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Genusperspektiv på två av grundskolans teknikböcker : Två textanalyser / Gender Perspective on two Technology Books for Secondary SchoolAue Andersson, Gabriela, Hjortsberg, Tobias January 2018 (has links)
Enligt Skolverkets styrdokument ska skolan arbeta aktivt för jämställdhet och har även ett ansvar att motverka traditionella könsmönster. Dessa mönster blir tydliga inte minst ispråket. Sveriges Riksdag har antagit flera mål för svensk språkpolitik som bland annatinnebär att språkbruk som konserverar könsroller och osynliggör kvinnor ska motverkas. Skolans ansvar att aktivt arbeta för jämställdhet omfattar alltså också språket. Syftet med denna studie är att analysera två aktuella läroböcker i ämnet teknik för grundskolan för att undersöka i vilken utsträckning dessas texter uppfyller jämställdhetskraven från Sveriges Riksdag och Skolverkets styrdokument. Med utgångspunkt i genusteori och sociolingvistik har två läroböcker analyserats. Metoden som används i analysen är textanalys i form av en kvantitativ innehållsanalys och en kvalitativ diskursanalys för att undersöka exempelvis tolkning av budskap, avsikter eller meningsstrukturer. Analysen genomfördes genom att jämföra hur ofta kvinnor och män nämns i texterna, samt genom att utvärdera vilka adjektiv och particip som används för att beskriva kvinnor och män. Resultatet visar att män oftare nämns i texterna än kvinnor. Dessutom är positivt laddade adjektiv, som nyfiken eller initiativtagande, oftare förknippade med det manliga könet. Analysen visar också att flest män förekom som personnamn, vilka till största del är välkända forskare och uppfinnare som historiskt sett mestadels varit män. Männen var representerade fler gånger i texterna men också fler aktiva particip, som resande eller skapande, var associerade med män. Kvinnorna blev i vissa fall starkt förknippade med hem och familj ochinte med sin yrkesroll. Denna studie drar slutsatsen att de granskade läroböckerna inte kan sägas uppfylla jämställdhetskraven i läroplanen för grundskolan. Läroböckerna uppfyller inte Statistiska centralbyråns (2016) 40/60-princip för jämställda texter och männen framställs som mer aktiva med fler positiva adjektiv knutna till sig medan kvinnorna antingen osynliggörs eller beskrivs som avvikande från normen. Dessa böcker behöver emellertid inte avfärdas på grund av detta. Lärare kan använda böckerna för att visa och diskutera förhållandet mellan kvinnor och män i dagens samhälle med sina elever. På så sätt kan normer utvecklas och bidra till ett öppnare och mer tillåtande klimat i framtiden. Studien lyfter slutligen även diskussionen runt könsneutrala texter då en av läroböckerna fanns mer könsneutralt skriven. / Gender equality is a central topic and it is regulated through the Swedish parliament regulations, laws against discrimination and equality laws. Swedish parliament adopted goals for Swedish language policy, which says that language usage that conserves gender roles and obscuring women in, for example, the authorities' texts and in the language used in media, workplaces and schools should be counteracted. Gender equality is also found in the in the curriculum of the elementary school and it should permeate all of the school’s activities. According to Skolverket curriculum the school also has a responsibility to prevent traditional gender patterns. The purpose of this study is to determine whether two textbooks written for the course Technology in elementary school lives up to the requirements of gender equality as stipulated in the curriculum and by the Swedish law regulations. Based on gender and sociology theory, two textbooks have been analysed. The method used in the analysis of the two selected textbooks is text analysis, in the form of a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative discourse analysis, to distinguish and look at different parts of the text and examine different phenomena such as interpretation of messages, intentions or meaning structures. The textbooks are analysed both by means of comparing how often women and men are mentioned in the texts, as well as by evaluating the adjectives and participles by which women and men are described. The analysis shows that men are more frequently mentioned in the texts than women are. Moreover, positive adjectives and participles are more commonly associated with the male gender. The analysis also shows that men are usually linked to the public sector by association to their professional titles, where the personal names were mostly associated with well-known scientists and inventors, who historically were mostly men. Since the men were represented more in the texts more active participles were also found associated with men. In some cases, the women in the books are much more associated to their home and family roles than their professional titles. This study concludes that the reviewed textbooks cannot be said to meet the gender equality requirements in the curriculum for the elementary school. Men are in focus and the books confirm prejudice that exists in the society against women and men. However, these books do not need to be dismissed. Teachers can use these to show and discuss the relationship between women and men in today’s society with their students. This way norms can become more developed and contribute to a more permissive climate in the future.
