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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La production d'une adhésion "relative" à une nouvelle politique sociale : le cas du dispositif de Réussite éducative à Toulouse de 2006 à 2009 / The production of "relative" adherence to a new social public policy : the example of the "Educational Success"opération in Toulouse from 2006 to 2009

Goirand, Stéphanie 16 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse montre comment une politique socioéducative locale, déployée à la croisée de plusieurs secteurs publics (éducatif, social, santé, loisir,…) et révélatrice de l’évolution actuelle des modes d’intervention sociale (individualisation, activation, contractualisation,…), est appropriée, construite et transformée par les acteurs de terrain, ainsi que dans l’interaction avec les usagers. À partir de l’étude du dispositif de Réussite éducative à Toulouse de 2006 à 2009, ce travail de recherche met en exergue les différentes phases qui ont balisé l’intégration et la structuration de cette nouvelle action publique sociale locale. D’une réception critique de la part des professionnels socioéducatifs locaux à une acceptation et une mobilisation progressives, nos investigations montrent comment les acteurs locaux ont contribué à transformer ce dispositif en une politique « palliative » et présentiste afin de répondre aux carences, aux dysfonctionnements du système socioéducatif local. C’est alors une adhésion « relative » à cette nouvelle politique publique que nous observons, dans le sens où les réticences exprimées au départ par les acteurs ne disparaissent pas, mais sont mises de côté compte tenu des besoins existants et de l’urgence des situations. Les acteurs ne sont pas dupes des tentatives de modification du système et continuent à y résister en cherchant à instrumentaliser le dispositif. Toutefois, l’adhésion, si relative soit-elle, finit par ouvrir progressivement la voie du changement sous l’effet de la création d’une succession de dispositifs, dont la Réussite éducative fait partie, qui tendent à promouvoir un nouveau paradigme social. / This thesis shows how local social and educational policy, deployed at the crossroad of several public sectors (educative, social, health, leisure, ...) and representative of the current trends in social intervention paths (individualisation, activation, contracting, ...) is appropriate, constructed and transformed by actors on the field, as well as in the interaction with users. From the study of the Educational Success operation in Toulouse from 2006 to 2009, this research highlights the different phases that have marked the integration and structuring of this new local social public action. From a critical reception by the local socio-educative professionals to a progressive acceptance and mobilization, our investigations show how local actors contributed to transforming the operation into a "palliative" and presentist policy in answer to the deficiencies and malfunctions of the local Socio-educative system. We then observe a "relative" adherence to this new public policy, in the sense that the reluctances expressed by the actors at the outset do not disappear, but are set aside considering the existing needs and the situations priorities. The actors are not fooled by the attempts to change the system and continue to resist them seeking to manipulate the operation. However, even if the adherence is limited, it could end by gradually opening the path to change under the influence of the a series of operation creation, including the Educational Success operation, which tend to promote a new social paradigm.

Vad är meningen? : Om tid för omsorg och berättelser i den målstyrda förskolan / What's the meaning? : An essay about time, care and narratives in a future oriented preschool

