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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perceptions of Disaster Professionalism in Mexico: Adding a New Public Management Perspective to Emergency Management

Urby, Heriberto, Jr. 08 1900 (has links)
This study investigated the perceptions of emergency managers regarding the degree of emergency management professionalism in Mexico and how it can be improved. The disaster of the Mexico City earthquake of 1985 was used as the starting point for this case study, as the prospects for more-frequent and more-intense disasters lend credence to the need for improved professionalism and, thus, effectiveness among emergency managers in the future. An expansive framework of emergency management professionalism mechanisms (or characteristics) and an additional compilation of new public management components (or values) were devised from the extant literatures found within the respective emergency management and public administration fields. The theory advanced by this study is that by integrating new public management components with emergency management mechanisms, professionalism in Mexico will improve and, thus, emergency managers will become more effective. ualitative field research was the methodology employed and it included interviews with 35 emergency managers in Mexico in corroboration with documentary evidence, to ascertain emergency managers' perceptions of professionalism in Mexico. The findings of this study determined that emergency managers in Mexico are implementing many of the mechanisms of professionalism but fewer new public management components. This study posits that by integrating new public management components with emergency management professionalism mechanisms, professionalism in Mexico will improve and will increase emergency managers' effectiveness.

En studie om mellanchefers administrativa verklighet i den offentliga sektorn / A study on the administrative reality of middle managers in public sector

Eliasson, Rasmus, Åhsberg, Henrie January 2024 (has links)
Sammanfattning: Senaste årtionden har implementeringen av new public management (NPM) inom offentliga sektorn medfört en ökning av administration för organisationerna, det har påverkat samtliga medarbetare men främst cheferna.  Studien syftar till att undersöka hur mellanchefer som präglas av new public management inom offentliga sektorn upplever de administrativa kraven och stressen. Den eventuella stress mellanchefer upplever kan spåras till fler nya krav och förändringar som NPM medfört.Kraven samt förändringarna är bland annat den dokumentation och rapportering NPM medför för att uppfylla målstyrning och granskningskrav. Ekonomistyrning och kvalitetsmätningar är fler aspekter NPM infört i den offentliga sektorn för mellanchefer, vilket bidrar med en ökning av administrativa arbetsuppgifter och i sin tur kan öka stressnivån hos mellanchefer. Genom kopplingar från tidigare forskning och teorier undersöks det hur mellanchefer upplever administrativa kraven. Hur det påverkar deras arbetssituation samt upplevelsen angående kontroll och stöd för sitt administrativa arbete. Vi har använt oss av kvalitativ forskning genom en kombination av personliga intervjuer och self reports via frågor av en öppen karaktär för att fånga upplevelsen från respondenterna. Studien resulterade i nio mellanchefer från flertal offentliga organisationer som präglas av NPM. Administrativa kraven har ökat för mellanchefer och där synliggörs en förskjutning från traditionellt ledarskap till mer administrativa arbetsuppgifter. Kontroll över administrativa arbetet är en viktig faktor och för att bibehålla kontrollen krävs prioriteringar, vilket främst är svårt från externa aktörer såsom myndigheter. Kollegiala stödet lyfts fram som en viktig faktor för mellanchefernas kontroll samt trivseln på arbetsplatsen. / Summary: In recent decades the implementation of new public management (NPM) within the public sector has led to an increase in administration for organizations, affecting all employees but primarily the managers. This study aims to investigate how middle managers, influenced by new public management within the public sector, perceive administrative demands and stress. The potential stress experienced by middle managers can be traced to the new requirements and changes brought about by NPM. These demands and changes include the documentation and reporting required by NPM to meet goal management and scrutiny requirements. Financial management and quality measurements are additional aspects NPM has introduced in the public sector for middle managers, contributing to an increase in administrative tasks and potentially raising the stress levels among middle managers. By connecting previous research and theories, the study examines how middle managers perceive the administrative demands, how it affects their work situation and their experienceregarding control and support för their administrative work. We employed qualitative research through a combination of personal interviews and self reports using open-ended questions to capture the respondents’ experiences. The study included nine middle managers from several public organizations influenced by NPM. Administrative demands have increased for middle managers, revealing a shift from traditional leadership to more administrative tasks. Control over administrative work is a crucial factor, and maintaining control requires prioritization which is particularly challenging with external factors such as authorities. Collegial support is emphasized as a key factor for middle managers control and job satisfaction.