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Three Essays on the Design and Responsiveness of Energy PoliciesChen, Yajiao 07 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Explorative Visual Analysis of Rap MusicMeinecke, Christofer, Hakimi, Ahmad Dawar, Jänicke, Stefan 04 May 2023 (has links)
Detecting references and similarities in music lyrics can be a difficult task. Crowdsourced knowledge platforms such as Genius. can help in this process through user-annotated information about the artist and the song but fail to include visualizations to help users find similarities and structures on a higher and more abstract level. We propose a prototype to compute similarities between rap artists based on word embedding of their lyrics crawled from Genius. Furthermore, the artists and their lyrics can be analyzed using an explorative visualization system applying multiple visualization methods to support domain-specific tasks.
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VEM FÅR SYNAS? : En ikonografisk visuell analys av läroböcker inom samhällskunskap för yrkesprogram på gymnasiet / Who is represented? : An iconographic visual analysis of social studies textbooks for vocational programs at upper secondary schoolsMaarman, Denzel January 2023 (has links)
Textbooks are one of the most common educational materials used at Swedish upper secondary schools. Diversity and inclusion have become increasingly important topics in Swedish society, and it is important to ensure that they are reflected in learning materials such as textbooks. The purpose of this research project was therefore to, through an intersectional theoretical approach, achieve increased knowledge about which constructions of social identities and roles as professional workers that are conveyed through teaching materials in three social studies textbooks. This study was governed by two research questions which are as follows: What constructions of social identities are conveyed through the books' images and text? and What constructions of professionals are conveyed through the books' images and text? These questions in the study were explored through a theoretical framework that presents representation in three perspectives, namely the age, gender, and ethnicity. Qualitative analysis method was applied to analyze both visual and textual content in this study. With regards to the visual aspect of the study, an iconographic analysis tool, which looks at the icons or symbols in images to determine the images original meaning or intent was used. The written text was analyzed with the help of Ammerts Typology which examined the establishing, explaining, reflecting/analyzing and normative presentation types of the surrounding text. The study shows that the textbooks' images and text partly lack aspects of inclusion and diversity. This result indicates that a possible revision existing textbook is needed, which may entail creating new materials that are more inclusive. It takes continuous effort and commitment to ensure that all social identities and occupations are represented in educational materials.
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Efter tio sekunder slocknar ljuset och de hör bara hans hemska skratt försvinna genom tunneln : En analys av spänningsskapande element i Arkeologdeckarna / "After ten seconds the light goes off and they only hear his ghastly laughter disappearing through the tunnel". : An analysis of suspense-building elements in "The Arkeolog Sleuths".Gustavsson, Catarina January 2017 (has links)
In todays´s Swedish society you need to have good reading skills. Every day life contains many occasions when you have to read and understand what it is you are reading. This can be anything from reading the newspaper to paying a bill. The Swedish curriculum states that all pupils should be given the opportunity to develop strategies so that they will be able to create their own texts and to understand other people´s texts. One way to achieve these goals is to allow pupils to read various texts, ranging from factual texts to fiction. Fiction contains many different genres, and one of the genres that appeal to many children is the detective story. This genre contains various suspence-creating elements that attract the reader to read further, which helps pupils to develop their reading strategies. Therefore, this study describes a text- and image-analysis of two books in a book series named The Arkeolog Sleuths. The study focuses on suspence and on how suspence can be created in a book written for children. The scientific theoretical perspective that this study is based on is Hermeneutics and the hermeneutic circle which means that you starts to examine the entirety, goes into the details and then out to the whole again. The scientific method being used is Narratology that answers the questions of what is told, and how it is told. The results of the analysis shows that the child detective story contains several elements that creates suspence in a text. Some of these suspence-creating elements are highlighted as well as the interaction between text and illustration to enhance these.
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The Dynamics of the NATO expansion to the Baltic states : A study about NATO with a focus on the United States from a Realism perspectiveJaktlund Gunnarsson, Pontus January 2023 (has links)
During the Cold War, NATO had proved itself successful in protecting the West. Therefore, NATO was seen as an organization that had the potential of maintaining security, democracy and peace. It has been repeatedly suggested that the US promised Russia no more NATO expansion. A promise which was broken in the 90s. During the 90s the Clinton Doctrine introduced a new way of expanding democracy. The US, NATO and EU began to argue that NATO was an extension of democracy, peace and economic prosperity, which was especially prominent during the expansion to the Baltic states. The expansion to the Baltics made Russia sensitive towards expansion to other post-Soviet regions. Interestingly, during this expansion US-Russian relations were stable and featured extensive cooperations between NATO and Global War on Terror missions. Moreover, the US made several treaties to keep relations stable in the Baltic Sea region, and they also promoted economic trade with both the Baltic states and Russia.