Hamberg Mitlin, Monica January 2019 (has links)
I den här vetenskapliga essän undersöker jag det i förskolan bärande begreppet ”mening”, i diskussion med ett antal andra texter. Utgångspunkten är att förstå ”meningen” som den kommit att beskrivas i en poststrukturell och postmodern teorivärld, det vill säga (delvis) språkligt konstruerad och kontextuell. I enlighet med den vetenskapliga essäns disposition, som den utvecklats på Centrum för praktisk kunskap på Södertörns högskola, inleder jag med att beskriva några situationer som jag varit med om under mitt yrkesliv, situationer som på något vis inneburit ett personligt dilemma. Sedan försöker jag förstå ”meningen” i dem, genom reflektion och ett intertextuellt samtal med framför allt filosoferna Paul Ricoeur, Jean-Francois Lyotard, Michel Foucault, Jonna Bornemark samt Maria Puig de la Bellacasa, professor i feminist science and technology och den ryske litteraturvetaren Michail Bachtin.Läroplanen för förskolan (2018) betonar hur grundläggande barns upplevelse av ”meningsfullhet” och ”meningsskapande” är för förskolans pedagogiska verksamhet. Men den talar också om ett ”livslångt lärande”, vilket fått mig att vilja utvidga diskussionen. Vad är existentiellt meningsfullt på förskolan – alltså inte bara ur ett ”lärande”-perspektiv? Jag hittar här ett problem som jag kopplar till läroplanens ”tidsuppfattning”, det vill säga dess upptagenhet av att målstyra, skapa resultat och kvalitetsutvärdera med sikte på en viss sorts framtid där barnen så småningom tänks verka. Med hjälp av Ricoeur försöker jag identifiera vad detta framtidsfokus får för konsekvenser, för mig och för barnen, här och nu. Jag upptäcker att det som går förlorat ärden konkreta, handgripliga omsorgen om barnen, vilket i och med det allt större intresset för ”lärande” blivit både nedvärderat och osynliggjort. Detta är, menar jag, en politisk handling med avsikt att rationalisera verksamheten i enlighet med en prestationsinriktad neoliberal världsuppfattning. Med Puig de la Bellacasa försöker jag sedan vrida och vända på tidsperspektiven för att hitta ett alternativt, spekulativt sätt att förstå ”mening” som ett sorts uttryck för kontextuella och, inte minst, materiella (tids-)behov. Ambitionen är att ge omsorgen i förskolan den vetenskapliga status jag tycker den förtjänar. / In this essay I will discuss the term “meaning”, a concept often used in the preschool context. My outset is to understand “meaning” as it is described in a post structural and postmodern world, that is linguistically and contextually.My essay is written in a form that has been developed in Centrum för praktisk kunskap at Södertörns högskola. Firstly, I share a few memories from my own experience as a (becoming) preschool teacher, some of which have included personal dilemmas. Then, I analyze these in an intertextual discussion with the philosophers and thinkers Paul Ricoeur, Jean-Francois Lyotard, Michel Foucault, Jonna Bornemark; the professor of feminist science and technology, Maria Puig de la Bellacasa; and the Russian literary scholar, Michail Bachtin,The Swedish preschool curriculum emphasizes children’s experience of “meaningfullness” as fundamental to the learning process. It also speaks of “lifelong learning” which prompted a desire to expand the discussion regarding this concept of “meaning” as an existential notion. What is existentially meaningful in the preschool context?In my analysis I found a contradiction in my role as a professional. I am obliged to act upon the curriculum, but at the same time I notice that something is lost in my relation to the children. I identify it as a problem relating to the concept of time in the curriculum – a time that is mostly focused on the future. My daily hard, emotional work with the children here and now, I found, is better described by Maria Puig de la Bellacasas concept of times, that is time as a “myriad” of time lines in the present – time lines that are presenting themselves as material demands of care (Puig de la Bellacasa, 2017, s. 207). In order to re-establish care as a (political) concept of knowledge in the preschool context I, like Puig de la Bellacasa, use post-humanism as a transdisciplinary theoretical frame work.

Uma análise dos serviços públicos eletrônicos sob a ótica dos gestores públicos e dos usuários / An analysis of electronic public services from the perspective of public managers and users.