Att förvalta framtiden : En analys av Riksantikvarieämbetets styrdokument / To manage the future : An analysis of the Swedish National Heritage Board’s governing documents

Fröyen, Alida January 2024 (has links)
The Swedish National Heritage Board is Sweden’s central administrative agency for cultural heritage. As a national cultural heritage authority, the Swedish National Heritage Board is thus the body that puts the government's cultural heritage policy aspirations into practice, which is why it is relevant to examine the political and ideological currents that influence the authority's activities and by extension the entire cultural heritage administration. Through a mixed method study of governing documents, and an interview with a former Swedish National Heritage Board employee, this essay aims to increase knowledge of and understand the underlying processes and ideological driving forces that form the basis of how the Swedish National Heritage Board operations and tasks practiced during the last thirty years. The result gives an insight into a future oriented politicized authority whose main task seems to be to manage modern cultural heritage, motivated by political interests linked to equality, integration, and economic growth.

公私協力失靈與調整之研究:以三峽藍染節與土城桐花節為例 / The Study of Public-Private-Partnership's Failure and Adjustment: In case of Sanxia Indigo Festival and Tucheng Tung Blossom Festival

湯宗岳 Unknown Date (has links)
自1980年代以來,政府能力減弱導致治理的困境,需要引進其他部門的力量以持續公共服務之提供,「公私協力夥伴關係」理論應運而生,「協力治理」成為政府在新時代提供公共服務的重要方法。協力治理是一套建立在行為者之間網絡互動的治理體系,雙方共享合作夥伴關係產出的利益,但是新的治理模式也會帶來新的困境;地方異質性導致國家在治理上的困境,進而轉向倚賴社區與地方政府間協力推行政策。當旨在解決政府失靈問題的協力治理都出現侷限時,透過協力網絡所提供的公共服務要如何持續推行?本研究探討公私部門之間的協力合作與衝突,透過相關公共行政理論之討論,以「新北市土城桐花節」與「新北市三峽藍染節」為個案,分析我國地方層級文化節慶活動辦理過程的協力治理,以期為既有體制下運作出現失靈僵局的公私協力關係提出解決問題的參考。本研究以協力治理理論為分析架構,透過深度訪談與次級文獻分析嘗試回答下列問題:本研究兩個案例中公私協力運作過程為何?遭遇什麼樣的困境?當協力面臨失靈時行為者如何面對困境使協力成功或至少不致失敗?研究結果發現,公私部門的合作關係若僅止於契約委外,則協力傾向出現不穩定甚至失靈;若公私部門調整他們對協力治理的態度,亦即公部門確實扮演其領航角色,與地方團體對協力過程具共同的承諾與相近的目標、且積極參與協力過程,便可使出現困境的協力不致徹底失敗。 / Since the 1980s, governments around the world have suffered from weakened governing capacities. The idea of “public-private-partnership (PPP)” was thus proposed, hoping to help sustain public services. Central to the PPP is the concept of “collaborative governance,” which has become an important method for government to deliver public services. It is a governance system based on network built among actors who share the benefit generating from the partnership or collaboration. However, this new governance model faces challenges caused by local differences. State then turns to depend on collaborative governance between local government and community. Drawing upon major public administration theories, this study seeks to answer the question as to how could public services sustain when the collaborative governance fails. It is done so through examining the cooperation and conflict between public and private sectors, with Sanxia “Indigo Festival” and Tucheng “Tung Blossom Festival” in New Taipei City as cases. In-depth interviews and secondary literature analysis are adopted for this study. It is found from both cases that if the PPP is merely contract-based, it tends to be instable or even fail. If actors in both public and private sectors take collaborative governance seriously and commit to long-term collaborative relationship, the PPP tends to be stable and sustainable. It is also found that whether public sector can play a proper role of pilot in the collaborative relationship appears to be the key to success.

