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華語繪本研究與教學-以華語成人學習者為例 / Research in Picture Books for Adults in Learning Chinese as a Second Language石伊婷, Shih, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
學習語言主要目的為「溝通」及「運用」,如何使學習者習得更貼近母語者的應答習慣是教學者所關心的。研究顯示「圖像」不但可以幫助學習者在閱讀的過程中理解內容,進而延伸思考、融會貫通,更可以激發自我語言表達能力。然而台灣目前使用繪本於教學主要的對象為華裔青年或新移民配偶及其子女為主。因此,本文主要探討如何運用華語繪本於海外成人華語課程。本研究透過大量的文獻回顧探討中英教學中的繪本教學發展、教學理論與教學法、第二語言學習教材與挑選繪本評量標準,以此建立本文之理論架構,同時依據此架構規劃教學設計並執行。除此之外,也根據第二語言教學理論及挑選繪本之標準,建立一套運用於華語課程的繪本選取與評定原則。研究結果顯示繪本運用於成人華語課堂中不僅可以使得課程更加多元化,更可以透過不同的教學素材來延伸教學活動。研究者亦由6T教學法中讓學習者根據6T各項目進行回饋。回饋結果除了在任務及思緒的部分仍需要修正之外,整體來說,學生對於繪本運用於語言課堂有非常正面的看法。然而受到繪本文本詞彙之限制,較多的繪本是適合中級程度以上的學生使用。本研究一共分析了26本繪本,共得出26個主題,主題則以友情、成長、夢想、創意居多。最後參考了許多學術論述之後,制訂了繪本選取評定標準,評定表共分成教學、心理及藝術三個層面來說明,最後共得出50項標準供學界參考。研究者亦於文末提出了未來使用繪本於教學之研究建議。 / The main purpose of learning the language is to communicate and to use it. Therefore, language teacher concern more on how assisting the learners to use the language according to the native speaker’s habits. Research shows that ‘Picture’ can help to improve learner’s ability to understand the content while reading, which can trigger further critical thinking and ultimately mastering the ability to develop their own learning process. However, the use of picture books for teaching Chinese especially in Taiwan nowadays are limited only to the class of overseas Chinese learners, foreign spouses and their children. Hence, the main purpose of this research will be discussing on how to apply the picture book in adult Chinese language course abroad. The method of this research is based on a great amount of literature review on both teaching Chinese and English language using picture books, teaching method theory and pedagogy, second language acquisition material evaluation and criteria on selecting picture book. Afterthen through this framework, the author has planned and implemented the lesson on using picture book in language course. Besides, this research also intend to create an evaluation framework on how to select picture book in Chinese as a second language course. The result has shown using picture book in the adult Chinese language course can create more diverse classroom activates by applying different teaching materials in the class. The author has also conducted an after-class survey to understand learner’s learning condition. Overall, picture book as a class material receives a very positive feedback. Under the vocabulary restriction from the picture book, a lot of picture book is more suitable for intermediate level students only. Apart from above mentioned, this research also analyzed in total 26 picture books, and received 26 themes. The themes include friendship, growth, dream and creativity. Also this research has drawn up the framework of selecting the picture book for Chinese language learning class. This framework achieved in total 47 entries with three aspects, teaching, psychology and artistry. At the end of the research, there’s also suggestion for the further studies.
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來台之大學外籍交換生的華語學習探討—以某公立大學之交換生為例 / The Chinese Language Learning of Foreign Exchange Students at College Level in Taiwan- A Case Study in a Public University李豫, Lee, Yu Unknown Date (has links)
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對外華語文聽力理解訓練: 一對一同步遠距教學之行動研究 / Developing listening comprehension for Chinese learners over the internet: An action research on synchronous distance tutoring sessions關慧凌, Kwan, Hwee Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要研究對象為三位身在不同國家,華語為第二語言學習的初級學習者,並採用網路免費華語文教材「一千字說華語」和線上免費平台進行遠距一對一教學。研究方法先以發展聽 力理解教學:研究對象接受二十週的聽力理解課,每次一小時,共計二十堂課。接著透過行動研究法,應用訪談與問卷蒐集三位個案學習者的經驗與感受,佐以教師的教學省思,以深入了解此教學行動。所有聽力理解教學包括問卷調查、學習者回饋、教學省思、訪談資料等紀錄都用來分析本研究教學的實施情況,同時也參考學習者每堂課的前、後測成績做進一步的探究與結論依據。
研究結果顯示,透過一對一遠距教學情境與網路科技資源應用在華語文聽力理解教學中,遠距學習者對網路學習環境、一對一遠距教師之教學、以及網路華語文教材等方面,皆持正面看法與回饋。問卷及訪談結果顯示三位學習者都同意網路一對一教學可以彌補學習者週遭學習環境之不足與困難,同時可以提升學習者華語文學習能力的自信心,進而培養其日後華語文持久的學習動機。本研究能協助網路對外華語文教師了解藉由網路遠距第二語言初級學習者的需要,並提供教學設計參考,作為其開課前的準備,與提升其教學品質與成效。研究成果亦提供對外華語文數位學習教材編寫與製作之回饋與建議。 / In recent years, the phenomenon of the Chinese language learning has driven many overseas tertiary institutions and industries to invest in the construction of digital learning technologies. The trend of technological advancement and network functioning continues to improve as well as online Chinese language resources and language learning websites. This action research attempts to integrate technology into one-on-one tutoring sessions for Chinese listening comprehension through the internet. The first objective of this research is to explore the process of learning and the challenges and experiences the students face via online one-on-one distance learning. Secondly, it is to understand the process and the changes of teaching style toward the students via the internet. Lastly, it is to understand the important aspects of design and selection of Chinese teaching materials through the students' learning experience and the teachers' teaching process.