Fernandes, Flávia 31 October 2013 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a qualidade dos serviços públicos eletrônicos sob a ótica dos gestores públicos e dos usuários. Para realizar tal pesquisa foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade com os gestores públicos da cidade de Ribeirão Preto e da cidade de Vinhedo. E também, foram aplicados questionários em sua forma on line para avaliar a satisfação dos usuários em relação ao site municipal (cidade de Ribeirão Preto) e o site estadual (site do Programa Poupatempo). Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa foram que os itens relacionados à facilidade de uso do site, oferecimento do que era esperado, fornecimento das informações com qualidade e o estímulo do site ao uso repetido foram os fatores melhor avaliados pelos usuários na cidade de Ribeirão Preto. E na cidade de Vinhedo, os itens que foram melhores avaliados foram: o fornecimento das informações com qualidade, o estímulo do site ao uso repetido e o oferecimento do que era esperado. Tais resultados implicam que apesar das diferenças existentes entre as cidades, os itens relacionados à satisfação dos usuários foram praticamente os mesmos. Logo, esta pesquisa contribuiu para auxiliar os gestores públicos municipais a nortear as suas ações para melhoria da qualidade dos serviços públicos oferecidos. A pesquisa revelou a necessidade de uma efetiva coordenação por parte de órgãos federais no sentido de facilitar o desenvolvimento dos serviços de governo eletrônico. Pesquisas futuras nesta área poderiam replicar o questionário e as entrevistas aplicadas visando corroborar os elementos identificados em outras esferas governamentais. / The objective of this research was to evaluate the quality of the electronics from the perspective of public managers and users of public services. To conduct such research indepth interviews were conducted with public officials of the city of Ribeirão Preto and the town of Vinhedo. Also, questionnaires were administered in form online to evaluate user satisfaction in relation to the municipal website (Ribeirão Preto) and state site (the site Poupatempo Program). The results obtained in the study were that items related to ease of use of the site, offering what was expected, provision of quality information and encouragement to the repeated use of the site were the best factors evaluated by the users in the city of Ribeirão Preto. And in the town of Vinhedo, items that were best were: the provision of quality information, the stimulus site to repeated use and delivery than expected. These results imply that despite the differences between the cities, the items related to user satisfaction were almost the same. Therefore, this research has contributed to assist the municipal administrators to govern its actions to improve the quality of public services. The survey revealed the need for effective coordination by federal agencies to facilitate the development of electronic government services. Future research in this area could replicate the questionnaire and the interviews applied aiming to corroborate the elements identified in other spheres of government.

La santé au travail dans les fonctions publiques territoriale et hospitalière : une approche par les ressources / Occupational health in hospital and local public service : resources-based approach

Rossano, Maryline 03 December 2018 (has links)
Stress, burnout, mal-être, bien-être, conditions de travail, Risques Psycho Sociaux (RPS), la santé au travail recouvre une multitude de notions. Nous avons choisi dans le cadre de ce travail d’envisager la santé à travers le prisme des ressources et de mobiliser la théorie de la conservation des ressources (COR) de Hobfoll (1989, 1998, 2001). Ses apports majeurs sont d’envisager la santé non plus seulement dans sa dimension pathogénique mais également dans une perspective salutogénique (Abord de Chatillon, 2005 ; Neveu, 2007, 2012 ; Richard, 2012) et d’aborder le phénomène en tant que processus tenant compte à la fois de ses aspects internes et externes. L’enjeu du présent travail est d’analyser plus finement le processus à l’œuvre, à la fois de maintien et de dégradation de la santé au travail dans le contexte spécifique des fonctions publiques territoriale et hospitalière. Depuis plusieurs décennies, ce secteur subit des transformations avec notamment la mise en œuvre d’une démarche de Nouveau Management Public (NMP) et la volonté d’appliquer des modes de gestion privés au public. Cette rationalisation bien que nécessaire économiquement a pour conséquence une intensification du travail qui affectent l’organisation du travail et la santé des agents. Ainsi notre étude qualitative à travers les trois articles qui la constituent défend la thèse suivante : la santé au travail est un processus dynamique auquel concourent l’individu, le collectif et l’organisation qui s’exprime à travers la relation aux ressources. Notre thèse contribue ainsi à identifier de nouvelles ressources organisationnelles, mettre en évidence le mécanisme de sollicitation des ressources et la capacité proactive et résiliente des individus, expliciter le processus de spirale, et confirmer le lien peu exploré entre Nouveau Management Public et stress au travail. / Stress, burnout, well-being, work conditions, psychosocial risks, occupational health covers multiple notions. We choose to consider health according to the conservation of resources theory (Hobfoll, 1989, 1998, 2001). Its major contributions consist firstly in considering health not only from a pathogenic aspect but also from a salutogenic one (Abord de Chatillon, 2005 ; Neveu, 2007, 2012 ; Richard, 2012). Secondly, it proposes to study health as a whole process including its internal and external aspects. The issue of this study is to analyse both the process of maintenance and decline of occupational health in the specific public context. For several decades, this sector has been undergoing major transformations with New Public Management reforms. Although economically necessary this rationalization results in work intensification which influence work organization and health of public agents. Thus, our qualitative study through the three articles considers that occupational health is a dynamic process (in which individuals, collective and organization participate) expressed through the relationship to resources. Our thesis offers several contributions to help identify new organizational resources, to highlight the process of resource mobilization and the proactive capacity, to explicit the spiral process and to confirm the link, not sufficiently explored, between the NPM and job stress.

