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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza vybraných výukových materiálů se zaměřením na prezentaci gramatického učiva / Analysis of Two Selected Teaching Materials

Červáková, Terezie January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the partial analysis of two teaching materials which are used while teaching German as a foreign language. These materials are Themen aktuell 1 and Direkt neu 1, which are frequently utilized at secondary schools for the teaching of German at the language level A1-A2. The analysis of these teaching materials concentrates on the presentation of the grammar curriculum. The theoretical part of this diploma thesis deals with the teaching methods, current trends and also with the role of the teaching material in teaching. In the practical part of this diploma thesis the analysis of the presentation and the practice of the selected grammatical phenomena and also the classification of the exercises, which are found in the teaching materials, is carried out. The practical part also presents the results of the test, which was carried out on the basis of selected grammatical phenomena at Akademické gymnázium, school of the capital city Prague and Biskupské gymnázium J. N. Neumanna in České Budějovice. At Akademické gymnázium German is taught according to the teaching material called Themen aktuell 1, while at Biskupské gymnázium it is taught according to Direkt neu 1. The grammatical phenomena were selected on the basis of the fact, what subject matter the learners were taught,...

Problematika písemného projevu ve výuce cizích jazyků na českých středních školách se zaměřením na jazyk ruský / Problematics of Text Writing in Foreign Languages at Czech Secondary Schools with Specialization in Russian

Malá, Alena January 2016 (has links)
The dissertation analyses how to approach teaching of writing skills in Russian language at Czech secondary schools. In the theoretical part I define what a "writing skill" is. I focus on the linguistic, psycholinguistic and didactic aspects of the teaching of writing. I explain attitudes to writing skills in different teaching methods in history and nowadays. After that I set out the requirements for testing writing skills in some of the most common documents: Common European Framework for Languages, European Language Portfolio, international exams in Russian language ТРКИ (Тест русского языка как иностранного) or TORFL (Test of Russian as a Foreign Language) and the state final exam in Russian language at Czech secondary schools. In the practical part, I first analyse selected Czech and Russian textbooks for grammar schools to compare their approach towards teaching writing skills in native languages: Czech and Russian. Then I set out analysis of Czech textbooks used in the Czech Republic for teaching Russian, focusing in particular on the exercises used to teach writing. After that, I evaluate answers from two questionnaires that I gave to secondary school graduates and teachers of Russian. My goal was to understand the issues they face and any problems they experience in practice when learning...

Fotbollsspelande flickor och emotionella pojkar : En läromedelsanalys i svenska ur ett genusperspektiv / Soccer playing girls and emotional boys : A teaching material analysis in Swedish from a gender perspective

Gustafsson, Ronja January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka läromedel för svenskämnet i årskurs 3 ur ett genusperspektiv med avseende på gestaltningen av pojkar och flickor. Anledningen till undersökningen är på grund av avsaknaden av obligatorisk granskning av läromedel inom skolväsendet. Metoden som använts är en läromedelsanalys där både bild och text har analyserats. Analysen är uppdelad i två delar där den första delen är en kvantitativ analys följt av en längre kvalitativ analys. Läromedlet som analyserades, Nyckeln till skatten 3A, stred mot flertalet av de traditionella könsmönster som finns i samhället samtidigt som några könsnormer bekräftades. Ett exempel på de bekräftade könsnormerna som presenterades i läromedlet var hur vissa flickor gestaltades i långt hår och rosa färgklädsel. Resultatet visade att flickor presenterades fler gånger än pojkar i både text och bild. Både kategorin pojkar/män och flickor/kvinnor överskred de traditionella könsmönster som finns i det litterära och samhället. Detta visas i läromedlet genom att flickor spelar fotboll och pojkar är emotionella. / The purpose of this study were to examinate teaching materials designed for the third grade teaching in the Swedish subject from a gender perspective regarding the presentation of boys and girls. The reason for this study is due to lack of compulsory reviews of teaching material in the school system. The method used is a teaching material analysis where both image and text have been analyzed. The analysis is divided in two parts where the first part is a quantitative analysis followed by a longer qualitative analysis. The analyzed teaching material, Nyckeln till skatten 3A, challenged many of the traditional gender patterns that exist in the society, while other gender norms were confirmed. An example of a confirmed gender norm presented in the teaching material was girls portrayed with long hair and pink clothing. The results showed that girls were presented more times than boys in both text and image. Both the categories’ boys/men and girls/women challenged the traditional gender patterns that exist in the literature and society by presenting girls playing soccer and emotional boys.

