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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Model-Driven Technical Space Integration Based on a Mapping Approach / Приступ интеграцији техничких простора заснован на пресликавањима иинжењерству вођеном моделима / Pristup integraciji tehničkih prostora zasnovan na preslikavanjima iinženjerstvu vođenom modelima

Dimitrieski Vladimir 30 March 2018 (has links)
<p>In order to automate development of integration adapters in industrial<br />settings, a model-driven approach to adapter specification is devised. In this<br />approach, a domain-specific modeling language is created to allow<br />specification of mappings between integrated technical spaces. Also<br />proposed is the mapping automation engine that comprises reuse and<br />alignment algorithms. Based on mapping specifications, executable adapters<br />are automatically generated and executed. Results of approach evaluations<br />indicate that it is possible to use a model-driven approach to successfully<br />integrate technical spaces and increase the automation by reusing domainspecific<br />mappings from previously created adapters.</p> / <p>За потребе повећања степена аутоматизације развоја адаптера за<br />интеграцију у индустријском окружењу, осмишљен је моделом вођен<br />приступ развоју адаптера. У оквиру овог приступа развијен је наменски<br />језик за спецификацију пресликавања између техничких простора који су<br />предмет интеграције. Приступ обухвата и алгоритме за поравнање и<br />поновно искориштење претходно креираних пресликавања са циљем<br />аутоматизације процеса спецификације. На основу креираних<br />пресликавања, могуће je аутоматски генерисати извршиви код адаптера.<br />У испитивањима приступа, показано је да је могуће успешно применити<br />моделом вођен приступ у интеграцији техничких простора као и да је<br />могуће успешно повећати степен аутоматизације поновним<br />искоришћењем претходно креираних пресликавања.</p> / <p>Za potrebe povećanja stepena automatizacije razvoja adaptera za<br />integraciju u industrijskom okruženju, osmišljen je modelom vođen<br />pristup razvoju adaptera. U okviru ovog pristupa razvijen je namenski<br />jezik za specifikaciju preslikavanja između tehničkih prostora koji su<br />predmet integracije. Pristup obuhvata i algoritme za poravnanje i<br />ponovno iskorištenje prethodno kreiranih preslikavanja sa ciljem<br />automatizacije procesa specifikacije. Na osnovu kreiranih<br />preslikavanja, moguće je automatski generisati izvršivi kod adaptera.<br />U ispitivanjima pristupa, pokazano je da je moguće uspešno primeniti<br />modelom vođen pristup u integraciji tehničkih prostora kao i da je<br />moguće uspešno povećati stepen automatizacije ponovnim<br />iskorišćenjem prethodno kreiranih preslikavanja.</p>

The impact of appreciative inquiry on merging cultures

Earley, Carol Jane 06 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine the impact of appreciative inquiry (AI) on the development of organisational culture after a merger. The empirical study was con-ducted among the employees of a telecommunications company in South Africa. AI was conducted after a merger of teams within a department of the organisation to assist in the development of a new and combined team culture. Interactive qualitative analysis (IQA) was used to determine the impact of AI on the new culture. The sample size for the study was 35 for the AI session and 20 for the IQA. A qualitative approach was adopted in this study in order to understand and explore the experiences of individuals who had recently been a part of the change process. The research design was based on IQA, a structured approach which constructs a systematic representation of the experience. It was found that AI allowed the teams to gain a new understanding of and insight into what it meant to work together as a unit. A significant difference was noted in the IQA facilitation that was performed six months after the AI session. This re-search therefore confirmed that the AI had a significant positive impact on the culture of the organisation under investigation. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

B2B Application Integration : Why companies choose or not choose to implement B2BAI

