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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Valstybės tarnautojų mokymo sistema Austrijoje ir Lietuvoje / The training of civil servants in Austria and Lithuania

Lavišius, Tomas 28 January 2008 (has links)
Šis darbas nagrinėja Austrijos ir Lietuvos valstybės tarnautojų mokymo sistemas ir jų raidą Europos Sąjungos lygmeniu siekiamų tikslų atžvilgiu. Lietuvos valstybės tarnautojų mokymo sistema yra palyginama su valstybės tarnautojų mokymo sistema Austrijoje, kaip gilesnę demokratinio viešojo valdymo patirtį turinčioje šalyje. Ši lyginamoji analizė aktuali tuo, kad nagrinėjant dviejų skirtingo išsivystymo lygio šalių sistemas, gali būti perimta geroji patirtis, leidžianti spręsti su tyrimo objektu susijusias problemas. Nors valstybių narių viešojo administravimo sritis nėra tiesiogiai reguliuojama ES teisės aktais, tačiau vykdomos reformos, strateginiai tikslai bei jų įgyvendinimo programos kuriamos ir įgyvendinamos ES teisės aktų pagrindu. Darbe keliama hipotezė, jog skirtingose Europos Sąjungos šalyse (šio tyrimo atveju – Austrijoje ir Lietuvoje) valstybės tarnautojų mokymo sistemos raidą lemia Europos Sąjungos lygmeniu užsibrėžti tikslai, tokie kaip Lisabonos strategija. Atliktas teorinis ir praktinis tyrimas iš dalies patvirtina hipotezę. ES teisės aktais yra vadovaujamasi, tačiau lemiamą įtaką daro vietos faktoriai. Visgi, abi šalys vysto valstybės tarnautojų mokymo sistemą ta pačia kryptimi – Lisabonos strategijos įgyvendinimo link. Tai daugialypis procesas, kurio metu Lietuva, kaip jauna ES valstybė narė galėtų pasisemti gerosios patirties iš tokios pat nedidelės šalies kaip Austrija, kuri sėkmingai įgyvendina Lietuvoje dar menkai taikomus naujosios viešosios vadybos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This research analyses the training system of civil servants in Austria and Lithuania and the development of the training system in context of the goals of the European Union. The training system of civil servants in Lithuania is compared with the training system of civil servants in Austria, as in country, which has a deep tradition of democratic governance. The public administration systems of member states are not under control of the European Union law system, but the reforms strategies and realisation of them are implemented in context of the EU strategic goals, like Lisbon Strategy. So, the development of the training system of civil servants is under the influence of the EU strategic goals and law system. The research confirms this hypothesis partially. The development of the training system of civil servants is under the influence of the EU strategic goals, but more influenced are the local factors. However, both countries are developing the training system of civil servants in the same direction – to the realization of the Lisbon Strategy. It is the multiple process. Lithuania, as a new member state of the EU, could use the good experience of other small countries, like Austria, which has successfully developed the new public management principle in the training of public servants. However, there are a few similarities between the training systems in both countries: compulsory introductory education for the state servants and long-life-learning principles. The... [to full text]

Viešojo administravimo reformos įgyvendinimas Vakarų Balkanuose / Implementation of public administration reform in the Western Balkans