Teachers' Perspectives on the Use of Short Stories in the English Classroom : A qualitative study of English teachers' work with short stories in the multicultural classroom in Sweden

Afram, Alexandra January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study aims to examine teachers' perspectives on the use of short stories in the English classroom at the upper secondary level in one municipality in Stockholm, Sweden. The study is a qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews with 6 English teachers. The theoretical framework underscores different implications and advantages of teaching literature in the classroom. These implications regard the use of authentic literary texts and their advantages. The theoretical framework also gives a definition of the terms multiculturalism and interculturality. The results suggest that teachers use short stories in order to motivate students to read more because they are shorter than longer texts. Teachers reported advantages in student motivation, a sense of accomplishment, and enhancement of language skills when teaching short stories. Moreover, short stories are seen by teachers as versatile tools that cater to different students' learning abilities. The short stories that the teachers select to work with come from their own interests. When selecting short stories, the teachers always have in mind to be sensitive in order not to offend anyone or for it to be culturally sensitive. Some teachers vary their literature by choosing works from around the world to present different perspectives. The short stories that the teachers select contain authentic language that presents different views that the students can discuss in order to understand. The results indicate that teachers find that cultural aspects are embedded within the stories and could be discussed from different perspectives in the multicultural classroom.

Blir eleverna problemlösare? : En läromedelsanalys om hur läroböckerna möjliggör utveckling av problemlösningsförmågan i matematik / Do the pupils become problem solvers? : A teaching material analysis about how the textbooks enable development of the problem-solving ability in mathematics

Grandin, Ida January 2019 (has links)
Tidigare studier har visat att matematiken i svenska skolan till övervägande del handlar om att räkna i läroboken samtidigt som det också påvisats att dessa i för låg utsträckning innehåller uppgifter som låter eleverna arbeta med problemlösning. Forskning menar att problemlösningsförmågan handlar om att ha en bred repertoar av strategier och en förståelse för hur dessa hänger samman och hur de kan användas. Förmågan förklaras som att kunna tänka kreativt och värdera sina kunskaper för att på bästa sätt angripa ett problem. För att utveckla detta måste eleverna få diskutera, konstruera egna problem och lösa problem på många sätt. De måste också få lösa många problem under en lång period. Denna studie har jämfört två läroböcker i årskurs fem som används i skolor och tittat på deras innehåll och uppbyggnad för att se hur de möjliggör utvecklingen av problemlösningsförmågan. Studien visade att båda läromedlen innehåller en låg andel matematiska problem och eleverna uppmanas att diskutera mycket lite. Eleverna ombeds aldrig att lösa ett problem på fler än ett sätt och bara i det ena läromedlet får eleverna träna på att skapa egna problem. Slutsatsen blev att båda läromedlen behöver kompletteras med annan undervisning om eleverna ska utveckla problemlösningsförmågan i matematik. / Previous studies have shown that mathematics in Swedish school for most part consists of calculating in the textbook when it at the same time has been proven that the textbooks in a too low extent contains tasks that allow the pupils to work with problem solving. Research mean that the problem-solving ability is about having a broad repertoire of strategies and an understanding for how these are associated and how they can be used. The ability is described as being able to think creatively and to evaluate one’s knowledges to tackle a problem as good as possible. To develop this, the pupils need to get the opportunity to discuss, create own problems and solve problems in many ways. They also must get to solve many problems during a long period of time. This study has compared two textbooks for grade five which are used in Swedish schools and has looked at their content and structure to see how they enable the development of the problem-solving ability. The study showed that both textbooks contain a low proportion of mathematical problems and the pupils are encouraged to discuss very little. The pupils are never asked to solve a problem in more than one way and only in one of the teaching materials the pupils get to practice making own problems. The conclusion was that both teaching materials need to be complemented by other education if the pupils are to develop the problem-solving ability in mathematics.