Tullgren, Melike, Uyanik, Viktoria January 2006 (has links)
<p>The global business environment of today requires companies to be flexible, in order to quickly react and respond to the ever-changing market. Business-to-business application integration (B2BAI) can be seen as a tool which enables companies to stay competitive and it is often regarded by the theory as a must for survival in today’s fierce business environment. Eventhough the employment of a B2BAI strategy can generate a lot of advantages and opportunities for companies operating within today’s global business environment, there are still many challenges and problems to overcome in order to have a successful B2BAI solution.</p><p>Based on this we found it highly interesting to see whether the theories positive outlook on B2BAI could be supported by an empirical research. In this essay we have therefore studied and identified the underlying reasons and the contributing factors to why or why not companies choose to integrate externally, from the perspective of IT-consulting agencies. Besides this, a description and an explanation regarding the concepts covered by the field of B2BAI have been made in order to facilitate the understanding for the reader. As our intention primarily was to investigate the reasons behind and the contributing factors to why or why not companies choose to integrate, we chose to make qualitative interviews. This, as we were in need of information which described the course of events and expressed individual opinions, in order to achieve the purpose of the essay. Regarding the selection of research objects for the research, the population consists of all IT-consulting agencies in Sweden. The research has however been delimited to a selection of the population, where the sample consists of three IT-consulting agencies located in Jönköping, with experience of B2BAI.</p><p>One of the most interesting discoveries we have made in this research is that the empirical findings agree with the theory in regards of that globalization is a central factor contributing to why companies chose to invest in B2BAI. However, the respondents do not discuss all the advantages of B2BAI mentioned in the theory and emphasize slightly different underlying reasons for choosing to employ a B2BAI strategy. The most central reason for not choosing to employ a B2BAI strategy was according to the respondents due to the lack of knowledge regarding issues relating to the phenomenon and this have not been discussed in the theoretical framework. The challenges with B2BAI stated in the theory, were on the other hand not regarded as issues contributing to not choosing to implement B2BAI. We are under the impression that the advantages and the oppor-tunities with B2BAI carry more weight then the challenges, as the essays empirical findings indicate that the demand for B2BAI today is high and constantly growing.</p> / <p>Dagens globala affärsvärld kräver att företag ska vara flexibla för att snabbt kunna reagera och anpassa sig till den ständigt föränderliga marknaden. Business-to-business application integration (B2BAI) kan ses som ett verktyg som hjälper företag att vara konkurrenskraftiga och i teorier som behandlar ämnet beskrivs det ofta som ett måste för att överleva i dagens tuffa affärsklimat. Trots att tillämpandet av en B2BAI strategi kan generera ett flertal fördelar så finns det fortfarande många utmaningar och problem att bemästra för att kunna få en framgångsrik B2BAI lösning.</p><p>Baserat på detta fann vi det högst intressant att undersöka huruvida teorins positiva bild av B2BAI kunde stödjas av en empirisk studie. I denna uppsats har vi därför undersökt och identifierat de underliggande skälen och de bidragande faktorerna till varför företag väljer eller inte väljer att integrera externt, utifrån ett IT-konsultföretag perspektiv. Utöver detta ges en beskrivning av och förklaring till de begrepp som kunskapsområdet B2BAI innefattar för att underlätta förståelsen för läsaren. Eftersom vår avsikt huvudsakligen var att undersöka skälen bakom och de bidragande faktorerna till varför företag väljer eller inte väljer att integrera, valde vi att genomföra kvalitativa intervjuer. Detta då vi hade ett behov av information som beskrev händelser och uttryckte personliga åsikter för att kunna uppfylla syftet med denna uppsats. Vad gäller urvalet av undersökningsobjekt består populationen av alla IT-konsultföretag i Sverige. Undersökningen har dock avgränsats till tre IT-konsultföretag belägna i Jönköping med erfarenhet av B2BAI.</p><p>En av de mest intressanta upptäckterna vi har gjort i denna undersökning är att empirin överensstämmer med teorin beträffande att globaliseringen är en central bidragande faktor till varför företag väljer att investera i B2BAI. Respondenterna diskuterar dock inte alla fördelar med B2BAI som omnämns i teorin och framhåller delvis andra underliggande skäl till varför företag väljer att använda an B2BAI strategi. Det mest centrala skälet till varför företag inte väljer att implementera en B2BAI strategi var enligt respondenterna på grund av bristande kunskaper beträffande frågor relaterade till fenomenet och detta har inte diskuterats i det teoretiska ramverket. Utmaningarna med B2BAI omnämnda i teorin ansågs emellertid inte vara bidragande faktorer till att inte välja att implementera B2BAI. Vi har fått intrycket att de fördelar och möjligheter som B2BAI medför är av större vikt för företag än de utmaningar och problem som existerar, då uppsatsens empiriska studie pekar på att efterfrågan för B2BAI är stor idag och kon-stant växande.</p>

