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Historiens många ansikten?Hempel, Karin January 2010 (has links)
Denna uppsats syfte är att se hur dagens historiesyn kommer till uttryck i läromedel för gymnasiets kurs Historia A. Min utgångspunkt är att historiebegreppet idag har breddats till att innefatta fler perspektiv, som till exempel social-, miljö- och genushistoria. Jag undersökte fyra läroböcker som alla används i undervisning på gymnasiet och tillsammans representerar tre olika förlag. Utöver att titta övergripande på innehållet så fokuserade jag på tre perspektiv. Dessa var genus, etnicitet och historiemedvetande. Efter undersökningen var min slutsats att trots att det fanns fler perspektiv representerade så innehöll böckerna i stort en traditionell politisk historia. Historieämnet kämpar med stoffträngsel och detta speglar naturligtvis läroböckernas innehåll, det är inte möjligt att få med allt utan prioriteringar måste göras. En viktig slutsats för egen del var insikten om att läroboken måste kompletteras med fler källor för att eleverna ska tillgodogöra sig fler perspektiv och nå insikter om historiens komplexitet.
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Development of Three-Dimensional Learning Materials for Key Stage 3 Design and Engineering Students. An Introductory Aid to SolidWorks CAD Teaching for Secondary SchoolsHill, Elliot January 2018 (has links)
This thesis looks at the development of a physical 3D learning model designed
to introduce key stage 3 students to the basics of SolidWorks with the ultimate
aim of developing the model to a level where schools can use it in the education
of students.
The purpose of this thesis is to identify any problems with the author’s final year
undergraduate project (a three-dimensional card model of Tower Bridge, which
features instructions to help teach the fundamentals of SolidWorks), and to create
a new learning material based on those findings.
The creation of the new learning material was in part based on feedback during
visits to local secondary schools. Small scale user trials were also conducted
throughout the product development in order to gain first-hand insight into how
the solution was meeting its objectives, i.e. being a viable learning pack for
Secondary Schools.
The overall project aim was to create 3 – Dimensional teaching material designed
to assist in classrooms for secondary education. This aim was partially realised
in that a clear and concise learning path was created. However, due to lack of
engagement from local secondary schools it was not feasible to conduct user
trials. These trials and subsequent review have been suggested as possible
future work.
It should be noted that apart from the Tower Bridge product, reviewed in chapter
3, all work presented within this thesis was conducted as part of this master study.
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Klassrummet som lärandemiljö : En klassrumsstudie om villkor för elevers lärande / The classroom as a learning environment : A classroom study on conditions for pupils’ learningTegström, Anna January 2014 (has links)
The overall aim of this licentiate thesis is to describe and analyze the interaction between the conditions for students’ learning in the context of ten-year-old students in two classrooms in Sweden. These conditions are delimited toward furnishing and teaching materials and teachers’ and students’ actions. The study is inspired, but not characterized by a case study methodology employing plural methods. These methods include participant observations (field notes, tape recordings and photographs) and in-depth interviews with the teachers. The two cases are framed by their learning environments, in two classrooms in the fourth grade of two Primary schools. The result shows that the interaction between the three conditions is important for student learning. When furniture, learning materials and the teacher's actions reflect a coherent view of learning, students seem to act in accordance with the teachers’ pedagogical beliefs. This means that by using the furniture and teaching materials based on the belief that, for example, interaction is important and is proven through action, a teacher supports interaction among students. When these two conditions do not reflect a coherent view of learning and learners, students seem to act in accordance with what the teacher shows in action. These findings point to the fact that this study's main contribution lies in its methodology. The teachers’ considerations are not always expressed in their actions. This conclusion can be understood through Rogoff’s (1990) analytical model of an apprenticeship system. The students observe their teachers’ actions and act in the same way as the "master" does. In this sense, my study discerns teachers’ guidance as hierarchically superior to the students' actions (see Rogoff, 1990). The teachers’ considerations, the furnishing and teaching materials seem to have less impact on the students’ opportunities to learn than what the teacher actually shows in action.
