use of these terms differs within and between the Swedish Armed Forces and the Swedish Government and the parliament. We use a qualitative content analysis method and create an analysis instrument based on research from the Swedish Defence Research Agency. With this instrument we analyse strategic documents in Swedish security policy. The result highlights three main conclusions. The first conclusion is that there are many similarities in how the terms are used in Swedish security policy, but we have also found that there are both differences and confusion. We have also been able to demonstrate that the threshold terms are used as part of motivating and arguing for increasing various resources and assets to the Armed Forces. The second conclusion is that there are two distinct areas where there is uncertainty and a risk of misunderstanding regarding the use of the threshold terms. The first area is that within the Armed Forces there is an inconsistency and ambiguity as to what the actual threshold terms mean in different contexts. The other area that has shown uncertainties is the ability to specify the strength / size of the threshold term, which has occurred in the analysis units from both the political documents and the Armed Forces. As a part of this, our third conclusion is that the threshold terms are used in a way that creates a risk of misunderstanding. We can also conclude that this risk is higher in the Armed Forces compared to the political side.

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