O processo de aquisição/aprendizagem do passato prossimo e imperfetto por aprendizes brasileiros em contexto de instrução formal / The acquisition/learning process of passato prossimo e imperfetto for Brazilian learners in the context of formal education

Nardeli, Ingrid Campos 18 April 2012 (has links)
A partir da segunda metade do século XX, iniciaram-se os estudos sistemáticos sobre a aquisição/aprendizagem de segundas línguas assim como a observação e elaboração de métodos mais eficazes no ensino da L2. Este trabalho teve sua origem no interesse pela investigação da aquisição/aprendizagem dos verbos ditos do passado da língua italiana, passato prossimo e imperfetto por aprendizes brasileiros em contexto de instrução formal. Através da realização de uma pesquisa longitudinal, os alunos dos níveis II, III, IV e V dos cursos de Italiano no Campus, oferecidos pelo departamento de Letras Modernas da Universidade de São Paulo, foram submetidos a testes de dois tipos: produção de texto e de cloze. Os testes foram realizados em vários momentos do processo de aquisição da L2, tanto antes da aprendizagem explícita quanto depois. O primeiro objetivo era descobrir quais os efeitos das instruções explícitas e implícitas no aprendizado desses dois tempos verbais a curto e a longo prazo. O segundo objetivo consistia em investigar se no processo de aquisição/aprendizagem da L2 os aprendizes associavam os predicados télicos às marcas perfectivas e os predicados atélicos às marcas imperfectivas. Partindo dos pressupostos teóricos sobre aquisição/aprendizagem da L2 e ainda da análise do material didático utilizado pelos aprendizes, foram elaboradas hipóteses que pudessem explicar os resultados alcançados na pesquisa. Os verbos télicos foram associados primeiro à marca perfectiva, conforme algumas teorias já haviam pressuposto. Entretanto, através dos dados obtidos não foi possível verificar se, de fato, os verbos atélicos são associados diretamente à marca imperfectiva nos primeiros estágios da aquisição. Os dados fornecidos pela produção de 6 texto indicaram que os alunos não utilizam o passato prossimo em seguida à instrução formal, visto que as produções consistiram, principalmente, na utilização do tempo presente. Houve ocorrências consideráveis de verbos no presente nos níveis II e IV, o que não aconteceu no nível III, em que os alunos utilizaram mais o passato prossimo. Pode-se observar uma oscilação de uso da marca perfectiva dependendo do nível que os alunos cursavam, fato que pode ser explicado pelas atividades presentes/ausentes no livro didático. Em relação ao teste de cloze, verificou-se que os alunos em seguida ao aprendizado explícito do passato prossimo, nível II, já o utilizaram no exercício. Esse fato pode, talvez, ser associado ao tipo de atividade proposta no material didático em havia muitas atividades de cloze e transformação de frases, mas poucos que se relacionavam à produção de texto livre. / From the second half of the twentieth century, systematic studies on the acquisition / learning of second languages began, as well as the observation and development of more effective methods in teaching L2. This work had its origin in research interest in acquisition / learning of verbs in past tense of the Italian language, passato prossimo e imperfetto, by Brazilian learners in the context of formal education. By carrying out a longitudinal study offered by the Department of Modern Languages and Literature at the University of São Paulo, the students in levels II, III, IV and V of the Italian courses in the Campus performed two types of tests: production of text and Cloze. The tests were conducted at various times of the L2 acquisition process, both before and after explicit learning. The first goal was to find out the effects of explicit and implicit instructions in the learning of these two tenses, in short and long term. The second goal was to investigate whether, in the process of acquisition / learning of L2, the learners associate telic predicates to perfective marks and atelic predicates to imperfective marks. Based on theoretical assumptions about acquisition / learning of L2 and also on analysis of teaching material used by the learners, hypotheses that could explain the results achieved in the research were developed. Telic verbs were first associated to the perfective mark, as some theories had assumed. However, it could not be verified by the data obtained if, indeed, the atelic verbs are directly associated with the imperfective mark in the early stages of acquisition. Data provided by the production of text indicated that students do not use passato prossimo after the formal education, since the productions consisted mainly in using the present tense. There was considerable 8 occurrences of present tense verbs in levels II and IV, but not for level III, in which students used more often the passato prossimo. One can observe an oscillation of use of the perfective mark depending on the level that students were attending, which may be explained by the activities present / absent in the textbook. Regarding the Cloze test, it was found that students, after the explicit learning of the passato prossimo, in level II, already used passato prossimo in the exercise. This fact may perhaps be associated with the type of activity proposed in the teaching materials, containing many Cloze and sentence transformation activities, but few activities related to the production of free text.

