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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wozu so ein Aufwand?

Bergert, Aline, Hoyer, Marika, Geburek, Doris 05 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Zum ersten Mal an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg wurde im Wintersemester 2012/13 eine klassische Präsenzvorlesung in ein umfassendes handlungsorientiertes Blended-Learning-Szenario (Methode: Flipped Classroom; Tools: OPAL-Kurs mit Wiki, Forum etc.) transformiert und evaluiert. Im folgenden Beitrag werden die Ergebnisse des Pilotversuchs vorgestellt und aus Sicht der beteiligten Akteure kritisch diskutiert.

FC WInf: Flipped Classroom in der Wirtschaftsinformatik

Lorenz, Anja, Einert, Annett, Dinter, Barbara January 2012 (has links)
Szenarien mit Blended-Learning-Charakter sind Alltag an deutschen Hochschulen: Insbesondere durch die Verbreitung von Learning-Management- Systemen, in Sachsen namentlich „OPAL“, können Lehrveranstaltungen über die Präsenzveranstaltungen hinaus in nahezu allen Fachbereichen um computergestützte Lerneinheiten ergänzt werden. Nach der Etablierung von Web Based Trainings als typische digitale Ergänzungsmodule streben einige didaktische Konzepte die verstärkte Abstimmung von Präsenz- und Onlinephase an. In der jüngeren Zeit wurde vor allem die Idee des Flipped Classroom (auch Inverted Classroom genannt) diskutiert. Hierbei wird die traditionelle Aufteilung der Lehr-Lern-Aktivitäten, bei der die Wissensvermittlung in den Präsenzveranstaltungen und die Vertiefung des Gelernten in Übungen zu Hause stattfinden, vertauscht. Stattdessen erwerben die Studierenden das nötige Wissen online und im Vorfeld der Präsenzphase, in der dann mithilfe komplexer Beispiele und unter aktiver Einbeziehung der Studierenden das Verständnis gefestigt und durch den Lehrenden unterstützt angewendet werden kann. Auch die Großveranstaltung „Grundlagen der Wirtschaftsinformatik“ (GWI) an der TU Chemnitz soll im Übungsbetrieb durch ein Flipped-Classroom-Konzept verbessert werden. Hierfür werden bestehende Aufgaben mithilfe einer Fachlandkarte und der Bewertung der jeweiligen Lehrziele zu einem Online-Materialien-Pool aufgebaut. Die Präsenzphase soll zur stärkeren Einbeziehung der Studierenden in Form eines aktiven Plenums abgehalten werden.

Wozu so ein Aufwand?: Anpassung, Erprobung und Evaluation der Methode Flipped Classroom an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg

Bergert, Aline, Hoyer, Marika, Geburek, Doris January 2013 (has links)
Zum ersten Mal an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg wurde im Wintersemester 2012/13 eine klassische Präsenzvorlesung in ein umfassendes handlungsorientiertes Blended-Learning-Szenario (Methode: Flipped Classroom; Tools: OPAL-Kurs mit Wiki, Forum etc.) transformiert und evaluiert. Im folgenden Beitrag werden die Ergebnisse des Pilotversuchs vorgestellt und aus Sicht der beteiligten Akteure kritisch diskutiert.

Flipped classroom i matematik i gymnasieskolan : Studie av en gymnasieklass som undervisats enligt olika undervisningsupplägg i matematikkurserna Ma 1c, Ma 2c respektive Ma 3c / Flipped classroom in mathematics at the upper secondary school level : A study of an upper secondary school class which has been taught according to different teaching methods in the mathematics courses Ma 1c, Ma 2c and Ma 3c