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Läromedelsuppgifters möjlighet att uppmana elever med lägre ambition att öva på matematiskt resonemang - En läromedelsanalysSeger, Albin January 2022 (has links)
Majoriteten av undervisningstiden för matematik i den svenska skolan baseras på läromedlens innehåll. Som lärare är det lätt att inte arbeta direkt i förhållning till Skolverkets ämnesplan utan att i stället utgå från att läromedelsförfattarna redan har gjort det jobbet. Tidigare forskning har visat att läromedel generellt haft förhållandevis få uppgifter som uppmanar till matematiskt resonemang. I denna studie undersöks specifikt uppgifter markerade som ”enklare” i åtta läromedel avsedda för den svenska gymnasieskolan och hur stor andel av dessa som kan anses ha tydlig möjlighet att uppmana elevers användande av matematisk resonemangsförmåga. Totalt analyserades 1 350 uppgifter och cirka 12 procent ansågs innehålla resonemangskriterier baserade på ett ramverk av Johan Lithner. Resultatet antyder att elever som håller sig till de enklare uppgifterna inte får särskilt goda möjligheter att arbeta med den matematiska resonemangsförmågan vilket kan innebära att dessa elever i viss grad inte arbetar efter ämnesplanens bestämmelser. / Swedish mathematics education is heavily dependent on the content of the teaching materials. As a teacher it is easy to assume that teaching material developers are basing the content on The National Agency for Educations provisions regarding what students are expected to learn. Research suggests that tasks in the teaching materials rarely supports students with the need to reason mathematically. This study focuses on tasks indicated to be “easier” in eight books that were analysed by their ability to support the student’s ability to reason. 1350 tasks were analysed and approximately 12 percent met the criteria required based on a research framework by Johan Lithner. The result suggests that students that tend to mostly work on the easier tasks in the materials doesn’t get very good opportunities to further improve their ability to reason mathematically and thus, to a degree might not work with what is decided by the curriculum.
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Ett läromedel – flera möjligheter? : En analys av ett läromedel i svenska på lågstadiet utifrån Blooms reviderade taxonomi / One teaching material – multiple opportunities? : An analysis of a teaching material in Swedish for primary school based on Bloom’s revised taxonomyEk, Kajsa, Hildorsson, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Föreliggande studie analyserar muntliga aktiviteter i elevböckerna och lärarhandledningarna tillhörande läromedlet ABC-klubben. Läromedlet analyseras utifrån ett kognitivt perspektiv med hjälp av Blooms reviderade taxonomi, vilket även utgör studiens teoretiska referensram. Taxonomin synliggör vilka kognitiva processer och kunskapsdimensioner aktiviteterna erbjuder eleverna att nå. Resultatet av analysen jämförs med lärarnas uppfattning om de muntliga aktiviteterna som läromedlet erbjuder. Det granskade läromedlet valdes ut efter att verksamma lärare på lågstadiet besvarat en enkät om vilket läromedel de använder i svenskundervisningen. Enkäten innehöll också frågor där lärarna bland annat svarade på i vilken utsträckning de anser att läromedlet bidrar till elevernas utveckling av de muntliga förmågorna. Resultatet av läromedelsanalysen visar att antalet muntliga aktiviteter är begränsade. Det visar också att aktiviteterna inte erbjuder eleverna att utveckla den högsta nivån av kunskapsdimensioner och i endast en liten utsträckning den högsta nivån av kognitiva processer. Lärarna upplever dock att läromedlet bidrar till att eleverna utvecklar förmågorna att tala, lyssna och samtala. Studiens slutsats är att eleverna borde få fler möjligheter att nå högre kognitiva processer och kunskapsdimensioner gällande muntlighet. Det kräver att muntliga aktiviteter får större plats i läromedlet.
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Två läromedel för den tidiga läsutvecklingen : En jämförande innehållsanalys / Two sets of teaching material for early reading development : A comparative content analysisHellborg, Åsa, Ödlund, Emmelie January 2016 (has links)
This study compares two sets of teaching material, Förstagluttarna and Den magiska kulan, both of which are designed to teach reading in grade 1. The aim is to investigate the potential of the two sets of material to promote the pupils’ reading development. The study uses a content analysis in which categories have been established to assess the readability of the material and its ability to create motivation. The result shows that the readability is the same overall, but there are noticeable differences in the ability of the material to motivate pupils to read.
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Heteronormatividad, estereotipos y actitudes relacionados al género. : Análisis comparativo de materiales didácticos de apoyo para la comprensión lectora de ELE en Suecia. / Heteronormativity, gender stereotypes and attitudes towards gender. : Comparative analysis of SFL reading comprehension materials in Sweden.Gutierrez Menez, Evangelina January 2015 (has links)
This paper discusses three aspects: heteronormativity, the gender stereotypes and attitudes towards gender that can be found in teaching materials for reading in the Spanish subject at upper secondary level in Sweden. The corpus for this study is a selection of anthologies and novels that are published in the Spanish language in Sweden. In order to identify heteronormativity, gender stereotypes and attitudes towards gender of the characters and narrators, the corpus is examined according to a number of variables such as sex, age, marital status, social class, and nationality, as well as theories and concepts such as hegemonic masculinity, androcentricity, homosociality, sexist attitudes (misogyny and misandry), the gender contract and binary opposition systems. The data will be presented in both quantitative and qualitative terms, and the outcome of this analysis will highlight the presence of gender stereotypes where the presence of female characters is minimal while the dominant presence of male characters establishes the norm, so that it is the stories of male characters that describe the world. Female characters do not participate in the public sphere; they are represented as mothers, sisters or daughters. They are seen as sexual objects who do not have a voice. Nevertheless, few cases of sexism (misogyny and misandry) are found in the corpus, and there are even cases of transgression that weaken the stereotype of the submissive woman, as well as cases of transgression where men express their feelings.