Bukantaitė, Virginija 24 January 2012 (has links)
Šiame magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjami viešojo administravimo reformos įgyvendinimo procesai Vakarų Balkanų šalyse – Albanijoje, Bosnijoje ir Hercegovinoje, Juodkalnijoje, ir Serbijoje. Šios reformos tikslas – kokybiškas visuomenės interesų tenkinimas. Valstybės buvo pasirinktos siekiant išsiaiškinti, kaip viešojo administravimo sistemos tobulinimas vyksta "ekstremaliomis" sąlygomis, kaip jaunos demokratijos valstybės sugeba adaptuoti pagrindinius viešojo administravimo principus. Analizuojant teorinius temos pagrindus, išryškėjo aktualiausi reformos elementai: marketizacija, decentralizacija, piliečių dalyvavimas, žmoniškųjų išteklių valdymas ir informacinės technologijos. Pirminė hipotezė suponuoja prielaidą, jog tyrimo metu bus nustatyta: viešojo administravimo reformos elementų įgyvendinimo lygis pasireiškia skirtingai kiekvienoje valstybėje ir egzistuoja priklausomybė tarp ekonominio šalies išsivystymo ir viešojo administravimo reformos įgyvendinimo lygių. Darbo mokslinis naujumas atsiskleidžia per šiuos aspektus: bus galima gauti apibendrinančias išvadas apie viešojo sektoriaus padėtį tiek kiekvienoje šalyje, tiek visame regione; šių reformos elementų įgyvendinimas tiriamas jaunos demokratijos šalyse; remiantis atvejo analizės tyrimo būdu, parengtas tyrimo modelis leis gauti duomenis, kurie pagilins ir praplės teorinį viešojo administravimo supratimą. Magistrinio darbo rezultatai gali būti naudingi ir kitoms po-komunistinio bloko valstybėms (pvz. Lietuvai)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This master's thesis analyses the process of implementation of the public administration reform in the Western Balkan countries - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia. The aim of this reform – qualitatively meet public interests. These states were selected to examine how the public administration system improvement is going in "extreme" conditions, how young democracy countries are able to adapt the basic principles of public administration. The analysis of the theoretical foundations highlighted the most relevant elements of the reform: marketization, decentralization, citizenry participation, human resource management and information technology. The primary hypothesis presupposes that this study will ascertain: the implementation level of the public administration reform elements vary in each country and there is a correlation between the country's economic development rate and the level of public administration reform implementation. The scientific novelty is revealed through the following aspects: it will be available to get the summarized findings of the public sector reform both in each country and across the region; the implementation of the reform elements is studied in young democracies; the developed design of the study allows to get data, which will deepen and enrich the theoretical understanding of public administration. The results of master work may be useful in other post-communist bloc countries (e.g. Lithuania), where the formation of a... [to full text]

Civil service reform and human resources management priorities in Mozambique.

Guebuza, Anchia Nhaca. January 2006 (has links)
<p>This study focused on the developments of Civil Service Reform (CSR) in Mozambique, and the priority issues pertaining to human resources management in the country. This research investigation performed an assessment of the human resources management priorities and its effectiveness in civil service reform in the Government of Mozambique.</p>

Ideologiernas kamp om välfärden -Om den sociala marknadens politiska polarisering / Ideologies struggle for the Swedish welfare – The political polarization of the welfare sector

Billevik, Joakim, Hägglund, Sandra January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka diskurser inom det sociala välfärdsarbetet utifrån ideologiskt politiska aspekter. Studien grundar sig på artiklar och publikationer från ideologiskt förankrade tidskrifter och organisationer. I arbetet har vi inspirerats av Faircloughs (2003) kritiska diskursanalys, då den inte enbart fokuserar på diskurs utan även strukturerna som påverkar den. I studien kan vi se hur liberala och socialistiska ideal är dominerande inom välfärdsdebatten. Dessa har kommit att bilda två olika diskurser som konkurrerar med varandra om att bli dominerande gällande hur välfärden ska bedrivas. Idag kan vi se hur den marknadsekonomiska diskursen är den som vunnit mest mark, men det finns vissa indikationer på en eventuell diskursiv förändring. Arbetet tar sin utgångspunkt i två idag etablerade begrepp; New Public Management och Evidensbaserad praktik och de diskursiva svängningar begreppen vållat. / The purpose of this study is to investigate discourses influence of the social welfare, based on ideological and political aspects. The study is based on articles and publications from ideologically entrenched magazines and web-sites. We have been influenced by Faircloughs (2003) critical discourse analysis, as it not only focuses on the discourse but also the structures that affects it. In the study, we can see how liberal and socialist ideals are dominant in the welfare debate. These have come to form two different discourses competing to become the dominant force in welfare. Today we can see how the market-economy discourse is the one which has gained most ground, but there are some indications of a discursive change. The work takes its starting point from two established concepts and the discursive fluctuations caused by the New Public Management and the Evidence Based Practice.