Hållbarhetsarbete i svenska kommuner : En studie om kommuners arbete med miljönyckeltal och miljöredovisning / Sustainability work of Swedish municipalities : A study of how Swedish municipalities work with environmental performance indicators and environmental reporting.

Jernmo, Mikael, Henebäck, Amanda January 2016 (has links)
Offentlig sektor anses inneha ett centralt ansvar för den fortsatta utvecklingen av hållbarhet då de ser till att främja och forma människors liv i samhället. Dock anses det svårt att ge en helhetsbild av hållbarhet inom kommuner eftersom begreppet är diffust och används i många olika sammanhang, i vissa fall enbart för att det förväntas användas. Lyckas inte kommuner med sin hållbarhetsutveckling kan det få stora konsekvenser för framtida generationer som inte har möjligheten till en hållbar livsstil. Denna studie undersöker Sveriges kommuner och deras arbete med mätning av miljöarbetet samt miljöredovisning. Kommunernas hållbarhetsarbete har blivit allt viktigare i takt med att människans påverkan på miljön har uppmärksammats och organisationer förväntas ta ansvar för att minska sin miljöpåverkan. / The public sector is considered to hold a key responsibility for the further development of sustainability as they look to advance and shape the lives of people in society. However, it is considered difficult to give an overall picture of sustainability in municipalities where the term is vague and used in many different contexts, in some cases only because it is expected to be used. If municipalities are not successful in their sustainability work it could result in serious consequences for future generations, who will not have the possibility of a sustainable lifestyle. This study examines the municipalities and their work with measurements for environmental performance and sustainabillity reporting. The sustainability work of municipalities has become increasingly important as the human impact on the environment has been observed and organizations are expected to take responsibility for reducing their environmental impact.

På uppdrag av regeringen : En studie av regeringens styrning genom myndigheternas uppdrag

Joel, Viegård January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie ämnar beskriva förändringen i formell styrning av förvaltningsmyndigheterna under tidsperioden 2006 till och med 2012. Av intresse för studien har varit styrutredningens (SOU 2007:75) kritik mot regeringens styrning av förvaltningen samt regeringens budgetproposition och förvaltningspolitiska proposition för år 2009. Studiens avsikt är således att beskriva förändringen över tid sedan styrutredningen presenterades. Centralt i studien är de av regeringen utfärdade uppdragen i regleringsbreven. I analysen presenteras ett antal mätbara variabler: antal uppdrag, storlek på uppdragen och antal återrapporteringskrav. I de fall som uppdragsdelen har förändrats eller stått oförändrad, utforskar studien dess innebörd för den sammantagna styrningen av förvaltningen.


Butz, Adam Michael 01 January 2012 (has links)
In response to the passage of the Personal Responsibility Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) and its lead cash assistance program Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), states have taken unique and divergent approaches to welfare policy implementation. One popular approach to workfare delivery, known as privatization, involves contracting with non-profit and for-profit entities operating within the private sector. The General Accounting Office reports that nearly every state is privatizing TANF services to some degree through third-party contracts, but very little is understood about why variation in contracting exists and the ramifications for the program outcomes of welfare recipients. This dissertation initially explores the possible factors that influence welfare privatization decisions. Ordinary least squares regression estimations suggest that contracting patterns are significantly associated with levels of fiscal capacity, urbanization, African American caseloads, and non-profit presence. Secondly, this dissertation examines the potential ramifications of privatization on the TANF program outputs and outcomes of individual welfare clients. After exploring state-level patterns in privatization and performance, I estimate multilevel models that simultaneously incorporate both individual-level and contextual-level variables providing the discipline with the clearest picture of how welfare clients are fairing under various administrative environments. The results of the multi-level analysis favor the null hypothesis as the majority of privatization coefficients are statistically insignificant, indicating minimal direct ownership effects on the quality of TANF outcomes. That being said, there is inconsistent yet persistent evidence emerging from both the state-level and multi-level analyses suggesting that non-profit welfare delivery induces superior TANF work participation rates and employment outcomes. Privatizing welfare provision is not a panacea in that TANF outcomes are seldom improved under profit-seeking or non-profit arrangements, but an unwavering commitment to social missions and assisting the poor could put non-profits in a relatively superior position to transform welfare recipients into self-sufficient, fully employed members of society.