This study focuses on three beginning Chinese learners from different countries and cultural backgrounds and making use of free online teaching materials provided by "Speak Mandarin in One Thousand Words" via a free online platform for distant tutoring sessions. The methodology to develop listening comprehension is that all the students will have a total of twenty classes, with each class lasting for an hour. The research section is based on interviews and questionnaires observing the students' experiences and feelings combined with the teacher's reflections and to gain insight on the teaching actions. The students’ pre-test and post-test score in each class are referred in order to further explore the basis and conclusion. The interviews and records are used to analyze the implementation of the research through teaching.
The results of the study show positive opinions and feedback regarding one-on-one distance learning and the teaching methodology with the online Chinese language materials. The questionnaire and interview results show that the students agreed that one-on-one online teaching can compensate the shortcomings of students in a traditional learning environment. This study therefore concludes non-traditional methods of teaching can enhance the confidence in the learner with their ability. Even without a Chinese physical environment, distance teaching can still motivate students to learn Chinese. This research can help teachers to understand student needs via online one-on-one and it could help provide teachers designing the most effective ways of teaching. The research results also provide feedback and suggestions on the preparation and production of Chinese teaching materials.
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由外語學習歷程與信念探討職前華語文教師之教學信念 / A case study on pre-service TCSL teachers’ teaching beliefs: from being a foreign language learner to a TCSL teacher邵佩欣, Siaw, Pey Shin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解職前華語文教師學習外語的歷程、語言學習信念與教學信念,屬質性個案研究。對象為華語文教學研究所四位台籍研究生,聚焦於外語學習歷程、外語學習信念、外語教學信念三大主軸,以深度訪談作為資料收集方法。訪談內容及範圍主要參考了Horwitz(1985)語言學習信念研究的BALLI 模式以及Johnson(1992)與張碧玲(2000)設計的語言教師教學信念問卷。研究發現包括:(一)不同時期的外語學習經歷對個案職前教師的學習及教學信念起了「學徒式的觀察」、信念的轉變及「濾鏡」等作用。(二)透過對個案的學習及教學信念探討,可以看到信念具有多層次的特質。而其中較整體面向的信念與較個別層次的信念,呈現了相互支持、矛盾等關係。(三)教學信念隨著背後所隱藏的動機不同,不能以因果關係作解釋。(四)個案教師基於不同的學習經歷、學習信念及教學信念,在教學上建構了與社會文化情境相關,同時也具有個人意義的教學理論。最後建議華語文師資教育應提供機會讓職前教師了解自我語言學習及教學信念,以及更多教學實務的機會,以讓他們在教學行動中反思,也在反思中進行教學。華語文教師本身亦可以利用自我的外語學習經驗作為反思的工具,時時保持成長的動機與內省的能力。此外,華語文教師也應對教學現場及環境文化等因素有所知覺,這樣才能促進有效的教學。 / This qualitative case study aims to understand the TCSL ( Teaching Chinese as a Second language ) pre-service teachers’ foreign language learning experience, language learning beliefs, and teaching beliefs. The participants are four Taiwanese postgraduate students from the department of TCSL in a university in northern Taiwan. The study focus on three aspects: foreign language learning experience, language learning beliefs, and teaching beliefs. In-depth interviews are conducted as the data collection method, informed by Horwitz’s (1985) BALLI model as well as Johnson (1992) and Zhang (2000). The findings include that (1) the four pre-service TCSL teachers’ foreign language learning experiences, serving as a filter, afford “apprenticeship of observation” which leads to changes in beliefs, and (2)beliefs are multilayered, involving both supportive and contradictory relationships. (3) Teaching beliefs are not necessarily consistent with each other because of different intentions lying behind. It is difficult to regard them as having a simple cause-and-effect relation. (4) Based on different learning experiences, learning and teaching beliefs, the four pre-service teachers construct their own personal theories toward teaching, which are not only socially relevant but also personally meaningful. Finally, the study suggests that language teacher education needs to provide sufficient opportunities for pre-service teachers to understand their own learning and teaching beliefs. It is also necessary to provide opportunities to engage them in authentic teaching contexts so that they could reflect on their teaching beliefs in real-world pratice. TCSL teachers need to be encouraged to use their own learning experiences as a reflective tool to sustain their passions for teaching.