Naujosios viešosios vadybos evoliucionavimas į naująjį viešąjį valdymą / The new public management‘s evolution to the new public governance

Endružytė, Renata 27 January 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe atskleistos NVV pagrindinės atsiradimo priežastys, principai ir disfunkcijos, išaiškintas NVV evoliucijos į naująjį viešąjį valdymą procesas, nagrinėtos naujojo viešojo valdymo ypatybės bei pateiktos sėkmingo įgyvendinimo galimybės ir būtinos sąlygos. Šie procesai įtakoja valstybės viešosios politikos formavimą ir įgyvendinimą, visuomenės narių padėtį bei šalies ekonominę ir socialinę situaciją. Apžvelgti NVV atsiradimą sąlygoję veiksniai, išanalizuota NVV samprata, pagrindiniai principai ir įgyvendinimo trukdžiai. Nagrinėtas NVV evoliucijos į naująjį viešąjį valdymą procesas bei naujojo viešojo valdymo ištakos, specifika ir elementų visuma. Taip pat aptartos šių laikų naujojo viešojo valdymo ypatybės ir įgyvendinimo sunkumai bei pateiktos problemų sprendimų galimybės. NVV, vadybinių principų taikymas viešajame sektoriuje suponavo daug viešojo valdymo pokyčių, siekė viešojo valdymo procesų efektyvinimo ir teikiamų paslaugų kokybės gerinimo. Dėl įgyvendinimo priemonių parinkimo ir tinkamos aplinkos stokos, NVV sąlygojo daug disfunkcijų, kas įtakojo koncepcijos evoliucionavimo būtinybę. NVV evoliucionavo į naująjį viešąjį valdymą, kuris iškėlė efektyvumo ir demokratiškumo derinimo problemą, socialinės gerovės užtikrinimo svarbą. Viešojo valdymo modernizavimui reikalinga derinti įvairias teorines koncepcijas ir ieškoti tinkamiausių įgyvendinimo priemonių bei galimybių. / Master‘s work exposed the main causes of NPM, basic principles and dysfunctions, explained the evolution process from NPM to the new public governance, analyzed the new public management features, necessary conditions and posibility for successful implementation. These processes influence the public policy formation and implementation, public members‘ status and country‘s economic and social situation. There were reviewed factors of NPM‘s emergence, analyzed NPM concept, the basic principles and interference of implementation, considered the evolution process from NPM to the new public governance and the NPM origins, specificity and the set of elements. There were discussed about new public governance properties in these days and implementation problems as well as problems‘ solutions and capabilities. NPM, managerial principles aiming in the public sector, determined the range of public management changes, pursue the public management processes, improving the efficiency and quality of public services. Due to measures of implementation and the lack of appropriate environment, NPM influence some dysfunctions, which caused a necessity of conpet‘s evolution. NPM has evolved into the new public governance, which elevated the problem of efficiency and democracy coordination and importance of social welfare. To modernize public management there is necessary to combine different theoretical concepts and search for the most appropriate implementation‘s measures and opportunities.

Instituer la performance : une application au travail du médecin / Instituting performance : applied to physician labour