Mattsson, Malin January 2013 (has links)
I föreliggande studie undersöks hur ett undervisningsupplägg baserat på flipped classroom påverkar resultatet i en matematikklass på det naturvetenskapliga programmet, samt hur eleverna förhåller sig till ett sådant undervisningsupplägg. Klassen undervisades av samma lärare, men med olika undervisningsupplägg, i tre olika matematikkurser: Traditionell undervisning med klassrumsbaserade genomgångar i Ma 1c; inverterad undervisning i Ma 2c där eleverna före lektionstillfället tog del av en videogenomgång, för att frigöra tid för uppgiftslösning i klassrummet; inverterad undervisning i Ma 3c med tillägget att man i klassrummet använde sig av undervisnings­verktyget peer instruction. En enkät gjordes angående elevernas attityder till de olika undervisningsuppläggen. Vidare gjordes en jämförelse av klassens resultat på de nationella proven med resultaten i riket, samt med resultaten för en elevgrupp som undervisats traditionellt. Enkätsvaren visar att eleverna var mycket nöjda med flipped classroom, och att majoriteten ansåg att de lärde sig mer med flipped-classroom-baserad undervisning än med traditionell undervisning. Detta gäller elever på alla betygs­nivåer; elever med såväl som utan tillgång till matematik­hjälp hemma; pojkar såväl flickor. Elevernas inställning till peer instruction var mera splittrad. Jämförelsen av resultat på de nationella proven visar en tydlig nedgång i elevernas prestation mellan Ma 1c och Ma 3c. Den största delen av nedgången skedde mellan Ma 1c och Ma 2c, dvs. då undervisning baserad på flipped classroom infördes. Denna nedgång skulle givetvis kunna ha andra orsaker än att flipped classroom införts i undervisningen. Slutsatsen att flipped classroom, såsom det implementerats i klassen, inte tycks ha någon positiv inverkan på elevernas akademiska resultat tycks dock motiverad. / A flipped classroom based teaching structure in a natural science programme class at a higher secondary school has been studied in terms of influence on academic results and pupil attitudes. The class of was taught in mathematics by the same teacher using different teaching structures in three different mathematics courses: In Ma 1c, the teaching followed a traditional structure with classroom based lectures; in Ma 2c, the teaching structure was flipped, in that the pupils watched lecture podcasts prior to the lesson in order to make more time available for problem solving in class; Ma 3c also had a flipped structure, with the addition of peer instruction exercises in the classroom. A survey was performed relating to the pupils’ attitudes to the different teaching structures. Furthermore, the results of the class at the national tests in mathematics were compared a control group consisting of pupils who had been traditionally taught, as well as control groups derived from national statistics. The survey revealed that the pupils were very positive to flipped classroom teaching. The comparison of the results on national tests revealed that the academic results of the class declined between Ma 1c and Ma 3c, with the largest part of the decline occurring between Ma 1c and Ma 2c, i.e. when flipped classroom was introduced. At least part of this decline could possibly be ascribed to other factors than the change of teaching structure. However, the conclusion that flipped classroom as implemented in the class at study does not have a positive influence on the academic results of the pupils seems motivated.

Análise da utilização do mapa conceitual com proposições incorretas como instrumento avaliativo em uma sala de aula invertida / Analysis of the use of conceptual map with incorrect propositions as an evaluation tool in an flipped classroom