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Unravelling the discursive fabric of climate tipping points : An analysis and structuring of views in the scientific discourseFranzén, Elliot, Alsén, Petter January 2022 (has links)
The notion of climate tipping points (CTP:s) has gained traction in academia. Unravelling the intricate weave of views in the discourses surrounding CTP:s can be helpful to structure the views in the discursive fabric of climate tipping points and in turn get a better understanding of the views surrounding the phenomenon. This study aims to clarify the different views on climate tipping points by creating a set of distinct ideal types based on the scientific literature surrounding CTP:s. Furthermore, we analyse these views and reflect on their relationship and functions through textual analysis. The analysis yielded four reoccurring, interconnected themes: Knowledge, View on (Ir)reversibility, Risk and Action. Using these themes, we created four ideal types to help intellectually structure the weave of differing views. Furthermore, we found that the relationship between the views on these themes and the acceptance of climate tipping points often is convertibly indicative. The analysis of the literature also revealed that CTP:s have much in common with climate change in large and reifies the urgency, risk implications, uncertainties, and suggested actions expressed in broader climate change literature. A key insight is that accepting CTP:s is not pivotal for voicing strong concerns about climate change but rather they may serve as a metaphoric tool for scientists in communicating climate change issues. / Begreppet climate tipping points (CTP:s) har fått ökande utrymme inom akademin. Att nysta upp den invecklade väven av synsätt inom diskurserna kring CTP:s kan vara till hjälp för att strukturera synsätten på fenomenet och i sin tur få en bättre förståelse för dem. Denna studie syftar till att göra detta genom att skapa en uppsättning distinkta idealtyper baserade på karaktärsdrag från ett urval av den vetenskapliga litteraturen kring CTP:s. Dessutom analyserar vi dessa åsikter och reflekterar över deras relation och funktioner genom att tillämpa en tematisk textanalys. Analysen resulterade i fyra återkommande och sammankopplade teman: Kunskap, Synen på (ir)reversibilitet, Risk och Åtgärder. Med hjälp av dessa teman skapade vi fyra idealtyper ämnade att bidra till att intellektuellt strukturera väven av olika synsätt. Vi fann även att förhållandet mellan synen på dessa teman och accepterandet av CTP:s ofta är indikativt omvändbart. Analysen av litteraturen visade också att CTP:s har mycket gemensamt med klimatförändringar i stort och understryker dess brådskande karaktär, risker, osäkerheter och föreslagna åtgärder som uttrycks i litteraturen rörande klimatförändringar. En nyckelinsikt är att acceptansen för CTP:s inte är avgörande för att uttrycka stark angelägenhet för klimatfrågor, utan snarare att de kan fungera som ett metaforiskt verktyg för forskare att kommunicera klimatfrågor med.
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Kampen om eleverna : En kvalitativ studie av informationsmaterialet från gymnasieskolor i Skellefteå / The battle for the students : A qualitative study of the information material from secondary schools in Skellefteå countyBurlin, Malin January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to see how secondary schools in Skellefteå County market themselves in order to attract students. How the schools portrait themselfs, what is in focus in the information material and how the schools communicate their message to the students who are about to choose schools are the questions asked. The study contains both municipal secondary schools and independent secondary schools. A text analysis has been implemented on texts from the schools websites and interviews were conducted with five respondents from the municipal secondary schools. The independent secondary schools were unable to participate in interviews. The study is based on theories regarding communication, marketing and campaigning. The study shows that the municipal secondary schools are in the progress of presenting a united profile and identity. This is something that this study found is not really anchored with everyone who works with marketing the schools. Furthermore they want to be perceived as the serious and stabile alternative and this also is the main focus in the material from all municipal secondary schools. The independent schools seemingly wants to be perceived as caring and their main focus in the material lies in the employability of the students. They also seem to find it important to uplift the fact that it is possible to get the competence needed to carry on to university through their educational programs. Both municipal secondary schools and independent secondary schools communicate their message mainly with a sensemaking view on communication, in other words they seek a kind of relationship with the students in order to get their message through.