Strukturintegrierbare Sensoren auf Basis piezoelektrischer Polymere / Sensors Based on Piezoelectric Polymers for Structure Integration

Schulze, Robert 07 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung von Sensoren in einer neuen, großserienfähigen Technologie. Mit dem Mehrkomponentenmikrospritzgießverfahren werden mechanische Sensorstrukturen aus (faserverstärktem) Kunststoff an polymere piezoelektrische Wandler angebunden. Die hergestellten Aufnehmer können über die Weiterverarbeitung mit Hybridtechnologien für die Strukturintegration eingesetzt werden. Diese Dissertation stellt Entwurfsmethoden und Modelle zur Vorausberechnung der neuartigen Sensoren bereit, die zur Qualifizierung der neuen Technologie benötigt werden. Dazu werden bekannte Modellierungsansätze angewandt und wesentliche Erweiterungen für die praktische Nutzung erarbeitet. Entwurfsrelevante technologieabhängige Kenngrößen, wie die elastischen Eigenschaften der verarbeiteten Werkstoffe und die geometrischen Dimensionen der hergestellten Sensorstrukturen werden untersucht und deren Einfluss auf den Entwurfsprozessdargelegt. Die hergestellten Sensoren werden in ihrer Grundfunktion messtechnisch charakterisiert und die System- und Strukturintegration vorgestellt. / The presented work describes the development of sensors in a novel technology approach feasible for large-scale production. By using the multicomponent microinjection molding process, mechanical sensor structures out of (fiber-reinforced) polymers are joined with piezoelectric polymer transducers. The fabricated sensors can be processed further with hybrid manufacturing technologies and adapted for structure integration. This thesis introduces design methods and models for the preliminary calculation of the novel sensors, which are required for a technology qualification. Therefore, existing modelling approaches adapted and essentially extended for practical use. Design relevant parameters related to the technology like the elastic properties of the applied materials or the geometric dimensions of the manufactured sensor structures are characterized and the system and structure integration of the sensors is presented.

Conception et conduite de systèmes d’électrolyse à haute température alimentés par des énergies renouvelables / Design and control of high temperature electrolyser systems fed with renewable energies

Petipas, Floriane 17 May 2013 (has links)
Le « Power-to-Gas » pourrait devenir une solution attractive pour le stockage des énergies renouvelables, pourvu que des électrolyseurs soient capables de fonctionner efficacement dans des conditions intermittentes à un coût abordable. Ce travail a pour objectif d'évaluer la faisabilité technique du fonctionnement intermittent de systèmes d'électrolyse à oxyde solide (SOEC) autour de 1073 K. Des conditions réalistes défavorables sont considérées, consistant en un système autonome sans source externe de chaleur et intégrant une compression d'hydrogène à 3 MPa. La problématique se compose de deux aspects : i) la gamme de fonctionnement du système, limitée à 60-100% en raison de gradients thermiques, est étendue via des stratégies de contrôle efficaces, ii) des procédures sont définies pour minimiser l'impact de l'intermittence sur la durée de vie. Premièrement, une stratégie de contrôle modulaire est proposée, consistant en l'utilisation de plusieurs unités indépendantes qui fonctionnent dans une gamme de puissance tolérable, ou sont arrêtées. La gamme de fonctionnement du système est ainsi étendue à 15-100% dans le cas de quatre unités. Une stratégie de contrôle complémentaire, consistant en un chauffage électrique interne, permet d'étendre la gamme de fonctionnement en réduisant les gradients thermiques, mais elle est susceptible de diminuer la durée de vie. Elle n'est donc appliquée qu'à une unité afin de suivre la courbe de charge et d'étendre la gamme de fonctionnement du système à 3-100%. Deuxièmement, 1800 cycles électriques on-off sont appliqués à une SOEC sans impact sur la dégradation, ce qui montre que des arrêts/démarrages répétés ne diminuent pas la durée de vie. De plus, des procédures de démarrage, standby et arrêt sont définies. Enfin, deux études de systèmes Eolien-SOEC et Solaire-SOEC fonctionnant pendant un an montrent que, avec les stratégies de contrôle implémentées, le système SOEC stocke la puissance appliquée avec un rendement de 91% sur PCS en moyenne, alors que les unités fonctionnent dans des conditions tolérables mis à part une unité qui suit la courbe de charge et est susceptible d'avoir une durée de vie diminuée. / Power-to-Gas could become an attractive solution for renewable electricity storage, provided that affordable electrolysers are able to operate efficiently under intermittent conditions. This work aims to assess the technical feasibility of operating intermittently a Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell (SOEC) system around 1073 K. Realistic unfavourable conditions are considered, consisting in a standalone system operated with no external heat source and integrating hydrogen compression to 3 MPa. Two challenges are tackled in this work: i) the system power load range, limited to 60-100% due to thermal gradients, is extended via efficient control strategies, ii) procedures are defined to minimise the impact of the intermittency on the lifetime. First, a modular control strategy is proposed, consisting in the use of several SOEC units which are either operated in a tolerable power load range, or switched off. The system power load range is hence extended to 15-100% in the case of four units. A complementary control strategy, consisting in internal electrical heating, enables to extend the load range by reducing thermal gradients, but it may decrease the lifetime. Thus, it is applied to only one unit for it to follow the load curve and extend the system power load range to 3-100%. Secondly, 1800 on-off electric cycles are applied to an SOEC with no degradation increase, which shows that repeated start/stops do not decrease the lifetime. Start-up, standby and shut-down procedures are also defined. Finally, two case studies of Wind-SOEC and Solar-SOEC systems operated over one year show that, with the implemented control strategies, the SOEC system stores the applied power with an average efficiency of 91% vs. HHV, while units operate under tolerable conditions apart from one unit which follows the load curve and may have a decreased lifetime.