Grammatikens vara eller icke vara : En undersökning om lärares tolkning av begreppet grammatik och deras genomförande av undervisning i grammatik på lågstadiet. / Grammar, be or not to be : A review of teachers' perception of the term grammar and how it is taught in primary school.

Carlsson, Marielle January 2019 (has links)
Denna undersökning syftar till att undersöka hur lärare förhåller sig till, definierar och undervisar i grammatik med de yngre åldrarna och de svårigheter som lärarna stött på i sin grammatikundervisning. Denna undersökning baseras på intervjuer med sex behöriga lärare i årskurs 1–3, varav en speciallärare som tjänstgjorde på samma skola i förskoleklass. Som komplement till den del av lärarintervjuer gjordes också en översiktlig läromedelsanalys utifrån läromedel som lärarna uppgav att de använde i grammatikundervisningen. Grammatik och grammatikundervisningen är ett omdiskuterat ämne, även om diskussionen inte är så uttalad när det gäller undervisning på lågstadiet. Sammantaget visar undersökningens resultat att de deltagande lärarna ser begreppet grammatik som ett diffust begrepp och det definieras också olika av lärarna. Det framkom även stora variationer när det gällde lärarnas attityd till begreppet grammatik och grammatikundervisning som något svårt och tråkigt eller som något som de anser är enkelt och meningsfullt. Däremot råder samstämmighet hos deltagarna om att grammatik och grammatikundervisning är viktigt för elevernas språkutveckling. Läromedelsanalysen visade att det i vissa läromedel tydligt framgick grammatiska inslag och grammatiska begrepp användes, medan det i andra läromedel inte gick att urskilja de grammatiska inslagen. / The purpose of this survey is to examine the way teachers relate to, define and teach grammar to pupils of the younger grades and the difficulties they encounter in teaching grammar. The research is based on interviews carried out among six licenced teachers, all employed in the same school and of whom one is a special education teacher. They teach classes in pre-school and primary school, grade 1¬3. Complimentary to the interviews, a general analysis of the teaching material used in their teaching, was carried out. Grammar and grammar teaching is a widely discussed topic, even if little is said about grammar teaching in the younger years. Altogether, the results of the study show, that the teachers taking part in the study regard grammar as a vague and unspecific term and the teachers define the concept of grammar differently. Another conclusion was that the attitudes towards grammar among the teachers varied widely. Some consider grammar difficult and boring while others believe it to be meaningful and easy to grasp. On the other hand, the teachers taking part in the survey agreed upon the importance of grammar and grammar teaching in the linguistic development of the pupils. The analysis of the teaching materials showed that some materials cover grammar as an clearly defined topic and formal grammatic terms were consciously used, while in others formal grammar as a topic was less evident.