Da Silva, Nicolas 09 December 2014 (has links)
L’émergence de la logique de performance marque un changement majeur dans les stratégies publiques ou privées de management des ressources humaines. La relation médicale est exemplaire de cette évolution. Alors qu’historiquement les négociations entre l’Etat et les médecins portaient exclusivement sur des problématiques de prix, depuis le début des années 1990, la régulation publique se fait par les pratiques. L’objectif du contrôle est alors de promouvoir la qualité des soins – notamment sur les enjeux de santé publique – et la réduction des dépenses – en évitant le développement des maladies chroniques et en favorisant la prescription de médicaments génériques. L’introduction d’un dispositif de paiement à la performance médicale, en 2011, est l’étape ultime de ce tournant métrologique de la profession qui conduit à multiplier les dispositifs d’évaluation chiffrée de la pratique médicale et à mettre en indicateurs le travail du médecin. Dans une perspective institutionnaliste, notre thèse propose d’interroger la pertinence de cette réforme visant à instituer la performance.Nous montrons que cette institution de la performance n’est ni efficace ni efficiente. En conduisant à de nombreux effets pervers, elle se fait au détriment des intérêts des patients et des médecins de première ligne. L’injonction à la performance ne conduit pas à améliorer la qualité des soins et à renforcer la maîtrise des dépenses de santé, contrairement aux objectifs annoncés. Par contre, dans l’esprit du néolibéralisme contemporain, la santé est assimilée à un bien comme un autre autour duquel il est possible de mettre en concurrence les producteurs et les consommateurs. / The emergence of the logic of performance illustrates a major change in public or private human resources management strategies. The health care relation is exemplary of these evolutions. Historically, negotiations between the State and physicians exclusively focused on prices. However, since the beginning of the 90’s, public regulation is carried out through professional norms. The goal is to improve the quality of care and to control public spending (avoiding chronic diseases and encouraging the use of generic drugs). The introduction of pay-for-performance in France in 2011 is the ultimate stage in this metrological turning point defined by a numerically-based assessment of medical work. In an institutionalist viewpoint, our thesis seeks to question the relevance of this reform which aims at instituting performance.We show that this project is neither effective nor efficient. Leading to numerous perverse effects, it is implemented regardless of the patients’ interests and of the general practitioners. Contrary to what was proclaimed, this injunction for performance did not achieve the improvement of quality in medical care and the control of health expenditures. Yet, in the contemporary neoliberalism spirit, health is associated with a good as any other, surrounding which it is possible to generate competition among producers and consumers.

Span of Control’s Significance for Public Sector Employees’ Working Conditions and Well-Being

Lindmark, Tomas January 2018 (has links)
The reforms in the public sector, as consequence of New Public Management, have led to flattened organizational structure, increasing the span of control(SOC) width for managers. The aim of the study was to investigate the association between SOC width, working conditions (job demands, job resources and engaged leadership), employee health and engagement. SOC was measured as predictor for employee health and engagement, where mediation of working conditions effect on the relation was examined. Self-administrated surveys were collected from 1551 employees working under 109 managers in four public sector municipal operations in Sweden. The result displayed that it was unfavorable to have managers with a wide SOC for the employees working conditions, engagement and health. SOC was a significant predictor for health, while mediation of working conditions could not account for the relationship. These results indicate that a narrow SOC may improve working conditions and health outcomes for employees.

Gestão por resultados: proposta de desdobramento da estratégia e criação de incentivos para o alcance das metas na Prefeitura do Município de Osasco