Corrêa, Ronise Ribeiro 15 February 2019 (has links)
Os mapas conceituais são organizadores gráficos utilizados no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem. Sua efetividade em sala de aula é pouco explorada como instrumento avaliativo por alguns motivos como o treinamento dos alunos, na sua elaboração e na devolutiva do professor aos alunos, que pode ser influenciada pela forma de abordagem e recepção. Essa pesquisa teve por objetivo investigar a utilização dos mapas conceituais com proposições incorretas como instrumento avaliativo em uma sala de aula invertida Flipped Classroom. Foi investigado também quais as estratégias de ensino e de aprendizagem utilizadas pelo professor e pelos alunos para se planejarem e se organizarem dentro da disciplina. Três estudos foram realizados para analisar o efeito do mapa conceitual com proposições incorretas no desempenho dos alunos (Estudo 1), como os alunos se prepararam para as aulas e para as provas em uma disciplina cuja metodologia da sala de aula foi invertida (Estudo 2) e quais foram as estratégias de ensino e de aprendizagem utilizadas pelo professor e pelos alunos nessa organização pedagógica (Estudo 3). Participaram dessa pesquisa 86 alunos ingressos na Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades da Universidade de São Paulo, no primeiro semestre de 2016, na disciplina de Ciências da Natureza. O referencial teórico fundamentou-se na Teoria da Carga Cognitiva de Sweller (1988) e na Teoria Social Cognitiva de Bandura (1986). A abordagem utilizada para a pesquisa foi mista sendo no Estudo 1 e Estudo 2 quantitativa e no Estudo 3 a qualitativa e o procedimento escolhido foi o estudo de caso. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que: o mapa conceitual com proposição incorreta pode ser mais uma ferramenta avaliativa agregada às que são usualmente utilizadas pelos professores em sala de aula; o mapa conceitual com a demanda da tarefa sem direcionamento instrucional foi considerado mais difícil pelos alunos do que o que possuía uma demanda com direcionamento instrucional; a metodologia da sala de aula invertida causou um efeito favorável para que os alunos participassem e se preparassem mais para as aulas e para as provas mesmo que no início tenha havido uma relutância por parte deles; quanto mais estratégias de ensino o professor disponibiliza em suas aulas mais satisfatória e mais eficiente é a interação entre ele e seus alunos, o que propicia devolutivas mais pontuais e assertivas para os alunos promovendo a ressonância pedagógica entre eles professor e aluno. As análises revelaram que os mapas conceituais com proposições incorretas são muito bons para serem utilizados como um instrumento avaliativo, que a diversidade metodológica da sala de aula influenciou positivamente no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem e que as escolhas de estratégias podem potencializar esse processo permitindo a regulação do ensino pelo professor e autorregulação da aprendizagem por parte dos alunos. / Concept maps are graphic organizers used in the teaching and learning process. However, their effectiveness in the classroom is little explored in the literature mainly in the evaluation for some reasons such as the training of students in their elaboration, the amount of differentiated maps for the teacher to correct and in the composition of a scoring system so that they do not become a tool for the superficial and memoristic understanding of the content addressed in the classroom. The objective of this work was to investigate the effect of using conceptual maps in an unusual way: elaborated by the teacher of the discipline with incorrect propositions as an evaluation tool within an inverted methodological proposal - Flipped Classroom. The study also verified the teaching and learning strategies used by the teacher and the students to plan and organize their formative process within the discipline. Three studies were conducted to analyze the impact of this conceptual map on student performance (Study 1), as students prepared for classes and for tests with a discipline that inverted classroom methodology (Study 2) and which were the teaching and learning strategies used by the teacher and the students in this pedagogical organization (Study 3). A total of 86 students participated in the study of the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities of the University of São Paulo, in the first semester of 2016, in the discipline of Natural Sciences and the professor of the discipline. The theoretical framework was based on Sweller\'s Theory of Cognitive Load (1988) and on Curative Social Theory of Bandura (1986). The case study approach was used and the methodology adopted was differentiated for the studies: in Study 1 and Study 2 it was the quantitative one and in Study 3 it was used the qualitative one. The results obtained showed that (1) this conceptual map style can be an additional evaluative tool that is usually used by teachers; (2) task instruction on the conceptual map influences the student\'s understanding of knowledge; (3) the methodology of the inverted classroom has a favorable impact on the quantity and quality of time invested by the students in the preparation for the classes and proof; (4) the inverted classroom is a methodology that generates a more active and dynamic participation of the students, which in the first moment causes a reluctance on their part; (5) the more teaching strategies the teacher offers in his classes, the more interaction and punctual feedbacks occur between students and him promoting pedagogic resonance and (6) the more students use learning strategies, the more they excel in the subject. The analyzes revealed that the conceptual maps with incorrect propositions are very good to be used as an evaluation tool, that the methodological diversity of the classroom influenced positively in the teaching and learning process and that the strategies choices can potentiate this process allowing the teacher regulation and self-regulation of student learning.