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臺灣華語文教學網站優使性評估之研究-以全球華文網為例 / Usability of teaching Chinese as a second language websites: a case study of E-learning Huayu of Taiwan鄒孟庭, Tsou, Meng Ting Unknown Date (has links)
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環保議題融入中高級華語課程設計與實踐 / Environmental Issues in CSL Curriculum Design and Implementation for Intermediate-High Level Learners林芝逸, Lin, Chih Yi Unknown Date (has links)
研究目的為:一、了解中高級華語學習者之學習需求。二、提供環保議題融入華語教學課程設計參考模式。三、評估具體教學成效。在課程設計前,透過文獻分析釐清本課程適合的教學方法、教學目標訂定方式以及教學材料的選取、編寫準則,主要以主題式教學法(Theme-Based Language Instruction)、溝通式教學法(Communicative Language Teaching)、美國外語教學學會(ACTFL)之5C準則(5C Standards)及貝爾格勒憲章(The Belgrade Charter)中的六項環境教育目標為本研究之教學理念,並參考英語教學之經驗,思考環境議題融入語言課程可行方式。亦透過需求分析,向中高級學習者與教師發放問卷,了解「教」與「學」兩方對於環保主題課程的態度及看法。綜合文獻與需求分析結果為本研究課程設計總體方向,依此進行課程發展設計,並實際進行兩次課程實施以評估學習成就及整體課程設計,提出改進之道及後續研究建議。
透過教學實施,學習者對於本課程皆給予正面評價,認為本課程有意思且實用,不僅能使語言技能進步,亦能關心、討論環境議題,也讓平常少有機會接觸時事的學生更了解台灣社會與文化。本研究根據教學成效提出幾點教學建議:一、在教學內容選取上,現實議題探討能加強學習者之社會語言能力,且符合學習興趣,使學習者能更了解所處的社會環境。議題以真實材料或非真實材料呈現皆有其須注意之處。二、在環境教育目標於華語課程之實踐上,教師須於課堂提供察覺、認識之契機,透過引導,學習者能自行運用其技能與評估能力,最後發展出個人觀點與態度。三、在課堂活動規劃上,輸入、輸出型活動須搭配且循序運用。筆者並於篇末提出後續研究建議。 / This study examines the design of a Chinese language curriculum focused on environmental protection, and aims to enhance students’ language skills while increasing awareness about environmental issues.
There are three purposes of this study; the first is to analyze the learning needs of intermediate-high CSL students, the second is to provide a design model for an environmentally themed CSL curriculum, and the third is to evaluate the effectiveness of its implementation. Also included is a review of previous studies that highlights appropriate methods of developing objectives, editing materials, and teaching. The instructional philosophy of this study is based on theme-based language instruction, communicative language teaching, the 5 C’s language teaching standards (ACTFL) , and the six objectives of environmental education in the Belgrade Charter. A learning needs questionnaire is also given to both teachers and students in order to survey their opinions on teaching and learning. The results of this needs analysis and extensive review of existing literature provide the main guiding principles behind the curriculum’s development. The results of two terms of implementations are presented, as well as potential further improvements.
The main research method of this study is developmental research; surveys and interviews are used to as supplemental methods. The developmental research method provides a model for curriculum design, and calls for various phases of analysis, design (development), implementation, and evaluation. Survey research is then used to forecast learning needs before the design phase, and also to gather students’ feedback after the completion of the class. Interviews are used after each complete implementation to gather more information and impressions from students.
After two complete implementations of the curriculum, the interview results show that students find the course practical and interesting, as they can not only enhance their language skills, but also raise their awareness of environmental issues through class discussion. In addition, they felt the class increased their understanding of Taiwan society and culture via discussion of current events. The main findings are as follows:
1) Content relating to social issues can simultaneously improve students’ sociolinguistic competence and also meet their learning needs. The contents can be provided in authentic or inauthentic contexts, but should follow certain design principles.