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Samma historia med olika ord : En undersökning av ett nivåanpassat läsinlärningsläromedel för årskurs 1 / The same story in different words : A study of level-based teaching materialLindström, Jennica, Olsson, Matilda January 2016 (has links)
This study examines a reader used in grade 1, Den magiska kulan, which is a part of the ABC-klubben series of teaching material. It is level-based, available in three different levels of difficulty, and one and the same class is supposed to share the same reading experience but be able to read the story at the level that each individual pupil has reached. The study analyses linguistic adaptation and elements intended to give motivation in the different books. The study shows that the simplest of the books may not help to increase the pupils’ motivation for reading but can only be regarded as training in decoding. The two more advanced books can give pupils more pleasurable reading because the language is more nuanced and expressive. The pupils thus have the chance to become absorbed in the books, with an understanding for the characters and events.
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Excluded in the Classroom : Examining Otherness in Terms of Ethnic Exclusion, Gender Stereotypes and the Neglect of Non-Heteronormative Groups in Educational Materials in Swedish Upper Secondary SchoolsNilsson, Susanne January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this degree project is to examine to what extent certain groups in society are represented in the teaching material in upper secondary schools in Sweden. Through the scrutinizing of a selected number of English textbooks, the intention is to analyse texts and images to see whether representation of individuals on the basis of ethnicity, gender, gender identity and sexual orientation occur in the material. Another aspect of the essay is to identify possible stereotypes regarding the mentioned categories. The analyses draw on a number of theories: postcolonial, feminist and gender, as well as queer theories, in order to relate possible non-representation in the teaching material to the key concept of otherness. Furthermore, the concepts of hegemony and heteronormativity serve an important role in the analyses of the material as they expose dominant structures in society which tend to give certain groups authority over others.
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Läsförståelse i läromedel : En läromedelsanalys med fokus på läsförståelsestrategier / Reading comprehension in teaching materials : A teaching material analysis focusing on reading comprehension strategiesSvensson, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur arbetet med läsförståelse behandlas i tre läromedel i svenska för årskurs två. Utifrån syftet formulerades tre forskningsfrågor: Vilka olika läsförståelsestrategier förekommer i elevernas arbetsbok? Vilka kunskapskrav motsvarar arbetsbokens uppgifter som är kopplade till läsförståelsestrategier? Hur beskrivs lärarens roll och arbetssätt i lärarhandledningen kopplat till arbetet med läsförståelsestrategier? I studien genomfördes en innehållsanalys av läromedlen. Studien utgick från ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande, vilket innebär att lärande ses som socialt och situerat där språket är ett viktigt verktyg för att utveckla kunskap. Detta perspektiv har använts i analysen med fokus på hur undervisningen beskrivs i läromedlen. Resultatet av studien visar att i två av läromedlen förekom de flesta av läsförståelsestrategierna som beskrivs i aktuell forskning. Uppgifter förekom även som tränade alla delar av kunskapskravet för årskurs tre i svenska kopplat till läsförståelse (Skolverket, 2018). I ett läromedel var fokus främst på en strategi och en del av kunskapskravet vilka var överrepresenterade i arbetsboken. Lärarens roll beskrevs på liknande sätt i alla läromedlen. Slutsatsen blir att inget läromedel är komplett och att läromedelsanalyser behövs för att veta vad undervisningen behöver kompletteras med. / The aim of this study was to investigate how reading comprehension is dealt with in three teaching materials in Swedish for grade two. Based on the aim, three research questions were formulated: What different reading comprehension strategies occur in the students' workbook? What knowledge requirements correspond to the workbook's tasks that are linked to reading comprehension strategies? How is the teacher's role and way of working described in the teacher's guide linked to the work on reading comprehension strategies? The study carried out a content analysis of the teaching materials. The study assumes from a socio-cultural perspective on learning, which means that learning is seen as social and situated where the language is an important tool for developing knowledge. This perspective has been used in the analysis with a focus on how the teaching is described in the teaching materials. The result shows that in two of the teaching materials most of the reading comprehension strategies from current research was included. Assignments also existed that trained all parts of the knowledge requirement for grade three in Swedish connected to reading comprehension (Skolverket, 2018). In one teaching material, one strategy and one part of the knowledge requirement were over-represented in the workbook. The teacher’s role was basically similarly described in all teaching materials. The conclusion is that no teaching material is complete, and that teaching materials analysis is needed, to know what the teaching needs to be supplemented with.
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