Fryszman, Marjorie May, Moraes Júnior, Marcos Flávio de Cabral 02 December 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Marjorie May Fryszman (marjorief@terra.com.br) on 2015-01-05T20:17:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Fryszman & Moraes Jr. - Gestão por Resultados - PM Osasco.pdf: 2996023 bytes, checksum: 141b8590317b0c53c20b1f9fba4153ac (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Fabiana da Silva Segura (fabiana.segura@fgv.br) on 2015-01-05T20:24:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Fryszman & Moraes Jr. - Gestão por Resultados - PM Osasco.pdf: 2996023 bytes, checksum: 141b8590317b0c53c20b1f9fba4153ac (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-01-06T12:25:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fryszman & Moraes Jr. - Gestão por Resultados - PM Osasco.pdf: 2996023 bytes, checksum: 141b8590317b0c53c20b1f9fba4153ac (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-02 / In 2013, the Municipality of Osasco experienced a broad strategic planning process, in order to define objectives, indicators, targets and priority projects for the next four years. This process was coordinated by the newly created Department of Planning and Management (Seplag). Among the products of this effort, we can mention the Strategic Map of the Municipality and the Multiyear Plan (PPA) 2014-2017. By implementing a results-based management, searching a more efficient use of public resources, and using the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) – a private planning tool brought to the public management – the Government of Osasco made clear its intention to seek alignment with the principles of the 'New Public Management' (NPM). This present study aimed initially to respond to Seplag’s demand, which asked for a diagnosis and a subsequent proposition of monetary and non-monetary incentives to encourage the Municipality employees to pursue the fulfillment of the objectives, goals and projects contained in the strategic plan. Accordingly, it was sought to establish a conceptual model to support the adoption of recognition and reward policies by the Municipality of Osasco and, also, to describe national and international employee recognition and reward programs, especially within the public administration. Additionally, two new objectives were added to the one that was initially proposed: (1) checking how consistently the overall strategy is aligned with the teams and employees’ tasks and goals; and (2) verifying the level of compliance of the management model currently practiced with the principles of the New Public Management (NPM). Through literature searches, information provided by Seplag and qualitative research conducted with professionals from the Department of the Environment and the Department of Health (in-depth interviews and focus groups), it was possible to observe significant points of alignment with the principles of the NPM and also to propose actions for the improvement and continuity of the results-based management model in Osasco. / Desde 2013, a Prefeitura do Município de Osasco iniciou a implantação de um modelo de gestão por resultados, com a utilização da metodologia do Balanced Scorecard (BSC) e a celebração de Acordos de Resultados entre o prefeito e respectivos secretários. A dissertação objetivou, inicialmente, responder à demanda da Secretaria de Planejamento e Gestão (Seplag), de realizar diagnóstico e propor soluções de incentivos prioritariamente não financeiros para estimular os funcionários a perseguirem o cumprimento dos objetivos e metas contidos no planejamento estratégico da prefeitura. Neste sentido, buscou-se estabelecer um modelo conceitual para embasar a adoção de políticas de reconhecimento no trabalho, especialmente no âmbito da gestão pública. Adicionalmente, verificou-se a necessidade de agregar dois novos objetivos àquele proposto de início: (1) avaliar o nível de disseminação e desdobramento até as equipes de ponta das metas estratégicas pactuadas nos Acordos de Resultados, utilizando-se como referência a metodologia do BSC; (2) verificar o nível de aderência do modelo de gestão atualmente praticado pela prefeitura de Osasco aos preceitos da chamada Nova Gestão Pública (NGP). Ao final, são propostas ações para o aperfeiçoamento e continuidade do modelo de gestão adotado.

The 'death of improvement' : an exploration of the legacy of performance and service improvement reform in English local authorities, 1997-2017

Glennon, Russell J. January 2017 (has links)
When Tony Blair's New Labour administration took control in 1997, it sought to establish a programme of organizational, performance, and democratic reform. Initially badged as the modernizing government programme, it was later developed in the Best Value regime for local government, which imposed a centrally-controlled performance regime on all local authorities. This was characterized by a managerialist regime of external inspections, league tables, and reliance on extensive performance management, overseen by the Audit Commission. One of the first acts of the 2010 Coalition government was to dismantle this regime, along with announcing the abolition of the Audit Commission. This research sought to examine the legacy of the 1997-2010 performance regime on six English local authority case studies, identified via a deviant case analysis. An examination of the literature developed a conceptual model of seven dimensions of reform, and the research used an exploratory approach to examine the legacy of the performance regimes through a range of qualitative interviews and focus groups. The inductive analysis of interview data found that financial austerity dominated the local government environment, and the impacts of these cuts were felt across the entire group of case studies. These savings requirements had effectively broken the expectation of continuous improvement explicit in the Best Value duty what we refer to here as the death of improvement . Authorities were reducing staffing, which resulted in the loss of expertise and skills. They were also scaling back many universal services through managed decline , and deregulation of performance regimes was stimulating divergent responses to performance management arrangements, as well as influencing the relationship between politicians and performance management, and central performance staff and departmental staff. There were challenges raised around the residual inspections, largely restricted to social care and education, and how these interacted with central performance team models. The discussion develops a three-part model of performance as a system of governance , which integrates three key areas of theoretical and empirical development: performance management frameworks, accountability, and value for money. This allows four main contributions to knowledge: The concept of public value for money , Further development of our understanding of multiple forms of accountability A new model of performance management zones that articulates different roles for performance management at points within the organization A categorisation of the main changes in reform paradigms It concludes that understanding the values underpinning public sector reforms through a range of interpretive lenses is essential to fully comprehending the impact of reforms at three levels: conceptualization, operationalization, and implementation. The legacy of Comprehensive Performance Assessment and Comprehensive Area Assessment can be seen in the increased capacity and capability of local authorities to engage with performance management, and data and evidence-driven policy making. Yet, these capabilities may not have prepared authorities sufficiently for the demands of significant budget cuts driven by the post-2010 political environment.