2) To fulfill the six objectives of environmental education in a CSL curriculum, the instructor needs to help students understand environmental issues first, and then guide students to use their analysis skills to evaluate current events. Afterwards, students will develop their own perspective and attitude.
3) To develop an effective course, the input and output activities should be arranged in sequence.
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聲調標記與詞彙熟悉度對華語學習者閱讀影響之眼動研究 / The influence of tone marker and word familiarity on reading of Chinese learners : An eye-tracking study許宇萱, Hsu, Yu Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
對華語學習者而言,漢字的諸多特性使漢字閱讀成為學習者面臨的難點之一,而華語聲調也是許多學習者在聽和說上的難點。閱讀為連結字形與字音,再對應至字義的過程,因此本文以華語學習者為對象,嘗試找出漢字閱讀與華語聲調之間的關係,以不同形式的聲調標記(tone marker)作為視覺提示及不同熟悉度(word familiarity)的詞彙作為操弄變項,使用眼動儀(eye-tracker)為實驗工具,設計閱讀理解作業,了解聲調標記及詞彙熟悉度對閱讀程度不同的華語學習者在閱讀時的影響。
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桌上遊戲融入華語文教學複習活動─以「驢橋」為例 / Reviewing activities of teaching Chinese as a second language integrated with tabletop games– the case of Eselsbrücke劉鈺琪, Liu, Yu Chi Unknown Date (has links)
此次實驗過程中讓受試學生實地操作「驢橋」,實驗過程中同時錄音,實驗結束後請所有受試學生填寫問卷,並徵求自願者進行一對一訪談,最後綜合實驗觀察紀錄、問卷與訪談以觀察探究學生對「驢橋」的反應。根據研究結果,「驢橋」作為華語課堂的遊戲活動時,可引起學生注意力,積極將所學應用於遊戲中,提升生詞學習的自信心,華語教師在遊戲中可鼓勵增強學生的滿足感,扮演給予學生回饋的重要角色,「驢橋」為學生接受程度高的華語課堂教學複習遊戲活動。此次研究證明桌上遊戲「驢橋」改編為華語教學課堂複習活動可提升學生學習動機,學生反應熱烈,未來可推廣更多樣化的桌上遊戲進入華語教學課堂,讓華語教學的活動更豐富多彩。 / Class games play an important role in language class. The advantages of games include: lower the learning pressure, strengthen the learning motivation, enhance the interaction between students, and stimulate higher-order thinking ability. Games are also a necessary practice for language learning. However, related research in the field of teaching Chinese as a second language is still developing. Also, due to the difficulty of designing the games and preparing the props, Chinese teachers would hesitate to use the games or reduce the frequency of language games in the classroom.
The topic of this research is teaching Chinese as a second language class integrated with tabletop games factors. By amending some rules and props of the board game Eselsbrücke, students would be expected to practice the learned vocabularies actively and delightfully in this game. Also, this research could prove the feasibility of tabletop games as the reviewing activity of teaching Chinese as second language. In the research, subjects would operate Eselsbrücke directly, and all their response would be observed through recording. After the research, students filled in the questionnaire, and volunteers would accept the interview. According to the research result, as a game in Chinese class, Eselsbrücke can arouse student’s attention, review what they have learned, makes students more confident in learning vocabularies. Chinese teachers play an important role that not only encourages students to achieve higher sense of satisfaction, but also feedbacks to students immediately. Combining the fun of game and the effective language practice, Eselsbrücke is a reviewing activity which is easy for students to accept in teaching Chinese as a second language class.
This research proves that tabletop game Eselsbrücke shows positive effect to students as a Chinese class reviewing activity. In the future, we may promote tabletop games in teaching Chinese as a second language class, to create more and more interesting and attractive Chinese teaching activities.