Percepções de alunos sobre o uso do Whatsapp em um curso de espanhol para fins espcíficos para guias de turismo

Sampaio Júnior, Frederico Chaves 13 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-09-21T12:29:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Frederico Chaves Sampaio Júnior.pdf: 4036790 bytes, checksum: 7de09a8ef9c12f525b2cd9576a4bbc95 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-21T12:29:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Frederico Chaves Sampaio Júnior.pdf: 4036790 bytes, checksum: 7de09a8ef9c12f525b2cd9576a4bbc95 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-09-13 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This work aimed to investigate students' perceptions about the use of WhatsApp in a Spanish for Specific Purposes (SSP) course for tourism guides. For that, before the course, I identified how the tourism guides of the state of Sergipe used the WhatsApp social network in their work context, in addition to their digital profile. The work mixes the approach of teaching of Languages for Specific Purposes (HUTCHINSON e WATERS, 1987; HOLMES, 1981; CELANI, 1988; DUDLEY-EVANS; ST. JOHN, 1998; BELTRÁN, 2000, 2004; RAMOS, 2004; 2005; VIAN JR, 2008), with the social networks applied to education (CROSS, 1998; URRUTIA, 2010; PONCE, 2012; MATTAR, 2013; ARGÜELLES, 2013; RAMBE; CHIPUNZA, 2013; ABIO, 2014a, 2014b, 2014c; BANSAL; JOSHI, 2014; PAYÁ, 2014; MARÍN, 2014; OLIVEIRA, 2014; MIRANDA, 2015). The course was free, mediated by smartphones with WhatsApp installed, taught under the pedagogical guidance of the flipped classroom (BERGMANN; SAMS, 2012; SCHELL, 2013; VALENTE, 2014; MATTAR; MORÁN, 2014; TOURÓN; SANTIAGO; DÍEZ, 2014; PAULA; AZEVEDO, 2015; AZEVEDO, 2015; RAMAL, 2015; VOSGUERAU; SPINASSE; RODRIGUES, 2015, PAULA, 2015; MENDONZA, 2015). This course had as its target audience tourism guides that were in service and in pre-service in the state of Sergipe. This is a qualitative research through the case study research strategy (STAKE,1998; DENZIN; LINCOLN, 2006; YIN, 2010; STAKE, 2011). The results of this research demonstrated that the internet and smartphone configurations used by the students; the adequacy of work tasks and the availability of the teacher to the students in an asynchronous and especially synchronous way, together with the pedagogical practices of the flipped classroom are fundamental for an efficient teaching-learning process with the use of Whatsapp / Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar as percepções de alunos sobre o uso do WhatsApp em um curso de Espanhol para Fins Específicos (EFE) para guias de turismo. Para isso, antes do curso, identifiquei como os guias de turismo do estado de Sergipe utilizavam a rede social WhatsApp em seu contexto laboral, além de seu perfil tecnológico. O trabalho mescla a abordagem de ensino de Línguas para Fins Específicos (HUTCHINSON; WATERS, 1987; HOLMES, 1981; CELANI, 1988; DUDLEY-EVANS; ST. JOHN, 1998; BELTRÁN, 2000, 2004; RAMOS, 2004, 2005; VIAN JR, 2008), com a vertente de redes sociais aplicadas à educação (CROSS, 1998; URRUTIA, 2010; PONCE, 2012; MATTAR, 2013; ARGÜELLES, 2013; RAMBE; CHIPUNZA, 2013; ABIO, 2014a, 2014b, 2014c; BANSAL; JOSHI, 2014; PAYÁ, 2014; MARÍN, 2014; OLIVEIRA, 2014; MIRANDA, 2015). O curso foi de extensão, mediado por smartphones com o WhatsApp instalado, ministrado sob a orientação pedagógica sala de aula invertida (BERGMANN; SAMS, 2012; SCHELL, 2013; VALENTE, 2014; MATTAR; MORÁN, 2014; TOURÓN; SANTIAGO; DÍEZ, 2014; PAULA; AZEVEDO, 2015; AZEVEDO, 2015; RAMAL, 2015; VOSGUERAU; SPINASSE, RODRIGUES, 2015, PAULA, 2015; MENDONZA, 2015). Esse curso teve como público alvo guias de turismo que estavam em serviço e em pré-serviço no estado de Sergipe. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa por intermédio da estratégia de pesquisa de estudo de caso (STAKE,1998; DENZIN; LINCOLN, 2006; YIN, 2010; STAKE, 2011). A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de gravações de áudio das entrevistas, questionários e registro das comunicações via WhatsApp. Os resultados desta pesquisa demonstraram que as configurações de internet e dos smartphones utilizados pelos alunos; a adequação das tarefas laborais e a disponibilidade do professor para com os alunos de forma assíncrona e, especialmente, síncrona, juntamente com as práticas pedagógicas da sala de aula invertida são fundamentais para um processo de ensino-aprendizagem eficiente com o uso do Whatsapp