民眾公平觀感與民眾滿意度之關連:以台灣全民健保政策為例 / Perceptions of equality and citizen satisfaction: a study of NHI in Taiwan

黃汎如 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於八0年代新公共管理(NPM)的興起對公共行政帶來重大的影響,其顧客導向的主張,刺激了顧客滿意度調查在公部門廣泛的應用。然而回顧過去公私部門重要的民眾滿意度調查,發現評估指標幾乎都著重在效率、效能面,而公共行政引以為本的公平價值卻少見探討。因此,本研究選取對人民影響最基本但重大的全民健保政策為個案,嘗試建構一個兼顧效率與公平面的民眾滿意度模型,並將焦點置於公民公平觀感與滿意度之間關連性的探討。在資料的蒐集上,採用國家衛生研究院「衛生醫療體系優先順序之制定的研究」於2007年12月1日至12月24日進行的電話訪問調查,經扣除遺漏值後,共有2478份樣本。本研究所建構的民眾滿意度ordered probit模型以「健保滿意度」為結果變項,解釋變項則包含了基本人口社經背景、以及效率效能面和公平面的指標。經實證結果發現,過去一直被強調的效率效能指標對健保滿意度確實產生顯著影響,但民眾對健保政策的主觀公平觀感也被證實與滿意度有顯著關連;換句話說,如果政府進行民眾滿意度調查時,未能含括公平面指標,則其所獲得的資訊將不能完整表達民眾的心聲。但本研究亦發現公民對健保政策以外的公平性態度並未顯著的影響健保滿意度,因此,民眾滿意度調查中測量公平觀感必需具有明確的政策背景。 / In the past three decades, new public management (NPM) has a great impact on the field of public administration. Among the impacts, “customer orientation” is the most influential one. For the purpose of evaluating citizen satisfaction on government services, public agencies begin to utilize the Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) mainly designed and administrated by business managers. However, after reviewing the content of the CSS questionnaires, we find that the emphasizing values behind the CSS are efficiency and effectiveness rather than equality, which is sometimes the main value behind public service delivery. Whether value of equality will influence citizen’s level of satisfaction is the main research question of this thesis. We take Taiwan’s National Health Insurance (NHI) as a case study, and utilize a citizen survey on priority setting of the NHI from the National Health Research Institutes in late 2007 as the secondary data. The dependent variable of our citizen satisfaction ordered probit model is “NHI satisfaction”, and explanatory variables including demographic backgrounds, indexes about efficiency or effectiveness, and indexes about equality. The results show that efficiency and effectiveness have significant association with NHI satisfaction. Most importantly, the citizens’ general evaluation on the equality of NHI also has a significant impact on the NHI satisfaction. According to the results, we suggest that applying CSS into public service evaluation should include index about equality in order to capture the holistic picture of citizen satisfaction.

Valfrihetens baksida - Hur styrs kvasimarknader? : En studie av Stockholm stads gymnasie- och hemtjänstmarknad / The downside of freedom of choice - How do you govern quasimarkets? : A study of Stockholm city upper secondary school and home care market