B2B Application Integration : Why companies choose or not choose to implement B2BAI

Tullgren, Melike, Uyanik, Viktoria January 2006 (has links)
The global business environment of today requires companies to be flexible, in order to quickly react and respond to the ever-changing market. Business-to-business application integration (B2BAI) can be seen as a tool which enables companies to stay competitive and it is often regarded by the theory as a must for survival in today’s fierce business environment. Eventhough the employment of a B2BAI strategy can generate a lot of advantages and opportunities for companies operating within today’s global business environment, there are still many challenges and problems to overcome in order to have a successful B2BAI solution. Based on this we found it highly interesting to see whether the theories positive outlook on B2BAI could be supported by an empirical research. In this essay we have therefore studied and identified the underlying reasons and the contributing factors to why or why not companies choose to integrate externally, from the perspective of IT-consulting agencies. Besides this, a description and an explanation regarding the concepts covered by the field of B2BAI have been made in order to facilitate the understanding for the reader. As our intention primarily was to investigate the reasons behind and the contributing factors to why or why not companies choose to integrate, we chose to make qualitative interviews. This, as we were in need of information which described the course of events and expressed individual opinions, in order to achieve the purpose of the essay. Regarding the selection of research objects for the research, the population consists of all IT-consulting agencies in Sweden. The research has however been delimited to a selection of the population, where the sample consists of three IT-consulting agencies located in Jönköping, with experience of B2BAI. One of the most interesting discoveries we have made in this research is that the empirical findings agree with the theory in regards of that globalization is a central factor contributing to why companies chose to invest in B2BAI. However, the respondents do not discuss all the advantages of B2BAI mentioned in the theory and emphasize slightly different underlying reasons for choosing to employ a B2BAI strategy. The most central reason for not choosing to employ a B2BAI strategy was according to the respondents due to the lack of knowledge regarding issues relating to the phenomenon and this have not been discussed in the theoretical framework. The challenges with B2BAI stated in the theory, were on the other hand not regarded as issues contributing to not choosing to implement B2BAI. We are under the impression that the advantages and the oppor-tunities with B2BAI carry more weight then the challenges, as the essays empirical findings indicate that the demand for B2BAI today is high and constantly growing. / Dagens globala affärsvärld kräver att företag ska vara flexibla för att snabbt kunna reagera och anpassa sig till den ständigt föränderliga marknaden. Business-to-business application integration (B2BAI) kan ses som ett verktyg som hjälper företag att vara konkurrenskraftiga och i teorier som behandlar ämnet beskrivs det ofta som ett måste för att överleva i dagens tuffa affärsklimat. Trots att tillämpandet av en B2BAI strategi kan generera ett flertal fördelar så finns det fortfarande många utmaningar och problem att bemästra för att kunna få en framgångsrik B2BAI lösning. Baserat på detta fann vi det högst intressant att undersöka huruvida teorins positiva bild av B2BAI kunde stödjas av en empirisk studie. I denna uppsats har vi därför undersökt och identifierat de underliggande skälen och de bidragande faktorerna till varför företag väljer eller inte väljer att integrera externt, utifrån ett IT-konsultföretag perspektiv. Utöver detta ges en beskrivning av och förklaring till de begrepp som kunskapsområdet B2BAI innefattar för att underlätta förståelsen för läsaren. Eftersom vår avsikt huvudsakligen var att undersöka skälen bakom och de bidragande faktorerna till varför företag väljer eller inte väljer att integrera, valde vi att genomföra kvalitativa intervjuer. Detta då vi hade ett behov av information som beskrev händelser och uttryckte personliga åsikter för att kunna uppfylla syftet med denna uppsats. Vad gäller urvalet av undersökningsobjekt består populationen av alla IT-konsultföretag i Sverige. Undersökningen har dock avgränsats till tre IT-konsultföretag belägna i Jönköping med erfarenhet av B2BAI. En av de mest