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Den kompetenta medarbetaren i statens tjänst : En historisk jämförelse av efterfrågad kompetens för handläggare på SkatteverketKarlsson, Anna January 2024 (has links)
Abstract This essay is interested in the changes that have taken place in the view of competence among the civil servant. As a state employee, you are indeed employed on behalf of the authority, but by extension you are also appointed on behalf of the citizens. As the work is a socially useful mission, special requirements are placed on the work being done with special regard to democratic values such as legal certainty, the equal value of people and providing citizens with efficient and good service, a so-called special public ethos. Due to the sweeping social changes that society has undergone in the last twenty years, including increased globalization and digitization, different and increased demands are placed on working life today than before. These changed conditions have meant that the requirements for what an employee is expected to be able to do are more complex in today's working life, and the concept of competence has become an accepted term to describe the special requirements that are set in today's working life. Competence as a concept can be briefly described as that you as a person must be able to act appropriately based on a given situation, which places demands on something more than formal qualifications such as requirements for education and previous experience. By quantitatively analyzing the content of job advertisements for administrators at the Tax Agency, I have investigated changes in which qualifications and competences are in demand at two different times. I have then done a comparative analysis where I have identified similarities and differences based on three different themes, formal competence, informal competence and the civil servant role. The result shows that the requirements for competences linked to above all efficiency have increased, while descriptions of competences based on a common societal mission have decreased. The conclusion is that modern requirements for the competence of government officials have followed the general social development and have crowded out traditional public values based on democratic values such as legal certainty and equality, a so-called public ethos. / Sammanfattning Den här uppsatsen intresserar sig för vilka förändringar som har skett i synen på kompetens hos den statliga tjänstemannen. Som statsanställd är man visserligen anställd på uppdrag av myndigheten men i en förlängning är man också tillsatt på uppdrag av medborgarna. Eftersom arbetet utgörs av ett samhällsnyttigt uppdrag ställs särskilda krav på att arbetet sker med särskild hänsyn till demokratiska värden såsom, rättssäkerhet, människors lika värde och att ge medborgarna effektiv och god service, ett så kallat offentligt etos. Med anledning av de genomgripande samhällsförändringar som samhället genomgått de senaste tjugo åren med bland annat ökad globalisering och digitalisering så ställs det andra och nya krav i arbetslivet idag än tidigare. Dessa ändrade förutsättningar har inneburit att kraven på vad anställda förväntas kunna är mer komplexa i dagens arbetsliv och begreppet kompetens har blivit ett vedertaget begrepp för att beskriva dessa särskilda krav. Kompetens som begrepp kan kort beskrivas som att en person ska kunna agera ändamålsenligt utifrån en given situation vilket ställer krav på något mer än formella kvalifikationer såsom utbildning och tidigare erfarenhet. Genom att kvantitativt analysera innehållet i platsannonser för handläggare på Skatteverket undersöks i denna uppsats förändringar i vilka kvalifikationer och kompetenser som efterfrågas vid två olika tidpunkter. En jämförande analys har genomförts för att identifiera likheter och skillnader utifrån tre olika teman: formell kompetens, informell kompetens och statstjänstemannarollen. Resultatet visar att kraven på kompetenser kopplat till framför allt effektivitet har ökat samtidigt som beskrivningar på kompetenser utifrån ett gemensamt samhällsuppdrag har minskat. Slutsatsen är att moderna krav på kompetens hos statliga tjänstemän har följt den allmänna samhällsutvecklingen och har trängt undan traditionella offentliga värden såsom demokrati, rättssäkerhet och jämlikhet, ett så kallat offentligt etos.
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Utvecklingen mot en skolidrott för unga av unga : En kvalitativ textanalys av Svenska skolidrottsförbundets utveckling mot ett elevlett förbund / The evolution towards school sports for students by students : A qualitative text analysis of the Swedish school sports associations’ evolution towards being student ledMöller, Ludvig January 2024 (has links)
During the beginning of the 20th century, the Swedish School Sports Association was started with the goal of developing sports for students in Swedish schools. The association arose as part of the sports movement in Sweden and is a committee of the National Sports Confederation. During the first half of the 20th century, the Swedish Sports Association functioned like any other sports association, but with students as the focus group. In connection with their 50th anniversary, 1966, the Swedish School Sports Association invited students to their association's board. This became a turning point for the Swedish School Sports Association and what kind of association they have become in today. In modern times, the Swedish School Sports Association is an organization that works to teach young people to lead and take responsibility through democratic leadership, an organization for young people, led by young people.In this essay, the aim is to examine how the Swedish School Sports Association's development into a association led by students and young people began and developed. To analyze this development, this essay uses a qualitative text analysis as its method to analyze the Swedish School Sports Association's own archive material in the form of the member magazine Final, Activity Reports and campaign protocols between the years 1966–1981. Robert Putnam's theory of social capital which defines how an organization's social capital can be valued through "civic virtue" is used to value and develop a functioning democracy within a group. Putnam's theory will be used to visualize how this development of the Swedish School Sports Association has changed the organization's social capital with a focus on the students' integration. The essay asks three questions that aim to answer how students are engaged and involved in the organization of the Swedish School Sports Association and how this has developed democratic values within the association. With the aim of investigating students involvment within the organization, these questions will shape the structure of the inquiry and focus the reading of the archival material.The essay comes to the conclusion of how the development of the Swedish School Sports Association has gone over 15 years, from an organization with a low social capital where the students were only participants in the physical activities, to an organization with high social capital where the students are involved in everything from the physical activities to participation on the board. The survey also shows how unique this development has been during the latter half of the 20th century when placed in a larger societal and international perspective. A unique development for Swedish sports where the Swedish School Sports Association is one of the earliest to let students participate and lead. At the same time as it is an opposite development from American sports that is developing.
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