Andersson, Mathias, Björnson, Pär January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bakgrund: Under de senaste 20 åren har svensk offentlig sektor präglats av konkurrensprövning genom privatisering av tidigare offentlig sektor. Det skapar en ny marknad där privata och offentliga aktörer skall samverka under statlig samordning och övervakning. Stockholm stads gymnasie- och hemtjänstmarknad är två exempel på kvasimarknader där staten står som finansiär av välfärdstjänsten samtidigt som den utförs av både privata och offentliga aktörer. Tidigare forskning belyser den problematik som uppstår då staten övergår från att vara en primär producent till en övervakande roll. Då statens roll förändras krävs tydligare regler och strukturer för att kunna samordna och styra kvasimarknader. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att beskriva och förstå hur kvasimarknader styrs, med avseende på upplevda verksamhetskrav och uppföljning. Genomförande: Studien är en kvalitativ fallstudie med ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv. Empirin har inhämtats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer om hur beslutsfattare och marknadsaktörer upplever Stockholm stads gymnasie- och hemtjänstmarknad. Slutsatser: Studien konstaterar att hemtjänstmarknaden, som styrs via tydliga avtal, ger större möjlighet för insyn i verksamheterna och tydligare styrverktyg för Stockholms stad. På gymnasiemarknaden är det svårare för Stockholm att påverka verksamheten hos friskolor då de endast svarar mot Skolinspektionen. Det som ligger till grund för kvasimarknadens funktionalitet och effektivitet beror på det förtroende och tillit som finns mellan beslutsfattare, utförare och kund. Nyckelord: New Public Management, Offentlig styrning, Kvasimarknad, Interorganisato­riska relationer, Ekonomistyrning, Transaktionskostnadsteori. / Background: Over the past 20 years, the Swedish public sector has been characterized by competition through the increasing privatization of public welfare. It creates a new market situation where private and public sector are to co-operate under governmental coordination and monitoring. Stockholm city upper secondary school and home care market are two examples of quasimarkets where the state stands as a financier of the welfare service while it is carried out by both private and public actors. Previous research illustrates the problems that arise when the state changes from being a primary producer to a supervisory role. As the state's role changes it requires clear rules and structures in order to coordinate and control the quasimarkets. Objective: The study aims to describe and understand how quasimarkets are governed, in regard to percieved business requirements and monitoring. Design: The study is a qualitative case study with a hermeneutic perspective. The empirical data has been collected through semi-structured interviews on how policy makers and market actors are experiencing the upper secondary school and home care market. Conclusion: The study notes that the home care market, which is governed by clear agreements and contracts, provides greater transparency between policy makers and market actors. Thus creating better conditions for the usage of management control for the city of Stockholm. In the upper secondary market it is difficult for the city of Stockholm to affect the operations of private schools since they are governed by the Swedish School Inspectorate. The basis for the functionality and efficiency of quasimarkets relies on the confidence and trust that exists between policy makers, market actors and customers. Keywords: New Public Management, Public Governance, Quasimarket, Interorganizational Relations, Management Control, Transaction Cost Economics.

Managing social work : Organisational conditions and everyday work for managers in the Swedish social services

Shanks, Emelie January 2016 (has links)
The personal social services in Sweden have undergone major changes during recent decades, partly due to the reforms caused by the influence of New Public Management (NPM) and partly due to the trend towards greater specialisation. These changes have had consequences for both social work management and for social work practice. The consequences for practice have gained attention both from research and from the field, but the consequences for managers have rarely been discussed. In this thesis therefore, the attention is directed towards the managers. Inspired by a mixed methods approach, this thesis aims to explore the personal social service managers’ perceptions of their organisational conditions and the content of their everyday work, as well as to interpret the managers’ experiences against the background of NPM influence, increasing specialisation and the specific circumstances that come with managing politically governed organisations. The results show that the personal social service managers in general were former professionals with extensive social work experience. The managerial work was to a great extent perceived as reactive, entailing constant interruptions and acute situations. The managers experienced a heavy workload that appeared to prevent them from engaging in strategic work and leadership to the extent that they would have liked. Substantial proportions of managers were dissatisfied with their own levels of influence compared to that of politicians and, in general, the managers perceived themselves to have more influence regarding aspects that were operational (such as methods and working procedures) compared to aspects related to organisational structure. Through the managers’ descriptions of their relations with politicians, it was revealed that the roles could be muddled, and that both managers and politicians could have difficulties in distinguishing between politics and administration, or politics and profession. Several changes that could be attributed to the influence of NPM were described by the managers. Some changes had consequences for the more technical side of management, e.g. decentralised budget responsibility, increased focus on cost effectiveness and downsizing of support functions. Other changes were more related to the overarching concept of management, which had consequences for the choice of managerial training, the expectations placed on the managers, and to some extent the managers’ own views on what good management should be. Despite the many indications of changes that may be attributed to NPM, an important result in this thesis is that NPM does not appear to have permeated social work to the degree that might have been expected. Rather, there are clear indications of a remaining professional identity among managers on all managerial levels, as well a continuing bureau-professional regime within the personal social services.

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