intressanta upptäckterna vi har gjort i denna undersökning är att empirin överensstämmer med teorin beträffande att globaliseringen är en central bidragande faktor till varför företag väljer att investera i B2BAI. Respondenterna diskuterar dock inte alla fördelar med B2BAI som omnämns i teorin och framhåller delvis andra underliggande skäl till varför företag väljer att använda an B2BAI strategi. Det mest centrala skälet till varför företag inte väljer att implementera en B2BAI strategi var enligt respondenterna på grund av bristande kunskaper beträffande frågor relaterade till fenomenet och detta har inte diskuterats i det teoretiska ramverket. Utmaningarna med B2BAI omnämnda i teorin ansågs emellertid inte vara bidragande faktorer till att inte välja att implementera B2BAI. Vi har fått intrycket att de fördelar och möjligheter som B2BAI medför är av större vikt för företag än de utmaningar och problem som existerar, då uppsatsens empiriska studie pekar på att efterfrågan för B2BAI är stor idag och kon-stant växande.

Sistema de identificación temprana de pacientes ambulatorios mediante reconocimiento facial para reducir el tiempo de atención de admisión en una empresa privada del sector salud usando redes neuronales / Rapid Identification System for Outpatients through Facial Recognition and Neural Networks to Shorten the Admission Time in a Private Company Dedicated to the Healthcare Sector

Padilla Fuertes, Edgar Angelo, Garcia Ramos, Paolo Enrique 09 December 2021 (has links)
En la actualidad, las empresas del sector salud soportan sus operaciones con procesos de negocio que les permiten alcanzar sus objetivos y aportan valor en la atención de sus clientes. Estos procesos son cada día más eficaces y eficientes gracias a la inversión que realizan las empresas en tecnologías para las actividades principales del negocio que les brindan una ventaja competitiva frente a otras del mismo rubro. El presente proyecto de tesis tiene como alcance el estudio de una entidad privada de salud; el análisis del problema del proceso de admisión de consulta externa; y el desarrollo de la propuesta de solución. Este proceso comprende actividades que inician con la identificación del paciente y generación de un número de atención, y finaliza cuando se realiza el pago y se da por concluida la atención. El problema actual es la demora en la identificación del paciente y el uso de más de cuatro sistemas diferentes. Debido a esto, se propone como solución el diseño de un sistema de reconocimiento facial e identificación de pacientes usando redes neuronales e integrado con los sistemas hospitalarios, con la finalidad de reducir los tiempos en la identificación de los pacientes y el número de actividades manuales del personal en varios sistemas. El documento de tesis comprende los capítulos de definición, desarrollo y gestión del proyecto, y en ellos se describen los procesos de negocio de la organización objetivo; se analiza el problema del proceso; y se desarrollan la propuesta de solución y el plan de gestión del proyecto. / Nowadays, companies in the healthcare sector manage their operations through business processes that allow them to reach their goals and provide an additional value when serving their customers. Day by day, such processes are getting more effective and efficient thanks to the investment made by technology companies in the main activities of their businesses. Thus, those processes provide them a competitive advantage over other companies in the sector. This research project encompasses the study of a private healthcare company, the analysis of the problematic regarding external consultation admission, and the development of a possible solution. This process includes activities that start with patient identification, the creation of a patient care number, and ends when the payment is submitted, and the service concludes. The current problem is that patient identification is time-consuming and that more than four different systems are being used. Therefore, the design of a facial recognition and patient identification system is introduced as a possible solution employing neural networks and integrating it into the hospital system. This proposal aims to reduce the time required to identify patients and decrease manual activities done by the personnel on various systems. This research project includes chapters on definitions, development, and project management. They include a description of the target organization’s business processes, as well as an analysis on the process problem, a development of a solution proposal, and a project management plan. / Tesis