Gestão pública contemporânea e a prática administrativa : estudo de caso do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo - IFSP

Mariotti Junior, Claudemir 12 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-14T14:19:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissCMJ.pdf: 1654890 bytes, checksum: 13da6abb22fa39aa1851ff994467c922 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-14T14:20:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissCMJ.pdf: 1654890 bytes, checksum: 13da6abb22fa39aa1851ff994467c922 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-14T14:20:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissCMJ.pdf: 1654890 bytes, checksum: 13da6abb22fa39aa1851ff994467c922 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-14T14:20:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissCMJ.pdf: 1654890 bytes, checksum: 13da6abb22fa39aa1851ff994467c922 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-12 / Não recebi financiamento / The settings of traditional public administration do not pay attention to the demands of contemporary society, which required changes in its structure from the 70s, so that it is possible to offer a more efficient service, to provide higher quality for citizens. In this vein, there appear the proposals of the movement called New Public Management, who design new ways of public management by incorporating techniques derived from the business management. This transformation reached Brazil only from the 90s, especially in the FHC government, but its impact on the change in the public bureaucracy are still developing. This study aims to value the development of public bureaucracy for the efficiency of its management and study the tools proposed by the New Public Management, to show how these ideas were adopted by the Brazilian government. These inputs will serve as a basis for analysis of case study of a new body in the educational sector: Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo. Through the analysis of his rectory and decentralized drive Matão, the proposal is to show that this one due to the combination of the current configuration of the public bureaucracy, coupled with an intense policy of expansion of the body, has a management permeated by deficiencies related to the adoption of inadequate management methodologies and it is possible to increase efficiency of its shares if engage in work with proposals of New Public Management. / As configurações da administração pública tradicional não atenderam às demandas da sociedade contemporânea, o que exigiu alterações em sua estrutura a partir da década de 70, para que fosse possível oferecer um serviço mais eficiente, que proporcionasse maior qualidade para o cidadão. Nesse diapasão, surgem as propostas do movimento chamado Nova Administração Pública, que desenham novos modos de gestão pública, por meio da incorporação de técnicas oriundas da administração de empresas privadas. Essa transformação chegou ao Brasil apenas a partir da década de 90, notadamente no governo FHC, mas seus reflexos na alteração do modo de funcionamento da burocracia pública ainda estão em desenvolvimento. O presente trabalho pretende avaliar o desenvolvimento da burocracia pública quanto à eficiência de sua gestão e estudar as ferramentas propostas pela Nova Gestão Pública, para evidenciar até que ponto tais ideias foram adotadas pelo governo brasileiro. Esses insumos servirão como base para análise de estudo de caso de um órgão novo do setor educacional: o Instituo Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo. Por meio da análise da estrutura administrativa de sua reitoria e da unidade descentralizada de Matão, a proposta é mostrar que este ente, devido à combinação da configuração atual da burocracia pública, aliada à uma política de expansão intensa do órgão, apresenta uma gestão permeada por deficiências relacionadas à adoção de metodologias de administração inadequadas e que é possível o aprimoramento da eficiência de suas ações, caso empenhe-se em trabalhar com propostas da Nova Gestão Pública.

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