Serviços compartilhados: um estudo sobre sua adoção por municípios da região sul do Brasil

Corrêa, Rodrigo Machado 29 August 2011 (has links)
Submitted by William Justo Figueiro (williamjf) on 2015-06-13T14:06:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 14.pdf: 1141943 bytes, checksum: 20860ee048dda9f851de4edff4e63792 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-13T14:06:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 14.pdf: 1141943 bytes, checksum: 20860ee048dda9f851de4edff4e63792 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-29 / Nenhuma / Esta dissertação tem como objetivo diagnosticar o uso, por parte da Administração Pública Municipal, de uma estratégia operacional de gestão organizacional baseada na concentração e compartilhamento de serviços. Para os fins desse estudo, entende-se o compartilhamento de serviços como uma estratégia de redução de custos, conforme preceitua os novos direcionamentos internacionais da gestão pública via adoção da estrutura da New Públic Management – NPM. Para tanto, foi realizada uma survey contemplando os 102 municípios mais populosos da região sul do Brasil, utilizando-se do questionário como instrumento de coleta de dados, respondido por gestores dos municípios pesquisados. Ainda quanto à classificação da pesquisa, tem-se como aplicada, exploratório-descritiva, com abordagens qualitativas e quantitativas. Quanto aos procedimentos de análise dos dados, as respostas foram analisadas com a utilização da estatística descritiva. Assim, os dados foram analisados em uma perspectiva quantitativa, com vistas ao estabelecimento de um Ranking Médio (RM) considerando, para tanto, uma escala tipo Likert de cinco pontos. Identificou-se a forte utilização dos consórcios públicos como uma forma de compartilhamento intermunicipal de atividades, entendidos esses consórcios como uma forma externa de utilização da filosofia dos Centros de Serviços Compartilhados. Destaca-se que os gestores manifestaram concordância ao fato de que o consorciamento pode ser uma eficaz ferramenta na otimização do uso dos recursos públicos. Nesse sentido, salienta-se que foram identificados 58 consórcios públicos intermunicipais no âmbito da amostra pesquisada. Apesar da não utilização da ferramenta dos Centros de Serviços Compartilhados no formato original, o compartilhamento de atividades concentra-se em 58 municípios, por meio de consórcios públicos legalmente instituídos, sendo 32 (55,2%) deles concentrados na área da saúde, com o Estado do Rio Grande do Sul apresentando maior recorrência dessa espécie de compartilhamento. / This study aims to diagnose the use by the Municipal Public Administration, an operational strategy based on organizational management concentration and sharing services. For the purposes of this study, the sharing of services is a strategy to reduce costs, as provided new directions of international governance through adoption of the structure of the New Public Management – NPM. To do this, was conducted a survey covering the 102 most populous municipalities in the southern of Brazil, using a questionnaire as a tool for data collection, that was answered by managers of the municipalities surveyed. Therefore, with respect to the classification of search, has as applied an exploratory, descriptive, qualitative and quantitative approach. The procedures for data analysis, responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Thus, the data were analyzed in a quantitative perspective, with a view to establishing a Ranking Medium (RM), whereas, to this end, a Likert-type scale of five points. The study identified the strong use of public consortium as a way of sharing municipal activities. At this case, the public consortium can be viewed like a way to external use of the philosophy of Shared Services Centers. It is noteworthy that the managers expressed agreement with the fact that the public consortium can be an effective tool in optimizing the use of public resources. In this sense, it is noted that 58 public consortium were identified in this study. Despite the non-use tool for Shared Services Centres in the original format, the sharing of activities is concentrated in 58 public consortium, 32 (55.2%) of them concentrated in the health area. It’s important to comment too that state of Rio Grande do Sul presented higher recurrence of this kind of sharing.