Strukturierungs- und Aufbautechnologien von 3-dimensional integrierten fluidischen Mikrosystemen / Patterning and Packaging Technologies for 3 dimensional integrated fluidic micro systems

Baum, Mario 02 September 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Übertragung der aus der Siliziumtechnologie bekannten Präzision der Strukturierung und die Zuverlässigkeit der Verbindungstechnologie auf andere Materialien wie Kupfer und PMMA. Diese Untersuchung ist auf die Entwicklung der Teiltechnologien Strukturierung und Integration fokussiert und konzentriert sich insbesondere auf die Kombination von Mikrostrukturierung und dreidimensionalen Aufbautechniken einschließlich vertikaler fluidischer Durchkontaktierungen bei den Materialien Silizium, Kupfer und Kunststoff (PMMA). Eine begleitende Charakterisierung und messtechnische Bewertung gestattet die Weiterentwicklung während der Experimentedurchführung und erweitert den Stand der Wissenschaft hinsichtlich der genannten Kombinationen. / The work describes the transfer of well known high precisive and reliable micro technologies for patterning and packaging of Silicon to new materials like Copper and PMMA. This investigation is focused on special patterning technologies and system integration aspects. Furthermore the development of material-dependent micro patterning technologies and multi layer packaging techniques including vertical fluidic interconnects using materials like Silicon, Copper, and PMMA (polymer) is shown. An accompanying characterization and measurement-based evaluation enables the ongoing development while performing experimental analysis. At least a higher state of the art for these complex combinations is reached.

Geovisualização analítica: desenvolvimento de um protótipo de um sistema analítico de informações para a gestão da coleta seletiva de resíduos urbanos recicláveis. / Analytical geovisualization: development of a prototype of an analytical information system for the management of the selective collection of recycled urban solid waste.

Hernández Simões, Carlos Enrique 16 April 2010 (has links)
Os resíduos urbanos descartados de forma irregular constituem um problema sério, principalmente nas grandes cidades, causando entupimento de bueiros e drenagem com conseqüentes inundações, sujeira e transmissão de doenças tais como leptospirose e dengue além de ser um estorvo para o trânsito e acarretarem gastos para a Prefeitura. Por outro lado, reciclar este material é uma fonte de receitas e um gerador de empregos. A Geovisualização Analítica pode ser de grande auxílio para a análise desse problema complexo e para a tomada de decisão. Com essa motivação, a presente dissertação procura fornecer uma visão geral sobre o estado da arte quanto a conceitos e pesquisas em Geovisualização (GVis) e Processamento Analítico (OLAP e SOLAP). Apresenta também processos, metodologias e tecnologias que foram utilizadas no desenvolvimento de um protótipo de um sistema analítico de informações aplicado à área de gestão da coleta seletiva de resíduos sólidos recicláveis em ambiente urbano. Este protótipo, efetivamente implantado, combinou navegação e consulta para recuperar informações através de seleções espaciais e alfanuméricas. Através de exemplos foi mostrado que este tipo de solução auxilia gestores nos processos de exploração, análise e tomada de decisão. / Domestic waste illegally disposed constitute a serious problem, especially in large cities, causing clogging of drains and drainage with subsequent flooding, dirt and transmission of diseases such as leptospirosis and dengue as well as being a hindrance to traffic and would entail city hall costs. Moreover, recycle this material is a source of revenue and a generator of jobs. The Analytical Geovisualization can be of great help in the analysis of this complex problem and the decision-making. With this motivation, this paper seeks to provide an overview of the state of the art as the concepts and research in Geovisualization (GVis) and Analytical Processing (OLAP and SOLAP). It also presents processes, methodologies and technologies that were used in developing a prototype of an analytical system applied to the area of selective collection information management of recyclable solid waste in urban environments. This prototype, effectively deployed, combined navigation and query to retrieve information through spatial and alphanumeric selections. Through examples it was shown that this type of solution helps managers in operating procedures, analysis and decision making.