Classe inversée et élèves de l'enseignement secondaire : d'une perspective technologique à une approche anthropologique / The flipped classroom and secondary school students : from a technological perspective to an anthropological approach

Prignot, Patrick 17 April 2019 (has links)
Dispositif pédagogique qui réorganise temps et espaces scolaires grâce aux fonctionnalités des outils numériques, la classe inversée suscite un engouement important dans les sphères de l’éducation. Dans un contexte de développement rapide de cette pratique dans l’enseignement secondaire français, cette recherche s’intéresse à l’appropriation du dispositif par des élèves de lycée et interroge la dynamique créée chez les apprenants engagés dans une classe inversée. A travers de questionnaires et d’entretiens menés auprès d’élèves de huit classes de lycée, une analyse exploratoire a été conduite pour comprendre l’évolution des rapports au savoir des apprenants, ainsi que le repositionnement de l’élève face à l’enseignant dans la relation pédagogique. Il apparaît que le dispositif est un instrument au service du professeur plus qu’un levier de changement pour les élèves. Au-delà de l’impact sur la motivation, inégal selon les élèves, il semble que le dispositif de la classe inversée s’inscrive dans la problématique d’une redistribution des rôles au lycée qui mette l’élève en tension entre soumission et responsabilisation à propos de ses apprentissages. / A pedagogical tool which reorganizes educational time and space thanks to the use of new technologies, the Flipped Classroom has generated great enthusiasm in education. Given the rapid development of this instructional approach at the secondary level in France, this research looks at the appropriation of the flipped classroom by French high school students and questions the dynamics created for the learner navigating in a flipped setting. Using questionnaires and semi-directive interviews conducted with 8 high school classes, an exploratory analysis was done to understand the evolution of students’ relationship to knowledge and how they reposition themselves in relation to their teacher. It appears that the flipped classroom approach is more of an instrument to serve teachers’ needs than a change agent for students. Beyond its impact on student motivation, which differs from one student to another, the Flipped Classroom approach seems to come within the scope of the redistribution of roles at the high school level, placing the student in a situation of tension between submission and responsibility concerning his/her learning.

Community-based Service-Learning and Digital Media: A Teaching Practice Report on a Flipped-Classroom-based Crowdfunding Course for Social Pedagogues