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針對青少年學習者的電影華語教學- 以「我的少女時代」為例 / Chinese-language teaching for adolescent learners through chinese films: in the example of "Our Times"李佳恆, Li, Jia Heng Unknown Date (has links)
因此本文主要探討如何應用華語電影於青少年華語課程,並分析華語電影教材的學習成效。本研究採用文獻回顧探究電影教學相關研究、中英教學中的電影教學發展、青少年華語教學、教學法與教學模式,以第二章節作為理論架構,依據此架構設計電影華語課程並實際執行。研究結果顯示使用溝通式教學法所延伸的教學活動,同時搭配ADDIE教學模式能有效地將電影教材應用於華語課程中,不僅符合學習者的學習需求,更使教學更具系統性。研究者依電影主題歸納成11種類型,針對青少年學習者選取「愛情類」、「勵志類」類型,以此兩種主題作為框架列舉出20部適合用於華語課程的電影,另外參考電影作為第二語言教材的標準,制定5項華語電影選取原則提供教學者參考。回饋結果顯示,學習者認為電影華語課程能提升聽、說能力,其次為閱讀能力,最後為寫作能力。整體而言,青少年學習者對於電影運用於語言課程中抱持正面的看法,大部分的學習者表示喜愛電影主題和課程中所討論的話題,透過課程中不斷地問答和多元的任務練習活動,學習者溝通時能以自然的表達方式和他人交流想法,並以尊重、包容和分享的情懷欣賞跨文化的議題。最後,研究者於文末提供未來電影華語教學之研究建議。 / Communication is the main purpose of language learning. This research is concerned about how to assist intermediate-level learners in expressing fluently and using the language according to the native speaker's habits. Research shows that using “ Film” can help to improve the communicative ability of the learners, which can also trigger more interest in language learning. However, the use of films for teaching Chinese in Taiwan is limited to culture classes of the adult, not planned for specialized classes.
Hence, the main purpose of this research is to analyze how to apply Chinese films in adolescent Chinese courses, and the effect of Chinese film courses. The method of this research is based on the literature review in both teaching Chinese and English by using film, teaching Chinese for adolescent, teaching method and teaching model. Through this framework, the author has planned and implemented the lesson on teaching Chinese through Chinese films. The result has shown that using Communicative Language Teaching and ADDIE teaching model at the same time can incorporate film materials into courses more effectively. According to the film genre, the author has classified 11 types of films, analyzed romance and inspiration topic for adolescent learners, listed 20 films through which are suitable for Chinese courses. Besides, this research has drawn up 5 criteria for selecting Chinese films. The result of the survey has shown that listening and speaking ability can be increased after courses, but not much practice on reading and writing ability. Overall, using film as class material receives a very positive feedback from adolescent learners. Most of the learners show their high interest in themes and topics of the courses, learners can share ideas and express themselves naturally with others through diverse tasks in the class. Meanwhile learning to show respect to different cultures in cross-cultural issues. Pedagogical implications and suggestions for further research are included at the end of this thesis.
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華語綜合性教材文化能力內容之現況與分析— 以《新版實用視聽華語》及《遠東生活華語》為例 / Cultural competence in Chinese language teaching — a critical examination of current Taiwanese teaching materials (practical audio-visual Chinese and far east everyday Chinese)林吟屏, Lin, Yin Ping Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本文參考分析結果,從文化知識、文化技能、態度、文化意識等四部分,提出對於華語綜合性教材中文化能力內容編寫之建議,冀能對於未來教材文化能力內容之規劃及開發有所助益。 / This study aims to integrate some results of recent research in theory and practice of teaching culture competence in foreign language teaching into methods and materials of teaching Chinese as a Second Language (CSL). Researcher focus on three topics: (1) Which are the aims of teaching culture in foreign language teaching? And what are the subjects of teaching cultural competence? (2) To what extend do content and method in CSL comprehensive teaching materials conform to these aims and subjects? (3) What suggestions should be given to the editors of CSL comprehensive teaching materials in order to improve the acquisition of culture competence of Chinese language learners?
This study starts with an overview of theories of developing culture competence in foreign language teaching. The aims and methods of teaching culture in standard curricula for language teaching as the “AP Chinese language and culture course description”, “The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages” and the “International Curriculum for Chinese Language Education” will be analyzed. According to this, it can be seen that the goals of cultural teaching shifted from merely providing cultural knowledge to developing cultural competence.
There are different concepts about what culture competence is, how we can evaluate it, and how we can develop it. This study makes use of the description of cultural competence by means of four aspects: cultural knowledge, cultural skills, attitude and cultural awareness. These four aspects can be seen as a basic concept for teaching cultural competence, too. Modern didactics and materials should be aware to develop each aspect of culture competence.
How are these aims for developing culture competence presented in present CSL materials? A detailed analysis of two common teaching materials (“Practical Audio-Visual Chinese” and “Far East Everyday Chinese”) shows that teaching culture is mainly restricted on teaching cultural knowledge. There is a noticeable lack of exercises and practices to develop cultural skills, to promote a positive attitude to cultural diversity, and to develop cultural awareness.
Finally, the suggestions for developing cultural competence in CSL teaching materials will be given in conclusion, and wish this study will help development of Chinese teaching materials edition in future.
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