Řízení rozvojových projektů na lokální úrovni v rámci Iniciativy ES Interreg III B/C ve zkráceném programovém období 2004 - 2006 na území ČR

Lhotáková, Karolína January 2007 (has links)
Důvodem pro zpracování této diplomové práce bylo objasnění hlavních principů řízení rozvojových projektů, vyzvednutí významu spolupráce veřejné správy se soukromým sektorem a uvedení do problematiky realizace projektů v rámci iniciativy Evropského Společenství Interreg III B CADSES a Interreg IIIC, které byly realizovány českými projektovými partnery ve zkráceném programovém období 2004 ? 2006. Na základě provedené analýzy dotazníkového šetření autorkou diplomové práce byla zjištěna zásadní rizika realizace rozvojových projektů v rámci iniciativy ES Interreg III B CADSES a Interreg IIIC.

L'impact d'un changement de structure organisationnelle sur la prise de décision : le cas de l'introduction des pôles à l'hôpital public / The impact of a change in organizational structure on decision-making : the case of the introduction of cluster in the public hospital

Vallejo, Jimmy 18 June 2018 (has links)
Depuis les années 1990, le Nouveau Management Public a transformé l’hôpital public, on parle d’un tournant gestionnaire. L’apparition des pôles d’activité médicale en 2005, consiste en une nouvelle gouvernance hospitalière. Nous avons cherché comprendre comment les pôles d’activité médicale font-ils évoluer les processus de décisions ? Nous avons choisi de mobiliser le concept de configuration structurelle (Mintzberg, 1982) et la théorie de l’anarchie organisée (Cohen, March et Olsen, 1972). La question est désormais de savoir si le changement de configuration structurelle va accroître ou réduire l’anarchie organisée ? Pour y répondre nous avons réalisé deux phases de récolte de données dans un CHU : l’analyse de la gestion quotidienne de trois pôles et de deux projets de pôle. Notre étude de cas a permis de mettre en évidence que l’hôpital n’est pas devenu une structure divisionnalisée mais qu’il est en transition, dans une configuration structurelle hybride. Les pôles ont eu tendance à augmenter l’anarchie organisée et le slack organisationnel pour l’heure. Notamment à cause de l’influence du contexte économique, l’absence de contrats de pôle, le problème de formation des agents et une opposition constante entre gestionnaires et médicaux. Les pôles se présentent comme de nouvelles unités qui ont rendu plus complexe l’organisation interne. Cependant, l’arrivée des pôles s’est accompagnée d’une redistribution des rôles, de nouveaux outils de gestion et de nouveaux processus de gestion. Ainsi, le changement de configuration structurelle a impacté le processus de décision de l’hôpital, en modifiant les pratiques et les cadres de ces processus de décision. / Since the 1990s, the New Public Management has transformed the public hospital, we talk about a turning management. The emergence of medical activity centers in 2005, consists of a new hospital governance. We sought to understand how the poles of medical activity are changing decision-making processes? We have chosen to mobilize the concept of structural configuration (Mintzberg, 1982) and the theory of organized anarchy (Cohen, March and Olsen, 1972). The question now is whether the change in structural configuration will increase or reduce organized anarchy? To answer this question, we conducted two data collection phases in a CHU: the analysis of the daily management of three clusters and two cluster projects. Our case study revealed that the hospital has not become a divisionalized structure but is in transition, in a hybrid structural configuration. The poles tended to increase organized anarchy and organizational slack for the time being. Notably because of the influence of the economic context, the absence of pole contracts, the problem of training agents and a constant opposition between managers and medical staff. The poles are new units that have made the internal organization more complex. However, the arrival of the clusters has been accompanied by a redistribution of roles, new management tools and new management processes. Thus, the change in structural configuration has impacted the hospital's decision-making process by changing the practices and frameworks of these decision-making processes.