O processo de aquisição/aprendizagem do passato prossimo e imperfetto por aprendizes brasileiros em contexto de instrução formal / The acquisition/learning process of passato prossimo e imperfetto for Brazilian learners in the context of formal education

Ingrid Campos Nardeli 18 April 2012 (has links)
A partir da segunda metade do século XX, iniciaram-se os estudos sistemáticos sobre a aquisição/aprendizagem de segundas línguas assim como a observação e elaboração de métodos mais eficazes no ensino da L2. Este trabalho teve sua origem no interesse pela investigação da aquisição/aprendizagem dos verbos ditos do passado da língua italiana, passato prossimo e imperfetto por aprendizes brasileiros em contexto de instrução formal. Através da realização de uma pesquisa longitudinal, os alunos dos níveis II, III, IV e V dos cursos de Italiano no Campus, oferecidos pelo departamento de Letras Modernas da Universidade de São Paulo, foram submetidos a testes de dois tipos: produção de texto e de cloze. Os testes foram realizados em vários momentos do processo de aquisição da L2, tanto antes da aprendizagem explícita quanto depois. O primeiro objetivo era descobrir quais os efeitos das instruções explícitas e implícitas no aprendizado desses dois tempos verbais a curto e a longo prazo. O segundo objetivo consistia em investigar se no processo de aquisição/aprendizagem da L2 os aprendizes associavam os predicados télicos às marcas perfectivas e os predicados atélicos às marcas imperfectivas. Partindo dos pressupostos teóricos sobre aquisição/aprendizagem da L2 e ainda da análise do material didático utilizado pelos aprendizes, foram elaboradas hipóteses que pudessem explicar os resultados alcançados na pesquisa. Os verbos télicos foram associados primeiro à marca perfectiva, conforme algumas teorias já haviam pressuposto. Entretanto, através dos dados obtidos não foi possível verificar se, de fato, os verbos atélicos são associados diretamente à marca imperfectiva nos primeiros estágios da aquisição. Os dados fornecidos pela produção de 6 texto indicaram que os alunos não utilizam o passato prossimo em seguida à instrução formal, visto que as produções consistiram, principalmente, na utilização do tempo presente. Houve ocorrências consideráveis de verbos no presente nos níveis II e IV, o que não aconteceu no nível III, em que os alunos utilizaram mais o passato prossimo. Pode-se observar uma oscilação de uso da marca perfectiva dependendo do nível que os alunos cursavam, fato que pode ser explicado pelas atividades presentes/ausentes no livro didático. Em relação ao teste de cloze, verificou-se que os alunos em seguida ao aprendizado explícito do passato prossimo, nível II, já o utilizaram no exercício. Esse fato pode, talvez, ser associado ao tipo de atividade proposta no material didático em havia muitas atividades de cloze e transformação de frases, mas poucos que se relacionavam à produção de texto livre. / From the second half of the twentieth century, systematic studies on the acquisition / learning of second languages began, as well as the observation and development of more effective methods in teaching L2. This work had its origin in research interest in acquisition / learning of verbs in past tense of the Italian language, passato prossimo e imperfetto, by Brazilian learners in the context of formal education. By carrying out a longitudinal study offered by the Department of Modern Languages and Literature at the University of São Paulo, the students in levels II, III, IV and V of the Italian courses in the Campus performed two types of tests: production of text and Cloze. The tests were conducted at various times of the L2 acquisition process, both before and after explicit learning. The first goal was to find out the effects of explicit and implicit instructions in the learning of these two tenses, in short and long term. The second goal was to investigate whether, in the process of acquisition / learning of L2, the learners associate telic predicates to perfective marks and atelic predicates to imperfective marks. Based on theoretical assumptions about acquisition / learning of L2 and also on analysis of teaching material used by the learners, hypotheses that could explain the results achieved in the research were developed. Telic verbs were first associated to the perfective mark, as some theories had assumed. However, it could not be verified by the data obtained if, indeed, the atelic verbs are directly associated with the imperfective mark in the early stages of acquisition. Data provided by the production of text indicated that students do not use passato prossimo after the formal education, since the productions consisted mainly in using the present tense. There was considerable 8 occurrences of present tense verbs in levels II and IV, but not for level III, in which students used more often the passato prossimo. One can observe an oscillation of use of the perfective mark depending on the level that students were attending, which may be explained by the activities present / absent in the textbook. Regarding the Cloze test, it was found that students, after the explicit learning of the passato prossimo, in level II, already used passato prossimo in the exercise. This fact may perhaps be associated with the type of activity proposed in the teaching materials, containing many Cloze and sentence transformation activities, but few activities related to the production of free text.