台灣光電企業跨足綠能整合之策略布局 / The transformation strategy of Taiwan's optoelectronic company to the green energy integration industry

魏明皓, Wei, Ming Hao Unknown Date (has links)
台灣光電產業為近年來台灣經濟成長的最佳動力來源之一,截至2010年,台灣光電總產值已經突破新台幣2兆元。其中以LED、顯示面板、太陽能電池模組等貢獻最多,帶給台灣大量的就業機會,並創造出全球第一的產值。然而,台灣光電大廠以往的經營模式大都以OEM/ODM為主,製造代工屬微笑曲線價值最低的中間區域,因此企業不斷找尋轉型的機會。近年來因能源耗竭隱憂,綠能產業蔚為未來科技革命的新主流,如太陽能發電、風力發電、LED照明、電動車等,為台灣光電大廠創造新的契機。幾間光電領導大廠紛紛跨入綠能產業,除了研發製造端,也開始嘗試挑戰下游的系統整合與行銷通路,尤其以太陽能發電系統為主。面對下游不熟悉的領域,以及眾多的綠能廠商競爭對手,光電企業必須從自身核心能耐出發,找尋最佳切入點,並靈活運用相關資源,與事業夥伴密切合作,方能找到自己的定位,建立獨特競爭優勢。 本研究從光電企業跨足綠能產業的先後整體性策略布局進行分析比較,並由顧客價值與企業核心能力的角度出發,深入探討面對綠能產業下游的新事業之組織設計、營運模式、關鍵資源、關鍵流程等。本研究建議台灣光電廠商面對市場白地時,應打破傳統製造思維,以創新商業模式進行在地化資源整合,進而建立行銷通路,打造自有品牌。並且建構良好的學習交流管道,讓新事業在下游的經營管理經驗帶回企業。 / Recently, the optoelectronic industry becomes one of the driving forces of economic growth in Taiwan. Until 2010, the output value of optoelectronic industry was over 2000 billion NTD, creating many employment opportunities. The optoelectronic industry in Taiwan is accounted for the largest output value in the world, especially in sectors such as LED, photovoltaic panels, solar cell and solar modules. However, a lot of optoelectronic companies in Taiwan are OEM/ODM based. They capture the lowest value in the supply chain. Hence, many companies are eager to seize the opportunity to implement transformation strategy. Nowadays, due to energy depletion issue, more and more people care about the popularized green energy industry, include solar power, wind power, LED lighting, electric cars and so on. This condition states good foundation for optoelectronic companies in Taiwan to perform transformation strategy. Some leading companies started to cross boundaries into the green energy industry, especially focusing on manufacturing and system integration of solar power system. Facing the unfamiliar downstream business and existing green energy competitors, optoelectronic companies should start with own core capability to find the best point of entry while entering the whole new industry. They need to integrate local resources and cooperate with business partners, finding their unique position and to build up their own competitive advantage. This study analyzes a comprehensive strategy framework for optoelectronic companies in Taiwan crossing over to the green energy industry. First thing ahead, the company should start with its own core capability and consumer value, developing new business model, organization structure, key resources and key process of the new field. The conclusion of this research suggests that optoelectronic companies in Taiwan should forgo its old ways of manufacturing thinking, and operate with innovative business model to integrate the localized resources, establish its own marketing channel, create its own brand, and construct good learning process that can bring downstream experience into the organization when operating in the new industry.

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