La légitimité du contrôleur de gestion dans le secteur public : le cas d'une organisation publique professionnelle, le CEA / The legitimacy of accountants in the public sector : Case study in a public organization, the French Atomic Energy Commission

Dondeyne, Christophe 19 December 2014 (has links)
Depuis plus de dix ans, l'émergence des pratiques de contrôle de gestion en environnement public ont donné lieu à de nombreuses contributions dont certaines abordent le rôle des contrôleurs dans cette dynamique de changement.L'objectif de ce travail est de comprendre les déterminants de la légitimité des contrôleurs de gestion dans cet environnement et de déterminer comment les individus qui incarnent cette fonction ont pu « survivre » jusqu'à présent dans des organisations d'ordinaires hostiles au contrôle. Nous nous appuyons pour cela sur une étude de cas que nous avons mené auprès du Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives. Quatre profils-types de contrôleurs y sont étudiés : le jeune premier, le nouveau converti, le caméléon et le conseiller du roi.Ce travail de recherche contribue donc à enrichir la connaissance de la fonction de contrôleur en liant notamment les différentes composantes de l'activité des contrôleurs autour de la recherche quotidienne de légitimité. Il permet également d'approfondir le rôle du contrôleur et de resituer l'individu dans le processus d'institutionnalisation du contrôle et dans la mise en œuvre du nouveau management public. / For more than ten years, the development of management control practices inpublic sector gave rise to many researches which some, focus on role that accountants play.The aim of this paper is to understand the determinants of management accountants' legitimacy in professional bureaucracies and to define how individuals, who embody this function, had survived in this unfriendly environment. From a case study at the French Atomic Energy Commission, we highlight four profiles of management accountants: the young novice, the new convert, the chameleon and the king's advisor.The results show that the legitimacy of the controllers should not be studied through his generic definition. Instead, it must be considered as a polymorphic judgment based on manifold determinants. It also allows to replace the individual at the center of the study field of the new managerial practices in public organizations.

新公共服務視野下探討公民參與在公共建設中之角色-以臺北縣政府水利局個案為例 / The Role of Citizen Participation in Public Construction from a View of the New Public Service--Case Study of Taipei County Government Water Resources Bureau