A variação entre textos argumentativos e o material didático de inglês: aplicações da análise multidimensional e do Corpus Internacional de Aprendizes de Inglês (ICLE)

Lúcio, Denise Delegá 17 October 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:22:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Denise Delega Lucio.pdf: 5910043 bytes, checksum: e39fb054a13db1353de44dcdf6626c8b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-10-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This thesis aims to check the way how argumentative texts produced by English learners vary and, by means of this knowledge, suggest procedures for developing activities for English teaching material. The research resorts to the theoretical framework of Corpus Linguistics, Learner Corpus Linguistics, and Multidimensional Analysis. Our study corpora were the International Corpus of Learner English (ICLE), the Brazilian International Corpus of Learner English (BrICLE), and the Louvain Corpus of Native English Essays (LOCNESS). In the first phase of this research, we checked the way how variation in learner s essays was distributed along the dimensions of English variation proposed by Biber (1988). In the second phase, we identified the specific variation dimensions in leaner s essays, something which resulted in 4 dimensions of variation: dimension 1 literate writing versus narrativelike and oral-like writing; dimension 2 description-driven writing versus action-driven writing; dimension 3 writing focused on thought and report; and dimension 4 qualifying writing. In the third phase, we addressed the linguistic characteristics observed in the dimension literate writing versus narrative-like and oral-like writing to find contents for the teaching activities about variation in texts. In addition to the suggested activities, we present the procedures needed to use results from researches like this for producing language teaching materials / Esta tese tem por objetivo verificar o modo como textos argumentativos produzidos por alunos de inglês variam e, a partir desse conhecimento, sugerir procedimentos para o desenvolvimento de atividades para material didático de inglês. A pesquisa recorre ao arcabouço teórico da Linguística de Corpus, Linguística de Corpus de Aprendiz e Análise Multidimensional. Nossos corpora de estudo foram o International Corpus of Learner English (ICLE), o Brazilian International Corpus of Learner English (BrICLE) e o Louvain Corpus of Native English Essays (LOCNESS). Na primeira fase desta pesquisa, verificamos o modo como a variação nas redações de aprendizes se distribuía nas dimensões de variação do inglês propostas por Biber (1988). Na segunda fase, identificamos as dimensões de variação específicas nas redações de aprendizes, o que resultou em 4 dimensões de variação: dimensão 1 escrita letrada versus escrita narrativizada e oralizada; dimensão 2 escrita com foco na descrição versus escrita com foco no agir; dimensão 3 escrita com foco no pensamento e no relato; e dimensão 4 escrita qualificativa. Na terceira fase, partimos das características linguísticas observadas na dimensão escrita letrada versus escrita narrativizada e oralizada para encontrar conteúdos para as atividades didáticas sobre a variação em textos. Além das atividades sugeridas, apresentamos os procedimentos necessários para utilizar resultados de pesquisas como esta para a produção de materiais didáticos para ensino de línguas

Význam CHKO Třeboňsko pro Environmentální výchovu na 2. stupni ZŠ

KOMÁRKOVÁ, Petra January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with enviromental education in CHKO Třeboňsko. The aim of thesis is to create educational materials, that... Educational materials are intended for pupils of 6th and 7th grade of elementary schools. The author uses activating teaching methods such as games and competitons. In theoretical part are defined curricular documents aimed to cross sectional theme of enviromental education. Furthermore the author deals with the protection of nature and landscape and the characteristics of the territory of Třeboň. The practical part contains teaching materials for teachers, which the author designed and realized with pupils. Educational materials include ecosystem pond, forest, meadow, river, peat bog and sandpit.

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