Arnold, Maik 16 December 2019 (has links)
This teaching practice report looks ahead to the learning experiences of students relating to the use of digital media and their collaborative knowledge work within a service-learning project. This project takes into account the increasing digitalisation in higher education, in particular, its didactic-methodical, technological, and organisational implementation, as well as their integration into appropriate learning management systems. Undergraduate students initiated a crowdfunding campaign for young people aged between 12 and 18 in a rural town under the authors’ direction in the bachelor’s degree program “Social Pedagogics and Management” at a University of Applied Science in the Free State of Saxony, Germany. The two-semester course included a flipped classroom concept linked to a community-based learning approach that not only allowed for development of students’ digital literacy skills and a deepening of their theoretical knowledge in the field of alternative financing possibilities in human service organisations but also helped to enhance students’ social engagement. In this context, the learning management system ILIAS provided not only an appropriate digital knowledge architecture for the service-learning project but also offered a wide range of eLearning opportunities, a platform for multi-local project work, and the documentation of ePortfolios. This practice report aims at a short description of the teaching project itself, its implementation, and the results of the mentioned learning scenario and will conclude by summarising how the quality of technology-enhanced higher education pedagogy could be improved in future.

Digitalisation in Higher Education: A Flipped Classroom Arrangement to foster Internationalisation

Altmann, Mattis, Clauss, Alexander, Jantos, Anne, Lenk, Florian, Reeb, Samuel, Safavi, Ali Akbar, Schoop, Eric 17 December 2019 (has links)
This practical paper presents a successful international teaching & learning project in Higher Education (HE), which can be used as blue print for similar international HE teaching/learning cooperations. A virtual module, delivering 5 ECTS to participants from Germany and Iran, was organized as flipped classroom (FC), consisting of 2 phases: (1) online phase of 7 weeks, having started at April 12, 2019, with 15 students from Shiraz University, Iran, and 23 students from TU Dresden, Germany, collaborating in mixed teams of 5–6 participants each on a complex business case under tight guidance by qualified learning community managers, and (2) a follow-up on-site meeting at TU Dresden in the first week of July with 3 intensive workshops applying different techniques to consolidate the prior online collaboration results.

El aula virtual en las clases de ELE durante covid-19 : Percepciones de estudiantes y docentes de una escuela secundaria sueca / Online teaching of Spanish as a foreign language during covid-19 : Teacher and student perceptions in a Swedish secondary school

Forss, Ana January 2021 (has links)
La crisis sanitaria causada por la pandemia covid-19 en el mundo hizo que muchas escuelas se vieran forzadas a impartir clases virtuales o semipresenciales, muchas sin tener la preparación ni los recursos necesarios para llevar a cabo semejante tarea. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar las percepciones del alumnado y el profesorado de la asignatura de español como lengua extranjera de una escuela secundaria sueca con respecto a la experiencia de enseñanza virtual de los últimos dos años. El artículo aborda tres problemáticas: la preferencia de modalidad de enseñanza, las ventajas y desventajas de la modalidad virtual, y las tecnologías de la comunicación y la información que se pueden mantener en la enseñanza presencial. La metodología utilizada para recabar información de primera mano son dos encuestas: una con preguntas abiertas para profesores, y otra de preferencia y opinión siguiendo la escala de Likert para el alumnado. A su vez se usará el modelo de Fisher de dos colas para establecer correlaciones estadísticas que puedan probar las hipótesis. El marco teórico del trabajo es la teoría de la conectividad de Siemens y Downes, el concepto de competencia digital y el enfoque de “aula invertida” de Bergmann y Sams. / The sanitary crisis caused by the worldwide covid-19 pandemic forced many schools to impart blended and online teaching, despite the fact that many lacked the preparation or the necessary resources to carry out this task. This paper aims at studying the perceptions of Spanish as a Foreign Language secondary school students and teachers with respect to the distance education experience of the last two years. The article addresses three issues: the preference for a certain teaching modality, the risks and disadvantages of online teaching, and the digital tools and strategies that can be used in face-to-face teaching. The method used to obtain first-hand information are surveys: the teachers’ survey had open questions, and the students’ survey, Likert’s preference and opinion scales. In addition, Fisher’s exact test will be used to establish if there are statistically significant correlations between variables to prove the study’s hypotheses. The theoretical framework is Siemens’ and Downes’ theory of connectivity, the concept of digital competence and that of “flipped classroom” by Bergmann and Sams.

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