許少峰, Hsu, Shao Feng Unknown Date (has links)
公民參與是民主化程度的重要指標。對於公共建設而言,因為公共建設要解決的問題涵蓋面較廣,從概念構想經過可行性研究、規劃、設計、施工、使用、營運的期程較長,總經費也高。公共建設牽涉的利害關係人層面較廣,以往民眾參與困難,近年來民眾要求更深入的參與,除了環保、生態的顧慮之外,對於建設要解決的問題、建設目標、建設方式、建設內容、替代方案的選擇都要求參與。深度化參與之後,政府機關推動公共建設的難度也提高,對於公共建設的決策模式也需要考量增加公民參與的程度。 新公共服務的主要核心概念是將「人」作為公共政策的核心,重視公民的參與過程勝於行政本身重視的績效。強調與民眾分享權力,共同解決問題之外,公務人員更需要著重治理過程負責參與的角色,在民主、社區、公共利益系統中建構公民參與及責任共承的架構。公共建設所追求的公共利益是經過公民不斷地對話、價值分享而形成。公民的對話內容因涉及公共建設的專業性、不確定性與複雜程度,因而對於公共建設計畫執行交易頻率的高低產生不同的效果。 本研究發現:公民參與公共建設適合前階段為完全參與;後階段為形式參與。前階段是指公共建設生命週期的企劃調查階段、規劃階段和使用管理階段,以建設功能探討、自然現象科學調查、住民經驗蒐集、公民偏好討論為主;後階段是指公共建設生命週期的設計階段、工程採購階段和施工竣工階段,以專業技術團隊的技術工作為主,透過細部設計圖、工程規範、施工標準的表現,移轉給施工廠商以誠實、成熟的工藝技術達成公民所託付的公共建設完成。辦理公共建設的公務人員具有新公共服務的核心概念—服務公民而不是顧客,願意與民眾分享權力,後現代公共行政需要公民參與來啟動解決問題的過程。公民參與對於公共建設的執行效率初步是降低的,但是整體效率可能是提昇。沒有公民支持的公共建設是無法執行。公共建設的專業技術團隊要增進公民參與首先要以公民為公共建設的主人,接著要設法以模型、3D影像等新方式,讓民眾易於明瞭公共建設的內容,來增進公民參與程度。專業技術團隊要忠實的幫利害關係人推估出各個替選方案的優勢和缺點,提供民眾充分討論了解以利明智選擇。 / Citizen participation is one of the most important indexs about degree of democratic development.For the complexity of public construction, from the original concept, feasibility study, planning, design, implementation to the operation, it takes time and cost a lot. Citizen participation in public construction is not a easy way to involve in many issues such as environment protection, ecology, construction content, the alternatives. There are more difficulties in decision making to public construction the more deeply degree of citizen participation. The “people” is the core concern in public policy from a view of the New Public Service. Sharing power and co-solving problem with the public, civil servant needs building a structure between democratic, community and public interests during the governance process. The public interests for the public construction come from the dialogue of the public and sharing values. The contents of public dialogue about the public construction are professional, uncertainty and complexity. It makes different effects when the trade-off frequence in public construction is changed. The Study found that the most suitable access about citizen participation in public construction is fully participated in pre-stage of construction and tokenism participation in late-stage of construction. The pre-stage of public construction life cycle is from investigation to planning and the operation. The late-stage of public construction life cycle is from design, implementation and completion. The civil servant who is in charge of public construction knows that serve in the public not customer, sharing power with the public and encourage citizen participation to solve problems. Efficiency in public construction pre-stage is lower than ever for the citizen participation, but it is grown up in public construction late-stage for the citizen participation. The professional engineers must translate their planning into easy understanding by model or 3-Dimension drawing. Be a faithful designer to serve in the public in order to make a good choice in public construction.

Organisering och styrning av kultursektorn : Kulturutredningens betänkande ur ett institutionellt perspektiv

Hanell Strand, Klara, Dynesius, Sara January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen var att studera vilka idéer som ligger till grund för 2009 års Kulturutredning och om den genomsyras av de idéer som inför de administrativa förändringar som kopplas till New Public Management. Detta undersöktes genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Kulturutredningens betänkande. New Public Management (NPM) är en uppsättning idéer om hur man organiserar och styr offentlig verksamhet och har påverkat verksamheter inom bland annat vård, omsorg och skola de senaste decennierna. Dessa idéer innebär ökat fokus på uppföljning och utvärdering samt att kvalitet kopplas till kostnadseffektivitet. Man sätter upp mål, operationaliserar dem till mätbara prestationer som kopplas till finansiering. Vi har tagit ett institutionellt perspektiv på dessa idéer. Reformförslaget som presenteras kan relateras till de idéer som finns inom NPM. Aktörerna är inte medvetna om den institutionella kontexten, utan tror att de handlar rationellt. Vi menar att de har utgått från ett positivistiskt modernistiskt perspektiv.</p><p> </p> / <p>The purpose of this paper is to examine the ideas behind the rethinking of Sweden’s cultural policy (Kulturutredningen) and if the ideas are related to the abstract management system "New Public Management". In the quest to do this we performed a qualitative content analysis. In the last decades, New Public Management (NPM) has been a popular style in the organization of the Swedish public service. NPM indicates a shift towards an increase of evaluations and control of the public sphere by operational, measureable goals that sets the terms for the financial allowance. In this paper we are trying to understand ideas through an institutional perspective. In our conclusion we describe the reform the rethinking suggests as under influence of NPM-ideas. The rethinking doesn’t recognize its institutional context and the influence of the NPM-ideas. Instead we are asserting that they are suggesting a rational reform. We claim that they have a perception of the world as right and wrong choices, and that one rationally can choose the right.</p>

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